Sweden - A Failed State

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Sweden: A Failed State?

by Judith Bergman
July 21, 2017 at 5:00 am

 The Swedish state, in true Orwellian style, fights those Swedish citizens who point out the
obvious problems that migrants are causing.
 When police officer Peter Springare said in February that migrants were committing a
disproportionate amount of crime in the suburbs, he was investigated for inciting "racial
 Currently, a 70-year-old Swedish pensioner is being prosecuted for "hate speech", for
writing on Facebook that migrants "set fire to cars, and urinate and defecate on the streets".

The security situation in Sweden is now so critical that the national police chief, Dan Eliasson, has asked the
public for help; the police are unable to solve the problems on their own. In June, the Swedish police released a
new report, "Utsatta områden 2017", ("Vulnerable Areas 2017", commonly known as "no-go zones" or lawless
areas). It shows that the 55 no-go zones of a year ago are now 61.

In September 2016, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Minister of Interior Anders Ygeman refused to see the
warnings: in 2015, only 14% of all crimes in Sweden were solved, and in 2016, 80% of police officers were
allegedly considering quitting the force. Both ministers refused to call it a crisis. According to Anders Ygeman:

"... we are in a very difficult position, but crisis is something completely different. ...we are in a very strained
position and this is because we have done the biggest reorganization since the 1960s, while we have these very
difficult external factors with the highest refugee reception since the Second World War. We have border
controls for the first time in 20 years, and an increased terrorist threat".

A year later the Swedish national police chief is calling the situation "acute".

In 2015, only 14% of all crimes in Sweden were solved. In 2016, 80% of police officers were
allegedly considering quitting the force. Nonetheless, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (pictured
above) refused to call it a crisis. (Photo by Michael Campanella/Getty Images)

Sweden increasingly resembles a failed state: In the 61 "no-go zones", there are 200 criminal networks with an
estimated 5,000 criminals who are members. Twenty-three of those no-go zones are especially critical: children
as young as 10 years old are involved in serious crimes there, including weapons and drugs, and are literally
being trained to become hardened criminals.

The trouble, however, extends beyond organized crime. In June, Swedish police in the city of Trollhättan, during
a riot in the Kronogården suburb, were attacked by approximately a hundred masked migrant youths, mainly
Somalis. The rioting continued for two nights.
Violent riots, however, are just part of Sweden's security problems. In 2010, according to the government, there
were "only" 200 radical Islamists in Sweden. In June, the head of the Swedish Security Service (Säpo), Anders
Thornberg, told the Swedish media that the country is experiencing a "historical" challenge in having to deal with
thousands of "radical Islamists in Sweden". The jihadists and jihadist supporters are mainly concentrated in
Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Örebro, according to Säpo. "This is the 'new normal' ... It is an historic
challenge that extremist circles are growing," Thornberg said.

The Swedish establishment has only itself to blame for it.

Thornberg said that Säpo now receives around 6,000 intelligence tips a month concerning terrorism and
extremism, compared to an average of 2,000 a month in 2012.

Some of the reasons for the increase, according to terror expert Magnus Ranstorp of the Swedish Defense
University, is due to segregation in Sweden's no-go zones:

"... it has been easy for extremists to recruit undisturbed in those areas. ...the prevention measures have been
pretty tame... if you compare Denmark and Sweden, Denmark is at university level and Sweden at kindergarten

Asked what the increase in people supporting extremist ideologies indicated about Sweden's work to combat
radicalism, Interior Minister Anders Ygeman told the Swedish news outlet TT:

"I think it says little. This is a development we have seen in a number of countries in Europe. On the other hand,
it shows that it was right to take those measures we have. A permanent centre against violent extremism, that
we have increased the budget to work against violent extremism, that we have increased the security police's
budget for three years."

There may be even more jihadists than Säpo thinks. In 2015, at the height of the migrant crisis, when Sweden
received over 160,000 migrants, 14,000 of them who were told that they were going to be
deported disappeared inside Sweden without a trace. As late as April 2017, Sweden was still looking for 10,000
of them. Sweden, however, has only 200 border police staff at its disposal to look for them. One "disappeared
migrant" was Rakhmat Akilov, from Uzbekistan. He drove a truck into a department store in Stockholm, killing
four people and wounding many others. He later said he did it for the Islamic State (ISIS).

Meanwhile, Sweden continues to receive returning ISIS fighters from Syria, a courtesy that hardly improves the
security situation. Sweden, so far, has received 150 returning ISIS fighters. There are still 112 who remain
abroad -- considered the most hardcore of all -- and Sweden expects many of those to return as well.
Astonishingly, the Swedish government has given several of the ISIS returnees protected identities to prevent
local Swedes from finding out who they are. Two Swedish ISIS fighters who returned to Europe, Osama Krayem
and Mohamed Belkaid, went on to help commit the terror attacks at Brussels airport and the Maelbeek metro
station in the center of Brussels, on March 22, 2016. Thirty-one people were killed; 300 were wounded.

Swedish news outlets have reported that the Swedish towns that receive the returnees do not even know they
are returning ISIS fighters. One coordinator of the work against violent Islamist extremism in Stockholm,
Christina Kiernan, says that "...at the moment there is no control over those returning from ISIS-controlled areas
in the Middle East".

Kiernan explains that there are rules that prevent the passing of information about returning jihadists from Säpo
to the local municipalities, so that the people who are in charge in the municipal authorities, including the police,
have no information about who and how many returned ISIS fighters there are in their area. It is therefore
impossible to monitor them -- and this at a time when Säpo estimates the number of violent Islamist extremists in
Sweden in the thousands.

Even after all this, the Swedish state, in true Orwellian style, fights those Swedish citizens who point out the
obvious problems that migrants are causing. When police officer Peter Springare said in February that migrants
were committing a disproportionate amount of crime in the suburbs, he was investigated for inciting "racial

Currently, a 70-year-old Swedish pensioner is being prosecuted for "hate speech", for writing on Facebook that
migrants "set fire to cars, and urinate and defecate on the streets".
With thousands of jihadists all over Sweden, what could be more important than prosecuting a Swedish
pensioner for writing on Facebook?

Judith Bergman is a columnist, lawyer and political analyst.

Riccardo Teodori • Jul 21, 2017 at 18:49

Too bad for Sweden but it's their fault and the rest of Europe is not far behind.
Athanasia Vagias • Jul 21, 2017 at 18:29
This is very sad, but the truth is that they allowed this to happen. These migrants are not assimilating, they are
criminals and they are raping women. Sweden was warned but they wanted to show how super liberal and full of
love they are. I am wondering how long it will be until Sweden becomes an Islamic country.
Rita Petty • Jul 21, 2017 at 16:52
The Swedes ought to emigrate or form a Swedish resistance movement underground because their enemy is
their own government. They have 3 choices emigrate, resist, or submit.

Susan Rita Petty • Jul 21, 2017 at 19:10

How about vote them out?

Henry Susan • Jul 21, 2017 at 19:54

Sorry, Susan but there is no viable party to vote for in Sweden. Swedes are simply not capable to resist by any
realistic means.
June • Jul 21, 2017 at 16:51
My 2 gay friends in Sweden moved from Helsingborg, near Malmo, to a village 80 miles inland and are afraid to
write anything online to me. One writes in Italian and can say little but I know they are afraid and worried.
Sweden seems to have shut down any free speech and become a Nazi-like state but then we are doing the
same. It looks like the only way will be violence because you cannot suppress things for long until they erupt...
ADESHINOR ADEWUMI • Jul 21, 2017 at 16:29
This problem would be easily solved if the known criminals are arraigned in special courts that cannot be
influenced by politicians who lack the moral and common sense to protect their citizens.
UNCLE VLADDI • Jul 21, 2017 at 16:03
I wonder if the cops will realize they have to arrest our mutual enemies in government before it's too late for
them to actually fulfill their oaths of office rather than keep on serving their treasonous political owners just to
protect their own pensions?
KLD • Jul 21, 2017 at 15:55
One of the things that I really look forward to doing when I retire is, like so many others, to travel the world. To
see as many places as I can before the grim reaper comes visiting. Sweden and Germany were up there on the
top of my list (especially Germany as I am a WW2 nut). Unfortunately, even though I will most likely go to some
parts of Germany, I will not be going to Sweden. At the rate Swedish politicians are destroying their way of life,
the country will soon be a third world nation. It really is a shame that such a progressive and beautiful place like
is going to be the example of what happens when unrestricted immigration is allowed in combination with
unchecked welfare. Hopefully, the rest of the world will learn from this catastrophe and places like Germany will
begin to reverse the damage they have done to their respective nations. I only wish it wasn't too late for Sweden.
Can it be reversed?
b.a. freeman • Jul 21, 2017 at 15:43
from all i have read, i expect sweden to become the first islamic "republic" in eurabia. if the EU thinks that is has
a lot of refugees now, wait until they get a flood of 5 to 8 million swedes escaping their "paradise."
Chris Lazarski • Jul 21, 2017 at 15:31
Sweden is an odd state not only because of its policy toward the Muslim migrants. I've heard a story about a
Lutheran priest who was imprisoned for "hate crime," because he preached in his CHURCH that homosexual
acts are sinful. There are also awful stories about children taken away from their parents and put into a foster
family just because they look overweight. Sweden seems to incarnate all political correctness nonsense. And
just think that the Swedes are the progeny of the Vikings, the most ferocious worriers of all time.
John Trainor • Jul 21, 2017 at 15:28
What kind of comment can one make?......brainwashed swedes, self loathing socialists confronted by a warrior
tribe.....no doubt who is going to win this.....Vikings must be turning in their graves.
Guido • Jul 21, 2017 at 14:54
Sweden, stop complaining and fix it.
You brought this upon yourselves.
But it looks like you will die for your ideologies of tolerance towards the intolerant.
Just study what happened in South Africa and you will see your future.
By lack of wisdom you have let a problem grow until it becomes impossible to resolve without some drastic
Solutions, which, of course, you will reject, lest of being called racist and talking hate speech, etc.
Well, then, fight or die.
Podargus • Jul 21, 2017 at 14:52
As I don't live in Sweden (or Europe, thankfully) I tend to find this ongoing account of terminal stupidity quite
Perhaps I've lived too long and seen too much but my cynicism now exceeds my empathy in most cases.
Also, I don't use social media as I regard it as puerile and potentially dangerous for the users. The latter is
especially applicable as states regress to the dystopia so ably depicted in "1984". If he were still alive I'm sure
that George would be impressed.
brane pilot • Jul 21, 2017 at 14:16
It was inevitable that totalitarianism would experience a resurgence in Europe.
Since the old forms of totalitarianism would be recognized, it had to morph into a form that would not be
recognized until it was too late.
Now we know what the new totalitarianism looks like.
And it is too late.
No one is allowed to point it out, and show it for what it is.
Ragnar Liljequist • Jul 21, 2017 at 13:58
My Viking forefathers' offspring are cowering.
S. Gelgor • Jul 21, 2017 at 13:19
I used to import Swedish products made by Levin of Malmo. I have reason to believe that he was Jewish! Malmo
is inundated with Muslims, so I am almost positive that this firm does not exist!
MikeB • Jul 21, 2017 at 13:04
You Swedish fools have voted in, the enemy........leftists. Those leftists have then allowed your country to be
infected by the throat cutters. The same Swedish traitors "YOU" voted in, now will throw "YOU" in prison for hate
speech when you simply voice an opinion.
You don't have enough military and police to fight the enemy within. The same enemy your traitorous politicians
let in your country.
are done.
Americas will not come to your aid this time.........you are on your own
Henry • Jul 21, 2017 at 12:30
I would laugh to death if it hasn't been so gloomy. Well, Sweden isn't just a failed state but also a disappearing
one, as a country of Swedes. It is rather hard to find a more vivid example of the state suicide than this one. Or
maybe it isn't suicide but a transformation to become Somalia of the North. As to the crime epidemy it can be
easily addressed by the following effective methods:
Enforce conversion of Swedes to Islam
Replace All Swedish laws with Sharia
Eliminate All remaining signs of Christianity
Ensure Jews and gays are not present
And finally, officially declare a new "Somalia of the North" a part of the islamic State
By fulfilling all of the above ex-Sweden will set the path of radical transformation leading the EU members to the
"bright" and "promising" future.
Charles Ayres • Jul 21, 2017 at 12:26
Sweden represents the tyrannical extreme of leftistism. The condition and prognosis of the country is terrifying.
No country in history has suffered the massive and probably fatal transformation of its demographics, culture,
and morality as has Sweden, the citizens of which have become the psychological slaves of its psychotic
government which has been borne of years of submission to a birth-to-death nanny state until the people have
lost all semblance of self determination and individual thought.
Sweden must stand as stark evidence of the horror of the all-inclusive, global state which the left sees as utopia
but is instead a hell of living automatons.
Chris • Jul 21, 2017 at 12:09
Can someone please explain to me why Sweden, and Western Europe in general, seems so determined to
commit cultural suicide? Those responsible see what's happening, women and children being sexually assaulted
on a terrifying frequency, citizens attacked in the streets for walking their dogs, attacks on police, millions in
property damage due to rioting, and of course, terror attacks. I just watched a video from Italy which showed
migrants destroying an apartment building because the accommodations weren't to their liking. WHY would any
government allow this? I cannot wrap my head around it.

Nissim Levy Chris • Jul 21, 2017 at 19:19

The most accurate answer to your query, I found, is from Prof. Camile Paglia:
"A purely secular culture risks hollowness and, paradoxically, sets itself up for the rise of fundamentalist
movements that ominously promise to purify and discipline"
Barry H Campbell • Jul 21, 2017 at 12:05
As most are aware many of the European countries that welcomed refugees and immigrants into their countries
now witness terrorists returning from fighting for ISIS and enjoying R&R at your expense.
Many of these terrorist fighters receive money from your countries while they wage war & terror in Syria, Iraq
and Afghanistan, etc.
These monies are paid to them at your country's expense in the form of a cheque for social services, welfare
and other socialist programs that were originally intended to assist the needy, not for terrorist Muslims who visit
and live in your countries because your countries are far better than where they were born and/ or live at the
present time.
Your lawmakers, your policy makers and your socialist politicians are the main cause of all the strife in these war
torn countries and now, your countries.
If common sense were used you would fully understand I am correct and you would do something about the
terrible situation "you" and the Muslims are causing for the remainder of the world. Stand up and be counted for
the terrible situations you cause around the world as we attempt to fight Muslims who are insisting they have the
right to change other countries to "their" ways and Sharia Law.
For God's sake or Allah's sake, wise up and get real about "stopping" all of this crap ...... as you are the root
cause of all the trouble and have the power to stop it but at present you and your socialist policies are preventing
positive action.
Mark Hirst • Jul 21, 2017 at 11:50
What is going on with European governments that the truth has to be hidden to protect evil?? How can a police
officer be investigated for inciting racial hatred for simply stating facts. How mad does this madness have to get?
It's a sick, confused state of affairs. Blind politicians giving away everything we've loved and stand for. For what?
Horrible politicians, frightened to stand up for the truth.
Margaret Robinson • Jul 21, 2017 at 11:48
Now provable viable facts are now hate speech.
Bisley • Jul 21, 2017 at 11:36
Sweden has the same problem as most of the formerly civilized world -- a leftist government that refuses to
recognize the reality of anything that might undermine their political dogma. They refuse to admit there is any
problem, or that the problem was created by their policy, and absolutely will not consider the obvious things that
should be done to deal with it. The country will self-destruct unless the public revolts and demands an end to the
Chuck • Jul 21, 2017 at 11:31
Shame on the Swedes just giving up their freedom, their safety, their country, their tax money, and for what
Pat Walker • Jul 21, 2017 at 11:25
All of Europe (and the rest of the world) should well remember that "what goes around comes around".
Mike Briggs • Jul 21, 2017 at 11:14
This is classic Deja Vu! And, Stockholm Syndrome all over again, ... in Stockholm! And, all over Europe;
Western Europe especially! Seriously, Europe needs an 'Intervention'! And it won't come from the US, Australia
or Canada which also seem to be dashing madly like the lemmings we are to jump off the same 400 foot cliff!
Unless, ... the Trump Administration can successfully extricate itself from the stranglehold the MSM/Dem's/Deep
State has on it and succeed against increasingly long odds in doing what we sent them to DC to do ...MAGA?!
That said, Sweden and the others, may already be past the point of no return. Or, unless Eastern Europe, the
former Soviet bloc nations who are sounding the warning bell quite loudly, can outshout the tin ear EU elitists in
Brussels who created this monster in the first place?
This Jihad, this invasion of a people with an ideology that uses the Trojan Horse tactic of the Greeks a million
times more effectively than the original, is on a highly successful campaign of terror and conquest! If it isn't
stopped soon, the result will again be just as bad, and perhaps worse than the first time they took a swing
through the West (also North, South and East!). Referring of course to the 'Dark Ages', which no doubt in my
mind occurred when the, "No stronger retrograde force (that) exists in the world (Islam)." according to Winston
Churchill ('The River Wars' -1898), ruled and then quickly destroyed what had been 'the civilized world'.
Wake up Europe! Wake up Western Civilization! Wake up America ...before this 'deja vu' and 'The Dark Ages,
Act II', again 'invades' a theater near you!
Hans Lembøl • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:58
According to the Swedish government, Sweden is a peaceful idyll. Recently, the goverment announced, that the
number of crimes against persons is at an all-time low, having been reduced by 50.000 per year over the last 10
Even the Nazi minister of propaganda, Dr. Goebbels, couldn't have told a bigger lie.
Of course, a great number of Swedes do not believe such propaganda lies, as they are confronted with the
reality every day. A little glimpse of this reality: An acquaintance who works in a supermarket in a small town,
recently remarked "today was a good day, I was neither beaten or spat on". The asylum-seekers who have been
installed in this little town, virtually plunder the supermarket on a daily basis, refusing to pay for the goods they
carry away, hidden under burkas and under babies in their prams. The daily loss amounts to 29%. The police
has given up a long time ago. And should a Swede dare to tell such a fact publicly, he would risk standing trial
for racism. Just like in Canada and similar countries where islamic multiculturalism has replaced democracy and
rule of law.
Mark • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:48
Sweden is the epitome of PC state, to the point that its leaders would not even condemn the the slicers of their
own necks but would rather in their dying breath, blame the knife manufacturer. If Muslims are responsible the
barbarism being committed across Europe and the world, how can these idiots not come to the conclusion that it
is their religion which is the cause? The atrocities being committed in its name, by its followers from every
Western country, the middle East, Africa and Asia are truly appalling and sickening and yet it is their religion
which connects them. Turkey has now officially refused to teach evolution or science at which contradicts Islam
and at the same time the state is officially teaching Jihad as a school subject.
Bev • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:45
Sweden has lost its mind. What are these people thinking? This is PC taken to the ludicrous level when you
allow known terrorists back in to your country and then suppress any information about them to the local
populace. Soon the migrants and let's call a spade a spade, the Islamists are going to own Sweden.
Michael Waugh • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:43
Sweden has indeed become one of the failed states of Europe, an unfortunate dreg amongst us all. Let the
country remain a lesson to us all. Germany and France is going in the same way.
Bob Blackthorne • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:39
WHY does Sweden ALLOW returning jihadists who went to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS to RETURN TO
SWEDEN? AND HIDE their identities when they return to these used-to-be-quiet neighborhoods? Something IS
deeply SICK with Swedish "government!"
Nick • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:34
A European nightmare! Sweden first, others will follow soon. Trend is established, now it is only time that is in
Mark Anderson • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:30
Absolute insanity. Apart from all the other failures, why is Sweden, or any other nation, accepting returning ISIS
Since ISIS has declared war on the West, anyone who fights for ISIS is a traitor to any western nation in which
they hold citizenship. Why are western nations so eager to accept retiring traitors?
As you headline suggests, Sweden is quick marching along the road to becoming the failed state of
Paul Coey • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:30
Judith, Rakhmat Akilov killed FIVE people in Stockholm: four were murdered at the scene, and one later died
from her injuries.
Regarding the returning IS jihadis, a question: with reference to the link at the foot of this comment, the UN
adopted resolution 2253 (2015) which "urged States to provide full coordination in investigations or proceedings
involving ISIL, Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities." That being the case, how
can the Swedish government LEGALLY hide the identities of some (or any) of these returning terrorists? To my
mind this is utterly illegal, and should have the government held accountable for aiding and abetting terrorists?
Chanah • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:29
Eurabia, here it comes. Notice that one major factor is segregated ethnic groups. While Sweden pretends to be
Uber-liberal, they are only ghetto promoters.
PaulM • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:21
What can any sane, rationale, reasonable human being say about this???? It literally defies any logic, any logic
whatsoever. It defies explanation. It is as if all of the patients in the insane asylum have escaped and have quite
literally taken over the entire country. I can understand the cowardice, and the blatant self serving BS that is
standard operating procedure with all politicians. But what is wrong with the Swedish people? Seriously, this is
very scary, it really is. Historically there are only two avenues left: 1. Islam takes over and subdues all of the
Swedes, as the Koran commands them to do. 2. Anarchy eventually kicks in, if the common folk ever wake up
and get off of their cowardly frightened backsides and stop these lunatics from raping their children and young
women, from killing gays, from beating and robbing the indigenous population. I say "Anarchy" because
obviously it will have to be "every man/woman for themselves", because their Government is literally useless
and will never enforce human rights an right of law for their people.
Mary Houghton • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:17
There could be reports like this broadcast every day in every medium in Sweden and probably nothing will
If, and only if, the citizenry, especially the males, grow a pair and really revolt against this dictatorship of a
government will anything change. How about mass demonstrations outside courts when they try to prosecute
anyone for speaking the truth on social media? That is where muslims are quite clever. They are adept at
knowing the ins and outs of the welfare system and how to get the most from it, and they are exceptionally adept
at demonstrating when they feel even slightly offended or aggrieved. Just look at the 10's of thousands what
demonstrated about the cartoons depicting their prophet! They demonstrate and the government appeases
them. It is way beyond the point where Swedish folks need to rise up and take charge of their own destiny. The
police should start by bringing in the ARMED FORCES to the "no-go" areas and start showing who's the boss.
James E. Horn • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:06
Sweden is failing because the Swedes (there must be something to the phrase: "Dumb Swede") elected horribly
inept leaders. Those "leaders" need to be dethroned immediately.
The Swedes need to look into their own souls to decide whether they want to be annihilated by barbarians or to
revive their own barbarian Viking heritage and drive the Islamofascists out and back to where they came from.
It's one or the other, and no libertarian inbetween.
Roydenoral • Jul 21, 2017 at 10:05
Looks like Sweden is history. It is not difficult to solve this problem, but politicians are obviously not going to do
it. You build a wall and deport everyone who commits a crime. We have a similar problem in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Somali migrants are terrorizing Americans. A Somali police officer (he does have American
citizenship) recently murdered an Australian white woman. Shot her in cold blood. Minnesota is an ultra liberal
state, but at some point I would think Americans would use their second amendment right and just take care of
business. God Bless President Trump.

Nick Roydenoral • Jul 21, 2017 at 19:16

How right you are, Roydenoral!!! God bless Trump and I hope he will have his hands untied soon after this
Russia hoax will prove LS, which it is! Not that I do not believe that Putin tries his best to influence politics in
many countries, so do Americans, by the way, but Putin failed miserably when it came to USA. His vassals could
not change the vote. Trump won although totally unexpectedly for the Dems and for the Russians.
Norma • Jul 21, 2017 at 09:49
I would suggest that the migrants have a direct route to the homes and areas where these so called "tolerant
politicians" live. Things would change very quickly if it was in their own backyard!! Cut off the flow of the money
going to the people bringing them into their land and changing our culture and landscape. We the people are to
sit back and say nothing, as we are the racists? GOD is watching you.
DockyWocky • Jul 21, 2017 at 09:39
As go the Swedes, so goes all of Europe?
Immigration is one thing. Outright invasion is another.
By the looks of things, immigrants that are mostly males of military age can no longer hide under the title of
refugees - its an invasion and they are already reshaping Sweden as an islamic republic.
Time to decide.
Brian O'Reilly • Jul 21, 2017 at 09:27
Sweden has committed cultural and ethnic suicide via it's feminist ideologically inspired political class...spineless
politicians have advocated for the lie of multiculturalism at every turn and even brainwashed their own citizens to
accept this. That is real totalitarian fascism in action!!!
David Cameron • Jul 21, 2017 at 09:14
Compared to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who can't spend enough money and wants to import
hundreds of thousands of Muslims to enrich our diversity, the Swedish Prime Minister is a genius.
Juha Kivela • Jul 21, 2017 at 08:59
Finland is doing everything - even more - to mimic Sweden, so it could also be said that Finland has become as
well a Failed State!
In Finland we do have our own version of Political Police - commonly known as POLPO! - They even created
own department inside POLPO named "Hate Speech Department" where they hired 200 police officers even in
Finland many many more serious crime will not detected because of lack of police officers!
Could you even believe that?! - There is no officially a criteria or law what is "hate speech" but somehow in
Finland (Finnish version of North-Korea) everything silly is possible!
Partly it is made possible because in Finland does not have independent Court of Law! - Finnish Court of Law is
under a some kind of a mafia called DEMLA ry. which is registered association where the most of Finnish
lawyers belong to and they are loyal to this DEMLA ry. (mafia) not for a independent justice, goodness and so
Finland has not only become a Failed State because more than that Finland is one of the most corrupted country
in the World!
Aubrey J. Young • Jul 21, 2017 at 08:48
Well written. I have friends in Britain who claim there is no such thing as "No Go-Zones." The leadership of the
European Union is the problem. Individual nations like Poland must fight back or be a nation in name only and
an lslamic State in substance!"
Jeff Page • Jul 21, 2017 at 08:29
Close to becoming the next Caliphate in Europe, courtesy of the liberal politicians and lefties who don't give a
damn for their own country and people!
pkn • Jul 21, 2017 at 08:22
No one cares. Next year you can report the no-go's are up to 80. No one cares. Why? Because they all realize it
is too late barring backing up the trains again. European self-hate post-WWII is so entrenched that any action
towards anyone is forbidden. Never again, even if it means society collapsing. The Camp of the Saints predicted
as much back in 1973. Europe as we know it will not exist in 30 years. What it will actually become I have no
idea. Good luck.
Robert John Bennett • Jul 21, 2017 at 07:46
Meanwhile, the European Union is trying to force countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Baltic states not simply
to take MORE migrants, but to start taking migrants AT ALL.
What could possibly go wrong?
Shain Lane • Jul 21, 2017 at 07:33
I remember when there was Radio Free Europe to broadcast ideas of the free world into the Soviet Union and its
satellites. Perhaps the time has come for a new radio free Europe to broadcast the truth into European countries
that have been conquered by the progressive left.
Hanna • Jul 21, 2017 at 07:06
This is a sad story, but that is always what happens when people act first and think later. How stupid is it to let in
a country millions of people --- many of them barbarians --- with completely different "habits", and that is putting
it mildly, and, sadly, with zero vetting!!! Unfortunately, it is too late for Sweden, and most probably too late for the
rest of Europe. There is always a price to pay for stupidity. As for those idiots who punish their own citizens for
telling the truth, well, they are idiots and will get zero thanks from the barbarians. Thank you Judith Bergman and
thank you Gatestone.
Stuart West • Jul 21, 2017 at 06:41
............"Look. I've warned you not to mention the iceberg, people will wonder what sort of shipping line we're
running, if you speak again about our course and the iceberg I will have you confined........Now, why has the
band stopped playing? I instructed them to keep playing no matter what.....now get back out there and re-
arrange the deck chairs, while I put on my lifebelt.....remember, say NOTHING....
Jeff Page • Jul 21, 2017 at 06:40
I wonder when the Swedish authorities will begin to learn some lessons? Normally, every time Western
politicians spot something stupid such as allowing terrorists to return to their countries they come up with the
standard response of "lessons will be learnt". They never are, of course, they just blunder from one mistake to
the next. Then when their stupidity is highlighted by a group of concerned citizens or an individual, they spring
into action to shut down any criticism! So much for common sense and a person's democratic right, to demand
that their government do their duty and safeguard the lives of their citizens and not a bunch of foreigners who
want back into the country to once again take advantage of tax payers money via the benefits system! We keep
hearing the excuses of "International law and human rights", but they seem to be only benefiting foreigners at
present and seemingly don't apply to concerned people in Europe. Most of the laws surrounding what is going
on have been devised in the EU Parliament another organisation that works against the citizens of Europe and
in favour of foreigners. We are governed by self-serving lunatics bent on lining their own pockets at the expense
of their own people and countries!
Sweden's government need to get a grip on reality and begin to acknowledge their idiocy in allowing such a
situation to arise. Lofren, is what Muslims call a "useful idiot" he is willingly allowing the gradual takeover of
areas to happen, despite the warnings. Having said that, there are many, more "useful idiots" all over Europe
who think that they are helping refugees when in fact all they are doing is helping an invading army settle, be fed
and housed and spread their hatred and encourage even more division!
Karen Bracken • Jul 21, 2017 at 06:31
Can someone please tell me WHY these governments, including are own, are allowing this? Why are they
allowing the enemy to take over their countries? WHY?

ConcernedCitizen Karen Bracken • Jul 21, 2017 at 19:44

I will tell you why. Optics. The left control the schools and the media and have brainwashed us to look at any
resistance against any type of immigrants as "xenophobic", or "nationalistic" or "racist". The, optics, in the age of
social media and 24x7 news coverage is awful for anyone trying to say enough is enough. You either go along
with the narrative or you are rabidly attacked as a hater. The reality is that the truth requires us to have to accept
that 3rd world cultures are not compatible with ours and that western Judeo-Christian, values are, in fact,
supreme, but that is just not PC to accept or mention. It just looks bad to say this and how it "looks" is all that
matters in the social media age. The west is so open minded, our brains have fallen out!
Albert Reingewirtz • Jul 21, 2017 at 06:29
Bye Bye Scandinavia! You are now paying for Oslo. A little late but it's not over yet. Too late for you to learn
what Israel has divulged to the world about Islamic terror. Your goose is cooked.
Jim Self • Jul 21, 2017 at 06:20
If it isn't happening already, before long we will see normal Swedish citizens coming to the US as refugees
escaping the chaos in their homeland.
Sonja Eeftink • Jul 21, 2017 at 05:48
Ridiculous to call Sweden 'a failed state'. Yes, Sweden has problems with its immigrants, like any country with
many varied ethnic and religious groups. You could as well call the USA a failed state, with its record number of
people in jail, or its record number of gun-killings.
Elliott Friedland • Jul 21, 2017 at 05:39
Fair comment but we do not see any great atrocities from jihadists happening in Sweden like there have been in
the UK and France.
Thomas Hennigan • Jul 21, 2017 at 05:22
Now that ISIS is about to be obliterated in Syria and Iraq, thanks to the serious efforts initiated by Trump, ISIS is
only going to increase its terrorism where it is easier for them, that is, in Sweden and the rest of Europe. There is
going to be a huge surge of "cultural enrichment". The same is happening in France, the UK, and Germany



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