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tSA Transactums, Vol 36. No. [. pp. 21-28.

L 1997 ~SA. Pur~iistEedby EEsev]er Science IAd
Printed in The Netherlands
ELSEVIER 00t9-0578/97 $~7.0{~ + 0.(~

PLC or DCS: selection and trends

Joseph La Fauci
Central Enginee,'ing, Merck & Co.. One Merck Drire. PO Box 190, Whitehouse Sin.. NJ 08889. USA


The PLC versus DCS argument has been around f~r quite a while. Some time ago, PLCs took on powerful, robust, third
party, PC-based graphical operator interface packages known as SCADA. This expanded Man Machine lnterface propelled
the PLCs into areas where they could successfully compete with DCSs for simihr control applications. Since then,
automation engineers have struggled with a set of guidelines for using PLCs versus DCSs in batc~ operations and other
applications. There is no clear answer to this issue. There are, however, decision tools, such as Kepner-Tregoe ( K - T ) that
can be applied by engineers as a structured approach to decision analysis and system selection. Involveme~t in other factors,
such as business environment, pressure to reduce project cost, validation or predicting new technology direction, all play a
critical role for engineers in choosing between a PLC or DCS based control system. © 1997 ISA. Published by Elsevier
Science Ltd.

Keywords: PLC; DCS; Programmable logic conuoi~er; Distributed control system

1. Genesis of PLC / DCS ductions in both cost and cycle time. PLCs have
dramatically evolved since their inception and have
In the beginning, there was the microprocessor. greater functionality and application. Advances in
This small chip, with its integrated functionality, laid operator interface software have provided engineers
the technological foundation for the birth of PLC and with a user friendly environment and a configurable
DCS. The first PLC application was in the automo- windGw into all process control applications.
bile industry in 19'70. Necessity to satisfy application The DCS was introduced in the mid 1970s and
requirements, as requested by General Motors, be- revolutionized the process control industry. The DCS
came the mother of invention for the PLC in discrete was the first practical and comprehensive replace-
manufacturing. The PLC was first used commer- ment |br large and bulky hard-wired custom control
cially in machine control applications for metal cut- panels. At that time, DCS control philosophy was
ting, hole drilling, material handling, assembly and centralized and liability was minimized through dis-
testing for GM's Hydramatic Model 400 automatic tribution over the entire control system. It offered for
transmission [I ]. the first time, the ability for all engineering disci-
The PLC replaced hard-wired electromechanical plines to program a process control computer through
relays and provided greater flexibility by eliminating configurable software without necessarily requiring
the necessity of reworking hard-wired panels to ac- high level programming skills. DCS provided the
commodate piocess and application changes. The user with larger boundaries on fle×ioility, speed of
PLC allowed engineers to make faster and easier control, security, manufacturing consistencies and
production changes that translated into dramatic re- reliability than ever before.

22 PLC or DCS: J. La Fauci

2. Business issues stability of the company. A company financial report

should summarize items such as; business history,
Since early schooling, engineers have been trained sales, net worth, current assets, current liabilities, net
to approach problem solving using logical and ana- income, gross profits, operating expenses and out-
lytical methodologies. Engineers are good at fully standing lawsuits, if any, just to name a few. Fully
understanding control system application require- knowing the financial strength of a company before
ments and matching those applications with current entering into contractual agreement will help to en-
technical solutions. What is seldom considered by sure project cost control. Proper technical and com-
engineers during control system selection is higher mercial planning will help to achieve overall success
level business issues. and maximize synergy, along with a full understand-
Engineers should be encouraged to understand ing and alignment of corporate, divisional and de-
better the business objectives of their corporations. If partmental business goals and objectives.
asked, many engineers would not know the business
goals or mission statement of their corporations and
how corporate business direction may affect control 3. Selection analysis
system selection. Control system selection should
include an understanding of the company's core Generally in-process control, the procurement of a
business and the business environment that may exist control system is the largest single expenditure au-
as a part of, or in support of, the core business. For tomation engineers are faced with. The control sys-
instance, the pharmaceutical industry can be broken tem, in most cases, is the brain and nervous system
up into five basic application groups: bulk chemicals, of a production facility. The purpose of the control
finishing, bio-tech, pilot plant and utilities. Each system is to supervise, control, monitor, schedule,
application group partly requires a unique set of document and record process parameters that are
functional and process control requirements. The vital to production. Since automation is critical to
construction requirements for bulk chemical lhcilities manufacturing, selection of a control system, by
are such that a very high percentage of equipment definition, is equally important. Trying to decide
installation and piping is field-assembled, and the between control systems with similar functionality
number of packaged equipment supplied by an Orig- can be very subjective, confusing and time consum-
inal Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is small. In ing. it is lbr this reason that a structured analytical
contrast, construction requiremeats for pharmaceuti- approach in the decision making process be put in
cal finishing facilities are quite different with a place~. K - T [2] offers the tool that engineers can
heavy dependence on OEM supplied equipment with utilizt,: as a guide to structured analysis. K-T has
imbedded PLC automation. This difference may im- classified three areas of analysis: Problem Analysis,
pact PLC/DCS control philosophy and selection. Decision Analysis and Potential Problem Analysis.
Similar differences can be d,.awn between bio-tech The chart shown in Fig. 1 details the major steps in
and utilities. Understanding the needs and differ- all thi'~eecategories.
ences of these five basic application groups and First list the objectives for which a decision is
applying the optimum control system solution will required. Objectives can be broad based but specific
place the company in a better position to be more enough to allow focused analysis. Objectives are
competitive. then divided into two categories: Musts and Wants.
A financial analysis should be one of the first The Must objectiveg are mandatory requirements
steps in the control system evaluation process. This and functions that must be a part of the control
may include early agreement of contractual terms system under consideration. If for any reason the
and conditions as well as a non-disclosure agree- control system does not fulfill the Must criteria~ it
ment. Other financial considerations may include drops out of the analysis. All other objectives are
requesting a financial report on the control system classified as Wants. The functions of these two
manufacturer or system integrator that will be per- objectives can be looked at as, "The Must decides
forming the work in order to determine the financial who gets to play in the game, but the Wants decide
PLC or D(S: J. La Fauci 23

plant and utilities may all have different criteria.

DCS has traditionally dominated in large bulk chem-
Pro~ ical batch manufacturing and utilities as compared Lo
the domination of PLCs in stand-alone finishing
applications supplied by OEMs, on packaged equip-
ment for pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. Pi-
lot plant and small utilities may favor PLCs due to
lower cost, and for bio-tech either PLC or DCS can
As~ss P . ~
Ma~c~ be used. The following is a listing of typical cEteria
P m O ~ that may be considered in PLC/DCS selection:
* Cost of hardware, software, integration, engineer-
ing, design, installation, star:-up and commission-
ing. validation documentation and execution,
TaMP m ~ m ~
training, spare parts, maintenance, system service
contract and system life cycle
- Reliability, flexibility, maintainability, expend-
Fig. I. Problem solving and decision making. Copyright 1996 ability, modularity, scalebility and ability to vali-
Kepner-TregoeInc. All fights reserved.Reprintedby permission. date
o Ease of data base configuration, graphic develop-
ment, interlocks, recipe management and multi-
product batch sequencing
who wins". Understanding and establishing objec- . Integration of high level applications (see Fig. 2)
tives early will provide the road map for a succes~fful such as vision systems, AGVs, LIMS, MRPII,
decision analysis. MES, OEM equipment and integration of plant
Once the W a n t objectives have been defined, a floor smart field instrumentation
weight is assigned to each with respect to its relative - Control philosophy for centralized verst~,s remote
importance. The most important objective is given a operator consoles or a combination of both
weight of 10, all other objectives are weighted in - Field control strategy for centralized versus re-
comparison with the first, from 10 down to 1. All mote 1 / 0
W a n t objectives are evaluated and scored for degree - System size, available space, support utilities and
of compliance, on a scale from 1 to 10. The weighted retrofit considerations
W a n t objectives are then multiplied by the score to
result in a weighted score. Selection is awarded to
the control system with the highest total weighted
score. This structured analytical process for control
system selection, is efficient, less subjective and
quantifiable. Engineers can use these tools easily to
quantify and justify both technical and commercial
selection of P L C / D C S control systems.

4. Selection criteria

Choosing criteria for control system selection will

vary and may be largely dependent on cost, applica-
tion requirements, industry segment and the user.
Control system solutions for such pharmaceutical
areas as bulk chemicals, finishing, bio-tech, pilot Fig. 2. PLC/DCS applications.
24 PLC or DCS: J. I_z~Fauci

- System documentation and ease of validation 1970'S - DIVERGENT FUNCTIONALITY

• System technical support by in-house personnel,

DCS supplier or system integrator
• Compliance with industry batch standards such as
ISA SP-88 and new emerging field communica- F t ~vss I t
tion protocol standards Discret~ Can~ral Proocra e~trol
Applications Applicsuom
Selection criteria may also be non-technical. The
engineer should include the human factor when ap-
propriate. A good example is retrofitting a mostly 1980'S - COMMON FUNCTIQNALITY

pneumatically operated facility with a PLC or DCS

control system in one transition. Such a dramatic
step change may cause a degree of technical shock to
operating personnel and may delay project comple-
Disc-to Control Ptoe.css Control
tion. Additional planning, training and resources may Applications AppfiC.ations
be required to facilitate such a major transition.
An accurate and complete identification of criteria
for a control system under consideration will serve 1990'S - OVERLAPPING FI~,~.ONALITY
as a solid basis for the best fit in the selection
Disea~ CQn~a~l P~ Control
Applicalaoas Applieattogs
5. DCS/PLC comparative issues

Comparing the differences between the functions Y E A R 2000- CO .NVERGE .NT. FUNCTIONALITY

of PLC and DCS tbr purposes of selection has

become more difficult for engineers today. There no
longer exists a clear black and white difference in
application and functionality that was so evident in
Disactc Control Proccss Control
the 1970s. PLCs over the past two decades have Applications Applicaticas
entered applications that were traditionally in the
Fig. 3. P L C / D C S evolution.
DCS domain. This trend continued into the 1980s
and 1990s and has, to some degree, polarized control
engineers to voice strong preferences in favor of
application solutions using PLCs, DCSs or a hybrid for large applications, costing the same as today's
of both in certain applications. The continued en- PLC-based control systems (see Fig. 3).
croachment of PLCs into the DCS domain has con- Comparing and choosing between PLC and DCS
sistently increased from sharing limited common based control systems can sometimes be quite diffi-
functionality in the 1980s to major overlapping of cult, tedious and somewhat subjective, depending on
functions in the 1990s. The DCS has also taken the application and :.he user's technical background
advantage of new technology to improve its perfor- as well as work experience. The debate between
mance to handle discrete signals. Some DCSs have which system is a better choice when it comes to
incorporated functionality such as relay ladder logic, application, cost and performance, will be decided
function block and structured text programming that only by the user in his final selection. The intention
were traditionally found in PLCs. By the year 2000, of the following common system issues, is to high-
expect to see a functional convergence of the two light differences most often encountered in the selec-
systems into one unified PLC/DCS control system tion process.
P L C ~r DCS: J. Lu t"am'i 25

Cost. Initial hardware and software costs, in al- ration wilt require additional software programming.
most all cases, are less fbr PLCs than DCSs. How- OEM proprietary and warranty issues wilt surface if
ever, in a large system that requires hea~'y integra- the user chooses to tie OEM PLC a n d / o r field
tion and custom coding, PLC software cost may be devices directly to the DCS. with the intention of
higher and will cancel any cost savings that may sequencing OEM equipment in the DCS as one
have been realized initially. It is essential for this unified control system. In eifl~er case be aware thai a
reason to define accurately and completely all sys- significant amount of OEM coordination will too:
tem functions and needs in the form of a user's certainly be required to achieve plant-wide imegra-
requirement document and carefully evaluate com- tion.
pliance of control system proposals accordingly. Data base. DCSs provide tightly coupled hard-
Batch sequencing. In large processes that require ware and software. They also offer a single, unified,
production of multiple products a n d / o r batches, in- system-wide global data base and superior peer to
cluding recipe management, the DCS outperforms peer communication. Seamless system data manage-
the PLC. However, in small, dedicated batch produc- ment provides easy data exchange and access to
tion with limited recipes, where batch management is operating and system parameters. System expansions
not critical, PLCs are a cost-effective and practical and modifications can be easily made. PLCs by
solution [3]. Compliance with industry, batch stan- virtue of their configuration require a third party,
dards, such as |SA SP-88, will also be important in PC-based software package to provide the user with
most batch applications. a working operator interface. This introduces multi-
Securio,. DCS networks are designed to offer high ple data bases in order to provide SCADA function-
availability and full redundancy in all system compo- ality similar to a DCS. System modifications may
nents, with no single point of failure. Tight coupling require making changes to both PLC and SCADA
between operator interface, controllers and system software. Change control and management of multi-
software allows greater security and assurance that ple data bases are less desirable for the user.
all components will work well together. Not all Service support. DCS offers a single-source, sys-
levels of PLCs can offer the same system-wide tem-wide support through available service contracts
redundancy, and similar DCS features must be de- with dedicated field service personnel. They can
signed imo the PLCs by the user. provide a consistent 7-day. 24-hour service with
Reliability. Historically, reliability for both PLCs response times as low as 4 hours, in contrast. PLC
and DCSs has a solid track record and is rated equal. and SCADA manufacturers generally do not provide
Diagnostics. Certain PLCs and DCSs can be con- total system service, especially when a facility uses
sidered almost equal in diagnostics. However, DCSs different PLC and SCADA manufacturers. The user
can handle system diagnostics more easily. Both can must support the system himself or find a qualified
go down to reading diagnostics at a point level as system integrator to provide similar consistent ser-
well as health of hiway, 1 / O cards and CPU loading. vice and support.
Since system reliability is very high for both PLC Training. Combined PLC and SCADA training,
and DCS, this may not be a major consideration. in most cases, is less both in cost and time than for
OEM integration. The PLC is predominantly used its DCS counterpart. Overall. training does not ap-
as embedded automation by OEMs because of its pear to be a heavily weighted factor in the selection
ideal application and low hardware cost. Most small of the PLC or DCS based control system since the
machine operations can not suppom~ an expensive difference in cost and time is small relative to the
DCS solution. The choice of using a PLC-based cost of the control system.
control system is clear when integrating multiple Technically soeaking. PLCs can do everything
OEM pieces of automated equipment. Integrating that DCSs can do. what the user must decide is
multiple OEM PLCs using third party PC-based "'how well" and "'how easy" and "'how cost-effec-
SCADA software is a natural choice. A DCS can tive" can each system competitively meet the con-
also be used as a front-end to interface with OEM trol system requirements as stated in the original user
PLCs. Using this type of hybrid D C S / P L C configu- requirement document.
26 PLC or DCS: J. Ixl Fauci

6. Cost savings and avoidance viding technology that will help meet your overall
corporate business objectives.
Competition, in almost all industries, is no longer Validawm. Unnecessary validation costs can be
local, but global. All of corporate America has felt avoided by using ~ system life cycle methodology
tremendous pressure to cut operating costs and approach up front in the project. Validation must be
downsize. Corporate mergers and company buy-outs incorporated in the design at the very beginning and
are common in many industries. Engineers are being not included later as an after-thought. Ensure that a
asked to do more with less time and resources. Cost Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is in place at the start
reduction is not a nicety but a necessity for corporate of detailed design. A properly developed QAP and
survival. There are many areas where engineering its supporting documentation will help to reduce
can contribute in cost reductions. Improving old cost, increase profits, increase quality and ensure
ideas as well as implementing paradigm shifts can all regulatory compliance. It is often more expensive,
help to control costs. The following is a list of areas because of production down-time, to perform retro-
where cost savings and avoidance may apply. spective system validation than it is to do it correctly
Standards and guidelines. Utilize existing indus- from the beginning. Engineering cost and time for
try and corporate design standards whenever possi- making both current and future system changes are
ble. This simple idea is sometimes overlooked, and often less on a fully validated control system because
often increases development cost because of unnec- of the documentation traceability that proper valida-
essary re-engineering. Development of and adher- tion provides.
ence to specific control system guidelines for PLCs Standardization. Maximize the installed base for
and DCSs can help keep design cost down and all field instrumentation and control systems by se-
provide a higher level of design consistency through- lecting one or two manufacturers as standard suppli-
out a company. ers. Strongly discourage procurement and installation
Software. In most cases, system software costs far of seldom used or uncommon control devices and
outweigh hardware costs for large systems. This can systems, including embedded automation in pack-
provide a strong incentive to design software code in aged systems provided by OEMs. Leverage off this
a modular and common fashion, giving the user increased purchasing power to provide cost savings
opportunity to reuse a percentage of common soft- in such areas as buying agreements, engineering,
ware on future projects. The percentage of savings training, start-up and reduction in spare parts inven-
will be higher when previously developed code is tory.
reused in the same or similar applications. This kind
of thinking can also be extended to reap additional
savings in other areas, such as system engineering,
design, documentation and validation. 7. Validation
Partnering. Alliances and partnering with key
suppliers can yield dramatic cost savings and offer Unlike other industries, pharmaceutical manufac-
many commercial and engineering benefits. Orders turing must comply with regulatory requirements as
for equipment can be released on a sole source basis stated by the Food and Drug Administration in the
in accordance with pre-arranged pricing agreements, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 210 &
thereby saving engineers and purchasing agents 211. The CFR Parts 210 & 211 regulations contain
lengthy bid development and review time. The time the minimum current good manufacturing practice
thus saved by the engineering staff can be simply for methods to he used by pharmaceutical manufac-
claimed or redirected and used in providing input to turing facilities. Regulatory compliance ensures that
current and future vendor pr~lt~ct development. Part- drugs meet the requirements of safety, identity,
nership makes it possible to work with manufactur- strength, quality and purity. Validation is a method-
ers in providing increased control system functional- ology that helps prove that drugs possess necessary
ity that may be industry specific. Leveraging through characteristics in accordance with manufacturer spec-
partnership can help direct the manufacturer in pro- ifications and meet regulatory requirements.
PLC or DCS: J. La Fauci 27

Validation is defined as "Establishing docu- user-driven and is a prerequisite for protecting exist-
mented evidence which provides a high degree of ing capital investments and reducing project costs.
assurance that a specific process will consistently Expect to see a continued increase in merging and
produce a product meeting its predetermined specifi- overlapping of PLC and DCS applications. Large
cation and quality attributes". It is important for PLC/DCS systems will functionally evolve into one
engineers to adhere to this definition when perform- unified, control system with lower hardware and
ing engineering design, testing and operation, so that software costs. Applications using inexpensive PC-
regulatory requirements are met. Validation simply based systems will increase sharply with new Object
makes good engineering and business sense and Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology. Users in
yields both short and long-term benefits. Any device the near future will easily be able to integrate hard-
or syatem can be validated using the following ten ware and software using newly proposed standard,
preeepts of validation [4]. such as OLE for Process Control that provides a
software back plane for different software applica-
7.1. The wn precepts o f validation tions.
New, emerging field protocol standards for digital
I Define all functions of the system communications, such as Fieldbus and Profibus, will
|I Define the total system and each module lay the foundation for additional reduction in project
Ill Define the functions of each module costs and provide faster, more accurate communica-
IV Qualify each module tions. This will complement the future trend to shift
V Link the modules together more system intelligence from control system con-
VI Test and challenge the linked modules trollers down to the field devices, such as smart
VII Establish reproducibility transmitters and intelligent valves. This trend will
VI|i Establish and implement change control off-load some of the PLC/DCS processing capacity
IX Document everything for more criticM applications. In summary, the inno-
X Don't break any of the above precepts vative use and immediate utilization of current
Plan out your validation activities as you would PLC/DCS technology is key in maintaining a com-
your engineering design. Both engineering and vali- petitive edge in a global economy.
dation must be parallel activities. The requirements
of validation should be incorporated in engineering
design. Review, approve and ensure that all major 9. Nomenclature
validation activities are i~ place at the appropriate
time, within and beyond project execution. The sys- AGV Automatic guided vehicle
tem validation documentation should include, but not CPU Central processing unit
be limited to, such deliverables as QAP, Require- DCS Distributed control system
ments ,~;pecification, Design Specification, Change GM General motors
Control, and Qualifications including Installation. i/o Input/output
Operational, Performance and system maintenance. ISA instrument Society of America
K-T Kepner-Tregoe
LIMS Laboratory information management sys-
8. Current and future trends tem
MES Manufacturing execution system
The demand and current trend for open systems MRPII Material requirements planning (two)
and information continue to grow. Users are tired of OEM Original equipment manufacturer
restrictions imposed on them with priority protocols, OLE Object linking and embedding
hardware and software. Manufacturers hear the call PC Personal computer
to develop low cost products based on commercially PLC Programmable logic controller
available technologies. The need for more open com- QAP Quality assurance plan
munication between systems, at all levels, has been SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition
28 PLC or DCS: J. l~ Fauci

References [3] Larson, K., DCS vs PLC: the battle for batch, Control.
February 1993.
[1] Strothmatt, J., More than a century of measuring and control- [4] Chapman, K.G., A history of validation in the United States
ling industrial processes, intech, June 1995. Part I and II. Pharmaceutical Technology. October 1991 and
[2] Kepner, C. and Tregoe, B., The New Rational Manager, 1981. November 1991.

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