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Growth Assessment

Teressa M. Romo

Azusa Pacific University


Personal Growth

I experienced personal growth in two important and distinct areas. Growth in spirituality

and personal interactions helped me accomplish my goals in this program.

I have always been a deeply spiritual person. I was raised Catholic, went to church

regularly, and pray daily. A reason I chose APU was to experience learning in a faith-based

institution. Receiving our Faith in Action Study Bible (Muck, 2005) at the start of the program,

made me feel like I was a part of a spiritual journey. At the start of the program I remember

having the opportunity to reflect on what truly matters in life. We examined how much value we

put on possessions, God, and family. This really resonated and helped me reexamine many of my

pursuits. “But godliness with contentment is great gain” (Timothy 6:6, New International

Version). This solidified my instincts to put God and family first. My interpretations of God’s

word were strengthened by the opportunity to read, reflect, and share.

Personal interactions were another area of personal growth. I enjoyed the interactions

with professors and cadre mates in this program. Every person I’ve met has been welcoming,

kind, and supportive. I started with Cadre 29 and am finishing with Cadre 31. Both cadres, and

each group in between, always supported and listened. I never felt like an outsider and learned so

much from each group. Observing the level of skills, and level of commitment from others

inspired me to work hard and keep going. Interactions with professors and cadre mates helped

me grow into a better student. Most importantly, reflecting on other’s religious insights and

interpretations only deepened my knowledge and faith.


In conclusion, it was a welcomed addition to experience personal growth in spirituality,

and personal interactions through this program.

Professional Growth

My professional growth has been evident in my instructional practices and assisting with

professional development at my site.

This journey has helped me grow by allowing me to reflect and improve my instructional

practices. I wanted to improve practices and skills to reach today’s learner. I assumed learning

new technological skills would do the job, but technological skills are just a bonus of this

program. Compassion, and praying for my classroom grew as I engaged in our faith- based

discussions. One of the classes I enjoyed most was Instructional Design and Development

(Wilson, 2017), wherein we engaged in backward planning and design. In planning for my GLP,

I realized this plan works for all parts of my instruction. I learned backward planning and

starting with a purpose is the most effective way to reach students. Another area that I improved

in is, incorporating digital citizenship into my instruction. This was such a gray area for me and

there isn’t a lot of support in our curriculums. I learned that instruction of digital citizenship is

the first step of teaching technology. It can help ensure student online learning is safe and


Professional development at my site is ongoing and ever evolving. Halfway through my

journey in this program, I really started experimenting with more technology. I tried out the

flipped classroom, participated in virtual fieldtrips, as well as created tutorials for my team

utilizing online components of our new reading program. Other teachers approached me about

helping their team incorporate technology into their classroom. I was able to convey that

incorporating technology is beyond a program and a computer. Incorporating technology in your

instruction is about determining a desired outcome, and planning what technological tools can

help you reach that goal.

Technical Growth

Technical growth is evident in my abilities to create videos and tutorials.

Technical growth has allowed me to further my communication with colleagues and students.

The most difficult yet rewarding class for me was Digital Imagery and Learning

Environments (Temple, 2018). One of our first assignments was composing a video that told a

story. This assignment forced me to find a video program that would allow me to manipulate,

edit, and compose an original video. I used We Video (2011) to create a story about my dogs and

loved the experience! I was able to add photos, images, transitions, and even music! I also

learned how to incorporate a green screen into my presentations using Do Ink (D.K. Pictures,

2013). I now am confident in my abilities to create videos that can communicate stories,

thoughts, and ideas in a succinct fashion.

The other area of technical growth was in creating tutorials for my students and

colleagues. I have used the screen capturing website of Screen Cast O Matic (2012) to capture

these teachings. I can tape my instruction via a screen capture and can add my image at the

bottom. This allowed me to create my first flipped classroom assignment! I also can create video

tutorials for my colleagues on how to use district software. This has allowed for my colleagues to

watch the videos at their convenience and pace.


These technical skills have increased my confidence in my abilities to communicate and

teach technologically. That in turn has inspired me to try new things within my classroom and

with my students.

Life Long Learning Plan

I have always described myself as a lifelong learner. I think to be an effective

educator you need to constantly be open to changing your tools, trying new things, and

immersing yourself in trainings to better your skills. At the start of the program we were asked to

describe our personal learning network in EDTC 527 (Bettger, 2016). I realized I had a small

PLN already and knew that it would grow as I learned new things. Here are some of the tools I

have used and will continue to use to stay up to date on the latest technology.

• Twitter (Twitter allows me to gain ideas about thing that already work in the classroom,

Collaboration, Connection with other teachers on similar journey)

• Edmodo (Connection to other teachers, Ideas on flipped classroom)

• Microsoft Education (Professional development, Virtual field trips, Global connections)

A strong personal learning network, openness to change, and with God’s grace my career will

continue to be a calling instead of a job. As I get older I hope to share my wisdom and learned

skills with other aspiring teachers, but until then I plan to keep breaking down the walls of my



Reflecting on my growth in Master of Arts in Educational Technology (EDTC) made me

realize how powerful this journey was. I took a longer path than planned, but the result is even

better because I spent two years being nourished by this program. I hold dear the people I have

met and supported me through this. I also appreciate all the new skills and tools I have learned

that make me a better teacher. My favorite part of this journey was to include GOD as I learned.

I will cherish this experience.



Bacer, K, Bettger, B, Bruzzese, J, Holder, T, Kwinn, A, McMillan, B, Temple, T, Silver, E,

Wilson, T (2016-2018). Online Master of Arts in Educational Technology. School of
Education, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, CA. Retrieved from
Bettger, B (2016). EDTC527: Special Topics Ed Tech. Online Master of Arts in Educational
Technology. School of Education, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, Ca. Retrieved from
DK Pictures, Inc. (2013). Do Ink [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from

Muck, T.C. (2005). Faith in Action Study Bible: Living God’s Word in a Changing World. Grand

Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Screen Cast O Matic (2012). [Computer Software] Retrieved from https://screencast-o-

Temple.T. (2018). EDTC521: Digital Imagery and Learning Environments. Online Master of

Arts in Educational Technology. School of Education, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa,

Ca. Retrieved from

WeVideo (2011). [Computer Software] Retrieved from

Wilson,T. (2017). EDTC524: Instructional Design and Development. Online Master of Arts in

Educational Technology. School of Education, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, Ca.

Retrieved from

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