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Put one suitable word in each space : ( 15 p )
It is said that people from Mediterranean countries, (0) on average, live longer (1) ____________ people
from the north of Europe. (2) ____________ a large extent this must be due (3) ____________ their better
diet. Southern Europeans eat healthy foods (4) ____________ as fish and vegetables, and they also eat far
(5) ____________ fatty foods like cakes and hamburgers. The people from southern Italy, whose
(6) ____________expectancy is the longest (7) ____________ all, have traditionally consumed very little
meat. (8) ____________ the past this habit might (9) ____________ been caused (10) ____________
poverty, but (11) ____________ today people from this region eat a lot of fish. There is one surprising thing,
though. In (12) ____________ of their healthy lifestyle, people from southern Europe smoke a lot. In fact,
(13) ____________ many young people have started smoking (14) _______ the governments are quite
worried and are taking measures to (15)________ down on the number of smokers in their countries.
Put one suitable word in each space : (10p )
I walked home the other day instead (0) of taking the bus. It’s only two kilometres but it really wore me
(1)____ . There’s only one conclusion – I’m going to have to cut (2) _______ on eating so many cakes and
pastries and take (3) _______ some kind of exercise. I need to get fit. Actually, I’ve been thinking it
(4) _______ for some time. Every few months I make a decision to join my local fitness club, but then I
think of a good excuse to put it (5) _______ . I want to go and join, but then I come home really tired after
work and I just don’t feel (6) _______ doing it. To be honest, though, the real problem is chocolate. I love it.
I know it’s fattening but I just can’t do (7) _______ it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give it (8) _______ ,
so I guess I’ll just have to put (9) _______ with being unfit unless I actually work (10)_____ in a gym at
least twice a week.
Put one suitable word in each space : (30p)
She’s ……………a lot of pressure at work at the moment.
The Johnsons are very well-………….…..; they have an expensive house in the centre of London.
The teacher refused to put…………….with his behaviour.
Matthew was fined $100 for driving…………..age.
Electric fires give…………..less heat than coal fires.
The meal was delicious, especially the main………………
Overall ………………-being depends on your state of mind.
The boss is smiling. He must be in a good …………today.
He is extremely well-………………….… He would never use any offensive words.
She asked for a second…………….….as the food tasted so good.
Cereals are good because most of them are ………….. in fat.
He couldn’t cope……………the workload so he resigned.
I’m tired of washing by hand. I could…………….with a washing machine.
To keep in good………………….….you should exercise regularly.
In her free time she decided to ………………….up painting as a hobby.
His doctor advised him to cut………….…….sugar from his diet completely.
He decided to go ……….a strict diet for a few days.
None of her clothes fit anymore as she had put……… so much weight.
She has a sweet…………..….; she can’t say no to chocolate cakes.
She goes to the gym twice a week in order to…………………… fit.
He’s a ………….……..potato; he watches TV five hours a day.
Julie looks tired these days. She could do………….... a holiday.
Life ……………….....…is higher today than in the 19th century as nowadays people live longer.
You need a well-balanced diet to …………………….a healthy life.
She looks extremely well …………….her age.
Chris loves pasta. I think he could live ………………spaghetti.
Nature has ……………… life after a long winter.
He cannot keep…………..a healthy weight as he is addicted …………..sweets.
He’s having the ………………….of his life at the party.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronoun or adverb. IF THE PRONOUN CAN BE OMITTED WRITE IT IN
The teacher,………….is interested in finding out more about the case, will make further inquiries.
The teacher ……………pen this is must have forgotten to sign the paper.
The teacher met in the library is our form teacher.
The school subjects in ………………….……we are interested are vocational.
The school subjects ………………………we are interested in are vocational.
The school subjects ………………..…….we love are English and French.
The school ………………….…….we are attending is a famous one.
The school ……………………….representatives have come to the Ministry needs more sponsors.
The school ………………………. I told you about is said to be quite good.
The school ……………..…………we studied is very old.
The school will be renovated very soon, ……………..means next year more students will be able to attend.
I can’t remember the day …………….I first came to this town.
I don’t know the reason ………………….he resigned.
The book the covers of ………..…are beautifully decorated dates back to the Middle Ages.
The book ………………….covers are beautifully decorated dates back to the Middle Ages.
Rephrase using the given word: ( 20 x 2 =40 p )
I couldn't buy the house because I didn’t have enough money. (too)
The house …………………………………………………………..………
The book was so interesting that I couldn't put it down. (an)
Such …………………………………………………………….….…put it down.
The house was too small to live in comfortably. (enough)
The house ……………………………………….……… to live in comfortably.
We can't eat now because there isn't enough time. (too)
There ……………………………………….…………………….eat.
The class was cancelled because there weren't enough students. (so)
There …………………………………………………………….off.
Despite the cold weather, we all went for a walk. (was)
Although …………………………………………….…………went for a walk.
I tried to persuade her. I didn't succeed, however. (couldn’t)
However …………………………………………..………………………do it.
The illegal immigrants gave false names because they didn’t want to be identified. (might)
For …………….........................................................…… the illegal immigrants gave false names.
We expected Larry to accept the job, but he didn't. (was)
Even ……………………………………………..………..………………………..…do it.
I saved some money to buy a motorbike. (could)
I saved some money ……………………………………………a motorbike.
Jane gave up smoking because she wanted to save money. (order )
Jane gave up smoking ………………………………………………………money.
Although she refused to buy a new photocopier, the new manager was still popular. (her)
The new manager was still popular …………………………………………… buy a new photocopier.
That dress is too expensive for me, even though I really like it. ( afford)
Much..................................................................................................... it.
I’ll give only the main details so that you don’t get totally confused. (confusion)
So as………………………………………………………………… I’ll give only the main details.
Bill had a very strong personality and many of us were frightened by him. (was)
So………………………………………………………………… many of us were frightened by him.
The manager’s idea aroused many suspicions. (gave)
The manager’s idea…………………….…………………suspicions.
The witness’s statement caused further confusion. (to)
The witness’s statement………………..………………….confusion.
It doesn’t matter whether they are rich or poor; they still have to obey the law. (or)
Be……………………………………………, they still have to obey the law.
He stepped aside so that she could pass. (for)
He stepped aside…………………………………………………pass.
However hard he might try, he won’t convince her. (might)
Try ………………………………………, he won’t convince her.
Choose the right answer : (8p) Fill in the blanks with one word : ( 15 p)

Complete the rephrased sentences with the given words/phrases :

1. They were there to celebrate their wedding anniversary and her
husband had even booked the afternoon off work so they can be together
just the two of them.
They were there in order to / _________________celebrate their wedding
anniversary and her husband had even booked the afternoon off work
___________________they could be together.

2. It is the ubiquity of these super phones that makes them so pernicious.

-These super phones are so pernicious _____________________/ due to /
___________________/ on account of their ubiquity.
-These super phones are so pernicious _____________/ as they are
-______________________/ As they are ubiquitous, these phones are so

3. He’s present but he’s absent at the same time. He doesn’t seem to pay
attention to anything around him.
-________________/Though / Even though / Whereas he’s present, he is
absent at the same time.
-In spite of / _______________being present, he’s absent at the same
-He’s present; still / ____________/ __________________ / nonetheless /
nevertheless, he is absent at the same time.

4. My wife was getting so annoyed, I knew I had to curb my habit.

-My wife thought it was _________________an annoying habit I knew I
had to curb it.
-My wife thought it was ________________ annoying a habit _________
I knew I had to curb it.
-My habit was _____________annoying for my wife to put up with so I
had to curb it.
-My wife was getting very annoyed; so / ___________________ I had to
curb my habit.

Changing diets

Even in quite traditional societies, ………………(EAT) habits are changing. In the past,
people used to prepare good ………….................…….(SUBSTANCE) meals from fresh
ingredients and what was ……….……… (READY) available in markets, but now having
food at your …………….. (CONVENIENT) is becoming …………………… (INCREASE)
popular. Research shows that eating some types of food too often may cause health problems
so governments and other organisations now offer information about diet and nutrition in the
hope that it will …………………….. (COURAGE) people from eating too much of the
same thing and have a generally more balanced diet. On the other hand, some people argue
that despite the ……………………….. (APPEAR) of many traditional dishes from our
menus, in general our diets are not as …………………… (REPEAT) as they used to be.
There is a much wider ……………………... (CHOOSE) of products available in the
supermarkets and shops than there were 20 years ago.

Elderly people tend to be slightly (FORGET)…………

The doctor warned him to reduce the (TAKE)………... of salt.

Fill in the blanks with the corresponding question tags: (15p)

He’s got blue eyes, ……………………..……..?
He never smokes, ………………………..…....?
That’s your sister, ……………………..………?
That girl is your sister, …………………..…….?
You rarely see him work, ……………….…….?
She hasn’t been herself lately, …………………?
He can hardly breathe, …………………………?
She wrote him a letter, …………………..……..?
You wouldn’t mind helping him,………...…….?
Don’t interrupt me, …………………………....?
Let’s get down to business,…………………....?
Everybody likes him, …………………………?
Those are not your shoes, ……………………..?
Take the dog for a walk, ………………………?
Greg and Miles have to go, ……………………?
Fill in the blanks with a compound of the noun ‘life’ (use each just once) (5p) :
lifelong, lifespan, lifetime, lifelike, lifestyle
- A TV set has an average …………………… of 11 years.
- Regular exercise is part of a healthy ……………………
- David finally achieved his ……………………… ambition.
- The novel offers a …………………… image of the 18th century society.
- This is the chance of a ……………… You shouldn’t miss it.

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