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Relative Isotopic Mass – the mass of an atom on the carbon-12 scale – equal to the mass number

Unit: amu or atomic mass unit

Relative Atomic Mass – RAM or Ar – the weighted average mass of an element

e.g. for Chlorine,
(75/100 * 35) + (25/100 * 37) = 35.5

Relative Formula Mass – RFM or Mr – the mass of a compound

e.g. for Sulfuric Acid,
Mr of sulfuric acid = (2 x 1) + 32 + (4 x 16) = 98

Percentage Composition by Mass – the percentage of an element in a compound

e.g. the percentage by mass of oxygen in water, H2O, is:
(16/18) x 100 = 88.9%

Moles: 1 mole is equal to the Mr (of a compound) or Ar (of an element) with the unit grams.
e.g. Ar of Neon = 20: 1 mole of Neon weighs 20 grams.

The number of moles is worked out using the formula:

Number of Moles = Mass (g) / RAM or RFM
Always convert the mass to grams if it is in any other unit

e.g. RFM of water = 18 grams.

If you have 63 grams of water, you have 63 / 18 mol = 3.5 mol of water

Empirical Formula: the ratio of atoms in a molecule expressed in simplest form, e.g. CH3, ethene

Molecular Formula: the actual number of atoms in a molecule, e.g. C2H6, also ethene

Working out Empirical Formulae:

e.g. 2.3g Na react with 0.8g O forming 3.1g Sodium Oxide.
2.3 / 23 = 0.1 mol Na 0.8 / 16 = 0.05 mol O

Therefore, the ratio Na : O is 2 : 1, so the empirical formula is Na2O

If you get % Composition figures, work out how many grams of each element there would
be in 100g of the compound.

Ionic compounds tend to have water of crystallization. The number of moles of water can be
found by heating the crystals, and measuring what mass of water was given off.

Working out Molecular Formula:

Glucose has empirical formula CH2O and RFM 180.

Its empirical formula mass is 30, so each molecule contains 180 / 30 = 6 lots of CH2O.
The molecular formula is thus 6(CH2O), that is C6H12O6.
Electrolysis Calculating Masses
1 Faraday = 1 Mole of Electrons = e-
1A = 1C / s Q = I * T
96000C = 1 Faraday

One mole of products needs n moles of electrons. E.g. an ion of Zn2+ needs 2 moles of electrons to
balance the charges.

If you increase the number of electrons, the amount of substance produced increases. Number of
electrons increases with time and current.

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