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You are on page 1of 20 Code-o ANSWERS & HINT for WBJEEM - 2015 SUB : BIOLOGY tins nn rec onion aed cae tks i ich el nar 114 mark will be deducted. 1. Passage calls help in (A) transport of water towards pericycle (@) transport of watertowards epiblema {C)_ absorption of water from soil (©) passage of CO, towards stomata Ans : (A) Hint : Passage calls are endodermal cells lacking casparian strip which allow comparatively faster movement of water into stele. 2. Medullary rays are tissues made up of (A) phloem parenchyma (8) xylem parenchyma (C) sieve tube {©} ederenchyma Ans:(B) 3. Anallosteric inhibitor of the enzyme acts by binding to thé (A) substrate (8) product (C) catalytic site of the enzyme (©) noncatalytic site of the enzyme Ans: (D) Hint : Allosteric inhibitor attaches with non catalytic site of enzyme called ‘Allosteric site" 4. Aset of genes will be in.a complete linkage when the progeny phenotypes for parental (P) and recombinant (R) types. (A) P=0%. R= 100% @) P=50%, R= 50% (©) P< 50%, R> 50% ©) 100%, R= 0% Ans :(D) Hint : Since there is complete finkage, parental combinations are 100% and recombinant typas are 0% 5. Which one of the following statements is WRONG in relation to transgenic Bt cotton plant? (A). Crop yield loss due to attack by Bacillus thuringiensis bacterium is reduced (8) Crop yield loss due to attack by lepidopteran insect pests is reduced {C)_ Tho use of chomical incacticides in the cotton field is minimized (0) Better quality cotton is produced Ans: (A) Hint : Bacillus thuringionsis does not attack cotton plants and hence cannot reduce crop loss. NOTE othition prey tence: It aay iedry the Original 6. Which one of the following natural polymers is found both in insects and fungi? (A) pectin ®) chitin (C) cellulose (©) suberin Ans:(B) Hint ‘a natural structural polysaccharide, which is found in bath insects and fungi. 7. Which one of the followings in an in situ methad of biodiversity consarvation? (A) national park (®) botanical garden (C) zoological garden {O) scientific laboratory Ans :(A) Hint : Botanical garden, zoological parks and scientific laboratory are ex situ methods of conservation. 8. Nusleosome contains (A) only histone protein (®} both DNA and histone protein {C) onlyDNA (©) both DNA and RNA Ans: (8) Hint : Nucleccome contains bath DNA and histone protein. 9 Whichone of the following maiching pairsis WRONG? (A) Mollusca-Pseudocoe! (B) Cridaria- Nematocyst (C)Annelida-Chioragagen cells: (©) Echinodermata Water vascular system. Ans: (A) Hint : Mollusca has schizocosiom [trus'coslom), while AScheiminthes has pseudocosiom 10. Which one of the following matching pairsis WRONG? (A). Shellfish-Pisces B). SiverfisheAntropoda (C) Cutie fish-Mollusca {D) Starfish-Echinodermata Ans (A) Hint : Shell fish are edible aquatic invartabratesyPcluding various species of molluscs, crustaceans and ‘echinoderms. 11. Third stagellarya of Wucheresia bancrofi'caried by Culex mosquito iscalled (A) cysticercus (8) merozoite: (©) microfterise ©) trophozcite Ans:(C) Hint : Third stage of microfilariae are larva of Wuchercria bancroft,infectivetohuman, 12, Persons suffering from sickle cell anaemia normally DQ NOT sufferfrom_ (A) cholera 8) madara (©) Highblood pressure ©) hepatitis Ans:(8) Hint : Erythrocytc phase of Plasmodium fails to complete in sickle shaped RECs, hence persons with sickle ceil ‘anaemia do rat suffer fram malaria 13. Tworelated but geographically isolated species are known as (A) sibling species (®) sympatric species {C) taxonomic species (©) allopatric species Ans:(D) Hint : In allopatric speciation, two related species are isolated by geographical barriers. NOTE: The Inforbation provided here tence: It aay iedry the Original 14. Which hormone is responsible for reabsorption of water in kidney? (A) ADH @) STH (C) ACTH ©) GH Ans:{A) Hint : ADH is secreted under water stressed candition.Ithalps in reabsorption of more waterin kidnay and maintain body uid value, 15, Wildlife Protection Act India was implemented inthe year (A) 1982 (8) 1988 (©) 1972 ©) 1070 Ans: (C) Hint : Wildlife protection Act, India was implemented in year 1972. 16. Allofthe following symptoms are found in jaundice EXCEPT (A) disorders of hepato-bilary system (8) _abnocmal secretion of pancreatic and gastric juices (C) bile duct obstruction (D) sraemia Ans: (B) Hint : Pancroatic and gastric socrotions remain unaffactod during obstructive and haemolytic jaundice. 17. The hormone that stimulates the release of pancreatic juice (A) secratin (B) glucagon (©) inhibin (©) insulin Ans:(A) Hint : Secretin stimulates the release of pancreatic juice, primarily bicarbonate. 18. Which one of the following combinations acts ns a usual antigen binding site of an antibody? {A) variable regions of alight and another heawy chain (8) variable regiensof wolight chains (©) variable regions of two heavy chains (D) variable region of a heavy chain and constant region of alight chain Ans:(A) Hint : Antigen binding site [paratape] in an antibody includes variable regions of both heavy and light chains. 19. Which ane of the followings isa causative agent of plaque? (A) Shigelia flexneri (®) Bordetella pertusis (©) Staptrrtococcus aureus O) Yersinia pestis Ans:(D) Hint : Plague is bacterial disease caused by Yersina pestis. 20. Which one of the following hormones is responsible for uterine contraction during parturition? (A) relaxin (®) vasopressin (©) oxytocin (©) prolactin Ans:(C) Hint : Oxytocin helps in contraction of smooth muscles of uterine myometrium. NOTE: The Inforbation provided here tence: It aay iedry the Original 2 NOTE: The Inforbation provided here ‘Melatonin is produced from (A) pineal gland (@) adrenal gland (C)_parathyrid gland ) ovary Ans: (A) Hint : Melatonin hormone is tryptophan derivative secreted by pineal gland. Nitrogenase enzyme is a (A) magnesium-iron protein (®)-malybdienum-iron protein (©) tron-copper protein (©) nickel-iron protein Ans:(B) Hint : Nitrogenase enzyme is @ Mo-Fe protein. ‘Necrosis (die-back) of the tip of young leaves is caused due to the deficiency of (A) iron (8) manganese (©) zine ©) copper Ans: (D) Hint : Necrosis (die-back) of tip of young leaves is dua to deficiency of capper. Guttation is a process of joss. of water in (A) liquid form containing dissolved minerais (B) liquid form without dissolved minerals (©) vapourform with minerals {D) vapour form without minerals Ans :(A) Hint : Guttation is. process of loss of water in liquid form containing dissolved minerals through hydathodes. Which one of the followings is WRONG for meiosis ? {A)_Itleads to formation of sister chromatids. (8) occurs in diploid cet (©) occurs in haploid cell (D) ttoccurs by spiiting of centromeres and separation of sister chromatids: Ans:(C) Hint : Meiosis does not eccur in haploid cells. Which one of the following combination of all three fatty acids are essential for human beings ? (A) oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid (B) palmitic acid, linoleic acid and arachidonic.acid {G) oleic acid, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid (D) linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid Ans:(D) Hint: These are unsaturated essential fatty acids, taken as supplement from plant sources. Which one of the following information is essential ta determine the genetic map distance between two genes located on the same chromosamne? (A) length of the particular chromosome (B) number of genes present in the particular chromosome (C) number of nuclaatidas in the particular chromosome (D) percentage of crossing over or recombinant frequency between thetwo genes Ans: (0) Hint : Recombination frequency or percentage of crossing over between two genes gives an idea of distance between adjacent genes. tence: It aay iedry the Original a NOTE: The Inforbation provided here (What will be the percentage of guanine in ONA molecule having 20% adenine ? (A) 20% @) 30% (c) 40% O) 00% Ans: (8) Hint : According to Chargaff's mule ;A=T;C the % of A= 20%, tharafore T = 20% of, A+T = 40%. Therefore, G + C = 60% and hance G = 30% Which one of the following group of animals ishomeathermic ? (A) reptios ®) amphibians (C) bres ©) fishes Ans: (C) Hint : Birds and mammals can maintain their body temperatura iroapective of extamal tomperature variation. Neoteny refersto (A) dovelopmentof gonads ®) mauiing (C)_ metamorphosis (©) retention of larval traits in the adult body Ans: (D) Hint: Neoteny refers to retention of larva traits fo.g, External gilt] in adult Tiger Salamander [Ambystoma] ‘The overlapping zone in between two ecosystems is known as (A) ecazone B) biotope (C) ecotone (©) bufferzone Ans: (C) Hint: The overlapping zone in between two ecosystems is known as ecotone. ‘The animal species controling the ecosystem functioing is known as (A) edge species (8) plonser species (C)_ keystone species (©) umbcella species Ans: (C) Hint : The animal species controlling the ecosystert functioning is known as keystone species. Phenamanan involving increase in concentration af non-degradable pollutants from lower to higher traphic levels is called (A) biornagnification (@) bioaccumulation (C) biodegradation ©) bioinwacion Ans :(A) Hint: Phenomena invatving increase in concenteration af non-biodegradable pollutants from lower te higher tropic levels is called biomiagnification. Which one of the folloning animalsis uricatolic ? (A) Lizard @) Camel (C) Toad (BD) Robu fish Ans: (A) Hint : Excretory product in lizard isuric acid. ‘Zymogenic cells of gastric gland sacreie (A) pepsinagen ®) trypsin (©) pepsin (©) chymotrypsin Ans :(A) Hint : Zymogenic cells of gastric glands secrete inactive pepsinagen, activated into pepsin by HCI. tence: It aay iedry the Original a. at. NOTE: The Inforbation provided here During entry inta the ovum, acrosome of sperm releases (A) hyaluronidase: (@) alkaline phosphatase (C) acid phosphatase (©) carbonic anhydrase Ans: (A) Hint : Hyaluronidase dissolves hyaluronic acid [cementing material] of corona radiata around ovum. ‘The epithelium found in tha inner linings of stomach and intestine is (A) columnar (®) squamous (©) stratified (D) peeudo-stratified Ans: (A) Hint : Innerlining of stomach and intestine is made of simple columnar epithelium, Central dogma in molecular biclogy is (A) RNA-+ DNA Protein (8) DNA-+RNA Protein (©) RNA-s Protein + DNA {©} DNA—+ Pratein-> RNA Ans:(B) Hint: Central dogma in molecular biology given by Francis Crick states that: DNA —+ RNA — Protein Which one of the followings is the functional unit of hearing ? (A) utsicle (®) organof Zuckerkandl (©) erganof Cort (O) vestibular apparatus Ans:(C) Hint: Organ of Corti isthe ausitory sensory part inithe cochlea. \Whoih one of the followings is NOT aretractive medium of the eye ? (A) lens (8) vitreous humour (©) squequs humour ©) pupil ‘Ans:(0) ‘Hint : Pupil is an aperture through which light enter into eyes. Other parts are refractive media. ‘The heartis covered by (A) epicardium (@) pericardium (C)supracardium (©) endocardium Ans: (B) Hint : Heart is coverad by double layered Fericardium. Whatis the stroke volume of an adult human heart? (A) SOmI @) Tom! (©) 90m ©} 100m1 Ans:(8) Hint : 70 mi blood is ejected by left ventricle during each ventricular systole, called stroke volume. Which one of the following cocci appears ike grapes under microscope? (A) streptococci (8) diplococci (©). staphylococci ©) pneumococci Ans:(C) Hint : Arrangement of cocci looks like an irregular bunch of grapes representing Staphylococci. tence: It aay iedry the Original 47. 51, NOTE: The Inforbation provided here Which one of the following components of urine in a healthy human DOES NOT differ muchin concentration from that cof blood plasma? (A) NH, eK (© Ne ©) soz Ans: (D) Hint: SO,* is a non-threshold substance. Antibadies produced by a group of identical B-cells against a single epitope of an antigen is called (A) polyclonal antibodies (8) monoclonal antibodies (C) antthapten antibodies: (0) somacional antibodies Ans:(8) Hint : Monoclonal antibodies are produced by Hybridoma technique. \Vernalization promotes flowering by (A) lowtemperature (®) high temperature (C)_ prolonged photoperiod (8) short photoperiod Ans: (A) Hint : Vernalization isthe acquisition ofa plants ability to lower inthe spring by exposure to prolongedicold of winter. pathway is advantageous over C, pathway inplants ast (A). occurs in relatively lowCO, conceriiration: (8) uses more amount of water (©) cours in relatively lew 0, concertration (©) isless effcientin energy utilization Ans: (A) Hint :C, plants, due to double carboxylation ean ullize Biven relatively low CO, concentration, TCA cycle enzymes are located in (A) cristae (@) outermembrane (C) mitochondrial matrix {D) mitochondrial intermembrane space Ans:(C) Hint : TCA cycle (Krebs! cycle} enzymes are|located in mitochondrial matrix. During waste water treatment, trickling filter is used far (A) primary treatment (@) secondary aerobic treatment (C) secondary anaerobic treaiment (O} tertiary treatment Ans:(B) Hint : During waste water treatment, trickling biofiter, is a biological reactor that operates under aerabic- conditions: within the waste water treatment plant. ‘The apoplastis located (A) outside the plasma membrane (8) inthe entire cytosol (©) onboth sides of plasma membrane ©) inthe plactidial cantont Ans: (A) Hint : Apopiast isthe free diffusional space outside the plasmamembrane formed by cell wall and interesllular space between cells ‘The aleurone synthesizes and secretes digestive enzymes that hydrolyze nutrients stored in the endosperm, in. presence of (A) auxin (8) gibberellin (©) eytokinin (©) ethylene Ans: (8) Hint : Gibberetins in the seed embryo signals starch hydrolysis through synthesis of enzyme a-amylase in the aleurone cells. tence: It aay iedry the Original 57. NOTE: The Inforbation provided here ATP synthesis in call requires (A) H' gradient across the membrane (8) K* gradient across the membrane {C) PO,* gradient across the membrane (©) Ca gradient across the membrane Ans: (A) Hint: ATP synthoss in coll requires proton graciantacross the inner membrane of mitochondtia Which one ofthe following statements is WRONG? (A) Insects have one pair of antennas (8) Millipedes possess two pairs of appendages in each segment of the body. (C)_Prawnshave two pairsof antennas, (D) Animals belonging to the phylum Porifera have nematocyst. Ans: (D) Hint: Nemstocysts are foundlin phylum Cnideria Which one ofthe followingsis NOT a characteristic feature of mammals’? (A) diphyodont tooth (@) ten pairs of cranial nerves (C). seven cervical vertebrae {D)} left aortic arch in the circulatory eystem Ans: (B) Hint : 12 pairs of cranial nerves are found in mammals. Which one of tne following combinations is WRONG? (A) Rio convention —air pallution (®) Kyoto protecol — climate change (C) Montreal protocol —azone-depietion (©) Ramsar convention —wetland conservation Ans: (A) Hint : Rio convention relates ta biodiversity. climatic change and desertification. Relationship between DO and BOD is that they (A) are directly proportional (B) are inversely proportional (C) arenctralated (©) always remain equal io each other Ans:(B) Hot: Reatrsipbeteen 800-1 hein 8800 iets, th deems in er bcen, Whats the full form of MAB? (A) ManAnd Biosphere (8) Man And Biosphere Reserve (©) ManAnd Biosphere Reserve Programme (©) Man And Biosphere Programme Ans: (D) Hint : MAB —> Man and Biosphere Programme ‘The Red Data Book" records (A) speciesdiversity of wetlands (B) list of water pollutants {C) listof threatened species (©) rate of population decline Ans: (C) Hint : The ‘Red data Book’ records list of threatened species. tence: It aay iedry the Original NOTE: The Inforbation provided here Beta (f) diversity refers to diversity (A) within acommurity. (®) betweon communitias (C) between two-aco zones (©) within a population Ans:(B) Hint : Beta diversity rofers todiversity betwean.commuritios ‘The eukaryoticcalls have all of the followings EXCEPT (A) peptidoglycan in the cell wall (®) the 80S ribosome (C) nuclear membrane {) mitechondria Ans: (A) Hint : Eukaryotic cell wall lacks peptidoglycan instead is made up of callulose mainly. Which of the followings DOES NOT occurin the interphase of eukaryotic cell division? (A) increase of ATP synthesis (@) increase of ONA synthesis (C) increase. of RNA synthesis (O) reduction in cell size Ans:(D) Hint : During interphase of eukaryotic cell division, reduction in cell size does nat occur. Lac tose (Lac) Operon is regulated by (A) Lacreprecsoronty (@) Lacropressor and CAP-oGMP complex (©) Lacrepressor and CAP-cAMP complex (0) CAP-cAMP and GAP-cGMP complex Ans: (C} Hint : Lacoperon is regulated negatively by Lac represtor and positively by CAP-cAMP complex Which one of the followings acts solely aan inhibitory neurotransmitter? (A) norepinepirine 9) gamma (y}amino butyric acid (©) acetylcholine (©) dopamine Ans: (8) Hint: Gammaamino butyric acid acts solely asinhibitoryineurotransmitier of CNS mainlyin mammalia. Which one of the following antibiotics kills bacterial Gills by inhibiting the polymerization of peptidoglycan? (A) aminoglycosides (8) fluoroquinolones (C) quinines (O) penicillins Ans: {D) Hint : Peniciin (antibiotic) inhibits polymerization of peptidoalyesn Indicate the CORRECT sequence during spermatogenesis, (A) Spermatozoa» spermatogonia —+ spermatid + spermatocyte (8) Spermatogonia —+ spermatacyte -» spermatid -> spermatozoa {C) Spermatid -> spermatocyte > spermatozoa —> spermatogonia (0) Spermatocyte -+ spermatozoa -+ spermatid -» spermatogonia Ans: (8) Hint : Spormatogonecis isthe formation of Spermatogonia -» Primary spermatocyte -» Secondary spermatocyte > ‘Spermatid + Spermatozoa Which one of the followings is called intra-specific chemical messenger? (A) pheromones ®) prostaglandins (©) corticotrophin (©) catecholamines Ans: (A) Hint : Pheramone is an ectohormane acting as intra-specific chemical messenger sence: It only: fern ay wary the Original er. 1 74. NOTE: The Inforbation provided here Elongation of intemode is caused by (A) ethytene (@) ibberetin (C) abscisic acid (©) cytokinin Ans:(B) Hint : Phytohormone gibberellins respansibie for elongation of intemode Endosperm nucleus is An (8B) 2n Oa ©) 4n Ans:(C) Hint: In angiosperms, endosperm nucieus is the product of tripte fusion andiis Sn (triploid). Bananas anexample of (A). patthenacarpy 8) apomixis (©) parthenogenesis ©) polyembryany Ans :(A) Hint :Parthenocarpy is the production of fruitwithout fertilization of ovule, The fruitis therefore seedless like in banana. ‘Stock and scion are used in (A) cutting (2) grafting (©) layering ©) micropropagation Ans: (B) Hint : A small shoot of plant with superior tras is employed called graft or scion. Theroot system of another plant is allowed to remain intact called stock. Eggin female gametophyte is accompanied by) (A). Antipodal colle (8) Synargids (C) Definitive nucleus (D) Tube nucleus Ane: (8) Hint : Egg in female gametophyte is accompanied BY byo synergids. Malacophily is the polination by (A) insects 8) birds (©) snails ©) mammals Ans:(C) Hint : Pollination by snails is called malacophily. Grittiness of pear fruit is caused by (A) sclereides (8) raphides (C)collenchyma (©) dead parenchyma cells Ans 114) Hint : Grittingss of pear fruit is caused by stone cells (sclereides) Which one of the following organisms is NOT used as biocontrol agent? (A) Bacillus sphaericus (@) Trichoderma vince (©) Bacillus thuringiensis () Bacillus subtiis Ans:(D) Hint : Bacilus subtils yields antibiotic subtiln sence: It only: fern ay wary the Original 75. Which one of the followings is CORRECT for blooming of ‘short day plants? (A). The long dark period is not eriical is affected by interruption of long dark period by brief exposure of light isnot affected by interruption ofiong dark period by brief exposure of ight is affected if the continuous light period is interrupted (By Hint: Long dark period by interruption with brief expasure of light inhibits lowering in short day plants 78. Adicoiyladcnaus plant forms crown gall whan (A). Agrobacterium tumefacions comes in contact with the plant (8) Agrobacterium rhizogenes comes in contact with the plant {C) a specificpart of DNA from the Ti plasmid gets integrated with the plant chremesome (D) specific part of DNA from the Ri plasmid gats intagratad with the plant chromosome Ans: (C} ‘Hint: Crown gall disease is caused in plant by Agrobacterium tumefaciens which integrates its Ti plasmid into the: plant chromosome 77. Gene therapy has been successful in curing genetic diseases in laboratory animals through (A) exposure to X-ray to rectify the defective/ gene: (B) replacing the defective gene witha functional gene (0) oratdaliveryof genes (D) use of therapeutic medicines to rectifythe defective gene Ans: (B) Hint : ingens therapy defective gene isreplacedwittvalinctional gene 78. Which one of the following statementsis relevant to sex linked characters? (A). They always follow criss-cross inheritance (8) They donotfollow criss-cross inheritance {C) They are mostly present on Y chromosome (D) They are only present on X.chromosome Ans :4A) Hint: Sex linked character can be Xdinked or Vlinked but follow criss-cross inhedlance. 79. Which ene of the following insecticides is of plant origin? (A) Ecdysone (8) Rotenone (©) Parathion ©) Malathion Ans:(8) Hint: Rotenone is obtained from roots of Derris efiptica 80. The resting state of reptiles in winters (A) hibernation (®) aestivation (©) dapause ©) moutting Ans:(A) Hint : The resting stage of repiiles and several cold blooded animals in winter iscalled as hibernation, NOTE: The Inforbation provided here tence: It aay iedry the Original a7. The Information provided here Archaeopteryx is. connectinglink between (A) pisces and amphibians (®) amphibiansand reptiles (C) replies and birds (©) birds and mammals Ans:(C) Hint : Archasepieryx is a connecting link betwoen reptiles and aves. The enzyme peptidyl transferase of prokaryotes residesin (A) 50S ribosome (8) 30S ribosome {C) 405 ribosome (©) 608 ribosome Ans:(A) Hint : The enzyme peptidy! transferase(235 rRNA) which is a type of nbazyme, found in S0S larger subunit of ribosome of prokaryotes. Which one of the followings is CORRECT for the transmembrane proteins in lipid bilayer ? (A) They are absent in animal cells (8) They act as channel proteins: (©) They are absent in plant cells (} They are only externally located Ans:(B) Hint : Channel protein isa type of transmembrane protein in lipid bilayer taallaw transport of molecules. Engulfingof solid materials by cells is called (A) pinocytosis (8) phagocytosis (C) activetransport (O) autolysis Ans: (B) Hint : The process of engulfing of solid material by infolding of plasma membrane is called phagocytosis. ‘The IRINA anticadon 3-UAC-5' will pair with themRINAgodon A) S-AUUS 8) S-UACS' (C) S-AUG-3° (D) 3-GUAS Ans:(C) Hint: (RNA) —5| = uac s—_—___l (mRNA) AUG Poroxicomeshave (A) ribosome 8) DNA (©)

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