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Stephanie Rosales

Dr. Ismail
Engineering 110
23 March 2010
Hw Assignment #5: Brainstorming and 13.2, 13.3 A, D, E
1. After brainstorming with the class with reasons as to why I would receive an F letter
grade when I am expecting an A, I narrowed it down to the three most important:
A. Did not have tools to help me study.
B. Lack of interest, no passion.
C. Instructor does not like me.
2. Among the 27 different brainstorming ideas, there were a few duplicates such as having
lack of interest, not paying attention in class, hating the subject, and did not put enough
effort. All of these seem to fall under the same category of “lack of interest” because if
you had a strong interest in the class, then the other problems would not be true. Other
duplicates I found were ‘being too tired’ and ‘loving to sleep’.
3. Solutions that I would recommend for A. not having tools to help one study, would be to
obtain those tools once and for all because they can probably be used for later classes too.
Excuses I have heard other students say as to why they would not have tools are because
they think it is a waste of money, or they do not have the time or funds to get them. A
simple solution is utilizing public places that offer free computers if a student lacks a
laptop, or making copies of pages from a book they need. Also, asking students in class
for spare pieces of paper and a pen can make the world of difference so they can take
notes. These are all free resources so by the time a student actually has money to buy
tools they need; they won’t be behind in class. As for B. lack of interest, no passion, a
solution I would recommend is to drop the subject and find other areas that interest you
as a student. Humans are each unique in their own way, so it goes the same as to what
each human likes and doesn’t like. Finally, a solution for C. the instructor not liking a
student, I would recommend not confronting the teacher until the student is absolutely
sure there is a hateful tension between the student and teacher. If there is, it would be best
to find out why the teacher is being so hateful in a calmly matter, and make amends
through apologizing and settling things.
13.2) Preparing a list of questions that should be resolved in identifying the following problems:
C) Develop a recliner chair that incorporates six built-in surround sound speakers in the unit.
1. How much would incorporating six speakers into a recliner chair cost?
2. Will it make the recliner chair heavy?
3. Will the speakers be incorporated in a stylish way so that people will want to buy it?
4. Is the chair going to be comfortable enough for the customer and the speakers?
5. Are the speakers going to be wireless?
6. How is the chair going to control volume?
7. Is the chair going to need a lot of maintenance for the six different speakers?
8. How much space will the recliner take up?
9. What kind of materials will it take to develop the recliner and speakers?
10. Is the recliner going to be available to the average customer?
D. Develop a hands-free flashlight.
1. Has this not already been developed for miners who had lights on their hardhats?
2. Will this flashlight be placed on a hat?
3. Will people be interested in this product even though it has already been developed?
4. Is it convenient and easy to maneuver?
5. How much would it cost and what would the battery life on it be?
6. Are the materials used to make the hands-free flashlight eco-friendly?
7. How much would the weight of the flashlight be?
8. Would it be safe for children of all ages or only for adults?
9. Is the flashlight going to have fluorescent lighting or a blue or red tint to it?
10. Is the flashlight hard to maintain if it were to break down?

13.3) Developing a list of working criteria that could be used to decide:

a) Accept a co-op job offer from Company A or Company B.
-Location: Either company A or company B must be at least in the same state as the
majority of my family.
-Benefits: The benefits must include some health, dental, and at least a few vacation days.
-Future Prospects: Will there be a chance for promotion in either company? Or will I be
stuck doing the same job?
-Co-workers: Depending on if the co-workers seem friendly in either company, I have to
remember I will be seeing them and working with them if I join their company.
d) Purchase a desktop or laptop computer.
- Cost: Laptops are usually significantly cheaper than a desktop, except if you are buying
a Mac.
- Brand: Do I want a PC or Mac? Which is more reliable?
- Convenience: Laptops are able to be carried wherever you go, whereas a desktop has to
be plugged in to a wall.
- Maintenance: Would a desktop be harder to maintain? Or a laptop?
- Power: Which has more memory space?
e) Change your major or remain in engineering.
-Variety: There is a plethora of majors that anyone can choose from that might be more
-Difficulty: It is believed that engineering majors must work extra hard compared to
several other degrees.
-Math: Engineering involves a lot of math and talking in front of people which is hard for
shy people to get by.
-Fulfilling: Getting an engineering degree would make one feel much more accomplished
and proud of what they do.

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