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4th Term - Assignment 01

This document analyses the 6th Year Pin-Up Presentation in regards to the execution of their
projects, the quality of presentation and whether they met the brief and project objectives.

Muhuri Siegmund Kamau

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01


Project 01: Umoja Integrated Vocational School & Orphanage by Sultan Fatma ..................... 2
1.1: Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................................2
1.2: Project Objectives ..............................................................................................................................................3
1.3: Design Objectives ...............................................................................................................................................3
1.4: Site Justification .................................................................................................................................................4
1.5: Concept and Design............................................................................................................................................4
1.6: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project..........................................................................................................5
Project 02: Watamu Marine Research Centre by Dennis Mandela .......................................... 7
2.1: Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................................7
2.2: Project Objectives ..............................................................................................................................................8
2.3: Design Objectives ...............................................................................................................................................8
2.4: Site Justification .................................................................................................................................................9
2.5: Concept and Design............................................................................................................................................9
2.6: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project..........................................................................................................9
Project 03: R. N. Memorial Oncology Centre by Godwin Macharia........................................ 11
3.1: Problem Statement ..........................................................................................................................................11
3.2: Project Objectives ............................................................................................................................................12
3.3: Site Justification ...............................................................................................................................................12
3.4: Concept and Design..........................................................................................................................................13
3.5: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project........................................................................................................13
Project 04: Maasai Cultural Centre by Grekk Ojijo ................................................................ 15
4.1: Problem Statement ..........................................................................................................................................15
4.2: Project Objectives ............................................................................................................................................16
4.3: Site Justification ...............................................................................................................................................17
4.4: Concept and Design..........................................................................................................................................17
4.5: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project........................................................................................................17
Project 05: Redevelopment of City Park Market by Mark Mwoka ......................................... 18
5.1: Problem Statement ..........................................................................................................................................18
5.2: Project Objectives ............................................................................................................................................19
5.3: Site Justification ...............................................................................................................................................19
5.4: Concept and Design..........................................................................................................................................20
5.5: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project........................................................................................................20

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

Project 01: Umoja Integrated Vocational School & Orphanage by

Sultan Fatma

1.1: Problem Statement

Orphans experience psychological distress after the loss of a parent, and are subject to
emotional and material vulnerability (CEPED, 2003). Without parental care or guardianship of a
responsible adult, these children are at risk of facing homelessness. With this large population
of children at risk of loss of their basic human rights, there is need for an intervention that will
assist such children to establish themselves and re-enter society. Homeless children in Nairobi
are rounded up in remand centers and this approach has been unsuccessful towards the
reintegration of the children into society. SOS Children’s Villages in Kenya have taken the family
based care approach which starts to take into account not only the physical shelter of the child,
but the positive effect of providing the otherwise homeless, orphaned and abandoned children,
with a family and home, coupled with access to healthcare and education. Furthermore, a
National Adult Literacy Survey conducted in 2007 revealed that 61.5% of the adult population
had attained the minimum literacy level thus leaving 38.5% (7.8 million in absolute numbers)

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

adults illiterate in Kenya. The survey also showed that only 29.6% out of the 61.5% of the adult
population with minimum literacy level had acquired the desired mastery literacy and
numeracy competency. About 29.9% of the youth aged 15 to 19 years and 49% of adults aged
45 to 49 years were illiterate. These numbers justify the incorporation of a vocational school
into the design.

1.2: Project Objectives

 To create, within an existing urban community, an environment where orphaned children

could enjoy living conditions that are as close as possible to normal family life.
 To integrate the orphanage with the rest of the community by drawing in the neighboring
community. This is achieved by creating public and social interaction points: a vocational
school and a public playground.

1.3: Design Objectives

The design intends to apply the recommendations adopted from the thesis report where the
author outlined several guidelines to consider in the design of an orphanage:

 To integrate the orphanage with the rest of the community by drawing in the neighboring
community by creating public and social interaction points.
 An emphasis for architecture to be the means for developing relationships between people,
rather than becoming the primary goal or product. Intermingling of orphans and staff within
the orphanage increases the opportunities for emergent behavior, thereby strengthening
the community.
 Health and well-being of the users. By providing ample natural lighting and ventilation in
the living spaces.
 The growing child: Play is an integral part of growth of the child, and should be integrated as
a design concept in children’s homes. The scale of the child should determine personalized
furniture for the age groups, and dictate the ceiling heights and widths of the spaces
appropriately. Gender and age appropriate activities should also be provided.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

1.4: Site Justification

 The site exists within a lively urban context, and generally residential neighborhood and so
the children won't be isolated from society.
 Edge of city location, away from the congestion of town, yet still easily accessible via Jogoo
 Close proximity to Nairobi city, which has a large workforce of qualified technology oriented
 The site is recorded as public land (Plot number 209/ 10466, FR Number 178/ 45) with an
existing primary school and public playground, and so a project for the public, as such,
would be best suited.

1.5: Concept and Design

 The student managed to create a warm ambience and play of textures that would
encourage child play and curiosity by use of brick and timber.
 The materials used, brick and timber, are very sustainable and affordable.
 The design is aesthetic and neat therefore creating a conducive environment for raising
orphaned children.
 The student managed to integrate the orphanage with the rest of the community by
designing a shared playground.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

1.6: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project

 Thesis: The student’s thesis topic, “Homeless Children: Towards Evolving a Solution”, relates
very well to the project. The project builds up from the thesis and integrates some of the
design strategies and research stated in the thesis.
 Site Analysis: It is visual and comprehensive as the student describes the existing site
conditions, the current use, impact on design and the proposed design solution.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

 Case Studies: The case studies used, both local and international, are very relevant to the
project and they helped the student borrow important design strategies and factors.
 Brief Analysis: Accurate and detailed, listing all the required spaces relevant to the project
and sufficient space allocation for the various activities.
 Presentation: Neat and legible presentation supported by process sketches and a model.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

Project 02: Watamu Marine Research Centre by Dennis Mandela

2.1: Problem Statement

Marine life is a vast resource, providing food, medicine, and raw materials, in addition to
helping to support recreation and tourism all over the world. At a fundamental level, marine life
helps determine the very nature of our planet. Marine organisms contribute significantly to the
oxygen cycle, and are involved in the regulation of the Earth's climate. Shorelines are in part
shaped and protected by marine life, and some marine organisms even help create new land.
Kenya is rich in this with several marine parks that have been ranked highly in the world for the
diverse ranges they offer.

Tourism is a major driver of the economy. There so many potential sectors of tourism that have
not been exploited in Kenya, marine tourism is one of them. Therefore there is a need for close
monitoring and study on protection of these resources so that they don’t get extinct over time.
This calls for a facility that will deal with research on marine life and offer educative insights
into marine conservation and that will help in promoting tourism in the country.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

2.2: Project Objectives

The design intends to apply the recommendations adopted from the thesis report where the
author outlined some pillars to consider when designing for regionalist buildings and still
maintain their modern relevance. And it will be geared towards achieving the following

 Promote marine Research and Education in the country.

 Promote marine Conservation in the country.
 Promote marine Tourism in the country and create an opportunity to improve the welfare
of the locals through inclusive participation in community based projects.

2.3: Design Objectives

 The project is intended to be in line with the government’s strategic plan to promote socio-
economic welfare of the citizens through research and education.
 The project is aimed at promoting tourism, education and cultural revival along the Kenyan
coast. The project will be a resource area where the basic pillars of the society, education,
socio-cultural, economic and recreational will all be integrated.
 A modern building in all aspects, the project will take into consideration all the design
principles that are recommended for the site location of this project which is in the coast
which experiences a warm-humid kind of climatic conditions.
 The development is therefore intended to be modern but responds to both the climatic and
cultural aspects of its context.
 Watamu Marine Research Center, as much as being a scientific projects is envisioned to be
sustainable to cater for social, environmental, economic and cultural issues; a modern era
building that is a tool for empowerment and pride for the region.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

2.4: Site Justification

 Due to this biodiversity, the Park is probably one of the best small parks in the world for its
sheer variety.
 The Park's coral reefs form the physical and biological heart of the area; over 150 species of
hard and soft corals, such as brain corals, fan corals and sponges, provide the nutrients for
the abundant fish.
 The Park contains over 500 species of reef fish; the Reserve has over 1000 species.
 The Reserve is regarded by experts as one of the world's top diving areas, with whale
sharks, manta rays, octopus and barracuda as some of the larger species encountered.
 Watamu is also a vital turtle breeding area, with an active turtle watch group. Although
Green and Hawksbill turtles are the primary species, Olive Ridleys, Loggerheads and
Leatherback turtles have been occasionally seen.

2.5: Concept and Design

 There is use of analytical and legible sketches to communicate various concept ideas
proposed in regards to the site analysis.
 A clear design process is also exhibited. From conceptual sketches to scheme design and the
final design.
 The sketches referred to above are very neat, visual and are of architectural quality.

2.6: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project

 Thesis: The student’s thesis topic, “Emerging Building Trends in Mombasa - A Critique”,
relates very well to the Marine Research project. The project builds up from the thesis and
integrates some of the modern design strategies and research stated in the thesis.
 Site Analysis: Very detailed and includes the environment surrounding the site. The student
analyses the existing site conditions and proposes a design solution in regards to each
condition. This also guides the student in using the site constraints to achieve a workable
design solution.
The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

 Case Studies: Each case study is relevant and unique and they influence the proposed
design concept. The lessons learnt by the student are clearly stated and the design factors
borrowed have been implemented appropriately. The several case studies analyzed offer
various solutions to solve the design problem at hand.
 Brief Analysis: Excellently executed in terms of analyzing each and every spatial
requirements and relationships. It is very comprehensive as it analyzes the required spaces
to detail.
 Presentation: The student has excellent visualization with vibrancy and legibility. It includes
construction details, and 3D perspectives that clearly communicate the proposed design.
The model created is also very detailed and neat.

The student managed to achieve the stated project objectives as the design encourages
research, education, offers jobs and provides recreational facilities for the public, i.e.
amphitheater and shops. The project is a modern interpretation of traditional Swahili
architecture thus integrates with the surrounding context.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

Project 03: R. N. Memorial Oncology Centre by Godwin Macharia

3.1: Problem Statement

Private cancer care is not an option for the majority of Kenyans as treatment costs in these
hospitals are so astronomical that many patients travel to India for cancer treatment instead.
More effort and resources are needed to make treatment more widely available and accessible.
Conclusively, the following are the problems that present themselves locally:

 Inadequate healthcare infrastructure and understaffing

 Faulty national health insurance plan (focusing mainly on prevention and control of
communicable diseases)
 Inadequately designed and under-resourced hospitals which leads to long wait times for
 Widespread lack of cancer awareness
 Most of the Cancer treatment facilities are located within a 5 km radius of Nairobi
 The existing facilities focus entirely on treatment of the physiological need of the patient

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

3.2: Project Objectives

 To establish what Medical Tourism is and the architectural factors that have led to its
proliferation locally.
 To illustrate how architecture can be part of the solution in the fight against Cancer in
 To demonstrate how built form can be used to create a positive user experience for the
patient, the staff and the visitors in the oncological facility.
 To illustrate the site characteristics and architectural elements that are involved in the
creation of a self-sustaining Cancer treatment environment.

3.3: Site Justification

The site’s environs are largely dominated by greenery. To the southern periphery is a 9 acre
coffee farm. To the western periphery is uninhabited land, dominated by trees and shrubs. The
same goes for the eastern periphery, though it should be noted that there exists minimal
amount of residential schemes towards the main road.

 Serenity: Situation in an area with minimal development in terms of built form reduces the
amount of human and vehicular traffic, which in turn creates the serenity desired for a
facility of this typology.
 Size: An 18 acre site allows for the incorporation of the self-sustenance aspect observed in
Tata Medical Centre and Outspan area in Nyeri.
 Proximity to other institutions: The nearness to Mt. Kenya Academy, Chania Secondary and
Primary schools creates an opportunity to create cancer awareness.
 Soil Type: The soil type dominant on site is again red coffee soil which provides the
opportunity for provision of outdoor spaces
 Immediate neighborhood: As has been observed, measures need to be taken on the
northern periphery to curb noise. All other boundaries however have access to vast views
which should be harnessed.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

 Accessibility: The site is accessed directly from the Nyeri-Nyahururu road via a dirt road,
illustrating ease of servicing and reachability to both pedestrian and vehicle.

3.4: Concept and Design

 The simplicity of the concept is impressive. It is very visual and is easy to follow through the
logic used by the student in the conceptual stage of design.
 It is well detailed as the student analyzes the pros and cons of each concept alternative. This
guided him in choosing the best alternative for implementation.
 The design of the building is contemporary, minimal and meditational with a good and
informed balance between the hard and soft elements of design to create a conducive
environment that encourages good health and wellness of the users (patients).

3.5: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project

 Thesis: The student’s thesis topic, “Patient Experience in Oncological Facilities”, relates very
well to the project. The project builds up from the thesis and integrates some of the
modern design strategies and research stated in the thesis.
 Site Analysis: There is admirable site analysis skills that include all aspects of the site, i.e.
circulation, social amenities, infrastructure, typography, climate and architectural character
of surrounding buildings. The site analysis helps generate design ideas and
 Case Studies: The case studies analyzed helped the student to learn lessons that he
implemented in his design proposal. This is because the case studies have been built and
the student acquires information on what works successfully and what does not. The
execution of the analysis is detailed and comprehensive.
 Brief Analysis: Intense level of detail and understanding of each complex space to the
entirety of the project has been exhibited.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

 Presentation: It is well broken down thus very easily understood, e.g. a plan for each entity
in the design (services, waste management, circulation and activity distribution). Very neat
drawings have been used, accompanied by vibrant 3D impressions. The presentation
matches the ambience of the project, i.e. clean neat lines, minimal design and layout and
toned down colors for better interpretation. The presentation is very legible in terms of text
and drawings.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

Project 04: Maasai Cultural Centre by Grekk Ojijo

4.1: Problem Statement

The local community, who are also beneficiaries of the tourism industry lack a facility to fully
showcase their culture and art for the tourist and these is often done in the homesteads which
to some extent limits their exhibits and integration with the outside world. This center will
therefore create a facility where the locals can showcase their art and culture, enhance their
craftsmanship and creativity as well as connect them to the outside world by tapping into the
tourism industry.

 Problem 1: Lack of facility to showcase and exhibit cultural artefacts.

Solution: Study the current spaces that the Maasai use to exhibit their art and artefacts and
understand the social impact. Come up with spaces that will be more attractive to the outside
world yet maintain the social integrity of the locals.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

 Problem 2: Craftsmanship and Apprenticeship.

Solution: Create spaces within the centre that facilitate craftsmanship and apprenticeship thus
empowering the locals with more skills to earn a living and enhance their creativity.

 Problem 3: Connectivity and Global Exposure.

Solution: Come up with a structure that celebrates the local culture from the form to the
individual activities happening in the centre. A centre that brings local and international tourists
together to celebrate the rich culture of the Maasai and thus enhancing the connection of the
Maasai to the outside world.

4.2: Project Objectives

Maasai Cultural Centre will be a progressive regional place that is a centre for innovation,
community engagements and integration. The facility will:

 Exhibit contemporary and historical art, architecture and design.

 Educate through a wide range of educational programs for both children and adults.
 Engage through a range of public programs and activities.
 Collect and maintain Maasai cultural assets through the preservation of works by artisans
and craftsmen.
 Generate revenue through programming, membership, venue rental, art rental program, a
shop and food services.
 Celebrate through the provision of a vibrant community place for gathering indoors and

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

4.3: Site Justification

 The proposed site located in a prime location and therefore the facility will be easily
accessible by the tourists visiting the Game reserve due to the proximity to the Main Narok-
Sekenani Road (C-12).
 The proximity of the site to the local villages which are located approximately 1 kilometer
makes it an ideal central location.
 The proximity to the adjacent town centre will enhance the vibrancy of the town and create
further employment opportunities for the locals.

4.4: Concept and Design

 The concept has been derived from traditional Maasai architecture and culture which is
very unique, rich and a source of tourist attraction.
 The radial layout of the Maasai community has influenced the project design and has been
executed with a modern touch.

4.5: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project

 Thesis: The thesis topic was “Towards a hybrid Maasai Architecture. The Case of Narok
Town.” This was then followed up by a proposal for The Maasai Cultural centre in Narok
County, Sekeknani Town.
 Site Analysis: There are various aspects of the site that have been analyzed that have
contributed to the final design of the cultural centre. The analysis is detailed and also entails
research of the culture of the Maasai people.
 Case Studies: Relevant local and international case studies have inspired the proposed
project in terms of form and spatial relationship and function. They also have influenced the
cultural aspect of the proposed project.
 Brief Analysis: This has been dictated by conservation policies, socio-cultural, educational,
tourism and recreational aspects. The spaces recommended are meant to anchor the stated
functions efficiently.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

Project 05: Redevelopment of City Park Market by Mark Mwoka

5.1: Problem Statement

For a long time, the culture and soul of the African people has been inherent in the spirit of the
market place. However, there has been a gradual loss of identity and expression in the market
place. There is need to rethink the character of the market place and provide a common
architectural platform that encompasses the local culture, endorses social cohesion and
provides opportunities for economic growth.

Another problem facing the market is poor infrastructure with poor storm water drainage, lack
of water and security from fire. In the recent past more than 6 markets have been consumed by
fires. The destruction of markets and insufficient spaces for trade has led to the scourge of
hawkers in the city’s central business district. According to estimates, there are estimated to be
over 15,000 hawkers in Nairobi’s CBD alone [Ministry of Local Government, 2014]. This had led
to the putting up of informal structures within the city’s streets with more and more hawkers
being charged for trading in undesignated areas.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

5.2: Project Objectives


 To evolve a contemporary model for the conventional Kenyan market that addresses a
character similar to the traditional marketplace.
 To create a space that forms a node for sustaining and experiencing social, cultural and
commercial activities within the local community.
 To develop a benchmark that will in the long run promote sensual considerations to
heighten architectural experiences.
 To preserve all the urban landscape from visual imperfections.


 To encourage social and economic independence by providing spaces for interaction and
opportunities to further economic progress.
 To provide communal amenities that foster social cohesion, unity and good neighborhoods.
 To create a space that forms a node for sustaining and experiencing the culture of the
 To provide a versatile market place that acts as both market and revitalize the neighboring
City Park.

5.3: Site Justification

 The site was previously occupied by a popular market which was a source for fresh foods,
eateries and other social activities. It was consumed by a fire on the 5th February 2015 and
the site is therefore in need of rehabilitation.
 The site is easily accessible to pedestrians, private and public transport facilities and is close
to the central business district. Accessibility is vital for servicing the market and suppressing
 The close proximity to a high density suburb with cultural diversity is important in increasing
foot traffic within the area and enhancing social cohesion.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

5.4: Concept and Design

 Conceptual sketches have been used to communicate various ideas on the spirit of the
African market to be employed in the project. These sketches progress into form
development, access routes and structure.
 The eventual design is simple and very functional as it is able to accommodate all functions
of a market and the spatial relationship enhances efficiency.

5.5: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project

 Thesis: This project will serve as a chance to demonstrate the lessons learnt in the author’s
written thesis titled “Architecture and the Sensorial Experience: A Comparative Study of
Social Spaces in Nairobi.” The case areas chosen were aimed at understanding the influence
of perception as a program generator to create a holistic experience. In the design project,
the author intends to highlight the market place and its innate capacity to express itself as a
space for existential experiences. Secondly, it establishes the opportunity for engaging the
narrative responses and integrate it with functionality.
 Site Analysis: It entails legible and easily understandable visuals which have been used to
analyze and show the various site constraints. Possible responses to these constraints have
been suggested and some have been implementes on the actual design. The site analysis
has also provided a clear understanding on various market activities in detail. This has
enabled the analysis of the spaces and their relationships, and generally, how a market
 Case Studies: Use of local case study (City Market) enabled the student to understand the
various possible solutions for the design proposal at hand. Use of various international
cases studies provides ideas for problem solving that have proved efficient in other
countries. Some of these solutions can be implemented and are workable in the site
location chosen. Various environmental strategies are also borrowed.
 Brief Analysis: The student has compared the current statistics on space use in a market
environment to the appropriate and required spatial allocation and relationships.

The University of Nairobi 4th Term - Assignment 01

 Presentation: Clear and legible illustrations and drawings communicate the project design
with ease. Visuals and photos also enhance the legibility and understanding of the design.


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