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Name ______________________________________

Table ____________________
CS1200 – Spring 2018
Homework 10

Due: beginning of lecture, Wednesday, April 4.

See syllabus for late policy.
Refer to the Homework Guidelines document for required format.

Perform the following problems using the methods described in class.

Circle your final answer to each problem.
Show your work!



Graph G

Answer the following problems (1 to 16) using above graph G

1) What is the total degree of G?
2) What is the degree of vertex 6?

3) Which vertices are adjacent to vertex 8?

4) Is 4-regular graph a subgraph of G? If so, draw the subgraph. (1½ points)

5) Is K5 a subgraph of G? If so, draw the subgraph. (1½ points)

6) If we consider graph G as social network, then how many acquaintances do person 5
have? (read example 9.1.1: Undirected graphs in applications, Zybook)

7) Give the adjacency list representation of G. (2 points)

8) Give the matrix representation of G. (2 points)

9) Identifying identical graphs: Indicate whether the following graph H is the same or
different with respect to graph G.

Graph H

A) Same
B) Different

10) What is the maximum length of a path in G? Give an example of a path of that length.

11) What is the maximum length of a cycle in G? Give an example of a cycle of that length.

12) Give an example of a circuit of length zero in G.

13) Give an example of a circuit of length six in G that is not a cycle.

14) Is the following circuit a cycle: <1,2,1>? Explain your answer.
A) Yes
B) No

15) Which of the following sequences of vertices is not a walk in the graph?

A) <4,8,7,2,1>
B) <6,8,2,1,2,4>
C) <4,8,7,2,1,2,3>

16) Which of the following sequence of vertices are circuits in the graph?(multiple answers)
A) <4,8,2,1,1,2,3,4>
B) <7,5,4,8,2,8,7>

17) Which of the two graphs below corresponds to the following matrix representation? (The
rows and columns of the matrix are numbered 1 through 4).

Graph A Graph B

0 1 1 1
[1 0 0 1]
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0
A) Graph A
B) Graph B

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