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Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 219 – 224

TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport

Advanced industrial tools of ergonomics based on Industry 4.0

CEIT, n.o., Univerzitná 8413/6, Žilina 01008, Slovakia
University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, Žilina 01026, Slovakia


Over the years approach focusing in ergonomics has changed. We still talk about identification - analysis - elimination of the risks
on the workplaces. But differences are at the possibilities of modern ergonomics, movement of science and technical possibilities.
The options of using a mobile applications, Internet of Things, data gathering and their real time evaluation and their sharing. We
present those solutions that combine traditional knowledge and modern technologies. The results are innovative and advanced
ergonomic tools based on Industry 4.0 concept. Electronic tools are a new direction in ergonomics. With the support of mobile
applications we see a way to create healthy conditions at work for production and also non-production workers, assembly and
logistics. At the beginning of 20-th century, majority of us had no idea what the ergonomics is, how many risks occur during our
job that they are connected with the health of employees and have not known that special methods and tools for their identification,
analysis, evaluation and identification are developed. With the growing development of society we got to stadium when, luckily,
majority of companies ± employers even know the meaning of ergonomics or work risks, about risks at their workplaces and
establish their evaluation and try to eliminate them. We have many methods and tools of modern ergonomics which enable us to
the main problem of these days. It is requisite to realize ergonomic evaluation perfectly, extensively and mainly quickly. Slowness
of some solutions discourages managers and directors and makes effective improving of work conditions impossible. The idea of
mobile application developing which works as a screening tool came with demands from big companies that have dozens of
workplaces and cannot identify work risks by themselves. Ceit ERgonomics Analysis Application, which is described in article, is
output of our own research and development. It is a mobile application developed in CEIT Company in collaboration with the
workers at potentially risky workplaces. It is developed at the base of legislation and technical norms, at our own platform, with
the support of virtual and augmented reality. The main goal of evaluation by the CERAA usage is to find out if the workplace is

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +421-918-826-497.

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport
220 Martina Gašová et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 219 – 224

risky from the ergonomic view. It is an innovative way of applied augmented reality tools during the ergonomic evaluation of
chosen workplaces. Nowadays, the new submodules are being developed. They will identify risks at administrative workplaces,
submodule which will evaluate working with loads and other that will evaluate repetitive operations. CERAA is used in several
industrial companies in Slovakia and Czech Republic from the second half of 2016.
2017TheThe Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Ltd. This
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on
Peer-review modern and safe transport.
responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable,
modern and safe transport
Keywords: Ergonomic ; Industry 4.0 concept ; electronic tools ; virtual and augmented reality ; CERAA

1. Introduction

Along with the development and the application of innovative solutions in production and logistics, interest in
modern tools in the ergonomic area does not abate. Thanks to them, in an effort to fit between companies that set out
to the way Industry 4.0, it is possible to improve working conditions and the quality level of workplaces.

2. Research in ergonomics

engineering with the use of tools of virtual realit\,QODVW\HDU¶VZHKDYHEHHQXVLQJRXURZQPHWKRGLFDODSSURDFK
(algorithm) named CEIT ErgoDesign (published in 5th International Ergonomics Conference - ERGONOMICS 2013,
Croatian Ergonomics Society, Zagreb, Croatia. ISSN 1848-9699) by which we identify and analyze risks of physical
load in praxis. It has been updated and supplemented by new systems of data collection and ways of evaluation. With
operations and other fields at virtual models of workplaces and chosen work operations. These virtual models are
obtained and made by 3D laser scanning and following digitalization. If we speak about our own research, we regard
design of our own systems, connection of tools or their very development. The area of connection the human motion
scanning system during work (Motion Capture, Kinect) with the Tecnomatix software and consecutive linking with
the immersive technology CAVE is worth mentioning. The research in the domain focused on sensory system of data
collection regarding psychophysiological response of load of workers is also running, exactly to monitor physical load
of logistic workers. Substantial lack is absence of possibility to collect and process pressure forces of fingers. The
newest direction of the research is focusing right on the field in question. The tools of digital factory, virtual reality,
augmented reality and sensory systems form the whole concept of the modern ergonomics while we interconnect and
evolve them with the use of specific mobile apps. All solutions have been made with the only one aim. This is the
effective use in praxis to improve ergonomics at workplaces and during working operations. Currently, the whole
research and development in ergonomics turns toward the innovations in logistic activities, because it is a specific
area of ergonomics. [1,2,3]

3. Digitalisation ± new direction in ergonomics

The modern ergonomics is evolving very dynamically. Direction leads ahead in the meaning of fulfilling the actual
needs which arise in industry. One of those needs is also quick evaluation of workplace from the view of ergonomics.
Fulfilment of this need is becoming state of art scientific problem of modern ergonomics.
The interesting and still exceptional solution to this problem is the use of mobile applications for a quick evaluation
of risk factors at workspaces. Speaking about so-called electronical tools ± QRA (quick risk assessment) tools.
With the support of mobile applications we vision the way to help both manufacturing and non-manufacturing
organizations or specialists who utilize this type of evaluation. Looking for solutions with the use of some new and
effective approaches is of the great importance. Making use of ergonomics in organization is not only about showing
activities at the Human Resources department, but, first of all, about looking for and use of new effective tools and
methods. In modern ergonomics, in our midst are used progressive tools from the area of digital factory, virtual or
Martina Gašová et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 219 – 224 221

augmented reality for purpose of quick, effective and efficient implementation of technical norms ISO, European and
our legislation and relevant ergonomic implements and methods. [4,5]

4. Ceit Ergonomics Analysis Application

Ceit Ergonomics Analysis Application ± beneath the title, with the abbreviation CERAA, is hidden mobile
application developed in CEIT a. s. company in collaboration with the Slovak ergonomic association and the
8QLYHUVLW\RIäLOLQD&(5$$LVWKHXVHU-friendly and quick mobile application developed on the base of legislation.
It is dedicated to screening evaluation of spatial conditions and working positions of workers at potentially risky
workspaces. The first version is finalized from the second half of 2016 and used by companies as Lear Corporation
Nemak Slovakia, s.r.o., Premedis s.r.o CZ, Magna Slovteca s.r.o., Eltek s.r.o.. Application has gone through the phase
of professional preparations, practical testing and pilot deployment into praxis directly at some customers. Users are
industrial firms as yet, however, interest is observed also from the side of Health Services, Security Technicians and
technical universities. By the means of this tool we evaluate regular working operations and workspaces at which
worker performs his activities for more than half of working shift. This tool can be used during projecting of new
workplaces and also during proactive ergonomics.
One of the greatest advantages is that user does not need to be expert in ergonomics, basic knowledge from this
field and from detailed workplace designing which customer acquires during training is sufficient. For the effective
usage of the application customer needs a tablet, installed application, marker and completed provided training. In
case of need, the extensive user guide is available. Except Slovak language, language variations in Czech and English
are prepared. The Help in application and also at the website edu4industry is ready for users, where they can address
authors with their remarks and suggestions either technical or expert.
The main goal of evaluation with the use of CERAA is to determine if the workspace is from the view of
ergonomics risky and if detailed evaluation is necessary ± by the second level tools and design of correctional
arrangements, alternatively what health risk threatens workers. It can finally lead to worsen quality of production and
work effectivity, productivity decrease, and so on. Evaluation arises from spatial conditions and working position.
The application is based on the use of virtual and augmented reality items. The core of evaluation results mainly from
legislation and European technical norms.
The first area that application offers is evaluation of working conditions for workers. This evaluation (Fig. 1.)
contents rating of working area during sitting or standing on the base of knowledge from anthropometry. We can find
basic rules stated by legislation there, for example minimal vacant area for legs, defined handling space (space division
for frequent and occasional movements by upper limbs). All this is re-counted and visualized for men as for women
and in both cases for different heights of workers too. The second area is the evaluation of chosen working positions
(fig. 1.). It includes characteristics and criterions intended to determine about admissibility of individual positions
with regards to torso position and positon of head, neck and upper limbs. In order to develop application determined
for effective evaluation, the series of virtual models of humans and elements of working environment has been created.
From those, various alternates are accurately modelled for different workers in regard to working position (sitting,
standing), sex, height and principles of workspace projecting, as to verification of angles of chosen parts of real
workers with the help of augmented reality and for quick comparison with legal regulations and norms. For application
controlling the series of buttons was made and they lead user through the whole evaluation.
Dimensions [mm] of particular body parts, from TNI CEN ISO/TR 7250-2 were as input data inserted to formulas
for working and manipulating level dimensions calculation. Information about needed height of space for lower limbs,
recommended height of seat, height of footstool, minimal space for lower limbs, needful width of space for lower
limbs, optimal height of working area, maximal height of working level, maximal width of working area, optimal
depth of working area, maximal depth of working area and other information about body posture during working
action were computed.
222 Martina Gašová et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 219 – 224

Fig. 1. Evaluation by augmented reality (CERAA ver.1)

5. Evaluation of risks by the use of CERAA

User choses within main menu ± ergonomic workspace, height of working level, reaching zones or working
positions. Choice is more specified on the basis of the sex, height and working position of worker. After input
parameters enter, defined subject displays in the middle of the tablet screen. That object can be manipulated and in
case of need it provides various additional information. They contain description of basic principles about detailed
workplace projecting with regards to legislation.
After opening and launching the application, launching the camera and marker scanning, with the support of tools
for augmented reality in working environment, virtual model of worker will be displayed. This model is intended to
compare virtual and real workspace and consecutive identification of individual risks. It may be considered as an
innovative way of application tools of augmented reality in the course of single workplaces evaluations from the
ergonomic point.
This solution presents an innovative approach to screening evaluation of workplaces and working operations. In
quite short time organizations can confirm ergonomics of their workspaces and subsequently decide about following
steps which need to be realized.

6. Sub-module CERAA

Since the application is built on its own CEIT platform, by now refinements have been elaborated and sub-modules
and new versions too. Except new graphic, new way of reports has been incorporated. After real workspace scanning
with the ideal virtual model, user can send this comparison to mail and so may be supported the databases of risks at
various workspaces.
At the end of year 2016 sub-module for evaluation of administrative workplaces was finalized. After choosing this
sub-module, user will be offered by options to evaluate an administrative workspace entirely (whole test) or to choose
one from eight groups. Altogether test consists of 77 questions that are dedicated to problematics of functional and
dimensional workspace characteristics, working chair, table, keyboard and mouse, monitor, workplace hygiene, mode
Questions are visualized by virtual models (Fig. 2.) for greater clarity and understanding. Answers cumulates and at
the end of every test is a partial evaluation and, of course, at the end of complex test is an complex evaluation from
which user gets knowledge if there is a risk and to what extend (semaphore colors), how many percent of fundamentals
for administrative workspace set workspace keeps and what is the most essential, user can see in report which
fundamentals are not kept and recommendations how to correct them.
Martina Gašová et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 219 – 224 223

Fig. 2. Virtual models ± sub-module for evaluation of administrative workplaces (CERAA ver.1)

7. Application development in year 2017

Further versions are planned in the sphere of manipulation with loads and local muscle load. Of course, these
versions will function as a screening tool. Complex evaluation (tools of the second level) cannot be replaced by any
simple application.
The evaluation of manipulation with load will be prepared on the basis of Orders in Council of Slovak republic n.
281/2006 Collection of law, which evaluates lifting and laying of loads on the basis of sex and age of workers and
working conditions. The vision is to add sub-module for evaluation of intervertebral disc L4/L5 according to NIOSH
study. These evaluations will be developed with the aim to simplify evaluation of loads of logistic workers. Because
it is not possible to use classic systems of physical load evaluation for logistic activities.
Evaluation of local muscle load is realized on the base of electromyography, what is difficult to interconnect with
application. Therefore we decided to evaluate cyclically repetitive operations by the OCRA method which is included
in EN 1005-5. It is the most difficult way of evaluating of cyclically repetitive operations by upper limbs and that is
why it will be necessary to simplify this method for purposes of screening. Generated forces and ways of grip enter
into this process of evaluation. So we decided to interconnect the screening application CERAA with sensory system
of data collection (glove for pressure forces measurement) at the turn of 2017 and 2018, which is being developed in
partnership with the Department of electromagnetic and biomedical engineering of the Faculty of electrical
Long-term vision is to create the complex application that will contain detailed and exact visualization of all
relevant methods of evaluation and legislative regulations used in ergonomics. The application represents an
innovative solution to the scientific problem of requirement of rapid assessment of workplaces in terms of ergonomics.
The main benefits of such solution is possibility to provide fast evaluation at real workplaces based on actual

8. Conclusion - connection of ergonomic tools in the meaning of the Industry 4.0

The new scientific problem accrues even from the requirement for processing the large amounts of data being the
result of individual assessments and analysis. Making inputs and outputs of databases analyses and very risks has a
great meaning for further evaluations. The same as sharing those data within departments and interconnection of
systems of the first and the second level evaluation.
In the future a complex logical system for identification and evaluation of risks related to ergonomics must be made
(Fig. 3.). Tools of the first and the second, maybe also the third level, must be interconnected and the whole system
adjusted by the way that during every change at workplace or working operation, the whole long-lasting evaluation
system will not have to run from all over again, but calculations will be automatically renewed and results will be
generated depending on this change. [6]
Accordingly the whole system should be on-line connected to application visual interface. On this base, involved
workers will be immediately informed about new conditions that appeared and about their influence on operators in
accordance with realized analyses and about pointing on requirements for organizationally-technical changes.
224 Martina Gašová et al. / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 219 – 224

Fig. 3. Connection of ergonomic tools in the meaning of the Industry 4.0 (authors)

And it is well-founded. Operators in production/montage should not be only ones discussed, but also support
actions of production. Those are logistics and other indirect working activities (maintenance or administration). Only
by this way it will be possible, to the future, within constantly rising demands on volume and diversity of products
and services, to ensure adequate working environment and realization of activities in accordance with fundamentals
of ergonomics and productivity. Exactly opportunities of digitalization of all activities and processes, modern sensory
systems and growth of computing power of ICT form all needed assumption of that.


This work was supported by the VEGA agency of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak
Republic contract No. 1/0936/16


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