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Estimate of the Situation – Practical Application 1

Specified Mission: You are a SE. On WHO, WHAT, WHEN, Implied Mission: Prevent the EN from
order (O/O) you will destroy the enemy WHERE, & WHY: interfering with the company main effort
on Co Obj A in order to prevent the attack.
enemy from interfering with the company (Your task from Higher’s
M main effort attack.
Co Cmdr’s Endstate:
Order) Be prepared to continue the attack.

Enemy destroyed, Bekal Village secured, Higher commander’s intent Be prepared to support the company main
Mission and forward passage of lines with Echo effort attack by fire.
Company complete.
Be prepared to repel enemy reinforcements
approaching through the town of Bekal.

SALUTE: There is an enemy platoon CMP/DIST/STR: SALUTE The enemy squad has been reinforced with a
reinforced in three squad battle positions machine gun team and will utilize its LP/OP
defending the town of Bekal. They are CAP/LIM: DRAW-D (EN on hill 183) for early warning. The
preparing defensive positions in order to enemy does not have any patrols out and is
block our offensive toward the northwest. Based on your estimate of relying on the LP/OP for security.
They are armed with Soviet Block small the situation (METT-T), The enemy has oriented his fighting positions
arms, Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs), determine your enemy’s: including a machine gun team NE on the
light and medium machine guns and CG, CV, and EMPCOA (see main avenue of approach.
have limited indirect fire capability from below) The enemy is well prepared to stay and fight,
82mm mortars. The en is wearing but is stretched out over 3 KM. The
woodland pattern utility uniforms. supplementary fighting positions built on the
Yesterday Scout/Sniper teams identified two flanks are likely intended for the least
E an en sqd (+) establishing a deliberate
defensive BP on the forward military
engaged squad to displace into from the far
side of the platoon BP. On contact, the
crest of hill 207 (Co Obj A). The defense enemy will defend, call for reinforcements
Enemy appears to have been improved for and then displace the least engaged unit into
several days already since they have those supplementary positions.
triple strand concertina wire obstacles,
sand bags, hardening materials, and
supplementary fighting positions built on
flanks. The Scout/Sniper teams also
identified an en FTm (+) LP/OP on hill
183. The FTm (+) was dug in and had a
radio. No en patrols were sighted.
DRAW-D: The platoon reinforced is
capable of defending when engaged and
is also capable of bring up
reinforcements in 3 hours.
Estimate of the Situation – Practical Application 1
Bekal Village is uninhabited as the OKOCA-W (Obstacles, Obstacles: Enemy obstacle belts in front of
majority of the locals joined the tide of Key Terrain, Observation, the BPs.
refugees when the violence began three Cover & Concealment,
weeks ago. The village is mainly Avenues of Approach, and Key Terrain: Hill 183 will serve as an
comprised of one story brick and adobe Weather) excellent support by fire position, but must
houses that now serve as a weapons and be seized from the en LP/OP.
supply cache for enemy forces operating
in this area. The terrain is comprised of Observation: Visibility from Higher’s Order.
dry plains along with hills that rise
steadily into the piedmont of the Halsob Cover and Concealment: Good
Mountain range 30km to the Northwest. concealment in the dense vegetation and
The vegetation is made up of primarily good cover when hills are between enemy
grassy plains (that turn dusty after the and friendly. Vegetation west of hill 165 and
summer’s heat) with low scrub brush and 183 will provide good concealment during
T hardy forests with evergreen and approach. The dense vegetation south of Co
hardwood trees. Visibility in the AO is Obj A will provide concealment for our
approximately 1000m from the hilltops, movement into the Plt Aslt POS. (MAP
Terrain and
300m from the low lands, and not more RECON)
Weather than 100m in the forested areas. BN
Scout/ Snipers have identified that hill Avenues of Approach: Rt Gold is a good
154 provides better than 2000m visibility avenue of approach to the Obj as it is the
West down the MSR. most direct from our position. The enemy
will focus down that avenue and thus allow us
to move around to his western flank

Weather: The sunny skies and light breeze

will not hide our movement or noise like
wind, low visibility and rain would but will
allow the enemy to further prepare his
positions and stay alert.
Estimate of the Situation – Practical Application 1

Three squads in the platoon. Your unit’s task We can request fires primarily from 81s but
One medium machine gun squad. Two organization can also request artillery and 60s until
SMAW teams. company objective A is secure.
Attachments identified in
Platoon has priority of 81mm mortars higher order Our platoon will likely need resupply after the
until Co Objective A is secure. attack and Company Objective A is secure.
Supporting identified in
T The Company has priority of Artillery, but
we are second in the company for
higher order

artillery. Logistics
Troops and
Fire The Company 60mm Mortars are in GS of
Support the company but we are third in the
Available company for 60s.

2 day of supply (DOS) for ammo, chow,


3 sets flex cuffs and 3 pole–less litter per


It is now 0730, so we have 8 hours to How much time will you Dismounted infantry can move about
prep and cross the LD by the Time of have? 2km/hour over cross-country unopposed so it
Attack at 1530. will take about an hour and a half for us to
How long will it take your move from the LD to the Co Obj A. (MAP
The EN has had several days and 24 unit to get where you have RECON)
T hours since they were observed to go or do what you need
yesterday and will have at least 8 more to do? The EN will have had several days and about
hours before we load the Ass Pos. 10 hours to prepare before we reach the
Time How much time will the objective.
enemy have had by the
time you get there or he
gets here?
Estimate of the Situation – Practical Application 1
Your estimate of the situation above allows you to determine your EMPCOA, EN CG, and EN CV. These have been done for you
- Use the EMPCOA to develop your own scheme of maneuver.
- Use the CG to find the CV and then determine how to exploit that CV.
Based on your estimate of the situation you EMPCOA: I believe our enemy squad has placed his machine gun on
EMPCOA determine the details of what you think the a PDF down the MSR. Since he has an LP/OP out, I believe the
enemy will do. Includes assessment of enemy will not conduct any patrols. I do not believe the enemy will
what DRAW-D he will do and all other have any forces in the supplementary positions adjacent to our
Enemy Most assumptions you have about him. objective or be able to shift forces into those positions based on the
Probable Course EMPCOA is critical to developing your own company’s SOM.
of Action scheme of maneuver— to counter what the
enemy will do.

Those factors critical to the enemy that he CG: Enemy’s CG is his well prepared and hardened defensive
CG cannot do without, which, if eliminated will positions.
bend him most quickly to our will. The
enemy’s key strength is usually a thing,
Center of Gravity
unit, or capability.

A vulnerability that, if exploited, will do the CV: The enemy’s critical vulnerability his exposed right (western)
CV most significant damage to the
enemy's ability to resist us. His key

weakness that provides me with a pathway

Critical to attack his Center of Gravity.

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