Background of The Study: Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11 STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 - 2018

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Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11

STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

This study aims to determine the students’ perception towards Basic Calculus and to

determine of which the students profile and teacher factors were related to students’

performance in Basic Calculus of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics) who took Basic Calculus during the First Grading, Second Semester of A.Y 2017-

2018 in Technological Institute of the Philippines, QC Campus. It measures the effect of the

students’ study habits, attitude towards Basic Calculus. It also includes how the teacher affects

the students’ performance in Basic Calculus. The study also describes the students’

performance in Basic Calculus as expressed by their grades in First Grading.

Basic Calculus, branch of mathematics concerned with the calculation of instantaneous

rates of change (differential calculus) and the summation of infinitely many small factors to

determine some whole (integral calculus). Two mathematicians, Isaac Newton of England and

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz of Germany, share credit for having independently developed the

calculus in the 17th century. Calculus is now the basic entry point for anyone wishing to study

physics, chemistry, biology, economics, finance, or actuarial science. Calculus makes it

possible to solve problems as diverse as tracking the position of a space shuttle or predicting

the pressure building up behind a dam as the water rises. Computers have become a valuable

tool for solving calculus problems that were once considered impossibly difficult. (Berggren,

J.L., 2017)

Perception, on the other hand, is a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting an idea that

deals with our own opinion or belief. It can also be defined as a point of view, impression or

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Now, perception plays an important role in having deep interest or passion to

something in order to achieve goals. When a person perceived a negative impression in life,

others may say that he/she probably doesn’t realize the true meaning of happiness. But in

school, the way we perceived subjects can affect our level of interest that can also affect our

learning and information thought by our teacher. (Busso,C. & Lotfian, R., 2017)

Most students often say “I hate Basic Calculus”, “Why do we always need to analyze

and solve many math problems and equations?” and “Can we really apply those limits,

derivatives, or even formulas in our daily lives?” These are just some of the common phrases

thought in fact, there’s more. But some questions are answered a long time ago because

according to Wallace B. Smith, “Calculus is the most powerful weapon of thought yet devised

by the wit of man.”, and also by John Forbes Nash, “As you will find multi-variable calculus,

there is often a number of solutions for any given problem.” which only means that, you have

your future in your hands and not believing in Calculus also means you do not believe that

there is a solution in any problem. Lastly, if you do not believe in Basic Calculus it means that

you are holding back what is coming next or keeping the days of tomorrow, clueless and


The outcomes of this study are the students’ perceptions towards Basic Calculus which

can serve as a diagnostic tool before instruction begins and may also serve as an assessment

tool after a topic has been discussed to facilitate the learning process in the classroom.

The students’ perceptions towards Basic Calculus described in their views’ general

profile are of educational value because insights into the students’ perceptions will direct

teachers to think of appropriate teaching strategies to effectively address the students’ problem

in understanding specific in understanding specific concepts.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to to know the perceptions of Grade 11 STEM students of TIP towards

Basic Calculus and what are the factors affecting it.

1. What are the students’ perceptions towards the content of Basic Calculus?

2. How the students perceive Basic Calculus in terms of these factors;

a) the students’ study habits;

b) the students attitude towards the subject; and

c) the subject teacher.

3. How the following factors affect the students’ perception in Basic Calculus?

4. How can these perceptions affect the students’ performance in Basic Calculus?

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused and limited only on the students’ perceptions and factors; such as

study habits , students and teachers’ attitude , that affect the students performance towards

Basic Calculus and further validated based on their responses on the open ended questions.

Selected Grade 11 STEM students of TIP are included in this research because they are taking

Basic Calculus.


The following assumptions were tested in the study.

1. The students’ study habits have no effect in their perception and performance in Basic


2. The student attitude related factors have no effect in their perception and performance

in Basic Calculus.

3. The teacher related factors have no effect in the students’ perception and performance

in Basic Calculus.
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Definition of Terms

In order to establish better understanding of the present study, the following terms were

conceptually and operationally defined.

Student Study Habits – As it used in the study, it refers to students’ daily habits while

they are studying a certain subject. Also, it pertains to what they are doing even though they

are not inside the class.

Attitude towards Calculus – As operationally used in this study, this refers to the

general attitude of the student towards Basic Calculus.

Teacher Related Factors – This pertains to how the teachers affects the perceptions of

the students towards a subject. For example, their teaching strategies, skills and how they

bring the information to the students.

Significance of the Study

The outcomes of this study are the students’ perceptions towards Basic Calculus which

can serve as a diagnostic tool before instruction begins and may also serve as an assessment

tool after a topic has been discussed to facilitate the learning process in the classroom.

The students’ perceptions towards Basic Calculus described in their views’ general

profile are of educational value because insights into the students’ perceptions will direct

teachers to think of appropriate teaching strategies to effectively address the students’ problem

in understanding specific in understanding specific concepts.

Lastly, curriculum developers, researchers, and classroom teachers could also

creatively develop appropriate methods of discussing a particular concept among students to

demonstrate or acquire a deep and holistic approach in managing their learning process in

Basic Calculus.

This study will benefit the following:

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

a) Students – This research intends to help STEM students to improve their performance in

Basic Calculus and also to improve camaraderie between STEM students and the teachers

by having a good perceptions towards it.

b) Teachers – this will be an eye-opener for the teachers to improve their teaching skills or

what strategies that they are going to use to help students improve their performance in

Basic Calculus.

c) Institute – The results will help the Institution assess and train their teachers in improving

their teaching skills in Basic Calculus and assumes that the teacher will get along with the


d) Future Researchers – The results of this study could be another steppingstone for new

researchers. This study may be valuable and challenging to future researchers because it

is hoped that this study may serve as a guide to future researches with a supplementary

basis for studies related factors affecting students’ performance and perception in Basic

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

The following literature are reviewed to find it’s relationship to the present study.

(Sansgiry et al., 2006) stated that strategic studying techniques may help students

achieve a high GPA. Strategic studying is defined as the knowledge and application of effective

study skills or techniques by the students. Based on the learning environment, students can

use many efficient study techniques. This strategies includes Know-Want-Learn (K-W-L),

Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review (SQR3), summarizing and note-taking, using graphics,

and self questioning. Extensive course loads and the comprehensive information covered

today’s curricula necessitate the use of effective study strategies for academic success.

(Florencio, 2004) reported that attendance in school, ability to concentrate in class and

or study habits at home was not independent of participation in supplementary feeding ,

breakfast skipping, feeling of hunger in school and/or health and nutritional status. Better

nourished children did significantly better in the mental ability test, specific tests of basic skills,

such as reading Arithmetic and Communication Arts; and overall assessment of academic

competence. This was true even when the data were dis aggregated by income group, quality

of school, teacher’s ability and mental ability.

She added that the significant positive relationship nutritional status and academic

achievement remained even when relevant pupil factors, such as mental ability visual ability,

study habits and pre-school education were hold constant. Moreover, even after taking into

account influence of a whole set of relevant pupil, teacher, school and family-related factors,

the observed relationship between the two variables still surfaced.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

There is a basic assumption among many math educators that the attitude of the

students towards math affects their grade. (Y,Wacek, 2005) looked at data of success and

attrition rates in developmental mathematics course and attempted to find correlations between

attitudes towards math. Correlation coefficients obtained were so low that prejudging a

student’s grade based on feelings may not be practical. According to him, instructors should not

equate bad attitude toward math as route to failure. Pedagogy should include techniques to

ease the pain of those who hate math, but are required to take it. He further discussed how

studies might examine how under prepared students should be advised with respect to math,

how past student experience affect attitudes and success, and how pedagogy can relate math

to student experiences in real life.

In the school enterprise, the teacher’s effectiveness determines the standard of

achievement of the students. According to Kameenui (2001), the term effective means that

student performance improves when the instructional strategies are used. The strategies were

identified in studies using research procedures and guidelines that ensure confidence about the

result. In addition, several studies exist for each strategy with an adequate sample size and the

use of treatment and control groups to generalize to the target population. This allows teachers

to be confident about how to apply strategies in their classrooms.

Related Studies

Kiamanesh (2004) conducted a study on factors affecting Iranian students’

achievement in Mathematics. In his study, he considered home background, teacher factor,

attitude, pressured attribution and motivation factors that affect the performance of students in

mathematics. He found out that the factors considered, pressured attribution and motivation are

the least significant and actually negligible.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

In the study made by Manana (2004) on the Intellective and Non-intellective Factors

Related to the Performance of Engineering Students in Mathematics, she has come out with

the following conclusions there is a significant difference disciplines ; there exists a significant

relationship between the mathematics performance of engineering students and the intellective

factors, that is higher than the high school grades of the engineering students, the better is their

performance in College Algebra and Trigonometry; there is a significant relationship between

the students’ mathematical self-concept and mathematics performance in college. This means

that more confident a student is in his mathematics, the better is his mathematics performance;

there is a significant relationship between the students’ attitude towards mathematics and their

mathematics performance in college. The more the student likes mathematics; the better is his

performance in mathematics; and there is a significant relationship between the students’

anxiety and their mathematics performance. The higher the anxiety, the better is the

performance in mathematics
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Chapter 3


This chapter presents a description of the research design selection and description of

respondents, research instrument, data collection procedure and statistical treatments used.

Research Design

In order to see the general picture of the Grade 11 STEM students and their

perceptions towards Basic Calculus of Techonological Institute of the Philippines, the

descriptive correlational was used.

As a case study, it is a documentized study on a particular person, group, institution, or

event. Case Study is done to analyze constructs or themes. Usually, these constructs or

themes lead to the identification of variable which is important for the discussion of the study.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) Quezon

City Campus. Since the chosen respondents are the students of the Institute.

Research Instruments

The instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire with open ended questions

to gather the needed data to answer the research questions. In the preparation of the

instrument, the requirements in designing of good data collection instrument were considered.

Sampling Technique

In this study, the researcher employed the purposive sampling technique for the

selection of the participants. Purposive sampling refers to intentionally chosen sample

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

according to the needs of the study. This means the researcher selects participants because

they have studying the subject that is included in this study. Likewise, this strategy enables the

researcher to collect relevant and useful information for answering the research question.

Data Gathering Procedure





Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Target Population

The researchers chose Grade 11 STEM Students AM and PM shift because Grade 11

STEM Students are taking Basic Calculus in TIP-QC. Given by our Adviser in total of 30

Students. 15 in the morning, 15 in the afternoon.

Formulation Question

The Researchers formulated 14 open-ended questions by considering different factors.


The research questionnaire was validated by the Principal. So that, our data collection

will be legal inside the institution.


The Researchers asked a permission to the principal of Senior High School

Department of TIP-QC, Dr. Brenda Corpuz to conduct this research.

Data Gathering

For the purposes of this research, the researchers gathered information from different

Grade 11 STEM Students that are taking Basic Calculus. We surveyed the respondents that

actually involves the needed responses through a written medium. We distributed paper

questionnaires for the subjects to answer.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

The study aimed to know the Perceptions of Grade 11 STEM students of TIP towards

Basic Calculus. This chapter presents the results and discussions of the study. The gathered

data are analyzed in a systematic manner. The data gathered from Grade 11 STEM students of

TIP. This part contains the content analysis, thematic analysis, interpretation, and findings from

the gathered data.

4.a Basic Calculus is…

Content Analysis


 challenging

 a subject that talks about computations.

 A subject that is very interesting.

 Unexpected portal in which you have a probability of failing and passing

 Basic

 a subject regarding the mathematics of our future courses. It is interesting to take

new lessons that really could challenge our minds and Basic Calculus does that job.

 Hard, difficult and challenging. It needs proper explanation for us to reallt understand.

 A branch of mathematics that makes my student life harder.

 Basic

 a major subject for STEM

 a major subject

 a math subject
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 my favorite subjects branch of mathematics that I didn’t know what does it mean.

 Hard

 Challenging


 Difficult

 Is a subject that is very hard to understand for a genius like me

 Very hard

 hard

 The mathematical study of continuous change. Basic Calculus also interacts with

algebra and geometry.

 Basic Calculus is one of the hardest subject. (For me) I’ve ever met.

 Is a hard subject to understand, it takes time for me to understand the lesson.

 Exciting

 Hell

 a subject

Thematic Analysis

Overall, most of the participant perceive Basic Calculus as a difficult Analysis


According to the data collected by the researchers, most of the students answer that

Basic Calculus is a very hard subject. In the lower group, they more perceive that Basic

Calculus is very hard than the upper group.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

It is found out that students perceive Basic Calculus as difficult especially in the lower


4.b Basic Calculus learning is…

Content Analysis


 so much information

 fun and full of learnings

 fun and enjoyable

 essential in engineering courses

 very well

 fun

 Basic. Only need logic to answer questions. Only need to memorize the formula.

 Enjoyable and interesting at the same time.

 Limited, because you could only use it on math-related subjects.

 Is like bubbles, in the beginning you will understand it and as time passes just like

bubbles your knowledge will be gone in a pop!

 Is fun and entertaining especially when discussing new lessons. It involves

mathematical skills, analyzation and critical thinking which gives room to our


 Fun

 hard
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

4.b Basic Calculus learning is…

 so much fun


 great

 hard

 hard

 very helpful for my strand

 Basic calculus is one of the most challenging subject.

 Simply to introduce your mind to scientific method of analysis.

 Life

 hard

 not easy to understand

 fun

Thematic Analysis

In general, most of the participants perceive that Basic Calculus learning is fun.


According to the data that the researchers collected, most of the students said

that Basic Calculus learning is fun. The higher group perceive that Basic Calculus

learning is fun than the upper group.


It is found out that most of the students perceive that learning the Basic

Calculus is fun for them especially in the higher group.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

4.c Basic Calculus class is...

Content Analysis


 challenging

 fun but very challenging and stressful at the same time

 good

 Hard, difficult and challenging. It needs proper explanation for us to really


 Alive and exhausting. When the time for Basic Calculus came. I should be more

active because I become inactive just for a minute. I will not going to understand the

whole lesson.

 Hard specifically in groupings

 a fun class

 easy

 happy

 fun and interesting

 fun

 serious

 very happy and nice and thrilling

 fun


 serious
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

4.c Basic Calculus class is...

 is very quiet and very good

 scary

 heart

 Fun yet challenging because of the pressure that we feel from my fellow colleagues.

 The Basic Calculus class is sometimes makes me sleepy and sometimes makes me


 Is a headache for many students

 very helpful to my strand

 boring

 amazing

Thematic Analysis

Overall, most of the participants perceive that Basic Calculus class if fun.


According to the data that the researchers gathered, most of the students said

he that Basic Calculus class is fun. The higher group more perceive that Basic

Calculus class is fun than the lower group. Some of them said that it is very quiet and

serious that sometimes the class made them sleepy.


It is found out that most of the students perceive that Basic Calculus class is

fun, particularly in the higher group.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

4.d The Basic Calculus teacher is…

Content Analysis


 very good

 Beautiful, sexy, good teacher, nice, and rich.

 Cute yet too serious

 good at teaching calculus

 the best

 best of the best

 good at explaining things out

 a fast teacher and gives lot of examples

 So strong and determined to teach us because even that some of my classmates

didn’t want to listen in her discussion she can make them to listen. And strong

because she can rip your quiz paper if she caught you cheating. So gorgeous and I

love her.

 Very good.

 Smart. Our teacher is efficient in discussing the subject. Good teachers are required

to this subject because it is difficult, especially in discussing it to us students.

 Has an effective strategy at teaching

 she teaches fast


 is one of the best mathematics teacher that I’ve met, but sometimes I can’t
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

understand because of too fast teaching (sorry slow learner)

 is good at teaching and she explains well

 beautiful

 hard

 A fun teacher and that she really makes you understand the topic but she is too quick

in her teaching that sometimes you may fall behind.

 Cool

 terror

 very good at teaching and beautiful

 cute

Thematic Analysis

In general, most of the participants perceive that their Basic Calculus teacher is

very good at teaching.


According to the data that the researchers gathered, most of the students said

that their teacher in Basic Calculus is very good at teaching. Some of them said that

their teacher is the best teacher for them because according to them, their teacher

explain well and make them understand the topic.


It is found out that most of the students perceive that their teacher in Basic

Calculus is very good at teaching, especially in the higher group.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

4.1 What is your perceptions towards Basic Calculus? In terms of the content.

 It is very helpful

 the content is mind boggling

 It shows the numerical presentations of the different objects that we see in the world.

We could apply these presentations to our world especially in engineering.

 Fun to learn

 It is hard when you think it is, but if you appreciate its beauty, everything becomes


 It is a subject that is really hard if you are not studying hard.

 The content is hard but it is understandable once you study hard.

 It has a lot of concepts and formulas

 it is basic

 it’s nice

 It is difficult because of many rules that can be so confusing.

 Hard

 it has so much content

 I learn too much.


 I really don’t know

 essential for mathematics students

 learning is hard

 Basic calculus is almost useless to my profession in college which is I.T. But some

formulas re useful for coding. The content is simple but our activities mostly differs
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

from it and somewhat more complex than what we know of.

 It is very hard.

 Hard

 difficult to learn

 it is very hard

 Sometimes it’s hard and sometimes it’s Basic!

Thematic Analysis

Most of the respondent’s response that basic calculus is fun and

challenging in terms of content.


According to the data that the researchers gathered, most of the

students said that the basic calculus in terms of content are have differentiate. The

respondents with the higher grade they take it more fun and challenging, but the data

gathered from the students with the lower grade take it hard and difficult to learn.


Therefore, the researchers find out that the respondents have their

different perception toward basic calculus in terms of content.

4.2 What is your perception towards Basic Calculus? In terms of the teacher.

Content Analysis


 I learn too much with fun

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 understandable

 fun and exciting

 My teacher is good at teaching. Because of her, I learned to love calculus subject.

 it’s nice

 it’s the best

 Bearable subject

 The teaching style is good and because she gives a lot of examples and make sure

we can understand the lesson.


 For our teacher, she is explaining it very well

 hindi nakakatamad ang turo

 As I said, this subject requires a good teacher. The teacher who is teaching us

currently provides us with proper knowledge to understand properly this difficult


 The teacher is very nice. She is teaching accurately and her strategy and way of

teaching is very effective.

 Challenging


 To be honest, our teacher in Basic Calculus is one of the best Mathematics teacher

and one of the adik and lovable teacher.

 She is a good teacher.

 To learn

 Hard
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 she is a good teacher

 Simple, because she gives out shortcuts to certain formulas yet, it is still difficult due

to the lack of emphasis and examples.

 Nice

 Nice, because it gives me knowledge about it.

 I don’t know also.

 Exciting

Thematic Analysis

Most of the Respondents response that the teachers in basic calculus are

good in teaching and effective.


According to the data that gathered of the researchers the teachers in basic

calculus have a good impact to the Students.


The researchers find out that the teachers in basic calculus has a great

impact to the learning of the students toward basic calculus. Also the strategies of

their teaching affects eagerness of the students to learn or gain knowledge.

4.3 if you are going to rank basic calculus as an easy, average, or difficult subject to study?

Content Analysis


 Easy
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 Average

 Average

 easy

 easy

 average

 difficult

 easy

 easy

 difficult

 difficult

 average

 average


 difficult

 difficult

 difficult

 difficult

 average

 average

 difficult

 difficult

 average
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Thematic Analysis

Most of the students answered that Basic Calculus is difficult to learn as a



According to the data gathered from the respondents basic calculus is

more complicated or difficult than the other subject.


The researchers find out that basic calculus is a difficult subject.

4.4 Does your Basic Calculus Teacher affects your perception towards Basic Calculus? Why?

Content Analysis

 Yes, because learning about

 Yes, because the teacher doesn’t teach, I won’t learn Basic Calculus.

 Yes, because they are teaching the subject.

 Yes, because she makes it look so easy.

 Yes, she can make Calculus easier than I thought

 yes, she can make easier to understand the lesson

 yes, the subject itself is not so easy to understand so the teacher’s way of teaching

has a big factor

 Yes, because she is the one who teaches.

 Yes, because if a teacher is boring then the subject will become boring. Luckily we

have a fuuny and good teacher.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 Yes, because the teacher affects the way of learning of different students by their ay

of teaching.

 Yes, because a boring teacher will affect your study.

 Yes, because the way she teach affects the lesson. If the teacher teaches well, the

lesson will be easily understand by the students.

 No, because the content is just the same.


 No, because she can easily explain everything.

 Yes, because the way they teach can affect me.

 Yes, she’s terror

 Yes, because every teacher have different techniques.

 Yes, because of their first approach

 Yes, if you study hard you may understand it.

 Yes, because they are teaching the subject.

Thematic Analysis

Most of the respondents response that teacher can affect the perceptions

of the students towards basic calculus.


According to the data gathered from the respondents the teacher are

affecting the learning of the students toward basic calculus consider their strategies,

personality and attitude

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

The researchers find out that there is a great impact to the students learning

towards basic calculus in terms of the teachers.

4.5 Are you doing some study habits? Why or why not?

Content Analysis

 No, because studying is not my thing and I find it way boring.

 No, I do not know.

 No, because it’s hard

 no

 yes, because I love basic calculus

 no

 no, I am lazy

 No, because it is not my habit.

 No, stocked knowledge will do.

 No

 No, because I don’t need it.

 I don’t have but when the quarterly exam I study.

 No, studying is easy.


 yes, because it is my habit

 No, I don’t like studying. I am just studying if there is an exam or quiz.

 Yes, reading it again.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 No, because of stock knowledge and quality time with friends and family.

 No, I am lazy

 no, I’m too lazy

 Sometimes, if I can’t understand the lesson i’m not doing any study but I am asking

for help, but if I know the lesson I am taking study about the lesson.

4.7 Are you enjoying Basic Calculus class? Why or why not?

Content Analysis


 Yes and no, because there are times that it is hard and sometimes easy.

 Yes, it challenges my mind to think critically. Thanks to Calc.

 Yes, since it is one of the subject that I found to be easy.

 Yes, it is full of fun and knowledge

 yes, because of the teacher

 yes, because it is needed

 yes, it satisfies me if I got the correct answer

 Yes, because of the prof.

 Yes, because I am enjoying it.

 Yes, because I am learning new things

 Yes, because it is very challenging.

 Maybe, because when I am studying basic calculus the time run fast and no because

it gives me headache.
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 Yes, because I really don’t know but I just think it is fun.


 Yes, because it is needed

 Neutral, sometimes I am happy if I understand the lesson.

 Sometimes, it depends on the topic.

 Yes, because our teacher has a fun personality and she makes one of the hardest

subjects seem fun.

 Yes

 sometimes, when I enjoy the subject

 Yes! I am enjoying it, because it makes me smarter if I know the lesson.

 No, because it is very hard.

 A little bit because it is hard to understand

 Maybe, because it is part of my course.

4.8 When you are solving Basic Calculus problems, do you think your thinking and reasoning

are sharpened? Why or why not?

Content Analysis


 Yes, because same topic needs deep and logical thinking

 yes, because it adds additional knowledge

 No, because it is mostly on solving equations, derivatives and numbers.

 Yes, because I can say that I am learning from the mistakes of mine.
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 Yes because it sharpened my mind with knowledge and truth.

 Yes, because it is what you needed in order to understand problems

 Yes, because solving problems require logical reasoning.

 Of course

 yes, it involves deep understanding

 yes, it needs critical thinking

 Yes, because frequent use of your brain will sharpen your thinking ability.

 Yes, because the topics or lessons in Basic Cal require critical thinking.

 Yes, because it has abstract concepts.


 No, because I got the answers wrong.

 Sometimes, I think about the computation

 Sometimes, because I know mathematics is one of the hardest subject. But if you

listen to the lesson it make it easier and make your brain critically think.

 Yes, because can practice our mind.

 Yes, because I try and search for the fastest solution for a problem.

 Maybe, because sometimes, when I answer it correctly I feel that my thinking is

sharpening. But if my answer is wrong, I doesn’t.

 No, it make worst.

 Of course

 Yes, sometimes because I know the answers.

4.9 Are you interested to acquire knowledge on Basic Calculus?

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

Content Analysis

 Yes, because it will help me understand physics.

 A bit because I found math a bit interesting. I am not totally fanned of it.

 No, since Basic Cal is still being teach to me.

 Yes, I love basic calculus.

 Yes, it will help me in the future.

 Yes, because I am STEM student.

 Yes, because it’s for my engineering courses in the future.

 Yes, because it’s awesome.

 Yes, because it is basic to understand.

 Yes, it can help me one way or another.

 Yes, because of is necessary.

 Yes, because as a student it is part of my job.

 Yes (depends on the teacher), because I did it fun and math really interests me.


 Yes, because I want some tip to solve it properly and easy to understand.

 Yes, because this is essential for mathematics students.

 Yes, because it challenges my mind and so that for future references, I could do it


 Yes, because I can help myself.

 Yes, because it can help me or all the people in the near future.

 I don’t know, maybe yes. I can use it in my grade 12 here.

 No, because I won’t need it in the future.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 Yes to experience

4.10 Are you comfortable with numbers or symbols? Why or why not?

Content Analysis


 Yes, because solving math makes me feel like I am playing with numbers and


 50% yes and no. I don’t know.

 Yes, because it is understandable.

 Yes, no reason to be uncomfortable with those.

 Yes, because they can’t hurt me.

 Yes, they are cute.

 Yes, because numbers and symbols are much easier than plain words/sentences.

 No, but it is needed for my track.

 No, it is too much.

 Yes,

 Yes, as long as it is not all over the place.

 Yes, the more numbers, the merrier.

 Yes, because they look beautiful.


 Yes, sometimes.

 No, but it is needed.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 No, because I don’t understand it.

 No, they’re freaking annoying.

 Yes, because I love solving when I know it.

 Yes, because it is a part of math.

 Yes

 No, because of the number of symbols that there are to remember and its complexity.

 No, it scares me.

 No, it makes my brain destroy.

4.11 When you are in Basic Calculus Class, do you feel nervous? Why or why not?

Content Analysis


 No, because it is easy.

 Yes, especially when there is recitation because I am pressured.

 No, because I know how to do it.

 Yes, because our teacher is strict.

 No, but if there’s a quiz I might feel nervous.

 No, because it is like a normal class.

 No, because I am confident.

 No, because I’m willing to learn.

 No, because it’s only numbers and letters.

 No, it is just a subject. Why would I?

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 No, because it is not that hard.

 No, because I can understand the lesson.

 No, because it is somewhat easy, unless pressure is great.


 Yes, because i’m weak in math.

 Sometimes

 Sometimes if there is a quiz or a graded recitation.

 As of now, no, but in the first I was very nervous.

 No, because I don’t listen.

 No

 Yes, when my teacher called me.

4.12 Do you think you have more chances of becoming successful if you are good in Basic



 In terms of acads yes, but in profession depends on your job.

 Yes, because if I am not good in Basic Cal I might fail this subject and if I fail, I will not

going to graduate and if I am not graduated, it will became hard to find a job then I

will fail.

 It depends on what course will you take.

 Yes, because these concepts can help me in college.

 Yes, because I will take Civil Engineering in college.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 No, you can’t use basic calculus in real life.

 Yes, because it open up more possibilities like engineering courses.

 No, because numbers doesn’t have to do with your future.

 Yes, it’s an essential subject that will promote you.

 Yes, it will help me to become a successful Civil Engineer.

 Yes, because if it is not there why do they teach it.

 Yes, because when I am good in math, it is easy for me to understand but like me if

you have determination to learn then you will be good.

 Yes, because I can use it in physics.



 No

 No, because I am not good in Basic Calculus.

 No, you don’t need it or use it in your daily living.

 Not totally, because not all the time we can apply basic calculus but for engineering,


 Yes

 No, because it depends on you.

4.13 Are you used to think clearly when working with Basic Calculus? Why or why not?

Content Analysis

 Yes, because it is easy.

Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 Yes, unless there is time pressure.

 Yes.

 No, I feel sleepy at all times.

 Yes

 Yes, because it’s basic from the name itself.

 No, because it is our first subject.

 Yes, because I understand it.

 I don’t know.

 Yes


 No, I can’t think properly when it comes to calculus.

 Sometimes

 Yes, I critically think sometimes.

 No, I’m sleepy in the morning.

 No, because it is hard

 no

 idk

4.14 Did Basic Calculus often scare you? Why or why not?

Content Analysis

 No
Perceptions Towards Basic Calculus of Grade 11
STEM Students of T.I.P A.Y 2017 – 2018

 Why would I be scared? Is it a monster? Or a ghost? Of course no, because it’s just a


 No, because it involves numbers not monsters.

 Not really, in quizzes maybe.

 No, because basic Calculus is not disgusting.

 No, because it’s basic.

 No, because I am studying in Basic Calculus Class.

 A little bit.

 No, it just bore me.

 Yes, because I might get failed.

 No, because I know how to do it.

 Yes, because I don’t know if I can answer the questions given.

 No, because I love it.

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