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Vibration Analysis In

Reciprocating Compressors
Whole-system modeling bests conventional methods

BY VASILLAQ KACANI AND ERNST HUTTAR natural frequencies of the crankshaft with flywheel will be
Introduction performed with a separate 3-D model.
The main dynamic loads on reciprocating compressors
are the shaking forces due to pressure pulsation, inertia Vibration analysis of the complete compressor unit
forces and gas forces, and additional forces due to torsional The compressor unit consists of all in-skid components
vibration of the drivetrain. The shaking forces occur typically such as the compressor manifold, piping system, e-motor/
when there is a change in pipe direction or area at cylinder engine, pipe, base frame, pipe/vessel supports, anti-vibra-
passages, on the ends of the pulsation dampers, elbows, re- tion mounts, etc. The skid is connected on its termination
ducers, orifices, tee pieces and on other pipe components. points to the off-skid piping system. In different regulations
The inertia forces are caused by the oscillating of re- and standards [2] [3] [11] are included recommendations and
ciprocating masses and inertia forces acting through the proposals regarding the scope of supply, limits of the system
crosshead on the structures and on the main bearing of the as well as the exciting loads for the vibration analysis of the
crankshaft. The cylinder gas forces are generated within compressor mechanical model.
the cylinder during the working cycle: suction, compression, For many reciprocating compressor units, such as off-
discharge and expansion. The gas forces are generally the shore applications or compressors mounted on a skid, the
highest and act on cylinder covers and through the crank recommended limits of the system should be extended, at
mechanism. They also act on crosshead guides and on least, up to the base frame-foundation interface. If available,
crankshaft main bearings. These loads lead to vibration of the anti-vibration mounts should be included in the analysis.
the compressor components. Not only the cylinder-gas forces, but also the inertia loads
Modeling has a direct impact on the modal analysis and must be taken into consideration while performing the me-
the calculation of the forced vibration. The modeling criteria chanical response analysis of the reciprocating compressor
and the pre-stressed effects of the structures due to internal systems. The goal of vibration analysis is the determination
pressure, temperature and misalignments during assembly of the dynamic load on all components of the compressor
of the components, are of importance for the calculation of unit and a comparison with the maximum allowable values
natural mechanical frequencies and the system’s response [2] [11]. This requires an accurate modeling of all parts and
under dynamic loads. Moreover, modeling of the structure, adequate definition of the connecting zones (interfaces) be-
modeling of the crank gear, the damping factors and the tween all components involved.
damping ratio of the mechanical structure are decisive for the
dynamic behavior of the drive train and also for the design of Modeling
other mechanical components. The modeling of reciprocating compressors requires much
The influence of inertia and cylinder gas forces, in addition experience and represents a balancing act. On one hand,
to the pulsation shaking forces, are included in the forced- the model should be as simple as possible to reduce calcu-
mechanical-response analysis of the compressor mechani- lation time, and on the other hand, as fine as necessary to
cal model. This requires an adequate finite element model of get the correct technical solutions. Preprocessing is the most
reciprocating compressors, specifically of the crankshaft, the time-consuming step while undertaking vibration analysis.
crankcase, the distance pieces and the pulsation suppres- In this paper, an automatic parametric modeling of the com-
sion devices. For these components, 2-D and 3-D modeling ponents of the reciprocating compressor is shown. The script
is used. This model also enables an undertaking of the later- language APDL (ANSYS Parametric Design Language) [5] is
al dynamic analysis of the crankshaft and the stress evalua- used for modeling of all components. Special interfaces are
tion under torsion and bending [3] [11]. The calculation of the defined to get the dynamic force members on bolts or contact
torsional/lateral vibration mode shapes and the mechanical areas/zones for all connecting parts. Generally, the crank-
case is rarely modeled. The modeling effort for the crank-
Vasillaq Kacani, PhD, is the leading reciprocating compressor de- case may be expensive but it is absolutely necessary for the
velopment engineer at Leobersdorfer Masschinnenfabrik GmbH vibration analysis.
(LMF). Contact him at: Ernst Huttar, PhD, is Using the parametric design language, the modeling ef-
chief technology officer at LMF. Contact him at: fort can be considerably reduced. The correct influence of


n Figure 1. FE-Model of base frame and pedestal: a) onshore ap- n Figure 2. Crankcase, flywheel, crankshaft, main bearing and
plication b) offshore application. distance piece.

cylinder-gas forces and crank-gear-mass forces on vibrations frame, piping and vessel supports. The bolts are modeled with
of the machine can only be achieved by an adequate modeling pretension elements and are connected to the structure via
of the crankcase, crosshead, distance piece, and pulsation- spider with MPC elements [5]. Figure 1 shows the finite ele-
suppression devices. The use of 1-D pipe or beam elements ment model of the base frame, including the pedestal for the
is only admissible for some components such as pipes, tee- reciprocating compressor and e-motor as well as the base
pieces support beams [6]. Crankcase, distance piece, base plates for the vertical separators: a) onshore application, the
frame and pulsation suppression devices should be modeled skid is connected with bolts to the concrete fundament; b) off-
at least with 2-D shell elements. The recommended system shore application, the skid is isolated, supported on anti-vibra-
limits, specified in API 618 [11] need to be expanded with all tion mounts (AVM). The bolts and AVM are part of base frame
components up to the base frame, including, if available, the model. Figure 2 shows the crankcase manifold including the
anti-vibration mounts. crankshaft, flywheel and distance piece. The presented model
The figures in this paper show the finite element models for is also suitable for the dynamic lateral analysis of the crank-
crankcase, crankshaft, flywheel, cylinder, cylinder supports, shaft. For the crankshaft main bearings, spring elements with
piping systems, pulsation suppression device, e-motor, base appropriate stiffness and damping were used.
continued on page 46

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NMFs: Natural Mechanical Frequencies
Number Model a Model b Model c
[-] [Hz] [Hz] [Hz]
1 28.5* 27.7 16.2*
2 29.6 28.2 17.9
3 40.4 29.4 22.1

n Figure 3. a) FEM of compressor unit, b) photograph of the off- 4 59.6 40.4 25.5
shore application with anti-vibrating mounts. 5 63.1 41.9 26.3
6 67.0 43.1 31.0
7 74.8 60.8 34.5
8 84.7 61.1 35.2
9 86.7 63.0 38.0
10 92.7 63.9 39.0
*The Difference Between The NMFs ~75%

n Table 1. Forced mechanical response analysis.

Figure 4b shows the circumferential mode of vibration and
the corresponding natural frequency of a vertical vessel —
n Figure 4. a) Vertical separator D=609 mm, t=15 mm, b) vibra- length L=3000 mm, Diameter OD=609 mm, shell thickness
tion mode, c) frequency ratio f(p)/f0. t=15 mm — depending on the internal pressure. The curve
in Figure 4c represents the ration of the frequency f(p) under
Based on the parametric technique described above, internal pressure p to the frequency f0 at pressure 0. The
Figure 3 shows the finite element model of the two-stage off- difference between the two natural frequencies f(p) and f0 is
shore reciprocating compressor, horizontal arrangement, type up to 25%, and depends on internal pressure.
B154, with a power of 1 MW, 720 rpm, 45 ton (40.8 tonne) Further, the system modeling limits have a major influ-
weight. The finite element model includes all components of ence on the NMFs of compressor units. In Figure 5, three
the compressor unit: crankcase, crankshaft, flywheel, double different models of a compressor unit are shown: a) pulsa-
compartment distance pieces, cylinders, cylinder supports, tion suppression devices and piping system; b) crankcase
e-motor, pulsation suppression devices, coolers, separators, manifold, piping system, cylinder and cylinder support; and
piping system, base frame including pedestal, anti-vibrating c) complete compressor unit including e-motor and base-
mounts and all corresponding supports. frame with anchor bolts on a concrete foundation. Figures
5a and 5b represent a simplified model that is commonly
Modal analysis used to carry out pulsation studies in reciprocating com-
After modeling the compressor, modal analysis was per- pressors. The third model is closer to the real system. This
formed. The effect of pre-load conditions — temperature [7] model must be used for simulation calculation.
[10], internal pressure, and misalignment — on the natu- Table 1 contains the first 10 MNFs, calculated for the
ral mechanical frequencies (NMFs) must be considered. three above models: a, b and c. The differences between
Under pre-stressed conditions the mechanical system is the natural frequencies are more than 100%. The first
stiffer, hence the NMFs are higher. In this paper the influ- model is practically unsuitable for conducting vibration
ence of the internal pressure on the NMFs is investigated. analysis. The model is very simple and is far away from

n Figure 5. Three different models for the same compressor unit: a, b, c and photograph d, onshore application.


n Figure 6. Exciting forces of reciprocating compressor: FCylinder_Gas,axial & FCrank_pin_vertical.
the real system (photograph d). Only the third model coolers, pipe work components such as elbows, tees,
can provide useful results. With this model, both the dy- reducers, safety valves, etc. Figure 6 shows harmonic
namic response analysis and the thermal study can be amplitudes of the cylinder-gas force FGas,axial acting in cyl-
performed immediately one after another. So, quickly inder in the axial direction (cylinder axis), gas and mass
and easily, an optimal solution can be found, as the pipe force Fcrosshead_vertical acting on the crosshead guide in the
thermal-stress analysis is in conflict with the goals of the vertical direction (vertical to cylinder axis), gas and mass
mechanical dynamic design. force FCrank_pin_vertical, FCrank_pin_axial acting on the crank
Next, forced response analysis shall be performed. pin in normal and axial direction. Thus there are four dif-
The exciter forces on the structure are the inertia (mass) ferent dynamic exciter forces for each axis of the recip-
forces, gas (stretching) forces in cylinders as well as the rocating compressor. Further, additional forces resulting
shaking forces on valve passages, cylinder passages, from the torsion should also be considered. The exciter
heads of the pressure pulsation devices, separators, forces must be determined for all operating conditions of
continued on page 48


n Figure 6. Exciting forces of reciprocating compressor continued: FCrosshead_vertical, FCrank_pin_axial.
the reciprocating compressor. For unloaded startup and all specified operating conditions of the reciprocating com-
shutdown, only the mass forces of oscillated and rotated pressor. The last step is the thermal stress analysis, which
parts are acting on the compressor components. can be performed with the same model. The simulation
Figure 7 shows the results of the simulations during the steps — modeling, modal analysis, dynamic analysis, ther-
unloaded startup only under inertia forces. The results are mal analysis — can be repeated until the required specified
for the offshore application shown in Figure 3. Figure 7a criteria are met. During the simulation process, other stan-
shows the dynamic loads on the anti-vibrating mount (AVM) dards, regulations and specifications must be considered
in three directions: axial Fx, vertical Fy and horizontal Fz. [1] [2] [3] [4] [11] [12].
Figure 7b contains the vibration velocity at the inlet pipe,
at cylinder 1, and at cylinder 2. Figure 8 shows the results Torsional vibration
for the onshore application: a) crankcase bolt forces and Reciprocating compressors have an extensive drive-
b) vibration velocities. The investigation can be done for train. There are very complex components such as the

n Figure 7. a) Dynamic
loads on AVM b) vibra-
tion velocities at inlet
pipe, cylinder 1 and cyl-
inder 2 for the offshore
application in Figure 3.

n Figure 8. a) Dynamic
loads on crankcase bolt
b) vibration velocities
at inlet pipe, cylinder 1
and cylinder 2 for the
onshore application in
Figure 5.


crankshaft, flywheel, electric machine, turbine, engine, factor and the corresponding natural torsional frequency
fan, screw compressor, blower, viscus damper, coupling, [14]. For the absolute damping coefficient ka, there are data
gear unit, V-belt, etc. The correct determination of all nec- available only for diesel engines [13] [14]. The absolute
essary data and parameters for the torsional vibration damping factors depends on piston area A, crank radius
analysis (TVA) is very important. This has a very high im- r, and the type of engine represented through coefficient µ
pact on the quality of the calculation, on the reliability and which are included in Equation 4:
the availability of the reciprocating machine train. The main ka = A r µ
parameters of the components are the torsional stiffness, the Where A = Piston Area
damping factors and the excitations. The calculation of stiff- r = Crank Radius
ness of the crankshaft of reciprocating compressors is de- µ = Diesel Engine Type
scribed in detail [8] [9]. Figure 9 shows the finite element (FE) (Equation 4)
model of the crankshaft and flywheel of a four-cylinder, 3
MW horizontal compressor. The calculated first and second The mathematical model of each throw [9] of the crank-
natural torsional frequencies (NTF) are f1=114 and f2=323 shaft of reciprocating compressor is Equation 5.
Hz. The mass moment of inertia J of the crankshaft is ~ 25 For the simulation under resonance conditions, the equa-
kgm². The stiffness C1 and C2 for one or two mass spring tion of motions in [8] and [9] should be extended with the
torsional system for the crankshaft (Figure 9) can be deter- equation for connecting rod and oscillating parts (crosshead,
mined from previously calculated NTFs (f1=114 and f2=323 piston rod and piston). Therefore, the mass, the mass mo-
Hz) and Js based on the corresponding frequency equations ment of inertia and the center of gravity (CG) location of the
Equation 1, Equation 2 and Equation 3 [13]. For two mass connecting rod are required. The equations of motion can be
spring model — with J1=J2=~J/2=12.5 kgm² — the calculat- derived from the kinetic energy of the system. The required
ed torsional stiffness are (from Equation 2 and Equation 3) torques on the shafts of the driven train and the angular ve-
C1=21,138,976 Nm/rad, C2=15,619,613 Nm/rad. locities of each mass can be obtained from the numerical
The relative shaft damping coefficient ki (various cou- solution of differential equations [15]. The torsional vibration
plings or shaft damping) depends on the Lehr’s damping analysis should be performed for all operation cases of the
continued on page 50

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n Figure 9. Crankshaft torsional model.

n Figure 10. Crank gear equation of motion for the throw i: throw angle fi angular velocity fi’.

n Figure 11. a), b) Torque amplitude, c) speed fluctuation of crankshaft throw.

compressor unit including: continuous operation, part loads, this can affect the cylinder PV-Curve and it can influence the
startup, shutdown under loaded and unloaded conditions, power consumption, capacity and the pressure pulsation.
emergency shutdown, etc. Generally, the emergency shut- Since the absolute damping of crank gear has a strong influ-
down represents a critical case. Furthermore, the operation ence on the speed fluctuation, their precise determination is
of the system under resonance condition must be taken into of major importance. The following figures show the simula-
consideration. In this paper, the calculation of speed fluctua- tion results of torsional vibration analysis.
tion of the crankshaft throw, and dynamic torques under the Figure 11a shows the torque amplitude over compres-
resonance conditions — high frequency resonance with up sor speed for three different absolute damping factors ka
to ~15th harmonic — of the reciprocating compressor, is de- of crank gear. Near the resonance, the dynamic torque at
scribed. Near the resonance, high dynamic shaft torques and the crankshaft, as expected, is very high. To show the in-
a high fluctuation of rated speed are expected. This will result fluence of the damping, the calculation was performed for
in higher rod load and crosshead normal force. Furthermore, three different damping coefficients: ka1=0, ka2=5 Nms/rad


and ka3=10 Nms/rad. Damping coefficient ka2 corresponds the NMFs are up to 25% higher compared to the natural
approximately to the above Equation 4 for diesel engines. mechanical frequencies for the unloaded conditions!
Depending on the calculated torque loads, generally a sep- • The forced vibration analysis must be performed, not
aration margin from the critical speed is required. only under the shaking forces and cylinder-gas forces
Figures 11b and 11c show the dynamic torque amplitude as specified in API 618, but also under inertia forces.
and the speed fluctuation versus crankshaft angle at reso- • With the presented FE model (Figure 5c), can be per-
nance conditions for different damping coefficients. formed successively, the forced response mechanical
analysis and the thermal analysis (flexibility analysis) of
Summary the reciprocating compressor systems. An optimal de-
• The finite element model of compressor units should sign of the system can be found quickly and easily (11).
include at least the following components: crankcase, • The presented model allows a lateral dynamic analysis
crankshaft, distance piece, e-motor, pipe work, pressure of the crankshaft under inertia forces, gas forces and
pulsation devices and base frame. A combination of 1-D, forces due to torsion.
2-D and 3-D elements is required to realize a proper • The torsional vibration analysis should be performed
model. The crankcase, the distance piece, the pressure for all operation cases of the compressor unit including:
pulsation devices and the base frame must be modeled continuous operation, part loads, startup, shutdown
with 2-D elements. For some local zones, 3-D elements under loaded and unloaded conditions, emergency
are required. The modeling methods and the scope of shutdown. The calculation must be carried out also
the system should be carefully selected. Depending on for the expected torsional critical speeds (resonance
the scope of the model, the natural frequencies differ condition). At or near the critical speed, the torque am-
from each other up to 100% and sometimes more. plitude and the speed fluctuation are very high. This
• The modal analysis as well as the forced mechanical re- causes higher rod load and crosshead normal force.
sponse analysis must be carried out at pre-stressed con- This can also affect the cylinder PV curve, and so the
dition of the compressor unit. In the pre-stressed state, power consumption, capacity, and the pressure pulsa-
the system is stiffer, and consequently the natural fre- tions of the machine. CT2
quencies are higher. For vessels under internal pressure See references at:


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