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Supervisors Project Submission Form


Michael Tso

1 Project Title Statistical Analysis and Models for Big Data

2 Category Statistics

3 Level 3rd / 4th Year

4 Semesters 1st/ 2nd

(length of project)
5 Description The increasing availability of data sampled in real-time has led
to the phenomenon of “big data” and increasing recognition
of “data analytics” as a discipline, crossing the boundary
between statistics and computer science.

There are a number of possible projects involving the analysis

of data arising from current applications, often with interest
emanating from a company with whom we have ongoing
links. These include

Building energy environment sensors

Downscaling of seasonal weather data
In-play dynamic forecasting of football match scores
Vehicle telemetry
Image processing

The project will provide an opportunity for examining an

evolving “big data” area and developing models and
alternative forms of statistical analysis

6 References “Big Data” by Stuart Coles

7 Prerequisite courses None

8 Additional notes Interest in and some familiarity with theory and principles of
statistical analysis required.

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