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Frankenstein-Act 1 16/21 Marks

Answer the questions in complete sentences and refer to the text.

1. What do the other students think Frankenstein is? 1/1mark

1. They think he is a wizard (or compared to a frog)

2. On p12 what does Clerval think is in the bag? 2/2marks

2.Clerval thinks that there are several pounds of meat in the bag.

3. What items does Frankenstein need for his experiments?


4. Where does Frankenstein get his specimens from? Why?

4.He dug his specimen up because the university gave him many resources
and didn’t see any improvement.

5. How does Clerval feel about making the hand twitch? (p18)
5.Clevral reveals that the hand is extraordinary and by his expression you
can infer that he is amazed and fascinated yet terrified.

6. Who has Frankenstein based his work on? 0/1mark

7. How long has Frankenstein been working on his experiment?

7. Frankenstein has been working on his project for 6 years

8. Who is Frankenstein’s first visitor? 1/1mark

8.The first visitor to meet Frankenstein was Clerval.

9. Describe how Elizabeth is greeted by Clerval and Frankenstein. 3/3marks

9. Elizabeth is firstly greeted by the landlady which was not very kind to her.
Then she is introduced to Clerval, which explains to her that Frankenstein (her
cousin) is wrapped in his research.

10. Why has Elizabeth visited Frankenstein? 1/1mark

10. Elizabeth visited Frankenstein to inform him about his father’s illness
and his mother’s death. She wants him to return home to support his father.

11. In your opinion has Frankenstein gone too far with his experiments?
11. In my opinion I think Frankenstein did go far with his experiment, he
didn’t want to see his father even though he is extremely ill. He was arrogant
and didn’t want anyone to stop him from finishing his experiment until the
monster was alive.

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