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== Walkthrough ==

Julian W. (aka MonMaster Julian)
Started: July 2nd, 2002
Version 1.0
Latest Update: July 3rd, 2002

If you wish to make a contribution to this FAQ please

contact me at or on AOL Instant
Messenger at SummonerJulian. You may also submit any errors
you find. If you are searching for a certain side-quest,
hit CTRL+F and put in a key word like MIC to find what you
need faster.

=-------[ Table of Contents]--------=

1. Updates
2. Copyright
3. Walkthrough
4. Credits

=-----------[ 1.Updates ]-----------=

7/3/02 - Version 1.1 - Alright, big update, the walkthrough

was updated and it goes much further into the game now, it
should be done in the next update.

7/2/02 - Version 1.0 - Started typing it up, haven't sent

it in yet. It goes all the way up to South Sector so far.

=----------[ 2.Copyright ]----------=

This Walkthrough was typed up by Julian W. and is not to be

sold or displayed anywhere else other then
and other websites that have received permission. This FAQ
may be printed for __PERSONAL USE ONLY__. IF you wish to
use this FAQ in your personal website, please contact me at or via AOL Instant Messenger, where
you can contact me at SummonerJulian.

The game itself is copyright of Bandai 2002.

=---------[ 3.Walkthrough ]---------=

Alright! I finally decided to type up a walkthrough to help

out all the people who need help with Digimon World III.
This walkthrough will help you get through the whole game,
you may use it for the whole game, or just one part, but
just know that there might be some spoilers. If you are
looking for a certain part, use CTRL+F to find it.

=[ Chapter A.The Adventure Begins! ]=

Kusanagani City - Street Corner - Real World

This is Kusanagani City, the hometown of the heroes of this

game. Junior, the main character which you will be playing,
is waiting in the Street corner by the electronic store,
then the TVs show a Newsflash informing that the terrorist
group A.o.A. has been captured. This must be great news!
Anyway, Teddy and Ivy will arrive and you will have a short
talk with them, and then you will head on to the Internet
Cafe, Game Center, Digimon Center, whatever you wish to
call it, and you will register for the newest online game
out, Digimon Online, you get to pick a new name to replace
Junior and you can pick 1 begginer pack with 3 digimon to
start your adventure.

Pack A: Balanced
Description: Supposed to be "balanced" it contains one
digimon that's pure strength, one is a magic caster, and
the other is a healer and weak attacker.
Kotemon: A swordsman type of digimon who learns various
sword techs.
Renamon: She learns a lot of magic attacks, mostly between
ice and lightning.
Patamon: The game says he will be the most reliable digimon
in your group, but he isn't that good, he will learn mostly
healing techs.

Pack B: Strength
Description: This pack has digimon who use pure strength to
win battles.
Renamon: Good magic spells, mostly ice and lightning.
Agumon: Good attacking.
Monmon: Also good attacking, what do you except from pure

Pack C: Maniac
Description: A Maniac pack for maniac people, it has good
digimon but they aren't as strong as they could be.
Kumamon: Cute cuddly bear digimon, heh.
Guilmon: Powerful.. do I need to say more?
Patamon: Just like in Pack A, its only useful to level it
until it learns a healing tech, not that useful.

Anyway, you will probably have a tough decision picking,

but guess what, Junior also has a tough time picking, heh,
anyway, after you pick, you can go on to the Digital World!
Now since you are tired of waiting, go ahead into the next
room to go to the Digimon World, you will see some VERY
nice graphics while going there. Wow, nice, isn't it?

Asuka City - Central Sector - Asuka Server

Alright, you made it to the digimon world! Pretty cool,

huh? Anyway, just head onto the lobby and talk to the staff
at the main desk, and you will receive your digimon. Now
once you leave a old man will challenge you to a battle,
your first battle, he has a kuwagamon, but he is very easy
and will fall in 2 hits. Now you can go around the city and
talk to all the people and gather some information, the
first door heading down is the inn, in the inn you can rest
at gatomon's inn or save with Guardromon, __ALWAYS SAVE__ I
advice you, save, it only takes about 15 seconds, yea, I
know its long, but saving is very important because you
never know when the game __might__ crash on you or you
might die. The game sometimes crashes a bit and doesn't
load right when I leave it on too long, heh. Anyway, the
next 2 doors will take you to Smith's Shop, I advice you to
buy 99 Power Charges because they are very cheap, and they
heal 500hp, I am in the end of the game and I still use my
power charges, check Gargomon's artillery, and buy yourself
a bamboo spear, you don't need to equip it, its for later
in the game. You can head to the pub which is the last door
in the bottom. Now, you might be wondering where the yellow
cruiser is, just go to the inn, go down the stairs, and go
in one of the doors, one should take you to the underground
path, now take the path that does not lead you to the
stairs, you will be in another part of the city, here you
will find El Dorado which is a pretty important place,
ignore it for now, and head to the next building to find
the Yellow Cruiser, I wont explain the card game in my
walkthrough, just check the card section for help, just get
a folder and leave the city.

Sometime while you are here Teddy and Ivy will meet up with
you, Ivy changed her name to Kail, and they decide to take
their own paths.

Central Park - Central Sector - Asuka Server

Here, you can go and battle random digimon, I suggest you

level up for a bit, when you reach level 5 you will gian a
digivolution, to use it, hit start and click on status,
then put battle digivolve on. Now you will automatically be
that digimon in the beginning of the battle unless you get
an "ambush attack" which means the enemy surprised you and
gets to hit you first, when ambushed, you will be in your
rookie form. You can choose to level up here until later
levels, anyway, the digivolution you are using will gain
skill levels which come pretty fast, and these skill levels
will give you new techniques, if you get a message that
says you can load a technique you can go to the digimon lab
or piximon and "load" that tech, by doing so, you will be
able to use that technique when using another digivolution
on the same digimon, pretty cool, huh? Now, there are some
things to do, go south to shell beach, don't stay too long
because there are some strong digimon, just talk to the guy
fishing, now go back to central park, and go to the left
(facing city) and you will see a kid kicking a tree, talk
to him and he will tell you about cardmon and the kicking
boots, now of course you want the boots because defeating
cardmon will give you booster packs which you can open with
divermon for 6 cards, he says he will tell you how to get
it if you find his Gabumon card. So head back to asuka
city, go to the inn, and go down the ladder where the girl
is cleaning, look in the cupboard for the gabumon card, so
go back to him and he tells you that you have to become
friends with Veemon. Go back to Central park and go to the
right (facing city) and you will reach..

Wire Forest - East Sector - Asuka Server

Here, just go to the next screen, this is West Wire Forest,

now go through to the next screen, that is East Wire
Forest! Now you can go to the Forest inn and rest there and
I recommend you save. Leave East Wire Forest through the
southern exit to reach..

Divermon's Lake - East Sector - Asuka Server

When you get here, go down the ladder and you will see a
divermon, talk to it to get the red snapper. This is
another important item, just go through the bridge and
cross to get to Wind Prairie, in Wind Prairie just head
north to reach Seiryu City.

Seiryu City - East Sector - Asuka Server

Here, just search around, Airdramon does nothing, so just

talk to the guy that tells you the leader is training at
protocol ruins, now leave and head back to Wind Prairie, I
suggest you train there, if the digimon are too strong, go
back to Wire forest, you might want to level until level 20
to get your ultimate digivolution, which will be very
useful. When you are ready, head to West Wire Forest, and
from the exit to Divermon's lake, go north to reach
Protocol Forest.

Protocol Forest - East Sector - Asuka Server

Here, fight the Dokugumon until you get a spider web, an

item you will need, now go to the right and you will find a
maze, I cant tell you how to get through it, but there are
3 types of grass, and you have to walk through all of them,
a hint is to go around, it should help, just keep trying.
You will reach the Protocol Ruins.
Protocol Ruins - East Sector - Asuka Server

Take the path to the right, and you will reach Pharaomon, I
suggest you do not talk to it as it is a pretty hard
battle, and you might not be ready for it, you can go ahead
and try, but remember, if you die its game over and you
reload one of your save files, just look in the right of
pharaomon, you will see a ledge, jump down, and take the
secret path to the other side, talk to the leader, he will
tell you to battle MasterTyrannomon, so jump down the ledge
and head back to Seyriu city, I suggest you save, you
should have money for 99 power charges, just get as many as
you can, then take the bottom right exit from wind prairie
to reach kicking forest, from there, take the top path and
keep heading right, go up the ladder and head over to
Tyranno Valley.

Tyranno Valley - East Sector - Asuka Server

Just head all the way up and fight MasterTyrannomon, he

isn't that hard, after you beat him, head back to Seyriu
city and go to the tower and battle the Leader for your
first badge! Hooray! Now you have to go to South Sector, so
head to Kicking forest.

Kicking Forest - East Sector - Asuka Server

Take the bottom path going through the little bridge

through the water, then go south, then take a left (facing
screen) to reach the Station, you will find out you need a
Blue card, so head back to Asuka City to talk to Guilmon to
get it.

Asuka City - Central Sector - Asuka Server

Go to the inn, and had to the 2nd floor and talk to

Guilmon, one of his family members has it and he is going
to Seiryu city but guilmon doubts he can make it that far.
Go to the pub and talk to the lady, she will tell you about
Veemon, so head down to Shell beach and talk to the guy, he
will make you a fishing rod if you have the bamboo spear,
red snapper, and spider web. This item is very important
for getting cards. Now go to the forest inn, Guilmon
doesn't have it, and talk to the lady there, now go back to
Asuka city and talk to the pub lady, now go back to Seiryu
city and talk to guilmon by the inn, he will give you a
8lue card, now go the entrance of kicking forest, talk to
veemon, and play hide and seek with him, he is hidden in
the trees south of the entrance, don't go near the entrance
or you will automatically give up, so just keep hitting x
in the trees and u will find him and get the kicking boots,
if you by any chance leave, talk to the lady in the pub,
then the one in the forest inn, then the pub and come back
to wind prairie and play again. Just head to the station,
and guess what! The 8lue card is fake! So head back to the
forest inn, go to the basement, guilmon is there and will
give you the real Blue Card, now go back to Seiryu city, I
really recommend you save, then head to the station and you
will head to South Sector, but its just your day. Bulbmon
is going to attack you, he is very hard, so I suggest you
train before fighting him and get your Blast gauge near
full. Once you defeat him, welcome to south sector!

=----[ B. Journey to the South ]----=

Please note that from now on I am going to put brief

information so I can release this Walkthrough already!
Don't worry, I am going to make it more detailed in the
next versions..

Bulk Swamp

Just head south onto Jungle grave..

Jungle Grave

Follow the little bridges and you will find Zanbamon, don't
bes cared, you are supposed to fight and lose to him. After
he kills you, head back to Bulk Swamp, and go to the left
exit to reach Transquil Swamp.

Tranquil Swamp

When you get here go to the inn and talk to the gatomon
that isn't in charge of resting, he will tell you that
Sepikmon has been missing, go ahead and save, then head to
the Shaman house, the ghost is really Sepikmon, and he lost
his mask, he knows how to defeat Zanbamon so you have to
help him or he doesn't say anything, anyway, he lost his
mask when he was with Baronmon, so head back to the
station, in your way, Kail will say she was a digimon with
a pretty face went to east sector, so head there! BTW,
Baronmon is in Protocol ruins, so go there.

Protocol Ruins

This time take the path to the left and you will find
Baronmon, but he said that Sepikmon was in Asuka City. So
head there, and before you go in, before the gate, go to
the right to find Sepikmon, he will say he found his mask
first and wont help you, humph..

Now go back to the Shaman House and you will find out that
Sepikmon was a fake and has his mask, so head back to Asuka
city, and everyone will complain about Sepikmon.

Now head to divermon's lake and look for a secret path

after crossing the bridge, you will find a guy there and he
will say that a digimon was being rude to him and had a

So head back to Asuka city, and look for Etemon by the old
couple that wanted to become digimon, he will deny
everything and leave, go to the underground path and take
the stairs this time to get to the sewers, you will find
etemon there, and he will give you the mask, so head all
the way back to the shaman house, Sepikmon will help you
and give you a Smelly Herb, and it will scare Zanbamon
away, so go back to jungle grave. And scare him, then head
on toward Phoenix bay, and when you read the other side
take a right to reach Suzaku City

Suzaku City

Finally made it here, go and save, and beat the Suzaku

leader, and when you leave Kail will say that they should
return to the real world, and you will both return to Asuka
City to search for Teddy because he said he would be in the
Admin Center and to return to the real world. :)

When you arrive the Asuka GM (GameMaster) will say that the
servers are unstable and therefore no one can return to the
real world, and they wont be charged for this time.

You will both head to the Admin Center but they wont let
you in, so head to the pub and the people there will say
only staff and lost digimon can go in, so then kail
mentions about the old people that wanted to become
digimon, go there, and they will say etemon gave them
agumon suits, so head to where etemon was in the sewers,
some guy is there. Head back to the lobby and kail will say
that the etemon is that guy, he was using a etemon
digisuit! So that means that the guy was also Sepikmon,
doesn't it all make sence now? Anyway, talk to the guy, he
will give you agumon suits if you don't tell, so go back to
the tunnel and you and kail will put the suits on, so head
to the admin center, and head through the stairs to the
main room, the GM will tell you that Lucky mouse took Teddy
prisoner. You have to go to west sector now, so u need the
digiegg of reliability.

Go to phoenix bay, the girl will say she saw the crest in
Bios Swamp, so go there, its to the right in Bulk Swamp,
you will find a hut, look behind it to see it, but you need
to explode it, so go see Sepikmon, he will say to talk to
Baronmon, so go back to East Sector, if you don't have a
tnt ball go to tyranno valley and battle the triceramon,
get a tnt ball and head to protocol ruins, there you can
talk to baronmon, he will make a tnt chip, so go back to
bios swamp and explore the hut and go inside, and get the
digiegg! Now that you have it, head to ether jungle which
is north of phoenix bay, then head left there to reach
south cape, there is a gym here that trains dark
resistance, anyway, go to the end of the cape and look for
the little pad and summon submarimon. You might want to
train until level 20 to get an ultimate.. I really
recommend so.

Use Triangle to move and the control pad to change

directions. You will reach East badland soon, once you get
there, go left to the noise desert, if you haven't saved in
a while, go to the top-right and save and rest, then go
back to noise desert and go to the top left to reach Byakko
City. A numemon will tell you not to go in, but we are in a
hurry! Gotta save teddy!

Byakko City

When you reach here you will notice something weird is

going on, but we are in a hurry, right? So just head to the
main building and go to the leader, he has 2 numemons,
after you beat him, go into the other room to get your
badge, it's a trap!

Now to get out look for a hole that looks like numemon is
stuck in it, talk to the Numemon and it will save you, and
tell you that the leader and everyone else is in mirage
tower, so head south to get to the Pelche oasis, go ahead
and save, then head back to noise desert, and go south, you
will reach South Badland, then go south to reach Mobius

From here, you will start in the top right of the map, so
go to the top left, you will be in the bottom right, so go
to the bottom left, you will be in the top right again,
follow this pattern until you get there.

Mirage Tower

Come in and save, and rest in the inn, and head to the
mirage room and fight the real leader, he will give you the
badge and will tell you that the AoA have taken over Byakko
city, and that Numemon knows more, he will tell you to go
find numemon, and he says that Numemon is in DumDum
Factory, so leave to Mobius desert and this time to the
opposite, from top left go to top right, from bottom left
go to bottom right, until you get out. Now head back north
to Bullet Valley and you will reach DumDum Factory, when
you get in there, Numemon will ask what you are doing
there, anyway, get ready for a boring task, you have to
chase numemon around, just keep walking around until you
see numemon walking into a room, when you go into that
room, numemon will be gone, but you will find a treasure,
anyway, when he goes up the stairs, follow him in and talk
to HiAndromon, you will have to fight him, he is one tough

Anyway, he will open up the sewer gate for you, so go down

through the other door, not the one you came in from, you
will see numemon again, so just follow him in, and go down
to the sewers. Here, just keep on moving forward and youw
ill hear Lisa screaming, a WaruMonzeamon is harassing poor
Lisa, so go and defeat it. Lisa will thank you, and then
Numemon comes, and guess who Numemon really is, if you
guessed Lucky Mouse, you win the great prize of nothing!
Congrats! Anyway, he will tell you to go to his hideout
because it is safer there.

Anyway, Lucky Mouse will just tell you what is REALLY goind
on, and to put it short: AoA has Teddy. And that the GM is
a bad guy, er, girl. After talking, some AoA soldiers will
burst in with Kail as hostage, and they force Lucky Mouse
to give back what he stole, and after he gives the digitama
back they return Kail, and then you find out that Lucky
Mouse, or Kurt, is Kail's brother! So that's what Kail was
hiding, anyway, the AoA soldier will turn you into a
Oinkmon but Kurt jumps in the way and he ends up turning
into a oinkmon, and the soldier notices he ran out of ammo,
lucky for you! But you still have to battle him.

Now Junior gets mad at the AoA and decides to turn Kurt
back to normal and to rescue Teddy. So head back to Asuka
City to settle it all with the GM.

When you get there you will notice you are being locked
out, so go to where the fake sepikmon was and call
submarimon to reach the Asuka City Sewers, when you are
down there you have to degeat Datamon, and still, he will
only open the gate for you if you have a Staff ID Pass, but
luckily Kurt should have one because he was part of the
staff, so head back to the Hideout, and they will start
searching for the ID Pass, and Lisa will tell you to get
Keith and Nick to come help her, she says they are
somewhere in south sector, so to save you time go to Suzaku
City and take Renamon's hidden path and summon Submarimon
in the pad, and now head to the Suzaku UG Lake, there you
will find Nick and Keith, and they will go back and help,
and this time you don't have to walk back, anyway, they
will find the Id pass, now you have to walk back to Asuka
City, go underwater, and datamon will let you in, but
before you enter, I suggest you save, and get ready for A
LOT of battles, and I mean A LOT! There are a lot of
soldiers here!

More to be added in the next version.

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