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Shelly Schantz
Oakland University, EA 701/702

Michigan Standard I – Visionary Leadership

Goal – To develop my leadership skills through the school improvement process
(identifying, implementing, and monitoring needs) and working with my mentor to increase
stakeholder involvement and input.

Activity – (Leadership) I will chair the School Improvement Team

Timeline – Continuously throughout the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.

Support Needed – The district and mentor will provide time for school improvement,
such as release time for the team.

Activity – (Leadership) I will head one of the school improvement sub-commitees.

Timeline –.This will take place during the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.

Support Needed – The principal and school improvement team will devote professional
development time where commitees can work and plan for implementation.

Michigan Standard II – Cultural & Instructional Leadership

Goal – To increase my knowledge of instructional leadership and promoting student
success through Professional Learning Communities.

Activity – (Participation)- I will participate in district grade level PLCs.

Timeline – This is a continuous activity that will take place during the 2016-17 and 2017-
18 school year.

Support Needed – The district will provide PLC time in the professional development

Goal- To develop my mentoring abiliites and promote a culture for learning in my school.

Activity – (Leadership)- I will serve as a mentor for a new techer or host a student
Timeline – Mentoring is a 3 year commitment, Cooperating teacher is a 1 year

Support Needed – My mentor will submit my name to universities that call/ email a need.

Michigan Standard III – Management of Organization, Operation, and Resources

Goal – To develop my knowledge of school management and operation of schedules.

Activity – I will create specials schedules for Oakwood and work with the principal to
review academic schedules to schedule instructional paraprofessionals for 31A.

Timeline – This activity will take place in August and September 2016 and 2017.

Support Needed – The district will provide special teacher assignment of days and times
and teachers will provide daily schedules for reading, writing, and math instruction.

Goal- Increase my knowledge and understanding of preparations for launching a school


Activity – (Observation) I will sit in on administration meetings, ask the secretary to

share “to do lists” with me. I will attend the end of summer student/ principal event
(popcicles with the principal or annual before school picnic).

Timeline – This will take place in August 2017.

Support Needed- My mentor will allow me to observe these activities and attend
meetings with her.

Michigan Standard IV – Collaboration with Faculty, Community Members, and Families

Goal – To develop my knowledge of building school-wide relationships with the staff,
community, and families to promote the success of every student.

Activity – (participation) I will participate in the Parent Involvement Team

Timeline – continuously throughout the 2016-17 School year.

Support Needed –
Activity – (Participation)- I will attend and participate in a presentation to the Brandon
School Board.

Timeline – This will take place in November 2016.

Support Needed- My mentor will inform me of when our school is being showcased at a
board meeting, the school board will provide that time.

Goal- To increase my knowledge of community services available to economically

disadvantaged students in the school district.

Activity- Meet with either the Brandon/ Groveland Youth Assistance coordinator (Ragen
Rockwell) or with the Easter Seals counselors who service students.

Timeline- This will take place throughout the school year.

Support Needed- The district will provide a person to cover my room when Easter Seals
is present for meeting with my students.

Activity- Serve as the building representative/ leader for the community summer reading
program, One Million Pages.

Timeline- This will take place May- September 2017

Support Needed- The One Million Pages Summer Reading program coordinator will supply
directions and hand outs. I will need a time to present/ kick off the program to Oakwood
students in late May/ early June.

Michigan Standard V – Ethics, Integrity, Fairness, & Practice

Goal – To develop knowledge of the principal’s role in ethical practice as related to
sharing expectations with all stakeholders.

Activity – (Leadership)- I will prepare/ update handbooks for staff/parents/guest


Timeline – This will take place during the 2016-17 school year for use in the 2017-18
school year.

Support Needed – The distrtict/ school will provide me with electronic files of current
handbooks (when applicable) and allow me to revise and edit them.
Activity – (Participation/ observation)- I will participate in 504 and IEP meetings. I will
observe my mentor’s role in facilitation nad ethical practice.

Timeline – Contiuous throughout the school year.

Support Needed- My mentor will provide me with the meeting schedules for IEP and 504
meetings and allow me to observe her actions in the meetings.

Michigan Standard VI – Student Success by Understanding, Responding to, & Advocating

for Student Learning
Goal – To develop an undersanding of eduational influences outside of the school building
by planning for implementation of state and local laws.

Activity – (Leadership)- I will collaborate with my mentor to make a plan in response to

M-Step scores and work with the interventionist to implement plans to insure success of
all students.

Timeline- This will take place beginning in December 2016 and continue until June 2017.

Activity – (Participation)- I will attend administrative team meetings to plan for 2017-18
literacy support in repsonse to the new 3rd grade reading law.

Timeline – Meetings will take place toward the end of the 2016-17 school year for
implemention in the 2017-18 school year.

Support Needed- The school district and principal will provide time to meet and plan.
The principal and administrative team will allow me attend the administrative team
meetings scheduled for planning.

Michigan Standard VII – Substantial & Sustained Educational Leadership Internship

Goal – To actively engage in developing my knowledge of standards I-VI through various
building initiatives.

Activity – (Leadership) I will maintain dialog with my mentor about my participation in

the activities.
Activity- (Leadership) I will collect, input, and relfect on feedback and suggestions from
my mentor (Current principal of Oakwood Elementary School)

Timeline – Throughout the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.

Support Needed- My mentor will serve as a reviewer of the process by providing

feeback and suggestions for additional activities.

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