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Comprehension Test 阅读理解

Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感

Jane Austen (著)

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(F)。

a Marianne got excited very easily.
b Marianne was older than Elinor.
c Barton Cottage was bigger than Norland Park.
d Sir John Middleton was friendly.
e Willoughby carried Marianne home because she had hurt her ankle.
f Colonel Brandon was older than Willoughby.
g Edward had a lock of hair in a ring.
h Colonel Brandon and Willoughby fought a duel.
I Marianne stayed at the Palmers’ house because she had hurt her leg.
j Robert Ferrars married Lucy Steele.

20 marks

2 Put the following events in the right order. Number them 1-10. 将下列事件排序。
a Elinor and Marianne go to London.
b Marianne falls – and meets Willoughby.
c Edward tells Elinor that his brother is married.
d Willoughby returns Marianne’s letters.
e The Dashwoods move to Devon.
f Colonel Brandon tells Elinor the truth about Willoughby and Eliza.
g Elinor and Marianne marry.
h Marianne and Elinor go to stay with the Palmers in Somerset.
i The Dashwoods visit Sir John and meet Colonel Brandon.
j Edward Ferrars comes to Devon for the first time.

20 marks

3 Who said this? Who did they say it to? Mrs Dashwood, Marianne, Mrs John Dashwood,
Mr John Dashwood, Colonel Brandon, Edward Ferrars, Elinor. 用适当的词填空。
a ‘I must do something for them when they leave Norland for a new home.’ ……………….. to
b ‘What are your mother’s plans for you?’ ……………….. to ………………..
c ‘Is that your sister’s hair in the ring?’ ……………….. to ………………..
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d ‘He has not made or broken any promise to me.’ ……………….. to ………………..
e ‘We met by appointment, but both of us returned unwounded.’ ……………….. to

20 marks

4 Who said this? Sir John Middleton, Edward Ferrars, Colonel Brandon, Elinor, Marianne,
Lucy Steele, Willoughby. 用适当的词填空。
a ‘I could not be happy with a man who does not share all my feelings.’ ………………..
b ‘He’s pleasant, and sociable, and has got the nicest little gundog I ever saw.’ ………………..
c ‘At present – my time is not my own.’ ………………..
d ‘I sincerely love Willoughby and find it painful to suspect his intentions.’ ………………..
e ‘Money can only give happiness when there is nothing else to give it.’ ………………..
f ‘We have been engaged for four years now.’ ………………..
g ‘She left to my care her little girl, Eliza.’ ………………..
h ‘The vicar’s duties there are light.’ ………………..
i ‘What a hard-hearted scoundrel I was.’ ………………..
j ‘My brother is now married to Miss Lucy Steele.’ ………………..

20 marks

5 Who, in the story . . . Sir John Middleton, Colonel Brandon, Mrs John Dashwood, Lady
Middleton, Edward Ferrars 用适当的词填空。
a . . . persuaded her husband not to keep a promise. ………………..
b . . . loved shooting. ………………..
c . . . did not enjoy studying law? ………………..
d . . . was the mother of some rather noisy children? ………………..
e . . . took care of his brother’s wife’s daughter? ………………..

20 marks

Total marks

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5 2

Multiple-choice Test 选择题

Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感

Jane Austen

Setting 故事背景

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

1 The Dashwood family had owned Norland Park in _____ for many years.
a [ ] Essex b [ ] Sussex c [ ] Exeter d [ ] Somerset
2 As a sign of the old Mr Dashwood’s affection for the sisters, he left them _____.
a [ ] his house b [ ] his horses
c [ ] one thousand pounds each d [ ] a cottage
3 The old man left his fortune to his nephew, Mr Henry Dashwood, to _____.
a [ ] use during his life b [ ] buy a house
c [ ] give away d [ ] spend as he wished
4 Mr Henry Dashwood outlived his uncle by _____.
a [ ] many years b [ ] five years c [ ] one year d [ ] ten years
5 John Dashwood promised his father he’d _____.
a [ ] sell the house
b [ ] make his father’s family comfortable
c [ ] let the three sisters live in the house
d [ ] give Mrs Dashwood some money
6 John Dashwood finally decided to offer Mrs Dashwood _____.
a [ ] some money b [ ] the house
c [ ] a carriage d [ ] neighbourly assistance
7 Mrs Dashwood wanted to keep her daughters at Norland after _____ arrived.
a [ ] Mrs John Dashwood b [ ] Edward Ferrars
c [ ] John Dashwood d [ ] Robert Ferrars
8 Elinor thought many houses were _____.
a [ ] were too large for their income b [ ] were not large enough
c [ ] were not close enough to Norland d [ ] did not have gardens
9 The family were offered a house by _____.
a [ ] Mrs John Dashwood b [ ] Edward Ferrars
c [ ] Sir John Middleton d [ ] Mrs Jennings
10 The furniture was sent to Barton. Mainly sheets, plates, books, and a _____.

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a [ ] carriage and horses b [ ] piano of Marianne’s
c [ ] piano of Elinor’s d [ ] table

20 marks

Characters 人物

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

11 Mrs John Dashwood arrived unexpectedly at Norland with _____.
a [ ] all her furniture b [ ] her husband
c [ ] her child and servants d [ ] money
12 Elinor frequently acted as _____.
a [ ] her mother’s adviser b [ ] a mother
c [ ] mistress of the house d [ ] head of the family
13 Elinor had a great deal of _____.
a [ ] humour and honour b [ ] intelligence and common sense
c [ ] passion and praise d [ ] sorrow and taste
14 Marianne was like her mother because she _____.
a [ ] had strong feelings b [ ] was always late
c [ ] liked horses d [ ] was never sad
15 Margaret, _____, seemed likely to grow up without her sisters’ advantages.
a [ ] an ugly girl of fourteen b [ ] a sad girl of twelve
c [ ] a very intelligent girl of fifteen d [ ] a pleasant girl of thirteen
16 Edward Ferrars was the son of a man who _____.
a [ ] didn’t like his children b [ ] didn’t have any money
c [ ] had died very rich d [ ] had left his money to his sister
17 Mrs Jennings was a rather _____ lady.
a [ ] vulgar old b [ ] unhappy young c [ ] sad old d [ ] ugly young
18 Marianne and Margaret thought that _____ was an old bachelor.
a [ ] Sir John Middleton b [ ] Edward Ferrars
c [ ] Colonel Brandon d [ ] Willoughby
19 Marianne met Willoughby when she fell _____.
a [ ] off a horse b [ ] in love c [ ] down the hill d [ ] over on ice
20 Willoughby had no house in Devonshire and stayed in Allenham with _____.
a [ ] Mrs Smith b [ ] Colonel Brandon
c [ ] Sir John Middleton d [ ] Mrs Jennings

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20 marks

Dialogue 对话

Who said this? 谁说了这些话?

21 ‘… they will each have more than three thousand pounds on their mother’s death.’
a [ ] John Dashwood b [ ] Elinor
c [ ] Edward Ferrars d [ ] Henry Dashwood
22 ‘Dear Norland! I shall miss you all my life.’
a [ ] Elinor b [ ] John Dashwood c [ ] Marianne d [ ] Margaret
23 ‘Brandon is just the kind of man whom everybody speaks well of, and nobody cares for.’
a [ ] Marianne b [ ] Willoughby c [ ] Elinor d [ ] Mrs Dashwood
24 ‘I have no wish to be grand or important.’
a [ ] Willoughby b [ ] Edward Ferrars c [ ] Elinor d [ ] Brandon
25 ‘Edward. Is that your sister’s hair in the ring?’
a [ ] Elinor b [ ] Lucy c [ ] Mrs Dashwood d [ ] Marianne
26 ‘We have been engaged for four years now.’
a [ ] Lucy Steele b [ ] Marianne c [ ] Willoughby d [ ] Anne Steele
27 ‘Has no letter been left for me?’
a [ ] Willoughby b [ ] Brandon c [ ] Elinor d [ ] Marianne
28 ‘I only wish there were anything I could do which might be of comfort to you.’
a [ ] Marianne b [ ] Mrs Jennings c [ ] Willoughby d [ ] Elinor
29 ‘I should have discovered his intentions earlier.’
a [ ] Elinor b [ ] Mrs Dashwood
c [ ] Colonel Brandon d [ ] Sir John Middleton
30 ‘My engagement to Lucy was certainly foolish,…’
a [ ] Edward Ferrars b [ ] Willoughby
c [ ] Colonel Brandon d [ ] Robert Ferrars

20 marks

Vocabulary 词汇

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

31 to surprise someone very much
a [ ] deceive b [ ] astonish c [ ] attract d [ ] spoil
32 the female head of a house, who employs servants
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a [ ] mother-in-law b [ ] stepmother c [ ] bachelor d [ ] mistress
33 a strong feeling or emotion, especially of love hate
a [ ] passion b [ ] praise c [ ] sorrow d [ ] affection
34 to suffer pain or unhappiness; to accept something unpleasant without complaint
a [ ] bear b [ ] deserve c [ ] blush d [ ] sob
35 a man who treats other people badly, especially by being dishonest or immoral
a [ ] vicar b [ ] bachelor c [ ] rival d [ ] scoundrel
36 money or property that you receive from someone when they die
a [ ] infection b [ ] honour c [ ] inheritance d [ ] gain
37 to think that someone or something is good or right
a [ ] deserve b [ ] approve c [ ] respect d [ ] praise
38 not looking at situations in a realistic way
a [ ] romantic b [ ] silly c [ ] coy d [ ] fair
39 graceful and attractive in appearance
a [ ] fair b [ ] agitated c [ ] vulgar d [ ] elegant
40 strong and determined in attitude and behaviour
a [ ] hospitable b [ ] firm c [ ] scoundrel d [ ] honour

20 marks

Plot 情节

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

41 Just before his death, Henry Dashwood sent for his son and begged him to take care of _____.
a [ ] the house b [ ] the servants
c [ ] his dogs d [ ] his stepmother and sisters
42 Mrs Dashwood took great pleasure in informing _____ that she had found a house.
a [ ] her stepson and his wife b [ ] Mrs Jennings
c [ ] Elinor d [ ] the servants
43 In Barton, the Dashwoods never imagined their days would be full of _____.
a [ ] parties and excursions b [ ] shopping and visiting
c [ ] singing and dancing d [ ] painting
44 Mrs Jennings discovered that Marianne and _____ had gone to Mrs Smith’s house.
a [ ] Elinor b [ ] Edward c [ ] Colonel Brandon d [ ] Willoughby
45 Willoughby told the Dashwoods that he had to leave Barton because _____.
a [ ] his friends wanted him to b [ ] Colonel Brandon said so
c [ ] he was going to London on business d [ ] Marianne would not marry him
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46 Marianne was disappointed that _____
behaviour towards Elinor was very unlike a lover’s.
a [ ] Edward Ferrars’ b [ ] Willoughby’s
c [ ] Colonel Brandon’s d [ ] Sir John’s
47 Sir John met the Miss Steeles _____ and invited them to stay at Barton Park.
a [ ] at a dance b [ ] in winter
c [ ] at Colonel Barton’s house d [ ] on an excursion
48 Mrs Jennings heard that Marianne’s rival for Willoughby was _____.
a [ ] an old friend b [ ] a young woman with fifty thousand pounds a year
c [ ] a woman with no money d [ ] much older than him
49 Elinor found out the true story of Willoughby and Eliza from _____.
a [ ] Colonel Brandon b [ ] Marianne c [ ] her mother d [ ] Mrs Jennings
50 Elinor’s happiness was complete when _____.
a [ ] her sister was to marry b [ ] Edward expressed his love for her
c [ ] she returned to her mother d [ ] she moved to her own house

20 marks

Total marks

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5 7

Sense and Sensibility
1 a T
b F
c F
d T
e T
f T
g T
h T
i F
j T

2 a 5
b 3
c 9
d 6
e 1
f 7
g 10
h 8
i 2
j 4

3 a Mr John Dashwood,
Mrs John Dashwood
b Mrs Dashwood,
Edward Ferrars
c Elinor, Edward Ferrars
d Marianne, Elinor
e Colonel Brandon,

4 a Marianne
b Sir John Middleton
c Willoughby
d Elinor

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e Marianne
f Lucy Steele
g Colonel Brandon
h Colonel Brandon
i Willoughby
j Edward Ferrars

5 a Mrs John Dashwood

b Sir John Middleton
c Edward Ferrars
d Lady Middleton
e Colonel Brandon

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5 9

Sense and Sensibility
1 b
2 c
3 a
4 c
5 b
6 d
7 b
8 a
9 c
10 b

11 c
12 a
13 b
14 a
15 d
16 c
17 a
18 c
19 c
20 a

21 a
22 c
23 b
24 b
25 d
26 a
27 d
28 d
29 b
30 a

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31 b
32 d
33 a
34 a
35 d
36 c
37 b
38 a
39 d
40 b

41 d
42 a
43 a
44 d
45 c
46 a
47 d
48 b
49 a
50 b

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