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The Graduate Research Journal 49

The Solution to the Dewey/Lippmann Debate

Matthew Celmer
In the early twentieth century, John Dewey and Walter Lippmann engaged in a social and philosophical debate
concerning the role of media in a democracy. In the Age of Information, the importance of the Dewey/Lippmann
debate could not be more apparent. While knowledge is power, information can be used to control the masses or
empower them. Utilizing a Deweyan approach, I attempt to synthesize Lippmann’s intellectual elites and Dewey’s
artistic concept in order to propose a possible solution to the nearly century long feud.

Key Terms: democracy; public; democratic elitism; news media

In 2004, in the midst of the presidential sources of news for the younger generation?
debate, Jon Stewart, the host of Comedy The answer is necessity. Since the
Central’s The Daily Show, went on the CNN Dewey/Lippmann debate of the twentieth
political debate-type show Crossfire. century, which was primarily concerned
Instead of making fun of then president with how information should be provided to
George W. Bush which was most likely the public in a way that benefits the
expected of him, he attacked the two hosts democratic society, journalism has been on a
of the CNN program for being irresponsible one-way track of creating and perpetuating a
“partisan hacks” ( 2012). He largely uninformed and irrational public. It
criticized them for being a part of the is no surprise to those involved in or
corporate-run media that is “hurting knowledgeable of the scholarly debate
America”. Crossfire was cancelled shortly regarding the ideas of John Dewey and
thereafter and The Daily Show continues to Walter Lippmann that the mainstream
thrive today. Crossfire was not the only journalism industry has failed in epic
program Stewart has criticized/confronted. proportions. The search for an answer has
He regularly criticizes Fox News, CNN, been both rigorous and frustrating and
CNBC, and most major news networks and whether he intended to or not, Jon Stewart
has confronted other news-like show hosts has finally provided the academic
such as Bill O’Reilly and Jim Cramer of The community with a valuable clue for how to
O’Reilly Factor and Mad Money fix such a disastrous problem.
respectively. Jon Stewart is a comedian and
he does not hide it nor does he pretend to be In order to effectively approach and define
anything other than that. This however does the problem, it is necessary to first define
not change the fact that his program “‘is the ideal democracy and its public and what
clearly impacting American dialogue’ and role journalism plays within that democracy.
‘getting people to think critically about the Next, I will look at the differences between
public square’” (Kakutani 2008, August 15). John Dewey and Walter Lippmann
concerning the same ideas to see whose
Much to the chagrin of the corporate media approach is most appropriate given their
conglomerates, Jon Stewart and his program individual ideologies and examine the
has a following and respect that most journalism problem in light of the
contemporary journalists could not dream of Dewey/Lippmann debate as discussed in the
achieving. How did this happen? How did a writings of Nathan Crick and Mark
comedy program become one of the leading Whipple. Finally, by reconciling Dewey
The Solution to the Dewey/Lippmann Debate 50

and Lippmann utilizing a Deweyan Though the United States is not truly a
approach to democracy and the public and democracy nor was ever necessarily
integrating the concepts of intellectual elites intended to be one, democratic ideals are at
and art, I will formulate a proposal based the heart of the American public. The
around the example of The Daily Show that Constitution set up a republican form of
promotes an imaginative approach to government out of the necessity to protect
journalism. liberty. Democracy is often synonymous
with liberty. In essence, the federal
Democracy government was created to protect and foster
the democracy of the states and the liberty of
In my mind, a democratic society is built citizens within those states. When we
upon the premise that the collective citizenry engage in conflicts abroad in the name of
of a particular state is able to come together democracy, we must engage in
as an informed community to make conversations at home about what exactly
decisions that will benefit not only the state that means. When so many fine young men
as a whole, but in turn, every individual and women have died and are willing to die
within that state. This concept of for those democratic ideals, then it is our
government is reliant on the presupposition duty as citizens to work towards the
that the sharing of information and ideas realization of those ideals. Being properly
among a society will inevitably lead the informed is the first step. The two main
majority of its members to make logical and entities entrusted with informing the public
considerate decisions that allow the state to are the education system and the mass
advance and prosper as peacefully as media. Focusing on the latter, its chief and
possible. If this were not assumed to be most highly regarded instrument is the news
true, then democracy as a means for media industry. It is for this reason that
governing a state would be a useless ideal, John Dewey and Walter Lippmann found
and any variation from that truth would no the news media so crucial to discuss.
longer be true democracy, as in the case of Without a properly informed public, a
Lippmann’s democratic elitism which will democracy cannot thrive and may cease to
be discussed later. exist even in principle.

In order for a democracy to be positively Dewey/Lippmann

effective in its truest and most free form,
one in which every citizen actually does The Dewey/Lippmann debate of the
have an equal role in determining the course twentieth century is the foundation upon
of the state, then it is necessary for the which almost all discourse concerning this
public within that society to be fully and issue is built upon. Though this debate has
equally informed. It thus follows that the had a resurgence of discussion within the
institutions and mechanisms for educating academic community in the past 20 years, it
and providing knowledge and information to has remained largely ignored and
the constituents of that state are of the underappreciated given its ultimate
utmost importance and that any failure implications. Dewey and Lippmann have
within those systems predicates an ultimate two different concepts of the public and how
failure of that democracy. The concept of to inform them which stem from their
democracy in the United States is currently differing opinions on an effective
suffering that very problem. democracy.
The Solution to the Dewey/Lippmann Debate 51

Walter Lippmann informed, he asserts his disbelief that it is

even possible for there to be an informed
Mark Whipple sums up Lippmann’s concept public. And so he resolves to treat the
of democracy: public as passive rather than active
Lippmann contended that the masses were democratic participants, largely unintelligent
naturally and structurally unable to form enough to understand critical issues and to
intelligent, democratic publics. Lippmann
thus advocated for the masses a basically
be talked at rather than involved in political
passive role in the democratic process as discourse. His solution is then based on that
spectators rather than participants, whose sole presumption; “the creation of a centralized
responsibility is to choose between one of two body of experts to act as society’s
parties with few general differences. Thus, intelligence” (Whipple 2005:160). (This in
the crisis of democracy results, Lippmann
argued, not from too little, but too much
a way is what the news media has taken
democracy. The solution for this crisis, he upon itself to be, though not Lippmann’s
argued, was to redistribute intelligence and the intention for they are in no way the experts
critical agency of political decisionmaking he had in mind.) His solution is too similar
[sic] away from the masses and toward a to an oligarchy to give it credence in a
centralized body of intelligent elites.
Lippmann was a forceful and important
democracy. In general, the concept of
forerunner of democratic elitism. (2005:160) democratic elitism seems contradictory to
the precepts of a democracy. But if his
In Whipple’s analysis of Lippmann’s Public theory and solution are built upon the
Opinion, there are two main reasons for “the assumption that an informed public is not
disconnect between truth and the fictions we realistic, then it is necessary to at least
develop to represent this truth” (2005:159). remove the “structural barriers” in order to
First, structural barriers—particularly the test that assumption. If an informed public
news media—prevent citizens from gaining is possible and eventually realized, any
access to the truth. Among these structural elitist assertion becomes irrelevant.
barriers, Lippmann cites “artificial
censorships, the limitations of social contact,
the comparatively meager time available in John Dewey
each day for paying attention to public affairs,
the distortion arising because events have to In The Public and its Problems, John Dewey
be compressed into very short messages, [and] asserts that an informed public is possible
the difficulty of making a small vocabulary
express a complicated world”…
and necessary for the development and
Second, even if these structural difficulties progression of a truly democratic state. To
ceased to exist, the simple and limiting nature Dewey, an informed public is the end goal
of the human mind would prevent a realistic of that state as well, and the only way to
representation of the truth. He writes: achieve that is through a truly participatory
“[humans] are not equipped to deal with so
much subtlety, so much variety, so many
democracy. He saw democracy not only as
permutations and combinations. And a form of government, but as a means for
although we have to act in that environment, perpetuating knowledge. Dewey (1927:158)
we have to reconstruct it on a simpler model thought of “knowledge [as] a function of
before we can manage with it.” (2005:159) association and communication; it depends
upon tradition, upon tools and methods
Although Lippmann recognizes the socially transmitted, developed and
fundamental problem with the news media sanctioned.” Though he viewed democracy
industry in that it serves to prevent the as the best form of government to promote
public from being fully and properly free and open communication, he also
The Solution to the Dewey/Lippmann Debate 52

realized the many problems of our current habit consist of; individual and isolated
form of government in how it maintains an events chosen for unknown reasons over
uninformed public. Seemingly overlooked others presented in short segments to an
by much of the current discourse on the unsuspecting audience.
Dewey/Lippmann debate is Dewey’s “News” signifies something which has just
conclusion that governmental and corporate happened, and which is new just because it
deviates from the old and regular. But its
powers desire an ignorant public. meaning depends upon relation to what it
The smoothest road to control political imports, to what its social consequences are.
conduct is by control of opinion. As long as This import cannot be determined unless the
interests of pecuniary profit are powerful, and new is placed in relation to the old, to what
a public has not located and identified itself, has happened and been integrated into the
those who have this interest will have an course of events. Without coordination and
unresisted [sic] motive for tampering with the consecutiveness, events are not events, but
springs of political action in all that affects mere occurrences, intrusions; an event implies
them. (Dewey 1927:182) that out of which a happening proceeds.
Hence even if we discount the influence of
On those wishing to control public opinion, private interests in procuring suppression,
he asserts, “this does not mean that some secrecy and misrepresentation, we have here
mysterious collective agency is making an explanation of the triviality and
decisions, but that some few persons who “sensational” quality of so much of what
passes as news. The catastrophic, namely,
know what they are about are taking crime, accident, family rows, personal clashes
advantage of mass force to conduct the mob and conflicts, are the most obvious forms of
their way” (1927:18). “What is applied and breaches of continuity; they supply the
employed as the alternative to knowledge in element of shock which is the strictest
regulations of society is ignorance, meaning of sensation; they are the new par
excellence, even though only the date of the
prejudice, class-interest and accident” newspaper could inform us whether they
(1927:174). These few persons who could happened last year or this, so completely are
easily and clearly be identified as those in they isolated from their connections. (Dewey
power of the few corporate media 1927:180)
conglomerates prefer their public to be Dewey never claimed that it was possible
motivated by habit and fear of change rather for the public to possess all the knowledge
than by knowledge. available. What he promoted instead was a
Habits bind us to orderly and established ways critical and reflective thought process.
of action because they generate ease, skill and Nathan Crick (2009) points out that “for
interest in things to which we have grown Dewey, what matters is not that citizens can
used and because they instigate fear to walk in
different ways, and because they leave us
know, cognitively, all the facts of the world.
incapacitated for the trial of them. Habit does What he desired was the fostering of
not preclude the use of thought, but it attitudes and habits toward events, people,
determines the channels within which it and objects that were more sympathetic,
operates. Thinking is secreted in the flexible, and intelligently creative” (494).
interstices of habits. (Dewey 1927:160)
An informed public would consist not of
It is much easier to market to people’s habits
know-it-alls, but of people who could utilize
because they are predictable. What is the
associations to assist “in perceiving the
public’s participation in the news of today if
relationships between themselves and the
nothing more than merely a habit? Get up
contemporary fragmented social
and read the paper, watch the news before
environment and encourage them to
bed, and never critically analyze any of the
creatively use this information to inform
information. And what does this news of
The Solution to the Dewey/Lippmann Debate 53

their political action and political selves” and knowledge an informed public would
(Kosnoski 2005:194). possess. Each person’s conscience would be
What Dewey and Lippmann agree on is that their own. In this society, it seems more
contemporary society is too fragmented for than likely Lippmann would have no need
the public to fully comprehend. But while for his centralization of intellectual elites if
Lippmann suggests an elite group of the public possessed the tools that allowed
intelligent individuals to solve that problem, them to make informed and rational
Dewey believes that it is possible to decisions. And just because that is not the
empower the public with tools that will truth now and we may seem so far off from
allow them to critically think about the that reality, by no means should it follow
problems confronting them. Open that we abandon that goal and settle for a
communication and associations amongst largely ignorant and fragmented society. The
the public will contribute to the expansion of only motivations against working towards
knowledge. Dewey’s “cure for the ailments an equally informed society would be a
of democracy is more democracy” desire for power and/or elitism. Besides
(1927:146). Freedom is the guiding force of those selfish deterrents, it is clear that we
Dewey’s solution, namely “freedom of must properly inform and educate our public
social inquiry and…freedom of expression” in order to achieve a more democratic nation
(1927:166-167). or at least a society that would be capable of
becoming one. The question is how?
Most overlooked in the Dewey/Lippmann
debate are Dewey’s theoretical implications. The Solution
The fact that he is writing about the
problems of the public is the most obvious According to Nathan Crick (2009), “the
clue that Dewey understands there is a social lesson often taken away from [the
problem that would prevent the public from Dewey/Lippmann debate] is that
effectively running a true democracy. “The Lippmann’s approach is ethically suspect
prime condition of a democratically but economically viable while Dewey’s
organized public is a kind of knowledge and approach is ethically superior but hopelessly
insight which does not yet exist. In its naïve” (485). So, the obvious solution is
absence, it would be the height of absurdity one that is both economically viable and
to try to tell what it would be like if it ethically superior, an approach that both
existed” (1927:166). Democracy, like Dewey and Lippmann could support. Crick
liberty, has its disadvantages. If we are too (2009) views it as a “cooperation between
weak as a society to handle either then we experts and citizens in the determination of
need to make ourselves stronger. problems and the experimentation with
solutions” (493). He discusses that though
A fear of mob mentality might dissuade the internet is a valuable and extremely
people against Dewey’s argument. A mob democratic form of communication, there is
mentality occurs when people lose their too much clutter to look solely to the
sense of self and just go with the crowd, internet for the answer. Its freedom and
from making trendy purchase decisions to openness should never be underestimated as
killing innocent people. But his goal is to to their value for democracy, but with an
create and propagate a public in which a already disenfranchised public, a solution
negative mob mentality is much less likely that relies solely on those concepts runs the
to develop due to the critical thinking skills risk of further fragmenting the public.
The Solution to the Dewey/Lippmann Debate 54

Rightfully, Crick (2009) calls for a time is a choice. Some people watch the
“supplement [of] the current communication news out of habit and some watch it thinking
practices of corporate liberalism with it is still valuable or just want to be kept up
noncommercial agencies of cooperative to date. With the internet, news programs
social inquiry and artistic news production” face irrelevance if people can just look up
(480). Unfortunately he leaves us with not what is going on in the world on their
much more than that though he was very computers or smart phones. The news
close to a practical solution. industry of tomorrow is one that entertains
as well as informs. The Daily Show does
As I do, Crick successfully points to this. What it lacks, for now, is authority.
Dewey’s (1927) solution in The Public and
its Problems; “Artists have always been the My solution calls for the creation of an
real purveyors of news, for it is not the independent news program that brings
outward happening itself which is new, but together Lippmann’s intellectual elites and
the kindling of it by emotion, perception and Dewey’s artistic creativity. It would be a
appreciation” (184). Crick (2009) expands station much like PBS/NPR with an
on Dewey’s (1927) concept of “freeing the endowment that would prevent the pitfalls of
artist in literary presentation” (183); “this corporate liberalism. The station would
‘freeing’ cannot simply be a negative integrate academic intellectuals and artists
freedom but a positive one. To free the alike. The main artists I envision would be
artist is not just to release constraints, but to predominantly writers, comedians, and
provide the factual and material resources to actors, though one could easily see how
construct a message with scope, simplicity, musicians and physical artists and artists of
flexibility, and power” (494). While all kinds could find a place here. These
discussing Lippmann’s desire for the artists would each have programs on the
“creation of a ‘central international news- station dedicated to news with their own
agency’ (much like the modern BBC in specified twist. The relaying of the news
Britain or NPR/PBS in the United States) would be entertaining and unique and the
whose independence was protected by a stories would be provided by freelance
permanent endowment untouchable by journalists who are encouraged to be biased
partisan interests” (2009:489), Crick fails to and not hide their bias and utilize a narrative
realize the concrete solution he is looking style. All stories will be supplemented by
for is simply a synthesis of Dewey’s artistic contextualization of at least some sort
concept and Lippmann’s intellectual elite. provided by academic scholars who work
This is the fire for which Jon Stewart’s The for the show from all different fields,
Daily Show is the spark. especially science (in honor of Lippmann).
The program can even have a blog and
The Daily Show is a perfect example of website that allows the public to
integrating art with news. Comedy is an art participate/contribute in some form or
form and the writers work tirelessly to another. Imagine The Daily Show meets
entertain as well as inform. It is this This American Life with blogospheres that
entertaining aspect that pulls in the viewers. incorporate the academic community and
In modern society, people have many things the average person (much like a Wikipedia).
to distract them and far less free time Expanding upon that idea, the possibilities
(whether because of too much work or too would be endless and the results would be a
much play). What they do with their free public choosing to be entertained and
The Solution to the Dewey/Lippmann Debate 55

informed. It is a place where imagination Belsey, Andrew. (1998). Ethics of

and knowledge become one. journalism. In E. Craig (Ed.)
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the world of imagination where anything is and Henry P. Stapp.(2005).
possible and anything can be assumed, where
there are no rights or wrongs and all
Quantum physics in neuroscience
arguments are equally good? One of the most and psychology: a neurophysical
obvious uses, I think, is its encouragement of model of mind-brain Interaction.
tolerance. In the imagination our own beliefs Philosophical Transactions
are also only possibilities, but we can also see Biological Sciences, 360(1458),
the possibilities in the beliefs of others.
Bigots and fanatics seldom have any use for
the arts, because they’re so preoccupied with Blackburn, Simon. (1998). Communication
their beliefs and actions that they can’t see and intention. In E. Craig (Ed.)
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much less dangerous. (77-78)
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to dream up for almost a century. In the Media Communication, 26(5),480-
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may be naïve to strive for ideals, but it and Rhetoric, 35(1), 1-21.
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