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Pregunta 1

Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
He sleeps during the day and works ____________ night.
Seleccione una:
A. at
B. at the.
C. of.
D. on the.

The usage of the preposition ‘at’ in terms of time referred to night as for parts of the day.

Realizado por Jose Carlos Herazo Del Toro.

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Responda las preguntas 1 a 5 de acuerdo con el ejemplo:
Lea las descripciones y empareje las palabras que concuerden con la descripción.

All members of the same team wear this, uniform

Respuesta 1
You need this if you want to play tennis, ball
Respuesta 2
If you travel on it, you will do execise and save time, prize
Respuesta 3
At the end of this there is usually one winner, competition
Respuesta 4
This is a place outdoors where you can play sports, field
Respuesta 5
Guia de orientacion modulo de ingles saber pro 2016 2

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Chose the letter of the word or group of words that best complete the sentence.

_______ was ringing continuously for hours.

Seleccione una:
A. The phone.
B. In the morning.
C. The bells.
D. Loudly.

It is a singular subject, the phone that agrees with the singular verb was ringing.


Pregunta 4
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Would you like to play tennis? - No, I _________ for my vocabulary test tomorrow.
Seleccione una:
A. ... study
B. ... am studying
C. ... will study
D. ... am going to study

This is the usual way to express an intention.

Pregunta 5
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Here are some sentences about a motorbike, for each question, complete the second sentence
so that it means the same as the first.

This is my brother's motorbike. This motorbike …………………………………. my brother.

Seleccione una:
A. Belongs to.
B. Is his.
C. Of his .
D. Is from.

In the first sentence (my brother´s motorbike) means that the motorbike belongs to my brother.


Pregunta 6
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Complete las conversaciones, marque A, B o C.

What do you think of the teacher?

Seleccione una:
a. I love his class.
b. Great school!
c. I think so.

Tomado de Guia de orientacion modulo competencias ciudadanas saber pro 2016 2

Pregunta 7
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the paragraph and then, choose the correct option:

Ashley has busy days every week. On Mondays, she goes to the gym and then goes shopping.
On Tuesdays, she baby sits for her sister in the morning and does yoga in the afternoon. On
Wednesdays she works all day in her garden. Her mother visits her on Thursdays, so they usually
eat lunch at home and watch movies. Every Friday, Ashley paints pictures and makes sculptures.
On weekends, she usually visits her friends and goes to the theatre or concerts with them.
When will Ashley plant flowers?
Seleccione una:
A. Next Thursday.
B. Next Wednesday.
C. Next Monday.
D. Next Tuesday.

In the story it is said that on Wednesdays Ashley works in her garden all day. This implies the
possibility of planting flowers there.

Pregunta 8
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
I’d like ____________ fruit, please.
Seleccione una:
A. a lot
B. some
C. any
D. few

We use "some" in questions when offering or requesting something that is there.

Pregunta 9
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
It's the telephone box ____________ the market.
Seleccione una:
A. front of.
B. in front of.
C. in front.
D. on the front.

The correct spelling of the preposition is ‘in front of’

Realizado por Jose Carlos Herazon Del Toro.

Pregunta 10
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
When you drink juice, you can use this
Seleccione una:
A. coffee pot
B. glass
C. plate

Pregunta 11
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Does Miko know about the party next week? - I'm not sure. I_________ her when I see her.
Seleccione una:
A. ... am asking
B. ... am going to ask
C. ... will ask
D. ... ask

The present simple is the correct tense for spontaneous decisions about future actions.

Pregunta 12
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the sentence and choose what the lady said.

“Don’t drink any coffee and change your eating habits” (The doctor)
Seleccione una:
A. to not drink coffee and change my eating habits.
B. not to drink any coffee and to change my eating habits.
C. that not drink any coffee and change my eating habits.
D. don’t drink any coffee and change my eating habits.

Se sigue la estructura de reported commands al utilizar infinitivos en forma negativa (not to) y
positiva (to change).

Pregunta 13
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
The best option to answer the question “It is warm today, isn’t it?” is
Seleccione una:
A. take your umbrella.
B. no, it is going tomorrow.
C. yes, it is a lovely day.
D. you are right. It does.

The question means that the weather is being so nice.


Pregunta 14
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Here is a sentence about a guesthouse:
"My room is bigger than my friend’s room."
Choose the correct sentence that means the same as the previous one.
Seleccione una:
A. My friend’s room is bigger than my room.
B. My room is less big than my friend’s room.
C. My friend’s room isn’t as big as my room.
D. My room is as big as my friend’s room.

My room is bigger than my friend’s room means My friend’s room isn’t as big as my room.
Pregunta 15
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best complete the sentence.
Homo sapiens _______ about 40.000 years ago.
Seleccione una:
A. they first appeared.
B. first appeared.
C. first appearing.
D. their first appearance.

It contains the verb appeared.


Pregunta 16
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Read the text and the question below.
My only ambition is ‘to teach you how to eat’ says Michael Montignac, a French
business executive. He has invented a method of healthy eating, which is based on the
idea that we should not eat less, we should simply eat the right things – the right
carbohydrates and eat the right fats-which are traditionally part of a Mediterranean way
of eating. The Montignac method is not a diet, it is a philosophy of life, which lets people
be ‘fit, healthy, energetic and slim without counting calories’.
In Montignac’s method you don’t have to worry about…
Seleccione una:
A. how much fast food you have.
B. how many calories you eat.
C. how much flour you consume.
D. how you cook.

The last part of the text says: The Montignac method is not a diet, it is a philosophy of life,
which lets people be ‘fit, healthy, energetic and slim without counting calories’.

Pregunta 17
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Choose the option that best completes this sentence.

You __________________ the Museo del Oro.

Seleccione una:
A. don’t like.
B. doesn’t like.
C. don’t likes.
D. doesn’t likes.

Correct ending verb like in Simple present tense, second person singular, negative form.

Pregunta 18
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
The president________ the election by a landslide.

The correct word to complete the sentence is

Seleccione una:
A. yesterday.
B. he won.
C. won.
D. fortunately.

Won is correct, because the others don’t make any sense.


Pregunta 19
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
Complete las conversaciones, marque A, B o C.
Be Carefull!

Seleccione una:
a. Yes, I do.
b. What a pity!
c. I will.

Tomado de Guia de orientacion modulo competencias ciudadanas saber pro 2016 2

Pregunta 20
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Enunciado de la pregunta
The main intention of the author of the following text is

The western alphabet, which is used in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Australia and New Zealand
as well as in other countries, originated in the middle east. The people who gave the world this
alphabet were the Phoneacians, a people who established colonies all over the Mediterranean,
including Carthage in Africa and Gades in Spain. In their alphabet, the letters were represented
by little pictures which represented sounds.The Phoneacian A was aelph, which means "bull".
and it was made from a little picture of a bull's head. The letter B was beth which meant "house",
and showed the round-roofed buildings which you can still see today in Syria.

The Phoneacians had contact with another nation of sailors, the Greeks, with whom they fought
and traded. The Greeks also started to use the Phoneacian alphabet. They changed the names
so aelph and beth became alpha and beta. The shapes of the letters are the same but they have
been turned sideways. If you know any Greek, you can try turning the letters around again, and
see how they look. You will see that the curve on the right of the Greek A becomes the horns of
a little bull.

Of course, the first two letters of the alphabet give it its name. Over the years there have been
changes. Latin developed an alphabet with some different letters to the Greeks, and other letters
have been added since. But really westerners are using the same system of writing which has
served them so well for thousands of years.
Seleccione una:
A. to describe the history of the Greek alphabet.
B. to tell something of the Phoneacian history.
C. to compare the western alphabet with other alphabets.
D. to tell something about the story of why we write as we do.

The article talks about the origin of the western alphabet which is the one we use nowadays.

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