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TITTLE: How can we motivate children to experiment making a radioactive egg

PRESENTATION: We are a group of students of Basic 5 in this science fair we will present a Project
called: “ the radioactive egg”


Making easy experiments with children increase their curiosity about science, an example of this is
our radioactive egg which is very attractive and funny.


- Egg
- Vinegar
- Fluorescent highlighter
- Fluorescent light ( if you want)


1. Pour the vinegar in a cup.

2. Open the highlighter and take at this sponge. Press the sponge take out all the ink into the
3. Putt he egg into the cup
4. Putt he cup in a fresh place por 48 hours.
5. After this time take out the egg.
6. Pry it naturally
7. This Project is more useful if you put let light at night or in the dark


A scientific toy was designed in order for children to obtain a major emphasis in science.


This small domestic experiment serves as a Project simple to simulate the cognitive development i


The application of chemistic and introduction oh science to ths children to a wake their curiosity


- Dont move, dont cover the egg

- Dont oreserve the egg in vinegar for more of 3 days.
- Make the experimetin out door

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