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Also from Richard Osterlind: osterlind TroucScan Tue OSTERLIND Desicn Dupucation Sustem OLTRA BOARD osterlind WRITTEN BY Richard Osterlind Lavour & Design Jim Sisti ‘SILHOUETTES Shaun Robison, erling MUSTERIES First Edition ©2005 by Richard J. Osterlind All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means is prohibited. FOREWORD I think it’s a bit funny that until three years ago, not many magicians (certainly not many new magi- cians) knew who I was. Now, after a couple of sets of videos and some books, many magicians think I am only a “magician’s magician” and never perform for real audiences! This is especially bothersome as abso- lutely everything I have put out over the last three years is material that has been tried by fie over the course of 25 years or more, These are items that I have used to make a living and support my family in every performing situation conceivable, ranging from shows forstag parteaud comedy cubs toxhcee for Presidents and Fortune 500 CEO’s! Likewise, this apparatus and its uses have been around for a long time. Later, I will go into some of its history, but all I really want to get across is that this is aprofessional prop and the ideas for its use have been audience-tested time and time again. Good luck with this and I promise you will have no regrets for investing in a product you will use your entire career. Richard Osterlind Falmouth, KY March 2005

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