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TOY 2017-2018 Bryant Public Schools Chrystal Burkes Artifact #2 Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom
Teaching Strategy

Implemented by: Chrystal Burkes

This school year, my colleagues and I implemented a flipped classroom teaching approach into
our third grade classrooms. Flipped classroom pioneers Aaron Sams and Jonathon Bergmann stated, “In
this model of instruction, students watch recorded lectures for homework and complete their assignments,
labs, and tests in class.” The idea behind this teaching strategy is that students can learn a lesson at
home, during independent study time in class, or at home during sick days, and still be able to do more
meaningful hands-on activities during instructional time. The teacher can also spend class time working
through any misconceptions and fill any gaps after the instruction has been given virtually.
As it was our first year to implement the flipped classroom approach, we added a Google
Classroom for our students titled “Flipped Classroom.” In that classroom, students were given a daily
lesson to watch, read, respond to, record, or comment on. The lessons included prerequisite skills for a
lesson being taught in class that day, a review from a past lesson, extended practice from a skill taught in
class, or a pre-teach of a skill being introduced in class that day. The students completed their flipped
classroom assignments as their “morning work” each morning while I completed lunch counts,
attendance, and attended to other morning routines. The students also referred to past assignments
anytime they needed for a review or resource. If students were absent and had access to the internet at
home, they knew they could complete their “flipped classroom” assignment during their absence.
The assignments we chose to include in their “flipped classroom” were based on how students
performed on previous assignments, classwork, and/or assessments. We tailored the assignments based
on our individual class’ needs as well. For example, I taught literacy for two third grade classes everyday.
While one class or a group of students may have needed an assignment reviewing a specific skill,
another class or group of students may have needed a different assignment to extend their learning. I was
able to include differentiated instruction through the flipped classroom approach, as well.
I have included some screenshots of example flipped classroom assignments I have given to
students through their Google Classrooms. The links for each assignment has been included for your
TOY 2017-2018 Bryant Public Schools Chrystal Burkes Artifact #2 Flipped Classroom

October 26th:
1. Get out your DRY ERASE marker and board. Click on the ​Youtube video​ about adding detail to your
writing to SHOW rather than TELL in your writing. You may use your dry erase board and marker to help
you during the video. Put up your board and marker, and go on to number 2.
2. Click on the ​second link​, and follow the directions on the page.
3. Use the ​third link​ to create a Flipgrid reading your sentence you created in number 2. Use grid
password, “Burkes18.”

October 25th:
Click on the ​video​ to review some commonly used idioms that you could use in your writing!
TOY 2017-2018 Bryant Public Schools Chrystal Burkes Artifact #2 Flipped Classroom

November 30th:
1. Complete the s ​ lides​ in this Google Presentation about Prepositions. Make sure to read those directions 
and look at the example. 
2. Go to Epic and read from the collections. 
November 29th: 
1. Watch the E​ dpuzzle video​ about something new called Prepositions! 
2. Go to Epic and read from the collections assigned. 

November 28th:
1. Complete the G​ oogle Quiz​ about compound sentences. 
2. Go to Epic and read from the collection assigned. 
TOY 2017-2018 Bryant Public Schools Chrystal Burkes Artifact #2 Flipped Classroom

October 10th: 
1. Click on the d ​ ocument​ to complete the worksheet about dialogue.  
2. After you have finished, to go Epic! and read from the "Myth" collection. 
October 9th:  
1. Go to the ​link​ below to practice your dialogue rules! 
2. Go to Epic! Books are read from the "Myths" collection. 
October 5th:  
1. Click on the f​ lipgrid link​, enter the grid password, “Burkes18”, and answer the question about similes. 
2. Log into EPIC books and read from the "maps" collection. 
TOY 2017-2018 Bryant Public Schools Chrystal Burkes Artifact #2 Flipped Classroom

September 27th: 
1. Click on the P
​ adlet discussion link​. Follow the directions at the top of the page.  
2. Go to Epic! Books and read from the collection "Figurative Language" 
September 26th: 
1. ​Edpuzzle video​ for Figurative Language- Similes and Metaphors 
2. Epic! Books 
Log into Epic! Books and read the books in the collection “Figurative Language” 
Class Code for Epic: KPZ-1809 
September 25th: 
1. ​Online Game​ to practice Dialogue- Click the link below 
2. Epic! Books 
Log into Epic! Books and read the books in the collection “Figurative Language” 
Class Code for Epic: KPZ-1809 

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