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Instruction: Please assess each item using the given scales. Fractional marks will be given for each category.

Unacceptable Acceptable Good Very Good

Item Assessed Score
(0) (1) (2) (3)

Layout & Not organized. Portions may be Fairly well Program shows a
Organization – X2 poorly documented and continuous
Difficult to follow.
documented organized. Format progression of
Is your project Poor quality
and/or organized. is easy to follow. ideas and tells a
organized and shows poor effort.
Hard to follow the Good explanation complete, easily
progressions of shows good effort. followed story.
the story. Well documented
Explanation shows and organized.
some effort. Excellent, well
thought out
explanation shows
superior effort.

Creativity & Use of elements Minimal use of Good use of Excellent sense of
Elements of Design detracts from design elements. graphics and/or design. Effective
X2 video. Too many No transitions. other design camera techniques
or too gaudy Sound is lacking elements. Some used for the video
Is your video
graphics; or inappropriate or transitions are and pictures.
interesting? Did
transitions, too scratchy. Some inappropriately Video and pictures
your choice of
many clips, pictures or video placed. Sound are I focus and of
elements such as
backgrounds clips may be out quality is OK. good quality.
film clips, pictures,
and/or sounds of focus or Video clips or Smooth transitions
backgrounds, and
detract from “shaky”. pictures are clear are appropriate
transitions enhance
content. Pictures and in focus. and aid in delivery
the project?
or video clips may of the
be out of focus or presentation.
Unacceptable Acceptable Good Very Good
Item Assessed Score
(0) (1) (2) (3)

Collaboration Obvious that the Presentation a Students worked Effective

presentation was result of a group together and were teamwork. The
created by one effort, but only assigned different final product
person some members roles represents
contributed something that
would have been
impossible to
working alone.

Introduction Very little Some introductory Introduction is Introduction is

background information, but nearly complete, complete and well
information or still missing some missing some written; provides
Keywords: Related information is major points. OR, minor points. all necessary
Theory, Principles, incorrect OR, does gives little background
Process Background not give any information principles and
information about theory for the
what to expect in experiment.
the laboratory Present a concise
report lead-in to the

Methodology X2 Missing several Method is nearly Method is Method is

important complete but still explained with complete. Logical
explanations of missing some sufficient detail; and easily
Keywords: materials and/or important some lack detail or followed.
Experiment methodology. Not experimental are confusing. Description of
Procedure, List of sequential. Most details. Mostly easy to procedure is
Equipment, Specify steps are missing follow. complete,
the value, Make as or are confusing. ensuring that it
flow chart Some procedural can be replicated.
described but are
not replicable.

Data Processing & Calculations not Calculation was Corrected Elucidation and
Analysis, Results shown or totally provided but with calculation. supported by
Discussion X2 wrong. No table or some error. Incomplete or in proper references
graph are present. adequate data or logical
Attempt to discuss
organization in explanations.
Only mention the but failed
Keywords: Data term of table or
results without miserably Correct and
calculation, graph graph form.
meaningful complete
presentation, table
discussion Elucidation of calculation. Data
presentation, results
result but contains was organized
discussion .
some flaws well in term of
table or graph.
Unacceptable Acceptable Good Very Good
Item Assessed Score
(0) (1) (2) (3)

Conclusions and No conclusions Conclusion Conclusions All the important

recommendations given. No missing the regarding major conclusions have
recommendation important points. been clearly made.
points are drawn,
given to improve Or Conclusion is
but many
Keywords: the experiment. precisely stated
Conclusion is too
Experiment are misstated, and relates the
general. Several
Summary, indicating a study to general
Recommendation interest, other
have been given lack of studies that have
but they are too understanding
been conducted.
general and not Several
contributing to the recommendations
given are
experiment’s have been stated
improvement. and they are
contribute to the
contributed to the

References No citations in the Some citations in All citations in All citations in

text but showed a text are not text are available text are available
list of reference available in list of in list of reference in list of reference.
Keywords: Book Some citations in reference. OR but some of the All references
Reference, Journal text are not ununiformed reference is not from variety
Reference, Website available in list of referencing reliable. sources and
Reference; Reliable reference. reliable.
system OR more
than 80%
references from
internet or

Style and language All members only All members are Few members All members with
proficiency read the slide and less fluent on the presented well and clear articulation,
no eye-contact. material of one or two confidence and
presentation. members good eye contact.
Occasional but un- mumbling but They explained all
sustained eye- audible most of the slides very
contact. the time, little eye well with
contact. complete

Ability to answer None of the group Some members Some members All members are
question members answering the answering the answering the
answering the questions but still questions and able questions and
question unclear about the to explain. giving evidence or
subject. data to support the
ideas. Confident
with their answer.

Length of Too long or too Within +/- 3 mins Finish on time or

presentation short +/-5 mins of of the allocated within 1 min
the allocated time time

TOTAL MARKS (45 Marks)

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