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UNLV Professor
Courtney Lipski Dr. Chyllis Scott
Student Name
Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Word Map Activity-
Let’s Investigate the Words
Title Topic Investigating Words
Date June 2018 45 minutes
Grade Level 3rd Grade School Site N/A

Let’s Investigate the Words – Word Maps Lesson

I. State Standards
Nevada Core Standards for Reading
- RF.3.4.c – Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and
understanding, rereading as necessary.
- RI.3.5 - Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks)
to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.

II. Teaching Models

Classroom Discourse
Collaborative Learning – Group discourse and collaboration

III. Objective(s)
RF.3.4.c – Students will be able to use word recognition to identify unfamiliar words
in the text while exploring the meaning and context of each of the words utilizing
word maps.
RI.3.5 – Students will be able to use text features and words to explore online
resources that provide explanation of unfamiliar words to outline in word maps.

Kid Friendly Objective: Students will work in groups to identify unfamiliar words in
the article 6 Cool Robots: These New Droids Could Change Your Life.

IV. Materials/Resources
6 Cool Robots: These New Droids Could Change Your Life – use only robots 1-3
(copies for each student)
Poster board or large paper (11” x 17”)
Technology component: IPAD, computer, etc.

V. Instructional Procedures / Methods:

Introduction Open lesson by stating the kid-friendly objective and introducing the
10 minutes article. Discuss what the word “robot” means by creating a word map on
the board and completing as a whole-group.

Activities and Read the article as a class, allowing students to take turns reading
Learning paragraphs orally.
30 minutes As a class, identify 10-12 words that are unfamiliar or could use further
investigation. Write the words on the board.

Separate students into 5-6 groups (this could be by table number or row)
and assign each group with two words from the list on the board.

Have each group create their own word maps for both assigned words by
using online tools and research. Elements of the word maps may include
some of the following:
• Synonym
• Antonym
• Definition
• Sentence example
• What it means in the article
• Picture
• Part of speech
• Something interesting about the word

Have each group share their word maps with the class.

Closure Write the definition of each of the 10-12 words on an anchor chart or
5 minutes vocabulary wall.

Extension The teacher may ask the students to create their own paragraphs using five
of the vocabulary words identified in the reading.

Contingency In the case of unforeseen circumstances resulting in loss of lesson time,

Plan the teacher may assign only 1 word to each group.

VI. Accommodations/Modifications
Students who need assistance using technology should be paired with students who
are advanced technology users.

VII. Assessment/Evaluation of Learning

Formative Assessment
The use of informal assessment will be used through observation of students’
participation, collaboration, and completion of the word maps.

Summative Assessment
Students may be given a quick test (exit ticket) on vocabulary words.

VIII. Homework Assignment

Students may be asked to create a word map at home using an unfamiliar word from a
story they read for homework.

IX. Post-Lesson Reflection (use this section to critically reflect on the lesson)
a. Strengths, b. Concerns, c. Insights

De Seve, K. (2018, June/July). 6 cool robots: These new droids could change your life. National
Geographic Kids, pp. 20-23.

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