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Will Tyler Kevin

Test 1 Test 2 Test 1 Test 2 Test 1
Accel 1 Accel 2 Accel 1 Accel 2 Accel 1 Accel 2 Accel 1 Accel 2 Accel 1 Accel 2
N1 0.13 0.142 0.133 0.129 0.126 0.0775 0.12 0.129 0.143 0.108
T8 0.184 0.127 0.22 0.123 0.177 0.12 0.17 0.111 0.18 0.108
N5 0.248 0.137 0.255 0.123 0.246 0.152 0.22 0.148 0.246 0.137
N8 0.276 0.156 0.281 0.15 0.279 0.138 0.271 0.145 0.28 0.12
T13 0.377 0.161 0.322 0.158 0.388 0.156 0.375 0.153 0.458 0.11
P10 0.521 0.426 0.501 0.428 0.489 0.412 0.495 0.336 0.536 0.385
N1 0.125 0.13 0.121 0.122 0.121 0.105
T8 0.188 0.126 0.19 0.107 0.209 0.0937
N5 0.265 0.125 0.251 0.135 0.26 0.12
N8 0.287 0.151 0.29 0.136 0.321 0.126
T13 0.386 0.148 0.37 0.16 0.422 0.149
P10 0.443 0.448 0.434 0.385 0.414 0.379

Page 1
Kevin Steve
Test 2 Test 1 Test 2
Accel 1 Accel 2 Accel 1 Accel 2 Accel 1 Accel 2
0.129 0.0896 0.136 0.122 0.124 0.149
0.193 0.121 0.188 0.126 0.185 0.126
0.243 0.134 0.248 0.149 0.25 0.151
0.318 0.119 0.282 0.157 0.275 0.142
0.39 0.157 0.376 0.167 0.362 0.174
0.584 0.292 0.46 0.337 0.455 0.365
0.121 0.116
0.202 0.123
0.257 0.148
0.278 0.136
0.441 0.129
0.427 0.391

Page 2
MSA Template
Template for
Gage name: My gage Specification Limits:
Gage No.: USL 1. Enter specifica
Gage type: LSL 2. Enter data (nu
3. Enter referenc
Part Name: 4. Run Quantum
Part No.:

Date: 4/30/2013
Performed by:

Will Kevin Steve Tyler

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Operator 4
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1
1 0.125 0.121 0.121 0.121 0.136 0.124 0.126
2 0.188 0.19 0.209 0.202 0.188 0.185 0.177
3 0.265 0.251 0.26 0.257 0.248 0.25 0.246
4 0.287 0.29 0.321 0.278 0.282 0.275 0.279
5 0.386 0.37 0.422 0.441 0.376 0.362 0.388
6 0.443 0.434 0.414 0.427 0.46 0.455 0.489
Template for ANOVA, XbarR and Nested ANOVA analysis
1. Enter specification limits (optional) .
2. Enter data (numerical values) in the Trial columns for each operator (mandatory) .
3. Enter reference data (numerical values) in the Ref column (optional) .
4. Run Quantum XL > MSA > ANOVA, XbarR or Nested ANOVA.

Operator 4
Trial 2
MSA Template
Template for
Gage name: My gage Specification Limits:
Gage No.: USL 1. Enter specifica
Gage type: LSL 2. Enter data (nu
3. Enter referenc
4. Run Quantum
Part Name:
Part No.:

Date: 5/1/2013
Performed by:

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Operator 4

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1
1 0.125 0.121 0.143 0.129 0.136 0.124 0.126
2 0.188 0.19 0.18 0.193 0.188 0.185 0.177
3 0.265 0.251 0.246 0.243 0.248 0.25 0.246
4 0.287 0.29 0.28 0.318 0.282 0.275 0.279
5 0.386 0.37 0.458 0.39 0.376 0.362 0.388
6 0.443 0.434 0.536 0.584 0.46 0.455 0.489
Template for ANOVA, XbarR and Nested ANOVA analysis
1. Enter specification limits (optional) .
2. Enter data (numerical values) in the Trial columns for each operator (mandatory) .
3. Enter reference data (numerical values) in the Ref column (optional) .
4. Run Quantum XL > MSA > ANOVA, XbarR or Nested ANOVA.

Operator 4
Trial 2
MSA Data Source: Sheet 'MSA Template (3)' Specification Limits: Part name:
Performed by
# of Operators: 4 Gage name: My gage USL: (not set) Part No.:
# of Trials: 2 Gage No.: LSL: (not set) Part Characteristics:
Date 5/1/2013
# of Parts: 6 Gage type: Part Specifications:

Stats Advisor Gage R&R Results Average Chart Range Chart

Stats Advisor
Number of Distinct Categories (ndc) Color Code Table
→ Number of distinct categories (ndc) is 7. A value of 5 or more denotes an acceptable measurement system. Reference AIAG MSA 4 ed., p. 123 (3rd ed., p. 117).
Color Code Table
Xbar Chart Black Text - Complies with rules of thumb
Blue Text
Text - Complies
- Doesn't with
violate rules
rules ofof thumbbut could be improved
→ 83.33% of the plotted averages fall outside the control limits. The measurement system can be used for analyzing and controlling the process. Reference AIAG MSA 4th Blue
Red Text
Text - Doesn't
- Does violate
not meet rules
rules of of thumb, but could be improved
ed., p 106 (3rd ed., p. 102). Red Text - Does not meet rules of thumb
Range Chart
→ One or more operators have range(s) out of control. Operators are using different methods. Reference AIAG MSA 4th ed., p 108. (3rd ed., p. 104).

Gage R&R Results ANOVA Table

Standard Degrees of Sum of
Source 6 * StDev % Contribution Source Mean square F-ratio p-Value
Deviation Freedom Squares
Total Variation (TV) 0.13483 0.80898 100.00% Parts 5 0.70251 0.1405 141.236 0.0
Total Gage R&R (GRR) 0.027217 0.1633 4.07% Operators 3 0.0077096 0.0025699 2.5833 0.091935
Repeatability (EV) 0.014976 0.089854 1.23% Interaction (Operator by Part) 15 0.014922 0.0009948 4.4357 0.0006081
Reproducibility (AV) 0.022727 0.18651 2.84% Repeatability (Equipment) 24 0.0053825 0.00022427
Operator 0.011457 0.06874 0.72% Total 47 0.73052
Operator * part 0.019628 0.11777 2.12%
Part to part (PV) 0.13205 0.79233 95.93% Alpha to remove interaction term = 0.25
Model is with interactions (non-additive) since interactions p-Value <= interaction term.
Number of distinct categories: ndc = 7

Non-AIAG Statistics
P/Tol Ratio NA
The Precision to Tolerance Ratio is defined by NIST (see

Xbar chart Components of Variation

XBarChart 46DB2B4BC81D334C9398AE0B395969D4 ComVarChart
MSA 46DB2B4BC81D334C9398AE0B395969D4
11 0.57
Operator 1 100

0.47 90

Operator 2
Operator 3 70
0.37 Operator 4 60 % Contribution
LCL=0.25968 50
0.27 40
UCL=0.31311 20
0.17 Column D 10
Gage R&R Repeat Reprod Part To Part

Rule Of Thumb »

The current chart is locked to prevent modification of the X and Y Axis of the Xbar chart. To edit this chart, unprotect it at the Excel ribbon > Review > Unprotect

Range chart Operator by Part


MSA 0.08
RChart 46DB2B4BC81D334C9398AE0B395969D4
0.07 MSA 0.57
OpByPartChart 46DB2B4BC81D334C9398AE0B395969D4
0.06 Operator 1

Operator 2
0.05 Operator 3 Operator
0.04 Operator 4 1
Center=0.01420 0.27 2
0.03 8
0.02 UCL=0.046419 0.17 3
Column D
0.01 0.07
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 Part number
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Rule Of Thumb »

The current chart is locked to prevent modification of the X and Y Axis of the Range chart. To edit this chart, unprotect it at the Excel ribbon > Review >
Unprotect sheet.
MSA Data Source: Sheet 'MSA Template (2)' Specification Limits: Part name:
Performed by
# of Operators: 4 Gage name: My gage USL: (not set) Part No.:
# of Trials: 2 Gage No.: LSL: (not set) Part Characteristics:
Date 4/30/2013
# of Parts: 6 Gage type: Part Specifications:

Stats Advisor Gage R&R Results Average Chart Range Chart

Stats Advisor
Number of Distinct Categories (ndc) Color Code Table
→ Number of distinct categories (ndc) is 7. A value of 5 or more denotes an acceptable measurement system. Reference AIAG MSA 4 ed., p. 123 (3rd ed., p. 117).
Color Code Table
Xbar Chart Black Text - Complies with rules of thumb
Blue Text
Text - Complies
- Doesn't with
violate rules
rules ofof thumbbut could be improved
→ 83.33% of the plotted averages fall outside the control limits. The measurement system can be used for analyzing and controlling the process. Reference AIAG MSA 4th Blue
Red Text
Text - Doesn't
- Does violate
not meet rules
rules of of thumb, but could be improved
ed., p 106 (3rd ed., p. 102). Red Text - Does not meet rules of thumb
Range Chart
→ One or more operators have range(s) out of control. Operators are using different methods. Reference AIAG MSA 4th ed., p 108. (3rd ed., p. 104).

Gage R&R Results ANOVA Table

Standard Degrees of Sum of
Source 6 * StDev % Contribution Source Mean square F-ratio p-Value
Deviation Freedom Squares
Total Variation (TV) 0.13837 0.83023 100.00% Parts 5 0.74249 0.1485 183.124 0.0
Total Gage R&R (GRR) 0.026185 0.15711 3.58% Operators 3 0.0068929 0.0022976 2.8334 0.07369
Repeatability (EV) 0.017682 0.10609 1.63% Interaction (Operator by Part) 15 0.012164 0.00081092 2.5937 0.018117
Reproducibility (AV) 0.019314 0.16149 1.95% Repeatability (Equipment) 24 0.0075035 0.00031265
Operator 0.011131 0.066784 0.65% Total 47 0.76905
Operator * part 0.015784 0.094704 1.30%
Part to part (PV) 0.13587 0.81522 96.42% 7.3380801935 Alpha to remove interaction term = 0.25
0.1927225548 Model is with interactions (non-additive) since interactions p-Value <= interaction term.
Number of distinct categories: ndc = 7 0.0785561105

Non-AIAG Statistics
P/Tol Ratio NA
The Precision to Tolerance Ratio is defined by NIST (see

Xbar chart Components of Variation

MSA 0.57
Column F 100
0.47 90

Column G Percent
Column H
0.37 Column I 60
50 Column T
Column J
0.27 40
Column K 30
Column L 20
0.17 Column D 10
Gage R&R Repeat Reprod Part To Part
3E565F499808714A976AC862A5B0E0AD 3E565F499808714A976AC862A5B0E0AD
Rule Of Thumb »

The current chart is locked to prevent modification of the X and Y Axis of the Xbar chart. To edit this chart, unprotect it at the Excel ribbon > Review > Unprotect

Range chart Operator by Part

MSA 0.08

0.07 MSA 0.57
Column M
0.06 0.47

Column N
0.05 Column O 0.37 Column F
0.04 Column P Column G
Column Q 0.27
0.03 Column H
Column R Column I
0.02 0.17
Column D
0.01 0.07
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Part number
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
3E565F499808714A976AC862A5B0E0AD 3E565F499808714A976AC862A5B0E0AD

Rule Of Thumb »

The current chart is locked to prevent modification of the X and Y Axis of the Range chart. To edit this chart, unprotect it at the Excel ribbon > Review >
Unprotect sheet.
MSA Template
Template for
Gage name: My gage Specification Limits:
Gage No.: USL 1. Enter specifica
Gage type: LSL 2. Enter data (nu
3. Enter referenc
4. Run Quantum
Part Name:
Part No.:

Date: 5/1/2013
Performed by:

Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Operator 4

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1
1 0.125 0.121 0.143 0.129 0.136 0.124 0.126
2 0.265 0.251 0.246 0.243 0.248 0.25 0.246
3 0.386 0.37 0.458 0.39 0.376 0.362 0.388
4 0.443 0.434 0.536 0.584 0.46 0.455 0.489
Template for ANOVA, XbarR and Nested ANOVA analysis
1. Enter specification limits (optional) .
2. Enter data (numerical values) in the Trial columns for each operator (mandatory) .
3. Enter reference data (numerical values) in the Ref column (optional) .
4. Run Quantum XL > MSA > ANOVA, XbarR or Nested ANOVA.

Operator 4
Trial 2
MSA Data Source: Sheet 'MSA Template' Specification Limits: Part name:
Performed by
# of Operators: 4 Gage name: My gage USL: (not set) Part No.:
# of Trials: 2 Gage No.: LSL: (not set) Part Characteristics:
Date 5/1/2013
# of Parts: 4 Gage type: Part Specifications:

Stats Advisor Gage R&R Results Average Chart Range Chart

Stats Advisor
Number of Distinct Categories (ndc) Color Code Table
→ Number of distinct categories (ndc) is 7. A value of 5 or more denotes an acceptable measurement system. Reference AIAG MSA 4 ed., p. 123 (3rd ed., p. 117).
Color Code Table
Xbar Chart Black Text - Complies with rules of thumb
Blue Text
Text - Complies
- Doesn't with
violate rules
rules ofof thumbbut could be improved
→ 100.00% of the plotted averages fall outside the control limits. The measurement system can be used for analyzing and controlling the process. Reference AIAG MSA 4th Blue
Red Text
Text - Doesn't
- Does violate
not meet rules
rules of of thumb, but could be improved
ed., p 106 (3rd ed., p. 102). Red Text - Does not meet rules of thumb
Range Chart
→ One or more operators have range(s) out of control. Operators are using different methods. Reference AIAG MSA 4th ed., p 108. (3rd ed., p. 104).

Gage R&R Results ANOVA Table

Standard Degrees of Sum of
Source 6 * StDev % Contribution Source Mean square F-ratio p-Value
Deviation Freedom Squares
Total Variation (TV) 0.16044 0.96262 100.00% Parts 3 0.59692 0.19897 143.222 0.0000001
Total Gage R&R (GRR) 0.032274 0.19364 4.05% Operators 3 0.0091324 0.0030441 2.1912 0.15875
Repeatability (EV) 0.016741 0.10044 1.09% Interaction (Operator by Part) 9 0.012503 0.0013893 4.9572 0.0027114
Reproducibility (AV) 0.027593 0.22758 2.96% Repeatability (Equipment) 16 0.004484 0.00028025
Operator 0.014383 0.086295 0.80% Total 31 0.62304
Operator * part 0.023548 0.14129 2.15%
Part to part (PV) 0.15716 0.94294 95.95% Alpha to remove interaction term = 0.25
Model is with interactions (non-additive) since interactions p-Value <= interaction term.
Number of distinct categories: ndc = 7 0.2053629736
Non-AIAG Statistics
P/Tol Ratio NA
The Precision to Tolerance Ratio is defined by NIST (see

Xbar chart Components of Variation

XBarChart A8CF61259BAF4140B8771DED70843399 ComVarChart
MSA A8CF61259BAF4140B8771DED70843399
11 0.57
Operator 1 100

0.47 90

Operator 2
Operator 3 80
0.37 Operator 4
60 % Contribution
LCL=0.28176 50
0.27 Center=0.3123 40
1 30
UCL=0.34286 20
0.17 Column D 10
Gage R&R Repeat Reprod Part To Part

Rule Of Thumb »

The current chart is locked to prevent modification of the X and Y Axis of the Xbar chart. To edit this chart, unprotect it at the Excel ribbon > Review > Unprotect

Range chart Operator by Part


MSA 0.08
RChart A8CF61259BAF4140B8771DED70843399
0.07 MSA 0.57
OpByPartChart A8CF61259BAF4140B8771DED70843399
0.06 Operator 1

Operator 2
0.05 Operator 3 Operator
0.04 Operator 4 1
Center=0.0162 0.27 2
0.03 5
0.02 UCL=0.053089 0.17 3
Column D
0.01 0.07
1 2 3 4
0 Part number
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Rule Of Thumb »

The current chart is locked to prevent modification of the X and Y Axis of the Range chart. To edit this chart, unprotect it at the Excel ribbon > Review >
Unprotect sheet.

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