List of The Selected Key Publications

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List of the selected key publications of Pauliane Amaral

1. AMARAL P., RODRIGUES, R. R. (2015): Bakhtin's Chronotope in the

(Auto)Biography Novel: From Antiquity to Contemporaneity. Accepted in:
Bakhtiniana. São Paulo, 10 (3): 123-143, Sept./Dec. 2015.

This paper is a bilingual publication done in partnership with my PhD advisor, Prof. Dr.
Rauer Ribeiro Rodrigues. The text updates the issues raised by Mikhail Bakhtin in
Forms of Time and the Chronotope in the Novel, an essay present in The Dialogic
Imagination: Four Essays by M. M. Bakhtin in order to verify the variations of the
‘Ancient Biography and Autobiography Chronotope’ in contemporary autobiographical
novels. We thus analyze the chronotope in the autobiography novels A Moveable Feast,
by Ernest Hemingway, and Chá das cinco com o vampiro [Afternoon Tea with the
Vampire], by the Brazilian writer Miguel Sanches Neto. Our reading of Bakhtin’s
notion of chronotope in these narratives leads us to relate the form of public and private
space configuration with different strategies of representation. Bakhtin’s studies allow
us to think that the endless possibilities of combining several chronotope in
contemporary (auto)biographic novels is possible because in the narrative the narrated
events follow the logic of bios, of life, and point to the self-consciousness of a man who
casts a critical eye on important episodes of his life.
2. AMARAL P. (2016): The construction of the author identity in J. M. Coetzee and
Enrique Vila-Matas. Accepted in: Itinerários, Araraquara, n. 42: 223-236, Jan./Jun.

This paper presents a comparative study between the work of two writers from different
literary traditions who stand out for searching new ways of representing the author’s
identity in their own texts. The novel Summertime (2009), written by the South African
J. M. Coetzee and the novel Doctor Pasavento (2005), written by the Catalan writer
Enrique Vila-Matas presents different strategies to represent the presence of the author
in the text. Whilst the narrative in Coetzee’s novel turns to the construction of the
author’s posthumous identity through the gathering of testimonials and research in
notebooks left by the fictional writer, the narrative of Vila-Matas adds an essay structure
to recurring thematic elements in the work of the Spanish writer (as the autoreference,
citation of another literary works; the subject of disappearance and the writing cessation
– dubbed Bartleby Syndrome). This comparative study indicates that these two novels
illustrate the impossibility of ending a unique author identity and one solution found in
contemporary literature is to incorporate into the narrative structure elements that make
up this quandary.

3. AMARAL, P. (2017): Autobiography and metaliterature in Enrique Vila-Matas.

Accepted in: Entrelaces (UFC), v. 1, n. 9: 104-117. Jan.-Jun. 2017.

In this paper I analyze the autobiographical novel Never Any End to Paris (2003),
written by Enrique Vila-Matas, to show how this author, by creating narratives that
takes the reader through a dizzying network of references, transformed his prose in a
spiral of literary references. The protagonist of the novel is – as Vila-Matas – a
renowned Catalan writer who prepares for a conference, while remembering the years
that he lived in Paris in the 1970s, when he met another writers like Marguerite Duras.
The novel also presents a specific tribute to the American writer Ernest Hemingway and
his own autobiographical novel A Moveable Feast (1964). Vila-Matas revisits
Hemingway’s novel to subvert it and confuse the story of the American author with that
of his own alter ego. By doing so, the narrative of Never Any End to Paris leads us to a
brief consideration on autobiographies and related themes, like New Historical Novels,
Historiographic Metafiction and Autofiction, contemporary terminologies centered on
the relationships between life and fiction.

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