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EXPERIMENT 2 : Determination of The Formula Unit Of A Compound

Objetive :
1. To synthesis a zinc chloride compound
2. To determine the formulae unit of Zinc Chloride

Theory :
In this experiment, we prepared a simple compound composed of zinc and chlorine. Once
the mass of Zinc and the mass of the compound is known, the mass of the Chlorine can
be determined. Using these mass, the percentage composition of the product can be
determined and the formulae unit can be calculated.

Apparatus :
• Hot plate
• Glass rod
• White tile
• Crucible tongs
• Crucible ( 50 ml)
• Analytical balance
• Measuring Cylinder

Chemical reagent :
• 6M HCl
• Zinc powder

1. The crucible is weight and the exact mass of the crucible was recorded.
2. Approximately 1.25g of Zinc was placed on the crucible. The crucible
with its content is weight and the exact mass of Zinc is determined.
3. 10ml of 6M HCl is added carefully into the crucible containing the Zinc
powder and the content is stir gently using a glass rod. A vigorous chemical reaction
occurs and hydrogen gas was released.
4. 5ml of HCl is added at a time ,if the Zinc powder does not dissolved
completely until all the Zinc is dissolved. The amount of acid used is not exceeded 20
5. The crucible is placed on a hot plate in the fume cupboard and the content
is heated slowly so that the compound does not splatter during the heating process.
6. The compound is heated gently until it is completely dry. Make sure that
the compound does not melt.
7. The crucible was allowed to cool at room temperature and then it is
8. The crucible is reheat. The crucible was cooled to room temperature and it
was weight again. The procedure is repeated until the difference in mass does not
exceed 0.02g.
9. The mass of Zinc Chloride from the final weight of the sample was
determined. The mass of the Chlorine in Zin Chloride is calculated.
10. The formula unit of Zinc Chloride was calculated.

Result :

Mass of crucible (g) 82.06

Mass of crucible + Zinc powder (g) 82.31
Mass of Zinc powder (g) 0.25

Mass of crucible + Zinc chloride (g)

Mass after 1st heating 82.62
Mass after 2nd heating 82.60
Mass after 3rd heating 82.59

Mass of Zinc Chloride (g) 0.53

Mass of Chlorine (g) 0.28

1. Calculation to determine the formula unit ZnCl2
2. The mass of solvent is larger than the mass of solid. To attain a more accurate
result, the compound is cool to room temperature so that the HCl would evaporate to
the surrounding leaving Zinc Chloride itself in the crucible. Hence, we are only
weighing Zinc Chloride itself in the crucible. In addition, the mass of the compound
is more accurate.
3. Balance chemical equation :
Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2
4. Actual formula : ZnCl2
Experimental formula : ZnCl2
The experiment result is equal to the theoretical result , in this case thr formula of the
5. Possible source of errors:
I. Zero errors is one of the most error. This error is due to the reading of the
measuring apparatus that is not at nil value when the sucstance is measured.
II. The eye position of the observer might be perpendicular to the scale of
measuring apparatus, and hence resulting in an inaccurate reading or
III. During the mixing of the mixture, some unwanted or foreign substance
might be mix together with the zinc and hydrochloric acid and hence
resulting in an impure compound. Due to this fact, the mass measured might
be not the mass if Zinc Chloride solely.
IV. While heating the compound, excessive heat might be appl to the compound
causing it to melt. When the compound melts, the compound might be react
with other substance resulting a product other than Zinc Chloride.

6. Step of precaution :
• The reading of every measuring apparatus should be set to zero as to prevent
zero error.
• The observer should make sure that the eye position of the observer should
be perpendicular to the scale of measuring instrument.
• The experiment should be carry out in a control environment . The fan
should be switch off so that wind do not deviate the measurement of the
measuring apparatus.
• The observer have to make sure that the Zinc powder dissolved fully into
hydrochloric acid so to make sure that all the zinc react with Hydrochloric

7. Conclusion:
• ZnCl2 is synthesis in this experiment
• The formula unit of Zinc Chloride is ZnCl2

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