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for SYSTEM 8 and BoardMaster Range

System Overview ................................................ 11 Editing an Existing TestFlow ............................... 45
What's New ........................................................ 14 Creating a TestFlow Report ................................. 46
Installing SYSTEM 8 Ultimate Software ............... 15 Running a TestFlow Procedure ........................... 47
Installing SYSTEM 8 Ultimate Drivers ................. 16 Viewing a TestFlow Report.................................. 48
Starting the Software .......................................... 17 Editing a TestFlow Script ..................................... 49
Demonstration Mode ........................................... 17 User Access Manager ......................................... 49
Quitting the Software .......................................... 17 Creating a New User ........................................... 50
Setup Interface Method ....................................... 18 Removing an Existing User ................................. 51
Interface Card Address Setup ............................. 19 Editing an Existing User ...................................... 52
PCI Card Setup................................................... 20 Selecting a Different User ................................... 53
Multilink Serial Port Setup ................................... 20 AICT Front Panel ................................................ 54
Multilink Parallel Port Setup ................................ 21 AICT Analogue IC Tester .................................... 54
Multilink USB Port Setup ..................................... 22 AICT Analogue V-I Tester ................................... 56
USB Ultimate Module Port Setup ........................ 22 AICT Analogue IC Tester Analysis ...................... 59
Scan For New Modules ....................................... 22 AICT Analogue IC Tester Comparison................. 60
REVENG Setup Options ..................................... 23 AICT Analogue IC Tester Pin Conditions ............. 60
ABI Electronics Ltd.............................................. 24 AICT Analogue IC Tester Setup .......................... 61
Self Test Diagnostic Results ............................... 26 AICT Analogue IC Tester Test Types .................. 62
Extended Diagnostic Fault Information ................ 31 AICT Analogue IC Tester Analogue Trace ........... 63
Software Support ................................................ 31 AICT Analogue V-I Tester Setup ......................... 63
Hardware Support ............................................... 32 AICT Analogue V-I Test Techniques ................... 66
Calibrating Instruments ....................................... 32 AICT Analogue V-I Tester Trace Colours............. 72
Safety Notice ...................................................... 32 AICT Analogue I/O Connector ............................. 72
Instrument Design Manager ................................ 32 AICT Discrete Connectors ................................... 72
Instrument Menu Manager .................................. 33 AICT Ground Connectors .................................... 73
Designing a New Instrument ............................... 34 AICT Probe Connectors ...................................... 73
Copying an Existing Instrument ........................... 36 AICT Pulse Connectors ....................................... 73
Editing an Existing Instrument ............................. 37 AMS Front Panel................................................. 73
Editing Controls .................................................. 38 AMS 3D V-I Tester .............................................. 73
Generic Controls ................................................. 39 AMS Matrix V-I Tester ......................................... 76
MIS3 Digital Multimeter Controls ......................... 39 AMS 3D V-I Tester Setup .................................... 78
MIS3 Function Generator Controls ...................... 40 AMS Analogue V-I Test Techniques .................... 79
MIS3 Frequency Counter Controls ...................... 40 AMS Multiway Connector .................................... 86
MIS3 Auxiliary Power Supply Controls ................ 41 AMS Ground Connectors .................................... 86
MIS3 Universal I/O Controls ................................ 41 AMS Probe Connectors....................................... 86
MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Controls ........ 42 AMS Pulse Connectors ....................................... 86
Variable Power Supply Controls .......................... 42 ATM Front Panel ................................................. 87
Testflow Controls ................................................ 42 ATM Advanced IC Tester .................................... 87
Instrument Designer Control Properties ............... 43 ATM Advanced Graphical Test Generator ........... 89
TestFlow Automatic Test Manager ...................... 43 ATM Advanced IC Identifier................................. 92
Creating a New TestFlow .................................... 44 ATM Advanced Short Locator ............................. 94

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ATM Advanced Board Checker ........................... 95 MIS3 Front Panel .............................................. 143
ATM Advanced IC Tester Setup .......................... 96 MIS3 Function Generator .................................. 143
ATM Digital V-I Display ....................................... 99 MIS3 Digital Multimeter ..................................... 145
ATM Conflicts Explained ....................................100 MIS3 Frequency Counter .................................. 146
ATM Loads Explained ........................................102 MIS3 Auxiliary Power Supply ............................ 148
ATM Logic Trace ...............................................102 MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs .......................... 148
ATM Pin Conditions ...........................................103 MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope..................... 150
ATM Result Analysis Information .......................105 MIS3 Comparing Measurement Results ............ 152
ATM Selecting a Part to Test .............................105 MIS3 DMM Current Measurement ..................... 153
ATM Signals Explained ......................................106 MIS3 DMM Resistance Measurement ............... 153
ATM Test Clips and Cables................................107 MIS3 DMM Voltage Measurement ..................... 153
ATM Test Techniques ........................................109 MIS3 DSO Acquisition Mode ............................. 154
ATM Test Types ................................................110 MIS3 DSO Aliasing ........................................... 154
ATM Main IO Connector ....................................111 MIS3 DSO Automatic Measurements ................ 155
ATM Auxiliary IO Connector ...............................112 MIS3 DSO Channel Coupling ............................ 156
ATM Ground Connector .....................................112 MIS3 DSO Channel Maths ................................ 157
BFL Front Panel.................................................112 MIS3 DSO Channel Offset ................................ 157
BFL Digital IC Tester..........................................112 MIS3 DSO Channel Sensitivity .......................... 157
BFL Digital Graphical Test Generator .................115 MIS3 DSO ERS Mode ....................................... 157
BFL Digital IC Identifier ......................................117 MIS3 DSO Timebase ........................................ 158
BFL Digital IC Live Comparison .........................119 MIS3 DSO Trigger ............................................ 158
BFL Short Locator ..............................................120 MIS3 DSO Trigger Coupling .............................. 158
BFL EPROM Verifier ..........................................122 MIS3 DSO Trigger Delay................................... 159
BFL Output Driver ..............................................124 MIS3 DSO Trigger Edge ................................... 159
BFL Digital IC Tester Setup................................125 MIS3 DSO Trigger Level ................................... 159
BFL Digital V-I ...................................................128 MIS3 DSO Trigger Source ................................ 159
BFL Conflicts Explained .....................................128 MIS3 DSO Waveform Comparison .................... 160
BFL Loads Explained .........................................131 MIS3 FC Event Counting................................... 160
BFL Logic Trace ................................................131 MIS3 FC Frequency Measurement .................... 162
BFL Pin Conditions ............................................132 MIS3 Measurement Statistics ............................ 162
BFL Result Analysis Information ........................133 MIS3 Digital Multimeter Connectors .................. 163
BFL Selecting a Part To Test .............................134 MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Connectors .. 163
BFL Signals Explained .......................................135 MIS3 Frequency Counter Connectors................ 163
BFL Special Tests ..............................................135 MIS3 Function Generator Connector ................. 163
BFL Test Clips and Cables.................................137 MIS3 Universal I/O Connector ........................... 163
BFL Test Techniques .........................................139 MIS4 Front Panel .............................................. 164
BFL Test Types .................................................140 MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator ................. 164
BFL Main IO Connector .....................................142 MIS4 Digital Ammeter ....................................... 166
BFL Auxiliary IO Connector ................................142 MIS4 Digital Voltmeter ...................................... 169
BFL Ground Connector ......................................142 MIS4 Digital Ohmmeter ..................................... 171
BFL Power Supply Connectors ..........................142 MIS4 Universal Frequency Counter ................... 174

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MIS4 Universal IO ..............................................177 REVENG Component Library ............................ 208
MIS4 Auxiliary Power Supply .............................179 REVENG Edit Cable Assembly ......................... 209
MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope .....................181 REVENG Edit Part ............................................ 210
MIS4 Comparing Measurement Results .............184 REVENG Package Library ................................ 210
MIS4 Current Measurement ...............................185 REVENG Section Manager ............................... 212
MIS4 Resistance Measurement .........................185 REVENG Channel Card Connectors ................. 212
MIS4 Voltage Measurement ...............................186 REVENG Power Monitor Connectors ................ 212
MIS4 DSO Acquisition Mode ..............................186 REVENG Voltage Probe Connectors ................. 212
MIS4 DSO Aliasing ............................................187 REVENG Wandering Probe Connectors ............ 213
MIS4 DSO Automatic Measurements .................187 VPS Front Panel ............................................... 213
MIS4 DSO Channel Coupling .............................190 VPS Variable Power Supply .............................. 213
MIS4 DSO Channel Offset .................................190 VPS Connectors (Logic Supply) ........................ 214
MIS4 DSO Channel Sensitivity ...........................190 VPS Connectors (Negative and Positive Supplies)
......................................................................... 214
MIS4 DSO ERS Mode........................................190
MIS4 DSO Timebase .........................................190 Adapters, Test Clips, Cable Assemblies and Probes
......................................................................... 215
MIS4 DSO Trigger .............................................191
Calculator ......................................................... 218
MIS4 DSO Trigger Coupling ...............................191
Commenting Your FormulaPlus Programs ......... 219
MIS4 DSO Trigger Delay ...................................191
Declaring Variables ........................................... 219
MIS4 DSO Trigger Edge ....................................192
Looping Through Code ..................................... 220
MIS4 DSO Trigger Level ....................................192
Understanding FormulaPlus Syntax .................. 221
MIS4 DSO Trigger Source .................................192
Writing Data To Files ......................................... 222
MIS4 DSO Waveform Comparison .....................192
Conditional Expressions .................................... 223
MIS4 Measurement Statistics .............................193
List of Error Messages ...................................... 223
MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator Connectors194
Vars > 20 .......................................................... 224
MIS4 Digital Ammeter Connectors .....................194
Missing = .......................................................... 224
MIS4 Digital Ohmmeter Connectors ...................194
Var syntax......................................................... 224
MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Connectors ...194
Var undef .......................................................... 224
MIS4 Digital Voltmeter Connectors.....................195
Syntax .............................................................. 224
MIS4 Frequency Counter Connector ..................195
Missing ( ........................................................... 224
MIS4 Universal Inputs/Outputs Connector ..........195
Missing ) ........................................................... 224
REVENG Front Panel ........................................195
Too complex ..................................................... 225
REVENG Schematic Learning System ...............196
Divide 0 ............................................................ 225
REVENG Schematic Learning System Setup .....198
Missing \ ........................................................... 225
REVENG Schematic Learning System Components
Decimals ........................................................... 225
Power arg ......................................................... 225
REVENG Schematic Learning System Scan ......201
REVENG Schematic Learning System Scan History Sq root arg ........................................................ 225
..........................................................................204 Log arg ............................................................. 226
REVENG Schematic Learning System Netlist ....205 Missing , ........................................................... 226
REVENG Add Cable Assembly ..........................206 Exp arg ............................................................. 226
REVENG Add Part .............................................206 Var read only .................................................... 226
REVENG Clip Type Library ................................207 File error ........................................................... 226

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Stk ovfl ..............................................................226 DSO_TIMEBASE_INDEX ................................. 248
Stk undfl ............................................................227 DSO_TRIG_COUPLING ................................... 249
Maths ................................................................227 DSO_TRIG_DELAY .......................................... 249
Error? ................................................................227 DSO_TRIG_EDGE ........................................... 249
List of Keywords ................................................227 DSO_TRIG_LEVEL........................................... 249
BLEEP ...............................................................228 DSO_TRIG_SOURCE ...................................... 249
DISPLAY ...........................................................228 DSO_CH1_ACTION.......................................... 250
EXECUTE .........................................................229 DSO_CH1_AMPLITUDE ................................... 250
FORMAT ...........................................................229 DSO_CH1_BANDWIDTH .................................. 250
IF .......................................................................230 DSO_CH1_COUPLING..................................... 250
LABEL ...............................................................230 DSO_CH1_BASE ............................................. 250
PAUSE ..............................................................231 DSO_CH1_BASE_PEAK .................................. 250
REPEAT ............................................................231 DSO_CH1_CREST_FACTOR ........................... 250
STARTLOG .......................................................232 DSO_CH1_CYCLIC_MEAN .............................. 250
STARTLOGDB ..................................................232 DSO_CH1_CYCLIC_RMS ................................ 250
SYSTEM............................................................233 DSO_CH1_CYCLES ......................................... 251
SYSTEMWAIT ...................................................233 DSO_CH1_DUTY_CYCLE ................................ 251
WAIT .................................................................234 DSO_CH1_ENTRY_A ....................................... 251
WHILE ...............................................................234 DSO_CH1_ENTRY_B ....................................... 251
WRITELOG .......................................................235 DSO_CH1_FALL_TIME .................................... 251
WRITELOGDB...................................................236 DSO_CH1_FREQUENCY ................................. 251
List of Operators ................................................237 DSO_CH1_GAIN_INDEX .................................. 251
* Operator ..........................................................237 DSO_CH1_MEAN ............................................. 251
+ Operator .........................................................237 DSO_CH1_NEG_SLEW ................................... 251
- Operator ..........................................................237 DSO_CH1_NEG_TIME_CONSTANT ................ 252
/ Operator ..........................................................237 DSO_CH1_NEG_WIDTH .................................. 252
^ Operator..........................................................237 DSO_CH1_OFFSET ......................................... 252
List of System Variables .....................................237 DSO_CH1_OVERSHOOT ................................ 252
BC_CH_RESULT ..............................................246 DSO_CH1_PEAK_TO_PEAK ........................... 252
BC_CH_VOLTAGE ............................................246 DSO_CH1_PERIOD ......................................... 252
BFL_IC_TESTER_START .................................246 DSO_CH1_POS_SLEW .................................... 252
BFL_GRAPH_TESTER_START ........................247 DSO_CH1_POS_TIME_CONSTANT ................ 252
BFL_IC_IDENT_START ....................................247 DSO_CH1_POS_WIDTH .................................. 252
DMM_ACTION...................................................247 DSO_CH1_RISE_TIME .................................... 252
DMM_CH1 .........................................................247 DSO_CH1_RMS ............................................... 252
DMM_CH2 .........................................................247 DSO_CH1_TIME_RESOLUTION ...................... 252
DMM_ENTRY_A ................................................247 DSO_CH1_TOP................................................ 253
DMM_ENTRY_B ................................................247 DSO_CH1_TOP_PEAK .................................... 253
DSO_ACQUISITION ..........................................247 DSO_CH1_UNDERSHOOT .............................. 253
DSO_ACQUIRE_STATUS .................................248 DSO_CH1_VOLTAGE_RESOLUTION .............. 253
DSO_ACQUIRE_MODE ....................................248 DSO_CH2_ACTION.......................................... 253

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DSO_CH2_AMPLITUDE ....................................253 FG_DC_OFFSET .............................................. 257
DSO_CH2_BANDWIDTH ..................................253 FG_ACTUAL_FREQUENCY ............................. 257
DSO_CH2_BASE ..............................................253 FG_AMPLITUDE .............................................. 257
DSO_CH2_BASE_PEAK ...................................253 UIO_ACH1_RESTRICT .................................... 257
DSO_CH2_COUPLING .....................................253 UIO_ACH2_RESTRICT .................................... 257
DSO_CH2_CREST_FACTOR............................253 UIO_ACH3_RESTRICT .................................... 257
DSO_CH2_CYCLIC_MEAN ...............................254 UIO_ACH4_RESTRICT .................................... 257
DSO_CH2_CYCLIC_RMS .................................254 UIO_DCH1_STATE .......................................... 257
DSO_CH2_CYCLES ..........................................254 UIO_DCH2_STATE .......................................... 258
DSO_CH2_DUTY_CYCLE.................................254 UIO_DCH3_STATE .......................................... 258
DSO_CH2_ENTRY_A........................................254 UIO_DCH4_STATE .......................................... 258
DSO_CH2_ENTRY_B........................................254 UIO_DCH1_DIRECTION .................................. 258
DSO_CH2_FALL_TIME .....................................254 UIO_DCH2_DIRECTION .................................. 258
DSO_CH2_FREQUENCY ..................................254 UIO_DCH3_DIRECTION .................................. 258
DSO_CH2_GAIN_INDEX ..................................254 UIO_DCH4_DIRECTION .................................. 259
DSO_CH2_MEAN .............................................255 UIO_ACH1_MODE ........................................... 259
DSO_CH2_NEG_SLEW ....................................255 UIO_ACH1_VALUE_OUT ................................. 259
DSO_CH2_NEG_TIME_CONSTANT .................255 UIO_ACH2_VALUE_OUT ................................. 259
DSO_CH2_NEG_WIDTH ...................................255 UIO_ACH3_VALUE_OUT ................................. 259
DSO_CH2_OFFSET ..........................................255 UIO_ACH4_VALUE_OUT ................................. 259
DSO_CH2_OVERSHOOT .................................255 UIO_ACH1_VALUE_IN ..................................... 259
DSO_CH2_PEAK_TO_PEAK ............................255 UIO_ACH2_VALUE_IN ..................................... 259
DSO_CH2_PERIOD ..........................................255 UIO_ACH3_VALUE_IN ..................................... 259
DSO_CH2_POS_SLEW ....................................255 UIO_ACH4_VALUE_IN ..................................... 259
DSO_CH2_POS_TIME_CONSTANT .................255 UIO_ACH1_DIRECTION ................................... 259
DSO_CH2_POS_WIDTH ...................................255 UIO_ACH2_DIRECTION ................................... 260
DSO_CH2_RISE_TIME .....................................255 UIO_ACH3_DIRECTION ................................... 260
DSO_CH2_RMS ................................................256 UIO_ACH4_DIRECTION ................................... 260
DSO_CH2_TIME_RESOLUTION .......................256 UIO_ACH2_MODE ........................................... 260
DSO_CH2_TOP ................................................256 UIO_ACH3_MODE ........................................... 260
DSO_CH2_TOP_PEAK .....................................256 UIO_ACH4_MODE ........................................... 260
DSO_CH2_UNDERSHOOT ...............................256 USER1_ACTION .............................................. 260
DSO_CH2_VOLTAGE_RESOLUTION...............256 USER2_ACTION .............................................. 261
FC_ACTION ......................................................256 USER3_ACTION .............................................. 261
FC_CH1 ............................................................256 USER4_ACTION .............................................. 261
FC_CH2 ............................................................256 USER1_ENTRY_A ........................................... 261
FC_ENTRY_A ...................................................256 USER1_ENTRY_B ........................................... 261
FC_ENTRY_B ...................................................256 USER2_ENTRY_A ........................................... 261
FG_SWEEP_STEP............................................256 USER2_ENTRY_B ........................................... 261
FG_SET_FREQUENCY .....................................256 USER3_ENTRY_A ........................................... 261
FG_DUTY_CYCLE ............................................257 USER3_ENTRY_B ........................................... 261

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USER4_ENTRY_A ............................................261 VPS_POS2_VOLTAGE_READING ................... 266
USER4_ENTRY_B ............................................261 VPS_POS2_VOLTAGE_SETTING.................... 266
USER_STATUS1 ...............................................261 MIS4_DVM1_MEASUREMENT ........................ 267
USER_STATUS2 ...............................................262 MIS4_DVM1_MEASUREMENT_TYPE ............. 267
USER_STATUS3 ...............................................262 MIS4_DVM1_STATISTIC_MAXIMUM ............... 267
USER_STATUS4 ...............................................262 MIS4_DVM1_STATISTIC_AVERAGE ............... 267
TFL_ACTION .....................................................262 MIS4_DVM1_STATISTIC_MINIMUM ................ 267
TFL_ENTRY_A ..................................................262 MIS4_DVM1_STATISTIC_SWEEPS ................. 267
TFL_ENTRY_B ..................................................262 MIS4_DVM1_COMPARISON_RESULT ............ 267
TFL_STATUS ....................................................262 MIS4_DVM2_MEASUREMENT ........................ 267
TFL_STEP_NO..................................................263 MIS4_DVM2_MEASUREMENT_TYPE ............. 267
TFL_STEP_NAME .............................................263 MIS4_DVM2_STATISTIC_MAXIMUM ............... 268
VPS_STATUS ...................................................263 MIS4_DVM2_STATISTIC_AVERAGE ............... 268
VPS_LOGIC1_CURRENT_READING................263 MIS4_DVM2_STATISTIC_MINIMUM ................ 268
VPS_LOGIC1_CURRENT_TRIP .......................263 MIS4_DVM2_STATISTIC_SWEEPS ................. 268
VPS_LOGIC1_ENABLE_TRIP ...........................263 MIS4_DVM2_COMPARISON_RESULT ............ 268
VPS_LOGIC1_OVP_SETTING ..........................263 MIS4_DAM1_MEASUREMENT ........................ 268
VPS_LOGIC1_OVP_TRIG .................................264 MIS4_DAM1_MEASUREMENT_TYPE ............. 268
VPS_LOGIC1_VOLTAGE_READING ................264 MIS4_DAM1_STATISTIC_MAXIMUM ............... 268
VPS_LOGIC1_VOLTAGE_SETTING .................264 MIS4_DAM1_STATISTIC_AVERAGE ............... 268
VPS_LOGIC2_CURRENT_READING................264 MIS4_DAM1_STATISTIC_MINIMUM ................ 268
VPS_LOGIC2_CURRENT_TRIP .......................264 MIS4_DAM1_STATISTIC_SWEEPS ................. 268
VPS_LOGIC2_ENABLE_TRIP ...........................264 MIS4_DAM1_COMPARISON_RESULT ............ 269
VPS_LOGIC2_OVP_SETTING ..........................264 MIS4_DOM1_MEASUREMENT ........................ 269
VPS_LOGIC2_OVP_TRIG .................................264 MIS4_DOM1_MEASUREMENT_TYPE ............. 269
VPS_LOGIC2_VOLTAGE_READING ................265 MIS4_DOM1_STATISTIC_MAXIMUM ............... 269
VPS_LOGIC2_VOLTAGE_SETTING .................265 MIS4_DOM1_STATISTIC_AVERAGE............... 269
VPS_NEG1_CURRENT_LIMIT ..........................265 MIS4_DOM1_STATISTIC_MINIMUM ................ 269
VPS_NEG1_CURRENT_READING ...................265 MIS4_DOM1_STATISTIC_SWEEPS ................ 269
VPS_NEG1_VOLTAGE_READING ...................265 MIS4_DOM1_COMPARISON_RESULT ............ 269
E ....................................................................... 269
VPS_NEG2_CURRENT_LIMIT ..........................265
EAK .................................................................. 269
VPS_NEG2_VOLTAGE_READING ...................266
VPS_NEG2_VOLTAGE_SETTING ....................266
VPS_POS1_CURRENT_LIMIT ..........................266 ......................................................................... 270
VPS_POS1_VOLTAGE_SETTING ....................266 K ....................................................................... 270

VPS_POS2_CURRENT_LIMIT ..........................266 MIS4_DSO1_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_MEAN . 270


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OT .....................................................................270
OOT ..................................................................270 OT .................................................................... 272
OOT ................................................................. 273
TION ................................................................. 273
CY .....................................................................270 ......................................................................... 273
CY .................................................................... 273
......................................................................... 273
H .......................................................................271 ......................................................................... 273
H .......................................................................271
H....................................................................... 273
H....................................................................... 273
..........................................................................271 ......................................................................... 273
TH .....................................................................271 ......................................................................... 273
LE ......................................................................271
TH .................................................................... 273
LE ..................................................................... 273
MIS4_DSO1_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_CRMS ..271 TION ................................................................. 274
..........................................................................271 MIS4_DSO2_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_CRMS . 274
CTOR ................................................................272
......................................................................... 274
_CONSTANT .....................................................272
CTOR ............................................................... 274
_CONSTANT .....................................................272 _CONSTANT .................................................... 274
_CONSTANT .................................................... 274
EAK ...................................................................272
E ....................................................................... 274
MIS4_DSO2_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_TOPPEAK EAK .................................................................. 274
MIS4_DSO2_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_BASEPEA ......................................................................... 274

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K........................................................................275 MIS4_UIO2_STATE .......................................... 277
MIS4_UIO2_DIRECTION .................................. 277
OT .....................................................................275
OOT ..................................................................275 MIS4_UIO2_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT ....... 278
MIS4_DSO3_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_VRESOLU MIS4_UIO3_STATE .......................................... 278
TION..................................................................275 MIS4_UIO3_DIRECTION .................................. 278
CY .....................................................................275 MIS4_UIO3_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT ........ 278
..........................................................................275 MIS4_UIO4_STATE .......................................... 278
MIS4_DSO3_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_FALLTIME MIS4_UIO4_DIRECTION .................................. 278
H .......................................................................275 MIS4_UIO4_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_LOW........... 279


H .......................................................................276 MIS4_UIO4_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT ....... 279
MIS4_DSO3_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_POSSLEW MIS4_UIO5_STATE .......................................... 279
MIS4_UIO5_DIRECTION .................................. 279
TH .....................................................................276 MIS4_UIO5_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT ........ 279
LE ......................................................................276 MIS4_UIO6_STATE .......................................... 279
MIS4_DSO3_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_TRESOLU MIS4_UIO6_DIRECTION .................................. 280
..........................................................................276 MIS4_UIO6_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT ....... 280
MIS4_DSO3_AUTO_MEASUREMENT_CRESTFA MIS4_UIO7_STATE .......................................... 280
CTOR ................................................................276 MIS4_UIO7_DIRECTION .................................. 280
_CONSTANT .....................................................276
_CONSTANT .....................................................276 MIS4_UIO7_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT ........ 280

MIS4_UIO1_STATE...........................................277 MIS4_UIO7_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT ....... 280

MIS4_UIO1_DIRECTION ...................................277 MIS4_UIO8_STATE .......................................... 281

MIS4_UIO1_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_HIGH...........277 MIS4_UIO8_DIRECTION .................................. 281


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MIS4_UIO8_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_LOW ...........281 E() .................................................................... 286
MIS4_UIO8_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT ........281 E12()................................................................. 286
MIS4_UIO8_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT ........281 E24()................................................................. 286
MIS4_APS_12V1_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT 281 EXP() ................................................................ 287
MIS4_APS_12V1_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT INT() ................................................................. 287
LOG() ............................................................... 288
MIS4_APS_12V1_OPERATION_MODE ............281 MAX() ............................................................... 288
MIN() ................................................................ 288
MIS4_APS_5V1_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT .281 PI() ................................................................... 289
MIS4_APS_5V1_OPERATION_MODE ..............282
ROUND() .......................................................... 289
MIS4_APS_3V31_VOLTAGE_MEASUREMENT 282 SIN() ................................................................. 289
SQRT() ............................................................. 290
TAN() ................................................................ 290
MIS4_APS_3V31_OPERATION_MODE ............282
TICK() ............................................................... 290
..........................................................................282 What Is Python?................................................ 291
MIS4_APS_n12V1_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT Installing Python................................................ 291
..........................................................................282 Python MIS3 Digital Multimeter ......................... 291
MIS4_APS_n12V1_OPERATION_MODE ..........282 Python MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope ......... 292
MIS4_FC1_MEASUREMENT ............................282 Python MIS3 Frequency Counter ...................... 294
MIS4_FC1_STATISTIC_MAXIMUM ...................282 Python MIS3 Function Generator ...................... 295
MIS4_FC1_STATISTIC_AVERAGE ...................282 Python MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs .............. 296
MIS4_FC1_STATISTIC_MINIMUM ....................283 Python Variable Power Supply .......................... 298
MIS4_FC1_STATISTIC_SWEEPS .....................283 Using Python .................................................... 299
MIS4_FC1_COMPARISON_RESULT ................283 Mixing Python and FormulaPlus Example.......... 300
MIS4_FG1_WAVEFORM_MODE ......................283 Python Input Example ....................................... 300
MIS4_FG1_OFFSET .........................................283 Python Output Example .................................... 301
MIS4_FG1_AMPLITUDE ...................................283 Python Running an External Program Example . 301
MIS4_FG1_DUTY_CYCLE ................................283
MIS4_FG1_FREQUENCY .................................283
MIS4_FG1_OFF_VOLTAGE ..............................283
MIS4_FG1_SHAPE ...........................................283
MIS4_FG2_WAVEFORM_MODE ......................284
MIS4_FG2_OFFSET .........................................284
MIS4_FG2_AMPLITUDE ...................................284
MIS4_FG2_DUTY_CYCLE ................................284
MIS4_FG2_FREQUENCY .................................284
MIS4_FG2_OFF_VOLTAGE ..............................284
MIS4_FG2_SHAPE ...........................................284
List of Functions.................................................285
COS() ................................................................285

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 10

System overview
The SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software is designed to support a range of high specification
hardware modules containing a wide variety of test and measurement facilities including fault-
finding instruments, component test instruments and general test and measurement
instruments. The hardware modules are supported by a comprehensive software package
which allows different combinations of instruments to be used concurrently to satisfy the most
demanding fault-finding or test applications. Each module is the same size as a CD/DVD
drive, allowing a variety of mechanical mounting options. A module can be mounted directly
in your PC and controlled via an internal interface card, or it can be mounted in an external
case and controlled via a USB cable. In addition, fully integrated systems (the BoardMaster
range) are available which include a PC controller and colour LCD display.

The range of modules available follows: -

AMS (Advanced Matrix Scanner). The AMS offers new and unique features for the testing
and diagnostics of components under power-off conditions. Based on the V-I signature testing
technique, the AMS increases test coverage by varying the frequency of the test signal to
observe the DUT's (Device Under Test) response over a frequency range. The module also
offers a multi-reference test known as Matrix V-I for increased coverage. Thanks to the pulse
outputs, dynamic tests can be run on gate-activated devices (triacs, transistors, IGBTs etc...).
The AMS is fully compatible with the Instrument Design Manager.

The following instruments are included in the AMS:-

3D V-I Tester
Matrix V-I Tester

ATM (Advanced Test Module). The ATM will identify and locate faulty ICs, broken tracks,
short circuits, floating inputs, mid level outputs, dry joints and leaking nodes on PCBs with
analogue, digital and hybrid components from discrete diodes and transistors to complex
VLSI in DIL, PLCC and SOIC packaging. With added advantage of being compatible with all
logic families including TTL, CMOS, LVTTL, ECL, DTL, LSI, PECL and LVPECL.

The following instruments are included in the ATM: -

Advanced IC Tester
Advanced IC Identifier
Advanced Short Locator
Advanced Graphical Test Generator
Advanced Board Checker

MIS3 (Multiple Instrument Station 3) module. The MIS3 module contains a comprehensive
range of test and measurement instrumentation resources which can be used to implement
most of the test instruments found on any electronics workbench. The basic instrument
readings can be processed with the built in calculator and used to calculate more complex
results. The Instrument Design Manager allows any combination of instruments to be
designed and modified by the user and saved in a design file, even to the extent of adding
instrument titles and on-screen prompts. Built-in instrument design files emulating standard
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 11
bench instrumentation (e.g. DSO, DMM, function generator, counter) are included.

The following instruments are included in the MIS3 module: -

MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope: 2 channel, 100MHz, 50MS/s to 5GS/s

MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs: 4 channel analogue I/O, 4 channel digital I/O
MIS3 Frequency Counter: 2 channel 50Ohm/150MHz and 1MOhm/100MHz
MIS3 Function Generator: 0.1Hz to 10MHz square, sine, triangle, pulse, plus
MIS3 Digital Multimeter: 2 channel DC/AC 0 to 400V, DC/AC 0 to 1A, 0 to
MIS3 Auxiliary Power Supply: 5V and +/-9V low current for test interface power

MIS4 (Multiple Instrument Station 4) module. The MIS4 module contains a comprehensive
range of test and measurement instrumentation resources which can be used to implement
most of the test instruments found on any electronics workbench. The basic instrument
readings can be processed with the built in calculator and used to calculate more complex
results. The Instrument Design Manager allows any combination of instruments to be
designed and modified by the user and saved in a design file, even to the extent of adding
instrument titles and on-screen prompts. Built-in instrument design files emulating standard
bench instrumentation (e.g. DSO, DVM, function generator, counter) are included.

The following instruments are included in the MIS4 module: -

MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope: 3 channel, 350MHz, 500MS/s to 25GS/s

MIS4 Universal Inputs/Outputs: 8 channel analogue/digital I/O
MIS4 Universal Frequency Counter: 1 channel 50Ohm/DC to 1.1GHz and 3
channel 1MOhm/DC to 350MHz
MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator: 2 channel 0.5Hz to 25MHz DC, square, sine,
triangle, ramp+, ramp-
MIS4 Digital Ammeter: 1 channel AC/DC/AC+DC, 0 to 10A
MIS4 Digital Voltmeter: 2 channel AC/DC/AC+DC, 0 to 500V
MIS4 Digital Ohmmeter: 1 channel Ohms/Continuity/Diode, 0 to
MIS4 Auxiliary Power Supply: +3.3V/1A, +5V/1A, +12V/100mA, -12V/-
100mA low current for test interface power

REVENG (Reverse Engineering) module. The REVENG module schematic learning system
offers an effective method of creating circuit diagrams from a sample board. REVENG learns
the connectivity of a sample circuit and produces a NetList which can be imported into EdWin
to create professional quality circuit diagrams.

The following instrument is included in the RevEng module: -

Schematic Learning System

VPS (Variable Power Supply) module. The VPS module provides a programmable power
supply with a logic output (2.5V to 6V at 5A) and dual medium voltage outputs (0 to +/-24V at

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 12

1.5A). The logic supply is equipped with programmable over-voltage protection, and the dual
supplies have programmable current limit. The voltage and current for each rail are displayed
on-screen. The VPS is fully compatible with the Instrument Design Manager.

The following instrument is contained in the VPS module: -

Variable Power Supply

BFL (Board Fault Locator) module. With 64 channels, the BFL module will identify and
locate faulty ICs, broken tracks, short circuits, floating inputs, mid level outputs, dry joints and
leaking nodes on PCBs with analogue, digital and hybrid components from discrete diodes
and transistors to complex VLSI in DIL, PLCC and SOIC packaging. It provides
comprehensive fault diagnosis capability and includes functional testing of digital ICs (in-
circuit / out-of-circuit), IC connections status and voltage acquisition together with a V-I Curve
function which allows testing of components with no need to apply power to the board. Up to
4 modules can be combined together to offer 256 test channels. The BFL is fully compatible
with the Instrument Design Manager.

The following instruments are included in the BFL module: -

IC Tester
IC Identifier
IC Live Comparison instrument
Short Locator
Graphical Test Generator instrument
EPROM Verifier
Output Driver

AICT (Analogue IC Tester) module. The AICT module allows analogue devices (discrete
and ICs) to be functionally tested and also the signatures of ICs and discrete components to
be acquired and compared without removing them from the printed circuit board (PCB). The
ATS module is another version of the AICT that offers analogue signature acquisition only.
The AICT is fully compatible with the Instrument Design Manager.

The following instruments are included in the AICT module: -

Analogue IC Tester
Analogue V-I Tester

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 13

What's new in SYSTEM 8 Ultimate
Thank you for updating your SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software to the latest version. We aim at
constantly improving our software package by taking on feedback from our customers all
around the world and ensuring that we supply a solution that is powerful, accessible and
suitable to users.

Please read below the summary of the changes and improvements brought to you by ABI

New product: the Multiple Instrument Station 4 Module

The Multiple Instrument Station 4 Module (MIS4) is a new solution that offers a
comprehensive range of test and measurement instrumentation resources which can be used
to implement most of the test instruments found on any electronics workbench. The MIS4
includes; 3 channel Oscilloscope, 2 channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 4 channel
Frequency Counter, 2 channel Voltmeter, Ammeter, Ohmmeter, 8 channel Universal
inputs/outputs and 4 channel power supply.

Eight new instruments were added to the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software with the introduction
of the Multiple Instrument Station 4 Module. Further details can be found in this help file.

New product: the Reverse Engineering Module

The Reverse Engineering module (REVENG) is a new schematic learning system that offers
an effective method of creating circuit diagrams from a sample board. The REVENG guides
the operator to place and move clips, probes and hooks around the reference circuit. The
software generates the most efficient sequence of clip combinations and movements to learn
all possible connections. The REVENG produces a NetList which can be imported into EdWin
to create professional quality circuit diagrams.

A new instrument was added to the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software with the introduction of the
Reverse Engineering Module. Further details can be found in this help file.

New product: the Advanced Matrix Scanner Module

The Advanced Matrix Scanner Module (AMS) is a new solution that offers unique features for
the testing and diagnostics of components under power-off conditions. Based on the V-I
signature testing technique, the AMS increases test coverage by varying the frequency of the
test signal to observe the DUT's (Device Under Test) response over a frequency range. The
module also offers a multi-reference test known as Matrix V-I for increased coverage and the
pulse outputs allow dynamic tests to be run on gate-activated devices (triacs, transistors,
IGBTs etc.).

Two new instruments were added to the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software with the introduction of
the Advanced Matrix Scanner Module. Further details can be found in this help file.

New TestFlows for training

In order to get familiar with the new features of the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate, a range of short
TestFlows is available from ABI Electronics. Please contact us for more information.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 14

Installing SYSTEM 8 Ultimate Software
System Requirements
To run your SYSTEM 8 software you will need a PC with at least 256Mb RAM, 70Mb disk
space and Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista or XP (32 or 64 bit). To install SYSTEM 8 hardware
modules in your PC, you will need a standard DVD drive bay per module and up to two PCI
slots, together with a 400W power supply. External MultiLink case systems require a USB
port or hub.

Installing SYSTEM 8 Ultimate

Insert the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate CD in your DVD/CD drive and wait for the installer to start
automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software. If the installer does
not start automatically, navigate to the file “setup.exe” on your CD/DVD drive and double
click the file.

Connecting SYSTEM 8 Modules

All SYSTEM 8 modules except the VPS can be installed in a DVD drive bay in your PC using
the screws provided. Connect a spare PC power connector to the module rear, and install the
PCI card in a spare slot. Connect the 40 way connector on the card to the connector at the
rear of the module. MIS3/ATS/AICT modules can share a PCI card and cable. Modules in
external MultiLink cases are pre-installed and require a USB connection to your PC. The
AMS module uses a USB cable even when installed inside your PC.

Once the software has been installed and the SYSTEM 8 modules connected, the SYSTEM 8
Ultimate Drivers can be installed.

SYSTEM 8 Ultimate
The SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software from ABI is supplied with the BoardMaster 8000 Plus and
SYSTEM 8 modules, giving advanced control of your fault-finding, test and measurement
system with numerous applications: -

- Automated TestFlow procedures.

- Custom instrument design.
- User defined data logging and reporting.
- Pass/fail result comparison.
- Advanced data calculator with procedure control.

At the heart of the Ultimate software is the TestFlow Manager, which speeds up operation by
storing configurations and expected results for instruments, allowing the system to be used by
all. A TestFlow can contain images, schematics, data sheets, photos and videos, so a
technician’s knowledge and experience of the board can be incorporated in a TestFlow. An
inexperienced operator need only follow the on-screen instructions to start testing the most
complex equipment. The TestFlow manager provides automatically documented fault-finding
sequences by comparing good and bad boards. Test points, test methods, operator
instructions and a statistical report generator are all available on-screen in an easy to follow

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 15

Installing SYSTEM 8 Ultimate Drivers
Before installing the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate drivers, please ensure that your hardware is
connected accordingly.

USB Interface
For a USB interface, the cable must be connected to the back of the SYSTEM 8 unit and also
to a spare port on the PC.

PCI Interface
For a PCI interface, the card must be fitted to the PC motherboard and the cable must be
connected to the back of the SYSTEM 8 module.

Installing Drivers
Power must be switched on to allow for the automatic detection of the interface.

The USB drivers for the SYSTEM 8 modules should be installed after plugging in the USB
cable. The drivers are located in the \Drivers folder on the installation CD which should be
selected when the “Found New Hardware” wizard appears. Ignore any displayed warnings
about the drivers.

If you need to re-install or update the drivers, open the Device Manager on your PC (Control
Panel/Hardware and Sound/Device Manager). Find the SYSTEM 8 entries in the list, right
click and select Update Driver. Browse to the folder containing the new driver and click

Note: Should Windows automatically connect to Windows Update without prompting, wait
until this fails to find the driver. Then, manually select the location of the drivers in the folder
on the CD-ROM.

For technical support and frequently asked questions please visit

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 16

Starting the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software
SYSTEM 8 Ultimate operates under Windows XP or above. To start the software select
Programs > SYSTEM 8 Ultimate > SYSTEM 8 Ultimate from the Start button on your

When the software launches you will be presented with the login screen:

Pressing the OK button will log you into SYSTEM 8 Ultimate as the selected user.
Pressing the EXIT button will ask you whether you wish to exit the software.
Pressing a module icon will show the complete Self Test Diagnostic Results for that module.

Initially, all instruments and settings will be in their default configuration. A self diagnostic
routine is invoked upon running the system to verify that all the hardware is correctly installed
and fully functional. The results of the diagnostics are shown in the upper right corner where
each of the module types is given a PASS or FAIL. If no physical module of a particular type
are connected, Demo will be displayed indicating that this module will be only available in
Demonstration Mode.

Demonstration Mode
Demonstration Mode is a feature which allows the software to be used in the absence of the
hardware. If no hardware is detected when running the software, the software will enter
Demonstration Mode automatically. In demonstration mode, the word DEMONSTRATION
will appear at the top of each instrument. In Demonstration Mode, most buttons and functions
operate in the same way as they would if the hardware was connected. The readings shown
in each display are simulated data, but give the impression of normal instrument operation.

Quitting the SYSTEM 8 Ultimate Software

Quit the software by selecting File > Exit from the menu, or by double clicking on the icon at
the top left of the main window. Alternatively you can click on the symbol at the top right of
the main window.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 17

Setup Interface Method
Select Tools > Setup Module Interface Methods from the menu. This opens the dialog box
shown below:

The following interface methods are available: -

ISA Card: This is a card which is installed in an ISA slot in your PC and has
an internal connection to the SYSTEM 8 module(s) installed in
your PC. Alternatively, an external connection to a SYSTEM 8
External Case may be used.
PCI Card: This is a card which is installed in a PCI slot in your PC and has
an internal connection to the SYSTEM 8 module(s) installed in
your PC. Alternatively, an external connection to a SYSTEM 8
External Case may be used.
Parallel Multilink: This is a MultiLink case with a built-in interface card which
contains your SYSTEM 8 module. The MultiLink case connects to
your PC LPT port via a parallel cable.
Serial Multilink: This is a MultiLink case with a built-in interface card which
contains your SYSTEM 8 module. The MultiLink case connects to
your PC COM port via a serial cable.
USB MultiLink: This is a MultiLink case with a built-in interface card which
contains your SYSTEM 8 module. The MultiLink case connects to
your PC USB port via a USB cable.
USB Ultimate Module: This is your SYSTEM 8 module with built-in USB interface. The
USB Ultimate Module connects to your PC USB port via a USB

To add a new interface method click on the Add button. This opens the dialog box shown

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 18

Select the interface type you wish to add and click on the OK button, which will return you to
the original dialog box.

To setup the interface method you have just created, see the following sections:

Setting up the ISA Card

Setting up the PCI Card
Setting up the Serial MultiLink Interface
Setting up the Parallel MultiLink Interface
Setting up the USB MultiLink Interface
Setting up the USB Ultimate Interface

When you are happy with your changes, click the OK button, otherwise click the Cancel
button to leave your settings unchanged.

Interface Card Address Setup

The interface card contains a bank of numbered DIP switches which determine the I/O
address of the card. The MIS, ATS and VPS can share a common interface card. The BFL
module(s) use a separate interface card. The switches on each card must be set to an
address which does not clash with any other card on the motherboard. The address range is
from 208h to 3E8h. The default addresses below are compatible with the majority of PC

The default address for the BFL is 3E0h: The default address for the MIS, ATS &
VPS is 238h:

Changing the Interface Card Address

If the default address does not work for either card, another address can be configured by
selecting from the Tools > Setup Modules Interface Methods menu. This utility allows you
to add/remove interface methods, and setup which port/address to use.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 19

Select the ISA interface that you want to change then click the Setup button. This opens a
dialog box, similar to the following, which allows you to change the interface card address.

It is important to select a unique address for the interface card to avoid conflict with any other
cards on the motherboard. Select a new address from the pick list and the switch settings
diagram will change, indicating the new switch settings (remember this configuration).
Clicking on the Identify button will tell you whether or not the ISA PC interface card is
detected at that address or not.

Once the new address has been selected, press OK and then exit the software, and
Windows, and switch off. The switches on the appropriate interface card must now be set to
the new settings which were displayed during the above operation.

PCI Card Setup

The PCI card is Plug & Play compatible, and will be setup automatically as part of the
installation process.

MultiLink Serial Port Setup

If you have an ABI module in a MultiLink case, you can communicate with it using either the
serial or parallel port. We recommend the parallel interface because it is faster, and more
than one unit can be attached at a time. If you wish to use the serial port you will require an
optional serial cable which is available from ABI Electronics Ltd.

Connect the MultiLink case mini DIN serial connector to the PC COM port using a serial

See the Setup Interface Method topic about how to select the Serial Port, and then click the
Setup button. A dialog box similar to the following will be displayed:-
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 20
Select the port that the MultiLink serial cable is connected to. Click Identify button to display
the MultiLink module that is connected to the specified serial port.

Clicking on the Cancel will leave the serial port unchanged.

MultiLink Parallel Port Setup

If you have an ABI module in a MultiLink case, you can communicate with it using either the
serial or parallel port. We recommend the parallel interface because it is faster, and more
than one unit can be attached at a time by daisy chaining the modules.

Connect the MultiLink case lower connector to the PC LPT port using a parallel cable.
Further modules can be connected with further parallel cables from the upper connector of
the first module to the lower connector of the next. Up to 7 modules in total can be
connected, but no more than 1 of each type.

See the Setup Interface Method topic about how to select the Parallel Port then click the
Setup button. A dialog box similar to the following will be displayed:-

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 21

Select the port that the MultiLink parallel cable is connected to. Click Identify to display all
MultiLink modules that are connected to the specified parallel printer port. Clicking Cancel
will leave the parallel port unchanged.

MultiLink USB Port Setup

The USB Multilink is Plug & Play compatible, and will be setup automatically as part of the
installation process.

USB Ultimate Module Port Setup

The USB Ultimate Module is Plug & Play compatible, and will be setup automatically as part
of the installation process.

Scan for New Modules

Select Tools > Scan for New Modules from the menu. This will scan for new modules and
display the modules found in the Scan Results dialog box shown below:

Click OK to close.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 22

REVENG Setup Options
Select Tools > Options from the menu and click on the RevEng tab. This opens the Options
dialog box shown below:

Before the REVENG Schematic Learning System Instrument can be used, the Type of
system must be configured.

There are two options available:

Multilink: Select Multilink for a Multilink System unit equipped with 256
measurement channels or more.
Cabinet: Select Cabinet for a Cabinet System equipped with a control card with
512 measurement channels or more.

Enter the installation location of the EdWinXP schematic package in the Location of
EdwinXP edit box provided. This allows the system to launch the schematic generation
software from within the REVENG Schematic Learning System Instrument.

Click OK to save the setup options or Cancel to abandon.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 23

ABI Electronics Ltd.

ABI Electronics Ltd is a leading supplier of test and measurement equipment as well as a
renowned contract electronics manufacturer. ABI products are designed and manufactured at
its premises in the UK and exported all over the world thanks to an active distribution network
throughout Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia.

ABI also supplies local customers in the UK and Ireland. With manufacturing capabilities
suitable for prototypes and small to medium PCB batches, ABI gained a strong reputation for
the complete range of services they offer to cover all aspects of contract electronics

ABI was founded in 1983 and incorporated in 1984 as a limited company. The initial concept
for the business came from a simple incident when ABI’s founder accidentally stepped on an
electronics IC which had fallen to the floor. After picking it up, a question came to his head: “I
wonder if it still works?”. The company produced the ICT-24, the world's first low-cost digital
IC tester, and expanded rapidly as sales of this popular product grew.

A move from a small factory unit in 1985 was followed just two years later into much larger
premises. The company grew steadily from there, opening a second factory in 1989 and in
1998 expanding yet again to its present headquarters in Barnsley, England.

The trend of increasing complexity fault diagnosis products, at ever increasing prices, was
broken by ABI in 1991 with the SYSTEM 8 range which was designed and produced at a
much lower cost while providing an unprecedented level of fault diagnosis capabilities.

The SYSTEM 8 range remains a highly popular product amongst blue chip companies and
dedicated repair centres alike. ABI continues to develop this product, taking constant account
of customer comments and suggestions.

ABI is known for keeping abreast of technology changes in order to offer solutions that are in
response to its customers’ needs. One example was the release of the JTAGMaster which
responded to the introduction of BGA devices, and therefore the need for programming and
testing them.

Other aspects of electronics are not neglected. The increasing problem of counterfeit
components is a threat to any electronics supplier and manufacturer. ABI released in 2008

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 24

the acclaimed SENTRY Counterfeit IC Detector and was awarded the following year a Global
Technology award at Productronica 2009.

ABI now has 30 years experience of developing the highest quality testing and fault-finding
equipment, backed by a global reputation for quality and service. It is also certified in
accordance with ISO 9001-2008. The system is based on an ongoing commitment to quality,
professional fulfilment of duties and constant expansion and development.

ABI can be contacted in one of the following ways:-

ABI. Electronics Limited
Dodworth Business Park
South Yorkshire
S75 3SP
United Kingdom

Outside UK: (+44) (0)1226 207420
UK only: 01226 207420
UK Office hours: 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Thursday, 08:00 to 12:00 Friday, closed
Saturday and Sunday

Outside UK: (+44) (0)1226 207620
UK only: 01226 207620

If you would like to visit our Website, the address is:

Technical and Product Support

For technical and product support enquiries, our customer and product support page is:

ABI Distributors
ABI has a worldwide network of over 60 distributors for the sale and support of ABI products.
To contact your local ABI distributor, our distributor page is:

ABI Products
ABI Electronics offers a wide range of products, starting with the flagship BoardMaster 8000
PLUS as a uniquely versatile, self-contained and easy-to-use test system. It offers a
comprehensive set of test instruments for fault-finding on almost any kind of PCBs and allows
users to generate test sequences. The SYSTEM 8 Range makes use of a design versatility
by offering any combination of the modules found in the BoardMaster 8000 PLUS.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 25

The CircuitMaster 4000M Precision Active Oscilloscope is unlike any other oscilloscope
as it provides some innovative test and measurement functions that enable engineers and
technicians to perform several new types of circuit analysis. The CircuitMaster 4000M is
designed for safe probing of closely spaced components by adding precision DC
measurement, signal storage and analysis functions to a traditional oscilloscope design.

The JTAGMaster is a solution for the testing, fault-finding and programming of complex PCB
assemblies with JTAG devices, including QFPs and BGAs.

The RevEng schematic learning system offers an effective method of creating professional
quality circuit diagrams from a sample board.

The award-winning SENTRY Counterfeit IC Detector is a solution for issues in the supply
chain and introduction of counterfeit components.

The low cost, Compact Professional Range includes the LinearMaster Compact, a hand-
held out-of-circuit analogue IC tester and the ChipMaster Compact, a hand held out-of-
circuit digital IC tester.

For further details of these and other ABI products and accessories visit our Website, contact
your local distributor or contact ABI as detailed above.

Self Test Diagnostic Results

The self test diagnostic results provide information on the status of the hardware. To run the
self test diagnostics, select Self Test Diagnostics from the Tools menu. This will run a self
test on all hardware and display any errors that occur.

In the event of a fault occurring with any hardware it will be highlighted on one of the
diagnostic screens. A summary of the diagnostic results is shown below. Note that further
information about any indicated fault can be displayed by clicking the Extended Diagnostic
Fault Information button.

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
Number of MIS3 modules: Displays the number of MIS3 modules detected (0 or 1)
Interface method: Displays the currently selected interface method together
with its selected address
Firmware version: Displays the version number of the firmware installed in the
interface card
Firmware test: Displays the firmware checksum test result (PASS / FAIL)
RAM test: Displays the interface card RAM test result (PASS / FAIL)

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 26

MIS 3 Module Test Results

Xilinx LCAs: Displays the LCA configuration results for both boards
EEPROMs: Displays the EEPROM checksum test results for both
boards (PASS / FAIL)
Universal I/O: Displays the universal I/O test result (PASS / FAIL)
Auxiliary PSU: Displays the auxiliary PSU test result (PASS / FAIL)
Digital multimeter: Displays the digital multimeter test result (PASS / FAIL)
Frequency counter: Displays the frequency counter test result (PASS / FAIL)
Function generator: Displays the function generator test result (PASS / FAIL)
Digital storage oscilloscope: Displays the DSO test result (PASS / FAIL)

All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the software is in Demonstration
Mode. The software will enter demonstration mode if no MIS 3 hardware is detected.

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
Number of MIS4 modules: Displays the number of MIS 4 modules detected (0 or 1)

MIS 4 Module Test Results

Digital storage oscilloscope: Displays the DSO test result (PASS / FAIL)
Arbitrary waveform generator: Displays the function generator test result (PASS / FAIL)
Universal counter: Displays the frequency counter test result (PASS / FAIL)
Digital voltmeter: Displays the digital voltmeter test result (PASS / FAIL)
Digital ammeter: Displays the digital ammeter test result (PASS / FAIL)
Digital ohmmeter: Displays the digital ohmmeter test result (PASS / FAIL)
Universal I/O: Displays the universal I/O test result (PASS / FAIL)
Auxiliary Power Supply: Displays the auxiliary PSU test result (PASS / FAIL)

All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the software is in Demonstration
Mode. The software will enter demonstration mode if no MIS 4 hardware is detected.

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
Number of AMS modules: Displays the number of AMS modules detected (0 or 1)

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 27

AMS Module Test Results

FLASH test: Displays the FLASH memory test result (PASS / FAIL)
Channel test: Displays the channel test result (PASS / FAIL)
Pulse output test: Displays the pulse output test result (PASS / FAIL)
Number of test channels: Displays the number of installed channels
Number of pulse channels: Displays the number of installed pulse channels

All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the software is in Demonstration
Mode. The software will enter demonstration mode if no AMS hardware is detected.

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
Number of RevEng modules: Displays the number of RevEng modules detected (0 or 1)

RevEng Module Test Results

Communication test: Displays the communication test result (PASS / FAIL)

Scanner channel test: Displays the scanner channel test result (PASS / FAIL)
Probe test: Displays the probe test result (PASS / FAIL)
PSU test: Displays the PSU test result (PASS / FAIL)
Number of scanner channels: Displays the number of installed scanner channels

All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the software is in Demonstration
Mode. The software will enter demonstration mode if no RevEng hardware is detected.

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
Number of BFL modules: Displays the number of BFL modules detected (BFL = 0, 1,
2, 3, 4)
Interface method: Displays the currently selected interface method together
with its selected address
EPROM version: Displays the version number of the EPROM installed in the
interface card
EPROM test: Displays the EPROM test result (PASS / FAIL)
RAM test: Displays the RAM test result (PASS / FAIL)

BFL Module Test Results

Drive Channel test: Displays the drive channels test result (PASS / FAIL)
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 28
BDO/test point test: Displays the BDO test result (PASS / FAIL)
Primary PSU test: Displays the primary PSU test result (PASS / FAIL) where
Secondary PSU test: Displays the secondary PSU test result (PASS / FAIL)
where fitted
Number of channels: Displays the number of installed channels
Multiplexer: Displays Installed or Not Found. Note that the Multiplexer
is now obsolete

All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the software is in Demonstration
Mode. The software will enter demonstration mode if no BFL hardware is detected.

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
Number of ATS/AICT modules: Displays the number of ATS modules detected (0 or 1)
Interface method: Displays the currently selected interface method together
with its selected address
EPROM version: Displays the version number of the EPROM installed in the
interface card
EPROM test: Displays the result of the EPROM test (PASS / FAIL)
RAM test: Displays the result of the RAM test (PASS / FAIL)

ATS/AICT Module Test Results

FPGA version: Indicates the FPGA version

EEPROM test: Displays the result of the EEPROM checksum test (PASS /
Analogue V-I probe test: Displays the result of the V-I probe test (PASS / FAIL)
Pulse generator test: Displays the result of the pulse generator test (PASS /
High voltage power supply test: Displays the result of the high voltage power supply test
Number of analogue V-I channels: Display the number of analogue V-I channels
Analogue IC tester: PASS / FAIL or NOT FOUND if no IC tester module (AICT)

Note: The Analogue IC tester is an option and therefore may not be present even if the ATS
V-I Solution is installed. All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the software
is in Demonstration Mode. The software will enter demonstration mode if no ATS hardware is

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 29

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
VPS modules detected: Displays the number and type of VPS modules detected (A,
B or A+B)
Interface method: Displays the currently selected interface method together
with its selected address
EPROM version: Displays the version number of the firmware installed in the
interface card
EPROM test: Displays the firmware checksum test result (PASS / FAIL)
RAM test: Displays the interface card RAM test result (PASS / FAIL)

VPS Module Test Results

Bus interface: Displays the bus interface IC test result (PASS / FAIL)
EEPROM test: Displays the EEPROM checksum test result (PASS / FAIL)
Logic supply 1 test: Displays the logic voltage supply 1 test result (PASS /
Positive supply 1 test: Displays the positive supply 1 test result (PASS / FAIL)
Negative Supply 1 test: Displays the negative supply 1 test result (PASS / FAIL)
Logic supply 2 test: Displays the logic supply 2 test result (PASS / FAIL)
Positive supply 2 test: Displays the positive supply 2 test result (PASS / FAIL)
Negative supply 2 test: Displays the negative supply 2 test result (PASS / FAIL)

All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the VPS is in Demonstration Mode.
The software will enter demonstration mode if no VPS hardware is detected.

System Status Information

Diagnostic result: Displays the overall self test diagnostic result (PASS /
Software version: Displays the currently installed software version
Number of ATM modules: Displays the number of ATM modules detected (0 or 1)
Interface method: Displays the currently selected interface method together
with its selected address
EPROM version: Displays the version number of the firmware installed in the
interface card
EPROM test: Displays the firmware checksum test result (PASS / FAIL)
RAM test: Displays the interface card RAM test result (PASS / FAIL)

ATM Module Test Results

Drive channel test: Displays the drive channels test result (PASS / FAIL)
BDO/test point test: Displays the BDO test result (PASS / FAIL)
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 30
Number of channels: Displays the number of installed channels

All the above results will be displayed as UNDEFINED if the ATM is in Demonstration Mode.
The software will enter demonstration mode if no ATM hardware is detected.

Extended Diagnostic Fault Information

The extended diagnostic fault information will display a more detailed fault analysis to enable
an ABI engineer (or ABI Distributor) to locate a fault quickly.

When reporting a fault, press copy to clipboard, then paste the information into your report.
Please contact your local ABI distributor or ABI Electronics Ltd, who will be able to assist with
technical and product support enquiries.

Software Support
ABI believes that it has a duty to support users who have invested in our equipment, and we
also believe it is unfair to regard support as a means of generating income. That is the
reason we provide all our customers with a two year hardware parts and labour warranty.

If you purchase an ABI product you will receive support free of charge for your two year
warranty period. During this time you may send us product support queries via e-mail or fax
detailing the nature of your problem. We will do our best to help you get the best from your
purchase, but please remember that support is not the same as training. Should you require
training we will be happy to arrange training courses for you and your staff on request.

While SYSTEM 8 Ultimate is a quality piece of software, it will occasionally be necessary to

release service releases. Where a service release is necessary the release will be available
free of charge from our Internet site. As part of ABI's commitment to innovation, new software
will be developed which enhances existing produces and incorporates any new product
developments. These innovations will be available for a reduced upgrade fee to existing
users of SYSTEM 8 Ultimate. Contact ABI Electronics Ltd or your local ABI distributor for help
and advice.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 31

Hardware Support
All ABI products are supplied with a 2 year parts and labour return to base warranty. If the
event of a problem with your product, to upgrade your hardware to the latest version, or to
take advantage of our calibration service, contact ABI Electronics Ltd or your local ABI
distributor for help and advice.

Calibrating Instruments
Calibration of the system should be performed by ABI or an authorised distributor, who has
the necessary equipment and software to ensure that your system is calibrated correctly. In
particular, the precision instruments in the MIS module require special high accuracy
equipment for calibration and cannot be calibrated by the user. Contact ABI Electronics Ltd
for details of calibration services.

Safety Notice
All SYSTEM 8 hardware modules with the exception of the VPS module are designed to be
installed in a standard 5.25 inch drive bay in your PC and powered from your PC supply, or in
an external case supplied by ABI. The VPS module requires a mains transformer and can
only be mounted in a special version of the external MultiLink case.

Operation in any other configuration or with any other form of power supply is not supported
and will invalidate your warranty.

The BoardMaster range is designed to be operated from 240V AC, 50/60Hz power supply
with safety ground but is also available in 110V AC, 50/60Hz when specified at time of order.
Please check that the rating label on the back of the unit is compatible with your local supply
before connecting. The power cable colour codes are as follows:-

Live: Brown
Neutral: Blue
Earth (ground): Green/Yellow

Live: Black
Neutral: White
Ground: Green

Mains Fuse - mains power cord fused plug - 13A fuse to BS 1362.

Instrument Design Manager

The Instrument Design Manager allows you to design your own instrument layouts, or to
modify the appearance of the built in layouts. You can design your own instruments using
drag and drop editing of the extensive library of instrument controls, readouts and displays.
You can edit instrument captions, titles and labels, and add bitmaps for meaningful layouts.
You can simplify screen layouts by eliminating unnecessary channels and controls and by
combining measurement resources in one window. For example, if your application uses only
one channel of the DSO, you can design a special version of the DSO instrument with the

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 32

other channel removed.

The Instrument Design Manager allows instruments in the AICT (Analogue IC Tester), AMS
(Advanced Matrix Scanner), BFL (Board Fault Locator), MIS3 (Multiple Instrument Station 3),
MIS4 (Multiple Instrument Station 4), REVENG (Reverse Engineering) and VPS (Variable
Power Supply) modules to be designed and modified. Instruments in the ATM modules use
fixed designs and cannot be edited.

With the Instrument Design Manager you can Design a New Instrument from scratch, or you
can Edit an Existing Instrument. You can also Copy an Existing Instrument to customise it to
your own requirements. The SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software is supplied with a standard range
of instrument layouts covering most test and measurement requirements.

When you have designed a new instrument, you can use the Customising the Instruments
Menu function to include it in the Instruments menu and the tool bar. Your customised
instrument can then be used in the same way as the built-in instruments.

Instrument Menu Manager

The Instruments menu and tool bar can be customised according to your needs. To do this,
close all instruments and click Tools > Instrument Menu Manager. The Instrument Menu
Manager window appears.

On the left there is a list of Available instruments, in the form Filename.lyt, <Instrument
Title>. For example, the function generator appears as FunctionGenerator.lyt, <Function
Generator>. On the right there is a list of Included Instruments, which will appear in your
instruments menu in the same sequence. The following buttons can be used to customise
the menu: -

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 33

> Add the selected instrument to the Included instruments list.

>> Add all instruments to the Included instruments list.

----- Add a menu separator (a blank line which divides the menu into sections) to the
Included instruments list.

< Remove the selected instrument (or separator) from the Included instruments list.

<< Remove all instruments (including separators) from the Included instruments list.

When you have added the desired instruments to the included instruments list, you can
change the sequence by selecting an instrument and using the Up and Down buttons. You
can also add separators to enhance the appearance of the menu, by grouping related
instruments together.

When you click OK the menu on your system will be updated, and the settings will be stored
in a data file which will be used to set up your menu the next time you run the SYSTEM 8
Ultimate software.

Designing a New Instrument

To design a new SYSTEM 8 Ultimate instrument, select Instruments > Design New
Instrument from the menu.

An empty instrument window appears together with the Instrument Design Manager
window. Enter the title for your instrument in the Instrument title entry box. The title will be
used as the caption for the instrument when you open it. If you wish, you can also enter
Instrument hint text which will display when your mouse cursor hovers over the instrument
menu commend or icon (see Customising the Instrument Menu for further details). Save
design in TestFlow and ABI master design are for internal use only; we recommend that
you do not change these settings.

Click Save Design to save your new instrument design using a file name of your choice with
the lyt extension.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 34
In the Instrument Design Manager window controls tab you will see several control buttons,
each containing different types of instrument controls. A summary of the types of control
follows: -

Generic: Contains generic controls such as a text box, group

box and action buttons to enhance the appearance
of your layout.
MIS3 Digital Multimeter: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS3 Digital Multimeter.
MIS3 Function Generator: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS3 Function Generator.
MIS3 Frequency Counter: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS3 Frequency Counter.
MIS3 Auxiliary Power Supply: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS3 Auxiliary Power Supply.
MIS3 Universal I/O: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS3 Universal I/O.
MIS3 Oscilloscope: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
Variable Power Supply: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
Variable Power Supply.
AICT Analogue IC Tester: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
Analogue IC Tester.
ATS VI Tester: Contains instrument controls and displays for the VI
TestFlow: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
BFL Digital IC Tester: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
Digital IC Tester.
BFL Digital IC Identifier: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
Digital IC Identifier.
BFL Short Locator: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
Short Locator.
BFL Graphical Test Generator: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
Graphical Test Generator.
BFL EPROM Verifier: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
EPROM Verifier.
AMS 3D VI Tester: Contains instrument controls and displays for the 3D
VI Tester.
AMS Matrix VI Tester: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
Matrix VI Tester.
RevEng: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
MIS4 Digital Multimeter: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 35
MIS4 Digital Multimeter.
MIS4 Universal IO: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS4 Universal IO.
MIS4 Power Supply: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS4 Auxiliary Power Supply.
MIS4 Frequency Counter: Contains instrument controls and displays for the
MIS4 Universal Frequency Counter.

If you select a control by clicking it, you can place it on your new instrument by clicking on the
blank instrument window. You can then Move, Resize, Delete or Edit the control.

Copying an Existing Instrument

To copy an existing SYSTEM 8 Ultimate instrument, select Instruments > Design New
Instrument from the menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 36

An empty instrument window appears together with the Instrument Design Manager
window. Click Load Design and select the file name of the instrument you wish to edit. Click
Open to open the file you wish to copy and display the instrument on the screen.

Click Save Design to save the instrument design using a new file name of your choice with
the .lyt extension.

If the instrument you wish to copy is already open, right click anywhere on the background of
the instrument. When the pop-up menu appears left click Design Instrument to open the
Instrument Design Manager, and then follow the instructions given above.

To make changes to the instrument, follow the instructions given in Designing a New

Editing an Existing Instrument

To edit an existing SYSTEM 8 Ultimate instrument select Instruments > Edit Current
Instrument from the menu.

An empty instrument window appears together with the Instrument Design Manager

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 37

window. Click Load Design and select the file name of the instrument you wish to edit. Click
Open to open the file and display the instrument on the screen.

If the instrument you wish to edit is already open, right click anywhere on the background of
the instrument. When the pop-up menu appears left click Design Instrument to open the
Instrument Design Manager.

To make changes to the instrument, follow the instructions given in Designing a New

Editing Controls
You can only edit, move, resize or delete a control on a SYSTEM 8 Ultimate instrument if you
are in Design instrument mode. If you have just loaded or created an instrument, you will
already be in Design instrument mode. If not, enter Design instrument mode by right-
clicking anywhere on the background of the instrument. When the pop-up menu appears, left
click Design instrument to open the Instrument Design Manager.

Moving Controls
To move a control on a SYSTEM 8 Ultimate instrument, click it and drag to a new position
using the mouse. A grid of 4 pixels will be used to aid alignment of controls. You can make
fine adjustments to the position by using the cursor keys. Alternatively, you can edit the Top
and Left Properties in the window to specify the new position of the control.

Resizing Controls
To change the size a control on a SYSTEM 8 Ultimate instrument, select it by clicking with the
mouse. Point to an edge or corner of the control with the mouse until a grab handle (a double
ended arrow symbol) appears. Click and drag the drag handle to resize the control. A grid of
4 pixels will be used to aid alignment of controls. To make fine adjustments edit the Height
and Width Properties.

Deleting Controls
To delete a control from a SYSTEM 8 Ultimate instrument, select it by clicking with the
mouse. Press the Delete key to permanently remove it from the instrument.

Editing Controls
When you select a control by clicking on it, you will then see a table of Properties which you
can change to alter the behaviour and/or appearance of your instrument design. The name of
the property is shown in the left hand column, and the value in the right hand column. You
can click in the value column to change the value of the property only, either by typing in a
new value or by selecting from a pick list.

If a control overlaps another control, you can specify the Z order (the order in which the
controls are viewed) by right-clicking on the control and clicking with Send to Back or Bring
to Front from the pop-up menu. For example, if you place a group box control on your
layout, it might hide other controls which were already present. To correct this, right-click on
the group box and select Send to Back to make the previous controls visible again

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Instrument Designer Generic Controls
The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the
Generic button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A text box containing free text to annotate your layout.
A button used to perform some action on a calculator, such as open or
run a FormulaPlus program, or perform a user definable action
A group box used to group related controls on your layout.
A button used to close an instrument and return to the previous one.
A button associated with a help file and context number.
A button used to open another instrument from the current one.
A viewer that displays a picture on your layout.
An edit box where a FormulaPlus program can be entered.
A display used to indicate the result of a FormulaPlus program.
A control that allows a predefined FormulaPlus program to be selected.
A bar graph display indicating the value calculated by FormulaPlus in
analogue form, and also used for comparing the value with a target.
An entry control used for setting the target value and tolerances for the
bar graph control.
A checkbox control to enable a comparison within a TestFlow.
A label for a calculator entry box.
A display used to indicate the minimum, maximum and average values
of the measurement.

Instrument Designer MIS3 Digital Multimeter Controls

The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the MIS3
Digital Multimeter button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A display used to indicate the value of a DMM measurement.
A group of buttons used to select the measurement mode.
A bar graph display indicating the measured value in analogue form, and
also used for comparing the measured value with a target.
A display used to indicate the minimum, maximum and average values
of the measurement.
A button used to clear the statistics.
An entry control used for setting the target value and tolerances for the
bar graph control.
A checkbox control to enable a comparison within a TestFlow.
Text describing the specification of the DMM.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 39

Instrument Designer MIS3 Function Generator Controls
The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the MIS3
Function Generator button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A scrollbar used to set various FG values, such as the frequency,
amplitude etc.
A display used to indicate the value of a FG setting, such as the
frequency, amplitude etc.
A group of buttons used to set the wave shape.
A checkbox control used to set whether frequency locking should be
A control used to set the impedance of the externally connected circuit.
A display used to indicate the FG settings.
A control used to set the frequency range in use.
A display used to measure the actual frequency output.
A button used to trigger a pulse.
A group of buttons used to set the modulation type.
A button used to perform some action on the FG, such as setting to a
predefined duty cycle, a sweep setting, etc.
Text describing the specification of the FG.

Instrument Designer MIS3 Frequency Counter Controls

The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the MIS3
Frequency Counter button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A display used to indicate the value of a FC measurement.
A control to select the frequency measurement range.
A bar graph display indicating the measured value in analogue form, and
also used for comparing the measured value with a target.
A control to select the measurement mode, such as frequency, RPM etc.
A display used to indicate the minimum, maximum and average values of
the measurement.
A button used to clear the statistics.
A control used to select frequency or event mode.
A control used to select between level or pulses when in event mode.
A control used to select the event mode polarity.
A control used to select the event mode duration.
An entry control used for setting the target value and tolerances for the
bar graph control.
A button to start/stop the FC when in event mode.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 40

A button to zero the counters when in event mode.
A checkbox control to enable a comparison within a TestFlow.
Text describing the specification of the FC.

Instrument Designer MIS3 Auxiliary Power Supply

The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the MIS3
Auxiliary Power Supply button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A button to switch the supply on or off.
An indicator, representing an LED, which shows whether the supply is on
or off.
A display used to indicate the value of an APS measurement.
An indicator, displaying text, which shows whether the supply is on or off.
Text describing the specification of the APS.

Instrument Designer MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs

The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the MIS3
Universal I/O button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A scrollbar control used to set the value of an analogue channel.
An indicator, representing an LED, which displays the state of an
analogue channel.
An entry box control used to set the value of an analogue channel.
A group of buttons used to determine whether an analogue channel is an
input or an output.
A group of buttons used to determine whether an analogue channel is
setting/measuring volts or amps.
A display used to indicate the value of an analogue channel.
An entry box control used to set the value of an analogue channel by
entering a number, or by using up / down arrow buttons.
An indicator, representing an LED, which displays the state of a digital
A group of buttons used to determine whether a digital channel is set
high / low, or whether it is set to be an input.
An indicator, displaying text, which shows the settings for an analogue

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Instrument Designer MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the MIS3
Digital Storage Oscilloscope button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A display showing the waveform measured by the DSO.
A scrollbar used to adjust the value of a DSO setting, such as the offset
on channel 1.
A group of buttons used to select the acquisition mode.
A group of buttons used to set the channel coupling.
A control used to select the volts per division for a channel.
A control used to select the trigger source.
A group of buttons used to select the trigger edge.
A control used to select the timebase.
A grid control used to display measurements taken from the DSO.
A button used to store / clear comparison waveforms.
A control that displays the result of a comparison with a stored waveform.
Text describing the specification of the DSO.
A control to set whether an item on the DSO, such as the trace on
channel 1, is visible or not.

Instrument Designer Variable Power Supply Controls

The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the
Variable Power Supply button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A button to switch the supply on or off.
An indicator, representing an LED, which displays whether the supply is
on or off.
A control used to set values associated with the VPS, such as current
A display used to indicate the value of a VPS measurement.
An indicator, displaying text, which shows whether the supply is on or off.
Text describing the specification of the VPS.

Instrument Designer TestFlow Controls

The following controls and a summary of their common Properties are available on the
TestFlow button of the Instrument Design Manager.

Control Function
A control that displays a list of all records in a test flow.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 42

A button used to perform some action associated with manipulating
records in a TestFlow.
An edit box used to display the instructions associated with the current
TestFlow record.
A group of buttons used to set the mode of execution of a TestFlow.
A control that displays the result of the TestFlow comparison.
A control that displays a specified webpage or HTML file.
A control that displays a specified document file. e.g. PDF.
A control that displays a specified video file. e.g. AVI, WMV.
A control that changes the Play/Pause/Stop state of a video which it is
assigned to.
A control that displays the current position within the video to which it is
A control which opens a browse window allowing files to be opened in a
control to which it is assigned.

Instrument Designer Control Properties

The following control properties are used by the Instrument Design Manager. These
properties are common to all controls:

Property Function
Height The height of the control
Width The width of the control
Top The position of the top of the control relative to the instrument window
Left The position of the left hand side of the control relative to the instrument window

TestFlow Automatic Test Manager

The TestFlow Automatic Test Manager allows you to design your own step by step test
procedures for automatic PASS/FAIL testing of boards or complete assemblies. You can use
a combination of the built-in instruments, or even design your own instruments with the
Instrument Design Manager, to develop a test and measurement procedure for almost any
application. Measurements and waveforms can be compared against target values, with
programmable tolerances, and a PASS/FAIL result obtained. On-screen operator
instructions, including pictures, can be used to guide the operator through the procedure.

For each step, all instrument settings, target measurement values, tolerances, user
instructions, pictures and screen layouts are saved in a single record in a TestFlow file. The
file can contain an unlimited number of records to enable complex tests to be developed. As
all the test parameters are stored, repeatability and consistency of test results is assured.

To produce a TestFlow, you perform the following steps: -

1. Create a New TestFlow by opening the TestFlow Automatic Test Manager.

2. Edit an existing TestFlow to add, copy or delete records, or to amend the settings in a
3. Create a TestFlow Report to enable or disable reporting for individual records.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 43
4. Single Step or Run the TestFlow to debug the test flow.
5. View a TestFlow Report by opening the Report Viewer.

When you have finished editing or running your TestFlow procedure, close the TestFlow
window to revert to normal operation.

Once a TestFlow has been created it can be run again and again.

Creating a New TestFlow Procedure

To create a new TestFlow, select File > New TestFlow from the menu, or click on the
icon. Enter a suitable filename for your new TestFlow and click Save.

A TestFlow Automatic Test Manager window will appear containing one record:

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 44

1. The Edit button on the Edit/Step/Run control should already be selected.
2. Select Step 1 by clicking on it and click again to enter rename mode (do not double-
click). Type in a name for the first test step.
3. Fill in the Test Instructions field with free format text to guide the operator through the
test procedure for this step.
4. Open the instruments you wish to use for this test step, resize them and position them
where you want on the screen. Or use the Add Media button to quickly add videos,
images, document and web pages to this step.
5. Set all instrument controls to the required settings and ranges, depending on the nature
of the tests you wish to perform.
6. Set all target measurement values. For example, you can use Compare Measurement
Results to save MIS3 Digital Multimeter and Frequency Counter measurements, and
you can use the DSO Waveform Comparison function to store MIS3 DSO waveforms.
7. Select File > Save TestFlow As from the menu, or click the icon, to save the
TestFlow procedure under a new filename. Enter a filename for your TestFlow and click
8. Use the Edit an Existing TestFlow function to add additional records, delete records or
re-order records in your TestFlow procedure.

Editing an Existing TestFlow

To open a TestFlow file for editing select File > Open TestFlow from the menu or use the
icon on the toolbar.

Select the file you wish to edit and click Open. After opening the TestFlow file, you can make
changes to it by editing. The following editing functions are provided:-

Re-ordering TestFlow records

In the TestFlow Automatic Test Manager window, each TestFlow record is represented by an
icon and the test step name. The currently selected record is highlighted. To select a record,
click on it, and the instruments contained in the record will automatically open and restore the
previously saved control settings. To change the order of the records with the TestFlow
procedure, you can click and drag the record to its new position with the mouse.

Adding and deleting records

To add a new TestFlow record, click the Add step button. A new blank record will be added
to the end of the file, regardless of the position of the currently selected record. Click Delete
step to remove a record. Note that you can insert a record anywhere in the file by adding it at
the end and then dragging it to the desired position with the mouse.

Copying a new record

To copy a TestFlow record, click the Copy step button. An exact copy of the currently
selected record will be inserted immediately after it. All instrument settings, screen layouts
and text will be identical.

Editing an individual record

You can change the instrument settings or screen layouts at any time by operating the
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 45
instrument controls in the normal way. You can also rename the record name and test
instructions by typing in new text.

Editing a script
To edit a script, click the Script editor button to open the TestFlow Script Editor.

Saving the modified file

After changing the TestFlow file, select File > Save from the menu, or use the icon on the
toolbar to save the file on your hard disk. We recommend that you save the file regularly to
avoid losing data, particularly if you are making a large number of changes.

Creating a TestFlow Report

The report file is generate from default template files which are located in the "C:\SYSTEM 8
Ultimate" installation folder. The user should copy "ReportEntryTemplate.htm",
"ReportStepTemplate.htm" and "ReportTemplate.htm" from the installation folder into the
local folder where the TestFlow file is located. The templates can then be edited using HTML
Editing software to include the user's logo, address and contact details etc., to replace the
default ABI Electronics details.

To create a TestFlow report, click on the New report button in the TestFlow Manager
window. You will be prompted to enter the desired file name for the Report File (*.htm;

Enable or disable reporting

You can enable or disable reporting for each individual step in the TestFlow by using the
Setup button to open the Report Manager. In the example below, reporting has been
enabled for the MIS4 Digital Multimeter and TestFlow Measurement Result for this particular

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 46

Click on the symbol at the top right of the window to close the Report Manager.

Saving the modified file

After changing the reporting requirements for the TestFlow file, select File > Save from the
menu, or use the icon on the toolbar to save the file on your hard disk.

Running a TestFlow Procedure

To open a TestFlow file for running select File > Open TestFlow from the menu or use the
icon on the toolbar. Select the file you wish to edit and click Open. After opening the
TestFlow file, you can make run it manually using single stepping, or automatically.

Single Stepping a TestFlow

When user intervention is required (for example to change test clips), the TestFlow should be
run in step mode.

1. Click on the step button to place the TestFlow into single stepping mode.
2. If the test passes, a green tick appears next to the TestFlow record. If the test fails,
a red cross appears next to the TestFlow record.
3. Click on the next button to move to the next record.

To navigate to a specific record in the TestFlow click on the record number to select it.

Running a TestFlow Automatically

When user intervention is not required (except at the start and end of the test), the TestFlow
should be run in automatic mode. This allows the TestFlow to run unattended.

1. Click on the run button to start running the TestFlow.

2. If the test passes, a green tick appears next to the TestFlow record. If the test fails,
a red cross appears next to the TestFlow record.

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3. The TestFlow will move onto the next step as soon as a result is available.

Viewing a TestFlow Report

To view a TestFlow Report, click on the View report button in the TestFlow Manager window,
the Report Viewer will open the TestFlow Report. The example below shows a TestFlow
Report with reporting enabled for two individual steps for the MIS4 Multimeter.

Click on the symbol at the top right of the window to close the Report Viewer.

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Editing a TestFlow Script
To edit a script, click the Script editor button to open the TestFlow Script Editor. The
TestFlow Script Editor allows measurements taken during a TestFlow step to be used to
perform calculations and display or log the results. The TestFlow Script Editor uses the Script
Editor (Calculator).

User values can be entered into the User Entry A and User Entry B edit boxes for use in
calculations. The TestFlow Result for each individual step is displayed as a green (Pass),
red (Fail), Grey (N/A) or Grey (Waiting). The TestFlow Script is entered into the TestFlow
Script Editor window. Script Formula Files (*.fml) can be loaded and saved using the Load
Script and Save Script buttons.

User Access Manager

SYSTEM 8 Ultimate introduces the concept of users, each with different access levels, to
control access to the different functions of the software. For example, you can set up a user
who can use the system to carry out tests, but who is not allowed to edit or modify files.

When the software is installed there is only a single user, the Administrator. The
Administrator has access to all software features. If you wish, you may continue to use the
software in this way without setting up any additional users. If you intend to add users we
recommend that you set a password for the Administrator.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 49

To add, remove, change, or edit a user select Tools > User Access Manager from the

From this dialog box, you can perform the following operations:

Add a New User

Remove an Existing User
Edit the Settings for an Existing User
Change the Currently Active User

Creating a New User

To manage users you need to select Tools > User Access Manager from the menu:

To add your new user click on the Add User button.

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This opens the User Access Levels dialog box:

Type in the desired name for the user, and a password.

If you do not wish to use a password, leave the Password edit box blank.

Removing an Existing User

To manage users you need to select Tools > User Access Manager from the menu:

To remove a user, select the user you wish to remove (their user name is highlighted against
a blue background), and press the Remove User button. You will be asked whether you
really wish to remove this user. If you do, click the Yes button, otherwise click the No button.

Note: The current user must have the Modify Users privilege in order to edit users. If the
current user does not have this privilege the Edit User button will be greyed out.

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Editing an Existing User
To manage users you need to select Tools > User Access Manager from the menu:

To edit an existing user, select the user you wish to edit (their username is highlighted against
a blue background), and press the Edit User button. This opens the User Access Levels
dialog box:

From this dialog box you can modify the User Name, Password, and Granted Access Levels.

The list of available access levels is displayed on the left, while the privileges the user actually
has is displayed on the right. To change the access levels granted to this user, use the
following controls to move access levels between the two lists:

> Add the selected function to the Granted Access Levels list
>> Add all functions to the Granted Access Levels list
< Remove the selected function from the Granted Access Levels list
<< Remove all functions from the Granted Access Levels list

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Selecting a Different User
To manage users you need to select Tools > User Access Manager from the menu:

To change to a different user, select the user you want to change to and click on the Select
User button. If a password has not been assigned to that user, the user will automatically be
made current, otherwise a password entry dialog box will open:

If, when you click the OK button, the password is not correct, you will be informed and given
the opportunity to enter it again.

The current user is indicated by the text [Current] being appended after the user name. Click
the OK to accept these changes, or Cancel to leave the current user unchanged.

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The AICT Front Panel
This is the AICT front panel.

AICT Analogue IC Tester

The AICT Analogue IC Tester is an analogue equivalent of the BFL IC Tester - it allows
analogue ICs to be tested in-circuit, without removing them from the printed circuit board

To open this instrument, click on the Analogue IC Tester icon, or select

Instruments > Analogue IC Tester from the menu.

Analogue IC Tester Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 54

To test an IC select the part from the appropriate library using the drop down list boxes to the
left of the instrument. The currently loaded part will be displayed in the box in the left hand
top corner. The board under test will need to be powered from an external supply (if power is
required by the test). The ground of the external power supply MUST be linked to the ground
(black) terminal of the AICT module.

Setup Button
The Setup button is used to configure the test parameters, using the Setup AICT IC Tester
Test Parameters window.

Start Button
The Start button will execute the test(s) which have been enabled using the configured

Stop Button
The Stop button will stop the currently executing test when running in loop mode.

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Library Window
The Library window allows a device to be selected - an image of its package type is
displayed below.

Result window
The Result window displays a picture of the device under test and any AICT Pin Conditions
detected during the last test.

Analogue Trace Button

This button switches to the analogue trace display. For more information on the analogue
trace feature see Analogue Trace.

Actual / Master Buttons

The Actual / Master buttons toggle between displaying the results that have be acquired after
the last test or the results which were stored as the master in a TestFlow. The Actual button
is only active when in AICT IC Comparison mode. In normal operation of the AICT IC Tester,
this button will be greyed.

The results are displayed at the bottom of the instrument. Each enabled test type will have
either a tick or a cross beside it indicating a good or bad comparison for that test. Also shown
will be the result of the functional tests if applicable. Any information regarding circuit
conditions and pre-test information will also be shown in the list box. Any notes applicable to
the part under test will also be displayed in the notes box at the bottom of the dialog (if no test
has been executed this will be empty).

AICT Analogue V-I Tester

The AICT Analogue V-I Tester allows the analogue signatures of ICs and discrete
components to be acquired and compared without removing them from the printed circuit
board (PCB). As voltages are applied and measured by the V-I Tester, there should be no
external power supplied to the unit being tested. In addition, when matrix V-I testing is being
performed there should also be no ground reference lead connected. For more information
on using the Analogue V-I Tester, see Analogue V-I Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Analogue V-I Tester icon, or select
Instruments > Analogue V-I Tester from the menu.

VI Tester Instrument
The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

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Note: When using source impedances above 1k or waveform frequencies above 300Hz the
capacitance of the probes being used will start to become significant. This will exhibit itself as
an elliptical analogue V-I characteristic under open circuit conditions. The software can
compensate for this, under user control, using the Probe Compensate button in the
Analogue V-I Setup dialogue box.

Size Box
The Size box is a drop down list box containing several settings for selecting the size of
component. This may be a discrete probe or an IC. The options are as follows:

Probe 1: Single trace using the single V-I probe in Channel 1.

Probe 2: Single trace using the single V-I probe in Channel 2.
Probe Dual: Channel 1 and Channel 2 traces together on the same screen.

Clip 4: Displays four separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.
Clip 6: Displays six separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.
Clip 8: Displays eight separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.

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Clip 10: Displays ten separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.
Clip 14: Displays fourteen separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.
Clip 16: Displays sixteen separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.

MultiProbe 8: Displays eight separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.
MultiProbe 10: Displays ten separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.
MultiProbe 16: Displays sixteen separate traces via the Analogue I/O Connector.

Frequency Selector
The Frequency selector is a drop down list box which is used to select the frequency of the
output waveform. The selected frequency can be in the range of 38Hz to 12kHz.

Impedance Selector
The Impedance selector is a drop down list box which is used to select the source
impedance of the output waveform. The selected impedance can be in the range of 100R to

Voltage Selector
The Voltage selector is a drop down list box which is used to select the amplitude of the
output waveform. The selected voltage can be in the range of 2V to 50V peak to peak.

Curve Selector
The Curve selector is a drop down list box which is used to select the type of output
waveform. This can be one of the following:

Sine: Sets a sine wave as the output waveform

Ramp: Sets a ramp as the output waveform
Triangle: Sets a triangle wave as the output waveform

Axis Selector
The Axis selector is a drop down list box which is used to select the plotting axis. This can
be one of the following:

V-I: Sets the plotting axis to V-I (Voltage against current)

V-T: Sets the plotting axis to V-T (Voltage against time)
I-T: Sets the plotting axis to I-T (Current against time)

Setup Button
The Analogue V-I Setup button is used to configure the test parameters.

Start Button
The Start button will start the test, using the selected parameters.

Stop Button
The Stop button will stop any test which is currently running.

Store Button
The Store button stores the currently active waveform. The trace of the current device under
test and the stored trace will both be displayed on the screen. The waveforms are only stored
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 58
until store is pressed again or one of the options (such as clip type, impedance, wave shape
etc.) is changed. It is not operational in dual probe mode as comparison is performed
between the two probes in this mode.

Matrix Button
Matrix V-I testing is a powerful technique that allows connections between pins on an IC to
be measured and compared. This allows ICs to be tested out of circuit as well as finding
shorts between pins that would otherwise not have been found. It is only available when the
AICT Analogue IC Test Solution is installed. When performing Matrix testing there should be
no ground reference connected to the unit under test.

V-I Result Comparison

When comparing stored traces/signatures, a percentage figure is displayed in the bottom left-
hand-side of each display. This represents the result of the V-I comparison for each particular
pin. The figure denotes the degree of similarity between all of the points on the master
characteristic and those on the corresponding pin of the device under test. A percentage
figure of below 95% is considered a bad comparison, and the percentage result will be
displayed in red to indicate this. The tolerance of this comparison can be selected from the
Analogue V-I Setup box. The colours of the traces are configurable using the Select
Analogue V-I Trace Colours function.

Tone Box
Clicking the tone box toggles an audible indicator of the match between the current trace and
the stored trace. This works for both information stored using the store button, and within a
test sequence.

A single trace can be more accurately examined by positioning the mouse cursor over the
desired V-I curve. When the mouse cursor becomes a magnifying glass symbol, a single
mouse click will expand the curve. A second mouse click will restore the normal display.

The Pulse Generator

The pulse generator (when enabled) will continuously produce a pulse or DC level according
to the attributes set by the user in the Analogue V-I Setup box. The pulse length, amplitude
and type can all be changed to suit a particular test. The main use is for testing 3 terminal
devices where the pulse generator would switch on/off the device under test.

Out-of-Circuit V-I Testing

V-I testing can be performed on a component out-of-circuit by using the external IC Adapter.

The AICT Analogue IC Tester Analysis Information

The analysis text window contains information regarding the IC test which has been

If the test is running in loop mode, the total number of passes and failures is displayed. Some
functional tests return additional information regarding the test being performed and this will
also be displayed in the analysis window. For example, a bipolar transistor test is capable of
approximating the Fe of the device under test (at a single operating condition) and

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 59

determining which pins are connected to the Base, Emitter and Collector of the device under

Any information regarding circuit conditions and pre-test information will also be shown in the
analysis window.

The AICT Analogue IC Tester Comparison

One of the most efficient methods to repair a PCB is to compare a suspect board with a
known good board. Highlighted differences between the boards can quickly lead to fault
diagnosis. SYSTEM 8 allows the profile of a known good board or Golden Board to be
saved in a TestFlow file. A suspect board can then be compared with the profile of the
Golden Board.

The Actual and Master buttons are used to toggle the current result display between the
actual (device under test) and the master (golden device). The expected Master signature of
the device can be viewed by clicking the Master button. The package display of the master
and the actual result must be viewed separately. The package pin names will be highlighted
in red if there are comparison differences on individual pins.

AICT Analogue IC Tester Pin Conditions

When a test has been performed, a number of test messages may be displayed beside the IC
pins displayed on the screen. One or more of the following could be displayed:

GND: This pin is the ground pin of the IC and has the correct voltage on it.
HI V: The voltage measured exceeded the maximum allowable positive voltage
(+15.5V). The test will not proceed under these conditions. Ensure the
board power supply ground is linked to the AICT black terminal.
I>>: The output current on this pin was found to be too high at a point during
the test at which a lower current was expected.
I<<: The output current on this pin was found to be too low at a point during
the test at which a higher current was expected.
L n (LINK n): The pin was found to be linked to other pins on the same IC. The
connected pins are indicated by a number n.
LO V: The voltage measured exceeded the minimum allowable negative
voltage (-15.5V). The test will not proceed under these conditions.
Ensure the board power supply ground is linked to the AICT black
NGND (NO GND): The system was unable to detect a valid 0V supply. Ensure the board
power supply ground is linked to the AICT black terminal and the clip is
properly located.
NV+ (NO V+): The system was unable to detect a valid positive supply. Ensure the
board power supply ground is linked to the AICT black terminal and the
clip is properly located.
NV- (NO V+): The system was unable to detect a valid negative supply. Ensure the
board power supply ground is linked to the AICT black terminal and the
clip is properly located.
SH0V (SHORT 0V): The pin is connected directly to the 0V rail.
SV+ (SHORT V+): The pin is connected directly to the positive supply rail.

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SV- (SHORT V-): The pin is connected directly to the negative supply rail.
V+: This pin is the positive supply pin of the IC.
V-: The pin is the negative supply pin of the IC.
V>>: The output voltage on this pin was found to be too high at a point during
the test at which a lower voltage was expected.
V<<: The output voltage on this pin was found to be too low at a point during
the test at which a higher voltage was expected.
HI V: The voltage on this pin is too high for the test.
LO V: The voltage on this pin is too low for the test.
SVx+: This pin is shorted to an unspecified positive voltage.
SVx-: This pin is shorted to an unspecified negative voltage.

AICT Analogue IC Tester Setup

This window contains the following parameters used when running the Analogue IC Tester

Test Types
The AICT Analogue IC Tester uses a variety of AICT Test Types or test methods to diagnose
faults on a PCB. These consist of:

Functional: Applies a go/no go test to the selected device under test.

Connections: Checks for open circuit pins, links between pins, floating pins and
Voltage: Measures the voltage on every pin of the IC under test.

The user may enable any test type from the setup menu. However, if an enabled test type is
not valid for a particular selected part, the system will simply miss out that test. The test
setup configuration will not be changed. If the setup configuration has not enabled any valid
test types, an error message will be displayed when the user attempts to perform a test.

Test Modes
An IC test can be executed once, continuously or until certain conditions are met. This is
highlighted by the following:

Single: Executes the tests once only.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 61

Loop: Executes the tests continually.
True Loop: Executes the tests while ever the test result is true.
False Loop: Executes the tests while ever the test result is false.

Test Functions
This group configures various test functions as described below:

Analogue trace: Enables/disables the analogue trace facility.

Auto clip function: Enables/disables the automatic clip positioning function. If
disabled, the IC test clip must be applied with pin 1 of the clip to
pin 1 of the IC under test.

Various messages can be displayed when running tests. These can be enabled by selecting
the appropriate option:

Auto clip warning: Enables/disables the "No automatic clip positioning" message if
appropriate to that test.
Notes: Displays any notes associated with the device under test.

Voltage Tolerance
This allows adjustment of the voltage tolerance on each pin in regard to comparing
Master/Actual results. This is used when the Master/Actual test results are always failing due
to small voltage variations, i.e. tolerance of components or slightly different test conditions.

AICT Analogue IC Tester Test Types

The Analogue IC Tester uses several test methods to diagnose faults on a PCB.

Functional Test
This tests the basic functionality of a device by applying the appropriate stimulus to the device
under test (DUT). Analogue currents or voltages are applied to the DUT and the analogue
responses are checked to ensure that they comply with the expected responses. If the DUT
responds at all times to the input stimulus, the test result is regarded as good and a green tick
will be displayed in the result analysis box. If the test fails, a fault code will be displayed next
to the relevant pin on the IC diagram and a red cross will be displayed in the result analysis

A representation of the stimulus and response waveforms can also be displayed graphically in
the form of a timing diagram.

Connections Test
The connections test examines the connectivity of the device under test. The information
displayed can include any of the following:

Link: Pins on the same device which are connected together

Short: Pins which are connected directly to a power rail

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The above information provided by this test is sometimes termed Manufacturing Defect
Analysis (MDA) since it can often highlight defects caused by the manufacturing process. For
more information on pin conditions, see Pin Conditions.

Voltage Test
The voltage test measures the voltage on every pin of the device under test before any
stimulus is applied, and displays it as an actual voltage beside the appropriate pin on the
diagram. This can be useful when testing analogue ICs and also when comparison testing.

The AICT Analogue IC Tester Analogue Trace

The AICT Analogue Trace is an integrated part of the AICT Analogue IC Tester. If enabled,
it will display the analogue trace for each pin of an IC under test.

Enable / Disable Analogue Trace

The Analogue Trace can be enabled and disabled in the Setup AICT IC Tester Test
Parameters window.

Understanding the Display

The analogue trace window displays all the IC pin names down the left side, the number of
clock cycles taken to test the IC at the top and the analogue traces for each pin. Each trace
is displayed in either white or grey. If the test fails, a red bar will be displayed on the
appropriate trace to highlight the fault.

Finding the Voltage

To examine the actual voltages measured in a test, move the mouse cursor to the point of the
test to be examined and click the left mouse button. The measured voltages will then be
displayed on the left of the screen, between each pin name and analogue trace. A green
highlight bar will indicate which clock cycle is being displayed.

AICT Analogue V-I Tester Setup

This window contains the following parameters used when running the Analogue V-I Tester

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 63

Enable Pulse Generator
This is a check box that enables and disables the pulse generator. If the check box is empty,
the pulse generator is disabled.

Positive Pulse
The waveform from the V-I pulse generator can be configured and is output to the Pulse
connectors on the AICT Front Panel. The start position, stop position and output voltage can
be set using the 3 scroll bars. These controls will be disabled and will appear greyed unless
the Enable Pulse option is selected (enabled). Once enabled, the user can set up the
following parameters:

Start: Sets the start position of the positive pulse (0.0us to 26.21ms).
Stop: Sets the stop position of the positive pulse (103.2us to 26.32ms).
V+: Sets the amplitude of the positive pulse (0V to +10V).

Negative Pulse
The waveform from the V-I pulse generator can be configured and is output to the Pulse
connectors on the AICT Front Panel. The start position, stop position and output voltage can
be set using the 3 scroll bars. These controls will be disabled and will appear greyed unless
the Enable Pulse option is selected (enabled). Once enabled, the user can set up the

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 64

following parameters:

Start: Sets the start position of the negative pulse (0.0us to 26.21ms).
Stop: Sets the stop position of the negative pulse (103.2us to 26.32ms).
V-: Sets the amplitude of the negative pulse (0V to -10V).

Pulse Type
The Pulse Type box is a drop down list box which is used to select the type of pulse output
from the V-I pulse generator.

Positive: Selects a positive pulse

Negative: Selects a negative pulse
Bipolar: Selects a bipolar pulse
DC: Selects a DC level.

This is a scroll bar that sets the DC voltage level which is output from the V-I pulse generator.
This voltage can be in the range of +10V to -10V.

Comp. Tol.
This is a scroll bar that selects the comparison tolerance when using the V-I tester to
compare the trace with a stored trace. A low number in the Points box would make the
comparison sensitive (e.g.: The traces would have to be almost identical to indicate a good
comparison). As the number of points is increased, the sensitivity of the comparison is

Colours Button
The Colours button allows the colours of various parts of the display can be configured. See
Select Analogue V-I Trace Colours.

Dot Join
This check box enables and disables the interpolation of points during plotting. If the check
box is empty, dot join is disabled.

Probe Compensation
When using source impedances above 1k or waveform frequencies above 300Hz the
capacitance of the probes being used will start to become significant. This will exhibit itself as
an elliptical analogue V-I characteristic under open circuit conditions. The software can
compensate for this, under user control, using the Probe Compensate button in the
Analogue V-I Setup dialogue box. Pressing this button will calibrate out the stray capacitance
of the probes. It is important that the user should insert all probes on all channels which will
be used before the button is pressed, otherwise the stray capacitance of the probe on that
channel cannot be calibrated out. If the probe on a particular channel is changed at any time,
the Probe Compensate button must be pressed to calibrate the system for the new probe.
At the test setup extremes (1M source or towards 12kHz) the compensation will not be
perfect. However, when using the main application of comparison mode, this will have little
effect on the performance. Probe compensation can take up to 30 seconds to perform.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 65

AICT Analogue V-I Test Techniques
About V-I Testing
V-I testing (also known as Analogue Signature Analysis) is a technique which is excellent for
fault finding on PCBs, and is ideal when diagrams and documentation are minimal. When
testing a board with the V-I Tester, no power is applied to the device under test. Therefore,
this technique is an extremely effective test for so called dead boards which cannot safely be
powered up. A current-limited, ac signal is applied to the device under test and the
characteristic impedance is displayed by plotting voltage against current on an X-Y graph (the
X axis representing voltage and the Y axis representing current).

Analogue V-I testing is a very simple technique, as will be detailed. However, this does not
mean that it is not also a powerful fault diagnosis tool. The basic technique is depicted below.
A stimulus waveform is applied through a current limiting resistor across the device under test
(DUT). The voltage across the DUT is plotted (on the horizontal axis) against the current
through it (on the vertical axis).

From ohms law, (Z = V/I) it can be seen that the resulting characteristic represents the
impedance of the DUT. The stimulus waveform is usually a sine wave. For frequency
dependent components such as capacitors and inductors, the impedance is frequency
related. Thus a variable frequency stimulus source is required for these types of components.
It can also be seen that the current limiting resistor and the DUT form a potential divider. To
achieve a reasonable trace the current sense resistor should be the same order of magnitude
as the impedance of the DUT at the test frequency. Thus, in order to use this technique on a
wide range of DUTs, a wide range of current limiting (or source) resistors are required.

It is not necessary to understand the above technique to be able to use analogue V-I testing
for fault diagnosis. Most applications use analogue V-I testing in a comparative manner where
understanding the displayed characteristic is not important. Indeed, in real board fault
diagnosis situations, many components will be connected to a particular node and the
resulting analogue V-I characteristic will be a complex composite of the individual
components analogue V-I characteristics making it extremely difficult to completely
understand it.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 66

Understanding the Display
The V-I display plots the voltage across the device under test (V) on the horizontal axis, and
the current through the device under test (I) on the vertical axis as shown below. Different
devices in different configurations produce different signatures, depending on the current flow
through the device as the applied voltage changes. A short circuit, for example, would be
displayed as a vertical line, because the current flow for any applied voltage would be
theoretically infinite (see below), whereas an open circuit would display a horizontal line
because the current is always zero irrespective of the applied voltage (see below). A pure
resistor would give a diagonal line whose slope is proportional to the resistance, because the
current is proportional to the applied voltage. More complex curves are obtained with
frequency dependent components such as capacitors and inductors, and also for non-linear
devices such as diode and transistor junctions.

Open Circuit: Short Circuit:

Even though the curves can sometimes be quite complex, it is not necessary to understand
them in order to use the V-I test technique. The comparison of the curves for a known good
board and a suspect board can often identify faults with a minimum of knowledge. Bear in
mind that in a typical circuit the displayed V-I curve would normally be for a number of
components in parallel. A better understanding of the operation of the analogue V-I tester
can be gained by using the system with known components out of circuit. The signatures of
resistors are straight lines (see Diagram 1). The value of the resistor under test affects the
slope of the line, the higher the value, the closer the line gets to the horizontal (open circuit).
The source impedance of the V-I tester should be selected so the slope of the line, for a good
resistor, is as close as possible to 45 degrees. A difference in the slope of the curve when
comparing a good and suspect board would indicate a difference in the resistor values on the
two boards.

Diagram 1:

820 Ohm Resistor

Frequency: 1.2kHz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Curve: sine wave
Voltage: 10V peak to peak

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 67

Capacitors with relatively low values have flattened, horizontal, elliptical signatures and
capacitors with relatively high values have flattened, vertical, elliptical signatures. The optimal
signature is a nearly perfect circle (see Diagram 2) which can be obtained by selecting the
appropriate test frequency and source impedance. Typically, the higher the capacitance, the
lower the test impedance and frequency. A leaky capacitor would give a sloping curve due to
the effective resistance in parallel with the capacitor.

Diagram 2:

0.47uF Capacitor
Frequency: 4.8kHz
Source Impedance: 100 Ohms
Curve: sine wave
Voltage: 2V peak to peak

The signature of an inductor is elliptical or circular, sometimes showing hysteresis (see

Diagram 3). Inductors with relatively high values have flattened, horizontal, elliptical
signatures similar to those of capacitors. The optimal signal is a perfect circle. Inductors may
have ferrite, iron, brass or air cores, which may or may not be adjustable. Inductors with the
same value may have very different signatures if they use different core materials or if the
core is positioned differently. Inductors usually require a low source impedance and higher
test frequencies to exhibit an elliptical signature. An open circuit inductor (a common fault
with small PCB mounting devices) can easily be detected by the sharply contrasting V-I
curves when comparing two boards.

Diagram 3:

10mH Inductor
Frequency: 1.2kHz
Source Impedance: 100 Ohms
Curve: triangle wave
Voltage: 4V peak to peak

The signature of a silicon diode can be identified easily (see Diagram 4). The vertical part of
the curve shows the forward bias region, and the turn-on voltage and the forward voltage drop
can be easily identified. The curved area of the trace shows the changeover from fully off to

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 68

fully on as the applied voltage increases. The horizontal part of the curve is the reverse
voltage region where the diode is non-conducting and is effectively an open-circuit. Faulty
diodes can easily be identified by a deviation from this characteristic, for example a diode
which exhibits significant reverse leakage would have a diagonal curve in the reverse region,
similar to a resistor.

Diagram 4:

1N4148 Diode
Frequency: 60Hz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Curve: sine
Voltage: 6V peak to peak

Zener diodes conduct in both directions. The forward current characteristic is similar to that
for a diode (see above). The characteristic in the reverse direction is also similar to a diode
until the breakdown or Zener voltage is reached, at which point the current increases rapidly
and the diode voltage is clamped. This gives rise to the curve in Diagram 5. The test voltage
should be chosen to be higher than the Zener voltage for this curve to be obtained. A suspect
Zener diode may not have a well-defined "knee" and the horizontal part of the curve in the
reverse region may exhibit leakage effects in a similar way to a normal diode.

Diagram 5:

BZX55C5V1 Zener Diode

Frequency: 60Hz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Curve: sine
Voltage: 20V peak to peak

NPN and PNP bipolar transistors have a signature similar to that of the diode (see Diagram
4) when tested between the base-collector and base-emitter junctions. If tested between the
collector-emitter terminals the signature would appear to be open circuit. The pulse generator
can be used to apply a bias voltage, via a suitable resistor, to the base of the transistor, so
that the switching action can be observed (see Diagram 6). The pulse generator can also be
used to trigger devices such as triacs and thyristors, so that again the switching action can be
observed. Transistors with open circuit or leaky junctions can easily be identified by the

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 69

marked differences between curves.

Diagram 6:

PNP Transistor
Frequency: 120Hz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Voltage: 4V peak to peak
Pulse Type: Bipolar : (V+ 0.12) (V- -0.7V)
Positive start: 0us stop : 4.18ms
Negative start: 4.18ms stop : 8.33ms

In order to employ the V-I tester to its full potential as a fault diagnosis tool, it is important to
focus on differences between curves for good and suspect boards, rather than analysing in
great detail the meaning of the curves. The majority of nodes on a PCB will contain parallel
and series combinations of components, making exact analysis difficult. The majority of faults
on failed boards are gross failures such as short or open circuits, which are easy to detect
with the V-I technique without complex analysis.

Suggested V-I Test Parameters

There are numerous combinations of Analogue V-I test parameters which can be chosen by
the operator. This flexibility allows the widest range of components to be tested but also
presents some difficulty to the inexperienced operator. The following table presents typical
test parameters for a number of different types of components to be tested. The table may be
used to quickly obtain a representative V-I characteristic for a given component. Often, a
different combination of test parameters will give the same characteristic. Experienced
operators will be able to quickly deduce the appropriate test parameters by observing the
obtained V-I characteristic and adjusting the controls.

Capacitors (Voltage = 4V pk-pk, curve = Sine)

Range Test frequency Source impedance
100uF - 1000uF 37.5Hz 100 ohms
10uF - 100uF 37.5Hz - 300Hz 100 ohms
1uF - 10uF 37.5Hz - 300Hz 1k
10nF - 1000nF 37.5Hz - 2.4kHz 10k
1nF - 10nF 37.5Hz - 2.4kHz 100k
0.1nF - 1nF 37.5Hz - 600Hz 1M

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Inductors (Voltage = 2V pk-pk, curve = Sine)
Range Test frequency Source impedance
10mH - 100mH 2.4kHz - 240Hz 100 ohms
1mH - 10mH 4.8kHz - 2.4kHz 100 ohms
100uH - 1000uH 12kHz - 4.8kHz 100 ohms

Resistors (Voltage = 4V pk-pk; test frequency = 60Hz, curve = Sine)

Range Source impedance
500k - 10M 1M
50k - 500k 100k
5k - 50k 10k
500R - 5k 1k
10R - 500R 100 ohms

Digital ICs: Voltage = 4V pk-pk;

Test frequency = 37.5Hz;
Source impedance = 10k

Analogue ICs: Voltage = 10V pk-pk;

Test frequency = 37.5Hz;
Source impedance = 10k

Diodes: Voltage = 2V pk-pk

Test frequency = 37.5Hz
Source impedance = 10k

Matrix V-I
Matrix V-I testing is a powerful extension to the normal Analogue V-I technique. The Matrix
V-I test performs a V-I test, (as described above), between every pair of pins on the device
under test. This provides a much more comprehensive test than the standard V-I test. For
example if the device under test (DUT) has any links between pins this will immediately be
apparent using the Matrix V-I test.

Initially pin 1 is switched to ground to provide the V-I reference, and the V-I characteristic of
pin 1 is then captured. Then pin 2 is switched to ground and again the V-I characteristic for
pin 1 is captured. This is repeated until all of the pins on the DUT have been switched to
ground to provide the reference. The whole process is then repeated by switching each pin in
turn to ground and capturing the V-I characteristic of pin 2 relative to the reference pin. When
the V-I characteristics for all pins on the DUT have been captured, the test begins once again
at pin 1. As an example, an 8 pin test would result in 64 (8x8) V-I characteristics being
captured. The test displays all of the V-I characteristics associated with the selected pin, by
clicking on the comparison bar graph next to that pin. Obviously if the characteristics for pin 1
are displayed, the characteristic for pin 1 with reference to pin 1 will be a short circuit,
indicated by a vertical line. An individual characteristic can be inspected by clicking on that

Note that the Matrix V-I test is only available when an Analogue IC Test Solution is installed.

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AICT Selecting Analogue V-I Trace Colours
The colours of various parts of the display can be configured. These are:

Actual Colour 1: The colour of the actual trace 1 (Actual Probe 1, pins 1 to 16).
Actual Colour 2: The colour of the actual trace 2 (Actual Probe 2).
Master Colour 1: The colour of the master trace 1 (Master Probe 1, pins 1 to 16).
Master Colour 2: The colour of the master trace 2 (Master Probe 2).
Name, Range: The colour of the text on the display.
Grid Colour: The colour of the grid.
BkGnd Colour: The background colour of the display.

Default Colours Button

This button restores the factory default colour scheme. This is:

Actual Colour 1: Lght Yellow.

Actual Colour 2: Light Blue.
Master Colour 1: Light Green.
Master Colour 2: Light Red.
Name, Range: White.
Grid Colour: Black.
BkGnd Colour: Grey.

AICT Analogue I/O Connector

A cable is inserted into this connector which will contain a clip of the appropriate size to
perform functional and V-I tests on multiple pins, using the Clip 4 to Clip 24 (Clip 16 on 16
channel systems) or MultiProbe options. The pin numbers of the connector are as follows:

If using Clip 4 to Clip 24 or MultiProbe cables, pin 1 of the cable will attach to pin 1 of the
connector. The actual V-I channels are pins 1 to 12 and pins 15 to 26. Example: If using the
Clip 14 option, pins 1 to 7 of the connector would be pins 1 to 7 of the clip, but pins 20 to 26 of
the connector would be pins 8 to 14 of the clip.

AICT Discrete Connectors

These connectors are used for functional tests on discrete devices. The connectors are
labelled 1, 2 and 3 for ease of identification when running discrete functional tests.

Discrete 1: = Brown
Discrete 2: = Purple
Discrete 3: = Grey

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AICT Ground Connectors
These connectors are the ground reference for the V-I test.

Channel 1: = Black
Channel 2: = Black

AICT V-I Probe Connectors

These connectors are used for Single and Dual probe V-I testing.

Channel 1: = Yellow
Channel 2: = Blue

AICT Pulse Connectors

These connectors are used for the V-I pulse signal.

Channel 1: = Red
Channel 2: = White

The AMS Front Panel

This is the AMS (Advanced Matrix Scanner) front panel:

The AMS 3D V-I Tester

The AMS 3D V-I Tester is used for the test and diagnostics of components under power off
conditions. As voltages are applied and measured by the 3D V-I Tester, there should be no
external power supplied to the unit being tested. For more information on using the 3D V-I
Tester, see Analogue V-I Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the 3D V-I Tester icon, or select

Instruments > 3D V-I Tester from the menu.

3D V-I Tester Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 73

Choose the type of measurement you wish to acquire - either a single point measurement
with a probe or a clip/connector for multiple acquisition.

This menu offers two options:

Probe: In probe mode, choose the number of single probes in use at the same
time (Single, Dual and Quad probes).
Clip: In clip mode, choose the size (=number of pins) of the device under test.

Start/Stop Acquisition
Click on the Start button to initiate the acquisition of signatures. The settings on the right
hand side of the window will be used to acquire signatures and the results will be displayed in
the main window. Click on the Stop button to halt acquisition.

Click this button to access the 3D VI setup window and to change pulse settings and
comparison tolerances.

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Use Store button to temporarily store comparison masks for the signatures being acquired.
The probe or clip can then be moved to another location and the new signatures will be
compared with the stored masks. Click on the Clear button to remove any saved masks.
Note that clicking on the Store button will automatically change the comparison mode to

Comparison mode
Three options are available:

None: No comparison is enabled and the AMS is displaying the current

signature(s) being acquired.
Live: The results from one probe or clip will be automatically compared with
those of the other probe/clip. This option allows users to compare a
good/reference PCB with a faulty/suspect one under the same
Stored: The signatures acquired by the AMS will be compared with previously
stored results from the saved results section.

This section allows users to modify the parameters of the signal generated by the AMS for the
acquisition of signatures.

Voltage: Select the maximum voltage (peak to peak) to be applied to the device
under test from the drop down list (2V, 5V, 10V, 20V, 50V).
Impedance: Select the desired output impedance from the drop down list (100R, 1k,
10k, 100k, 1M0).
Display: The signatures can be displayed on a Voltage/Current (V-I) graph or
alternatively on a Voltage/Time (V-T) graph. The latter is particularly
useful when testing gate-activated devices using the pulse outputs.

When testing in 3D mode, users can click on the small window in the top right hand corner of
the display to alternate between V-I and 3D V-I display. When testing in clip mode, users can
double-click on the individual pin icons to zoom in on a particular pin. The left and right
arrows can then be used to navigate through the list of pins.

In 3D V-I mode, an 'Inspect' scroll bar is available at the bottom of the window in order to scan
through individual "slices" of the 3D signature to view the corresponding V-I signature at a
given frequency.

Frequency settings
Use the Swept tick box to toggle between static frequency acquisitions and the swept
frequency option. In swept mode, the frequency of the test signal will be changed
automatically from a lower limit (Start freq.) to an upper limit (Stop freq.), thus creating a 3D
signature. The frequency settings can be modified quickly using the drop down menus.
Alternatively, click on the Advanced button for finer adjustment settings.

This section allows users to save signature masks for later comparison without using a
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 75
TestFlow. In order to save results, first acquire signatures and select the Stored comparison
mode (or click on the Store button). Then, click the Select file button in the Results section
and browse to the location of your choice. A valid filename must be entered in order to create
a group in which several independent sub-files can be saved (the group behaves like a
subfolder in which several signatures can be saved).

Enter the sub-file name for the signature(s) to be stored within the group/subfolder and alter
the comparison date if required. After clicking OK, the sub-file will be listed in the Signatures
drop down menu. In order to load a sub-file, select it with the mouse and click Load results.

Click on the Advanced button for further information and options regarding saved results.

The AMS Matrix V-I Tester

The AMS Matrix V-I Tester uses a multi-reference option for in-depth diagnostics of
components under power off conditions. As voltages are applied and measured by the Matrix
V-I Tester, there should be no external power supplied to the unit being tested. There should
also be no ground reference lead connected. For more information on using the Matrix V-I
Tester, see Analogue V-I Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Matrix V-I Tester icon, or select
Instruments > Matrix V-I Tester from the menu.

V-I Matrix Tester Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

Clip size
Select the size of the IC or connector you wish to test.

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Click on the Start button to initiate the acquisition of curves. When the start button is
selected, the Stop button becomes ungreyed and can be clicked to halt acquisition.

Click on the setup button to access the tolerance settings for the comparison of V-I

Comparison Settings
Use the scroll bar to adjust the comparison tolerance in both voltage and current. The
comparison percentage between a pass or fail result can also be adjusted in this section.

Display Settings
Enable the boxes accordingly to view the results in a different format:

Show VI curve: Displays the results on a voltage versus current graph.

Show VT curve: Displays the results on a voltage versus time graph.
Show IT curve: Displays the results on a current versus time graph.

Click on the Store button to temporarily save comparison masks for the signatures being
acquired. The clip can then be moved to a different location in order to compare signatures.
Click on the Clear button to remove all comparison masks.

This section allows users to modify the parameters of the signal generated by the AMS for the
acquisition of signatures.

Voltage: Select the maximum voltage (peak to peak) of the signal applied to the
device under test for the acquisition of signatures.
Frequency: Select the frequency of the signal applied to the device under test for the
acquisition of V-I signatures.
Impedance: Select the output impedance of the signal applied to the device under test
for the acquisition of V-I signatures.

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The AMS 3D V-I Tester Setup Window
This window contains the following parameters used when running the 3D V-I Tester

Comparison settings
Use the scroll bar to adjust the comparison tolerance in both voltage and current. The
comparison percentage between a pass or fail result can also be adjusted in this section.

Pulse configuration
Use this section to enable and configure the generation of pulses (note: the pulse

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 78

configuration will be the same for all pulse channels).

Enable: Enable or disable the generation of pulses (on all pulse channels).
Type: Select the number of pulse variations (from 1 to 4) in each sine cycle.

For each section of a sine cycle, use the scroll bars to adjust the start and stop time of the
pulse variation and adjust the voltage level with the vertical scroll bar.

When using source impedances above 1k or waveform frequencies above 300Hz, the
capacitance of the probes/cables being used will start to become significant. This will exhibit
itself as an elliptical analogue V-I characteristic under open circuit conditions. The software
can compensate for this, under user control, using the Compensate button in this section.
Pressing this button will calibrate out the stray capacitance of the probes. It is important that
the user should insert all probes on all channels which will be used before the button is
pressed, otherwise the stray capacitance of the probe on that channel cannot be calibrated
out. If the probe on a particular channel is changed at any time, the Compensate button must
be pressed to calibrate the system for the new probe. At the test setup extremes (1M source
or towards 10kHz) the compensation will not be perfect. However, when using the main
application of comparison mode, this will have little effect on the performance. Probe
compensation can take some time to complete.

AMS Analogue V-I Test Techniques

About V-I Testing
V-I testing (also known as Analogue Signature Analysis) is a technique which is excellent for
fault finding on PCBs, and is ideal when diagrams and documentation are minimal. When
testing a board with the V-I Tester, no power is applied to the device under test. Therefore,
this technique is an extremely effective test for so called dead boards which cannot safely be
powered up. A current-limited, ac signal is applied to the device under test and the
characteristic impedance is displayed by plotting voltage against current on an X-Y graph (the
X axis representing voltage and the Y axis representing current).

Analogue V-I testing is a very simple technique, as will be detailed. However, this does not
mean that it is not also a powerful fault diagnosis tool. The basic technique is depicted below.
A stimulus waveform is applied through a current limiting resistor across the device under test
(DUT). The voltage across the DUT is plotted (on the horizontal axis) against the current
through it (on the vertical axis).

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From ohms law, (Z = V/I) it can be seen that the resulting characteristic represents the
impedance of the DUT. The stimulus waveform is usually a sine wave. For frequency
dependent components such as capacitors and inductors, the impedance is frequency
related. Thus a variable frequency stimulus source is required for these types of components.
It can also be seen that the current limiting resistor and the DUT form a potential divider. To
achieve a reasonable trace the current sense resistor should be the same order of magnitude
as the impedance of the DUT at the test frequency. Thus, in order to use this technique on a
wide range of DUTs, a wide range of current limiting (or source) resistors are required.

It is not necessary to understand the above technique to be able to use analogue V-I testing
for fault diagnosis. Most applications use analogue V-I testing in a comparative manner where
understanding the displayed characteristic is not important. Indeed, in real board fault
diagnosis situations, many components will be connected to a particular node and the
resulting analogue V-I characteristic will be a complex composite of the individual
components analogue V-I characteristics making it extremely difficult to completely
understand it.

Understanding the Display

The V-I display plots the voltage across the device under test (V) on the horizontal axis, and
the current through the device under test (I) on the vertical axis as shown below. Different
devices in different configurations produce different signatures, depending on the current flow
through the device as the applied voltage changes. A short circuit, for example, would be
displayed as a vertical line, because the current flow for any applied voltage would be
theoretically infinite (see below), whereas an open circuit would display a horizontal line
because the current is always zero irrespective of the applied voltage (see below). A pure
resistor would give a diagonal line whose slope is proportional to the resistance, because the
current is proportional to the applied voltage. More complex curves are obtained with
frequency dependent components such as capacitors and inductors, and also for non-linear
devices such as diode and transistor junctions.

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Open Circuit: Short Circuit:

Even though the curves can sometimes be quite complex, it is not necessary to understand
them in order to use the V-I test technique. The comparison of the curves for a known good
board and a suspect board can often identify faults with a minimum of knowledge. Bear in
mind that in a typical circuit the displayed V-I curve would normally be for a number of
components in parallel. A better understanding of the operation of the analogue V-I tester
can be gained by using the system with known components out of circuit.

The signatures of resistors are straight lines (see Diagram 1). The value of the resistor under
test affects the slope of the line, the higher the value, the closer the line gets to the horizontal
(open circuit). The source impedance of the V-I tester should be selected so the slope of the
line, for a good resistor, is as close as possible to 45 degrees. A difference in the slope of the
curve when comparing a good and suspect board would indicate a difference in the resistor
values on the two boards.

Diagram 1:

820 Ohm Resistor

Frequency: 1.2kHz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Curve: sine wave
Voltage: 10V peak to peak

Capacitors with relatively low values have flattened, horizontal, elliptical signatures and
capacitors with relatively high values have flattened, vertical, elliptical signatures. The optimal
signature is a nearly perfect circle (see Diagram 2) which can be obtained by selecting the
appropriate test frequency and source impedance. Typically, the higher the capacitance, the
lower the test impedance and frequency. A leaky capacitor would give a sloping curve due to
the effective resistance in parallel with the capacitor.

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Diagram 2:

0.47uF Capacitor
Frequency: 4.8kHz
Source Impedance: 100 Ohms
Curve: sine wave
Voltage: 2V peak to peak

The signature of an inductor is elliptical or circular, sometimes showing hysteresis (see

Diagram 3). Inductors with relatively high values have flattened, horizontal, elliptical
signatures similar to those of capacitors. The optimal signal is a perfect circle. Inductors may
have ferrite, iron, brass or air cores, which may or may not be adjustable. Inductors with the
same value may have very different signatures if they use different core materials or if the
core is positioned differently. Inductors usually require a low source impedance and higher
test frequencies to exhibit an elliptical signature. An open circuit inductor (a common fault
with small PCB mounting devices) can easily be detected by the sharply contrasting V-I
curves when comparing two boards.

Diagram 3:

10mH Inductor
Frequency: 1.2kHz
Source Impedance: 100 Ohms
Curve: triangle wave
Voltage: 4V peak to peak

The signature of a silicon diode can be identified easily (see Diagram 4). The vertical part of
the curve shows the forward bias region, and the turn-on voltage and the forward voltage drop
can be easily identified. The curved area of the trace shows the changeover from fully off to
fully on as the applied voltage increases. The horizontal part of the curve is the reverse
voltage region where the diode is non-conducting and is effectively an open-circuit. Faulty
diodes can easily be identified by a deviation from this characteristic, for example a diode
which exhibits significant reverse leakage would have a diagonal curve in the reverse region,
similar to a resistor.

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Diagram 4:

1N4148 Diode
Frequency: 60Hz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Curve: sine
Voltage: 6V peak to peak

Zener diodes conduct in both directions. The forward current characteristic is similar to that
for a diode (see above). The characteristic in the reverse direction is also similar to a diode
until the breakdown or Zener voltage is reached, at which point the current increases rapidly
and the diode voltage is clamped. This gives rise to the curve in Diagram 5. The test voltage
should be chosen to be higher than the Zener voltage for this curve to be obtained. A suspect
Zener diode may not have a well-defined "knee" and the horizontal part of the curve in the
reverse region may exhibit leakage effects in a similar way to a normal diode.

Diagram 5:

BZX55C5V1 Zener Diode

Frequency: 60Hz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Curve: sine
Voltage: 20V peak to peak

NPN and PNP bipolar transistors have a signature similar to that of the diode (see Diagram
4) when tested between the base-collector and base-emitter junctions. If tested between the
collector-emitter terminals the signature would appear to be open circuit. The pulse generator
can be used to apply a bias voltage, via a suitable resistor, to the base of the transistor, so
that the switching action can be observed (see Diagram 6). The pulse generator can also be
used to trigger devices such as triacs and thyristors, so that again the switching action can be
observed. Transistors with open circuit or leaky junctions can easily be identified by the
marked differences between curves.

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Diagram 6:

PNP Transistor
Frequency: 120Hz
Source Impedance: 1k Ohms
Voltage: 4V peak to peak
Pulse Type: Bipolar : (V+ 0.12) (V- -0.7V)
Positive start: 0us stop : 4.18ms
Negative start: 4.18ms stop : 8.33ms

In order to employ the V-I tester to its full potential as a fault diagnosis tool, it is important to
focus on differences between curves for good and suspect boards, rather than analysing in
great detail the meaning of the curves. The majority of nodes on a PCB will contain parallel
and series combinations of components, making exact analysis difficult. The majority of faults
on failed boards are gross failures such as short or open circuits, which are easy to detect
with the V-I technique without complex analysis.

Suggested V-I Test Parameters

There are numerous combinations of Analogue V-I test parameters which can be chosen by
the operator. This flexibility allows the widest range of components to be tested but also
presents some difficulty to the inexperienced operator. The following table presents typical
test parameters for a number of different types of components to be tested. The table may be
used to quickly obtain a representative V-I characteristic for a given component. Often, a
different combination of test parameters will give the same characteristic. Experienced
operators will be able to quickly deduce the appropriate test parameters by observing the
obtained V-I characteristic and adjusting the controls.

Capacitors (Voltage = 4V pk-pk, curve = Sine)

Range Test frequency Source impedance
100uF - 1000uF 37.5Hz 100 ohms
10uF - 100uF 37.5Hz - 300Hz 100 ohms
1uF - 10uF 37.5Hz - 300Hz 1k
10nF - 1000nF 37.5Hz - 2.4kHz 10k
1nF - 10nF 37.5Hz - 2.4kHz 100k
0.1nF - 1nF 37.5Hz - 600Hz 1M

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Inductors (Voltage = 2V pk-pk, curve = Sine)
Range Test frequency Source impedance
10mH - 100mH 2.4kHz - 240Hz 100 ohms
1mH - 10mH 4.8kHz - 2.4kHz 100 ohms
100uH - 1000uH 12kHz - 4.8kHz 100 ohms

Resistors (Voltage = 4V pk-pk; test frequency = 60Hz, curve = Sine)

Range Source impedance
500k - 10M 1M
50k - 500k 100k
5k - 50k 10k
500R - 5k 1k
10R - 500R 100 ohms

Digital ICs: Voltage = 4V pk-pk;

Test frequency = 37.5Hz;
Source impedance = 10k

Analogue ICs: Voltage = 10V pk-pk;

Test frequency = 37.5Hz;
Source impedance = 10k

Diodes: Voltage = 2V pk-pk

Test frequency = 37.5Hz
Source impedance = 10k

Matrix V-I
Matrix V-I testing is a powerful extension to the normal Analogue V-I technique. The Matrix
V-I test performs a V-I test, (as described above), between every pair of pins on the device
under test. This provides a much more comprehensive test than the standard V-I test. For
example if the device under test (DUT) has any links between pins this will immediately be
apparent using the Matrix V-I test.

Initially pin 1 is switched to ground to provide the V-I reference, and the V-I characteristic of
pin 1 is then captured. Then pin 2 is switched to ground and again the V-I characteristic for
pin 1 is captured. This is repeated until all of the pins on the DUT have been switched to
ground to provide the reference. The whole process is then repeated by switching each pin in
turn to ground and capturing the V-I characteristic of pin 2 relative to the reference pin. When
the V-I characteristics for all pins on the DUT have been captured, the test begins once again
at pin 1. As an example, an 8 pin test would result in 64 (8x8) V-I characteristics being
captured. The test displays all of the V-I characteristics associated with the selected pin, by
clicking on the comparison bar graph next to that pin. Obviously if the characteristics for pin 1
are displayed, the characteristic for pin 1 with reference to pin 1 will be a short circuit,
indicated by a vertical line. An individual characteristic can be inspected by clicking on that

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 85

AMS Multiway Connector
A cable is inserted into this connector which will contain a clip of the appropriate size to
perform V-I tests on multiple pins, using the Clip 2 to Clip 64 (Clip 32 on 32 channel systems).
The pin numbers of the connector are as follows:

If using Clip 2 to Clip 32 cables, pin 1 of the cable will attach to pin 1 of the lower connector.
The actual V-I channels are pins 1 to 16 and pins 19 to 34. Example: If using the Clip 32
option, pins 1 to 16 of the connector would be pins 1 to 16 of the clip, but pins 19 to 34 of the
connector would be pins 17 to 32 of the clip.

AMS Ground Connectors

These connectors are the ground reference for the V-I test.

Channel A: = Black
Channel B: = Black
Channel C: = Black
Channel D: = Black

AMS V-I Probe Connectors

These connectors are used for Single, Dual and Quad probe V-I testing.

Channel A: = Yellow
Channel B: = Blue
Channel C: = Red
Channel D: = Green

AMS Pulse Connectors

These connectors are used for the V-I pulse signal.

Channel A: = White
Channel B: = Grey
Channel C: = Purple
Channel D: = Brown

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The ATM Front Panel
This is the ATM (Advanced Test Module) front panel:

The ATM Advanced IC Tester

The ATM Advanced IC Tester allows ICs to be tested in various ways without removing them
from the printed circuit board (PCB). For more information on using the ATM Advanced IC
Tester, see ATM Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Advanced IC Tester icon, or select

Instruments > Advanced IC Tester from the menu.

Advanced IC Tester Instrument

Before an IC can be tested, a part must be selected. The currently loaded part will be
displayed in the box directly to the left of the Start button. If the message No Part Loaded is
displayed here, you will be unable to run any tests. You must select a part before a test can
be performed. The board under test will need to be powered from an external supply (if
power is required by the test) and the ground MUST be linked to the ATM ground terminal.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 87

Part Selection
The family filter allows a specific family to be selected, displaying its contents in the Parts list
below. You can also type the IC number directly into the Parts box. Simply start typing the
number of the IC you wish to test and the IC is automatically found in the list. If the IC cannot
be found then either the wrong library has been loaded or the IC does not exist. The easiest
way to check this is to enter the IC number with the All families option selected.

Run Modes
An IC test can be executed once, continuously or until certain conditions are met. This is
highlighted by the following:

Single: Executes the tests once only.

Loop: Executes the tests continually.
True Loop: Executes the tests while ever the tests are true.
False Loop: Executes the tests while ever the tests are false.

Setup Button
The Setup button is used to configure the test parameters. In the ATM Setup Test
Parameters window it is possible to configure a particular test to the requirement of the IC

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 88

under test.

Start / Stop Button

The Start button will execute the tests which have been enabled in the ATM Setup Test
Parameters window using the configured parameters. If no part has been loaded, the
message No Part Loaded is displayed and no test will be executed. The Stop button will
stop any test which is currently running. This will only usually apply when running tests in one
of the loop modes.

IC / V-I / Logic Trace Tabs

These tabs toggle between the truth table test display (IC diagram) the digital V-I (DV-I) test
display and the Logic Trace test display.

For more information on the digital V-I display feature see ATM Digital V-I. All colours
corresponding to the digital DV-I trace can be configured using the Select DV-I Trace Colours

For more information on the logic trace feature see ATM Logic Trace.

Rotate Button
When a truth table test is performed on a QFP or PLCC IC it displays only 2 sides of the IC.
The rotate button rotates the IC to view the pins which were not initially displayed. Pressing
the Rotate button again displays the initial pins which were displayed.

Actual / Master Button

The Actual / Master button toggles between displaying the results that have be acquired after
the last test or the results which were stored as the master in a TestFlow.

The results are displayed at the bottom of the instrument. Each enabled test type will have
either a tick or a cross beside it indicating a good or bad comparison for that test. Also shown
will be the result of the truth table tests if applicable. Any information regarding circuit
conditions and pre-test information will also be shown in the list box. Any notes applicable to
the part under test will also be displayed in the notes box at the bottom of the dialog.

The ATM Advanced Graphical Test Generator

The ATM Advanced Graphical Test Generator allows the ATM channels to be used to output
a timing sequence and monitor the response from the board under test. For more information
on using the ATM Advanced Graphical Test Generator, see ATM Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Advanced Graphical Test Generator

icon, or select Instruments > Advanced Graphical Test Generator from the

Advanced Graphical Test Generator Instrument

The number of channels (256 maximum), the number of patterns (999 maximum) and the
signal drive/sense direction are all configurable by clicking the Setup button. You can also
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 89
set the logic thresholds and drive levels to be used for the test. For library parts, you can
enable Automatic Clip Positioning if required, and you can also choose to use an out of circuit
adapter if available.

Part Selection
The family filter allows a specific family to be selected, displaying its contents in the Parts list

You can also type the IC number directly into the Parts box. Simply start typing the number
of the IC you wish to test and the IC is automatically found in the list. If the IC cannot be
found then either the wrong library has been loaded or the IC does not exist. The easiest way
to check this is to enter the IC number with the All families option selected. Once a part is
selected its pin names are loaded and its power pins defined.

Changing Channel Numbers, Names and Drive/Sense Direction

Each channel is represented by a number which is displayed down the left hand side of the
instrument. These numbers relate to the actual physical channel number on the front
connector. The pattern number is displayed at the top of the display, under the instrument
buttons. By default, the channels are numbered from 1 to the maximum specified in the initial
setup. If you wish, you can change the channel numbers to an arbitrary sequence, but you
cannot use each channel more than once or an error will result.

The drive/sense direction of the channels is indicated by arrow symbols on the display. In this
example, the NAND gate inputs (1A, 1B, 2A and 2B) are set to Drive (output from the ATM
module) and the 1Y and 2Y signals are sent to Sense (input to the ATM module).

To change a channel number, name or direction, double-click the mouse cursor on the
appropriate channel name to open the Channel Setup window.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 90

Enter a new channel number or name in the fields on the left, and select the drive/sense
direction by selecting on the right.

Creating a Timing Sequence

Any timing sequence can be simulated by using high and low levels. For Drive channels, the
high and low levels are generated either by using the mouse cursor and double-clicking on a
trace pattern or by using the keyboard keys "0" (Drive Low) or "1" (Drive High).

For Sense channels, double click or use the keyboard keys "L" (Sense Low), "H" (Sense
High), "X" (Sense Don't Care) or "M" (Sense Mid Level).

Channels defined as bidirectional can be programmed to any of the above states.

Save Button
Once a trace has been set up, it can be saved to a file by pressing the Save button. The
trace is then saved internally against its part. You can load a saved pattern by clicking on it in
the list.

Learn Button
Once the required outputs from the system have been programmed, it is possible to learn the
response of the inputs by pressing the Learn button.

Import Button
The Import button opens and loads a previously saved file. A box will appear and all
available .APAT files will be displayed. Choose a file and press OK to load it.

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Export Button
The Export button opens saves a pattern to an external file. A box will appear and all
available .APAT files will be displayed. Choose a file name and press OK to save it.

Run Button
The Run button begins the logic sequence as defined by the traces. The sequence of high
and low pulses is output to the front connector on the ATM module.

Setup Button
The Setup button allows the user to configure the number of usable channels, patterns, test
threshold and drive levels, whether auto clip positioning is to be used and whether an out of
circuit adapter is being used.

Delete Button
The Delete button will delete a saved trace.

Edit Button
The Edit button will allow the name of a saved trace to be changed.

The ATM Advanced IC Identifier

The ATM Advanced IC Identifier allows unknown ICs to be identified without typing in a part
number. For more information on using the ATM Advanced IC Identifier, see ATM Test

To open this instrument, click on the Advanced IC Identifier icon, or select

Instruments > Advanced IC Identifier from the menu.

Advanced IC Identifier Instrument

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IC Size
The user must select the size of the IC to be identified. This is achieved using the IC Size list
box. The list box contains the sizes of all ICs in the identifier library.

Once an IC Size has been selected the family lost box will display all the families that contain
parts of the selected size. By selecting one or more families from the list the time taken of
identify the device can be reduced.

Start / Stop Button

Pressing the Start button will begin the identification process. Pressing the Stop button will
abort the identifier instrument at any time during the test.

Identifier Test Result

Any identified devices and their function are listed in the result list box. Also, equivalent
devices are listed.

ICs Found
The total number of devices identified during the test is displayed in the IC’s Found box. This
is continually updated as the test proceeds.

Identifier Progress
Due to the large size of the identifier library, the identifier test can be in progress a
considerable time. The extent to which the test has searched through the library is indicated
in a percentage status bar at the bottom of the screen. Initially this will indicate 0% complete.
As the test progresses, the displayed figure will increase toward 100% (indicating
completion). This is also indicated graphically by a blue bar which moves towards the right of
the screen as the test progresses.

Identifier Status
The status of the identifier instrument is indicated as follows:

Ready: The instrument is ready to start.

Searching: The instrument is searching.
Complete: The identification is complete.
Stopped: The instrument has been stopped.

More than one part may be found to be equivalent to the device under test. This is usually
due to PCB configuration and IC pin compatibility.

If no parts are identified, the device under test may not be in the identifier library or the device
may be faulty. Alternatively factors such as test clip connection, lack of a ground clip and
failure to disable connecting circuitry may cause parts not to be identified.

Note: The IC Identifier instrument can cause prolonged backdriving of components. Please
take steps to prevent this by disabling connected devices by removal or by using BDO
outputs to disable them. Linear ICs are particularly susceptible, therefore ensure that the IC
Identifier instrument is only used on digital ICs.

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The ATM Advanced Short Locator
The ATM Advanced Short Locator allows short circuits to be located to a very close proximity.
This instrument requires a separate probe set containing red and black probes. This
connects into the 10 way BDO connector on the ATM Front Panel. The instrument uses a 4
wire low resistance measuring technique to enable the location of a short circuit on a PCB to
be found.

To open this instrument, click on the Advanced Short Locator icon, or select
Instruments > Advanced Short Locator from the menu.

Advanced Short Locator Instrument

The presence of the Advanced Short Locator probes will interfere with the test results of the
other Advanced instruments. Ensure that the probes are removed when not using the
Advanced Short Locator instrument.

When a low resistance is measured between the two probes, a tone is generated by the PC
speaker and the on-screen probes move toward the right of the screen. As the probes
become closer to the source of the short circuit, the measured resistance decreases. This is
indicated by a higher pitch, and also by the displayed probes moving further to the right of the

This selects the full scale sensitivity of the resistance measurement. The ranges are:

0.1 Ohms: 0.0 ohms to 0.1 ohms.

1.0 Ohms: 0.0 ohms to 1.0 ohms.
2.0 Ohms: 0.0 ohms to 2.0 ohms.

This provides an audio indication of the measured resistance between the Short Locator

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 94

probes. This allows the user to concentrate on following tracks on the PCB without needing
to look at the display. The tone may be turned On or Off by moving the control slider. The
tone status is indicated in both text and picture to the side of the control.

Error Messages
If the measured resistance is greater than the full scale of the selected range the message
OVERFLOW will be displayed. If the probe leads are not connected or damaged, the
message PROBES! will be displayed.

The ATM Advanced Board Checker

The ATM Advanced Board Checker allows a printed circuit board (PCB) to be tested in
various ways without the need for multiple pieces of test equipment. For more information on
using the ATM Advanced Board Checker, see ATM Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Advanced Board Checker icon, or

select Instruments > Advanced Board Checker from the menu.

Advanced Board Checker Instrument

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Update All Button
The Update All button is used to send the actions for each of the channels in the in the
available channel list to the ATM. The results for all of the channels will also be updated.

Send Settings on Open Checkbox

The send settings on open check box is used to determine if the ATM should be updated
when the Board Checker instrument is opened. This is useful if the ATM is required to be
setup upon entering a TestFlow step.

Channel Name
Each channel can be assigned a name this is user definable text which can be used to
identify a channels function.

Action to Perform
The action of each of the ATM's channels can be set as follows:

Off: The channel is turned off and set to a user specified off voltage.
Measure: The channel is setup to measure a voltage with user definable
Drive: The channel is driving on and set to a user specified drive voltage.
VI Check: The channel is setup to perform a VI test and compare against a stored
mask with user definable tolerances.

Available Channels List

The available channels list shows all ATM channels and their actions. The list can be filtered
to Show All, Show Passes or Show Failures using the radio buttons.

Channel Results
Each channel has its own result. Once all measurements are completed the Board Checker
instruments overall result is updated.

ATM Setup Test Parameters

The tests and parameters which are applied to the ICs can be modified as necessary. If any
parameters are changed and the Cancel button is clicked, none of the changes will be saved
or used. If the Ok button is click, the changes will be stored and used thereafter.

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Test Types
The ATM use a variety of ATM Test Types or test methods to diagnose faults on a PCB.
These consist of:

Truth Table: Applies the selected truth table to the IC under test.
Connections: Checks for open circuit pins, links between pins, floating pins and
shorts to 5V and 0V.
Voltage: Measures the voltage on every pin of the IC under test.
Thermal: Detects the thermal value of each individual pin (or node) on the IC
under test.
Digital V-I: Performs a V-I test on the IC under test.

The user may enable any test type from the setup menu. However, if an enabled test type is
not valid for a particular selected part, the system will simply miss out that test. The test
setup configuration will not be changed. If the setup configuration has enabled only in-valid
test types, an error message will be displayed when the user attempts to perform a test.

Note: Some ICs do not have a Truth Table Test.

To enable/disable a particular test type, click the mouse button on the particular test you wish
to enable/disable. If the box by the side of the text contains a X then the test is enabled. If
the box is empty then the test is disabled.

Circuit Types
The IC under test can be tested in-circuit or out-of-circuit. This can be chosen by highlighting
one of the following:

In: The IC under test is in-circuit (on a PCB).

Out: The IC under test is out-of-circuit (Using the external IC Adapter).

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Control VPS
This option can be enabled in order to automatically control the switching on and off of the
VPS module (if present). If enabled, all selected power-on (truth table, connections, voltage)
and power-off (thermal, digital V-I) tests will be executed in the same step. Note that if this
option is disabled, any power-off tests will not be run if, at least, one power-on test is enabled
(a message in the main window will appear to warn users in this configuration). In order to run
power-off tests, all power-on tests must be disabled.

Digital V-I Range

The DV-I range can be changed by adjusting the LOW and HIGH scroll bars to the required
value. Each scroll bar step is 2.5V. A graphical representation of the range is displayed
adjacent to the scroll bars. Pressing the Restore Default button will set the DV-I range
settings to -10.0V and +10.0V respectively. The Colours button allows the user to Select DV-
I Trace Colours.

The threshold levels are a defined set of parameters which determine whether the output
voltage of an IC is High, Low or Mid-Level. While a test is being run, the output voltage from
each pin of the IC is compared against the LOW, SWITCH and HIGH threshold settings to
determine the logic state of that pin. On the ATM, these threshold settings can be adjusted
using the LOW, SWITCH and HIGH scroll bars. Pressing the Restore Default button will set
the threshold settings to: LOW: 0.5V, SWITCH: 1.2V, HIGH: 2.4V.

The Swept option is for the swept threshold test. If the checkbox contains X then the test is
enabled. If the box is empty then the test is disabled. The swept threshold test identifies the
extreme operating thresholds of a particular IC. The swept threshold test uses the truth table
test but sweeps the threshold voltages until all mid-level outputs (mid-high and mid-low) are
eliminated. The initial test threshold levels are as follows:-

Low threshold: 0.1V

Switch threshold: 1.7V
High threshold: 4.9V

The truth table test will be applied to the IC, and the high threshold levels used will be
reduced until all mid-high pin conditions are eliminated. Similarly, the low threshold used will
be increased until all mid-low pin conditions are eliminated. When all of the mid level
conditions have been eliminated the swept threshold test will stop. The last threshold
voltages used will then be displayed.

The swept threshold test is useful if the user wishes to test an IC beyond its normal
specification. In this circumstance, the test can be used to quickly identify the tightest
thresholds at which the test will pass.

Note: The swept threshold test can only be selected if setup is configured for a single, truth
table test only.

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Various messages can be displayed when running tests. These can be enabled by selecting
the appropriate option.

Auto Clip: Displays the "No automatic clip positioning" message if

appropriate to that test.
Notes: Displays any notes associated with the IC under test.
Test Results: Displays the results of all tests performed on the IC under test.
Logic Trace: Enables / disables the logic trace facility.

Connection Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. It defines how to treat floating
and open circuit pins when using comparison mode. The options are:

Same: Floating and open circuit pins are treated as the same when comparing.
Different: Floating and open circuit pins are treated as different when comparing.
Off: Floating and open circuit pins are completely ignored for comparison

Voltage Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. The voltages found on the board
under test are compared with those on the master board or in the master file. The Voltage
tolerance can be adjusted to ensure that correct results are obtained even if the voltages
being compared are slightly different from each other due to normal component value

DV-I Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. The DV-I performed on the board
under test is compared with that on the master board or in the master file. The DV-I
tolerance can be adjusted to ensure that correct results are obtained even if the DV-I being
compared is slightly different from the other due to normal component value variations.

Thermal Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. The thermal test performed on
the IC under test is compared with that on the master board or in the master file. The
Thermal tolerance can be adjusted to ensure that correct results are obtained even if the
thermal test being compared is slightly different from the other due to normal component
value variations.

The ATM Digital V-I Display

The ATM Digital V-I Display is an integrated part of the ATM Advanced IC Tester and
displays the V-I trace for each pin of an IC under test.

Digital V-I Test

The digital V-I test can be enabled and disabled in the ATM Setup Test Parameters window.

A single trace can be more accurately examined by positioning the mouse cursor over the

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 99

desired V-I curve. When the mouse cursor becomes a magnifying glass symbol, a single
mouse click will expand the curve. A second mouse click will restore the normal display.

ATM Conflicts Explained

Consider a tri-state IC, e.g. a device whose output may be logic high, logic low, or high
impedance (off). These devices are usually found on bus (data / address / etc.) lines and
their outputs will invariably be in common (or parallel) with the outputs of other tri-state

Before testing a tri-state device, ATM checks that the outputs of these devices are in the high
impedance condition. Only by ensuring that the outputs are in the high impedance condition
before test, can you be certain that, when the test is run, ATM is seeing the outputs of the
device under test and not some other device on the same bus which may be enabled.

Should the outputs of a tri-state device not be in the high impedance condition, ATM will
report an output CONFLICT by the appropriate pin(s) of the device. At this point the conflict
should be removed, this often being done by the application of a BDO to the chip enable (CE)
or output enable (OE) pin(s) of the offending device(s) (see ATM Test Techniques). Other
ways of removing conflicts include enabling the write enable (WE) pins of a memory,
changing the direction of a transceiver, removing the processor and or the memory. Again do
the test in the FALSE LOOP. When the point(s) for removal of the conflict have been located
a note to this effect can be inserted in the TestFlow file when saving an IC test).

In the example below (Figure 1), IC2 and IC3 are tri-state devices such as a 74244. Let us
assume that point a is at a logic 0. This will cause a logic 1 at point b and so IC2 will be
disabled and its outputs will be tri-state. Point c will be at logic 0 and so IC3 will be enabled.
IC3 can therefore be tested without problem. However it is when we try to test IC2 that the
problems occur. To test IC2 it must be enabled but IC3 is still enabled by the logic low at
point a. This will cause a CONFLICT because the outputs of IC2 and IC3 are now connected
together. To test IC2 its outputs must go low and high but the outputs of IC3 will be in one
state. As they are connected together they cannot be high and low at the same time and so
you have a conflict.

So how do you get rid of the CONFLICT? Simply disable IC3 by either connecting a high
BDO to points a or c.

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Figure 1

Note: Notice that the device that was the source of the conflict actually passed the test
without the need of BDOs. This is a very important point to remember when trying to detect
the source of BUS CONFLICTS on large PCBs. Not all devices that cause a conflict to occur
will actually be affected by conflict themselves.

Figure 2

In Figure 2 we have a similar problem to Figure 1 but with one slight difference. Both
devices are permanently enabled by a hard wired connection to 0 volts. Therefore it is not
possible to get rid of the conflict by disabling one of the devices. However as well as being
tri-state these devices are also bidirectional. So this time the conflict is removed by changing
the direction of one of the devices. This can be done by again clipping a BDO to point a,
though this time either a high or low BDO will work. This problem is common with
CONFLICTS on memory devices were the chip select pin is hard wired and you must ‘BDO’
the read/write pin.

How Do I Find The Source Of The Conflict?

This usually takes practice and experience; use the SPLIT LEAD cable to detect outputs

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 101

linked to outputs. Check the 20 pin devices (they are usually on bus lines) and any memory
devices on the PCB under test. Remember to use the FALSE LOOP mode and probe likely
points with the both high and low BDOs.

What If I Cannot Find The Source Of The Conflict?

If there is a BUS conflict on a PCB and it is not possible to get rid of it, then there may be a
fault on that PCB. If it is not possible or if you do not have enough time to find the conflict
source then you may simply accept that the result you have got is the correct one, whether
the device passes the test or not.

Figure 3

The diagram in Figure 3 is an example of a test result on a faulty 74245, but it is not the pins
with the conflict that are faulty but the two pins (6 & 14) without a conflict. This seems strange
until you think about it. As we have seen it is perfectly normal for a device to fail the IC test
because of conflict. Therefore, which result is most likely to be correct - the fourteen identical
pins or the two that are different from all the rest? It is unusual for one channel of an octal
device to be connected differently from the other seven. The evidence suggests then that
either this device or another on the BUS is faulty.

ATM Loads Explained

At the start of a test the ATM checks that it is possible to drive each input pin of the device
under test (with the exception of VCC and GND pins). Input pins which appear to be
excessively loaded towards 5V or 0V are indicated as LOAD 5V or LOAD 0V respectively.
This can be caused by various situations such as RC (resistor/capacitor) networks on the
inputs, damaged input pins and high current source devices driving the device under test.

A LOAD on an input pin is not necessarily an indication of a faulty device, but simply an
indication of a condition which is not typical of a normal input.

The ATM Logic Trace

The ATM Logic Trace is an integrated part of the ATM Advanced IC Tester. If enabled, it will
display the logic trace for each pin of an IC under test.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 102

Enable / Disable Logic Trace
The Logic Trace can be enabled and disabled in the ATM Setup Test Parameters window. If
a truth table test is performed and the logic trace is disabled, the analysis window will appear
giving details of that test. If the test is performed and the logic trace is enabled, the analysis
window appears again but also the logic trace window appears.

Understanding the Display

The logic trace window displays all the IC pin names down the left side, the number of clock
cycles taken to test the IC at the top and the logic traces for each pin. Each trace is displayed
in either white or grey. If the test fails, a red bar will be displayed on the appropriate trace to
highlight the fault.

Finding the Voltage

To examine the actual voltages measured in a test, move the mouse cursor to the point of the
test to be examined and click the left mouse button. The measured voltages will then be
displayed on the left of the screen, between each pin name and logic trace. A green highlight
bar will indicate which clock cycle is being displayed.

ATM Pin Conditions

When a test has been performed, a number of test messages may be displayed beside the IC
pins displayed on the screen. One or more of the following could be displayed:

CFLT (CONFLICT): The output pin of a tri-state IC is not floating or high impedance
when switched off. This indicates a Conflict between this pin and
another output on the PCB.
FLOT (FLOATING): It was found that the pin was not driven by any valid logic level, but
the system has detected the small IC input current. This may be

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 103

due to a PCB fault such as a broken track or dry joint, or a faulty
output on the driving IC. This type of condition is closely related to
an OPEN CCT pin condition, in particular for high impedance
inputs such as CMOS ICs.
OPCT (OPEN CCT): It was found that the pin had no connection and no input current
could be detected. This may be due to a PCB fault such as a
broken track or dry joint, a faulty output on the driving IC, or a bad
test clip connection. This type of condition is closely related to a
FLOATING pin condition, in particular for high impedance inputs
such as CMOS ICs.
GND: The pin is connected to the 0V rail, and the voltage is valid (less
than 0.5V) when under load.
HIGH: The output on this pin was detected at a high logic level, with
respect to the SWITCHING threshold, at a point during the test at
which a low logic level was expected.
IPML (INPUT MID-LOW): The input signal on this pin was found to be between the LOW and
SWITCHING threshold settings.
IPMH (INPUT MID-HIGH): The input signal on this pin was found to be between the
SWITCHING and HIGH threshold settings.
L n (LINK n): The pin was found to be linked to other pins on the same IC. The
connected pins are indicated by a number n.
LD0V (LOAD 0V): The pin presents an excessive Load (low impedance) to the 0V or
GROUND rail. The system is unable to drive this pin with a valid
logic high voltage.
LD5V (LOAD 5V): The pin presents an excessive Load (low impedance) to the 5V or
VCC rail. The system is unable to drive this pin with a valid logic
low voltage.
LOW: The output on this pin was detected at a low logic level, with
respect to the SWITCHING threshold, at a point during the test at
which a high logic level was expected.
MDHI (MID HIGH): The output on this pin was found to be at an invalid logic level at a
point during the test. The voltage was measured at a level in
between the voltages specified by the SWITCHING and HIGH
threshold voltage setup.
MDLO (MID LOW): The output on this pin was found to be at an invalid logic level at a
point during the test. The voltage was measured at a level in
between the voltages specified by the LOW and SWITCHING
threshold voltage setup.
NGND (NO GND): The system was unable to detect a valid 0V supply.
NVCC (NO VCC): The system was unable to detect a valid +5V supply.
SH0V (SHORT 0V): The pin is connected directly to the 0V rail.
SH5V (SHORT 5V): The pin is connected directly to the +5V rail.
SIG (SIGNAL): A changing voltage Signal has been detected on the pin which
may interfere with the test results.
VCC: The pin is connected to the +5V rail, and the voltage is valid
(greater than 4.5V) when under load.

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ATM Result Analysis Information
Each enabled test type will have either a tick or a cross beside it indicating a good or bad
comparison for that test. Also shown will be the result of the truth table tests if applicable.
Any information regarding circuit conditions and pre-test information will also be shown in the
list box. Any notes applicable to the part under test will also be displayed in the notes box at
the bottom of the dialog.

ATM Selecting a Part to Test

After the Part button has been pressed, you are presented with the new part dialogue box: -

Use the Family drop down list to select the desired test library. The library selection part list
will be populated with the currently selected library. Select All to list parts in all libraries.

You can choose the desired IC from the library part list. You can also type the IC number
directly into the Part box. Simply start typing the number of the IC you wish to test and the IC
is automatically found in the list. If the IC cannot be found then either the wrong library has
been loaded or the IC does not exist. The easiest way to check this is to enter the IC number
with all the libraries selected.

Standard Libraries
Each part in the standard ATM library has associated attributes which specify which of the

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 105

test types are valid for the particular part. As an example, the part DIL 8 (Dual in Line, 8 pin
package) cannot have an associated truth table test.

Linear Library
When testing linear devices the VCC+ and VCC- supply rails must not be powered up.
Testing a linear device with the PCB powered up may cause damage to your system.

ATM Signals Explained

Signals can come from various sources. They could come from an oscillator, a processor and
various other sources. Sometimes, the system will detect the signal and warn you of its
presence. However it will be unable to do this for frequencies of approximately 4MHz or

How Can I Tell If An External Signal Is Affecting The Test?

Test the device in FALSE LOOP and look for an INPUT SIGNAL CHANGING warning on
screen. The device may fail in a slightly different way every time as it is tested. Links, open
circuits or floating may appear and disappear.

How Do I Stop The Signal?

Try connecting a low BDO to one leg of the crystal or remove the crystal, remove the
processor or EPROMS etc. Run the test in FALSE LOOP.

In Figure 1 below, the Q output from the JK flip-flop is fed back to its own clock input via a
NAND gate. This can cause a problem when testing either device. When testing the NAND
gate, a signal may appear on pin 2, caused by the feedback from the Q output of the flip flop.
This would not usually cause the device to fail the test but it may cause a bad comparison if
comparing boards. To avoid this, simply connect a BDO clip to the CLEAR pin of the flip flop,
thus holding its outputs in a fixed state. Use a low or high BDO as appropriate, depending on
whether the CLEAR is a low or high enable.

When testing a flip flop in this configuration the device is very likely to fail due to a changing
input signal. This is again caused by the feedback line from the Q output. To solve the
problem this time simply connect a LOW BDO to pin 1 of the NAND gate, then no matter what
pin 2 does, the output will always be a steady logic high.

Figure 1

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ATM Test Clips and Cables
The ATM can utilize many types of test clip, from 8 pins and upwards. DIL (Dual in Line),
SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit), QFP (Quad Flat Pack) and PLCC (Plastic Leaded
Chip Carrier) ICs can all be tested using the appropriate test cable.

Connection to the PCB under Test

Connection to the board under test is made by use of a ribbon cable and an appropriate test
clip. The blue connectors on the ribbon cable connect into the blue 128 way connector on the
front of the ATM unit. It is important to connect the cable in the correct manner.

You should position the two black connectors so that their polarization notches are on the
outside, (i.e. away from each other), with the cables running parallel. Now install the blue
connectors into ATM. The two cables should still be parallel, and the black polarization
notches should still be on opposite sides.

DIL Test Clip Insertion

Conventional test clips insert into the black connectors on the test cable in the following
1) Position the two black connectors so that their polarization notches are on the outside,
(i.e. away from each other), with the cables running parallel.

2) The test clip inserts into the inner rows of pins (shown in green on the diagram), on the
black connector.

The clip may be inserted in any position along the row. However, inserting the clip toward the
end of the ribbon cable with the red stripe, will ease interpretation of results in some cases,
and is mandatory in cases where automatic clip positioning is disabled. In these
circumstances, pin 1 of the test clip is the left side corner pin nearest the red stripe on the

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ribbon cable. The test clip itself is not polarized and therefore it does not matter which way
round the test clip is inserted into the cable (see diagram).

SOIC Test Clip Insertion

Some SOIC test clips have staggered pins and require a special test cable. This cable can
be used for any size SOIC test clip (from 8 to 28 pins). However, when inserting the test clip
into the cable there will often be a spare hole which is not used. For example, the red dots on
the diagram below show the holes in the test clip connector which do not have a test clip pin
inserted in them. The pin in green denotes pin 1.

20 pin and 28 pin SOIC clips will utilize the holes shown in red (above), but 8 pin, 14 pin, 16
pin and 24 pin SOIC clips will not use these holes.

QFP and PLCC Test Clip Insertion

QFP and PLCC test clips are similar in that they have 4 sides. Each QFP and PLCC test clip
has a unique test cable which will only fit that particular size clip. When the clip is inserted
into the test cable, all of the holes must be utilized. Usually, a red dot on one side of the test
cable will denote pin 1.

Custom Test Clips and Cables

Custom cables and clips can be made by the user. To enable the custom cables and clips to
be used with the system, a Pin Conversion utility is available for PLCC and QFP devices.
This will enable the physical test channels to be mapped to the logical test clip numbers. For
more information, see Pin Conversion Table.

Connections to plugs and sockets (e.g. a 9 pin D-type) should ensure that pins 1, 2, 3... of the
device connect to pins 1, 2, 3... of the ATM test cable.

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ATM Test Techniques
The ATM uses a variety of test methods to diagnose faults on a PCB. The ATM requires a
separate power supply to power the board. If a separate power supply is used the GND
(ground) MUST be linked to the ATM GND terminal.

Connection to the PCB under Test

It is important to connect the test cable in the correct manner. For more information, see Test

Test Clip Installation

There are different types of test clips available from ABI to cover conventional ICs, surface
mount IC, quad flat pack ICs and PLCC ICs. Different types of IC clip use different cables
and are inserted in a different way. For more information, see Test Clips.

Using the Ground Clip

The actual in circuit IC test can cause noise spikes to be generated on the Ground line of the
PCB under test. This can cause some devices to fail, flip-flops, dynamic RAMs,
timer/counters and especially processors are all prone to failing because of ground noise.
The ground clip is used to provide a local ground connection to the device under test and thus
improve test reliability. For example, when backdriving ICs which are connected to the device
under test, the current required can be quite high. The high current can cause transient
voltage spikes. If the grounding is not adequate, the IC under test may well respond to these
spikes and may appear to fail the test. The solution is usually to use the Ground Clip to
provide a low impedance return path for the high backdrive current. In nearly all cases this
will cure the problem, but if it persists, one of the BDO signals may be used to disable the IC
which is being backdriven.

The ground clip is inserted into the end pair of holes in the outer rows of the black connector
(shown in red on the diagram).

Not all tests require the ground clip to be connected.

Automatic Clip Positioning

AUTOMATIC CLIP POSITIONING automatically locates the position of the IC within the test
clip. For more information, see Automatic Clip Positioning.

For reliable test results the test clip must make good contact with the device under test. To
facilitate this, it may be necessary to clean the PCB under test to remove dirt, oxidation and
flux from IC pins. There are many cleaning solvents available which will safely do this.

Clocks and oscillators on the PCB under test should be disabled to ensure static test
conditions. Failure to do so may result in interference and invalid or unreliable test results.

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Well designed boards usually have the facility to disable clocks and oscillators using links or
jumpers. Alternatively, a BDO output can be used for this purpose (see BDO Usage).

The BDO's
Each ATM module provides four Bus Disable Output (BDO) signals. These are also
sometimes referred to as guards. The BDO cable consists of five clips connected to a blue
10 way connector. The connector should be attached to the 10 way connector on the front of
each ATM module. Two of the BDO outputs, identified by green clips, provide a low logic
level during a test. Two of the BDO outputs, identified by red clips, provide a logic high level
during a test. An additional black clip is used to provide a 0V link with the PCB. The output
specification of the BDO signals is identical to that of the other drive channels.

BDO Usage
BDO clips are used to backdrive nodes on the board under test to selectively disable circuitry.
Clip the BDO clips to the appropriate nodes on the PCB. The BDO clips will only be active for
the duration of a test. Examples of the use of BDO's would be:
1) Disabling a microprocessor by forcing the RESET, HOLD or DMA REQUEST to the
appropriate logic level.
2) Disable clock signals to prevent test interference.
3) Disable tri-state outputs on a common bus to prevent contention with the outputs of the
particular IC under test.

ATM Test Types

The ATM (Advanced Test Module) can use a variety of test methods to diagnose faults on a

Truth Table Test

The Truth Table test tests the functionality of an IC by applying the appropriate truth table
stimulus to the IC under test. While this defined sequence of signals is being applied to the
IC, the outputs of the IC are checked to ensure that they comply with the expected levels. If
the IC responds at all times to the input stimulus, the test result is regarded as good and a
green tick will be displayed in the result analysis box. If the test fails, the faulty logic level will
be displayed next to the relevant pin on the IC diagram and a red cross will be displayed in
the result analysis box.

On the ATM, the low, high and switching voltage thresholds may be defined by the user in the
ATM Setup Test Parameters menu. The stimulus and response waveforms can also be
displayed graphically in the form of a timing diagram.

Connections Test
The Connections test examines the connectivity of the device under test. The information
displayed can include any of the following:

Link: Pins on the same device which are connected together

Short: Pins which are connected directly to 0V or 5V
Float: Pins which are not being driven by a valid logic level
Open circuit: Pins which are completely open circuit

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The above information provided by this test is sometimes termed Manufacturing Defect
Analysis (MDA) since it can often highlight defects caused by the manufacturing process.
For more information on pin conditions, see ATM Pin Conditions.

Voltage Test
The Voltage test measures the voltage on every pin of the IC under test before any stimulus
is applied, and displays it as an actual voltage beside the appropriate pin on the IC diagram.
This can be useful when testing analogue ICs and also when comparison testing. The
voltages are also translated to logic levels. This identifies mid-level logic states which are a
classic fault symptom on digital boards.

Thermal Test
The Thermal test exploits the thermal characteristic of a digital device's static protection
diodes to provide a relative measure of the temperature of the IC in the vicinity of that pin.
The precise temperature is not known, but the relative number can be used to compare a
good and faulty board. The test detects the thermal value of each individual pin (or node) on
the IC under test, provided that pin has a valid diode characteristic. The value displayed is
not a valid temperature reading but merely a relative measure of temperature. If a thermal
test is performed and the IC under test does not display a thermal value, this means that the
pin (or node) does not have a diode characteristic. Even though the thermal test applies no
power to the IC under test, it can detect overloaded outputs, over dissipation (hot ICs) and is
a useful feature in comparison testing.

DV-I Test
The Digital V-I Test is a long established test technique commonly used for examining the
pin (input/output) characteristic of ICs. The result is in a graphical form and an experienced
user can identify common faults such as leaky static protection diodes, blown bond wires,
shorted outputs or open inputs. Alternatively, the characteristic can be stored and compared
with a known good board for fault diagnosis. The test is conducted with the power off and is,
therefore, appropriate for boards which cannot be powered up due to severe faults.

The Digital V-I (DV-I) display depicts the Voltage (V) - Current (I) characteristic of a node with
respect to ground. The DV-I characteristic is obtained by applying a varying voltage to a
device pin from a current limited source. A graph of voltage against current is then displayed.
The resultant curves are analogous to an analogue signature of a device pin. The technique
may thus be used to build up a profile of a board containing both digital and analogue
components. Differences in characteristic curves of components on a saved good board and
those of the corresponding component on a suspect board can lead to diagnosis of the fault.
No power is applied to the board or device under test when performing a DV-I but a ground
connection to the ATM module must be present.

The ATM digital V-I test has been optimised for testing digital ICs. The source impedance and
frequency are fixed. The voltage limits are user adjustable in the range +/- 10V.

ATM Main IO Connector

The main I/O connector is where the test cable is inserted. This is used for IC testing and for
the Advanced Graphical Test Generator. You must ensure the cables are inserted in the
correct orientation. The yellow dot on the pin diagram below shows pin 1 (channel 1) of the
connector, the blue dot shows pin 32, the green dot shows pin 33 and the red dot shows pin
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 111
64. The two rows of black dots are all ground pins.

(See Test Clips for more details).

ATM Auxiliary I/O Connector

The auxiliary I/O connector is used for the BDO (Bus Disable Output) cable. It provides four
outputs providing a LOW logic level during a test (Green Clips), four providing a HIGH logic
level during a test (Red Clips) and two to provide a 0V link with the PCB (black clips). For
information on BDO usage, see ATM Test Techniques.

The GND Connector

This is the GND ( 0V ) reference for the ATM module.

The BFL Front Panel

This is the BFL front panel:

The BFL Digital IC Tester

The BFL Digital IC Tester allows ICs to be tested in various ways without removing them from
the printed circuit board (PCB). For more information on using the BFL Digital IC Tester, see
BFL Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Digital IC Tester icon, or select

Instruments > Digital IC Tester from the menu.

Digital IC Tester Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 112

Before an IC can be tested, a part must be selected. The currently loaded part will be
displayed in the Part entry box. If the message No Part Loaded is displayed here, you will be
unable to run any tests. You must select a part before a test can be performed. The board
under test will need to be powered from the BFL external supply (if power is required by the
test). If a separate power supply is used, the ground MUST be linked to the BFL ground

Part Selection
The family filter allows a specific family to be selected, displaying its contents in the Parts list
below. You can also type the IC number directly into the Parts box. Simply start typing the
number of the IC you wish to test and the IC is automatically found in the list. If the IC cannot
be found then either the wrong library has been loaded or the IC does not exist. The easiest
way to check this is to enter the IC number with the All families option selected.

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Test Types
A variety of BFL Test Types or test methods are used to diagnose faults on a PCB. These
consist of:

Truth Table: Applies the selected truth table to the IC under test.
Connections: Checks for open circuit pins, links between pins, floating pins and
shorts to 5V and 0V.
Voltage: Measures the voltage on every pin of the IC under test.
Thermal: Detects the thermal value of each individual pin (or node) on the
IC under test.
V-I: Performs a V-I test on the IC under test.

Run Mode
An IC test can be executed once, continuously or until certain conditions are met. This is
highlighted by the following:

Single: Executes the tests once only.

Loop: Executes the tests continually.
True Loop: Executes the tests while ever the tests are true.
False Loop: Executes the tests while ever the tests are false.

Circuit Types
The IC under test can be tested in-circuit or out-of-circuit. This can be chosen by highlighting
one of the following:

In: The IC under test is in-circuit (on a PCB).

Out: The IC under test is out-of-circuit (Using the external IC Adapter).

Setup Button
The Setup button is used to configure the test parameters. In the BFL Setup Test
Parameters window it is possible to configure a particular test to the requirement of the IC
under test.

Start Button
The Start button will execute the tests which have been enabled in the BFL Setup Test
Parameters window using the configured parameters. If no part has been loaded, the
message No Part Loaded is displayed and no test will be executed.

Stop Button
The Stop button will stop any test which is currently running. This will only usually apply
when running tests in one of the loop modes.

IC Button
This button switches to the truth table test display (IC diagram).

V-I Button
This button switches to the digital V-I (DV-I) test display. For more information on the digital
V-I display feature see BFL Digital V-I. All colours corresponding to the digital DV-I trace can
be configured using the Select DV-I Trace Colours function.

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Logic Trace Button
This button switches to the logic trace display. For more information on the logic trace feature
see BFL Logic Trace.

Rotate Button
When a truth table test is performed on a QFP or PLCC IC it displays only 2 sides of the IC.
The rotate button rotates the IC to view the pins which were not initially displayed. Pressing
the Rotate button again displays the initial pins which were displayed.

Actual / Master Buttons

The Actual button is used to display the results that were acquired after the last test (device
under test). The Master button is used to display the results that were stored as a Master
(golden device) in a TestFlow. The package display of the master and the actual result must
be viewed separately. The package pin names will be highlighted in red if there are
comparison differences on individual pins. The master DV-I characteristic will be displayed in
green and superimposed onto the actual trace of the current board, which is displayed in
yellow. All colours corresponding to the DV-I trace can be configured.

The results are displayed at the bottom of the instrument. Each enabled test type will have
either a tick or a cross beside it indicating a good or bad comparison for that test. Also shown
will be the result of the truth table tests if applicable. Any information regarding circuit
conditions and pre-test information will also be shown in the list box. Any notes applicable to
the part under test will also be displayed in the notes box at the bottom of the dialog (if no test
has been executed this will be empty).

The BFL Digital Graphical Test Generator

The BFL Digital Graphical Test Generator allows the BFL digital channels to be used to
output a timing sequence and monitor the response from the board under test. For more
information on using the BFL Digital Graphical Test Generator, see BFL Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Digital Graphical Test Generator icon,
or select Instruments > Digital Graphical Test Generator from the menu.

Digital Graphical Test Generator Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

Initial Setup
The number of channels (256 maximum), the number of patterns (230 maximum) and the
signal drive/sense direction are all configurable by clicking the Setup button. You can also
set the logic thresholds to be used for the test.

After the test, you can choose whether the outputs and/or BFL PSU remain on. Normally you
would want both to turn off, but if you are using the Graphical Test Generator in a TestFlow
you may wish the outputs and PSU to persist from one step to the next.

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Changing Channel Numbers, Names & Drive/Sense Direction
Each channel is represented by a number which is displayed down the left hand side of the
instrument. These numbers relate to the actual physical channel number on the front
connector. By default, the channels are numbered from 1 to the maximum specified in the
initial setup. If you wish, you can change the channel numbers to an arbitrary sequence, but
you cannot use each channel more than once or an error will result.

The drive/sense direction of the channels is indicated by arrow symbols on the display. In this
example, the CLK and RESET signals are set to Drive (output from the BFL module) and the
QA and QB signals are sent to Sense (input to the BFL module).

The colour, name, channel, type and timing sequence can be changed:-

Colour: Double-click on the Colour to toggle through the colour options.

Name: Double-click on the Name field and enter the desired name for the
Channel: Click on the Channel and select the desired channel number from the
drop down list.
Type: Click on the Type and select the desired drive sense direction (Sense,
Drive and Bidir).

Creating a Timing Sequence

Any timing sequence can be simulated by using high and low levels. For Drive channels, the
high and low levels are generated either by using the mouse cursor and clicking on a trace
pattern or by using the keyboard keys "0" (Drive Low) or "1" (Drive High). For Sense
channels, click or use the keyboard to choose "L" (Sense Low), "H" (Sense High) or "X"
(Sense Don't Care). You can also set Sense channels to "M" (Sense Mid Level) by using the
"M" keyboard key. Channels defined as bidirectional can be programmed to any of the above

Open Button
The Open button opens and loads a previously saved file. A box will appear and all available
.PAT files will be displayed. Choose a file and press OK to load it.

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Save Button
Once a trace has been set up, it can be saved to a file by pressing the Save button. A
window will appear, prompting for a filename. Enter a filename and the sequence will be
saved under that name, with the extension .PAT.

Learn Button
Once the required outputs from the system have been programmed, it is possible to learn the
response of the inputs by pressing the Learn button.

Test Button
The Test button begins the logic sequence as defined by the traces. The sequence of high
and low pulses is output to the front connector on the BFL module. The PSU and Outputs
indicators show when the BFL power supply is turned on and when the output channels are
being driven.

Setup Button
The Setup button allows the user to configure the number of usable channels, patterns, test
threshold levels and whether the power supply and outputs should be turned off at the end of
the test.

Insert Button
The Insert button will insert a row or column, depending on which part of the trace is
highlighted. If a channel name is highlighted and the insert button is pressed, a new channel
and trace will be inserted directly before the selected channel. If a particular point on a trace
(a cell) is highlighted and the insert button is pressed, a new column is inserted on every
channel directly before the selected cell.

Delete Button
The Delete button will delete a row or column, depending on which part of the trace is
highlighted. If a channel name is highlighted and the delete button is pressed, the entire
selected channel is deleted. If a particular point on a trace (a cell) is highlighted and the
delete button is pressed, then that column on every channel will be deleted.

Reset All Button

The Reset All button will clear any changes made to the traces, and will set all traces back to
a low state. All the channel names and numbers are set back to their original (default) state.

The BFL Digital IC Identifier

The BFL Digital IC Identifier allows unknown ICs to be identified without typing in a part
number. For more information on using the BFL Digital IC Identifier, see BFL Test

To open this instrument, click on the Digital IC Identifier icon, or select

Instruments > Digital IC Identifier from the menu.

Digital IC Identifier Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'

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button on the side menu.

IC Size
The user must select the size of the IC to be identified. This is achieved using the IC Size list
box. The list box contains the sizes of all ICs in the identifier library.

Circuit Types
The user may select an in-circuit or out-of-circuit test. The out-of-circuit test requires a
special out-of-circuit Adapter (contact your dealer for details)

Start Button
Pressing the Start button will begin the identification process.

Stop Button
Pressing the Stop button will abort the identifier instrument at any time during the test.

Identifier Test Result

Any identified devices and their function are listed in the result list box. Also, equivalent
devices are listed.

ICs Found
The total number of devices identified during the test is displayed in the IC’s Found box. This
is continually updated as the test proceeds.

Identifier Progress
Due to the large size of the identifier library, the identifier test can be in progress a
considerable time. The extent to which the test has searched through the library is indicated
in a percentage status bar at the bottom of the screen. Initially this will indicate 0% complete.
As the test progresses, the displayed figure will increase toward 100% (indicating
completion). This is also indicated graphically by a blue bar which moves towards the right of
the screen as the test progresses.

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Identifier Status
The status of the identifier instrument is indicated as follows:

Ready: The instrument is ready to start.

Searching: The instrument is searching.
Complete: The identification is complete.
Stopped: The instrument has been stopped.

More than one part may be found to be equivalent to the device under test. This is usually
due to PCB configuration and IC pin compatibility.

If no parts are identified, the device under test may not be in the identifier library or the device
may be faulty. Alternatively factors such as test clip connection, lack of a ground clip and
failure to disable connecting circuitry may cause parts not to be identified.

Note: The IC Identifier instrument can cause prolonged backdriving of components. Please
take steps to prevent this by disabling connected devices by removal or by using BDO
outputs to disable them. Linear ICs are particularly susceptible, therefore ensure that the IC
Identifier instrument is only used on digital ICs.

The BFL Digital IC Live Comparison

The BFL Digital IC Live Comparison function allows two identical boards to be powered and
compared at the same time. For more information on using the BFL Digital IC Live
Comparison, see BFL Test Techniques.

To open this instrument, click on the Digital IC Live Comparison icon, or

select Instruments > Digital IC Live Comparison from the menu.

Digital IC Tester Live Comparison Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

One of the most efficient methods to repair a PCB is to compare a suspect board with a
known good board. Highlighted differences between the boards can quickly lead to fault
diagnosis. The IC Live Comparison instrument allows a suspect board to be compared
directly with a known good board or Golden Board. In a 128 channel system, the suspect
device is clipped by channels 1 to 64 and the master by channels 65 to 128. In a 256 channel
system, the suspect device is clipped by channels 1 to 128 and the master by channels 129
to 256.

Part Button
The Part button is used for selecting the part you wish to test. When pressed, you are
presented with a box allowing you to select the part you wish to test for the appropriate
library. For more information on selecting a part, see Selecting Part To Test.

Setup Button
The Setup button is used to configure the test parameters. In the Setup Test Parameters box

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 119

it is possible to configure a particular test to the requirement of the IC under test. The
tolerances used in the comparison of the V-I characteristic and the voltage tests may also be

Start Button
The Start button will execute the tests which have been enabled in the Setup Test
Parameters box using the configured parameters. If no part has been loaded, the message
No Part Loaded is displayed and no test will be executed. When the ‘IC Live Comparison has
started, the master device and suspect device are both tested and their resulting test
signatures are compared. Any differences between the two test signatures will be

Stop Button
The Stop button will stop any test which is currently running. This will only usually apply
when running tests in one of the loop modes.

Analysis Button
The Analysis button displays the Analysis Information dialogue box which includes extended
test result information (if no test has been executed this button will be greyed).

DVI / Logic Buttons

The DVI and Logic buttons button toggles (switches) between the Digital V-I (DV-I) test
display and the Logic Trace. All colours corresponding to the DV-I trace can be configured
using the Select DV-I Trace Colours function.

Actual / Master Buttons

The Actual and Master buttons are used to toggle the current result display between the
actual (device under test) and the master (golden device). The expected Master signature of
the device can be viewed by clicking the Master button. The package display of the master
and the actual result must be viewed separately. The package pin names will be highlighted
in red if there are comparison differences on individual pins. The master DV-I characteristic
will be displayed in green and superimposed onto the actual trace of the current board, which
is displayed in yellow. All colours corresponding to the DV-I trace can be configured.

V-I Result Comparison

In each of the DV-I display boxes, a percentage figure is displayed which indicates the result
of the DV-I comparison for each particular pin. The figure denotes the degree of similarity
between all of the points on the master characteristic and those on the corresponding pin of
the device under test. A percentage figure of below 95% is considered a bad comparison,
and the percentage result will be displayed in red to indicate this. The tolerance of this
comparison can be selected from the setup dialogue box. Selecting the Master button will
display both the master DV-I characteristic (in green), and the DV-I characteristic obtained
from the board under test (in yellow). All colours corresponding to the DV-I trace can be

The BFL Short Locator

The BFL Short Locator allows short circuits to be located to a very close proximity. This
instrument requires a separate probe set containing red and black probes. This connects into
the 10 way BDO connector on the BFL Front Panel. The instrument uses a 4 wire low
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resistance measuring technique to enable the location of a short circuit on a PCB to be found.

To open this instrument, click on the Short Locator icon, or select

Instruments > Short Locator from the menu.

Short Locator Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu. The presence of the Short Locator probes will interfere with the test
results of the IC Tester, IC Live Comparison and IC Identifier instruments. Ensure that the
probes are removed when not using the Short Locator instrument.

When a low resistance is measured between the two probes, a tone is generated by the PC
speaker and the on-screen probes move toward the right of the screen. As the probes
become closer to the source of the short circuit, the measured resistance decreases. This is
indicated by a higher pitch, and also by the displayed probes moving further to the right of the

This selects the full scale sensitivity of the resistance measurement. The ranges are:

0.1 Ohms: 0.0 ohms to 0.1 ohms.

1.0 Ohms: 0.0 ohms to 1.0 ohms.
2.0 Ohms: 0.0 ohms to 2.0 ohms.

This provides an audio indication of the measured resistance between the Short Locator
probes. This allows the user to concentrate on following tracks on the PCB without needing
to look at the display. The tone may be turned On or Off by moving the control slider. The
tone status is indicated in both text and picture to the side of the control.

Error Messages
If the measured resistance is greater than the full scale of the selected range the message
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OVERFLOW will be displayed. If the probe leads are not connected or damaged, the
message PROBES! will be displayed.

The BFL EPROM Verifier

The BFL EPROM Verifier allows the users to read, load and save EPROMs for verification
purposes. For more information on using the BFL EPROM Verifier, see BFL Test

To open this instrument, click on the EPROM Verifier button, or select

EPROM Verifier from the Instruments menu.

EPROM Verifier Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

The EPROM Verifier can read EPROMs in-circuit and out-of-circuit (if using out-of-circuit
mode, a special Adapter is required). The contents of the EPROM are read and the data and
checksum are then displayed on the screen. This is then said to be the Master data. The
master data can then be saved to a file in a binary format, or compared against another

The task currently being performed will be displayed under the Status box. For example, it
will display the word "Reading..." when reading and EPROM. Once the data has been read
and the checksum is being calculated, the message will change to "Calculating...".

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 122

The drop-down list of EPROM types allows EPROMs of different sizes to be selected. These
can be:

2k by 8: 16k bit EPROM

4k by 8: 32k bit EPROM
8k by 8: 64k bit EPROM
16k by 8: 128k bit EPROM
32k by 8: 256k bit EPROM
64k by 8: 512k bit EPROM
128k by 8: 1M bit EPROM
256k by 8: 2M bit EPROM

Before a file is opened or an EPROM is read, the appropriate EPROM type must be selected.

In Circuit / Out Circuit

The In Circuit and Out Circuit radio buttons allow the user to specify whether the EPROM to
be read or verified is in-circuit or out-of-circuit.

Read Button
The Read button will read the contents of an EPROM and display the data on the screen.
The scroll bar allows all the data to be viewed by scrolling up or down as necessary.

Verify Button
The Verify button will compare the master data (displayed on the screen) against another
EPROM. This EPROM can be in or out-of-circuit. If the comparison is good, the message
Verify OK is displayed. If the comparison is bad, an error message will appear displaying the
first address where the comparison was different and the actual and master data. For
example, the following message could appear:
Error: 00000 F3 FF
This is interpreted as follows:
Error: <address> <actual data> <master data>
where the master data is the data displayed on the screen and the actual data is the data just
read from the EPROM.

Open Button
The Open will open a window to allow the user to choose a file to be loaded. The files have
the extension .EPR and are in a binary format. Once the file is loaded, this will become the
master data. The filename of the loaded file will be displayed at the bottom left of the

Save Button
The Save button will open a window to allow the user to enter a filename to be saved. The
saved files will have the extension .EPR and are in a binary format. Once the file is saved the
filename will be displayed at the bottom left of the instrument.

When an EPROM is read or a file is opened (loaded) the data will be displayed on the screen.
The checksum will then be calculated and displayed at the bottom right of the instrument in
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 123
the checksum box.

After an EPROM has been read or a file has been opened (loaded), the status of that EPROM
is displayed in the status box. This will show if the EPROM is blank or not blank.

The BFL Output Driver

The BFL Output Driver allows the drive state of each of the BFL channels to be changed
individually. This can be useful for communicating with or controlling external hardware from
within SYSTEM 8. For more information on using the BFL Output Driver, see BFL Test

To open this instrument, click on the BFL Output Driver icon, or select
Instruments > BFL Output Driver from the menu.

Output Driver Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

Update BFL Button

The Update BFL button is used to send the drive states of each of the channels in the in the
channel list to the BFL.

Send Settings on Open Checkbox

The send settings on open check box is used to determine if the BFL should be updated
when the BFL Output Driver instrument is opened. This is useful if the BFL is required to be
setup upon entering a TestFlow step.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 124

The BFL channel number associated with a row in the channel list.

Test Point
The name of the channel. This is user definable text which can be used to identify a channels
Drive State
The drive state of each of the BFL channels can be set as follows:

Off: The channel is turned off.

Drive Low: The channel is driving low.
Drive High: The channel is driving high.

BFL Setup Test Parameters

The tests and parameters which are applied to the ICs can be modified as necessary.

Test Types
The BFL use a variety of BFL Test Types or test methods to diagnose faults on a PCB.
These consist of:

Truth Table: Applies the selected truth table to the IC under test.
Connections: Checks for open circuit pins, links between pins, floating pins and
shorts to 5V and 0V.
Voltage: Measures the voltage on every pin of the IC under test.
Thermal: Detects the thermal value of each individual pin (or node) on the
IC under test.
V-I: Performs a Digital V-I test on the IC under test.

The user may enable any test type from the setup menu. However, if an enabled test type is
not valid for a particular selected part, the system will simply miss out that test. The test

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 125

setup configuration will not be changed. If the setup configuration has enabled only in-valid
test types, an error message will be displayed when the user attempts to perform a test.

Note: Some ICs do not have a Truth Table Test.

To enable/disable a particular test type, click the mouse button on the particular test you wish
to enable/disable. If the box by the side of the text contains an X then the test is enabled. If
the box is empty then the test is disabled.

Test Modes
An IC test can be executed once, continuously or until certain conditions are met. This is
highlighted by the following:

Single: Executes the tests once only.

Loop: Executes the tests continually.
True Loop: Executes the tests while ever the tests are true.
False Loop: Executes the tests while ever the tests are false.

Circuit Types
The IC under test can be tested in-circuit or out-of-circuit. This can be chosen by highlighting
one of the following:

In: The IC under test is in-circuit (on a PCB).

Out: The IC under test is out-of-circuit (Using the external IC Adapter).

Digital V-I Range

The DV-I range can be changed by adjusting the LOW and HIGH scroll bars to the required
value. Each scroll bar step is 2.5V. A graphical representation of the range is displayed
adjacent to the scroll bars. Pressing the Restore Default button will set the DV-I range
settings to -10.0V and +10.0V respectively. The Colours button allows the user to Select DV-
I Trace Colours.

The threshold levels are a defined set of parameters which determine whether the output
voltage of an IC is High, Low or Mid-Level. While a test is being run, the output voltage from
each pin of the IC is compared against the LOW, SWITCH and HIGH threshold settings to
determine the logic state of that pin. On the BFL, these threshold settings can be adjusted
using the LOW, SWITCH and HIGH scroll bars. Pressing the Restore Default button will set
the threshold settings to: LOW: 0.5V, SWITCH: 1.2V, HIGH: 2.4V.

The Swept option is for the swept threshold test. If the checkbox contains an X then the test
is enabled. If the box is empty then the test is disabled. The swept threshold test identifies
the extreme operating thresholds of a particular IC. The swept threshold test uses the truth
table test but sweeps the threshold voltages until all mid-level outputs (mid-high and mid-low)
are eliminated. The initial test threshold levels are as follows:-

Low threshold: 0.1V

Switch threshold: 1.7V
High threshold: 4.9V
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The truth table test will be applied to the IC, and the high threshold levels used will be
reduced until all mid-high pin conditions are eliminated. Similarly, the low threshold used will
be increased until all mid-low pin conditions are eliminated. When all of the mid level
conditions have been eliminated the swept threshold test will stop. The last threshold
voltages used will then be displayed.
The swept threshold test is useful if the user wishes to test an IC beyond its normal
specification. In this circumstance, the test can be used to quickly identify the tightest
thresholds at which the test will pass.

Note: The swept threshold test can only be selected if setup is configured for a single, truth
table test only.

Power Supply
The internal power supply can be delayed before switching on when a test is run. The delay
time is set by the scroll bar and the delay time is displayed directly above the scroll bar.
Pressing the Restore Default button sets the delay to its default value of 250mS.

Various messages can be displayed when running tests. These can be enabled by selecting
the appropriate option.

Auto Clip: Displays the "No automatic clip positioning" message if

appropriate to that test.
Notes: Displays any notes associated with the IC under test.
Test Results: Displays the results of all tests performed on the IC under test.
Logic Trace: Enables / disables the logic trace facility.

Connection Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. It defines how to treat floating
and open circuit pins when using comparison mode. The options are:

Same: Floating and open circuit pins are treated as the same when comparing.
Different: Floating and open circuit pins are treated as different when comparing.
Off: Floating and open circuit pins are completely ignored for comparison

Voltage Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. The voltages found on the board
under test are compared with those on the master board or in the master file. The Voltage
tolerance can be adjusted to ensure that correct results are obtained even if the voltages
being compared are slightly different from each other due to normal component value

DV-I Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. The DV-I performed on the board
under test is compared with that on the master board or in the master file. The DV-I
tolerance can be adjusted to ensure that correct results are obtained even if the DV-I being
compared is slightly different from the other due to normal component value variations.

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Thermal Tol.
This option is only available when using comparison mode. The thermal test performed on
the IC under test is compared with that on the master board or in the master file. The
Thermal tolerance can be adjusted to ensure that correct results are obtained even if the
thermal test being compared is slightly different from the other due to normal component
value variations.

The BFL Digital V-I Display

The BFL Digital V-I Display is an integrated part of the BFL Digital IC Tester and displays the
V-I trace for each pin of an IC under test.

Digital V-I Test

The digital V-I test can be enabled and disabled in the BFL Setup Test Parameters window.

A single trace can be more accurately examined by positioning the mouse cursor over the
desired V-I curve. When the mouse cursor becomes a magnifying glass symbol, a single
mouse click will expand the curve. A second mouse click will restore the normal display.

BFL Conflicts Explained

Consider a tri-state IC, e.g. a device whose output may be logic high, logic low, or high
impedance (off). These devices are usually found on bus (data / address / etc.) lines and
their outputs will invariably be in common (or parallel) with the outputs of other tri-state

Before testing a tri-state device, BFL checks that the outputs of these devices are in the high
impedance condition. Only by ensuring that the outputs are in the high impedance condition
before test, can you be certain that, when the test is run, BFL is seeing the outputs of the
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 128
device under test and not some other device on the same bus which may be enabled.

Should the outputs of a tri-state device not be in the high impedance condition, BFL will report
an output CONFLICT by the appropriate pin(s) of the device. At this point the conflict should
be removed, this often being done by the application of a BDO to the chip enable (CE) or
output enable (OE) pin(s) of the offending device(s) (see BFL Test Techniques). Other ways
of removing conflicts include enabling the write enable (WE) pins of a memory, changing the
direction of a transceiver, removing the processor and or the memory. Again do the test in
the FALSE LOOP. When the point(s) for removal of the conflict have been located a note to
this effect can be inserted in the TestFlow file when saving an IC test).

In the example below (Figure 1), IC2 and IC3 are tri-state devices such as a 74244. Let us
assume that point a is at a logic 0. This will cause a logic 1 at point b and so IC2 will be
disabled and its outputs will be tri-state. Point c will be at logic 0 and so IC3 will be enabled.
IC3 can therefore be tested without problem. However it is when we try to test IC2 that the
problems occur. To test IC2 it must be enabled but IC3 is still enabled by the logic low at
point a. This will cause a CONFLICT because the outputs of IC2 and IC3 are now connected
together. To test IC2 its outputs must go low and high but the outputs of IC3 will be in one
state. As they are connected together they cannot be high and low at the same time and so
you have a conflict.

So how do you get rid of the CONFLICT? Simply disable IC3 by either connecting a high
BDO to points a or c.

Figure 1

Note: Notice that the device that was the source of the conflict actually passed the test
without the need of BDOs. This is a very important point to remember when trying to detect
the source of BUS CONFLICTS on large PCBs. Not all devices that cause a conflict to occur
will actually be affected by conflict themselves.

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Figure 2

In Figure 2 we have a similar problem to Figure 1 but with one slight difference. Both
devices are permanently enabled by a hard wired connection to 0 volts. Therefore it is not
possible to get rid of the conflict by disabling one of the devices. However as well as being
tri-state these devices are also bidirectional. So this time the conflict is removed by changing
the direction of one of the devices. This can be done by again clipping a BDO to point a,
though this time either a high or low BDO will work. This problem is common with
CONFLICTS on memory devices were the chip select pin is hard wired and you must ‘BDO’
the read/write pin.

How Do I Find The Source Of The Conflict?

This usually takes practice and experience; use the SPLIT LEAD cable to detect outputs
linked to outputs. Check the 20 pin devices (they are usually on bus lines) and any memory
devices on the PCB under test. Remember to use the FALSE LOOP mode and probe likely
points with the both high and low BDOs.

What If I Cannot Find The Source Of The Conflict?

If there is a BUS conflict on a PCB and it is not possible to get rid of it, then there may be a
fault on that PCB. If it is not possible or if you do not have enough time to find the conflict
source then you may simply accept that the result you have got is the correct one, whether
the device passes the test or not.

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Figure 3

The diagram in Figure 3 is an example of a test result on a faulty 74245, but it is not the pins
with the conflict that are faulty but the two pins (6 & 14) without a conflict. This seems strange
until you think about it. As we have seen it is perfectly normal for a device to fail the IC test
because of conflict. Therefore, which result is most likely to be correct - the fourteen identical
pins or the two that are different from all the rest? It is unusual for one channel of an octal
device to be connected differently from the other seven. The evidence suggests then that
either this device or another on the BUS is faulty.

BFL Loads Explained

At the start of a test the BFL checks that it is possible to drive each input pin of the device
under test (with the exception of VCC and GND pins). Input pins which appear to be
excessively loaded towards 5V or 0V are indicated as LOAD 5V or LOAD 0V respectively.
This can be caused by various situations such as RC (resistor/capacitor) networks on the
inputs, damaged input pins and high current source devices driving the device under test.

A LOAD on an input pin is not necessarily an indication of a faulty device, but simply an
indication of a condition which is not typical of a normal input.

The BFL Logic Trace

The BFL Logic Trace is an integrated part of the BFL Digital IC Tester. If enabled, it will
display the logic trace for each pin of an IC under test.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 131

Enable / Disable Logic Trace
The Logic Trace can be enabled and disabled in the BFL Setup Test Parameters window. If a
truth table test is performed and the logic trace is disabled, the analysis window will appear
giving details of that test. If the test is performed and the logic trace is enabled, the analysis
window appears again but also the logic trace window appears.
Understanding the Display
The logic trace window displays all the IC pin names down the left side, the number of clock
cycles taken to test the IC at the top and the logic traces for each pin. Each trace is displayed
in either white or grey. If the test fails, a red bar will be displayed on the appropriate trace to
highlight the fault.

Finding the Voltage

To examine the actual voltages measured in a test, move the mouse cursor to the point of the
test to be examined and click the left mouse button. The measured voltages will then be
displayed on the left of the screen, between each pin name and logic trace. A green highlight
bar will indicate which clock cycle is being displayed.

BFL Pin Conditions

When a test has been performed, a number of test messages may be displayed beside the IC
pins displayed on the screen. One or more of the following could be displayed:

CFLT (CONFLICT): The output pin of a tri-state IC is not floating or high impedance
when switched off. This indicates a Conflict between this pin and
another output on the PCB.
FLOT (FLOATING): It was found that the pin was not driven by any valid logic level, but
the system has detected the small IC input current. This may be
due to a PCB fault such as a broken track or dry joint, or a faulty
output on the driving IC. This type of condition is closely related to

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an OPEN CCT pin condition, in particular for high impedance
inputs such as CMOS ICs.
OPCT (OPEN CCT): It was found that the pin had no connection and no input current
could be detected. This may be due to a PCB fault such as a
broken track or dry joint, a faulty output on the driving IC, or a bad
test clip connection. This type of condition is closely related to a
FLOATING pin condition, in particular for high impedance inputs
such as CMOS ICs.
GND: The pin is connected to the 0V rail, and the voltage is valid (less
than 0.5V) when under load.
HIGH: The output on this pin was detected at a high logic level, with
respect to the SWITCHING threshold, at a point during the test at
which a low logic level was expected.
IPML (INPUT MID-LOW): The input signal on this pin was found to be between the LOW and
SWITCHING threshold settings.
IPMH (INPUT MID-HIGH): The input signal on this pin was found to be between the
SWITCHING and HIGH threshold settings.
L n (LINK n): The pin was found to be linked to other pins on the same IC. The
connected pins are indicated by a number n.
LD0V (LOAD 0V): The pin presents an excessive Load (low impedance) to the 0V or
GROUND rail. The system is unable to drive this pin with a valid
logic high voltage.
LD5V (LOAD 5V): The pin presents an excessive Load (low impedance) to the 5V or
VCC rail. The system is unable to drive this pin with a valid logic
low voltage.
LOW: The output on this pin was detected at a low logic level, with
respect to the SWITCHING threshold, at a point during the test at
which a high logic level was expected.
MDHI (MID HIGH): The output on this pin was found to be at an invalid logic level at a
point during the test. The voltage was measured at a level in
between the voltages specified by the SWITCHING and HIGH
threshold voltage setup.
MDLO (MID LOW): The output on this pin was found to be at an invalid logic level at a
point during the test. The voltage was measured at a level in
between the voltages specified by the LOW and SWITCHING
threshold voltage setup.
NGND (NO GND): The system was unable to detect a valid 0V supply.
NVCC (NO VCC): The system was unable to detect a valid +5V supply.
SH0V (SHORT 0V): The pin is connected directly to the 0V rail.
SH5V (SHORT 5V): The pin is connected directly to the +5V rail.
SIG (SIGNAL): A changing voltage Signal has been detected on the pin which
may interfere with the test results.
VCC: The pin is connected to the +5V rail, and the voltage is valid
(greater than 4.5V) when under load.

BFL Result Analysis Information

Each enabled test type will have either a tick or a cross beside it indicating a good or bad
comparison for that test. Also shown will be the result of the truth table tests if applicable.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 133

Any information regarding circuit conditions and pre-test information will also be shown in the
list box. Any notes applicable to the part under test will also be displayed in the notes box at
the bottom of the dialog.

BFL Selecting a Part to Test

After the Part button has been pressed, you are presented with the new part dialogue box: -

Use the Family drop down list to select the desired test library. The library selection part list
will be populated with the currently selected library. Select All to list parts in all libraries.

You can choose the desired IC from the library part list. You can also type the IC number
directly into the Part box. Simply start typing the number of the IC you wish to test and the IC
is automatically found in the list. If the IC cannot be found then either the wrong library has
been loaded or the IC does not exist. The easiest way to check this is to enter the IC number
with all the libraries selected.

Standard Libraries
Each part in the standard BFL library has associated attributes which specify which of the test
types are valid for the particular part. As an example, the part DIL 8 (Dual in Line, 8 pin
package) cannot have an associated truth table test.

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Linear Library
When testing linear devices the VCC+ and VCC- supply rails must not be powered up.
Testing a linear device with the PCB powered up may cause damage to your system.

BFL Signals Explained

Signals can come from various sources. They could come from an oscillator, a processor and
various other sources. Sometimes, the system will detect the signal and warn you of its
presence. However it will be unable to do this for frequencies of approximately 4MHz or

How Can I Tell If An External Signal Is Affecting The Test?

Test the device in FALSE LOOP and look for an INPUT SIGNAL CHANGING warning on
screen. The device may fail in a slightly different way every time as it is tested. Links, open
circuits or floating may appear and disappear.

How Do I Stop The Signal?

Try connecting a low BDO to one leg of the crystal or remove the crystal, remove the
processor or EPROMS etc. Run the test in FALSE LOOP.

In Figure 1 below, the Q output from the JK flip-flop is fed back to its own clock input via a
NAND gate. This can cause a problem when testing either device. When testing the NAND
gate, a signal may appear on pin 2, caused by the feedback from the Q output of the flip flop.
This would not usually cause the device to fail the test but it may cause a bad comparison if
comparing boards. To avoid this, simply connect a BDO clip to the CLEAR pin of the flip flop,
thus holding its outputs in a fixed state. Use a low or high BDO as appropriate, depending on
whether the CLEAR is a low or high enable.

When testing a flip flop in this configuration the device is very likely to fail due to a changing
input signal. This is again caused by the feedback line from the Q output. To solve the
problem this time simply connect a LOW BDO to pin 1 of the NAND gate, then no matter what
pin 2 does, the output will always be a steady logic high.

Figure 1

BFL Special Tests

There are many special function tests which can be performed. These are listed below:

Interconnections Tests
The interconnections test is a derivative of the connections test. This enables the user to
determine interconnections between different ICs on a PCB by using an optional split cable

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 135

and two IC clips.

This feature is particularly useful if no circuit diagrams are available for the PCB under test.

Test names: DIL 14x2, DIL 16x2, DIL 20x2, DIL 24x2, DIL 32x2, DIL 40x2

DV-I Probe Test

The Digital V-I (DV-I) probe test performs a DV-I test on a single pin or circuit node by use of
the discrete DV-I probe cable. The cable connects into the 10 way blue BDO connector on
the BFL Front Panel. The black ground clip on the cable is for use as a reference point
(alternatively use the power supply black terminal as a ground reference). The red probe is
used to connect to the desired pin or circuit node. The DV-I Probe test is best used in LOOP
mode, although SINGLE mode can be used for one-shot acquisitions. The display shows the
DV-I characteristic obtained from the red probe with respect to the 0V black clip. The V-I
voltage sweep range used will be the range defined in the setup menu (see BFL Setup Test

WARNING: The black test clip on the DV-I probe cable provides a hard 0V reference for the
DV-I test. If this clip is not connected to the PCB 0V (or ground), the user must ensure that
no power is supplied to the PCB whilst the clip is connected. Failure to comply could result in
damage to the PCB.

Test names: VI PROBE

EPROM Socket Analysis

These tests are designed so the user can examine the BUS on a PCB. This is done by
removing an EPROM and plugging a special cable directly into the EPROM socket, then
selecting the appropriate test (according to the EPROM size). All the selected tests (except
Truth Table test) are all performed and the appropriate information is displayed. The types of
tests performed are user configurable in the BFL Setup Test Parameters menu.

Test names: BUS 2Kx8, BUS 4Kx8, BUS 8Kx8, BUS 16Kx8, BUS 32Kx8, BUS 64Kx8, BUS
128Kx8, BUS 256Kx8

Microprocessor BUS Analysis

These tests are designed so the user can examine the BUS on a PCB. This is done by
removing the appropriate microprocessor and plugging a special cable directly into the
microprocessor socket, then selecting the appropriate microprocessor test. All the selected
tests (except Truth Table test) are all performed and the appropriate information is displayed.
The types of tests performed are user configurable in the BFL Setup Test Parameters menu.

Test names: BUS Z80, BUS 6502, BUS 8085, BUS 8088

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BFL Test Clips and Cables
The BFL can utilize many types of test clip, from 8 pins and upwards. DIL (Dual in Line),
SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit), QFP (Quad Flat Pack) and PLCC (Plastic Leaded
Chip Carrier) ICs can all be tested using the appropriate test cable.

Connection to the PCB under Test

Connection to the board under test is made by use of a ribbon cable and an appropriate test
clip. The blue connectors on the ribbon cable connect into the blue 128 way connector on the
front of the BFL unit. It is important to connect the cable in the correct manner.

You should position the two black connectors so that their polarization notches are on the
outside, (i.e. away from each other), with the cables running parallel. Now install the blue
connectors into BFL. The two cables should still be parallel, and the black polarization
notches should still be on opposite sides.

DIL Test Clip Insertion

Conventional test clips insert into the black connectors on the test cable in the following
1) Position the two black connectors so that their polarization notches are on the outside,
(i.e. away from each other), with the cables running parallel.

2) The test clip inserts into the inner rows of pins (shown in green on the diagram), on the
black connector.

The clip may be inserted in any position along the row. However, inserting the clip toward the
end of the ribbon cable with the red stripe, will ease interpretation of results in some cases,
and is mandatory in cases where automatic clip positioning is disabled. In these
circumstances, pin 1 of the test clip is the left side corner pin nearest the red stripe on the

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ribbon cable. The test clip itself is not polarized and therefore it does not matter which way
round the test clip is inserted into the cable (see diagram).

SOIC Test Clip Insertion

Some SOIC test clips have staggered pins and require a special test cable. This cable can
be used for any size SOIC test clip (from 8 to 28 pins). However, when inserting the test clip
into the cable there will often be a spare hole which is not used. For example, the red dots on
the diagram below show the holes in the test clip connector which do not have a test clip pin
inserted in them. The pin in green denotes pin 1.

20 pin and 28 pin SOIC clips will utilize the holes shown in red (above), but 8 pin, 14 pin, 16
pin and 24 pin SOIC clips will not use these holes.

QFP and PLCC Test Clip Insertion

QFP and PLCC test clips are similar in that they have 4 sides. Each QFP and PLCC test clip
has a unique test cable which will only fit that particular size clip. When the clip is inserted
into the test cable, all of the holes must be utilized. Usually, a red dot on one side of the test
cable will denote pin 1.

Custom Test Clips and Cables

Custom cables and clips can be made by the user. To enable the custom cables and clips to
be used with the system, a Pin Conversion utility is available for PLCC and QFP devices.
This will enable the physical test channels to be mapped to the logical test clip numbers. For
more information, see Pin Conversion Table.

Connections to plugs and sockets (e.g. a 9 pin D-type) should ensure that pins 1, 2, 3... of the
device connect to pins 1, 2, 3... of the BFL test cable.

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BFL Test Techniques
The BFL uses a variety of test methods to diagnose faults on a PCB. The BFL can power the
board under test from its own power supply. If a separate power supply is used the GND
(ground) MUST be linked to the BFL GND terminal.

Connection to the PCB under Test

It is important to connect the test cable in the correct manner. For more information, see Test

Test Clip Installation

There are different types of test clips available from ABI to cover conventional ICs, surface
mount IC, quad flat pack ICs and PLCC ICs. Different types of IC clip use different cables
and are inserted in a different way. For more information, see Test Clips.

Using the Ground Clip

The actual in circuit IC test can cause noise spikes to be generated on the Ground line of the
PCB under test. This can cause some devices to fail, flip-flops, dynamic RAMs,
timer/counters and especially processors are all prone to failing because of ground noise.
The ground clip is used to provide a local ground connection to the device under test and thus
improve test reliability. For example, when backdriving ICs which are connected to the device
under test, the current required can be quite high. The high current can cause transient
voltage spikes. If the grounding is not adequate, the IC under test may well respond to these
spikes and may appear to fail the test. The solution is usually to use the Ground Clip to
provide a low impedance return path for the high backdrive current. In nearly all cases this
will cure the problem, but if it persists, one of the BDO signals may be used to disable the IC
which is being backdriven.

The ground clip is inserted into the end pair of holes in the outer rows of the black connector
(shown in red on the diagram).

Not all tests require the ground clip to be connected.

Automatic Clip Positioning

AUTOMATIC CLIP POSITIONING automatically locates the position of the IC within the test
clip. For more information, see Automatic Clip Positioning.

Powering the PCB under Test (BFL only)

The BFL provides a 5Vdc, 5A power supply output to power the PCB under test. The supply
is connected to two terminals at the front of the module. Connect the PSU leads to the
appropriate power supply terminals on the PCB under test as follows:

Black: PCB 0V or GND (ground)

Red: PCB +5V or VCC

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 139

If the PCB under test has a current consumption greater than 5A a separate power supply
must be used. In such cases the ground or 0V supply of the power supply MUST be linked to
the BFL module ground terminal (black connector). The DV-I test does not require the PCB
to be powered during test. However, the PCB 0V power rail must be connected to the BFL
module black ground terminal.

For reliable test results the test clip must make good contact with the device under test. To
facilitate this, it may be necessary to clean the PCB under test to remove dirt, oxidation and
flux from IC pins. There are many cleaning solvents available which will safely do this.
Clocks and oscillators on the PCB under test should be disabled to ensure static test
conditions. Failure to do so may result in interference and invalid or unreliable test results.
Well designed boards usually have the facility to disable clocks and oscillators using links or
jumpers. Alternatively, a BDO output can be used for this purpose (see BDO Usage).

The BDO's
Each BFL module provides four Bus Disable Output (BDO) signals. These are also
sometimes referred to as guards. The BDO cable consists of five clips connected to a blue
10 way connector. The connector should be attached to the 10 way connector on the front of
each BFL module. Two of the BDO outputs, identified by green clips, provide a low logic level
during a test. Two of the BDO outputs, identified by red clips, provide a logic high level during
a test. An additional black clip is used to provide a 0V link with the PCB. The output
specification of the BDO signals is identical to that of the other drive channels.

BDO Usage
BDO clips are used to backdrive nodes on the board under test to selectively disable circuitry.
Clip the BDO clips to the appropriate nodes on the PCB. The BDO clips will only be active for
the duration of a test. Examples of the use of BDO's would be:
1) Disabling a microprocessor by forcing the RESET, HOLD or DMA REQUEST to the
appropriate logic level.
2) Disable clock signals to prevent test interference.
3) Disable tri-state outputs on a common bus to prevent contention with the outputs of the
particular IC under test.

BFL Test Types

The BFL (Board Fault Locator) can use a variety of test methods to diagnose faults on a

Truth Table Test

The Truth Table test tests the functionality of an IC by applying the appropriate truth table
stimulus to the IC under test. While this defined sequence of signals is being applied to the
IC, the outputs of the IC are checked to ensure that they comply with the expected levels. If
the IC responds at all times to the input stimulus, the test result is regarded as good and a
green tick will be displayed in the result analysis box. If the test fails, the faulty logic level will
be displayed next to the relevant pin on the IC diagram and a red cross will be displayed in
the result analysis box.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 140

On the BFL, the low, high and switching voltage thresholds may be defined by the user in the
BFL Setup Test Parameters menu. The stimulus and response waveforms can also be
displayed graphically in the form of a timing diagram.

Connections Test
The Connections test examines the connectivity of the device under test. The information
displayed can include any of the following:

Link: Pins on the same device which are connected together

Short: Pins which are connected directly to 0V or 5V
Float: Pins which are not being driven by a valid logic level
Open circuit: Pins which are completely open circuit

The above information provided by this test is sometimes termed Manufacturing Defect
Analysis (MDA) since it can often highlight defects caused by the manufacturing process.
For more information on pin conditions, see BFL Pin Conditions.

Voltage Test
The Voltage test measures the voltage on every pin of the IC under test before any stimulus
is applied, and displays it as an actual voltage beside the appropriate pin on the IC diagram.
This can be useful when testing analogue ICs and also when comparison testing. The
voltages are also translated to logic levels. This identifies mid-level logic states which are a
classic fault symptom on digital boards.

Thermal Test
The Thermal test exploits the thermal characteristic of a digital device's static protection
diodes to provide a relative measure of the temperature of the IC in the vicinity of that pin.
The precise temperature is not known, but the relative number can be used to compare a
good and faulty board. The test detects the thermal value of each individual pin (or node) on
the IC under test, provided that pin has a valid diode characteristic. The value displayed is
not a valid temperature reading but merely a relative measure of temperature. If a thermal
test is performed and the IC under test does not display a thermal value, this means that the
pin (or node) does not have a diode characteristic. Even though the thermal test applies no
power to the IC under test, it can detect overloaded outputs, over dissipation (hot ICs) and is
a useful feature in comparison testing.

DV-I Test
The Digital V-I Test is a long established test technique commonly used for examining the
pin (input/output) characteristic of ICs. The result is in a graphical form and an experienced
user can identify common faults such as leaky static protection diodes, blown bond wires,
shorted outputs or open inputs. Alternatively, the characteristic can be stored and compared
with a known good board for fault diagnosis. The test is conducted with the power off and is,
therefore, appropriate for boards which cannot be powered up due to severe faults.

The Digital V-I (DV-I) display depicts the Voltage (V) - Current (I) characteristic of a node with
respect to ground. The DV-I characteristic is obtained by applying a varying voltage to a
device pin from a current limited source. A graph of voltage against current is then displayed.
The resultant curves are analogous to an analogue signature of a device pin. The technique
may thus be used to build up a profile of a board containing both digital and analogue
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 141
components. Differences in characteristic curves of components on a saved good board and
those of the corresponding component on a suspect board can lead to diagnosis of the fault.
No power is applied to the board or device under test when performing a DV-I but a ground
connection to the BFL module must be present.

The BFL digital V-I test has been optimised for testing digital ICs. The source impedance and
frequency are fixed. The voltage limits are user adjustable in the range +/- 10V.

BFL Main IO Connector

The main I/O connector is where the test cable is inserted. This is used for IC testing and for
the Graphical Test Generator. You must ensure the cables are inserted in the correct
orientation. The yellow dot on the pin diagram below shows pin 1 (channel 1) of the
connector, the blue dot shows pin 32, the green dot shows pin 33 and the red dot shows pin
64. The two rows of black dots are all ground pins.

(See Test Clips for more details).

BFL Auxiliary I/O Connector

The auxiliary I/O connector is mainly used for the BDO (Bus Disable Output) cable. It
provides two outputs providing a LOW logic level during a test (Green Clips), two providing a
HIGH logic level during a test (Red Clips) and one to provide a 0V link with the PCB (black
clip). For information on BDO usage, see BFL Test Techniques.

This connector is also used for the DV-I Single Probe and the Short Locator Cable.

The GND Connector

This is the GND (0V) reference for the BFL module.

BFL Power Supply Connectors

The 4mm power supply connectors supply 5V @ 5A to the PCB under investigation.

0V: = Black
+5V: = Red

Note: if you are using an external power supply, its ground terminal MUST be linked to the
black socket on the BFL.

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MIS3 Front Panel
This is the MIS3 front panel:

All of the connectors on the front panel are industry standard connectors and accommodate
standard probes and test cables.

The MIS3 Function Generator

The MIS3 Function Generator produces sine, square, triangle or single pulse waveforms
between 0.1Hz to 10MHz via a 50 ohm output impedance BNC connector on the Front Panel
of the MIS3 module. The amplitude, DC offset and duty cycle can all be adjusted. AM, FM
and PWM types of modulation are also included, with variable modulation level. The function
generator contains a built in frequency counter, which can be used to display the actual
frequency and to synthesize accurate frequencies. A preview display gives a general
impression of the selected waveform.

To open this instrument, click on the Function Generator icon, or select

Instruments > Function Generator from the menu.

Function Generator Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 143

Use the following buttons to select the type of waveform: -

Click to select sine wave output.

Click to select square wave output.
Click to select triangle wave output.
Click to select single pulse output.
Click to trigger single pulse output.

Use the following controls to adjust the frequency and duty cycle of the waveform: -

Range: Select the desired frequency range with this selector.

Set Frequency: Adjust the scroll bar to set the desired output
frequency for the chosen range.
Set Duty Cycle: Adjust the scroll bar to set the desired duty cycle.
Phase Lock: Select this check box to enable closed loop

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 144

frequency synthesis mode. Note that phase locking
takes an appreciable amount of time with low

Use the following controls to adjust the amplitude and offset of the waveform: -

Amplitude: Adjust the scroll bar to set the output amplitude.

DC Offset: Adjust the scroll bar to set the output amplitude.

Select the modulation mode with the following buttons: -

Click to select amplitude modulation (AM) mode.

Click to select frequency modulation (FM) mode.
Click to select pulse width modulation (PWM) mode.
Click to select normal mode (no modulation).

Modulation Level: Adjust the scroll bar to set the modulation level.

Sweeping the Frequency

The Function Generator is capable of sweeping a frequency between two frequency limits in a
linear or logarithmic fashion. The controls to perform this action are located in the bottom
right hand corner of the Function Generator instrument.

Select the frequency to start sweeping from then click the From button, then select the end
frequency and click the To button. Set how many steps are to be used to reach the final
frequency using the scrollbar, and the time to spend between steps using the Time/step

To perform a linear sweep click the Lin button, or run a logarithmic sweep by clicking on the
Log button. To interrupt the Function Generator mid-sweep, click on the Stop button.

For more complex sweeps the FormulaPlus calculator can be used.

The MIS3 Digital Multimeter

The MIS3 Digital Multimeter is a fully isolated 2 channel multimeter providing AC and DC
voltage, current and resistance measurement functions. The inputs use shrouded connectors
on the Front Panel of the MIS3 module for operator safety.

To open this instrument, click on the Digital Multimeter icon, or select

Instruments > Digital Multimeter from the menu.

Digital Multimeter Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 145

The multimeter provides DC and AC Voltage Measurement on channels 1 and 2, and channel
2 provides in addition Current Measurement and Resistance Measurement. All ranges are
switched automatically. The inputs use shrouded connectors for operator safety, and share a
common ground connection. Directly beneath each display is an analogue bar meter which
is used for Comparing Measurement Results, and a Measurement Statistics display for
monitoring drift and stability of measurements.

The MIS3 Frequency Counter

The MIS3 Frequency Counter is a 2 channel frequency counter providing frequency counting
from 2Hz to 150MHz, in addition to event counting and RPM measurement. Reciprocal mode
measurement ensures accurate measurement of low frequencies without the need to use
long gate times.

To open this instrument, click on the Frequency Counter icon, or select

Instruments > Frequency Counter from the menu.

Frequency Counter Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 146

Channel 1 is a 50 ohm high frequency input providing Frequency Measurement up to
150MHz, while the 1M ohm input impedance channel 2 is designed for lower frequencies and
covers the full range from 2Hz to 100MHz.

In Event Mode, channel 2 provides the gate input for the event counter, while channel 1 is
used for counting events.

Directly beneath each display is an analogue bar meter which is used for Comparing
Measurement Results, and a Measurement Statistics display for monitoring drift and stability
of measurements.

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The MIS3 Auxiliary Power Supply
The MIS3 Power Supply provides a fixed triple rail power supply intended for external test
interfaces or accessories. The power supply provides +5V at 0.5A, +9V at 0.1A and -9V at
0.1A. The outputs are brought out to the Analogue Outputs Connector on the Front Panel of
the MIS3 module.

To open this instrument, click Auxiliary Power Supply icon, or select

Instruments >Auxiliary Power Supply from the menu.

Auxiliary Power Supply Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu. The output voltages and currents for each of the three rails are
displayed on the digital readouts.

The MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs

The MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs are designed for controlling external test interfaces. Four
bidirectional multi-mode analogue channels and four digital channels are provided. The
outputs are brought out to the Analogue Outputs Connector on the Front Panel of the MIS3

To open this instrument, click on the Universal I/O icon, or select

Instruments > Universal I/O from the menu.

Universal IO Instrument
The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

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Each analogue channel can be programmed to be either an input or output, and can be
further programmed in voltage or current mode.
To configure the analogue channels, click the following buttons: -

Configures the analogue channel in Voltage mode. The digital readout

shows the voltage at the external pin. In output mode, the voltage in the edit
box is output to the external pin.
Configures the analogue channel in Current mode. In output mode, the
current in the edit box is output to the external pin, and the digital readout
shows -.--. In input mode, an active clamp is used to clamp the external
circuit to 0V, and the resulting current is shown on the digital readout.
Configures the channel as an Output. In voltage mode, the voltage in the
edit box is output to the external pin. In current mode, the current in the edit
box is output to the external pin.
Configures the channel as an Input. In voltage mode the digital readout

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shows the voltage at the external pin. In current mode, an active clamp is
used to clamp the external circuit to 0V, and the resulting current is shown on
the digital readout.

To adjust the analogue output voltage or current to the required setting, click the spin box
arrows or enter the value directly. The output voltage can be varied from +9.0V to -9.0V in
0.1V steps, the current from +20mA to -20mA in 100uA steps.

Each digital channel can be programmed to be either an input or output. To configure the
digital channels, click the following buttons: -

Configure the channel as an input.

The LED indicates the logic level high (LED on) or low (LED off).

Configure the channel as a high output.

Configure the channel as a low output.

The MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope

The MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) provides two input channels each with a
bandwidth of 100MHz and one external trigger. The sampling rate is 50MS/s for single-shot
signals, and an Extended Resolution Sampling mode (ERS mode) is available which extends
the sampling rate to 5GS/s for repetitive signals.

To open this instrument, click on the Oscilloscope icon, or select

Instruments > Oscilloscope from the menu.

Digital Storage Oscilloscope Supply Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

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The Acquisition buttons determine the way in which the input signal is acquired when a
Trigger occurs. There are four alternatives available:

Single: Single mode. Data is acquired until a trigger occurs. Acquisition then
continues for a time set by the Trigger Delay control, before the
acquisition stops and the data is plotted.
Normal: Normal mode. Data is acquired as for Single mode, but after the data is
plotted further acquisitions take place while ever a valid trigger occurs.
This continues until the user presses the Stop button.
Auto: Automatic mode. Data is acquired as for Normal mode, but if no trigger
occurs within a preset time a trigger is generated internally.
Stop: Stop acquisition. An acquisition in progress will be abandoned.

The Trigger signal is used to produce a stable waveform on the display. The Trigger Source,
Trigger Edge, Trigger Level, Trigger Coupling and Trigger Delay controls are used to
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 151
configure the trigger.

The Timebase control sets the time per horizontal (i.e. x-axis) division which will be used
during an oscilloscope acquisition.

Channel Controls
The Channel Sensitivity, Channel Coupling and Channel Offset controls are used to configure
the vertical (i.e. y-axis) parameters which will be used during an oscilloscope acquisition.

Channel Maths
The Channel Maths controls are used to perform mathematical operations on the acquired
waveforms and to compare a waveform with a previously stored version.

The Measurements grid can be used to automatically calculate and display a wide range of
measurements on the displayed waveform for either channel.

MIS3 Comparing Measurement Results

The results of a measurement or calculation can be compared with a target value for pass/fail
testing. The results are displayed in the form of a bar graph, which displays green (pass) for
readings inside the programmed tolerance, red otherwise.

To setup measurements click on the icon on the instrument. A typical example of a setup
comparison dialog box is given below (a calculator comparison box will also include an area
for entering a FormulaPlus program).

Enter the target value of the measurement in the Target box, and set the appropriate units by
clicking on the drop down box. Similarly adjust the Lower Tolerance, Upper Tolerance,
Display Minimum and Display Maximum values.

The display minimum and display maximum figures refer to the range displayed on the
associated bar graph.

A measured (or calculated) value will be indicated as a pass (provided the compare
checkbox is set) if the value is greater than or equal to target - lower tolerance, or less than
or equal to target + upper tolerance.

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MIS3 DMM Current Measurement
To measure current, select either DC or AC as required and attach your probes in series with
the current to be measured to the Amps socket and common. The current meter allows
currents up to 1A AC or DC to be measured. The system is protected by a fuse accessible
from the front panel.

The current is displayed in both digital form and on the analogue bar graph below the digital
readout. The bar graph can also be used for Comparing Measurement Results by setting
target values with adjustable tolerances.

Below the bar graph the Measurement Statistics for the measurement are displayed, which
give an indication of the stability of the measurement.

AC measurements are true RMS but the maximum accuracy is obtained with sine waveforms.
True RMS converters have a slow discharge characteristic which can cause errors when
measuring a small AC current immediately after measuring a large one. Ensure that you
allow enough time, in these circumstances, for the reading to stabilise.

Warning: Do not leave your probe connected to the Amps socket after making a
measurement. You may inadvertently cause damage if you later try to measure voltage with
the probe in the Amps socket.

MIS3 DMM Resistance Measurement

To measure resistance, attach your probes to the channel 2 and common. The multimeter
has seven ranges as follows. All ranges are switched automatically: -

Range Maximum Resolution

1 10R 10mR
2 100R 100mR
3 1k 1R
4 10k 10R
5 100k 100R
6 1M 1k
7 20M 10k

The resistance is displayed in both digital form and on the analogue bar graph below the
digital readout. The bar graph can also be used for Comparing Measurement Results by
setting target values with adjustable tolerances.

Below the bar graph the Measurement Statistics for the measurement are displayed, which
give an indication of the stability of the measurement.

MIS3 DMM Voltage Measurement

To measure voltage, select either DC or AC as required and attach your probes to the desired
channel and common. The multimeter has three ranges as follows. All ranges are switched
automatically: -

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 153

Range Maximum Resolution
1 2V 100uV
2 20V 1mV
3 400V 10mV

The voltage is displayed in both digital form and on the analogue bar graph below the digital
readout. The bar graph can also be used for Comparing Measurement Results by setting
target values with adjustable tolerances.

Below the bar graph the Measurement Statistics for the measurement are displayed, which
give an indication of the stability of the measurement.

AC measurements are true RMS but the maximum accuracy is obtained with sine waveforms.
True RMS converters have a slow discharge characteristic which can cause errors when
measuring a small AC voltage immediately after measuring a large one. Ensure that you
allow enough time, in these circumstances, for the reading to stabilise.

MIS3 DSO Acquisition Mode

In Single mode, data acquisition continues indefinitely until a valid trigger condition occurs (as
determined by the Trigger settings and trigger signal). When a valid trigger condition occurs,
data acquisition continues until a time set by the Trigger Delay control has elapsed. The
resultant data is plotted on the display for examination. The acquired data may be either
100% pre-trigger data, 100% post trigger data, or combination of both depending on the
trigger delay setting. Further acquisitions only take place if the Single button is pressed

In Normal mode, the acquisition sequence is identical to that of single mode described
above, except that a further acquisition is started after the data is displayed. After each
normal acquisition, the display is updated with the latest data.

In Auto mode, the acquisition sequence is identical to that of normal mode described above,
except that if a valid trigger does not occur within a preset time a trigger will be automatically
generated internally to ensure that a display is possible. Note that in ERS mode auto
acquisition is disabled, because a trigger is required from the signal to build the acquisition.

Finally, the Stop button stops all acquisitions which are in progress.

MIS3 DSO Aliasing

Aliasing is a term used to describe a sampling phenomenon which can occur with Digital
Storage Oscilloscopes. Nyquist sampling theory suggests that the sampling rate must be at
least twice the frequency of the highest frequency in the input signal in order for it to be
reproduced in sampled form with the correct frequency. A high frequency signal which
violates this sampling criterion (under sampled) can result in a lower frequency signal being
displayed (see diagram below). This can fool even the most experienced user. Note that as
the sweep speed (timebase) is reduced the sampling rate starts to reduce, which means that
even low frequency signals can cause aliasing if the timebase setting is set too low.

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It is important that the user has some idea about what the signal being displayed is, and what
frequency content to expect. Setting the timebase appropriate to the expected waveform will
help eliminate problems with aliasing. Try turning the timebase to a faster setting (increasing
the sampling rate) to check if a higher frequency signal is present. Often, aliased waveforms
appear to drift across the screen as if they are not triggered properly, and this is another way
of assessing if a waveform is aliased. Finally, measuring the frequency of the input waveform
(if repetitive) using the frequency counter will enable the user to determine if the Nyquist
criteria is being violated, resulting in aliasing.

MIS3 DSO Automatic Measurements

The Measurements grid can be used to select a wide range of automatic measurements
which are performed on the displayed waveform. Click on the word Select in column 1 on the
grid and select the desired parameter to measure from the displayed pick list. Next, click on
the channel in column 2 and select the desired channel to measure. The result will be
displayed in column 3. To remove a measurement which you no longer require, select None
from the measurement pick list.

Note that for some measurements a certain type of waveform is required. For example, to
measure the period requires a waveform with at least one full cycle, and to measure rise time
requires a waveform above a certain minimum amplitude. If, for some reason, a particular
measurement cannot be calculated, the symbol "---" is displayed on the measurement grid.

The following is a list of the available automatic measurements together with a brief
description and formula showing how they are calculated. Note that some measurements are
directly measured from the waveform (e.g. Base, RMS), while others (e.g. Amplitude, Peak to
Peak) are calculated from other measurements: -

Base: The dominant low voltage of a pulse or square waveform, ignoring

undershoot. For waveforms with no dominant level (e.g. sine or
triangle waveforms) this is the same as the Base Peak.
Top: The dominant high voltage of a pulse or square waveform,
ignoring overshoot. For waveforms with no dominant level (e.g.
sine or triangle waveforms) this is the same as the Top Peak.
Base Peak: The lowest voltage of the waveform, regardless of its shape.
Top Peak: The highest voltage of the waveform, regardless of its shape.
Amplitude: Top - Base.
Peak to Peak: Top Peak - Base Peak.
Mean: Sum of all voltages / 250 (There are 250 points per acquisition).
Cyclic Mean: Sum of all voltages within an integral number of cycles / Total
number of points within this number of cycles (provided that a

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 155

periodic waveform is detected).
RMS: Square root of the sum of the squares of all voltages / 250 (There
are 250 points per acquisition).
Cyclic RMS: Square root of the sum of the squares of all voltages within an
integral number of cycles / Total number of points within this
number of cycles (provided that a periodic waveform is detected).
Overshoot: 100 % * (Top Peak - Top) / Amplitude.
Undershoot: 100 % * (Base - Base Peak) / Amplitude.
Crest Factor: Peak to Peak / 2 * Cyclic RMS (provided that a periodic waveform
is detected).
V Resolution: Resolution of voltage measurements on this V/div range.
Cycle Count: Number of complete cycles detected in the acquisition.
Period: Total time between 50% amplitude points on successive rising or
falling edges of a cyclic waveform / Cycle Count (provided that a
periodic waveform is detected).
Frequency: 1/ Period.
Rise Time: Total time between 10% and 90% amplitude points on rising
edges / Number of rising edges.
Fall Time: Total time between 10% and 90% amplitude points on falling
edges / Number of falling edges.
Positive Width: Total time between 50% amplitude points on positive pulses (rising
then falling edge) / Number of positive pulses.
Negative Width: Total time between 50% amplitude points on negative pulses
(falling then rising edge) / Number of negative pulses.
Positive Slew: Voltage difference between 10% and 90% amplitude points on
rising edge / Time difference between these points.
Negative Slew: Voltage difference between 10% and 90% amplitude points on
rising edge / Time difference between these points.
Bandwidth: 0.35 / Rise Time. This formula is valid only for a first order system
(i.e. with no overshoot on a rising edge) and can be used to give a
VERY approximate estimate of the system bandwidth.
Duty Cycle: 100% * High Pulse Width / Period.
T Resolution: Resolution of time measurements on this time/div range.
Pos Time Constant: Rising time constant (time from the base to 63% of the
amplitude) of an exponential rising edge.
Neg Time Constant: Falling time constant (time from the top to 37% of the
amplitude) of an exponential falling edge.

MIS3 DSO Channel Coupling

The Channel Coupling switch determines the way in which the input signal to the
oscilloscope is coupled. There are three positions: -

DC Coupling. The input signal is DC coupled.

AC coupling. The input signal is AC coupled. Frequency components below
about 10Hz will be attenuated, and DC components will be blocked altogether.
Ground. The signal is internally connected to ground. The input BNC connector
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 156
becomes open circuit.

MIS3 DSO Channel Maths

The Channel Maths controls allow you to perform a range of mathematical operations on the
acquired waveform(s). There are two sets of controls, one for each channel, allowing
independent maths functions for each channel:

Waveform Comparison This allows a waveform from a known good circuit to be stored as
a reference. Another waveform can then be compared against it
using programmable tolerances.

MIS3 DSO Channel Offset

The Channel Offset control adds an adjustable DC offset to the input signal to allow it to be
moved vertically on the display. The range of adjustment is +/- 4 divisions, so on the 1V/div
range, for example, the ground position of the trace can be adjusted in the range of +/- 4V.

This control allows waveforms which are not symmetrical about ground (e.g. digital signals
which switch in the range 0V to 5V) to be displayed with the maximum resolution possible.

MIS3 DSO Channel Sensitivity

The Channel Sensitivity control sets the vertical sensitivity of the oscilloscope in volts per
vertical division. If you are using a x1 probe, the vertical sensitivity can be adjusted from
20mV per division to 2V per division. Using a x10 probe will extend this range up to 20V per


For timebase settings of 0.2us/div and faster, the oscilloscope uses Extended Resolution
Sampling to acquire a high speed waveform with more resolution than the normal single-shot
sampling rate (50MS/s) will allow. This is achieved by taking repeated samples of a repetitive
waveform and interleaving the samples using proprietary hardware and software to
reconstruct the original waveform. With this technique, effective sampling rates of up to
5GS/s are possible with timing resolution of 200ps.

For a stable waveform display in ERS mode, a highly stable trigger is necessary, and the
waveform must itself be highly stable with minimum timing jitter or noise. If any of these
conditions are not met, the reconstructed ERS waveform will appear noisy. The waveform
average facility can be used to recover some information.

Note that an ERS acquisition of a low frequency signal will take a long time to construct,
because a large number of acquisitions are necessary before the resulting waveform can be

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 157

MIS3 DSO Timebase
The Timebase control sets the time per horizontal division which will be used during the
acquisition. A fast timebase allows information around the trigger point to be displayed in
detail, whereas a slow timebase allows a larger portion of the waveform to be displayed but in
less detail. Normally, a fast timebase is used to acquire high frequency signals since higher
sampling rates (more points) are required in order to reconstruct the waveform on the display.

The timebase control sets the time per division for both channels. The time base can be set
can be set between 5ns and 5 seconds per division.

The sampling rate for single shot acquisitions is 50MS/s, but for timebase settings of 0.2us/div
or faster ERS mode is selected to give better resolution for examining high speed signals.

Note that the timebase control also determines, indirectly, the sampling rate. The sampling
rate must be high enough to suit the waveform being acquired, otherwise Aliasing will occur.

MIS3 DSO Trigger

The Trigger function is used to control the acquisition to ensure that a stable display is
obtained showing the desired part of the waveform on the screen. This is achieved by
triggering on a particular voltage level of the trigger input signal, and using this point in time
as a reference to control the acquisition

Use the Trigger Source control to select the source of the trigger signal, and the Trigger Edge
to specify the active edge to trigger on. The trigger signal coupling can be adjusted with the
Trigger Coupling control. Finally, use the Trigger Level and Trigger Delay controls to
complete the trigger setup.

MIS3 DSO Trigger Coupling

The Trigger Coupling control is used to select one of four options to improve triggering on
noisy or composite waveforms, or on waveforms with large DC offsets. The four coupling
options are: -

The DC filter leaves the trigger signal unchanged and is the most commonly
used setting.
The AC filter is designed to remove the DC component of the trigger signal, for
example a waveform which has a DC offset such as ripple on a DC power
The Low Frequency Reject filter attenuates low frequency components (below
about 3.5kHz), including DC, from the trigger signal. For example, this could be
used to trigger on a high frequency signal which also contains mains (50/60Hz)
The High Frequency Reject filter attenuates high frequency components (above

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 158

about 3.5kHz) from the trigger signal. For example, this could be used to trigger
on mains (50/60Hz) ripple on a signal which also contains high frequency noise.

MIS3 DSO Trigger Delay

The Trigger Delay control sets the amount of pre-trigger data (i.e. data acquired before the
trigger) which is shown on the display. Setting the trigger delay to zero (extreme left) causes
data only after the trigger point being displayed (100% post-trigger data). Setting maximum
trigger delay (extreme right) results in data only before the trigger point to be displayed (100%
pre-trigger data). Setting the delay to an intermediate value results in a combination of both
depending on the trigger delay setting.

MIS3 DSO Trigger Edge

The Trigger Edge control allows the oscilloscope to trigger on either a rising (positive) or
falling (negative) edge. The actual position on the edge can be adjusted in combination with
the Trigger Level control. The Trigger Edge can be either of the following:

Triggers on a rising (positive) edge.

Triggers on a falling (negative) edge.

MIS3 DSO Trigger Level

The Trigger Level control sets the voltage level on the trigger waveform at which the trigger
occurs. The trigger will occur when the waveform makes a transition through this voltage
level in the direction set by the Trigger Edge control. The trigger level voltage is shown on the
display next to the trigger level control.

For DC trigger (DC, HF reject) and CH1/CH2 source trigger settings, a marker is shown on
the display to show the approximate position of the trigger on the waveform.

For AC trigger (AC, LF reject) or EXT source trigger settings, the marker is not displayed
because the waveform may have an unknown DC offset.

For the FG trigger source setting, the trigger level is internally fixed and cannot be adjusted.

MIS3 DSO Trigger Source

The Trigger Source is usually set to either CH1 or CH2. The External trigger is most often
used when you wish to use both channels of the oscilloscope to look at signals which are
intermittent or difficult to trigger on. For example, when looking at microprocessor data lines
which are not repetitive and difficult to observe, the system clock or read/write line could be
used as a trigger by connecting it to the EXT input. If you are using the function generator,
you can set the trigger source to FG to automatically trigger the DSO from the function
generator. Note that when using the FG trigger source the trigger level is fixed internally and
cannot be adjusted.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 159

MIS3 DSO Waveform Comparison
With this function a known good waveform can be stored and used as a reference. An
acquired waveform can then be compared with it and a pass/fail result, using adjustable
voltage and time tolerances, can be displayed. The following buttons are used to control the
comparison function: -

Click this button to store the waveform for the channel you want. The currently
displayed waveform will be saved in the internal memory, and an envelope will be
displayed on the display representing the saved waveform with the programmed

Click this button to adjust the comparison tolerances. You can then adjust the
voltage tolerance, time tolerance and the pass/fail percentage comparison
threshold. The envelope adjusts to show the effect of the changes to the

Click this button to clear the waveform and disable the comparison.

The percentage (measured in terms of the total length of the trace) of the
waveform which lies within the envelope is calculated and displayed. The result is
displayed in either red (fail) or green (pass) depending on the setting of the
pass/fail tolerance.

Pass/Fail: Adjust the scroll bar to set the comparison pass/fail percentage or
enter the desired value.
Voltage: Adjust the scroll bar to set the comparison mask voltage or enter
the desired value.
Time: Adjust the scroll bar to set the comparison mask time or enter the
desired value.
Store Mask: Save the generated comparison mask data.
Clear Mask: Clear the generated comparison mask data.

MIS3 Frequency Counter Event Counting

To count events, set the Mode selector to Event and connect the signal to be counted to
channel 1. The gate signal to time the count is connected to channel 2. The Range and
Display switches are disabled.

To start counting events, click the Start button. You can stop at any time by clicking Stop,
and the count can be cleared by clicking Zero.

In event mode, channel 1 of the frequency counter will count external events when the TTL
level external gate signal is in the active logic state. This active state is set by the Trigger On
and Edge selectors. The edge polarity can be set to Positive or Negative and can trigger on
a Pulse or logic Level.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 160

Channel 2 will display the total time, in seconds, during which the external gate signal is

The event count and time are displayed in both digital form and on the analogue bar graphs
below the digital readouts. The bar graph can also be used for Comparing Measurement
Results by setting target values with adjustable tolerances. Below the bar graph the
Measurement Statistics for the measurement are displayed, which give an indication of the
stability of the measurement.

Below are examples of the signals to further explain the operation of event mode: -

Trigger on Pulse, Positive Polarity

If Positive is selected in Pulse mode, channel 1 starts counting pulses when the external
gate signal goes to a high logic level. When the external gate signal eventually goes to a low
logic level, pulse counting is stopped. Even if the external gate signal goes to a high logic
level again, no more pulses will be counted.

Trigger on Pulse, Negative Polarity

If Negative is selected in Pulse mode, channel 1 starts counting pulses when the external
gate signal goes to a low logic level. When the external gate signal eventually goes to a high
logic level, pulse counting is stopped. Even if the external gate signal goes to a low logic
level again, no more pulses will be counted.

Trigger on Level, Positive Polarity

If Positive is selected in Level mode, channel 1 counts pulses when the external gate signal
is at a high logic level. When the external gate signal goes to a low logic level, pulse counting
is stopped. If the external gate signal goes to a high logic level again, pulses will continue to
be counted.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 161

Trigger on Level, Negative Polarity
If Negative is selected in Level mode, channel 1 counts pulses when the external gate signal
is at a low logic level. When the external gate signal goes to a high logic level, pulse counting
is stopped. If the external gate signal goes to a low logic level again, pulses will continue to
be counted.

MIS3 Frequency Counter Frequency Measurement

To measure frequency, set the Mode selector to Frequency and connect the input signal to
either channel 1 or channel 2 as required. Select a suitable range with the Range switch.

Channel 1 is a 50 ohm input impedance high frequency channel optimised for frequencies
between 1MHz and 150MHz. Channel 2 is a 1M ohm input impedance channel which allows
frequencies from 2Hz to 100MHz to be measured.

The result can be displayed either as a Frequency, Period or RPM using the Display switch.
The measurement is displayed in both digital form and on the analogue bar graph below the
digital readout. The bar graph can also be used for Comparing Measurement Results by
setting target values with adjustable tolerances.

Below the bar graph the Measurement Statistics for the measurement are displayed, which
give an indication of the stability of the measurement.

MIS3 Measurement Statistics

The statistics information provides information regarding stability, drift and trends for the
digital multimeter or frequency counter measurement values. The following functions are

The highest value measured since the statistics were cleared

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 162
The average value measured for the number of samples taken since the
statistics were cleared
The lowest value measured since the statistics were cleared
The number of measurements taken since the statistics were cleared

Clicking this button will reset the statistics. They will also be reset automatically
when changing measurement mode.

If an invalid value is measured (e.g. voltage above 400V, resistance above 20M or frequency
out of range), the statistics will suspend updating and will resume once a valid measurement
is obtained.

MIS3 Digital Multimeter Connectors

These 4mm shrouded connectors accept shrouded test leads.

Channel 1: = Yellow, impedance = 10M ohm, max input voltage = ±400V

Channel 2: = Blue, impedance = 10M ohm, max input voltage = ±400V
AMPS: = Red, max input current = ±2A
COM: = Black

MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Connectors

The DSO has 2 input channels and an external trigger, all with standard BNC connectors.

MIS3 Frequency Counter Connectors

There are 2 channels for measuring frequency and both have standard BNC connectors.

Channel 1: impedance = 50 ohm, max input voltage = 5V peak to peak

Channel 2: impedance = 1M ohm, max input = 200V peak to peak

MIS3 Function Generator Connector

This is a standard BNC connector which outputs waveforms of varying frequency, amplitude
and shape.

DC Offset: -7.5V to +7.5V

Amplitude: 0V to 5V
Frequency: 0.1Hz to 10MHz

MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs Connector

This connector contains:

4 Analogue input/output channels: (pins 1 to 4)

4 Digital input/output channels: (pins 5 to 8)
Auxiliary PSU +5V 0.5A output: (pins 15 to 16)
Auxiliary PSU +9V 0.1A ouput: (pins 17 to 18)
Auxiliary PSU -9V 0.1A output: (pins 13 to 14)

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 163

Digital ground: (pin 10)
Analogue ground: (pins 11 to 12, and pins 19 to 20)

MIS4 Front Panel

This is the MIS4 (Multiple Instrument Station) front panel:

All of the connectors on the front panel are industry standard connectors and accommodate
standard probes and test cables.

The MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator

The MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator is a 2 Channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator
(AWG) Instrument. Each independent channel produces DC, sine, square, triangle, ramp+
and ramp- standard waveforms between 0.5Hz to 25MHz via a 50 Ohm output impedance
BNC connector on the MIS4 Front Panel. The amplitude, DC offset and duty cycle can all be
adjusted. Each cannel also features an independent arbitrary waveform generator with a
sample rate of 2 kS/s to 200 MS/s (continuously variable clock) at 4,096 samples/channel (14
bit resolution). Waveform trigger sources include DSO Channels 1 to 3, AWG Channel 1 to 2
and FC Channel 1.

To open this instrument, click on the Arbitrary Waveform Generator icon, or

select Instruments > Arbitrary Waveform Generator from the menu.

Arbitrary Waveform Generator Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 164

A preview display for each channel gives a general impression of the selected waveform, and
shows a summary of the waveform shape, frequency, duty cycle, amplitude and offset.

This menu offers two options per channel:

ON: Turn on the selected channel.
OFF: Turn off the selected channel.

Channel Setup
Adjust the waveform shape, frequency, duty cycle, amplitude and offset for each channel.

This menu offers eight options per channel:

Shape: Select the desired waveform shape from the drop down list (DC, Sine,
Square, Triangle, Ramp+, Ramp- and Arbitrary).
Load: Load the desired waveform shape from a CSV file.
Frequency: Adjust the scroll bar to set the output frequency or enter the desired value
(0.5Hz to 25MHz).
Duty Cycle: Adjust the scroll bar to set the duty cycle, or enter the desired value.
50%: Set the duty cycle to 50%.
Amplitude: Adjust the scroll bar to set the output amplitude, or enter the desired
value (±10V).
Offset: Adjust the scroll bar to set the output DC offset, or enter the desired
value (±10V).
Off Voltage: Adjust the scroll bar to set the output DC off voltage, or enter the desired
value (±10V).

Display Grid Properties

To modify display grid properties, right click and select FG Channel 1 or FG Channel 2 and
then Visible, to show or hide channel traces. The channel Trace Colour can be set from

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 165

Trigger Setup
Adjust the waveform trigger mode, source, edge and level for each channel.

This menu offers five options per channel:

NORMAL: Select NORMAL trigger mode.
SINGLE: Select SINGLE trigger mode.
Source: Select the desired trigger source from the drop down list (DSO1, DSO2,
DSO3, FC, FG1 and FG2).
Edge: Select the desired trigger edge from the drop down list (POS and NEG).
Level: Adjust the scroll bar to set the trigger level, or enter the desired value

The MIS4 Digital Ammeter

The MIS4 Digital Ammeter is a 1 Channel Digital Ammeter (DAM) instrument. The Ammeter
measures AC, DC and AC+DC current on ±100 mA, ±1 A and ±10 A ranges with 4½ Digits
(20,000 count) resolution. Alternating current @ 50-60Hz (True RMS, AC or AC+DC). The
DAM is isolated (500V MAX) from all other instruments. The inputs use shrouded connectors
on the MIS4 Front Panel for operator safety.

To open this instrument, click on the Digital Ammeter icon, or select

Instruments > Digital Ammeter from the menu.

Digital Ammeter Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu. Digital Ammeter Channel 1 input provides AC, DC and AC+DC
Current Measurements of up to ±10 A. The digital readout shows the current measured.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 166

Measurement Mode
Start the measurement in run, single or hold mode for each channel.

This menu offers three options per channel:

RUN: Take continuous measurements and display the value.

SINGLE: Take one measurement and display the value.
HOLD: Take continuous measurements and display the value (only if the value
meets the HOLD COUNT and TOLERANCE requirements).

Measurement Type
Adjust the measurement type AC, AC+DC or DC current measurement for each channel.

This menu offers three options per channel:

AC: Select an alternating current (AC) measurement.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 167
AC+DC: Select an alternating current with a direct current offset (AC+DC)
DC: Select a direct current (DC) measurement.

Adjust the measurement range auto, 100mA, 1A and 10A for each channel.

This menu offers four options per channel:

AUTO: Automatically select the most appropriate range for the current
100mA: Select 100mA to measure current in the range of ±100 mA.
1A: Select 1A to measure current in the range of ±1 A.
10A: Select 10A to measure current in the range of ±10 A.

The value of a measurement can be compared with a target for pass/fail testing. The
comparison results are displayed as a green (Pass), red (Fail) or grey (N/A) determined by
the programmed comparison mode, target and upper and lower tolerance. The comparison
parameters are used for Comparing Measurement Results.

This menu offers six options per channel:

INSIDE: Select inside comparison mode. The comparison result will be
Pass for measurements inside the target tolerance window and
Fail for those outside.
OFF: Turn off the comparison mode. The comparison result will be N/A.
OUTSIDE: Select outside comparison mode. The comparison result will
display Pass for measurements outside the target tolerance
window and Fail for those inside.
TARGET: Enter the desired comparison target value.
TOLERANCE+: Enter the desired comparison window upper tolerance value.
TOLERANCE-: Enter the desired comparison window lower tolerance value.

The value of a measurement are presented in a format based upon the chosen display
parameters; number of digits, SI prefix, hold count and tolerance.

This menu offers four options per channel:

DIGITS: Adjust the scroll bar to set the number of measurement display
digits (3, 4, 5 and 6).
SI PREFIX: Select the desired SI prefix from the drop down list (kilo (k), unity
(), milli (m)).
HOLD COUNT: Adjust the scroll bar to set the measurement hold count (1 to 10).
TOLERANCE±: Adjust the scroll bar to set the tolerance (0.1m% to 100%).

Automatic Measurement Statistics

The values of a measurement are presented in statistical form. An automatic measurement
counter is incremented after each measurement is taken and the maximum, minimum and
average values are calculated and the Automatic Measurement Statistics are displayed.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 168

This menu offers one option per channel:
RESET: Reset the automatic measurement counter, maximum, average and
minimum measurement statistics.

The MIS4 Digital Voltmeter

The MIS4 Digital Voltmeter is a 2 Channel Digital Voltmeter (DVM) instrument. Each
independent Voltmeter channel measures AC, DC and AC+DC voltage on ±1 V, ±10 V, ±100
V and ±500 V ranges with 4½ Digits (20,000 count) resolution. Alternating voltage @ 50-
60Hz (True RMS, AC or AC+DC). The DVM shares its common terminal with the DOM but is
isolated (500V MAX) from all other instruments. The inputs use shrouded connectors on the
MIS4 Front Panel for operator safety.

To open this instrument, click on the Digital Voltmeter icon, or select

Instruments > Digital Voltmeter from the menu.

Digital Voltmeter Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu. Digital Voltmeter Channel 1 and Channel 2 are 10M Ohm inputs
providing AC, DC and AC+DC Voltage Measurements of up to ±500 V. The digital readout
shows the voltage measured.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 169

Measurement Mode
Start the measurement in run, single or hold mode for each channel.

This menu offers three options per channel:

RUN: Take continuous measurements and display the value.
SINGLE: Take one measurement and display the value.
HOLD: Take continuous measurements and display the value (only if the value
meets the HOLD COUNT and TOLERANCE requirements).

Measurement Type
Adjust the measurement type AC, AC+DC or DC current measurement for each channel.

This menu offers three options per channel:

AC: Select an alternating current (AC) measurement.
AC+DC: Select an alternating current with a direct current offset (AC+DC)
DC: Select a direct current (DC) measurement.

Adjust the measurement range auto, 1V, 10V, 100V and 500V for each channel.

This menu offers five options per channel:

AUTO: Automatically select the most appropriate range for the voltage
1V: Select 1V to measure voltage in the range of ±1 V.
10V: Select 10V to measure voltage in the range of ±10 V.
100V: Select 100V to measure voltage in the range of ±100 V.
500V: Select 500V to measure voltage in the range of ±500 V.

The value of a measurement can be compared with a target for pass/fail testing. The
comparison results are displayed as a green (Pass), red (Fail) or grey (N/A) determined by
the programmed comparison mode, target and upper and lower tolerance. The comparison
parameters are used for Comparing Measurement Results.

This menu offers six options per channel:

INSIDE: Select inside comparison mode. The comparison result will be
Pass for measurements inside the target tolerance window and
Fail for those outside.
OFF: Turn off the comparison mode. The comparison result will be N/A.
OUTSIDE: Select outside comparison mode. The comparison result will
display Pass for measurements outside the target tolerance
window and Fail for those inside.
TARGET: Enter the desired comparison target value.
TOLERANCE+: Enter the desired comparison window upper tolerance value.
TOLERANCE-: Enter the desired comparison window lower tolerance value.

The value of a measurement are presented in a format based upon the chosen display
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 170
parameters; number of digits, SI prefix, hold count and tolerance.

This menu offers four options per channel:

DIGITS: Adjust the scroll bar to set the number of measurement display
digits (3, 4, 5 and 6).
SI PREFIX: Select the desired SI prefix from the drop down list (mega (M), kilo
(k), unity (), milli (m)).
HOLD COUNT: Adjust the scroll bar to set the measurement hold count (1 to 6).
TOLERANCE±: Adjust the scroll bar to set the tolerance (0.1m% to 100%).

Automatic Measurement Statistics

The values of a measurement are presented in statistical form. An automatic measurement
counter is incremented after each measurement is taken and the maximum, minimum and
average values are calculated and the Automatic Measurement Statistics are displayed.

This menu offers one option per channel:

RESET: Reset the automatic measurement counter, maximum, average and
minimum measurement statistics.

The MIS4 Digital Ohmmeter

The MIS4 Digital Ohmmeter is a 1 Channel Digital Ohmmeter (DOM) instrument. The
Ohmmeter measures resistance on 10 R, 100 R, 1 k0, 10 k0, 100 k0, 1 M0 and 10 M0
ranges, continuity on 0 R to 1k0 ranges and diode on 0 V to 2 V with 4½ Digits (20,000 count)
resolution. The DOM shares its common terminal with the DVM but is isolated (500V MAX)
from all other instruments. The inputs use shrouded connectors on the MIS4 Front Panel for
operator safety.

To open this instrument, click on the Digital Ohmmeter icon, or select

Instruments > Digital Ohmmeter from the menu.

Digital Ohmmeter Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu. Digital Ohmmeter Channel 1 input provides Resistance
Measurements of up to 10M Ohm. The digital readout shows the resistance measured.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 171

Measurement Mode
Start the measurement in run, single or hold mode for each channel.

This menu offers three options per channel:

RUN: Take continuous measurements and display the value.
SINGLE: Take one measurement and display the value.
HOLD: Take continuous measurements and display the value (only if the value
meets the HOLD COUNT and TOLERANCE requirements).

Measurement Type
Adjust the measurement type RES, CONT or DIODE measurement for each channel.

This menu offers three options per channel:

RES: Select a resistance (Ohms) measurement.
CONT: Select a continuity (Ohms) measurement.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 172
DIODE: Select a diode voltage (DC) measurement.

Adjust the resistance measurement range auto, 10R, 100R, 1k0, 10k0, 100k0, 1M0 and 10M0
for each channel.

This menu offers eight options per channel:

AUTO: Automatically select the most appropriate range for the resistance
10R: Select 10R to measure resistance in the range of 10 R.
100R: Select 100R to measure resistance in the range of 100 R.
1k0: Select 1k0 to measure resistance in the range of 1 k0.
10k0: Select 10k0 to measure resistance in the range of 10 k0.
100k0: Select 100k0 to measure resistance in the range of 100 k0.
1M0: Select 1M0 to measure resistance in the range of 1 M0.
10M0: Select 10M0 to measure resistance in the range of 10 M0.

The continuity and diode ranges are fixed.

The value of a measurement can be compared with a target for pass/fail testing. The
comparison results are displayed as a green (Pass), red (Fail) or grey (N/A) determined by
the programmed comparison mode, target and upper and lower tolerance. The comparison
parameters are used for Comparing Measurement Results.

This menu offers six options per channel:

INSIDE: Select inside comparison mode. The comparison result will be
Pass for measurements inside the target tolerance window and
Fail for those outside.
OFF: Turn off the comparison mode. The comparison result will be N/A.
OUTSIDE: Select outside comparison mode. The comparison result will
display Pass for measurements outside the target tolerance
window and Fail for those inside.
TARGET: Enter the desired comparison target value.
TOLERANCE+: Enter the desired comparison window upper tolerance value.
TOLERANCE-: Enter the desired comparison window lower tolerance value.

The value of a measurement are presented in a format based upon the chosen display
parameters; number of digits, SI prefix, hold count and tolerance.

This menu offers four options per channel:

DIGITS: Adjust the scroll bar to set the number of measurement display
digits (3, 4, 5 and 6).
SI PREFIX: Select the desired SI prefix from the drop down list (mega (M), kilo
(k), unity ()).
HOLD COUNT: Adjust the scroll bar to set the measurement hold count (1 to 6).
TOLERANCE±: Adjust the scroll bar to set the tolerance (0.1m% to 100%).

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 173

Automatic Measurement Statistics
The values of a measurement are presented in statistical form. An automatic measurement
counter is incremented after each measurement is taken and the maximum, minimum and
average values are calculated and the Automatic Measurement Statistics are displayed.

This menu offers one option per channel:

RESET: Reset the automatic measurement counter, maximum, average and
minimum measurement statistics.

The MIS4 Universal Frequency Counter

The MIS4 Universal Frequency Counter is a 4 Channel Frequency Counter (FC and DSOFC)
instrument. The Frequency Counter measures frequency on 10 Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz,
100kHz, 1MHz, 10MHz, 100MHz and 1GHz ranges. The dedicated channel measures
frequency from DC to 1.1GHz (50 Ohm impedance) and the DSO channels measure
frequency from DC to 350MHz (1M Ohm impedance). Gate trigger sources include DSO
Channels 1 to 3, AWG Channel 1 to 2 and FC Channel 1.

To open this instrument, click on the Universal Frequency Counter icon, or

select Instruments > Universal Frequency Counter from the menu.

Universal Frequency Counter Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu. The digital readout shows the frequency measured.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 174

Measurement Mode
Start the measurement in run, single or hold mode for each channel.

This menu offers three options per channel:

RUN: Take continuous measurements and display the value.
SINGLE: Take one measurement and display the value.
HOLD: Take continuous measurements and display the value (only if the value
meets the HOLD COUNT and TOLERANCE requirements).

Trigger Level
Adjust the trigger level for each channel.

This menu offers one option per channel:

TRIGGER LEVEL: Adjust the scroll bar to set the trigger voltage level (± 2V).

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 175

Adjust the resistance measurement range auto, 10 Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz, 1MHz,
10MHz, 100MHz and 1GHz for each channel.

This menu offers ten options per channel:

AUTO: Automatically select the most appropriate range for the frequency
10Hz: Select 10Hz to measure frequency in the range of 10 Hz.
100Hz: Select 100Hz to measure frequency in the range of 100 Hz.
1kHz: Select 1kHz to measure frequency in the range of 1 kHz.
10kHz: Select 10kHz to measure frequency in the range of 10 kHz.
100kHz: Select 100kHz to measure frequency in the range of 100 kHz.
1MHz: Select 1MHz to measure frequency in the range of 1 MHz.
10MHz: Select 10MHz to measure frequency in the range of 10 MHz.
100MHz: Select 100MHz to measure frequency in the range of 100 MHz.
1GHz: Select 1GHz to measure frequency in the range of 1 GHz.

The value of a measurement can be compared with a target for pass/fail testing. The
comparison results are displayed as a green (Pass), red (Fail) or grey (N/A) determined by
the programmed comparison mode, target and upper and lower tolerance. The comparison
parameters are used for Comparing Measurement Results.

This menu offers six options per channel:

INSIDE: Select inside comparison mode. The comparison result will be
Pass for measurements inside the target tolerance window and
Fail for those outside.
OFF: Turn off the comparison mode. The comparison result will be N/A.
OUTSIDE: Select outside comparison mode. The comparison result will
display Pass for measurements outside the target tolerance
window and Fail for those inside.
TARGET: Enter the desired comparison target value.
TOLERANCE+: Enter the desired comparison window upper tolerance value.
TOLERANCE-: Enter the desired comparison window lower tolerance value.

The value of a measurement are presented in a format based upon the chosen display
parameters; number of digits, SI prefix, hold count and tolerance.

This menu offers four options per channel:

DIGITS: Adjust the scroll bar to set the number of measurement display
digits (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12).
SI PREFIX: Select the desired SI prefix from the drop down list (giga (G),
mega (M), kilo (k), unity ()).
HOLD COUNT: Adjust the scroll bar to set the measurement hold count (1 to 6).
TOLERANCE±: Adjust the scroll bar to set the tolerance (0.1m% to 100%).

Automatic Measurement Statistics

The values of a measurement are presented in statistical form. An automatic measurement
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 176
counter is incremented after each measurement is taken and the maximum, minimum and
average values are calculated and the Automatic Measurement Statistics are displayed.

This menu offers one option per channel:

RESET: Reset the automatic measurement counter, maximum, average and
minimum measurement statistics.

The MIS4 Universal IO

The MIS4 Universal IO is an 8 Channel Universal Input Output (UIO) Instrument. Each
independent channel can be configured as an output or input. The output voltage range of
±10V can be adjusted with 10mV resolution and has a current limit of ±20 mA. The input
voltage range of ±12V has a measurement resolution of 1mV. Outputs are non-isolated,
constant voltage and can be accessed via the multiway connector on the MIS4 Front Panel.

To open this instrument, click on the Universal IO icon, or select Instruments

> Universal IO from the menu.

Universal IO Instrument
The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

Channel Setup
Each Universal IO Channel can be programmed to be either an input or output. In output
mode, the digital readout shows the voltage output to the external pin and the current
measured. In input mode, the digital readout shows the voltage measured at the external pin.
The output high and low voltage levels can be adjusted for each channel (±10V). Each
Universal IO Channel probe is colour coded to match the instrument display.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 177

Digital Presets
Select standard logic output presets for each channel.

This menu offers five HIGH and two LOW options per channel:
HIGH: Select the desired standard logic high level (CMOS, LVCMOS, TTL, LVTTL,
LOW: Select the desired standard logic low level (CMOS/LVCMOS/TTL/LVTTL, ECL).

Analogue Presets
Select analogue output presets for each channel.

This menu offers five HIGH and five LOW options per channel:
HIGH: Select the desired analogue high level (0V, +2.5V, +5.0V, +7.5V, +10.0V).
LOW: Select the desired analogue low level (-10.0V, -7.5V, -5.0V, - 2.5V, 0V).

Select custom output levels for each channel.

This menu offers two options per channel:

HIGH: Adjust the scroll bar to set the custom high level or enter the desired value
LOW: Adjust the scroll bar to set the custom low level or enter the desired value

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 178

IO Direction
Select the input output direction for each channel.

This menu offers two options per channel:

INPUT: Select input direction.
OUTPUT: Select output direction.

IO State
Select the output voltage level for each channel.

This menu offers two options per channel:

HIGH: Select the programmed output high voltage level.
LOW: Select the programmed output low voltage level.

The MIS4 Auxiliary Power Supply

The MIS4 Auxiliary Power Supply is a 4 Channel Auxiliary Power Supply (APS) Instrument.
The power supply produces +5V (±2% @ +1A), +3.3V (±2% @ +1A), +12V (±2% @ +100mA)
and -12V (±2% @ -100mA). Each independent output has an On/Off control. The voltage
resolution is 10mV and the current resolution is 1mA per channel. Outputs are fixed, non-
isolated, constant voltage and can be accessed via the multiway connector on the MIS4 Front

To open this instrument, click on the Auxiliary Power Supply icon, or select
Instruments > Auxiliary Power Supply from the menu.

Auxiliary Power Supply Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu. The digital readout shows the voltage and current measured.
Each Auxiliary Power Supply Channel probe is colour coded to match the instrument display.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 179

AUX PSU +12V Supply
Control the +12V power supply channel output.

This menu offers two options:

ON: Turn on the +12V channel.
OFF: Turn off the +12V channel.

AUX PSU -12V Supply

Control the -12V power supply channel output.

This menu offers two options:

ON: Turn on the -12V channel.
OFF: Turn off the -12V channel.

AUX PSU +5V Supply

Control the +5V power supply channel output.

This menu offers two options:

ON: Turn on the +5V channel.
OFF: Turn off the +5V channel.

AUX PSU +3.3V Supply

Control the +3.3V power supply channel output.

This menu offers two options:

ON: Turn on the +3.3V channel.
OFF: Turn off the +3.3V channel.

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The MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
The MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope is a 3 Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)
Instrument. Each independent channel has a bandwidth of 350MHz via a 1M Ohm output
impedance BNC connector on the MIS4 Front Panel. The sampling rate is 500 MS/s per
channel for single-shot signals, and an Extended Resolution Sampling mode (ERS mode)
extends the sampling rate to 25 GS/s per channel for repetitive signals. Trigger sources
include DSO Channels 1 to 3, AWG Channel 1 to 2 and FC Channel 1.

To open this instrument, click on the Oscilloscope icon, or select

Instruments > Oscilloscope from the menu.

Digital Storage Oscilloscope Supply Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

Acquisition Mode
The Acquisition mode determines the way in which the input signal is acquired when a Trigger
occurs. Start the acquisition in auto, normal or single mode for each channel.

This menu offers four options per channel:

SINGLE: Acquire data until a trigger occurs. After a trigger, acquisition continues

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for a time set by the Trigger Delay. The acquisition stops and the data is
NORMAL: Data is acquired as per SINGLE mode. After the data is displayed,
acquisition continues while ever a valid trigger occurs.
AUTO: Data is acquired as per NORMAL mode, but if no trigger occurs within a
preset time a trigger is generated internally.
STOP: Stop acquisition. An acquisition in progress will be abandoned.

Channel Setup
Adjust the Voltage Range, attenuation, Trigger Level, Offset, Coupling and bandwidth for
each channel.

This menu offers six options per channel:

Voltage Range: Select the desired Voltage Range from the drop down list (10mV,
20mV, 50mV, 100mV, 200mV, 500mV, 1V and 2V).
Attenuation: Select the desired attenuation from the drop down list (1:1, 10:1,
100:1, 1000:1, 2:1, 20:1, 200:1, 2000:1, 5:1. 50:1, 500:1 and
Trig Level: Adjust the Trigger Level or enter the desired value.
Offset: Adjust the Offset or enter the desired value.
Coupling: Select the desired input Coupling (AC, DC and GND).
Bandwidth: Select the desired input bandwidth (FULL, 200MHz, 100MHz and

Display Grid Properties

To modify display grid properties, right click and select DSO Channel 1, DSO Channel 2 or
DSO Channel 3 and then Visible, to show or hide channel traces. The channel Trace
Colour and waveform comparison Mask Colour can be set from here.

Select Show Navigation to show or hide the waveform zoom display. Drag the edges of the
highlighted zoom window to adjust the section of waveform desired. Select Show Ranges to
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 182
show or hide the vertical voltage (y-axis) and Show Timebase to show or hide the horizontal
time (x-axis).

Trigger Setup
The Trigger signal is used to produce a stable waveform on the display. Adjust the Trigger
Source, Trigger Edge, Trigger Level, Trigger Coupling and Trigger Delay for each channel to
configure the trigger.

This menu offers six options per channel:

Trigger Source: Select the desired Trigger Source from the drop down list (DSO1,
DSO2, DSO3, FC, FG1 and FG2).
Trigger Coupling: Select the desired Trigger Coupling from the drop down list (DC,
Trigger Edge: Select the desired Trigger Edge ( / and \ ).
Trigger Level: Adjust the Trigger Level or enter the desired value.
Trigger Delay: Adjust the Trigger Delay (Drag the horizontal slider).

Timebase Setup
The Timebase sets the time per horizontal (x-axis) division used during an acquisition.

This menu offers two options per channel:

Timebase: Select the desired Timebase from the drop down list (50 ns/div to
1000 s/div (real-time sampling) and 1 ns/div to 20 ns/div (ERS)).
Sample Rate: Select the desired sample rate from the drop down list (REAL
TIME and ERS).

Automatic Measurements Setup

The Automatic Measurements for each channel can be configured.

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Measure: Open the Automatic Measurements window and select the desired
measurement type from the popup menu (Voltage, Time and Other).

Waveform Comparison
A known good waveform can be stored and used as a reference. An acquired waveform can
then be compared with it for pass/fail testing. The waveform comparison results are
displayed as a green (Pass), red (Fail) or grey (N/A) determined by the programmed
comparison mode, voltage, time and Pass/Fail tolerances. The comparison parameters are
used for Comparing Waveform Measurement Results.

This menu offers eight options per channel:

INSIDE: Select inside comparison mode. The comparison result will be Pass for
measurements inside the mask tolerance window and Fail for those
OFF: Turn off the comparison mode. The comparison result will be N/A.
OUTSIDE: Select outside comparison mode. The comparison result will display
Pass for measurements outside the mask tolerance window and Fail for
those inside.
Pass/Fail: Adjust the scroll bar to set the comparison pass/fail percentage or enter
the desired value.
Voltage: Adjust the scroll bar to set the comparison mask voltage or enter the
desired value.
Time: Adjust the scroll bar to set the comparison mask time or enter the desired
Store Mask: Save the generated comparison mask data.
Clear Mask: Clear the generated comparison mask data.

MIS4 Comparing Measurement Results

The results of a measurement can be compared with a target value for pass/fail testing using
the Digital Ammeter, Digital Voltmeter, Digital Ohmmeter and Universal Frequency Counter
instruments. The comparison results are displayed as a green (Pass), red (Fail) or grey (N/A)
determined by the programmed comparison mode, target and upper and lower tolerance. A
typical example of a comparison setup is shown below for the Digital Ohmmeter:-

To turn on comparing measurement results, select INSIDE or OUTSIDE comparison mode.

To turn off comparing measurement results, select OFF mode.

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Enter the target value of the measurement in the TARGET edit box, and the lower and upper
tolerances in the Tolerance- and Tolerance+ edit boxes.

When a comparison is made using INSIDE mode, a measured value will be indicated as a
(Pass) if the value is greater than or equal to the "target - lower tolerance", or less than or
equal to the "target + upper tolerance". Otherwise the measured value with be indicated as a

When a comparison is made using OUTSIDE mode, a measured value will be indicated as a
(Pass) if the value is less than or equal to the "target - lower tolerance", or greater than or
equal to the "target + upper tolerance". Otherwise the measured value with be indicated as a

When comparison mode is OFF, the measured value will be indicated as (N/A).

MIS4 Current Measurement

To measure current, select either AC, AC+DC or DC as required and attach your probes in
series with the current to be measured to the Ammeter HI and LO sockets. The ammeter
allows currents up to 10A to be measured. The system is protected by a fuse accessible from
the inside the MIS4 Front Panel. The digital ammeter has three ranges as follows. In AUTO
mode the most appropriate range is selected automatically: -

Range Maximum Resolution

1 100mA 10uA
2 1A 100uA
3 10A 1mA

The current is displayed on the digital readout in 4½ Digits (20,000 count) resolution.

AC measurements are true RMS but the maximum accuracy is obtained with sine waveforms.
True RMS converters have a slow discharge characteristic which can cause errors when
measuring a small AC voltage immediately after measuring a large one. Ensure that you
allow enough time, in these circumstances, for the reading to stabilise.

Warning: Do not leave your probes connected to the Ammeter HI and LO sockets after
making a measurement. You may inadvertently cause damage if you later try to measure
voltage with the probe.

MIS4 Resistance Measurement

To measure resistance attach your probes to Ohmmeter and common. The digital ohmmeter
has seven ranges as follows. In AUTO mode the most appropriate range is selected
automatically: -

Range Maximum Resolution

1 10R 1mR
2 100R 10mR
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 185
3 1k 100mR
4 10k 1R
5 100k 10R
6 1M 100R
7 10M 1k

The resistance is displayed on the digital readout in 4½ Digits (20,000 count) resolution.

MIS4 Voltage Measurement

To measure voltage, select either AC, AC+DC or DC as required and attach your probes to
the desired channel and common. The digital voltmeter has four ranges as follows. In AUTO
mode the most appropriate range is selected automatically: -

Range Maximum Resolution

1 1V 10uV
2 10V 1mV
3 100V 10mV
4 500V 10mV

The voltage is displayed on the digital readout in 4½ Digits (20,000 count) resolution.

AC measurements are true RMS but the maximum accuracy is obtained with sine waveforms.
True RMS converters have a slow discharge characteristic which can cause errors when
measuring a small AC voltage immediately after measuring a large one. Ensure that you
allow enough time, in these circumstances, for the reading to stabilise.

MIS4 DSO Acquisition Mode

In Single mode, data acquisition continues indefinitely until a valid trigger condition occurs (as
determined by the Trigger settings and trigger signal). When a valid trigger condition occurs,
data acquisition continues until a time set by the Trigger Delay control has elapsed. The
resultant data is plotted on the display for examination. The acquired data may be either
100% pre-trigger data, 100% post trigger data, or combination of both depending on the
trigger delay setting. Further acquisitions only take place if the Single button is pressed

In Normal mode, the acquisition sequence is identical to that of single mode described
above, except that a further acquisition is started after the data is displayed. After each
normal acquisition, the display is updated with the latest data.

In Auto mode, the acquisition sequence is identical to that of normal mode described above,
except that if a valid trigger does not occur within a preset time a trigger will be automatically
generated internally to ensure that a display is possible. Note that in ERS mode auto
acquisition is disabled, because a trigger is required from the signal to build the acquisition.

Finally, the Stop button stops all acquisitions which are in progress.

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MIS4 DSO Aliasing
Aliasing is a term used to describe a sampling phenomenon which can occur with Digital
Storage Oscilloscopes. Nyquist sampling theory suggests that the sampling rate must be at
least twice the frequency of the highest frequency in the input signal in order for it to be
reproduced in sampled form with the correct frequency. A high frequency signal which
violates this sampling criterion (under sampled) can result in a lower frequency signal being
displayed (see diagram below). This can fool even the most experienced user. Note that as
the sweep speed (timebase) is reduced the sampling rate starts to reduce, which means that
even low frequency signals can cause aliasing if the timebase setting is set too low.

It is important that the user has some idea about what the signal being displayed is, and what
frequency content to expect. Setting the timebase appropriate to the expected waveform will
help eliminate problems with aliasing. Try turning the timebase to a faster setting (increasing
the sampling rate) to check if a higher frequency signal is present. Often, aliased waveforms
appear to drift across the screen as if they are not triggered properly, and this is another way
of assessing if a waveform is aliased. Finally, measuring the frequency of the input waveform
(if repetitive) using the frequency counter will enable the user to determine if the Nyquist
criteria is being violated, resulting in aliasing.

MIS4 DSO Automatic Measurements

To add an automatic measurement, right click and select Add Measurement from the popup
menu, choose Channel 1, Channel 2 or Channel 3 and then the type of measurement you
require from Voltage, Time or Other.

To remove a measurement which you no longer require, right click on the measurement and
select Delete Measurement.

To reset an individual measurement statistics, right click on the measurement and select
Reset Measurement.
To reset all measurement statistics, right click and select Reset Measurements.

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The following is a list of the available automatic measurements together with a brief
description and formula showing how they are calculated. Note that some measurements are
directly measured from the waveform (e.g. Base, RMS), while others (e.g. Amplitude, Peak to
Peak) are calculated from other measurements: -

Voltage Measurements

Amplitude: Top - Base.

Peak-Peak: Top Peak - Base Peak.
Top: The dominant high voltage of a pulse or square waveform,
ignoring overshoot. For waveforms with no dominant level
(e.g. sine or triangle waveforms) this is the same as the Top
Top Peak: The highest voltage of the waveform, regardless of its
Base: The dominant low voltage of a pulse or square waveform,
ignoring undershoot. For waveforms with no dominant level
(e.g. sine or triangle waveforms) this is the same as the
Base Peak.
Base Peak: The lowest voltage of the waveform, regardless of its
Mean: Sum of all voltages / 250 (There are 250 points per
RMS: Square root of the sum of the squares of all voltages / 250
(There are 250 points per acquisition).
Overshoot: 100 % * (Top Peak - Top) / Amplitude.
Undershoot: 100 % * (Base - Base Peak) / Amplitude.

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Cyclic Mean: Sum of all voltages within an integral number of cycles /
Total number of points within this number of cycles
(provided that a periodic waveform is detected).
Cyclic RMS: Square root of the sum of the squares of all voltages within
an integral number of cycles / Total number of points within
this number of cycles (provided that a periodic waveform is

Time Measurements

Period: Total time between 50% amplitude points on successive

rising or falling edges of a cyclic waveform / Cycle Count
(provided that a periodic waveform is detected).
Frequency: 1/ Period.
Rise Time: Total time between 10% and 90% amplitude points on
rising edges / Number of rising edges.
Fall Time: Total time between 10% and 90% amplitude points on
falling edges / Number of falling edges.
Positive Width: Total time between 50% amplitude points on positive pulses
(rising then falling edge) / Number of positive pulses.
Negative Width: Total time between 50% amplitude points on negative
pulses (falling then rising edge) / Number of negative
Positive Skew: Voltage difference between 10% and 90% amplitude points
on rising edge / Time difference between these points.
Negative Skew: Voltage difference between 10% and 90% amplitude points
on rising edge / Time difference between these points.
Bandwidth: 0.35 / Rise Time. This formula is valid only for a first order
system (i.e. with no overshoot on a rising edge) and can be
used to give a VERY approximate estimate of the system
Duty Cycle: 100% * High Pulse Width / Period.

Other Measurements

Cycle Count: Number of complete cycles detected in the acquisition.

Crest Factor: Peak to Peak / 2 * Cyclic RMS (provided that a periodic
waveform is detected).
Pos Time Constant: Rising time constant (time from the base to 63% of the
amplitude) of an exponential rising edge.
Neg Time Constant: Falling time constant (time from the top to 37% of the
amplitude) of an exponential falling edge.
V Resolution: Resolution of voltage measurements on this V/div range.
T Resolution: Resolution of time measurements on this time/div range.

Note that for some measurements a certain type of waveform is required. For example, to
measure the period requires a waveform with at least one full cycle, and to measure rise time
requires a waveform above a certain minimum amplitude. If, for some reason, a particular

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 189

measurement cannot be calculated, the symbol "---" will be displayed.

MIS4 DSO Channel Coupling

The Channel Coupling switch determines the way in which the input signal to the
oscilloscope is coupled. There are three positions: -

DC: DC Coupling. The input signal is DC coupled.

AC: AC coupling. The input signal is AC coupled. Frequency components below
about 10Hz will be attenuated, and DC components will be blocked altogether.
GND: Ground. The signal is internally connected to ground. The input BNC connector
becomes open circuit.

MIS4 DSO Channel Offset

The Channel Offset control adds an adjustable DC offset to the input signal to allow it to be
moved vertically on the display. The range of adjustment is +/- 4 divisions, so on the 1V/div
range, for example, the ground position of the trace can be adjusted in the range of +/- 4V.

This control allows waveforms which are not symmetrical about ground (e.g. digital signals
which switch in the range 0V to 5V) to be displayed with the maximum resolution possible.

MIS4 DSO Channel Sensitivity

The Channel Sensitivity control sets the vertical sensitivity of the oscilloscope in volts per
vertical division. If you are using a x1 probe, the vertical sensitivity can be adjusted from
20mV per division to 2V per division. Using a x10 probe will extend this range up to 20V per


For timebase settings of 20ns/div and faster, the MIS4 oscilloscope uses Extended
Resolution Sampling to acquire a high speed waveform with more resolution than the normal
single-shot sampling rate (500 MS/s) will allow. This is achieved by taking repeated samples
of a repetitive waveform and interleaving the samples using proprietary hardware and
software to reconstruct the original waveform. With this technique, effective sampling rates of
up to 25 GS/s are possible with timing resolution of 40ps.

For a stable waveform display in ERS mode, a highly stable trigger is necessary, and the
waveform must itself be highly stable with minimum timing jitter or noise. If any of these
conditions are not met, the reconstructed ERS waveform will appear noisy. The waveform
average facility can be used to recover some information.

Note that an ERS acquisition of a low frequency signal will take a long time to construct,
because a large number of acquisitions are necessary before the resulting waveform can be

MIS4 DSO Timebase

The Timebase control sets the time per horizontal division which will be used during the
acquisition. A fast timebase allows information around the trigger point to be displayed in

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detail, whereas a slow timebase allows a larger portion of the waveform to be displayed but in
less detail. Normally, a fast timebase is used to acquire high frequency signals since higher
sampling rates (more points) are required in order to reconstruct the waveform on the display.

The timebase control sets the time per division for both channels. The time base can be set
can be set between 1ns and 1ks per division.

The sampling rate for single shot acquisitions is 500MS/s, but for timebase settings of
20ns/div or faster ERS mode is selected to give better resolution for examining high speed

Note that the timebase control also determines, indirectly, the sampling rate. The sampling
rate must be high enough to suit the waveform being acquired, otherwise Aliasing will occur.

MIS4 DSO Trigger

The Trigger function is used to control the acquisition to ensure that a stable display is
obtained showing the desired part of the waveform on the screen. This is achieved by
triggering on a particular voltage level of the trigger input signal, and using this point in time
as a reference to control the acquisition

Use the Trigger Source control to select the source of the trigger signal, and the Trigger Edge
to specify the active edge to trigger on. The trigger signal coupling can be adjusted with the
Trigger Coupling control. Finally, use the Trigger Level and Trigger Delay controls to
complete the trigger setup.

MIS4 DSO Trigger Coupling

The Trigger Coupling control is used to select one of four options to improve triggering on
noisy or composite waveforms, or on waveforms with large DC offsets. The four coupling
options are: -

DC: The DC filter leaves the trigger signal unchanged and is the most
commonly used setting.
AC: The AC filter is designed to remove the DC component of the trigger
signal, for example a waveform which has a DC offset such as ripple on a
DC power supply.
LFREJ: The Low Frequency Reject filter attenuates low frequency components
(below about 3.5kHz), including DC, from the trigger signal. For
example, this could be used to trigger on a high frequency signal which
also contains mains (50/60Hz) ripple.
HFREJ: The High Frequency Reject filter attenuates high frequency components
(above about 3.5kHz) from the trigger signal. For example, this could be
used to trigger on mains (50/60Hz) ripple on a signal which also contains
high frequency noise.

MIS4 DSO Trigger Delay

The Trigger Delay control sets the amount of pre-trigger data (i.e. data acquired before the
trigger) which is shown on the display. Setting the trigger delay to zero (extreme left) causes

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data only after the trigger point being displayed (100% post-trigger data). Setting maximum
trigger delay (extreme right) results in data only before the trigger point to be displayed (100%
pre-trigger data). Setting the delay to an intermediate value results in a combination of both
depending on the trigger delay setting.

MIS4 DSO Trigger Edge

The Trigger Edge control allows the oscilloscope to trigger on either a rising (positive) or
falling (negative) edge. The actual position on the edge can be adjusted in combination with
the Trigger Level control. The Trigger Edge can be either of the following:

/ : Triggers on a rising (positive) edge.

\ : Triggers on a falling (negative) edge.

MIS4 DSO Trigger Level

The Trigger Level control sets the voltage level on the trigger waveform at which the trigger
occurs. The trigger will occur when the waveform makes a transition through this voltage
level in the direction set by the Trigger Edge control. The trigger level voltage is shown on the
display next to the trigger level control.

For DC trigger (DC, HFREJ) and DSO1, DSO2 and DSO3 source trigger settings, a marker is
shown on the display to show the approximate position of the trigger on the waveform.

For AC trigger (AC, LFREJ) source trigger settings, the marker is not displayed because the
waveform may have an unknown DC offset.

For the FG1, FG2 and FC trigger source setting, the trigger level is internally fixed and cannot
be adjusted.

MIS4 DSO Trigger Source

The Trigger Source can be set to DSO1, DSO2, DSO3, FC, FG1 and FG2. If you are using
the Universal Frequency Counter you can set the trigger source to FC to automatically trigger
the DSO from the Universal Frequency Counter. If you are using the Arbitrary Waveform
Generator, you can set the trigger source to FG1 or FG2 to automatically trigger the DSO
from the Arbitrary Waveform Generator.

Note that when using the FC, FG1 or FG2 trigger source the trigger level is fixed internally
and cannot be adjusted.

MIS4 DSO Waveform Comparison

The results of a measurement can be compared with a reference waveform for pass/fail
testing. The comparison results are displayed as a green (Pass), red (Fail) or grey (N/A)
determined by the programmed comparison mode, voltage, time and Pass/Fail tolerance.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 192

To turn on comparing measurement results, select INSIDE or OUTSIDE comparison mode.
To turn off comparing measurement results, select OFF mode.

Adjust the scroll bar to set the Voltage comparison tolerance or enter the desired value.
Adjust the scroll bar to set the Time comparison tolerance or enter the desired value.
Adjust the scroll bar to set the Pass/Fail comparison percentage tolerance or enter the
desired value.

When a comparison is made using INSIDE mode, the waveform will be indicated as a (Pass)
if the waveform lies inside the stored envelope mask. Otherwise the waveform with be
indicated as a (Fail).

When a comparison is made using OUTSIDE mode, the waveform will be indicated as a
(Pass) if the waveform lies outside the stored envelope mask. Otherwise the waveform with
be indicated as a (Fail).

When comparison mode is OFF, the waveform will be indicated as (N/A).

Click Store Mask to store a known good waveform for use as a reference. The currently
displayed waveform will be saved in the internal memory, and an envelope will be displayed
on the display representing the saved waveform with the programmed tolerances. An
acquired waveform can then be compared with it and a Pass/Fail result, using adjustable
voltage and time tolerances, can be displayed.

Click Clear Mask to clear the waveform stored in internal memory.

The percentage (measured in terms of the total length of the trace) of the waveform which lies
within the envelope is calculated and displayed. The result is displayed in either red (fail) or
green (pass) depending on the setting of the pass/fail tolerance.

MIS4 Measurement Statistics

The MIS4 measurement statistics provides information regarding stability, drift and trends for

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the Digital Ammeter, Digital Voltmeter, Digital Ohmmeter and Universal Frequency Counter
measurement values. A typical example of automatic measurement statistics is shown below
for the Digital Ohmmeter:-

The following values are provided: -

Maximum: The highest value measured since the statistics were cleared.
Average: The average value measured for the number of samples taken since the
statistics were cleared.
Minimum: The lowest value measured since the statistics were cleared.

RESET: Clicking this button will clear the number of measurements taken counter
and reset the statistics. They will also be reset automatically when
changing measurement mode.

If an invalid value is measured (e.g. voltage above 500V, resistance above 25M or frequency
out of range), the statistics will suspend updating and will resume once a valid measurement
is obtained.

MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator Connectors

There are 2 channels which output waveforms from 0.5Hz to 25MHz via standard BNC

Channel 1: impedance = 50 ohm, amplitude = ±10V, DC Offset = ±10V

Channel 2: impedance = 50 ohm, amplitude = ±10V, DC Offset = ±10V

MIS4 Digital Ammeter Connectors

The dedicated channel measures current via 4mm shrouded connectors.

HI: = Red, max input current = ±10A

LO: = Black

MIS4 Digital Ohmmeter Connectors

The dedicated channel measures resistance via 4mm shrouded connectors.

Channel 1: = Green, max input voltage = ±500V

COM: = Black, shared with DVM

MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Connectors

There are 3 input channels each with a bandwidth of 350MHz via standard BNC connectors.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 194
Channel 1: impedance = 1M ohm, max input voltage = ±200V
Channel 2: impedance = 1M ohm, max input voltage = ±200V
Channel 3: impedance = 1M ohm, max input voltage = ±200V

MIS4 Digital Voltmeter Connectors

There are 2 input channels via 4mm shrouded connectors.

Channel 1: = Yellow, impedance = 10M ohm, max input voltage = ±500V

Channel 2: = Blue, impedance = 10M ohm, max input voltage = ±500V
COM: = Black, shared with DOM

MIS4 Frequency Counter Connector

The dedicated channel measures frequency from DC to 1.1GHz via a standard BNC

Channel 1: impedance = 50 ohm, max input voltage = 6.6V peak to peak

MIS4 Universal Inputs/Outputs Connector

The UIO/APS Multiway connector contains:

8 UIO channels: input/output channels (pins 1 to 8)

Analogue ground: (pins 9 to 10)
+12V Auxiliary PSU: +12V, 1.0A output (pin 11)
-12V Auxiliary PSU: -12V, 1.0A output (pin 12)
+5V Auxiliary PSU: +5V, 0.5A output (pin 13)
+3.3V Auxiliary PSU: +3.3V, 0.5A output (pin 14)

REVENG Front Panel

This is the REVENG (Reverse Engineering) Multilink System front panel, equipped with 256
measurement channels:

This is the REVENG (Reverse Engineering) Cabinet System front panel, equipped with 2048
measurement channels:

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All of the connectors on the front panels are industry standard connectors and accommodate
standard probes and test cables.

The REVENG Schematic Learning System

The REVENG (Reverse Engineering) Schematic Learning System offers an effective method
of creating circuit diagrams from a sample board. REVENG learns the connectivity of a
sample circuit and produces a NetList which can be imported into EdWin to create
professional quality circuit diagrams. The measurement channels, voltage and wandering
probes are accessed from standard connectors and sockets on the REVENG Front Panel.
The REVENG Schematic Learning System is available in a Multilink System unit equipped
with a control card and 256 measurement channels (expandable up to 768 channels) or a
Cabinet System equipped with a control card and 512 channels (expandable up to 2048
channels). Your existing hardware format must be selected using the REVENG Setup

To open this instrument, click on the Schematic Learning System icon, or

select Instruments > Schematic Learning System from the menu.

REVENG Schematic Learning System Instrument

The learning process is achieved through clips, probes and hooks that are attached to
clusters of components. The operator lists all the components present on the PCB and the
software will provide guidance for placing and moving the clips, probes and hooks around the
reference circuit. The software generates the most efficient sequence of clip combinations
and movements to learn all possible connections. The operator can modify and override the

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 196

automatic placement of the clips if necessary. The main instrument window can be re-
designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument' button on Ultimate’s main side menu.
Click on the Start tab to begin.

Board Files (*.rvb)

Schematic Learning System board files can be created, opened and saved using the New,
Open, Save and Save as icons.

New: Creates a new board.

Open: Opens an existing board file.
Save: Saves the currently active board.
Save as: Saves the currently active board to a new board file.

The scanning process sequence is guided through the Start, Setup, Components, Scan, Scan
History and Netlist tabs.

Start: The Start tab is used to enter the desired Board name and Board
description in the edit boxes provided. A photograph of the board
can be added by selecting the Browse button and choosing the

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 197

desired board image file (*.bmp, *.jpg). Once selected, the image
can be enlarged in a separate window using the Enlarge button.
Setup: The Setup tab is used to configure the cable assemblies and
hardware connections used during the scanning process.
Components: The Components tab us used to create a list of components to be
scanned during the scanning process.
Scan: The Scan tab is used to guide the operator through the scanning
Scan History: The Scan History tab shows previous scans acquired.
Netlist: The Netlist tab shows the netlist generated during the scan

The REVENG Schematic Learning System Setup Window

This window allows the cable assemblies and hardware to be setup for the Schematic
Learning System instrument:

Cable Assemblies and Hardware Connections

The top section lists all the cables available in the standard REVENG library. The middle
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 198
section shows the REVENG hardware connected to the PC and the number of channels
available. Drag the required cables to use on the current board from the list into the
connections below to replicate the physical cables and clips connected to the system. In this
example, the CS24N - 16N cable assembly has been connected to card 2 connector 1 and
the CS24H - 20N cable assembly has been connected to card 2 connector 2. To remove a
cable that has been allocated to a card, drag it away.

New cable assemblies can be created and added to the library. Cable assemblies can also
be modified and deleted if required.

Add New Cable: Add a new cable assembly to the library. Enter the Cable part
number, Cable Description and Number of connectors (heads).
Edit Cable: Edit a cable assembly. Define the Clip types connected to the
cable assembly, the Number of pins and location on the cable.
Delete Cable: Delete a cable assembly. You will be prompted to confirm you
want to delete the cable.

Power Sense Configuration

Use this section to enable, disable and label the six power rail connections for the board (or
section of board) to scan.

HI Channel: Enter the desired label for the HI channel (for example VCC).
LO Channel: Enter the desired label for the LO channel (for example GND).
Enable HI/LO: Enable or disable the HI and LO channels.
Sense 3: Enter the desired label for Sense 3 (for example +12).
Sense 5: Enter the desired label for Sense 5 (for example -12).
Enable 3/5: Enable or disable Sense 3 and 5.
Sense 4: Enter the desired label for Sense 4.
Sense 6: Enter the desired label for Sense 6.
Enable 4/6: Enable or disable Sense 4 and 6.

When the required cable assemblies and hardware have been setup, the Components tab
can then be used to create a list of all components to be scanned.

The REVENG Schematic Learning System Components

This window allows the creation of a list of components present on the board to be scanned
by the Schematic Learning System instrument:

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 199

Component List
All the component types on the board should be listed in this section. The Reference is very
important as it will be used by the software to guide the operator in the clipping and hooking

Components can be copied and deleted from the list.

Delete Part: Delete a part from the list.
Copy Part: Copy a part.
Section Manager: The Section Manager allows components on a board to be
grouped into sections that can be used as filters for viewing
and scanning.

If the component or package does not exist in the library, it can be manually added.
Component Library: The Component Library is used to view, edit and add new
parts to the component library.
Package Library: The Package Library is used to view, edit and add new
packages to the package library.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 200

When the list of all components on the board is complete, the Scan tab can be used to guide
the operator through the scanning process.

The REVENG Schematic Learning System Scan Window

This window contains a list of all the components to be scanned by the Schematic Learning
System instrument:

Component List
The components list contains all the components on the board to be scanned. Click Scan
Board to begin the scan. The operator will be prompted to ensure the supplies are
connected. In this example, the voltage probes should be connected as follows: HI to VCC,
LO to GND, SP3 to +12V and SP5 to -12V.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 201

Check and Confirm Component Setup
Component scanning will now begin and the system will learn all the connections between
components on the board. The operator will be guided through the process. For example, to
connect clip DIL20N - 2 to cable assembly CS24N - 20N and attach it to component 74LS245
at reference U3. The operator accepts the clip by clicking the Accept Clip button and
confirms it is attached to the component by clicking the Confirm button. The operator can add
hooks and probes to discrete components such as resistors by using the Add Hooks and
Probe buttons. The operator will be prompted to move clips, hooks and probes around the
board until all components have been covered by the scan. Connections can be also be
added manually by using the Manual Probing button, and all scans and nets can be deleted
if required using the Unlearn All Components button.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 202

Once the scan is complete, the Coverage column will show 100% for each component and
the Scan History tab can then be used to show the previous scans acquired.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 203

The REVENG Schematic Learning System Scan History
This window contains the scan history of all the components scanned by the Schematic
Learning System instrument:

Previously Acquired Scans

The scan history for previously acquired scans are shown in the top left section, the
components on scan are show in the top right section and the nets found on scan are shown
below. The Delete Scan button can be used to delete a previous scan and a scan can be
reacquired using the Reacquire Scan button.

The Netlist tab can be used to show the netlist generated during the scan process.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 204

The REVENG Schematic Learning System Netlist Window
This window shows the netlist generated during the scan process by the Schematic Learning
System instrument:

A list of all nets is shown on the left hand side and all the components and pins with
connections on the same net are shown on the right hand side. The netlist can be exported
for external use by the Export Netlist button, or can be used with EdWin in order to generate
schematics using the Launch Edwin button.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 205

REVENG Add Cable Assembly
This window allows a new cable assembly to be added to the Schematic Learning System

Add Cable
Enter the desired Cable part number and Cable Description in the edit boxes provided.
Select the Number of connectors (heads) on the cable assembly. Click OK to add the new
cable or Cancel to abandon.


This window allows library components to be added for the Schematic Learning System

Create New Part

Enter the desired Part Name, Number of pins and Supply 1, 2 and 3 +ve and -Ve power
supply pins in the edit boxes provided. Select the Package type required from the drop down

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 206

list. Click OK to add the new part or Cancel to abandon.

REVENG Clip Type Library

This window allows a new clip type to be added to the Schematic Learning System

Clip Types
Double click in the Clip Types list to add a new clip Name, number of Pins and Clip Step or
to edit an existing one. Click Save Library to save the library of clip types.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 207

REVENG Component Library
This window allows the component library to be edited for the Schematic Learning System

Component Library
In the component library section, all the components in the REVENG library are listed. Enter
the desired Search filter in the edit box provided to find the desired component. New
components can be added, edited and saved in the REVENG library.

Edit Part: Edit a Part in the component library.

New Part: Add a New Part to component library.
Save Library: Save the component library.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 208

REVENG Edit Cable Assembly
This window allows a cable assembly to be edited for the Schematic Learning System

Cable Details
In the cable details section, edit the desired Part Number and Description in the edit boxes
provided. A photograph of the cable assembly can be added by selecting the Browse button
and choosing the desired cable image file (*.bmp, *.jpg). Once selected, the image can be
enlarged in a separate window using the Enlarge button.

Cable Allocation
Use the Clip types and Current configuration lists to allocate clips to a cable assembly.
Select a Clip type from the list and drag it to the relevant section on the cable connector. In

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 209

this example, Cable: CS24N - 16N is configured from a 16 pin DIL clip in location 1 and two
24 pin DIL clips in locations 2 and 3 respectively on the cable. To remove a clip type that has
been allocated to the cable, drag it away.

Clip Type Library: The Clip Type Library is used to view, edit and add new clip
types to the library.
Save Configuration: Save the cable assembly configuration.

REVENG Edit Part

This window allows library components to be edited for the Schematic Learning System

Edit Part
Enter the desired Part Name, Number of pins and Supply 1, 2 and 3 +ve and -Ve power
supply pins in the edit boxes provided. Select the Package type required from the drop down
list. Click OK to keep the part changes or Cancel to abandon.

REVENG Package Library

This window allows the package library to be edited for the Schematic Learning System

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 210

Package Library
In the package library section, all the packages in the REVENG library are listed on the left
hand side and the pin map for the selected package is shown on the right hand side.

To add a new package, click in the empty entry at the end of the list and enter the new
package Name. Double click in the Pin Count edit box and enter the number of pins
required. Then select the Clip type from the drop down list and double click in the Rotations
edit box to enter the number of rotations. The pin map for the new package can now be
entered in the pin mapping section by double clicking in the Cable Pin and Next Rotation
edit boxes to enter the desired pin and rotation for the selected Package Pin.

To edit an existing package, click on the package Name in the package list to show the pin
map for the selected package and then modify the Cable Pin and Next Rotation entries for
the selected Package Pin. The pins of a package can also be manually mapped using a
probe and modifications saved to the REVENG package library.

Map with probe: Manually map the pins of a package using a probe.
Save Package: Save the package library.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 211

REVENG Section Manager
This window allows the components on a board to be grouped into sections for the Schematic
Learning System instrument:

Sections Available
Double click in the Section list to add a new section name or to edit an existing one. Sections
can be used as filters for viewing and scanning by checking the relevant box in the Default
for new parts column. To remove a section, use the Delete section button.

REVENG Channel Card Connectors

These connectors are the expandable channel cards for the schematic learning system.

REVENG Power Monitor Probe Connectors

These connectors are the power monitor channels 3-6 for the schematic learning system.

Sense 3-4: = Red

Sense 5-6: = Black

REVENG Voltage Probe Connectors

These connectors are the voltage probes for the schematic learning system.

HI: = Red
LO: = Black

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 212

REVENG Wandering Probe Connectors
These connectors are the wandering probes for the schematic learning system.

Channel A: = Yellow
Channel B: = Blue

The VPS Front Panel

This is the VPS (Variable Power Supply) front panel:

VPS Variable Power Supply

The Variable Power Supply (VPS) is a self contained triple power supply unit designed to
work with the existing SYSTEM 8 modules. The supply provides a logic supply (2.5V to 6V at
5A max) supply with adjustable over-voltage protection and fixed over-current protection.
Positive and negative variable supplies covering the range of: -24V to 0V and 0V to +24V
each with a maximum current of 1.5A. Both supplies include variable current limiting from
50mA to 1.5A.

To open this instrument, click on the PSU button or select Power Supply
from the Instruments menu.

Variable Power Supply Instrument

The main instrument window can be re-designed by clicking on the 'Edit Current Instrument'
button on the side menu.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 213

Power Supply Output
The power supply output state can be one of the following:

On: All three power supplies are ON.

Off: All three power supplies are OFF.

Voltage Adjustment
The output voltages of all three supplies can be adjusted using the scroll bars.

Over Voltage Protection

The logic supply has built in over voltage protection which can be set using the scroll bar. If
the over voltage state is triggered a Vmax message is displayed in the digital readout and the
entire power supply switches off.

Over Current Protection

The current limits can be set using the scroll bars underneath the current readings on the
instrument. If the current limit activates, the output voltage for this supply will reduce to
maintain a constant current. The other supplies will be unaffected. If the over current
condition is removed, the output voltage will revert to its original state.

VPS Logic Supply Connectors

These 4mm shrouded connectors accept shrouded test leads.

Logic: = Red
0V: = Black

VPS Negative and Positive Supply Connectors

These 4mm shrouded connectors accept shrouded test leads.

Positive: = Yellow
0V: = Black
Negative: = Blue

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 214

Adapters, Test Clips, Cable Assemblies and Probes
Automatic Out-of-Circuit Adapter
An automatic out-of-circuit adapter is available for the ATM and BFL which enables the user
to test ICs out-of-circuit. This attaches to the ATM Front Panel or the BFL Front Panel in the
test cable connector. This will allow up to 40 pin ICs to be tested. The ICs should be inserted
at the bottom of the ZIF socket with pin 1 facing upwards. The mode should be changed from
in-circuit to out-of-circuit in the setup menu. The operation of the software is then identical to
in-circuit mode testing.

SOIC and PLCC Adapters

A wide range of SOIC and PLCC adapters are available. These can be inserted in to the ZIF
socket of the out-of-circuit adapter to allow SOIC and PLCC devices to be tested out-of-
circuit. SOIC adapters are available for 16 and 28 pin packages and PLCC adapters are
available for 20, 28 and 32 pin packages.

EZ Prober
An EZ Prober is available which uses precision probes with a light spring load to make
probing as comfortable and stable as possible. The EZ Prober is available for 16 and 28 pin

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 215


A MultiProbe, is an ideal solution when it is difficult to gain access to an IC or a connector.
With a single hand, it is possible to capture 8 or 10 pins using the spring-mounted pin cover.
MultiProbes are available for 8 pin DIL and 10 pin SOIC and PLCC packages.

Analogue Out-of-Circuit Adapter

An analogue out-of-circuit adapter is available for the Analogue V-I Tester which enables the
user to test ICs out-of-circuit. Acquiring V-I signatures of devices out-of-circuit removes the
influence from other components placed on the board. The adapter attaches to the AICT
Front Panel in the analogue I/O connector. The adapter is available with 24 channels and
three package options:

- Dual-In-Line (DIL, 24 channels, 0.3" and 0.6" gauge).

- Small Outlined IC (SOIC, 24 channels, 0.6" gauge).
- Small Outlined IC (SOIC, 14 channels, 0.3" gauge).

The ICs should be inserted at the bottom of the ZIF sockets with pin 1 facing upwards.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 216

Pen Probes
A set of 4 SOT Pen Probes are available for use with the Analogue IC Tester which allows in-
circuit functional testing of transistors and diodes. These attach to the AICT Front Panel in the
discrete connectors.

- Type 1 for 3 pin SOT23 and similar packages.

- Type 2 for 3 pin TO72 and similar packages.
- Type 3 for 3 pin TO220 and similar packages.
- Type 4 for 3 pin TO92 and similar packages.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 217

Test Clips and Cable Assemblies
Test clips and cable assemblies are available for DIL, SOIC, PLCC and QFP packages.

- DIL test clip set (0.3" gauge) for 8, 14, 16, 20, 22 and 24 pin narrow packages.
- DIL test clip set (0.6" gauge) for 22, 24, 28, 32, 40 and 64 pin wide packages.
- SOIC test clip and cable set for 8, 14 and 16 pin narrow, and 20, 24 and 28 pin wide
- PLCC test clip and cable assembly for 20, 28, 44, 52, 68 and 84 pin packages.
- QFP test clip and cable assembly for 100, 144, 160 and 208 pin packages.

For further details of these and other ABI products and accessories visit our Website, contact
your local distributor or contact ABI Electronics Ltd.

Script Editor (or 'Calculator')

The SYSTEM 8 Ultimate software contains 9 user programmable calculators, four that are
general purpose, and five that are related to individual instruments. Each calculator has its
own readout display, comparison and statistics functions.

Calculators allow basic measurements obtained from the measurement hardware to be used
to perform further calculations and display or log the results.

The calculator formulae are text files that contain simple commands, mathematical operators
and expressions, variables and functions. You can use the built-in formula files for commonly
used functions, or develop your own application specific equations.

The calculator uses the simple, but flexible, programming language FormulaPlus. To find out
more about FormulaPlus consult the following Conceptual Topics and Language References:

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 218

Conceptual Topics

Commenting your FormulaPlus Programs

Declaring Variables
Looping Through Code
Understanding FormulaPlus Syntax
Writing Data to Files

Language Reference

Error Messages
System Variables

Commenting your FormulaPlus Programs

While the FormulaPlus syntax is easy to understand we recommend that all FormulaPlus
programs are commented. Comments make your code easier to understand and help you to
maintain your code.

The FormulaPlus language uses the // symbols (two forward slashes) to indicate that the text
following it is a comment. The comment ends with either a new line character, or another set
of // symbols.

Examples of Comments:

// This is a comment that ends with a new line character.

// The display command that follows will be executed, as this comment ends here //
display "Hello World"

Declaring Variables
A variable is a named storage location that contains data that may be modified during the
execution of a FormulaPlus program.

Variables must be defined before they are used by assigning a value to them. For example,
the statement x = 1, creates a variable x, and assigns the value 1 to it.

Each variable must be unique within a calculator, and must begin with an alphabetic
character. Variables are not case sensitive, but can contain only alphabetic characters,
numbers and may include the underscore character.

Examples of legal variable identifiers:


Examples of illegal variable identifiers:

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 219

Attempting to use an illegal variable identifier will cause the FormulaPlus program to stop with
an error message.

Looping Through Code

Looping allows a block of statements to be executed repeatedly. Some loops repeat blocks
of statements depending upon the result of a conditional expression, while others loop


WHILE loops repeat the block of statements while the condition evaluates to true.

These loops are especially useful when you want to loop while you wait for a given situation
to occur. For example, suppose you want to only begin logging values measured on the
DMM Channel 1 when its voltage exceeds 5.0V, and then you only want to log the next 10
readings. You could do this using the following program:


count = 0
STARTLOG "My Log.csv"
WHILE count < 10
count = count + 1

The first WHILE statement loops round the block until DMM_CH1 has a value of 5.0V or
above. The second WHILE loop writes the value of DMM_CH1 to "My Log.csv" and
increments the count. When the count equals 10 it stops repeating the block, having written
10 values to the file.


REPEAT loops repeat the block of statements while the calculator is running.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 220

These loops are especially useful when a display must be continuously updated for the
lifetime of a calculator. A calculator lifetime begins when you press the RUN button, or when
a TestFlow record begins. The calculator lifetime ends when the STOP button is pressed, or
when the TestFlow moves to the next record.

For example, suppose you want to create a display that continuously displays the voltage
measured on DMM_CH1 divided by the voltage measured on DMM_CH2. The FormulaPlus
program on the right shows the correct way to do this.



The program on the left runs the DISPLAY command exactly once, then the program ends.
The program on the right repeatedly runs the DISPLAY command while the calculator is
running, continuously updating the value displayed in the calculator display box as the values
of DMM_CH1 and DMM_CH2 change.

Understanding FormulaPlus Syntax

The Language Reference help text shows how to use the FormulaPlus language correctly.
The examples in this topic explain how to interpret the most common elements. You should
note that, unlike some other programming languages, there is no need to delimit a new line of
code using a semicolon.


KEYWORD parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN

A keyword has one or more parameters, examples include:

DISPLAY "Hello World"



FUNCTION (parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN)

A function has zero or more parameters, examples include:

MIN(1, 2)

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 221

Writing Data to Files
When working with large amounts of data, for example when you want to log results, it is
convenient to write data to a file. FormulaPlus allows you to write data to files using the

Each calculator can only have one file open at any time.

Before data can be written to a file, the file must be created by using the STARTLOG or
STARTLOGDB keyword. Data can then be written to the file using the WRITELOG or
WRITELOGDB keyword. The WRITELOG keyword opens the file created by STARTLOG,
writes data to it, then closes the file again. In the event a poorly written application program
crashes your machine, preventing Ultimate from running, you should not lose your logged
data. The WRITELOGDB keyword adds a new entry to the database created by

Comma Separated Variable Files

FormulaPlus writes data to files in the ".csv" file format. Comma separated variable files are
an industry standard file format for importing into spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel™.

Writing to the Same File

Two or more calculators can write to the same file, although the order in which data is added
to the file cannot be guaranteed.

// DMM Calculator // FC Calculator

STARTLOG "C:\My Documents\My Log STARTLOG "C:\My Documents\My Log

File.csv" File.csv"
count = 0 count = 0
WHILE (count < 5) { WHILE (count < 5) {
} }


Database Files

FormulaPlus writes data to databases in the "SQLite3" file format. Comma separated
variable files are an industry standard file format for importing into spreadsheets such as
Microsoft Excel™.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 222

Writing to the Same File

Two or more calculators can write to the same file, although the order in which data is added
to the file cannot be guaranteed.

// DMM Calculator // FC Calculator

STARTLOGDB "C:\My Documents\My Log STARTLOGDB "C:\My Documents\My Log

File.db" File.db"
count = 0 count = 0
WHILE (count < 5) { WHILE (count < 5) {
} }


Conditional Expressions
Conditional expressions evaluate to either true (any value other than zero) or false (zero).

List of Error Messages

For detailed information about an individual error message click on one of the following links:

Vars > 20
Missing =
Var syntax
Var undef
Missing (
Missing )
Too complex
Divide 0
Missing "
Power arg

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 223

Sq root arg
Log arg
Missing ,
Exp arg
Var read only
File error
Stk ovfl
Stk undfl

Vars > 20
More than 20 variables defined

The FormulaPlus language allows up to 20 user defined variables.

If more than 20 user defined variables are created this error is generated.

Missing =
Missing equals sign in assignment statement

FormulaPlus is expecting an assignment (e.g. X = 100) but hasn't found the = symbol.

Var syntax
Variable name contains invalid character(s)

FormulaPlus has encountered a variable name that contains invalid characters.

For examples of valid names see the "Declaring Variables" section.

Var undef
Variable name not defined

FormulaPlus requires that variables are defined before they are used.

For more information on declaring variables, see the "Declaring Variables" section.

Syntax error

FormulaPlus cannot match the program code to any known command.

Missing (
Missing opening bracket in expression

FormulaPlus expected to find an open bracket at this point, but didn't find one.

Missing )
Missing closing bracket in expression

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 224

FormulaPlus expected to find a closing bracket at this point, but didn't find one.

Too complex
Expression has too many nested brackets

FormulaPlus allows up to 5 levels of bracket nesting.

If there are more than 5 levels of brackets, this error will be displayed.

Divide 0
Divide by zero

Numbers cannot be divided by zero - attempting to do so causes this error.

Missing "
Missing opening quotation mark in string
Missing closing quotation mark in string

FormulaPlus is expecting a string, but either cannot locate the opening quotation mark, or the
closing quotation mark.

A string must start and end on the same line of code.

Invalid expression for decimal places

FormulaPlus allows formatted numbers to have up to six decimal places using the FORMAT

See the FORMAT keyword for more information.

Power arg
Invalid argument for power operator

FormulaPlus generates this error whenever an attempt is made to generate a mathematically

incorrect power, or raise the power by more than 50.

1. If x is raised to the power y, and x is a negative number, y must be a whole number.

e.g. (-2)^2 is valid, (-2)^(0.5) gives an error.

2. If x is raised to the power y, and x is 0, y must be greater than 0.

e.g. 0^(0.5) is valid, 0^(-1) gives an error.

Sq root arg
Invalid argument for square root function

FormulaPlus generates this error whenever an attempt is made to generate the square root of

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 225

a negative number. (FormulaPlus does not allow complex numbers.)

Log arg
Invalid argument for logarithm function

FormulaPlus gives this error if an attempt is made to take the log of a value of 0 or less.

Missing ,
Missing comma

FormulaPlus gives this error when it is expecting another parameter but can't find a comma.

Exp arg
Invalid argument for exponential function

FormulaPlus does not allow exponentials of greater than 50 to be calculated. If an attempt is

made to calculate the exponential of a value greater than 50, then this error is generated.

Var read only

System variable is read only

This error is generated if an attempt is made to write to a read only system variable.

File error
Cannot create log file

If the file specified with the STARTLOG keyword cannot be created, FormulaPlus will give this

There are a number of possible reasons why a file may not be created:

1. An attempt was made to overwrite a file that cannot be overwritten.

2. An attempt was made to create a file in a location that does not exist.
3. An attempt was made to write to a read only device (such as a CD-ROM).

Stck ovfl
Stack overflow

FormulaPlus allows up to 50 WHILE / REPEAT / IF blocks to be nested within each other.

Any attempt exceed this limit generates a stack overflow.

A block is the code placed between the opening brace symbol { and the closing brace symbol

WHILE (X < 100)
// This is the first block
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 226
WHILE (Y < 50)
// This is a second block.
// In FormulaPlus you can have up to 50 of
// these nested blocks before you get an
// error message.

Stk undfl
Stack underflow

If there are more closing brace symbols } than opening brace symbols {, then FormulaPlus
will display this error message.

For example, the following would display the error message:

WHILE (X<10)
// The following extra brace causes a "Stk undfl" error message.

Unknown error in mathematical operation

While every attempt has been made to ensure that all mathematical errors are caught and
that meaningful error messages are given, there may be occasions where this does not
happen. On these rare occasions FormulaPlus generates an Unknown error in
mathematical operation error.

Unknown error, contact product support

This error should never occur.

If this error does occur, please contact Product Support giving as much detail about how it
happened as you possibly can.

List of Keywords
For detailed information about individual keywords click on one of the following links:


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 227


Bleep emits a user definable sound based on a series of parameters.

BLEEP pitch1, time1, pitch2, time2, repeat

pitch1 : Pitch of first note
time1 : Duration of first note in milliseconds
pitch2 : Pitch of second note
time2 : Duration of second note in milliseconds
repeat : Number of repetitions of first and second notes.

BLEEP 4000, 250, 8000, 250, 2

// Produces a low note, followed by
// a high note, followed by a low note
// and then a final high note.
// Each note is played for 0.25
// seconds.

Displays a number or some text in the associated calculator readout control.

DISPLAY expression
DISPLAY string

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 228

expression: A number to be displayed.
string: A string to be displayed.

Example: Example:
voltage = 2.0 DISPLAY "Hello World"
resistance = 1000.0
FORMAT 1, "A", E
DISPLAY voltage / resistance

Result: Result:
2.0mA Hello World

Executes a given record in the test flow.

EXECUTE expression

NEXT: Evaluates to the next record in the TestFlow.
FIRST: Evaluates to the first record in the TestFlow.
LAST: Evaluates to the last record in the TestFlow.
expression: Expression evaluates to a number that refers to a particular record

Example: Example:

Result: Result:
// Executes the next record in the // Executes the 5th record in the
// test flow sequence // test flow sequence

Allows the format of a readout to be changed. The number of decimal places, the units of
measurement, and the style of number can be changed.

FORMAT decimal-places, units, number-format

decimal-places: Number of decimal places to display,
The number of decimal places must not exceed 6.
units: Units to display, e.g. "V", "mV" etc.
number-format: Number format (if the format isn't specified, N is assumed):

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 229

N for normal, e.g. 0.0001.
S for scientific, e.g. 100e-6.
E for engineering, e.g. 100u.

Example: Example: Example:

FORMAT 3, "V", N FORMAT 3, "V", S FORMAT 3, "V", E

Result: Result: Result:

0.001V 1.000e-3V 1.000mV

Only executes the given instructions if the condition evaluates to true (any non-zero value).

IF conditional_expression { true_statements }
IF conditional_expression { true_statements } ELSE { false_statements }

conditional_expression: Evaluates to false (0), or true (any value other than 0).
true_statements: Statements that are executed if the conditional-expression
evaluates to true.
false_statements: Statements that are executed if the conditional-expression
evaluates to false.

IF temperature > 100 {
PAUSE "Too Hot!"
PAUSE "Safe"

// If temperature is greater than 100
// pause to display "Too Hot!",
// otherwise display "Safe".

Set the text displayed in the in the calculator's associated calculator entry box label control.
Strings for both the A and B controls must be provided, even if only one of the controls is

LABEL stringA, stringB

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 230

stringA: A string to be displayed in calculator entry box label control A.
stringB: A string to be displayed in calculator entry box label control B.

LABEL "One", "True"

Pauses execution, either displaying a prompt or waiting for a given number of milliseconds.

PAUSE string
PAUSE expression

string: The string displayed to the user while the software is paused.
expression: Evaluates to the number of milliseconds to wait for before continuing

Example: Example:
PAUSE "Click OK to continue..." PAUSE 1000

Result: Result:
// Opens a dialog box that displays // The calculator's execution is
// the text "Click OK to continue...". // paused for 1 second.
// Execution will not continue until
// the user clicks on the 'OK' button.

Continuously executes the statements within its braces while the calculator is running.

REPEAT { statements }

statements: Statements that are executed each iteration.

resistance = 100
voltage = DMM_CH2
DISPLAY voltage / resistance

// When the program is executed it

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 231

// enters the repeat block.
// Within the block the program waits
// for the system variable DMM_CH2
// to be updated, then displays the
// result of a calculation.
// The block of code is then repeated
// indefinitely, updating the display
// whenever DMM_CH2 is updated.

Create a new file for logging operations. Overwrites any data that already exists in the file.

STARTLOG filename

filename: String representing a file name.
The filename is relative to the current working directory, unless a full path
name is given.

Examples: Examples:

Results: Results:
// Creates a new file called // Creates a new file called
// "results.csv" in the current directory // "results.csv" in directory
// (normally the directory that // "mydocu~1" on the "C:\" drive.
// was installed in).

Create an SQLite3 database file for logging operations. A new TestFlowLog entry is added
marked with the current user, date and time. If the database already exists, add a new
TestFlowLog entry is added to the existing database.


filename: String representing a file name.
The filename is relative to the current working directory, unless a full path
name is given.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 232

Examples: Examples:

Results: Results:
// Creates a new file called // Creates a new file called
// "results.db" in the current directory // "results.db" in directory
// (normally the directory that // "mydocu" on the "C:\" drive and
Ultimate // creates a new TestFlowLog entry.
// was installed in) and creates a new
// TestFlowLog entry.

TestFlowLog Entry:

This function stores data in a format that can be understood by any SQLite3 database

Executes a program, or opens a file if the extension for that file has been registered with

SYSTEM filename

filename: String representing a file name.
The filename is relative to the current working directory, unless a full path
name is given.

Examples: Examples:
"" Files\Microsoft Office\Microsoft
Excel", "test.csv"

Results: Results:
// Opens the given web page. // opens the file "test.csv" in Excel

Executes a program, or opens a file if the extension for that file has been registered with
windows, then waits for the program to return a result.

result = SYSTEMWAIT filename

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 233

filename: String representing a file name.
The filename is relative to the current working
directory, unless a full path name is given.
result: A variable to contain the result of the executed program (normally an

Examples: Examples:
Result = SYSTEMWAIT Result = SYSTEMWAIT "C:\Program
"" Files\Microsoft Office\Microsoft
Excel", "test.csv"

Results: Results:
// Opens the given web page. // opens the file "test.csv" in Excel
// Programs return value stored in // Programs return value stored in
result result

Waits for a system variable to be updated.

WAIT system_variable

system_variable: Any system variable.
When that system variable updates (even if the updated value is the
same as the previous value), execution continues.


// The calculator does not continue
// executing the program until the
// value of DMM_CH1 is updated.

Continuously executes statements while the condition is true.

WHILE conditional_expression { statements }

conditional_expression: Evaluates to false (0), or true (any value other than 0).
statements: Statements that are executed if the conditional-expression
evaluates to true.


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 234


// A log file is opened.
// Each time the DMM_CH1 reading
// updated its value is appended to
// the .csv file.
// When count reaches 100,
// COUNT < 100 evaluates to false
// (non-zero), and the while loop is
// exited.
// The log file contains 100 results.

Appends data to the current log file (which is created by using the STARTLOG keyword).

WRITELOG expression1, expression2, ..., expressionN.

expression1 : An expression that evaluates to either any real number, or a string.
expression2 : An expression that evaluates to either any real number, or a string.
expressionN : An expression that evaluates to either any real number, or a string.

STARTLOG "volts.csv"
count = 1
volts = 1.5
WRITELOG count, ":", volts, "V"

// A log file called "volts.csv" is
// created in the current directory.
// The contents of the file will be:
// 1,":",1.5,"V"

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 235

WRITELOG has access to special functions that are not available to any other
FormulaPlus keyword at this time.

TIME() returns the current time (with a minimum resolution of 1 second).

DATE() returns the current date.

These functions return data in a format that can be understood by Microsoft Excel™
when imported as a ".csv" file.

Appends data to the current log database (which is created by using the STARTLOGDB

WRITELOGDB result1_name, result1_value, result2_name, result2_value, ...,
resultN_name, resultN_value.

result1_name : A string to be the name of the result.
result1_value : An expression that evaluates to either any real number, or a string.
result2_name : A string to be the name of the result.
result2_value : An expression that evaluates to either any real number, or a string.
resultN_name : A string to be the name of the result.
resultN_value : An expression that evaluates to either any real number, or a string.

STARTLOG "volts.db"
Resistance = 0.515034
WRITELOG"Status","PASS" "Resistance (Ohms)", Resistance

// A log file called "volts.db" is
// created in the current directory.
// Then a TestFlowResult entry for each expression pair is created.

TestFlowResults Entry:

This function stores data in a format that can be understood by any SQLite3 database

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 236

List of Operators
For detailed information about individual operators click on one of the following links:

* Operator
+ Operator
- Operator
/ Operator
^ Operator

* Operator
Used to multiply two numbers.

+ Operator
Used to add two numbers.

- Operator
Used to subtract one number from another.

/ Operator
Used to divide one number by another.

^ Operator
Used to raise one number to the power of another.

List of System Variables

For detailed information about individual system variables click on one of the following links:

Advanced Board Checker


Board Fault Locator


MIS3 Digital Multimeter


MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 237



ABI Electronics Ltd Page 238

MIS3 Frequency Counter


MIS3 Function Generator


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 239

MIS3 Universal Input/Outputs





ABI Electronics Ltd Page 240

Variable Power Supply








MIS4 Digital Voltmeter

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 241


MIS4 Digital Ammeter


MIS4 Digital Ohmmeter


MIS4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 242


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 243

MIS4 Universal Input/Outputs




ABI Electronics Ltd Page 244






MIS4 Auxiliary Power Supply




ABI Electronics Ltd Page 245


MIS4 Universal Frequency Counter


MIS4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator



BC_CH_RESULT(Channel Number) (read-only)

This system variable returns the status of the specified channel on the Advanced Board

0 Incomplet The channel is waiting for its measurement to complete.

1 Pass The channel measurement has completed, and the result was
a pass.
2 Fail The channel measurement has completed, and the result was
a fail.
3 None The channel is off.

BC_CH_VOLTAGE(Channel Number) (read-only)

This system variable returns the last voltage measured by the specified channel on the
Advanced Board Checker.


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 246

This system variable is used to return/set the state of the Digital IC Tester.

Values 0 Start
1 Stop

This system variable is used to return/set the state of the Digital Graphical Test Generator.

Values 0 Start
1 Stop

This system variable is used to return/set the state of the Digital IC Identifier.

Values 0 Start
1 Stop

DMM_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last DMM user button that was last pressed.

DMM_CH1 (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value read from channel 1 on the Digital Multimeter.

DMM_CH2 (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value read from channel 2 on the Digital Multimeter.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box A for the
DMM calculator.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box B for the
DMM calculator.

This system variable is updated whenever a DSO acquisition has completed. This system
variable is useful for waiting for a DSO acquisition to finish.

For example:

STARTLOG "C:\My Documents\Oscilloscope.csv"


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 247


This example opens a file "Oscilloscope.csv" in directory "C:\My Documents". It then enters
the repeat loop and waits for the DSO acquisition to complete. When the acquisition is
complete it logs the amplitude and period of the waveform displayed on channel 1 to the open
file. It then loops around again and waits for the next acquisition to complete.

This system variable returns the current acquisition state of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

Values 0 Starting acquisition

1 Waiting for trigger
2 Completed acquisition
3 Completing acquisition
4 Building ERS acquisition
5 Auto zero calibration

This system variable is used to return/set the acquisition mode for the Digital Storage

Values 0 Automatic acquisition

1 Normal acquisition
2 Single acquisition
3 Stop

This system variable is used to return/set the timebase index for the Digital Storage

Values 0 5s / Division
1 2s / Division
2 1s / Division
3 0.5s / Division
4 0.2s / Division
5 0.1s / Division
6 50ms / Division
7 20ms / Division
8 10ms / Division
9 5ms / Division

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 248

10 2ms / Division
11 1ms / Division
12 0.5ms / Division
13 0.2ms / Division
14 0.1ms / Division
15 50us / Division
16 20us / Division
17 10us / Division
18 5us / Division
19 2us / Division
20 1us / Division
21 0.5us / Division
22 0.2us / Division
23 0.1us / Division
24 50ns / Division
25 20ns / Division
26 10ns / Division
27 5ns / Division

This system variable is used to return/set the trigger coupling settings used by the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

Values 0 DC triggering
1 AC triggering
2 Low frequency rejection
3 High frequency rejection

This system variable is used to return/set the trigger delay for the Digital Storage

This system variable is used to return/set the edge used to trigger off on the Digital Storage

Values 0 Positive edge

1 Negative edge

This system variable is used to return/set the trigger level for the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 249
This system variable is used to return/set the trigger source settings used by the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

Values 0 Channel 1 triggering

1 Channel 2 triggering
2 External triggering
3 FG triggering

DSO_CH1_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last DSO channel 1 user button that was last

DSO_CH1_AMPLITUDE (read-only)
This system variable returns the amplitude of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_BANDWIDTH (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of 0.35 divided by the rise time.
This formula is valid only for a first order system (i.e. with no overshoot on a rising edge) and
can be used to give a VERY approximate estimate of the system bandwidth.

This system variable is used to return/set the coupling settings for channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

Values 0 Ground
1 DC
2 AC

DSO_CH1_BASE (read-only)
This system variable returns the base of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_BASE_PEAK (read-only)
This system variable returns the base peak (lowest point) of the waveform displayed on
channel 1 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_CREST_FACTOR (read-only)
This system variable returns the crest factor of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_CYCLIC_MEAN (read-only)
This system variable returns the cyclic mean of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_CYCLIC_RMS (read-only)
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 250
This parameter returns the cyclic RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_CYCLES (read-only)
This system variable returns the number of complete cycles detected in the waveform
displayed on channel 1 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_DUTY_CYCLE (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of "100% * high pulse width divided by the period".

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box A for
channel 1 of the DSO calculator.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box B for
channel 1 of the DSO calculator.

DSO_CH1_FALL_TIME (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between the 10% and 90% amplitude points on the
falling edges of channel 1 divided by the number of falling edges.

DSO_CH1_FREQUENCY (read-only)
This system variable returns the frequency of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable is used to return/set the volts/division setting for channel 1 on the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

Values 0 2.0V / Division

1 1.0V / Division
2 0.5V / Division
3 0.2V / Division
4 0.1V / Division
5 50mV / Division
6 20mV / Division

DSO_CH1_MEAN (read-only)
This system variable returns the mean of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_NEG_SLEW (read-only)
This system variable returns the voltage difference between the 10% and 90% amplitude
points on falling edge divided by the time difference between these points on channel 1.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 251

This system variable returns the falling time constant (time from the top to 37% of the
amplitude) of an exponential falling edge on channel 1 of the DSO.

DSO_CH1_NEG_WIDTH (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between 50% amplitude points on falling pulses
(falling then rising edge) divided by the number of negative pulses on channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set channel 1's offset on the Digital Storage

DSO_CH1_OVERSHOOT (read-only)
This system variable returns the overshoot of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_PEAK_TO_PEAK (read-only)
This system variable returns the peak to peak voltage of the waveform displayed on channel
1 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_PERIOD (read-only)
This system variable returns the period of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_POS_SLEW (read-only)
This system variable returns the voltage difference between the 10% and 90% amplitude
points on rising edge divided by the time difference between these points on channel 1.

This system variable returns the rising time constant (time from the base to 63% of the
amplitude) of an exponential rising edge on channel 1 of the DSO.

DSO_CH1_POS_WIDTH (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between 50% amplitude points on positive pulses
(rising then falling edge) divided by the number of positive pulses on channel 1.

DSO_CH1_RISE_TIME (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between the 10% and 90% amplitude points on the
rising edges of channel 1 divided by the number of rising edges.

DSO_CH1_RMS (read-only)
This system variable returns the RMS voltage of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the resolution of time measurements for the current timebase.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 252

DSO_CH1_TOP (read-only)
This system variable returns the top of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_TOP_PEAK (read-only)
This system variable returns the top peak of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH1_UNDERSHOOT (read-only)
This system variable returns the amount of undershoot of the waveform displayed on channel
1 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the resolution of voltage measurements on the current V/div
range for channel 1.

DSO_CH2_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last DSO channel 2 user button that was last

DSO_CH2_AMPLITUDE (read-only)
This system variable returns the amplitude of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_BANDWIDTH (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of 0.35 divided by the rise time.
This formula is valid only for a first order system (i.e. with no overshoot on a rising edge) and
can be used to give a VERY approximate estimate of the system bandwidth.

DSO_CH2_BASE (read-only)
This system variable returns the base of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_BASE_PEAK (read-only)
This system variable returns the base peak (lowest point) of the waveform displayed on
channel 2 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable is used to return/set the coupling settings for channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

Values 0 Ground
1 DC
2 AC

DSO_CH2_CREST_FACTOR (read-only)

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 253

This system variable returns the crest factor of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_CYCLIC_MEAN (read-only)
This system variable returns the cyclic mean of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_CYCLIC_RMS (read-only)
This system variable returns the cyclic RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_CYCLES (read-only)
This system variable returns the number of complete cycles detected in the waveform
displayed on channel 2 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_DUTY_CYCLE (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of "100% * high pulse width divided by the period".

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box A for
channel 2 of the DSO calculator.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box B for
channel 2 of the DSO calculator.

DSO_CH2_FALL_TIME (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between the 10% and 90% amplitude points on the
falling edges of channel 2 divided by the number of falling edges.

DSO_CH2_FREQUENCY (read-only)
This system variable returns the frequency of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable is used to return/set the volts/division setting for channel 2 on the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

Values 0 2.0V / Division

1 1.0V / Division
2 0.5V / Division
3 0.2V / Division
4 0.1V / Division
5 50mV / Division
6 20mV / Division

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 254

DSO_CH2_MEAN (read-only)
This system variable returns the mean of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_NEG_SLEW (read-only)
This system variable returns the voltage difference between the 10% and 90% amplitude
points on falling edge divided by the time difference between these points on channel 2.

This system variable returns the falling time constant (time from the top to 37% of the
amplitude) of an exponential falling edge on channel 2 of the DSO.

DSO_CH2_NEG_WIDTH (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between 50% amplitude points on falling pulses
(falling then rising edge) divided by the number of negative pulses on channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set channel 2's offset on the Digital Storage

DSO_CH2_OVERSHOOT (read-only)
This system variable returns the overshoot of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_PEAK_TO_PEAK (read-only)
This system variable returns the peak to peak voltage of the waveform displayed on channel
2 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_PERIOD (read-only)
This system variable returns the period of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_POS_SLEW (read-only)
This system variable returns the voltage difference between the 10% and 90% amplitude
points on rising edge divided by the time difference between these points on channel 2.

This system variable returns the rising time constant (time from the base to 63% of the
amplitude) of an exponential rising edge on channel 2 of the DSO.

DSO_CH2_POS_WIDTH (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between 50% amplitude points on positive pulses
(rising then falling edge) divided by the number of positive pulses on channel 2.

DSO_CH2_RISE_TIME (read-only)
This system variable returns the total time between the 10% and 90% amplitude points on the
rising edges of channel 2 divided by the number of rising edges.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 255

DSO_CH2_RMS (read-only)
This system variable returns the RMS voltage of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the resolution of time measurements for the current timebase.

DSO_CH2_TOP (read-only)
This system variable returns the top of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_TOP_PEAK (read-only)
This system variable returns the top peak of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

DSO_CH2_UNDERSHOOT (read-only)
This system variable returns the amount of undershoot of the waveform displayed on channel
2 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the resolution of voltage measurements on the current V/div
range for channel 2.

FC_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last frequency counter user button that was last

FC_CH1 (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value read from channel 1 on the Frequency Counter.

FC_CH2 (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value read from channel 2 on the Frequency Counter.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box A for the
Frequency Counter calculator.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in Calculator Entry Box B for the
Frequency Counter calculator.

This system variable is used to return/set the current step through which the function
generator's output has been swept.


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 256

This system variable is used to return/set the function generator's output frequency.

This system variable is used to return/set the function generator's duty cycle.

This system variable is used to return/set the function generator's DC offset.

This system variable is used to return the function generator's frequency as measured
internally by the frequency counter.

This system variable is used to return/set the function generator's amplitude.

This system variable is used to return/set the restrict status of UIO analogue channel 1, i.e.
whether it is enabled or disabled.

Values 0 Disabled
1 Enabled

This system variable is used to return/set the restrict status of UIO analogue channel 2, i.e.
whether it is enabled or disabled.

Values 0 Disabled
1 Enabled

This system variable is used to return/set the restrict status of UIO analogue channel 3, i.e.
whether it is enabled or disabled.

Values 0 Disabled
1 Enabled

This system variable is used to return/set the restrict status of UIO analogue channel 4, i.e.
whether it is enabled or disabled.

Values 0 Disabled
1 Enabled

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 257
This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 1 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 2 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 3 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 4 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 1 on the UIO.

Values 0 Output Low

1 Output High
2 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 2 on the UIO.

Values 0 Output Low

1 Output High
2 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 3 on the UIO.

Values 0 Output Low

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 258
1 Output High
2 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the value of digital channel 4 on the UIO.

Values 0 Output Low

1 Output High
2 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of UIO analogue channel 1, i.e. whether it
is applies to voltages or currents.

Values 0 Volts
1 Current

This system variable is used to return/set the value output by UIO analogue channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the value output by UIO analogue channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the value output by UIO analogue channel 3.

This system variable is used to return/set the value output by UIO analogue channel 4.

UIO_ACH1_VALUE_IN (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value measured on UIO analogue channel 1.

UIO_ACH2_VALUE_IN (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value measured on UIO analogue channel 2.

UIO_ACH3_VALUE_IN (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value measured on UIO analogue channel 3.

UIO_ACH4_VALUE_IN (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value measured on UIO analogue channel 4.

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO analogue channel 1, i.e.
whether it is an output or an input.

Values 0 Output
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 259
1 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO analogue channel 2, i.e.
whether it is an output or an input.

Values 0 Output
1 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO analogue channel 3, i.e.
whether it is an output or an input.

Values 0 Output
1 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO analogue channel 4, i.e.
whether it is an output or an input.

Values 0 Output
1 Input

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of UIO analogue channel 2, i.e. whether it
is applies to voltages or currents.

Values 0 Volts
1 Current

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of UIO analogue channel 3, i.e. whether it
is applies to voltages or currents.

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of UIO analogue channel 4, i.e. whether it
is applies to voltages or currents.

Values 0 Volts
1 Current

USER1_ACTION (read-only)
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 260
This system variable returns the value of the last user button that was last pressed.

USER2_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last user button that was last pressed.

USER3_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last user button that was last pressed.

USER4_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last user button that was last pressed.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box A for
user calculator 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box B for
user calculator 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box A for
user calculator 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box A for
user calculator 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box A for
user calculator 3.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box B for
user calculator 3.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box A for
user calculator 4.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box B for
user calculator 4.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of USER_STATUS1.

0 Incomplete The TestFlow is waiting for the record's tests to complete.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 261

1 Pass All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
2 Fail All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
3 None The TestFlow record doesn't have any associated tests.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of USER_STATUS2.

0 Incomplete The TestFlow is waiting for the record's tests to complete.

1 Pass All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
2 Fail All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
3 None The TestFlow record doesn't have any associated tests.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of USER_STATUS3.

0 Incomplete The TestFlow is waiting for the record's tests to complete.

1 Pass All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
2 Fail All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
3 None The TestFlow record doesn't have any associated tests.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of USER_STATUS4.

0 Incomplete The TestFlow is waiting for the record's tests to complete.

1 Pass All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
2 Fail All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
3 None The TestFlow record doesn't have any associated tests.

TFL_ACTION (read-only)
This system variable returns the value of the last TestFlow user button that was last pressed.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box A for
the TestFlow calculator.

This system variable is used to return/set the value displayed in the Calculator Entry Box B for
the TestFlow calculator.

TFL_STATUS (read-only)
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 262
This system variable returns the status of the current TestFlow record.

0 Incomplete The TestFlow is waiting for the record's tests to complete.

1 Pass All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
2 Fail All the record's tests have completed, and the result was a
3 None The TestFlow record doesn't have any associated tests.

TFL_STEP_NO (read-only)
This system variable returns the current TestFlow record step number.

TFL_STEP_NAME (read-only)
This system variable returns the current TestFlow record step name.

This system variable is used to return/set the power status of connected VPS modules.

Values 0 VPS Off

1 VPS On

All connected VPS modules will be affected by changes to this variable.

This system variable is used to return the current reading of logic1 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the current trip of logic1 on the VPS.

Values 0.00A to 5.00A


This system variable is used to return/set the state of the current trip for logic1 of the VPS.

Values 0 Trip Off

1 Trip On

This system variable is used to return/set the over voltage protection setting of logic1 on the

Values 0.00V to 6.50V

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 263
This system variable is used to return/set the state of the over voltage protection trigger for
logic1 of the VPS.

Values 0 OVP Off

1 OVP On

This system variable is used to return the voltage reading of logic1 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the voltage setting of logic1 on the VPS.

Values 0.00V to 6.00V


This system variable is used to return the current reading of logic2 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the current trip of logic2 on the VPS.

Values 0.00A to 5.00A


This system variable is used to return/set the state of the current trip for logic2 of the VPS.

Values 0 Trip Off

1 Trip On

This system variable is used to return/set the over voltage protection setting of logic2 on the

Values 0.00V to 6.50V



ABI Electronics Ltd Page 264

This system variable is used to return/set the state of the over voltage protection trigger for
logic2 of the VPS.

Values 0 OVP Off

1 OVP On

This system variable is used to return the voltage reading of logic2 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the voltage setting of logic2 on the VPS.

Values 0.00V to 6.00V


This system variable is used to return/set the current limit of neg1 on the VPS.

Values 0.00A to 1.50A


This system variable is used to return the current reading of neg1 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return the voltage reading of neg1 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the voltage setting of neg1 on the VPS.

Values -24.50V to 0.00V


This system variable is used to return/set the current limit of neg2 on the VPS.

Values 0.00A to 1.50A


This system variable is used to return the current reading of neg2 on the VPS.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 265

This system variable is used to return the voltage reading of neg2 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the voltage setting of neg2 on the VPS.

Values -24.50V to 0.00V


This system variable is used to return/set the current limit of pos1 on the VPS.

Values 0.00A to 1.50A


This system variable is used to return the current reading of pos1 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return the voltage reading of pos1 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the voltage setting of pos1 on the VPS.

Values 0.00V to 24.50V


This system variable is used to return/set the current limit of pos2 on the VPS.

Values 0.00A to 1.50A


This system variable is used to return the current reading of pos2 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return the voltage reading of pos2 on the VPS.

This system variable is used to return/set the voltage setting of pos2 on the VPS.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 266

Values 0.00V to 24.50V

This system variable returns the last value read from channel 1 on the Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the measurement type from channel 1 on the Digital Voltmeter.

0 AC The measurement type is alternating current (AC).

1 DC The measurement type is direct current (DC).
2 AC+DC The measurement type is alternating current with a direct
current offset (AC+DC).

This system variable returns the last statistics maximum value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics average value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics minimum value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the last sweep value from channel 1 on the Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the comparison result from channel 1 on the Digital Voltmeter.

0 INCOMPLETE The comparison result is incomplete.

1 PASS The comparison result is Pass.
2 FAIL The comparison result is Fail.
3 N/A There is no comparison result.

This system variable returns the last value read from channel 2 on the Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the measurement type from channel 2 on the Digital Voltmeter.

0 AC The measurement type is alternating current (AC).

1 DC The measurement type is direct current (DC).
2 AC+DC The measurement type is alternating current with a direct
current offset (AC+DC).

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 267

This system variable returns the last statistics maximum value read from channel 2 on the
Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics average value read from channel 2 on the
Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics minimum value read from channel 2 on the
Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the last sweep value from channel 2 on the Digital Voltmeter.

This system variable returns the comparison result from channel 2 on the Digital Voltmeter.

0 INCOMPLETE The comparison result is incomplete.

1 PASS The comparison result is Pass.
2 FAIL The comparison result is Fail.
3 N/A There is no comparison result.

This system variable returns the last value read from channel 1 on the Digital Ammeter.

This system variable returns the measurement type from channel 1 on the Digital Ammeter.

0 AC The measurement type is alternating current (AC).

1 DC The measurement type is direct current (DC).
2 AC+DC The measurement type is alternating current with a direct
current offset (AC+DC).

This system variable returns the last statistics maximum value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Ammeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics average value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Ammeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics minimum value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Ammeter.


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 268

This system variable returns the last sweep value from channel 1 on the Digital Ammeter.

This system variable returns the comparison result from channel 1 on the Digital Ammeter.

0 INCOMPLETE The comparison result is incomplete.

1 PASS The comparison result is Pass.
2 FAIL The comparison result is Fail.
3 N/A There is no comparison result.

This system variable returns the last value read from channel 1 on the Digital Ohmmeter.

This system variable returns the measurement type from channel 1 on the Digital Ohmmeter.

0 RESISTANCE The measurement type is resistance.

1 CONTINUITY The measurement type is continuity.
2 DIODE The measurement type is diode.

This system variable returns the last statistics maximum value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Ohmmeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics average value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Ohmmeter.

This system variable returns the last statistics minimum value read from channel 1 on the
Digital Ohmmeter.

This system variable returns the last sweep value from channel 1 on the Digital Ohmmeter.

This system variable returns the comparison result from channel 1 on the Digital Ohmmeter.

0 INCOMPLETE The comparison result is incomplete.

1 PASS The comparison result is Pass.
2 FAIL The comparison result is Fail.
3 N/A There is no comparison result.

This system variable returns the amplitude of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 269

This system variable returns the peak to peak of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the top of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the top peak of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the base of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the base peak of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the mean of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the overshoot of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the undershoot of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the V resolution of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the period of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the frequency of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 270

This system variable returns the rise time of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the fall time of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive width of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative width of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive slew rate of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of
the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative slew rate of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of
the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the bandwidth of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the duty cycle of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the T resolution of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cyclic mean of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cyclic RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cycle count of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 271
This system variable returns the crest factor of the waveform displayed on channel 1 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive time constant of the waveform displayed on channel
1 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative time constant of the waveform displayed on channel
1 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the amplitude of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the peak to peak of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the top of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the top peak of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the base of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the base peak of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the mean of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the overshoot of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 272
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the undershoot of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the V resolution of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the period of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the frequency of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the rise time of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the fall time of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive width of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative width of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive slew rate of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of
the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative slew rate of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of
the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the bandwidth of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 273
This system variable returns the duty cycle of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the T resolution of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cyclic mean of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cyclic RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cycle count of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the crest factor of the waveform displayed on channel 2 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive time constant of the waveform displayed on channel
2 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative time constant of the waveform displayed on channel
2 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the amplitude of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the peak to peak of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the top of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the top peak of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 274

This system variable returns the base of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the base peak of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the mean of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the overshoot of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the undershoot of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the V resolution of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the period of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the frequency of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the rise time of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the fall time of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive width of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 275
This system variable returns the negative width of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive slew rate of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of
the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative slew rate of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of
the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the bandwidth of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the duty cycle of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the T resolution of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cyclic mean of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cyclic RMS of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the cycle count of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the crest factor of the waveform displayed on channel 3 of the
Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the positive time constant of the waveform displayed on channel
3 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable returns the negative time constant of the waveform displayed on channel
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 276
3 of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 1 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 1, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 1.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 1.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 2 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 2, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 2.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 277
This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 2.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 2.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 3 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 3, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 3.

This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 3.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 3.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 3.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 4 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 4, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 278
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 4.

This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 4.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 4.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 4.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 5 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 5, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 5.

This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 5.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 5.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 5.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 6 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 279

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 6, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 6.

This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 6.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 6.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 6.

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 7 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 7, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 7.

This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 7.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 7.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 7.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 280

This system variable is used to return/set the state of channel 8 on the UIO.

Values 0 Low
1 High

This system variable is used to return/set the direction of UIO channel 8, i.e. whether it is an
output or an input.

Values 0 Input
1 Output

This system variable is used to return/set the high value output by UIO channel 8.

This system variable is used to return/set the low value output by UIO channel 8.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on UIO channel 8.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on UIO channel 8.

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on APS +12V channel.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on APS +12V channel.

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of APS channel +12V, i.e. whether it is On
or Off.

Values 0 Off
1 On

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on APS +5V channel.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on APS +5V channel.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 281

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of APS channel +5V, i.e. whether it is On
or Off.

Values 0 Off
1 On

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on APS +3.3V channel.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on APS +3.3V channel.

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of APS channel +3.3V, i.e. whether it is
On or Off.

Values 0 Off
1 On

This system variable returns the last voltage value measured on APS -12V channel.

This system variable returns the last current value measured on APS -12V channel.

This system variable is used to return/set the mode of APS channel -12V, i.e. whether it is On
or Off.

Values 0 Off
1 On

MIS4_FC1_MEASUREMENT (read-only)
This system variable returns the last value read from channel 1 on the Frequency Counter.

This system variable returns the last statistics maximum value read from channel 1 on the
Frequency Counter.

This system variable returns the last statistics average value read from channel 1 on the
Frequency Counter.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 282

This system variable returns the last statistics minimum value read from channel 1 on the
Frequency Counter.

This system variable returns the last sweep value from channel 1 on the Frequency Counter.

This system variable returns the comparison result from channel 1 on the Frequency Counter.

0 INCOMPLETE The comparison result is incomplete.

1 PASS The comparison result is Pass.
2 FAIL The comparison result is Fail.
3 N/A There is no comparison result.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator mode for channel

Values 0 Off
1 On
2 Normal
3 Single

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output offset for
channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output amplitude
for channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output duty cycle
for channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output frequency
for channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output off voltage
for channel 1.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output shape for
channel 1.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 283

Values 0 DC
1 Sine
2 Square
3 Triangle
4 Ramp+
5 Ramp-
6 Arbitrary

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator mode for channel

Values 0 Off
1 On
2 Normal
3 Single

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output offset for
channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output amplitude
for channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output duty cycle
for channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output frequency
for channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output off voltage
for channel 2.

This system variable is used to return/set the Arbitrary Waveform Generator output shape for
channel 2.

Values 0 DC
1 Sine
2 Square

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 284

3 Triangle
4 Ramp+
5 Ramp-
6 Arbitrary

List of Functions
For detailed information about individual functions click on one of the following links:


This function returns the absolute value (or magnitude) of an expression, providing that
expression evaluates to a number. For example, a negative number is returned as a positive
number with the same magnitude as the original negative number.

ABS (expression)

expression: Numerical expression whose magnitude is to be returned.

Example: Example:
FORMAT 0, "", N FORMAT 0, "", N

Result: Result:
100 100

This function calculates the cosine of an expression, providing that expression evaluates to a


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 285

COS (angle)

angle: Numerical expression representing an angle (in radians) whose cosine is to be

FORMAT 3, "", N


This function returns the value of the mathematical constant E (which is equivalent to taking
the exponential of 1).



FORMAT 3, "", N


This function evaluates expression, providing that expression evaluates to a number, and
determines the nearest preferred E12 resistor value.

E12 (expression)

expression: Value for which the preferred E12 resistor value is found.

FORMAT 0, "", N
DISPLAY E12(302.5)


This function evaluates expression, providing that expression evaluates to a number, and

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 286

determines the nearest preferred E24 resistor value.

E24 (expression)

expression: Value for which the preferred E24 resistor value is found.

FORMAT 0, "", N
DISPLAY E24(302.5)


This function calculates the exponential of the expression, providing that expression
evaluates to a number.

EXP (expression)

expression: Numerical expression for which the exponential will be returned.
If the value is greater than 50, an error will be given.

Example: Example:
FORMAT 3, "", N FORMAT 3, "", N

Result: Result:
2.718 Exp arg

Returns the integer value of the expression given, providing that expression evaluates to a

INT (expression)

expression: Numerical expression whose integer part will be returned.

Example: Example:
FORMAT 1,"",N FORMAT 1,"", N

Result: Result:

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 287

2.0 -2.0

This function evaluates the expression, and providing it evaluates to a number, returns its
natural logarithm.

LOG (expression)

expression: Numerical expression whose natural logarithm will be returned
If the value is 0.0 or less, an error message is given.

Example: Example:
FORMAT 1,"",N FORMAT 1,"", N

Result: Result:
0.0 Log arg.

This function returns the largest of the two values in its parameter list.

MAX (expression1, expression2)

expression1: Value to compare against.
expression2: Value to compare against.

Example: Example:
FORMAT 1,"",N FORMAT 1,"", N

Result: Result:
2.0 2.0

This function returns the smallest of the two values in its parameter list.

MIN (expression1, expression2)

expression1: Value to compare against.
expression2: Value to compare against.

Example: Example:

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 288

FORMAT 1,"",N FORMAT 1,"", N

Result: Result:
1.0 1.0

This function returns the value of the mathematical constant PI.



FORMAT 3, "", N


This function rounds the value given as its first parameter to the nearest multiple of its second

ROUND (expression1, expression2)

expression1: Value to round.
expression2: Nearest value to round to a multiple of.

Example: Example:
FORMAT 0,"",N FORMAT 0,"", N
// Round to the nearest hundred // Round to an even number

Result: Result:
100 14

This function calculates the sine of an expression, providing that expression evaluates to a

SIN (angle)


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 289

angle: Numerical expression representing an angle (in radians) whose sine is to be

FORMAT 3, "", N


This function evaluates the square root of the given expression.

SQRT (expression)

expression: Numerical expression whose square root is to be returned.
If the value is negative, an error occurs.

Example: Example:
FORMAT 1,"",N FORMAT 1,"", N

Result: Result:
2.0 Sq root arg

This function calculates the tangent of an expression, providing that expression evaluates to a

TAN (angle)

angle: Numerical expression representing an angle (in radians) whose tangent is to be

FORMAT 3, "", N


This function returns the time, in seconds, that the calculator program has been running.

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 290



PAUSE 5000


What Is Python?
Python is an object-oriented programming language, which combines remarkable power with
very clear syntax. There are interfaces available to many system calls and libraries, as well
as to various windowing systems. New modules can be easily written in C or C++.

Python has been fully integrated into the SYSTEM 8 FormulaPlus calculator description

Full support and documentation on the Python language is available from

Beginners Guide
Package Index

Installing Python
It is necessary to download and install python 2.7 on your computer before you can use any
of its features from within SYSTEM 8.

Python 2.7 is available as a free download directly from, install the latest
version available for the windows operating system. Once installed all of Python's feature will
be available from within the SYSTEM 8 FormulaPlus calculator description language.

Python MIS3 Digital Multimeter

The MIS3 Digital Multimeter instrument can be accessed from Python using the Ultimate
library. All of the MIS3 DMM system variables from FormulaPlus are available in Python.

Usage Example

# Include talking to Ultimate in this script
import ultimate

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 291

# Get access to the digital multimeter
DMM = ultimate.dmm()

# Print the DMM Channel readings

print "Channel 1 reading is" + str(DMM.ch1)
print "Channel 2 reading is" + str(DMM.ch2)

Property Description Equivalent FormulaPlus

ch1 DMM channel 1 reading DMM_CH1
ch2 DMM channel 2 reading DMM_CH2

Python MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope

The MIS3 Digital Storage Oscilloscope instrument can be accessed from Python using the
Ultimate library. All of the MIS3 DSO system variables from FormulaPlus are available in

Usage Example

# Include talking to Ultimate in this script
import ultimate

# Get access to the digital storage oscilloscope

DSO = ultimate.dso()

# Set some DSO properties

DSO.ch1_offset = 2
DSO.timebase_index = 3 # 0.5s / Division

# Print some DSO properties

print "DSO channel 1 amplitude is" + str(DSO.ch1_amplitude)
print "DSO channel 1 frequency is" + str(DSO.ch1_frequency)

Property Description Equivalent FormulaPlus

acquire_mode DSO Acquire mode DSO_ACQUIRE_MODE
acquire_status DSO Acquisition status DSO_ACQUIRE_STATUS
trig_coupling DSO trigger coupling DSO_TRIG_COUPLING
trig_source DSO trigger source DSO_TRIG_SOURCE
trig_edge DSO trigger slope DSO_TRIG_EDGE
trig_level DSO trigger level DSO_TRIG_LEVEL
trig_delay DSO trigger delay DSO_TRIG_DELAY
timebase_index DSO timebase DSO_TIMEBASE_INDEX

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 292

ch1_offset DSO channel 1 vertical DSO_CH1_OFFSET
ch1_amplitude DSO channel 1 amplitude DSO_CH1_AMPLITUDE
ch1_peak_to_peak DSO channel 1 peak to DSO_CH1_PEAK_TO_PE
peak AK
ch1_top DSO channel 1 top DSO_CH1_TOP
ch1_top_peak DSO channel 1 top peak DSO_CH1_TOP_PEAK
ch1_base DSO channel 1 base DSO_CH1_BASE
ch1_base_peak DSO channel 1 base peak DSO_CH1_BASE_PEAK
ch1_mean DSO channel 1 mean DSO_CH1_MEAN
ch1_cyclic_mean DSO channel 1 cyclical DSO_CH1_CYCLIC_MEA
mean N
ch1_rms DSO channel 1 RMS DSO_CH1_RMS
ch1_cyclic_rms DSO channel 1 cyclical DSO_CH1_CYCLIC_RMS
ch1_overshoot DSO channel 1 overshoot DSO_CH1_OVERSHOOT
ch1_undershoot DSO channel 1 DSO_CH1_UNDERSHOO
undershoot T
ch1_crest_factor DSO channel 1 crest DSO_CH1_CREST_FACT
factor OR
ch1_period DSO channel 1 period DSO_CH1_PERIOD
ch1_frequency DSO channel 1 frequency DSO_CH1_FREQUENCY
ch1_cycles DSO channel 1 number of DSO_CH1_CYCLES
ch1_rise_time DSO channel 1 rise time DSO_CH1_RISE_TIME
ch1_fall_time DSO channel 1 fall time DSO_CH1_FALL_TIME
ch1_pos_width DSO channel 1 positive DSO_CH1_POS_WIDTH
ch1_neg_width DSO channel 1 negative DSO_CH1_NEG_WIDTH
ch1_pos_slew DSO channel 1 positive DSO_CH1_POS_SLEW
slew rate
ch1_neg_slew DSO channel 1 negative DSO_CH1_NEG_SLEW
slew rate
ch1_bandwidth DSO channel 1 bandwidth DSO_CH1_BANDWIDTH
ch1_duty_cycle DSO channel 1 duty cycle DSO_CH1_DUTY_CYCLE
ch1_pos_time_constant DSO channel 1 positive DSO_CH1_POS_TIME_C
time constant ONSTANT
ch1_neg_time_constant DSO channel 1 negative DSO_CH1_NEG_TIME_C
time constant ONSTANT
ch1_voltage_resolution DSO channel 1 voltage DSO_CH1_VOLTAGE_RE
resolution SOLUTION
ch1_time_resolution DSO channel 1 time DSO_CH1_TIME_RESOL
resolution UTION

ch2_offset DSO channel 2 vertical DSO_CH2_OFFSET

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 293
ch2_amplitude DSO channel 2 amplitude DSO_CH2_AMPLITUDE
ch2_peak_to_peak DSO channel 2 peak to DSO_CH2_PEAK_TO_PE
peak AK
ch2_top DSO channel 2 top DSO_CH2_TOP
ch2_top_peak DSO channel 2 top peak DSO_CH2_TOP_PEAK
ch2_base DSO channel 2 base DSO_CH2_BASE
ch2_base_peak DSO channel 2 base peak DSO_CH2_BASE_PEAK
ch2_mean DSO channel 2 mean DSO_CH2_MEAN
ch2_cyclic_mean DSO channel 2 cyclical DSO_CH2_CYCLIC_MEA
mean N
ch2_rms DSO channel 2 RMS DSO_CH2_RMS
ch2_cyclic_rms DSO channel 2 cyclical DSO_CH2_CYCLIC_RMS
ch2_overshoot DSO channel 2 overshoot DSO_CH2_OVERSHOOT
ch2_undershoot DSO channel 2 DSO_CH2_UNDERSHOO
undershoot T
ch2_crest_factor DSO channel 2 crest DSO_CH2_CREST_FACT
factor OR
ch2_period DSO channel 2 period DSO_CH2_PERIOD
ch2_frequency DSO channel 2 frequency DSO_CH2_FREQUENCY
ch2_cycles DSO channel 2 number of DSO_CH2_CYCLES
ch2_rise_time DSO channel 2 rise time DSO_CH2_RISE_TIME
ch2_fall_time DSO channel 2 fall time DSO_CH2_FALL_TIME
ch2_pos_width DSO channel 2 positive DSO_CH2_POS_WIDTH
ch2_neg_width DSO channel 2 negative DSO_CH2_NEG_WIDTH
ch2_pos_slew DSO channel 2 positive DSO_CH2_POS_SLEW
slew rate
ch2_neg_slew DSO channel 2 negative DSO_CH2_NEG_SLEW
slew rate
ch2_bandwidth DSO channel 2 bandwidth DSO_CH2_BANDWIDTH
ch2_duty_cycle DSO channel 2 duty cycle DSO_CH2_DUTY_CYCLE
ch2_pos_time_constant DSO channel 2 positive DSO_CH2_POS_TIME_C
time constant ONSTANT
ch2_neg_time_constant DSO channel 2 negative DSO_CH2_NEG_TIME_C
time constant ONSTANT
ch2_voltage_resolution DSO channel 2 voltage DSO_CH2_VOLTAGE_RE
resolution SOLUTION
ch2_time_resolution DSO channel 2 time DSO_CH2_TIME_RESOL
resolution UTION

Python MIS3 Frequency Counter

The MIS3 Frequency Counter instrument can be accessed from Python using the Ultimate

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 294

library. All of the MIS3 Frequency Counter system variables from FormulaPlus are available in

Usage Example

# Include talking to Ultimate in this script
import ultimate

# Get access to the frequency counter

FC = ultimate.fc()

# Print the FC Channel readings

print "Channel 1 reading is" + str(FC.ch1)
print "Channel 2 reading is" + str(FC.ch2)

Property Description Equivalent FormulaPlus

ch1 Frequency counter FC_CH1
channel 1 reading
ch2 Frequency counter FC_CH2
channel 2 reading

Python MIS3 Function Generator

The MIS3 Function Generator instrument can be accessed from Python using the Ultimate
library. All of the MIS3 Function Generator system variables from FormulaPlus are available
in Python.

Usage Example

# Include talking to Ultimate in this script
import ultimate

# Get access to the function generator

FGen = ultimate.fgen()

# Set some FGen properties

FGen.amplitude = 2
FGen.set_frequency = 2000

# Print FGen actual frequency property

print "FGen actual frequency is " + str(FGen.actual_frequency)

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 295

Property Description Equivalent FormulaPlus
amplitude Amplitude FG_AMPLITUDE
dc_offset DC Offset FG_DC_OFFSET
set_frequency Set Frequency FG_SET_FREQUENCY
actual_frequency Actual Frequency FG_ACTUAL_FREQUEN
duty_cycle Duty Cycle FG_DUTY_CYCLE
sweep_step Sweep Step FG_SWEEP_STEP

Python MIS3 Universal Inputs/Outputs

The MIS3 Universal Input/Output instrument can be accessed from Python using the Ultimate
library. All of the MIS3 UIO system variables from FormulaPlus are available in Python.

Usage Example

# Include talking to Ultimate in this script
import ultimate

# Get access to the universal input / outputs

UIO = ultimate.uio()

# Set some UIO properties

UIO.ach1_direction = 0
UIO.ach1_value_out = 2
UIO.ach2_direction = 1

# Print some UIO properties

print "UIO channel 1 output is " + str(UIO.ach1_value_out)
print "UIO channel 2 input is " + str(UIO.ach2_value_in)

Property Description Equivalent FormulaPlus

ach1_direction UIO analogue channel 1 UIO_ACH1_DIRECTION
ach2_direction UIO analogue channel 2 UIO_ACH2_DIRECTION
ach3_direction UIO analogue channel 3 UIO_ACH3_DIRECTION
ach4_direction UIO analogue channel 4 UIO_ACH4_DIRECTION
ach1_mode UIO analogue channel 1 UIO_ACH1_MODE

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 296

ach2_mode UIO analogue channel 2 UIO_ACH2_MODE
ach3_mode UIO analogue channel 3 UIO_ACH3_MODE
ach4_mode UIO analogue channel 4 UIO_ACH4_MODE
ach1_value_out UIO analogue channel 1 UIO_ACH1_VALUE_OUT
output value
ach2_value_out UIO analogue channel 2 UIO_ACH2_VALUE_OUT
output value
ach3_value_out UIO analogue channel 3 UIO_ACH3_VALUE_OUT
output value
ach4_value_out UIO analogue channel 4 UIO_ACH4_VALUE_OUT
output value
ach1_value_in UIO analogue channel 1 UIO_ACH1_VALUE_IN
input value
ach2_value_in UIO analogue channel 2 UIO_ACH2_VALUE_IN
input value
ach3_value_in UIO analogue channel 3 UIO_ACH3_VALUE_IN
input value
ach4_value_in UIO analogue channel 4 UIO_ACH4_VALUE_IN
input value
ach1_restrict UIO analogue channel 1 UIO_ACH1_RESTRICT
restrict enable
ach2_restrict UIO analogue channel 2 UIO_ACH2_RESTRICT
restrict enable
ach3_restrict UIO analogue channel 3 UIO_ACH3_RESTRICT
restrict enable
ach4_restrict UIO analogue channel 4 UIO_ACH4_RESTRICT
restrict enable
dch1_state UIO digital channel 1 state UIO_DCH1_STATE
dch2_state UIO digital channel 2 UIO_DCH2_STATE
dch3_state UIO digital channel 3 UIO_DCH3_STATE
dch4_state UIO digital channel 4 UIO_DCH4_STATE
dch1_direction UIO digital channel 1 UIO_DCH1_DIRECTION
dch2_direction UIO digital channel 2 UIO_DCH2_DIRECTION
dch3_direction UIO digital channel 3 UIO_DCH3_DIRECTION
dch4_direction UIO digital channel 4 UIO_DCH4_DIRECTION

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 297

Python Variable Power Supply
The Variable Power Supply can be accessed from Python using the Ultimate library. All of the
VPS system variables from FormulaPlus are available in Python.

Usage Example

# Include talking to Ultimate in this script
import ultimate

# Get access to the VPS

VPS = ultimate.vps()

# Set some VPS properties

VPS.logic1_voltage_setting = 3
VPS.pos1_voltage_setting = 10

# Print some VPS properties

print "VPS logic1 voltage reading is " + str(VPS.logic1_voltage_reading)
print "VPS pos1 current is " + str(VPS.pos1_current_reading)

Property Description Equivalent FormulaPlus

logic1_voltage_reading VPS1 Logic Voltage VPS_LOGIC1_VOLTAGE
pos1_voltage_reading VPS1 +ve Voltage VPS_POS1_VOLTAGE_R
neg1_voltage_reading VPS1 -ve Voltage VPS_NEG1_VOLTAGE_R
logic1_current_reading VPS1 Logic Current VPS_LOGIC1_CURRENT
pos1_current_reading VPS1 +ve Current VPS_POS1_CURRENT_R
neg1_current_reading VPS1 -ve Current VPS_NEG1_CURRENT_
logic1_voltage_setting VPS1 Logic Set Voltage VPS_LOGIC1_VOLTAGE
pos1_voltage_setting VPS1 +ve Set Voltage VPS_POS1_VOLTAGE_S
neg1_voltage_setting VPS1 -ve Set Voltage VPS_NEG1_VOLTAGE_S
pos1_current_limit VPS1 +ve Set Current VPS_POS1_CURRENT_L
neg1_current_limit VPS1 -ve Set Current VPS_NEG1_CURRENT_L

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 298

logic1_ovp_setting VPS1 Logic OVP setting VPS_LOGIC1_OVP_SET
logic1_ovp_trig VPS1 Logic OVP trig VPS_LOGIC1_OVP_TRIG
logic1_current_trip VPS1 Logic current trip VPS_LOGIC1_CURRENT
logic1_enable_trip VPS1 Logic enable trip VPS_LOGIC1_ENABLE_T

logic2_voltage_reading VPS2 Logic Voltage VPS_LOGIC2_VOLTAGE

pos2_voltage_reading VPS2 +ve Voltage VPS_POS2_VOLTAGE_R
neg2_voltage_reading VPS2 -ve Voltage VPS_NEG2_VOLTAGE_R
logic2_current_reading VPS2 Logic Current VPS_LOGIC2_CURRENT
pos2_current_reading VPS2 +ve Current VPS_POS2_CURRENT_R
neg2_current_reading VPS2 -ve Current VPS_NEG2_CURRENT_
logic2_voltage_setting VPS2 Logic Set Voltage VPS_LOGIC2_VOLTAGE
pos2_voltage_setting VPS2 +ve Set Voltage VPS_POS2_VOLTAGE_S
neg2_voltage_setting VPS2 -ve Set Voltage VPS_NEG2_VOLTAGE_S
pos2_current_limit VPS2 +ve Set Current VPS_POS2_CURRENT_L
neg2_current_limit VPS2 -ve Set Current VPS_NEG2_CURRENT_L
logic2_ovp_setting VPS2 Logic OVP setting VPS_LOGIC2_OVP_SET
logic2_ovp_trig VPS2 Logic OVP trig VPS_LOGIC2_OVP_TRIG
logic2_current_trip VPS2 Logic current trip VPS_LOGIC2_CURRENT
logic2_enable_trip VPS2 Logic enable trip VPS_LOGIC2_ENABLE_T

Using Python Example

In order to use Python code within the calculator, the code must be contained within a Python
code segment.

... Python code here

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 299

Commenting Python Code

The Python language uses the # symbol to indicate that the text following it is a comment.
The comment ends with either a new line character.

# This is a comment that ends with a new line character.

Mixing Python and FormulaPlus Example

In this example FormulaPlus and Python code are mixed to write continuous measurements
of the DMM channel 1 to the calculator output.


import ultimate # Prepare to use the Ultimate interface
NumReadings = 0 # No readings taken initially
Multimeter = ultimate.dmm()


while 1
// Wait for DMM channel 1 to complete


# New reading available
CurrentReading = Multimeter.ch1
NumReadings += 1

# Display this reading

print "Reading {0}: {1:.3f}V".format(NumReadings,

Python Input Example

In this example Python is used to ask the user to enter their name and then write the users
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 300
name to the calculator output.

UserEntry = raw_input("Please enter a name")
print "\nYou entered: " + UserEntry
except EOFError:
print "\nYou pressed cancel"

Python Output Example

In this example Python is used to write "Hello there" to the calculator output.

print "Hello there!"

Python Running an External Program Example

In this example Python is used to launch the Microsoft calculator application and display any
response to the calculator output.

import subprocess

p = subprocess.Popen(["calc.exe"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
print stdout

Automatic Clip Positioning

AUTOMATIC CLIP POSITIONING establishes the position of the IC within the test clip. This
allows the clip to be applied in any desired position or orientation. The technique works by
locating the VCC (+5V) and GND (0V) pins prior to commencement of a test. Note:
Automatic clip positioning is not possible under some circumstances. The software will issue
a warning to this effect when appropriate. In these circumstances, pin 1 of the test clip must
connect to pin 1 of the IC.

When functionally testing ICs in-circuit it is necessary to apply stimulus to the device inputs.
However, under normal circumstances these inputs will also be connected to the outputs of
other devices on the board. It is only possible to test the IC by momentarily forcing the inputs
to the required state by a technique known as backdriving or node forcing. This technique
works by applying a higher source or sink current output than that provided by the device
being backdriven. The output of the device being backdriven is forced out of saturation to the
required level. This is a widely used technique for in-circuit testing.
ABI Electronics Ltd Page 301
DIL Test Clip Insertion

Greyed simply means that a button, control or option is not active (cannot be used) in the
present mode.
This is how greyed and ungreyed buttons appear:

Pin Conversion Table

The pin conversion table allows the user to define which pin numbers on the test clip connect
to which physical BFL channel numbers. This allows the user to make custom PLCC and
QFP package clips and cables.

Note: The following pin conversion file format must be complied with to enable this utility to
work correctly.

File Format
The file is a non-document pure ASCII file. Each line contains the user test clip pin number
and the corresponding physical channel number, separated by a comma and terminated with
a CR/LF. The file must contain the same number of lines as the number of pins on the test
clip. Each line should follow this format:


nnn device clip pin number (3 chars) must start at pin 1 and increment consecutively
ppp physical channel number (3 chars)
CR Carriage return (1 char)
LF Line feed (1 char)

Here is an example where a 20 pin PLCC test clip has all pins mapped one to one, except for
pins 19 and 20. Pins 19 and 20 are mapped to physical channel numbers 59 and 60

ABI Electronics Ltd Page 302



Note: The numbers must be padded to three digits by use of zero's (as above).

Pin Conversion Filename

The user defined pin conversion files must be placed in the directory where the software was
installed. The following filenames have been allocated for user PLCC/QFP packages.

Package Type Filename


ABI Electronics Ltd Page 303

Select DV-I Trace Colours

The colours of various parts of the digital V-I display can be configured. These are:

Actual Colour: Sets the colour of the actual trace.

Master Colour: Sets the colour of the master trace.
Name, Range: Sets the colour of the text on the display.
Grid Colour: Sets the colour of the grid.
BkGnd Colour: Sets the background colour of the display.

The Default Colours button restores the factory default colour scheme.

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