Fraud Management Digital Forensics

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TCS Fraud Management and

Digital Forensics Services

Enterprise Security and Risk Management

The exponential rise in the volume and range of enterprise information assets has made
them vulnerable to external and internal frauds and attacks. The annual global loss
resulting from cybercrimes is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars, as companies
struggle to discover, investigate, and mitigate such incidents. The lack of in-house
forensic expertise for timely detection and analysis of security incidents is also resulting
in loss of business time and goodwill, as well as increased cost of regulatory compliance.
Cyber security has become a critical component of information technology governance
with businesses seeking an integrated security framework to review digital frauds,
security breaches and take corrective measures.

Tata Consultancy Services’ (TCS’) Fraud Management and Digital Forensics Services
facilitates proactive risk assessment, detection, investigation, and prevention of fraud,
thus fostering effective management of security incidents, digital frauds, and legal and
regulatory compliance. Adoption of these services helps businesses better navigate
reputational risks and boost productivity by enabling easy detection of potential
security incidents and frauds.

Even as data — pooled from various internal and external framework to effectively identify and investigate fraud,
platforms — increasingly drives modern businesses, it and incorporates data mining and analytics for fraud
also presents significant risks and challenges, including prediction and detection.
cybercrime, security breaches, and digital fraud. Manual
Digital forensics: The solution conducts forensic
systems and supervision are no longer sufficient to
imaging and analysis of various storage media
address these issues. Businesses need a holistic
including mobile devices, network forensics and static
framework for assessing fraud risk, implementing
and dynamic analysis of malware. We also provide end-
technical and procedural controls to investigate security
to-end e-discovery services for regulatory and legal
breaches, and complying with regulations. Given the
compliance based on the Electronic Discovery
increasing complexity and diversity of fraudulent
Reference model (EDRM).
behavior, enterprises require an integrated IT security and
anti-fraud architecture that enables prevention, detection, Turnkey solutions: We help set up your organization’s
and prediction of security incidents and fraudulent anti-fraud initiative and digital forensic laboratory
activities followed by forensic analysis to understand the through a build-operate-transfer model.
causes and effects of an incident.
Incident response management: Assess your
TCS Fraud Management and Digital Forensics Services organization’s preparedness to effectively investigate,
provides a comprehensive framework that identifies gaps handle, coordinate, and resolve incidents. Create an
in the existing security infrastructure and helps businesses effective incident response policy and framework for
predict, detect, mitigate, and eradicate frauds and security your organization that is aligned with your SOC team.
incidents. The offering leverages the Digital Forensics We also conduct audits to ensure software compliance.
Centre of Excellence (CoE) to generate investigation
reports and measure internal and external factors
contributing to security breaches or violations, and also
recommends corrective measures to effectively address
TCS Fraud Management and Digital Forensics Services
such incidents. It also facilitates compliance with
helps enterprises protect their information assets from
regulations across different jurisdictions, such as the
internal and external threats, and delivers the following
Indian Information Technology Act, Reserve Bank of India
regulations, Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, FRCP
guidelines, SOX, HIPAA, and the U.K. Bribery Act. Increased regulatory compliance: Reduce litigation
risks and increase regulatory compliance by proactively
Our Solution detecting frauds and security incidents and identifying
vulnerabilities in your security setup.
TCS offers proactive, reactive, and predictive solutions for Better risk management: Lower the impact of
combating digital fraud and security incidents. cybercrimes, security breaches, and digital fraud by
The offering includes these key components: proactively detecting incidents and facilitating early
risk mitigation.
Fraud management: The solution helps with fraud risk
assessment and regulatory compliance. It enables Enhanced productivity: Reduce network downtime

creation and implementation of an anti-fraud and breakdown of critical information systems to boost
organizational productivity.
Fraud Risk Management Cyber Forensics
Fraud Prevention Forensic Readiness Assessment
Proactive Fraud Detection Malware Analysis
Fraud Investigation e-Discovery

Fraud Digital
Management Forensics

Turnkey Response
Solutions Management
Whistleblowing Set-up CSIR Management
Digital Forensic Lab Incident Responsive Readiness
Training Insider Threat Management
Audit & Accreditation Software Compliance Audit

TCS’ Fraud Management and Digital Forensics services enable organizations proactively assess, detect, deter and
respond by taking corrective actions when potential fraud and IT security incidents arise.

An Overview of TCS Fraud Management and Digital Forensics Services

How we help our customers

Increased profitability: Reduce revenue leakages and
n In a money laundering investigation, a bank needed to
minimize the cost of investigations by quickly present relevant digital evidence. Additionally, the
identifying, probing, and mitigating breaches. banking regulatory authority directed the bank to
Enhanced customer confidence: Improve customer
conduct a third-party investigation. The absence of a
confidence and reduce the risk of reputational loss. holistic forensic readiness program made it impossible for
the bank to produce the legally admissible records
required, leading to penalties to the tune of USD 1.25
The TCS Advantage
million, and a significant investigation cost as well. To
By associating with TCS, you can benefit from our: prevent recurrence of such an incident, TCS advised the
bank on data collection, retention, and retrieval policies,
Statistically driven solution: The Fraud Management
such as an electronic discovery service to analyze data on
and Digital Forensics Solution incorporates profiling
the bank's servers. TCS provided an e-discovery
based on statistical models, underpinned by data
architecture and implemented the end-to-end e-
mining and modeling components. It leverages the
expertise of our Digital Forensics CoE to deploy the discovery solution. As a result, the bank is now compliant
latest proven software and hardware tools. with relevant regulatory requirements and well placed to
detect and avoid money laundering.
Deep domain expertise: Our team of highly
experienced professionals and subject matter experts Another multinational bank realized the need to
enables us to provide proactive, reactive, and investigate fraudulent siphoning of funds from customers’
predictive services for fraud management and digital accounts. Following a mandate from the Reserve Bank of
forensics. This allows businesses to effectively detect, India, the financial services major also needed to conduct
deter, and respond to potential fraud and IT security
a third-party forensic audit of its security measures. TCS
incidents through immediate, corrective actions.
facilitated the identification and collection of digital
Global reach: TCS has gained extensive global
n evidence from database servers and computers used by
experience in delivering fraud management and digital employees. This data was processed and analyzed to
forensics services for a broad array of organizations, identify how the fraud was perpetrated and the
including business enterprises and government employees involved.
agencies. Our solutions have helped organizations
enhance their competitiveness with regard to TCS recommended stricter security controls, including
information security, risk management, fraud real-time e-discovery services, an upgrade of the bank's
investigation, and regulatory compliance. existing fraud management system, and implementation
Strategic alliances: TCS’ partnerships with digital
n of a whistleblower mechanism. This enabled the bank to
forensics product vendors and market leaders ensure mitigate potential fraudulent transactions, achieve
the use of advanced and effective technology in our regulatory compliance, reduce legal risks, and safeguard
fraud management services. the interests of its customers.
About TCS Enterprise Security and Risk Management Unit
Leveraging our rich experience in enterprise security, TCS helps global enterprises across verticals
manage risks, ensure regulatory compliance, proactively protect critical information assets against
emerging threats, achieve resilience, and recover rapidly from security incidents.

TCS has a successful track record of executing numerous engagements globally, delivering domain
integrated security solutions fully aligned with clients’ objectives. Our global service infrastructure,
including the shared services Security Operations Center (SOC) and Forensics Labs, backed by the
capabilities of our certified security consultants, make TCS a strategic partner of choice for nearly half
of the Fortune 500 companies.

Our Security Innovation labs foster research and innovation in the field of data privacy, and have
yielded multiple patents and intellectual properties in data protection and cryptographic products.
We leverage our alliances with all major security vendors, including IBM, CISCO and Oracle to deliver
end-to-end services and solutions across the security landscape from consulting to implementation
and managed services.

For more information about TCS’ Enterprise Security and Risk Management (ESRM) Unit, visit:

About Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS)

Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that
delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match.
TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled infrastructure, engineering
and assurance services. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery ModelTM,
recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata Group,
India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has a global footprint and is listed on the National
Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India.

For more information, visit us at

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