The Theory of Wave Field Synthesis Revisited

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The theory of wave field synthesis revisited

Article · January 2008


177 736

3 authors:

Sascha Spors Rudolf Rabenstein

University of Rostock Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg


Jens Ahrens
Chalmers University of Technology


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Audio Engineering Society

Convention Paper
Presented at the 124th Convention
2008 May 17–20 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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The Theory of Wave Field Synthesis Revisited

Sascha Spors1 , Rudolf Rabenstein2 , and Jens Ahrens1
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin University of Technology, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Multimedia and Signal Processing, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Cauerstrasse 7, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

Correspondence should be addressed to Sascha Spors (

Wave field synthesis is a spatial sound field reproduction technique aiming at authentic reproduction of
auditory scenes. Its theoretical foundation has been developed almost 20 years ago and has been improved
considerably since then. Most of the original work on wave field synthesis is restricted to the reproduction
in a planar listening area using linear loudspeaker arrays. Extensions like arbitrarily shaped distributions
of secondary sources and three-dimensional reproduction in a listening volume have not been discussed in
a unified framework so far. This paper revisits the theory of wave field synthesis and presents a unified
theoretical framework covering arbitrarily shaped loudspeaker arrays for two- and three-dimensional repro-
duction. The paper additionally gives an overview on the artifacts resulting in practical setups and briefly
discusses some extensions to the traditional concepts of WFS.

1. INTRODUCTION sound reproduction. The authors therefore em-

Wave field synthesis (WFS) is a spatial sound field ployed only some few loudspeakers and essentially
reproduction technique that utilizes a high number laid the theoretical fundament for stereophonic tech-
of loudspeakers to create a virtual auditory scene niques. It took quite some time until the initial ideas
over a large listening area. It overcomes some of the of Snow have been taken up again.
limitations of stereophonic reproduction techniques, The theoretical framework of WFS was initially for-
like e. g. the sweet-spot. mulated by Berkhout et al. at the Delft University
A first concept, of what is nowadays known as WFS, of Technology almost 20 years ago [2]. However, it
was presented by Snow et al. [1] more than 50 years seems that the term ’wave field synthesis’ has been
ago. However, technical constraints prohibited the mentioned the first time some years later [3]. Also
employment of a high number of loudspeakers for around that time first laboratory setups of WFS sys-
S.Spors et al. The Theory of Wave Field Synthesis Revisited

tems have been realized. Sound reproduction using 2. BASIC THEORY

WFS has gained quite some attraction in the spatial This section introduces the basic theory of wave field
audio research community. Besides various research synthesis.
projects, like e. g. the EC IST funded project CAR-
2.1. The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Integral
ROUSO [4], also a number of PhD theses have been
A loudspeaker system surrounding the listener can
written in the context of WFS so far [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
be regarded as an inhomogeneous boundary condi-
11, 12, 13, 14]. General overviews on WFS can be
tion for the wave equation. This will be illustrated
found e. g. in [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24].
in the following.
Most of the original work on WFS considers
The solution of the homogeneous wave equation
the reproduction in a planar listening area (two-
for a bounded region V with respect to inhomoge-
dimensional wave field synthesis), using a linear dis-
neous boundary conditions is given by the Kirchhoff-
tribution of loudspeakers. Although the theory of
Helmholtz integral [25]
WFS has been extended in various aspects, topics
like arbitrarily shaped distributions of loudspeak- I 

ers and three-dimensional reproduction have gained P (x, ω) = − G(x|x0 , ω) P (x0 , ω) −
only little attention so far. This paper will revisit ∂V ∂n

the physical background of WFS and will present a ∂
P (x0 , ω) G(x|x0 , ω) dS0 , (1)
unified framework that covers these aspects. ∂n
For this purpose our paper begins in Section 2 with
the generic formulation of the underlying physical where P (x, ω) denotes the pressure field inside a
problem using the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral. It bounded region V enclosed by the boundary ∂V
will be shown how to derive a formulation from this (x ∈ V ), G(x|x0 , ω) a suitable chosen Green’s func-
fundamental principle that is applicable in practi- tion, P (x0 , ω) the acoustic pressure at the boundary
cal setups. Section 3 specializes the generic the- ∂V (x0 ∈ ∂V ) and n the inward pointing normal

ory of WFS developed so far, to the case of three- vector of ∂V . The abbreviation ∂n denotes the di-
dimensional reproduction in a volume. The three- rectional gradient in direction of the normal vector

dimensional formulation serves as basis for the de- n. For instance ∂n P (x0 , ω) is
scription of the conventional two-dimensional WFS

schemes introduced in Section 4. In order to span P (x0 , ω) = h∇P (x, ω), n(x0 )i , (2)
∂n x=x0
the bridge to the traditional theory of WFS, the
loudspeaker driving functions derived within this pa- where h·, ·i denotes the scalar product of two vectors.
per will be compared to the classical WFS literature. The wave field P (x, ω) outside of V is zero and V is
Besides revisiting the foundations of WFS, Section 5 assumed to be source-free. Figure 1 illustrates the
will give an overview on the artifacts resulting from geometry.
further assumptions and simplifications performed The Green’s function G(x|x0 , ω) represents the so-
in practical setups. Finally some extensions to WFS lution of the inhomogeneous wave equation for exci-
will be discussed in Section 6. tation with a spatio-temporal Dirac pulse at the po-
The following conventions are used throughout this sition x0 . It has to fulfill the homogeneous bound-
paper: For scalar variables lower case denotes the ary conditions imposed on ∂V . For sound repro-
time domain, upper case the temporal frequency do- duction typically free-field propagation within V is
main. The temporal frequency variable is denoted assumed. This means that V is free of any objects
by ω = 2πf . Vectors are denoted by lower case and that the boundary ∂V does not restrict prop-
boldface. The three-dimensional position vector in agation. The Green’s function is then given as the
Cartesian coordinates is given as x = [x y z]T . Two- free-field solution of the wave equation and is re-
dimensional wave fields are also considered within ferred to as free-field Green’s function G0 (x|x0 , ω).
this paper. The required reduction in dimensional- The free-field Green’s function can be interpreted as
ity is performed by assuming that the reproduced the spatio-temporal transfer function of a monopole
wave field is independent from the z-coordinate, placed at the point x0 and its directional gradient
e. g. P (x, y, z, ω) = P (x, y, ω). as the spatio-temporal transfer function of a dipole

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It is desirable for a practical implementation to dis-

card one of the two types of secondary sources that
the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral employs. Typi-
V cally the dipole sources are removed, since monopole
virtual n
source sources can be realized reasonably well by loud-
P (x, ω)
x0 speakers with closed cabinets. According to [25]
x two different techniques exist to derive monopole
∂V only versions of the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral:
S(x, ω)
the simple source approach and a modification of
the free-field Green’s function used in the Kirchhoff-
0 Helmholtz integral. These two approaches will be
discussed in the following two subsections.
2.2. Simple Source Approach
The dipole secondary sources in the Kirchhoff-
Fig. 1: Illustration of the geometry used for the Helmholtz integral can be discarded by considering
Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral (1). two equivalent but spatially disjunct problems. The
simple source approach is derived by constructing an
exterior and separately an interior problem with re-
at the point x0 , whose main axis points towards n. spect to the boundary ∂V and linking both problems
Equation (1) states that the wave field P (x, ω) in- by requiring that the pressure is continuous and the
side V is fully determined by the pressure P (x, ω) directional gradient is discontinuous at the bound-
and its directional gradient on the boundary ∂V . ary ∂V [25]. This procedure results in
If the Green’s function is realized by a continuous
distribution of appropriately driven monopole and
dipole sources which are placed on the boundary ∂V , P (x, ω) = µ(x0 , ω) G0 (x|x0 , ω) dS0 . (3)
the wave field within V is fully determined by these
sources. This principle can be used for sound re- Equation (3) states that a distribution of monopole
production as will be illustrated in the following. In sources on ∂V driven by µ(x0 , ω) fully determines
this context the monopole and dipole sources on the the wave field P (x, ω) within and outside of V . Note,
boundary are referred to as (monopole/dipole) sec- that contrary to the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz formula-
ondary sources. tion the wave field outside of V will not be zero in
For authentic sound field reproduction it is desired this case.
to reproduce the wave field S(x, ω) of a virtual It is stated in [25] that the simple source approach
source inside a limited area (listening area) as closely delivers the same results as the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz
as possible. In the following, the listening area is as- formulation when considering either an interior or
sumed to be the bounded region V (see Fig. 1). Con- exterior problem. Sound reproduction can be re-
cluding the considerations given so far, authentic garded as interior problem. The source strength
sound field reproduction can be realized if a distri- µ(x0 , ω) is given by the underlying physical prob-
bution of secondary monopole and dipole sources on lem which satisfies the stated boundary conditions.
the boundary ∂V of the listening area V are driven For authentic sound field reproduction it is required
by the directional gradient and the pressure of the that the field P (x, ω) within V is equal to the wave
wave field of the virtual source S(x, ω), respectively. field of the virtual source S(x, ω). The appropriate
Thus P (x0 , ω) in Eq. (1) is given by the values of secondary source strength µ(x0 , ω) can be derived
S(x, ω) on ∂V . The wave field P (x, ω) inside the lis- by constructing an exterior field that satisfies the
tening area V is then equal to the wave field S(x, ω) required boundary conditions. In general this will
of the virtual source. The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz inte- only be possible by considering special geometries of
gral and its interpretation given above lay the theo- the secondary source contour ∂V .
retical foundation for WFS and other massive mul- In higher-order Ambisonics [26, 27], and other repro-
tichannel sound reproduction systems. duction techniques [28, 29, 30] which are inherently

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based on the simple source approach, Eq. (3) is ex- due to the specialized geometry |x − x0 | = |xm − x0 |
plicitly solved with respect to µ(x0 , ω). This is typ- and thus [24]
ically performed by expanding the respective wave
fields using orthogonal wave field expansions. The GN (x|x0 , ω) = 2 G0 (x|x0 , ω) . (6)
simple source formulation (3) ensures that a unique
solution for the secondary source strength µ(x0 , ω) Hence, in this special case GN (x|x0 , ω) is equal to a
exists. point source with double strength.
Introducing GN (x|x0 , ω) into the Kirchhoff-
2.3. Elimination of Dipole Secondary Sources in Helmholtz integral for a planar geometry derives
WFS the first Rayleigh integral, which is the basis for the
The second term in the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz inte- traditional derivation of WFS [2, 5, 6, 7]. However,
gral (1), representing the dipole secondary sources, this theoretical basis holds only for linear/planar
can be discarded by modifying the Green’s function secondary source distributions. In the following an
used in the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral [25]. The extension to arbitrarily shaped secondary source
modified Green’s function GN (x|x0 , ω) has to obey contours will be developed.
the following condition
2.4. Extension to Arbitrarily Shaped Contours

It is assumed that Eq. (5) holds also approximately
GN (x|x0 , ω) =0, (4)
∂n x0 ∈∂V for other geometries. In this case the receiver point
xm is chosen as the point x mirrored at the tangent
in order to eliminate the dipole secondary sources.
to the boundary ∂V at the position x0 . The elimina-
Condition (4) formulates a homogeneous Neumann
tion of the secondary dipole sources for an arbitrary
boundary condition imposed on ∂V . The modi-
secondary source contour ∂V has two consequences:
fied Green’s function is typically termed Neumann
Green’s function. As a consequence of the condi-
tion given by Eq. (4), the boundary ∂V will be 1. the wave field outside of V will not be zero, and
implicitly modeled as an acoustically rigid surface 2. the reproduced wave field will not match the
for the secondary sources. The desired Neumann virtual source field exactly within V .
Green’s function GN (x|x0 , ω) can be derived by
adding a suitable homogeneous solution (with re-
The first consequence implies that the boundary ∂V
spect to the region V ) to the free-field Green’s func-
has to be convex, so that no contributions from the
tion G0 (x|x0 , ω). The explicit form of the Neu-
wave field outside of the listening area V propa-
mann Green’s function depends on the geometry of
gate back into the listening area. The second is a
the boundary ∂V . A closed form solution can only
consequence of approximating the Neumann Green’s
be found for rather simple geometries like spheres
function for arbitrary geometries using the solution
and planar boundaries. Additionally, the such de-
given by Eq. (5). As mentioned before, the bound-
rived Neumann Green’s function has to be realized
ary ∂V will be implicitly modeled as rigid bound-
by physically existing secondary sources. Depending
ary. The appropriate Neumann Green’s function
on the explicit form of the Neumann Green’s func-
for a particular geometry compensates inherently for
tion such secondary sources may be hard to realize
these reflections. Using the Neumann Green’s func-
in practice.
tion Eq. (5) for bend secondary source contours leads
In the context of WFS linear secondary source con-
to artifacts in the reproduced wave field. The most
tours have been considered mainly so far. A suit-
prominent are that the reproduction of the desired
able Neumann Green’s function for a planar/linear
wave field will be superimposed by undesired reflec-
boundary ∂V is given by [25]
tions. These artifacts can be attenuated by a modi-
GN (x|x0 , ω) = G0 (x|x0 , ω)+ G0 (xm (x)|x0 , ω) . (5) fication of the driving function, as will be illustrated
in the following.
A solution fulfilling Eq. (4) is given by choosing the The main energy of the undesired reflections is re-
receiver point xm (x) as the point x mirrored at the produced by those secondary sources where the local
planar boundary ∂V at the position x0 . Note, that propagation direction of the virtual wave field does

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not coincide with the normal vector n of the sec- D(x0 , ω) and the Green’s functions G(x|x0 , ω) of the
ondary source. Since we are free to choose the sec- monopoles at the boundary ∂V as
ondary sources used for reproduction, these unde- I
sired reflections can be attenuated by muting those P (x, ω) = − D(x0 , ω) G0 (x|x0 , ω) dS0 . (11)
secondary sources which reproduce the reflections. ∂V
Following this concept, the reproduced wave field For an arbitrarily shaped boundary ∂V the repro-
reads duced wave field will not exactly match the virtual
source field S(x, ω) within V . However, practice
P (x, ω) = has revealed that the assumptions used to derive
∂ the driving function provide a reasonable approxi-
− 2a(x0 ) S(x0 , ω) G0 (x|x0 , ω) dS0 , (7)
∂V ∂n mation for sound reproduction purposes. A detailed
analysis of the resulting artifacts is an open research
where a(x0 ) denotes a suitably chosen window func- topic.
tion. This function takes care that only those sec-
ondary sources are active where the local propaga- 2.5. Virtual Source Models
tion direction of the virtual source at the position x0 Model-based rendering of a virtual sources requires
has a positive component in direction of the normal appropriate models for their wave fields. This sec-
vector n of the secondary source at that position. It tion explicitly introduces two commonly used virtual
was proposed in [31, 32] to formulate this condition source models, plane and spherical waves. It is also
analytically on basis of the acoustic intensity vector shown how to determine the window function a(x0 )
( from (10) for these two special cases.
1 , if hĪS (x0 , ω), n(x0 )i > 0, The wave field of a plane wave is given as
a(x0 ) = (8)
0 , otherwise. ω T
Spw (x, ω) = Ŝpw (ω) e−j c npw x , (12)
The time averaged acoustic intensity vector ĪS (x, ω) where npw denotes the propagation direction of the
for the wave field of the virtual source is defined as
plane wave and Ŝpw (ω) its spectrum. The window
1 function apw (x0 ) for a virtual plane wave can be de-
ĪS (x, ω) = ℜ{S(x, ω)VS (x, ω)∗ } , (9)
2 rived by evaluating (9) for the pressure Spw (x, ω)
and velocity field Vpw (x, ω) of a plane wave as [31]
where VS (x, ω) denotes the particle velocity field of
the virtual source S(x, ω), ℜ{·} the real part of its 1 , if hnpw , n(x0 )i > 0,
argument and the superscript ∗ the conjugate com- apw (x0 ) = (13)
0 , otherwise.
plex of a variable.
The Green’s function in Eq. (7) characterizes the The wave field of a spherical wave with stationary
field of the secondary sources, the remaining terms position is given as
their strength. The strength will be termed as sec-
ondary source driving function in the following. The e−j c |x−xS |
secondary source driving function D(x0 , ω) is given Ssw (x, ω) = Ŝsw (ω) , (14)
|x − xS |
∂ where xS denotes the center position of the spherical
D(x0 , ω) = 2a(x0 ) S(x0 , ω) . (10)
∂n wave and Ŝsw (ω) its spectrum in radial direction.
The secondary source driving function plays an im- The window function asw (x0 ) for a virtual spherical
portant role since it determines the loudspeaker sig- wave is given as [31]
nals in a practical implementation. It is the basis (
for three- and two-dimensional WFS approaches dis- 1 , if hx0 − xS , n(x0 )i > 0,
asw (x0 ) = (15)
cussed within the scope of this paper. 0 , otherwise.
Summarizing the results of this section, the sound
pressure P (x, ω) inside the listening area can be ex- Besides these two basic types of virtual sources
pressed by the secondary source driving functions also other models have been developed in the past.

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Models for complex sources and appropriate driv- point source with monopole characteristics located
ing functions for WFS have been developed by at the position x0 .
e. g. [33, 34, 35, 36]. However, most of this work
is based upon the assumption of a linear secondary 3.1. Arbitrarily Shaped Secondary Source Con-
source distribution which requires no sensible selec- tours
tion of the active secondary sources. Following the Three-dimensional WFS can be realized by sur-
generalization of the linear case to curved and closed rounding the listening volume V by a continuous
secondary source contours, given in Section 2.3, the distribution of point sources placed on the bound-
acoustic intensity vector of the complex source can ary ∂V . These secondary sources are driven by the
be used to select the active secondary sources in the secondary source driving function (10). The driving
general case. function is given by the directional gradient of the
The model of a spherical wave given by Eq. (14) is virtual source wave field and the window function
based on the assumption of a stationary source po- a(x0 ). Hence, the explicit form of the driving func-
sition. Most of the current implementations of WFS tion depends on the virtual source and the geometry
systems render moving sources as a sequence of sta- of the sound reproduction system. The driving func-
tionary source positions that change over time [37]. tion for a plane wave is determined by the direction
Recently this situation has been improved by explic- gradient of the wave field of a plane wave (12) and
itly applying models of moving sources [38]. the window function (13) as
The underlying theory of WFS assumes that the lis-
tening area V is free of sources. Consequently no
virtual source S(x, ω) can be placed within the lis- Dpw,3D (x0 , ω) =
tening area in order to determine an appropriate
driving function for that situation. However, it is nTpw n(x0 ) ω T
− 2apw (x0 ) jω Ŝpw (ω)e−j c npw x0 . (17)
possible to reproduce a point source (with some re- c
strictions) in the listening area by applying the time-
reversal principle [39, 40]. Such sources are termed A time-domain version of the driving function (17) is
as focused sources. Recently, the theory of focused useful to derive an efficient implementation of WFS.
sources has been extended to allow the reproduction Inverse Fourier transformation of Eq. (17) reveals
of directional focused sources [41]. Note, that the the time-domain version of the driving signal
proposed secondary source selection scheme (8) has
to be modified to cover focused sources [31].
dpw,3D (x0 , t) =
THESIS nTpw n(x0 ) d nTpw x0
− 2apw (x0 ) ŝpw (t − ) , (18)
The generic theory of WFS developed in Section 2 c dt c
holds for two- and three-dimensional WFS systems.
This section will specialize the theory to the case where the differentiation theorem of the Fourier
of three-dimensional reproduction in a listening vol- transformation was used. Equation (18) states that
ume. the driving signal for a plane wave can be com-
The Green’s function used in the reproduction equa- puted efficiently in the time-domain by weighting the
tion (11) determines the characteristics of the sec- derivative of the time-shifted source signal ŝpw (t).
ondary sources. The specific form of the free- However, the differentiation of the virtual source sig-
field Green’s function depends on the dimensional- nal may also be performed by filtering the signal by a
ity of the problem. The three-dimensional free-field filter with jω-characteristic. This is especially useful
Green’s function is given as [25] when considering the effects of spatial aliasing (see
1 e−j c |x−x0 | Section 5.1).
G0,3D (x|x0 , ω) = . (16) The driving function for a virtual spherical wave can
4π |x − xS |
be derived by following the same procedure as out-
Equation (16) can be interpreted as the field of a line above for a virtual plane wave. In the frequency

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domain it is given as with x0 = [x0 0 z0 ]T . Equation (21) is known as the

first Rayleigh integral. The reproduced wave field
(x0 − xS )T n(x0 ) P (x, ω) will be mirrored at the secondary source dis-
Dsw,3D (x0 , ω) = −2asw (x0 ) ×
|x0 − xS |2 tribution as a consequence of the Neumann bound-

1 jω

ary condition (4). Hence, the reproduced wave field
× + Ŝsw (ω)e−j c |x0 −xS | . (19) is only correct in one of the two half-volumes sep-
|x0 − xS | c
arated by the secondary source distribution. The
The time-domain version of the driving signal for a direction of the normal vector n specifies the consid-
spherical wave is derived by inverse Fourier transfor- ered half-volume. We will consider the half-volume
mation of Eq. (19) with y ≥ 0 as the listening area in the sequel. The
normal vector for this case is given as n = [0 1 0]T .
(x0 − xS )T n(x0 ) The secondary source driving function for a virtual
dsw,3D (x0 , t) = −2asw (x0 ) ×
|x0 − xS |2 plane wave is given by specializing Eq. (17). Due to
  the symmetry of the reproduced wave field with re-
1 1 d |x0 − xS |
× + ŝsw (t − ) . (20) spect to the secondary source distribution it is rea-
|x0 − xS | c dt c
sonable to limit the incidence angle of the virtual
For a spherical wave, the driving signal in the time- plane wave to the case ny,pw > 0, hence to plane
domain is given by a weighted linear superposition of waves traveling into the positive y-direction. Ac-
the time-shifted source signal ŝsw (t) and its deriva- cordingly to Eq. (13), the value of the window func-
tive. tion for selection of active secondary sources will be
Practical implementations of three-dimensional apw (x0 ) = 1.
sound reproduction systems typically exhibit spher- The driving function for a virtual spherical wave is
ical or cuboid shape. The detailed discussion of given by specializing Eq. (19). Due to the symme-
spherical WFS systems is out of scope in this pa- try of the reproduced wave field with respect to the
per. A planar secondary source distribution is the secondary source distribution it is reasonable to con-
basic building block of a cuboid shaped reproduc- strain the possible positions of the point source to
tion system. A planar distribution will be discussed yS < 0. Accordingly to Eq. (15), the value of the
in detail in the next section. window function for selection of active secondary
sources will be asw (x0 ) = 1 in this case.
3.2. Planar Secondary Source Distribution Up to now, the secondary source distribution was
The closed contour integral (11) over the surface ∂V assumed to be of infinite size and continuous. Prac-
can be degenerated to an integral over an infinite
tical implementations of three-dimensional planar
plane. In brief, this degeneration is achieved by WFS systems will consist of a limited number of sec-
splitting the closed contour ∂V into a planar bound- ondary sources placed at discrete positions. Since
ary and a half-sphere. The integration over the half-
loudspeakers will be used as secondary sources in
sphere can be omitted by applying the Sommerfeld practice, these discrete distributions of secondary
radiation condition [25].
sources are termed as (planar) loudspeaker arrays.
It will be assumed in the following, without loss of Two types of artifacts may emerge from the spatial
generality, that the secondary source distribution is truncation and discretization: (1) truncation and (2)
located on the xz-plane at y = 0. Other cases can
spatial aliasing artifacts. Truncation artifacts can be
be regarded as simple translation or rotation of this analyzed by multiplying the driving function with a
special case. window modeling the aperture of the loudspeaker
The reproduced wave field for a planar distribution
array, spatial sampling by multiplying the driving
of secondary point sources on the xz-plane is given function with a series of spatial Dirac pulses. A de-
tailed analysis of both artifacts is beyond the scope
of this paper. However, both have been analyzed
P (x, ω) =
ZZ ∞ already for linear loudspeaker arrays [42]. The re-
− D3D (x0 , ω) G0,3D (x|x0 , ω) dx0 dz0 , (21) sults derived here can be applied straightforwardly
−∞ to planar loudspeakers arrays due to the separability

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of the Cartesian coordinate system. A summary of following. The reduction in dimensionality has one
aliasing, truncation and other artifacts of WFS can major drawback: two-dimensional WFS systems are
be found in Section 5. not capable to reproduce wave fields which have con-
The reproduced wave field for a planar continuous tributions emerging from sources above or below the
distribution of infinite size will exactly match the plane where the loudspeakers are contained in. How-
wave field of the virtual source within the listening ever, this restriction holds also for most of the cur-
area. This can be proven by inserting the driving rently applied surround systems. Note, that in the
functions into the reproduction equation (21). Arti- following all position vectors are assumed to be two-
facts will occur for other geometries of the secondary dimensional.
source distribution. This is due to the fact that
4.1. Line Sources as Secondary Sources
the derived Neumann Green’s function only fulfills
The generic theory of WFS developed in Section 2
the required Neumann boundary condition exactly
can be specialized to two-dimensional reproduction
in this special case.
by using the two-dimensional free-field Green’s func-
3.3. Example for Planar Secondary Source Dis- tion as wave field for the secondary sources. The
tribution two-dimensional free-field Green’s function is given
Figure 2 illustrates the wave field reproduced by a as [25]
planar loudspeaker array in the plane z = 0. The
loudspeaker array consist of 100 × 100 point sources j (2) ω
G2D (x|x0 , ω) = H ( |x − x0 |) , (22)
with a distance of ∆x = ∆y = 0.15 m between 4 0 c
them. The rather high number of loudspeakers has (2)
been chosen to avoid significant aperture and alias- where H0 (·) denotes the zeroth-th order Hankel
ing artifacts in the illustrated region. Figure 2(a) function of second kind [43]. For the definition of a
shows the reproduced wave field when using the two-dimensional wave field used within the context
plane wave driving function (17) for the reproduc- of this paper, Eq. (22) can be interpreted as the field
tion of a monochromatic virtual plane wave with of a line source. This line source is located parallel
frequency fpw = 500 Hz and propagation direction to the z-axis and intersects with the reproduction
npw = [0 1 0]T . Accordingly to [42] spatial aliasing plane at the position x0 .
will only occur for frequencies above 2 kHz for this Loudspeakers that approximately have the proper-
configuration. ties of line sources are hardly available. For instance
Figure 2(b) shows the reproduced wave field when such a loudspeaker should have infinite length which
using the spherical wave driving function (19) for is not realizable. Hence, using line sources as sec-
the reproduction of a monochromatic virtual spher- ondary sources for WFS serves more as theoretical
ical wave with frequency fsw = 500 Hz and position framework to derive various properties of WFS and
xS = [0 − 2 0]T m. It can be seen clearly that both for illustration purposes. Therefore, this scenario is
wave fields are reproduced accurately by the planar only discussed in brief here.
distribution of secondary point sources. Note, that in a truly two-dimensional wave propa-
gation scenario, Eq. (22) represents the wave field
4. TWO-DIMENSIONAL WAVE FIELD SYN- produced by a spatio-temporal Dirac pulse at the
THESIS position x0 .
The technical realization of a three-dimensional The driving function for virtual plane wave, as de-
WFS system would involve a very high number of rived in Section 3.1, is independent from the un-
loudspeakers and reproduction channels. The ma- derlying dimensionality of the wave fields. Hence,
jority of WFS systems realized so far are therefore Eq. (17) holds also for two-dimensional WFS (with
restricted to the reproduction in a plane only. This nz,pw = 0) using line sources as secondary sources.
reduction of dimensionality is reasonable for most The driving function for a virtual plane wave can
scenarios due to the spatial characteristics of human be derived straightforwardly from Eq. (17) by us-
hearing. Preferably this listening plane should be ing the two-dimensional normal vector npw =
leveled with the listeners ears. Such systems will [cos θpw sin θpw ]T where θpw denotes the incidence
be termed as two-dimensional WFS systems in the angle of the plane wave.

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3 3

2.5 2.5

2 2
y −> [m]

y −> [m]
1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
x −> [m] x −> [m]
(a) plane wave (fpw = 500 Hz, npw = [0 1 0]T ) (b) spherical wave (fsw = 500 Hz, xS = [0 − 2 0]T m)

Fig. 2: Wave fields reproduced in the plane z = 0 by a planar secondary source distribution of 100 × 100
point sources with a distance of ∆x = ∆y = 0.15 m between them.

In two-dimensional wave propagation the wave field 4.2. Point Sources as Secondary Sources
of a line source is given by Eq. (22). The correspond- It has been shown in the previous section that
ing virtual wave field will be termed as virtual cylin- line sources are the appropriate choice as secondary
drical wave in the following. The driving function sources for two-dimensional WFS. However, it is de-
for a virtual cylindrical wave placed at the position sirable to use loudspeakers with closed cabinets as
xS can be derived as secondary sources, due to the fact that such loud-
speakers are widely available. These approximately
1 (x0 − xS )T n(x0 ) have the characteristics of an acoustic point source.
Dcy,2D (x0 , ω) = − acy (x0 ) ×
2c |x0 − xS | In order to analyze and compensate the error in-
jω (2) ω
troduced by this secondary source type mismatch
× Ŝcy (ω)H1 ( |x0 − xS |) , (23) a closer look is taken at the properties of point
c c
and line sources. The asymptotic expansion of the
where acy = asw due to the radial symmetry of both Hankel functions for large arguments [43] is used to
line sources and point sources. approximate the two-dimensional Green’s function
Figure 3 illustrates the wave field reproduced by a G2D (x|x0 , ω) as follows
linear distribution of line sources. The loudspeaker
array consists of 100 line sources with a distance of s ω
2π |x − x0 | 1 e−j c |x−x0 |
∆x = 0.15 m between them. Figure 3(a) shows the G2D (x|x0 , ω) ≈ .
reproduced wave field when using the plane wave j ωc 4π |x − x0 |
| {z }
driving function (17), Fig. 3(b) shows the repro- G3D (x|x0 ,ω)
duced wave field when using the cylindrical wave (24)
driving function (23). It can be seen clearly that Comparing the right fraction of Eq. (24) with
both wave fields are reproduced accurately by the Eq. (16) reveals that the given approximation of
linear distribution of secondary line sources. G2D (x|x0 , ω) is equivalent to G3D (x|x0 , ω) when ap-
Please note, that using the driving function (19) of plying a spectral and amplitude correction. Note
a spherical wave for two-dimensional WFS will re- that the corrections outlined above assume that
sult in artifacts in the reproduced wave field, most the large argument approximation ( ωc |x − x0 | ≫ 1)
notably an incorrect amplitude decay. holds. For low frequencies and positions close to the

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3 3

2.5 2.5

2 2
y −> [m]

y −> [m]
1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
x −> [m] x −> [m]
(a) plane wave (fpw = 500 Hz, npw = [0 1]T ) (b) cylindrical wave (fcy = 500 Hz, xS = [0 − 2]T m)

Fig. 3: Wave fields reproduced by a linear distribution of 100 secondary line sources with a distance of
∆x = 0.15 m between them.

secondary sources this approximation might be in- The corrected driving function is then given as
accurate. The large argument approximation of the s
Hankel function is also known as far-field or station- 1 p
ary phase approximation. D2.5D (x0 , ω) = 2π |xref − x0 | D2D (x0 , ω) ,
j ωc
Introducing the approximation (24) of the two- (26)
dimensional free-field Green’s function into Eq. (11) where the notation 2.5D accounts for the mixture of
yields two dimensional reproduction using point sources as
secondary sources.
The driving function for a virtual plane wave can
P (x, ω) = be derived straightforwardly by introducing Eq. (17)
I s into Eq. (26) as
2π |x − x0 |
− D2D (x0 , ω) G3D (x|x0 , ω) dS0 .
∂V j ωc p
Dpw,2.5D (x0 , ω) = −2apw (x0 ) 2π |xref − x0 |×
(25) r
ω ω T
× j Ŝpw (ω)nTpw n(x0 )e−j c npw x0 . (27)
The compensation of the secondary source type mis-
match can be included into the driving function used Inverse Fourier transformation of Eq. (27) reveals
for two-dimensional WFS with point sources as sec- the time-domain driving function
ondary sources. It can be seen from Eq. (25) that
the required spectral correction is independent from dpw,2.5D (x0 , t) =
the receiver position x. However, the amplitude cor- nTpw x0
rection depends on the receiver position. As a con- wpw δ(t − ) ∗ (fpw (t) ∗ ŝpw (t)) , (28)
sequence, the amplitude can only be corrected for
one receiver position in the listening area. For other where all weighting p terms have been combined
positions, amplitude errors will be present. The po- into wpw = −2apw (x0 ) 2π |xref − x0 |nTpw n(x0 ) and
sition that is used for the amplitude correction is fpwp(t) is given by the inverse Fourier transformation
denoted by xref in the following. of j ωc . Equation (28) states that the driving signal

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for a virtual plane wave can be computed efficiently Figure 4 illustrates the wave field reproduced by
in the time-domain by weighting and delaying the a circular distribution of point sources. The loud-
pre-filtered source signal ŝpw (t). Note, that the pre- speaker array consist of 56 equiangular positioned
filtering is independent from the secondary source point sources with a radius of R = 1.50 m. Fig-
position. Hence, it only has to be performed once ure 4(a) shows the reproduced wave field when using
for all secondary sources in advance to the secondary the plane wave driving function (27), Fig. 4(b) shows
source dependent weighting and delaying. It is in- the reproduced wave field when using the spherical
teresting to note that the pre-filtering by fpw (t) can wave driving function (29). The secondary source se-
also be understood as taking the half-derivative of lection criterion is indicated by the solid loudspeaker
the source signal ŝpw (t). symbols. The amplitude errors inherent to the use
The driving function for a cylindrical wave was de- of secondary point sources for two-dimensional re-
rived in Section 4.1. Since, we are aiming at two- production can be seen clearly in Fig. 4(a). A plane
dimensional WFS this would be the appropriate wave is supposed not to lose amplitude over distance.
driving function at first sight. However, line sources
don’t exhibit a flat frequency response as can be seen
4.3. Linear Distributions of Secondary Point
from (22). In oder to overcome this drawback, point
source models are typically used as virtual source
The wave field reproduced by a linear distribution
model in two-dimensional WFS with point sources
of secondary point sources is given by specializing
as secondary sources.
Eq. (25) to a linear geometry
The driving function for a virtual spherical wave is
given by introducing the driving function for a spher- Z ∞
ical wave (19) into Eq. (26) P (x, ω) = − D2.5D (x0 , ω) G3D (x|x0 , ω) dx0 ,
Dsw,2.5D (x0 , ω) =
(x0 − xS )T n(x0 ) p where it is assumed that the secondary source dis-
− 2asw (x0 ) 2π |xref − x0 |× tribution is located on the x-axis. The integral (32)
|x0 − xS |
r ! ω
is also known as the 2.5-dimensional Rayleigh inte-
1 jω e−j c |x0 −xS | gral [6, 5].
× p ω + Ŝsw (ω) .
j c |x0 − xS | c |x0 − xS | It was shown in [29] that a linear distribution of sec-
(29) ondary point sources is capable of reproducing the
amplitude correctly only on a line parallel to the sec-
The time-domain driving function, derived by in- ondary source distribution. This was also shown in
verse Fourier transformation of Eq. (29), reads the traditional WFS literature within the limitations
of the stationary phase approximation.
p Hence, the
dsw,2.5D (x0 , t) = amplitude correction by 2π |xref − x0 | in Eq. (26)
|x0 − xS | can be assumed to be constant for the linear case.
wsw δ(t − ) ∗ (fsw (t) ∗ ŝsw (t)) , (30) The driving functions for plane and spherical waves
that have been derived in the previous section can
where all weighting factors have been collected in be applied straightforwardly to the linear case. The
wsw . The pre-filter fsw (t) is defined as follows reproduced wave field will be symmetrical to the x-
( r !) axis. Hence, the incidence angle of the virtual plane
−1 1 jω wave has to be restricted to ny,pw > 0 and the po-
fsw (t) = F p ω + ,
j c |x0 − xS | c sition of the virtual point source to yS < 0. As for
(31) the planar secondary source distribution discussed
where F −1 denotes the inverse Fourier transforma- in Section 3.2 no explicit secondary source selection
tion. As for the plane wave, the driving signal for a is required in this case.
spherical wave can be computed efficiently in the Figure 5 illustrates the wave field reproduced by
time domain by weighting and delaying the pre- a linear distribution of secondary point sources for
filtered source signal. a virtual plane wave and spherical wave. The

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2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
y −> [m]

y −> [m]
0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5

−2 −2
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
x −> [m] x −> [m]
(a) plane wave (fpw = 500 Hz, npw = [0 1]T ) (b) spherical wave (fsw = 500 Hz, xS = [0 − 2]T m)

Fig. 4: Wave fields reproduced by a circular distribution of 56 point sources with a radius of R = 1.50 m.
The active secondary sources are indicated by the solid loudspeaker symbols.

3 3

2.5 2.5

2 2
y −> [m]

y −> [m]

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
x −> [m] x −> [m]
(a) plane wave (fpw = 500 Hz, npw = [0 1]T ) (b) spherical wave (fsw = 500 Hz, xS = [0 − 2]T m)

Fig. 5: Wave fields reproduced by a linear distribution of 100 secondary point sources with a distance of
∆x = 0.15 m between them.

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wave field for a virtual plane wave is shown in The proposed driving function Dsw,2.5D (x0 , ω) for a
Fig. 5(a), the wave field for a virtual spherical wave linear secondary source distribution reproducing a
in Fig. 5(b). The amplitude errors inherent to the monopole point source at position xS including 2.5D
use of secondary point sources in this situation can correction can be found in equation (29). In the fol-
be seen clearly in Fig. 5(a). lowing we assume that the secondary source distri-
bution is positioned parallel to the
p x-axis at y = y0 .
4.4. Comparison to the Traditional Formulation
For |xS − x0 | ≫ 1 the addend 1/ ωc |xS − x0 | √
in (29)
of WFS
becomes insignificant compared to the added jω/c
In this section, we provide a link between the tra-
and (29) then reads
ditional WFS formulation [6] and the proposed one.
As denoted in Section 2.3, the traditional WFS liter- r
ature has concentrated on linear distributions of sec- ω
Dsw,2.5D (x0 , ω) ≈ Ŝ(ω) 2πj ×
ondary point sources reproducing a monopole point c
source. We will therefore exemplarily consider this p −yS e−j c |xS −x0 |
special case. × |xref − x0 | . (37)
|xS − x0 | |xS − x0 |
The traditional WFS formulation of the driving
function Dtrad (x0 , ω) for a linear distribution of sec- Equation (36) and (37) are similar except for a nor-
ondary point sources parallel to the x-axis at y = y0 malization factor. Thus, when the virtual sound
reproducing a monopole point source at position xS source is sufficiently far behind the secondary source
reads [6] distribution (|xS − x0 | ≫ 1), the two driving func-
r tions are equal.
j ωc
Dtrad (x0 , ω) = Ŝ(ω) ×
|xref − x0 |
e−j c |xS −x0 | The following section will briefly discuss various ar-
× cos φ p , tifacts that emerge from practical aspects and the
|xS − x0 | + |xref − x0 | |xS − x0 | assumptions made to derive the driving functions.
(33) Note that most of these artifacts may also be present
whereby φ denotes the angle between the y-axis and in other sound field reproduction techniques, like for
the vector xS − x0 . With instance higher-order Ambisonics.

−yS 5.1. Spatial Sampling of Secondary Source Dis-

cos φ = (34) tribution
|xS − x0 |
The theory presented so far assumes a spatially con-
equation (33) becomes tinuous distribution of secondary sources. Practical
r implementations of WFS will consist of secondary
j ωc sources that are placed at spatially discrete posi-
Dtrad (x0 , ω) = Ŝ(ω) ×
2π tions. This spatial sampling of the continuous dis-
|xS − x0 | · |xref − x0 | −yS
e−j c |xS −x0 | tribution may lead to spatial aliasing artifacts in the
× . reproduced wave field. Spatial aliasing constitutes
|xS − x0 | + |xref − x0 | |xS − x0 | |xS − x0 |
a disturbance of the spatial structure of the repro-
(35) duced wave field. Therefore, it potentially may re-
For |xS − x0 | ≫ 1, thus when the virtual source sult in localization inaccuracies and coloration arti-
is positioned far behind the secondary sources, (35) facts.
simplifies to The effects of spatial sampling on the reproduced
wave field have been evaluated in the literature on
r ω WFS [42, 44, 12, 45]. An analysis of aliasing arti-
Dtrad (x0 , ω) ≈ Ŝ(ω) × facts is only possible when considering a particular

ω geometry of the secondary source distribution con-
p −yS e−j c |xS −x0 | tour. However, two main conclusions can be drawn:
× |xref − x0 | . (36)
|xS − x0 | |xS − x0 | (1) spatial aliasing increases with the bandwidth

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of the virtual source signal and (2) spatial aliasing that due to the separability of the Cartesian coordi-
artifacts depend on the listener position. Typical nate systems these considerations also hold for pla-
WFS systems employ loudspeakers with a spacing nar secondary source distributions.
of ∆x = 10...30 cm. The resulting spatial aliasing It has been shown that truncation artifacts can be
artifacts become prominent for frequencies of the vir- reduced by applying a weight (tapering window) to
tual source of roughly above 1 kHz (spatial aliasing the secondary source driving signals. Typically a
frequency). This would indicate that WFS cannot one-sided squared cosine window is applied to the
be used for the auralization of typical audio sources. loudspeaker driving signals in order to reduce the
However, the human auditory system seems to be artifacts. As a side effect, tapering will reduce the
not too sensible to spatial aliasing if the loudspeaker effective listening area.
spacing is chosen in the range ∆x = 10...30 cm. A Depending on the desired virtual source field, the
detailed analysis of the perceptual impact of spa- secondary source selection criterion (8) may limit
tial aliasing is an current research topic. The results the number of active loudspeakers. This constitutes
in [11] indicate that spatial aliasing may lead to col- essentially a truncation of the secondary source con-
oration. tour and may lead to truncation artifacts. It was
The various WFS driving functions derived in this proposed in [31] to apply a tapering window to the
paper contain appre-filtering of the virtual source sig- driving signals which depends on the active sec-
nal with j ωc or j ωc characteristic, respectively. The ondary sources and the actual virtual source to be
pre-filtering of the virtual source signal should only reproduced.
be performed below the spatial aliasing frequency,
5.3. Amplitude Errors
since the theoretical foundation for the pre-filtering
holds only there. A flat response above the spatial Two-dimensional WFS systems typically use point
aliasing frequency has proven to be suitable in prac- sources (or their approximations by loudspeakers)
as secondary sources. As already outlined in Sec-
tice. Since the spatial aliasing frequency is different
for different listener positions this may lead to ad- tion 4.2, this secondary source type mismatch leads
to amplitude errors in the reproduced wave field.
ditional coloration artifacts for listener positions the
An detailed analysis of these amplitude errors can
filter hasn’t been optimized for.
be found in [47, 16]. For the reproduction of virtual
plane waves, these amplitude errors have the conse-
5.2. Truncation of Secondary Source Distribu-
quence that the reproduced wave field will exhibit
an amplitude decay within the listening area. The
Practical implementations of secondary source dis- resulting amplitude decay is approximately 3 dB per
tributions with non-closed contours will always be
doubling of distance. The reproduced wave field for
of finite size. The theory of WFS assumes closed a virtual spherical wave will exhibit an amplitude
contours, infinitely long linear or infinitely sized pla- decay which is inbetween the amplitude decay of a
nar distributions. The truncation of the secondary
cylindrical wave and a spherical wave.
source distribution leads to artifacts. These artifacts
in the reproduced wave field are referred to as trun- 5.4. Other Artifacts
cation artifacts in the context of WFS. Two other artifacts of WFS are discussed briefly in
The effects emerging from the truncation of linear the following. The first artifact is related to the re-
secondary source contours used for WFS have been production of moving virtual sources, the other to
investigated in detail by [7, 6, 46]. The effect of trun- the reproduction in a plane only.
cating the length of a linear secondary source distri- Moving virtual point sources are typically repro-
bution can be qualitatively understood as the effect duced by using the model of a stationary spheri-
a gap has on a propagating wave field. Two effects cal wave and changing its position over time. This
can be observed [46]: (1) the area of the correctly leads to various artifacts as reported in [37, 38]. It
reproduced wave field is limited by the finite aper- was proposed in this context to use the model of a
ture and (2) circular waves propagate from the outer moving point source to derive the secondary source
secondary sources. The first effect can be described driving function. This way some of these artifacts
by ray theory, the latter by diffraction theory. Note, are resolved. However, the results presented in [38],

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using such a model, indicate that spatial aliasing relies on free-field wave propagation and does not
and truncation artifacts play a more prominent role consider the influence of reflections within the lis-
in the auralization of moving virtual sources than tening environment. Since these reflections may im-
for stationary sources. pair the carefully designed spatial sound field, their
The reproduction in a plane only (two-dimensional influence should be minimized by taking appropri-
WFS) using point sources as secondary sources will ate countermeasures. Besides passively damping of
lead to artifacts for listeners which are not located in the listening room various active techniques have
the plane where the loudspeakers are. Its not always been proposed e. g. [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 47, 10,
possible to level the loudspeakers with the listeners 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61]. Common to all of these ap-
ears due to technical restrictions. As a consequence proaches is that they perform a pre-filtering of the
out of plane listeners will have the impression that loudspeaker driving signals in order to cancel the lis-
the virtual sources are elevated or lowered. tening room reflections by destructive interference.
However, suitable control is only achievable when
6. EXTENSIONS TO WFS no spatial aliasing is present in the reproduced wave
So far, the basic theory of WFS and some of its arti- field. Due to the varying characteristics of the prop-
facts have been discussed. However, WFS has been agation medium and the acoustic environment an
improved in various directions to cope with the prob- adaptive computation of these pre-filters on basis of
lem of spatial aliasing, the listening room acoustics, the reproduced wave field is desirable. Simulation
the properties of real loudspeakers and noise sources. results indicate that active listening room compen-
These extensions are briefly reviewed. sation provides the potential to reduce the effects of
the listening room.
6.1. Enhancement of Spatial Aliasing Besides the influence of the listening room, also non-
The relatively low spatial aliasing frequency of typi- ideal characteristics of the secondary sources may
cal WFS systems implies potential problems in terms degrade the reproduced wave field. The compensa-
of coloration and localization of virtual sources. Var- tion of non-ideal secondary source characteristics is
ious techniques have been proposed to enhance the known as loudspeaker compensation in the context
situation. of WFS. Loudspeaker compensation can be seen as
It is proposed in [48, 11] to combine WFS with subset of listening room compensation. However, no
stereophonic techniques in order to improve col- adaptive filters are required in this case since the
oration artifacts that arise from spatial aliasing. characteristics of the loudspeakers can be assumed
This technique has been termed as optimized phan- to be constant over time. Multichannel techniques
tom source imaging (OPSI). The WFS driving func- have been proposed to perform loudspeaker compen-
tions are used below the spatial aliasing frequency, sation [62, 12].
while above the spatial aliasing frequency amplitude
panning with selected loudspeakers is used. The re- 6.3. Active Noise Control
sults reported so far show that OPSI provides the Another kind of impairments are noise sources
potential to reduce coloration artifacts while pre- within the listening room. If these sources are lo-
serving most of the good localization properties of cated outside the listening area, active noise con-
WFS. trol (ANC) techniques can be applied. The signal
Another technique proposed to improve the percep- processing techniques used for ANC are similar to
tion of spatial aliasing artifacts is to randomize the those used for active listening room compensation.
phase above the spatial aliasing frequency in the Hence, the same algorithms can be applied in prin-
driving function [5]. The basic idea of this approach ciple to ANC for WFS. First results can be found
is to smear out the spatial structure of spatial alias- in [63, 64, 65, 66]
ing. The results reported in [49] using diffuse filters
show some potential.
This paper presents a generalized theory for WFS.
6.2. Active Listening Room and Loudspeaker Three-dimensional reproduction in a listening vol-
Compensation ume, as well as two-dimensional reproduction in a
The basic theory of WFS, as presented in Section 2, listening area is covered. In the latter case, both the

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