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6/4/2018 how can we calculate the cutting length of 10,12,16,20 and so on iron bar

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how can we calculate the cutting length of 10,12,16,20 and

so on iron bars for 45 digree and 90 digree bents plz tell
me if there is any formula or tabel to find it

Question Posted / Tearsof_kjsk

 13 Answers


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Answer (/Viewpost/213986/Example-If-Steel-Take-1-0-Meter-Cutting-Length-Density-Weight-Volume-7850kg-M3-A.Html) / 03265523

for example if any steel take 1.0 meter cutting length

density= weight / volume

density of steel is 7850kg/m3

volume of steel = areaX length=3.14xD2/4*1.0
weight of steel for 1m is= density X volume
= 3.14D2x1000*7850/1000*1000*1000
=D2/162 (square of D/162)
where D is the dia of bar in mm
for 45degrres =cutting length-1 * dia of bar* no of bends
for 90 degrees= cutting length-2 * dia of bar*no of bends

Is This Answer Correct ? 237 Yes 50 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/368631/45-Degree-Cut-Lenth-Total-1dia-Bar-No-Bends-90-2dia-Pf-Civil-Enginering-Related-.Html) / Sumit (/Users/82153)

For 45 degree
Cut lenth is = Total lenth - 1*dia of bar* No. of bends

For 90 degree
Cut lenth is = Total lenth - 2*Dia pf bar* No.of.bends

For any civil enginering related question Contect me by

mail ID

Is This Answer Correct ? 65 Yes 17 No submit 1/4
6/4/2018 how can we calculate the cutting length of 10,12,16,20 and so on iron bar

Answer (/Viewpost/396203/Calculation-Cutting-Length-Deductions-90-Degree-Bend-Total-2-Dia-Bar-Upto-20-3di.Html) / Bikash Bhowmick

for calculation of cutting length deductions for 90 degree bend is......cutting length= total length- 2* dia of bar(upto 20) and 3*dia of bar when bar dia 25 and

Is This Answer Correct ? 39 Yes 9 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/214419/Not-Understanding-Deduct-One-Dia-Both-45-Degree-90-Degeree-Their-Other-Formula.Html) / Dharvinder Singh

it is not understanding that we have to deduct one dia for

both 45 degree & 90 degeree . their should be an other

Is This Answer Correct ? 56 Yes 30 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/233339/Answer-Posted-Some-Reference-From-Code-Justified-Refered-2502-Bs-4466-Deductions.Html) / Prabhu

The answer posted should some reference from any of IS code.

It has to be justified.
As i refered code IS 2502 BS 4466 the deductions followed are
0 for 45 bends
d<= 16 dia for 90 bends
2d>=20 dia for 90 bends

Is This Answer Correct ? 36 Yes 13 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/239747/Formula-Finding-Out-Extra-Length-Required-One-Bent-E-0-42d-D-Effective-Depth-Mem.Html) / Pranjal Bokare

there is a formula for finding out the extra length

required for one bent. i.e. 0.42d where d is the effective
depth of the member.

Is This Answer Correct ? 18 Yes 9 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/437669/Best-Way-Find-Out-Cutting-Length-Bar-1-Check-Dia-Bend-Specification-2-Follow-For.Html) / Abhay

The best way to find out the cutting length of bar:

1 Check dia of bend of bar given in specification.
2.follow the formula given in BS 8666:2005 ir IS 2502-1963

this is best
good luck!

Is This Answer Correct ? 11 Yes 3 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/329487/1-For-90-Degree-Bend-3-4of-D-Ddepth-Structure-2-45-Use-Pythagars-Theorm.Html) / Deepak

1)for 90 degree bend 3/4of D

D=depth of the structure

2) for 45 degree use pythagars theorm 2/4
6/4/2018 how can we calculate the cutting length of 10,12,16,20 and so on iron bar
Is This Answer Correct ? 12 Yes 9 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/457961/Total-Length-2-Elongation-Dia-Of-Barno-Of-Bend.Html) / Arun

Total Length-2(Elongation)*Dia of Bar*No of Bend

Is This Answer Correct ? 4 Yes 1 No submit

Answer (/Viewpost/309233/Calculate-Bending-Deduction-Formula-Given-Below-Bend-1-25dia-Steelno.Html) / Muhammad Abdullah

To calculate the bending Deduction formula given Below.

Bend Deduction = 1.25*Dia of Steel*No of Bend

Is This Answer Correct ? 13 Yes 11 No submit

1 (/showanswers/101407/calculate-cutting-length-10-12-16-20-iron-bars-45-digree-90-bents-if-formula-tab.html)

2 (/showanswers/101407-2/calculate-cutting-length-10-12-16-20-iron-bars-45-digree-90-bents-if-formula-tab.html)

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Steel Cutting Length Formula Calculation Steel

Cutting Length of Bar Bend Deduction in Reinforcement Steel

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