Petik Laut Ceremony

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Petik laut ceremony

Petik laut ceremony is an annual ceremony which is held by the Situbondo fisherman as a
thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bless and kindness from the harvest sea times and safety
during fishing time regarding the storm and blizzard.

This ritual is always being attended by thousand fisherman groups, especially from Panarukan.
The ceremony itself is nowadays become more modern, starring by artists, traditional
performances, music performances, Dangdut orchestra and Gandrung Banyuwangi. There is also
“Pengajian” competion, games and sort of.

The main ritual from “Petik Laut” Ceremony is floating the ‘Sesaji’ in the middle of the sea,
‘Sesaji’ is the things to be dedicated to the God, it is contain of foods, rice, spices, but the most
important is Cow’s head. The ‘sesaji’ boat, is already been prayed of before floated in the middle
of the sea. This ceremony is a kind of cultural and national heritage, but the things done by the
local society, including the fund. The local inhabitants are also the contributors for this
ceremony. The inhabitants believe by doing this ceremonial will save the fisherman while they
Monday, March 15, 2010
Kasada Ceremony: Tenggerese Thanksgiving

Bromo has a remarkable natural panorama. It will never run out of our admiration by the
beautiful natural scenery. Mount Bromo derived from Sanskrit, meaning god Brahma, or a
major, Mount Bromo is a mountain that is still active and the object of the most famous tourism
in East Java. Bromo mountain has a height 2400 meters above sea level.

In addition Tenggerese also has appeal because of their remarkable is clinging to the customs
and culture that guide his life. Tenggerese supposedly are the descendants of Roro Anteng
(daughter of the King of Majapahit) and Joko Seger (son of Brahmana).

Since the time of Majapahit was said that they inhabited areas are sacred places, because they are
considered servants of Majapahit Kingdom. Until now, they still adhered to Hindu religion, the
Tengger people annually yadnya KASADA ceremony. The ceremony is located in a temple
which is under the foot of Mount Bromo. And after that proceed to the top of Mount Bromo.
Ceremony performed at midnight until the early hours every full moon in the month of Javanese
calendar according Kasodo.

Origin legends KASADA Ceremony

According to the story, the origin of the ceremony occurred KASADA few centuries ago. In
Brawijaya Dynasty reign of Majapahit Kingdom. The empress was blessed with a daughter
named Roro anteng, after the late princess had grown a young couple from brahma caste named
Joko Seger.

At the time of Majapahit into decline and simultaneously began the spread of Islam in Java,
some mandarins and some relatives decided to move to the east, and partially towards the
Tengger Mountains region including Rara anteng couples and Jaka Seger.

Couple Rara anteng and Jaka Seger build settlements and then ruled the region called the
Tengger Purbowasesa kurat Ing Tengger, meaning "Lord of the Tengger Budiman". The name is
taken from the final perch syllables anteng Rara name and Jaka Seger.

The word also means tenggering perched nobility or high moral recognition, symbol of eternal
peace. From time to time the Tengger people prosperous and peaceful life, but the authorities did
not feel happy, because after a while the couple and Jake Rara Tengger anteng berumahtangga
not also blessed with offspring. Then was decided to ascend to the top of Mount Bromo to
meditate with full faith in the Almighty so blessed with offspring.

Suddenly there are voices saying that magic meditation, they will be granted but on condition
that when you've got offspring, the youngest child to be sacrificed to the crater of Mount Bromo.
Couple Roro and Jaka Seger anteng menyanggupinya and then acquired 25 sons and daughters,
but the instincts of parents still can not bear losing her son and daughter. Short Rara couples and
Jaka Seger anteng broken a promise, God became angry with threatening to inflict evil, then
there becomes a state tempests dark crater of Mount Bromo flames.

Kesuma youngest son disappeared from sight and fire licked into the crater Bromo, the same loss
of voice Kesuma Unseen: "Dearly beloved, I have been sacrificed by our parents and Hyang
Widi save you all. Live a peaceful and serene, Hyang Widi worship. I remind you that you each
month KASADA on the 14th day of the offerings made to Hyang Widi in the crater of Mount
Bromo ".

This habit hereditary followed by Tengger people and each year a ceremony was held at the
potential KASADA ocean of sand and crater of Mount Bromo.

Only In Indonesia

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