Nicole Stoklosa - Final Draft - 12 2f11 2f2017

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Nicole Stoklosa

English II


Cell Phones-are they safe?

​Cell phones are not safe because they can cause many health risks when using cell phone

daily. Most cause of health risks from the use of cellphones is the radiofrequency exposure.

Radiofrequency causes heating in the area around the body where the cell phone is held such as,

the ear, head, etc. Many people that use cell phones more than 10 years, can increase the risk of

glioma. On the other hand, people believe that radiation from cell phones and other devices

including radios, televisions cordless phones, and pagers, all safely transmit during

radiofrequency radiation. Cell phone use is not safe for health because the highlight cause that

can increase cancer and brain tumor are the radiation emitted by cell phones possible as

carcinogen, children have an increased risk of adverse health, and can cause physical damage.

Cell phone use can be unpredictable when emitted by radiation and the use of it with other tools.

Cell Phone use is not safe because the highlight cause of radiation such as carcinogen,

can increase cancer and brain tumors. People receiving high-levels of ionizing radiation such as

carcinogen can cause damage to normal living cells. The exposure to carcinogen from cell phone

use starts a progressive process causing surviving cells to change their phenotype. Carcinogen is

a substance or radiation that can cause the formation of cancer. According CNN, “WHO: Cell

phone use can increase possible cancer risk,” by Danielle Dellorto it states, “A team of 31

scientists from 14 countries including the United States, made the decision after reviewing
peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize

personal exposure as possible carcinogenic to humans.” Scientist proved that carcinogen is the

cause of cancer and or brain tumors. Number of scientist from different countries review that

when people are exposed to radiation daily are naturally from the surroundings of man-made

cause. The risks of cell phone use daily can have a risks to the young community.

From the use of cell phones they can cause a adverse health risk. The brain tissue in

children can absorb two times more than adults. Children absorb more radiation because there

bodies are still growing and thriving. According to the National Cancer Institute it states, “Their

heads are smaller than those of adults and consequently have a greater proportional exposure to

the field of radiofrequency radiation that is emitted by cell phones. And, children have the

potential of accumulating more years of cell phone exposure than adults do.” Children are still

growing and the body parts are still fragile than adults have. Since new technology comes out

more often children tend to use it more than adults. Cell phones emit a certain type of

radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation known as microwave radiation. Certain cancers can

take up to 10-20 years to develop from children’s frequent cell phone use. Cell phone use can

cause damage mentally, but not only that, and physically wherever you are.

Cell phone use is not safe because it can cause physical damage. The use of cell phones

are used on the road everyday such as driving a car while texting and or calling. While texting

and driving at the same time, the brain experiences moments such as blindness driving while

talking on the phone. ​UCI’S EH&S department states,​ “People have been reported to have

walked into traffic, fallen into ditches, and walked against red lights while on the phone. Try to

limit conversations to times when you can devote your full concentration to the call.” People get
distracted by using a man-made device such as a cellphone. The most important thing in the cell

phone are the information, text messages, emails that are sent from other people that it is so

important that it can’t wait for a second or longer. The use of a cell phone can cause death and

the risk of someone's health, where many don’t see where to drive and come out a different

direction. Using a phone or texting while performing other activities is a distracting walking and

the injuries come to a rise, but it depends on the network that the cell phone is produced.

On the Other hand, like cell phones, other devices that are cordless including, radios,

televisions, phones, etc, safely transmit signals using radio frequency radiation. According to the

American Cancer Society it states, “The model of phone being used. Different phones give off

different amounts of energy...Cordless phones, commonly used in homes, have base units that

are plugged into telephone jacks and wired to a local telephone service. They are not considered

“cell” phones. Cordless phones operate at about 1/600 the power of cell phones, so they are

much less likely to be a concern in terms of health effects.” No​t all cell phones are highly

radiated but different companies that produce the cell phones depend on the type of radiation.

Different phone companies as Tmobile and AT&T, such as GSM and TDMA technologies that

would expose radiation that companies such as verizon and sprint networks. People may be right

that phones do not emit radiation, but on the hand of anything that is cordless. If people believe

that cordless phones emit less radiation than other cell phones,then why don’t people use them

but instead have have cell phones. Believing that homophones are safe than instead of cell

phones they would use cordless phones that emits nothing less of radiation. Those that emit less

radiation have less health risks.

Cell phones, are a important issue to address because children and teens spend so much

time on there phones that they don’t see what’s around them and the health risks that are in front

of them. The first strategy that would help solve the issue is to reduce the exposure to

radiofrequency energy. Reserving the use of a phone for shorter conversations and texting. Using

a hands-free technology, like wired headsets which place more distance. Is cell phone use safe?

Cell phone use is not safe for use because radiation as carcinogen can increase the cause of

cancer and brain tumors, the dangerous exposure of radiation that children take in, and can cause

physical damage while driving or other activities that are being done. Therefore, Cell phone use

can be uncertain when exposed from radiation and the use with other physical items.
1. “Cell phones and Cancer Risk”, by the National Cancer Institute, May 27, 2016,


The source shows if cell phones radiation can cause cancer and any other sicknesses from

the frequencies of cell phones that expose to the human body system. Exposure to ionizing

radiation such as X-rays,microwaves, cell-phones, and other sources can increase the risk of

cancer. The number of cellphone users increased more than 327.5 million subscribers in the U.S.

This relates to my topic if cell-phone use is safe because the amount of radiation can cause health

risks on children and adults. The highlight cause from cell-phones is the amount used of

radiation each day. What I’m planning to use in my argumentative essay as it states in the text,

“​Their heads are smaller than those of adults and consequently have a greater proportional

exposure to the field of radiofrequency radiation that is emitted by cell phones. And, children

have the potential of accumulating more years of cell phone exposure than adults do.” This quote

supports what I’m going to use on the essay because children in the most part of technology can

have more health risks than adults do, through the use of cellphones much of the time.

2. “WHO:Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk”, by Danielle Dellroto, May 31, 2011,

Cell phones have the biggest environmental factors for decades and the exposure from

radiation emitted by cell-phones can be really seen as a consequence. When using cell phones

children skull can be penetrated and paralyzed. The radiation on children can have the most

impact since they start to use more often. This relates to the topic,​because children can be more
exposed since there bodies are still developing. The impact from the radiation can create cancers

and even a tumor in the brain.​ According to the text it states, “​A team of 31 scientists from 14

countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies

on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as

possibly carcinogenic to humans.​" ​This proves the point of view that cell phones are not safe

because ​if cell phone use is safe because the number of radiation used from cell phones can have

a big public health risk such as smoking, asbestos, and leaded gasoline. Health risks from

radiation can mean that cell phone use is not as safe as it were to be, but by using a cell phone,

people can keep their cell-phones away from their body.

3. “Ending Distracting Driving is Everyone’s Responsibilty”, National Safety Council, 2017,

Not only the radiation emitted by cell phones can have a health risk,but the use of it on

the road can also have an important health risk as a factor. Cell phones are the top distraction

because so many drivers use them for a long period of time that many don't realize that they are

on the road and the driver itself. Drives who come in a accident, they never admit the use of the

cell phone while driving. This relates to my topic of cell phone use is not safe because cell

phones can physically hurt people and become a distraction on the road. Since technology is used

in our cars, the distraction can cause an injury even death. An example from the text it states,

“And, with some state laws focusing on handheld bans, many drivers honestly believe they are

making the safe choice by using a hands-free device. But in fact, these technologies distract our

brains even long after you've used them.” This shows that even by physically driving, cell phone

uses causes our brains to be distracted what's on the screen instead of saving lives of others.
4. “Can Cell phone harm our health”, National Center for Health Research, 2017,

Scientist conducted studies that showed that people who used a cell phone more than 10

years can have a pattern of increased risk for acoustic neuroma and glioma. Not only research in

the U.S would have been done to conduct that cell phone use can cause glioma but other

countries around the world published their own results on health form cell phone use. Following

health problem from cell phones: dizziness, migraines, less sleep, poor sleep quality, change in

production, specific protein, etc. This relates to my topic because it supports that cell phone use

can cause a high chance of other symptoms other than cancer and gliomas. Depending how much

time you spend on your cell phone can cause other irritations. According to the text it states, “In

contrast, a study of 1,339 cell phone users, published in 2014, found that the heaviest cell phone

users had an increased chance of developing gliomas. These heaviest users, who had a total of

over 900 hours of cell phone usage, were found to have spent an average of 54 minutes on the

phone per day.” This proves my argument that cell phone use is not safe because data shows

heavier cell phone users, even today, can have a chance to develop a gliomas.

5. “Physical Hazards from Cell phone use”, UCI’S EH&S department, May 31, 2017,

Cell phone use can be dangerous in any other performing tasks. Cell phones are

dangerous to use while driving or while operating dangerous equipment such as power tools,

lawn mowers, etc. This relates to my topic because Cell phone use can be a distraction to other
people and yourself that can become a head to you and a life to someone else. Driving while

using a cell phone can cause an accident while the call ot text can be emotionally charged.

According to the text it states, “P​eople have been reported to have walked into traffic, fallen into

ditches, and walked against red lights while on the phone. Try to limit conversations to times

when you can devote your full concentration to the call.” This proves my argument because

phones are not only chemically dangerous but physically on the road. Not only in the car is a

dangerous place but walking, conversations avoided can have a much more affect on you and

others. In seconds, by looking at the phone, can risk someone's life and health.

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