WLC Crisis Intervention Plan

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WLC Crisis Intervention Plan 



EMERGENCY:​ A situation where immediate intervention is needed to protect the child or 
other individual from ​physical injury​. 
Minn. Stat. § 125A.0941(b) 
Emergency does ​not​ mean circumstances such as:  
• a child who does not respond to a task or request and instead places his or her head on 
a desk or hides under a desk or table;  
• a child who does not respond to a staff person’s request unless failing to respond 
would result in physical injury to the child or other individual; or  
• an emergency incident has already occurred and no threat of physical injury currently 

CRISIS/UNSAFE BEHAVIORS:​ physical aggression, self harm, unsafe behaviors such as 
throwing things, climbing on things, running in attempt to escape.  

Behaviors that do NOT qualify: shutdown/refusal, disruption/defiance, property 

destruction, physical aggression typical to age level. 

REFUSAL BEHAVIOR:​ noncompliance that often serves the purpose of avoiding 

academic tasks.  

DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR:​ behaviors that ​ interfere with the learning activities of other 

PHYSICAL TRANSPORT:​ utilizing CPI transport techniques to move student to a safe 

location in order to avoid the need for restraint. **Not a physical restraint**  

PHYSICAL RESTRAINT/HOLDING:​ ​physical intervention intended to hold a child 

immobile or limit a child’s movement, where body contact is the only source of physical 
restraint, and where immobilization is used to effectively gain control of a child in order to 
protect a child or other individual from physical injury.  
Minn. Stat. § 125A.0941(c) 


Physical Restraint (Holding)​ ​does not mean​ physical contact that:  

• helps a child respond or complete a task;  
• assists a child without restricting the child’s movement;  
• is needed to administer an authorized health-related service or procedure; or  
• is needed to physically escort a child when the child does not resist or the child’s 
resistance is minimal.  
Minn. Stat. § 125A.0941(c) 

SECLUSION: ​"​Seclusion​" means confining a child alone in a room from which egress is 
• Egress may be barred by an adult locking or closing the door in the room or preventing 
the child from leaving the room.  
• Removing a child from an activity to a location where the child cannot participate in or 
observe the activity is ​not​ seclusion.  
Minn. Stat. § 125A.0941(g) 


RESTRICTIVE PROCEDURE: ​The use of physical holding or seclusion in an emergency.  

**Restrictive procedures must not be used to punish or otherwise discipline a child**.  
Minn. Stat. § 125A.0941(f) 

SAFE SPACE:​ Empty, no resource materials, no attention/audience. Resources can be 

brought in as needed once student is calm/safe. Purpose: control the environment as 
much as possible until student regains control. 


1. Begin documenting, include times, location, and details 

2. Call for assistance (involve case manager for SPED students) 
a. Use student’s initials, NOT full name  
b. State location of behavior 
c. State urgency of response 
d. State type of behavior 
i. Unsafe 
ii. Refusal 
iii. Disruptive 
3. If immediate danger (physical aggression, self harm) - ​Begin physical transport 
to safe space.  
If initiating the attempt danger - ​Give 30 second prompt to move to safe space 
on own. If refuse - begin physical transport to safe space. 


4. Use verbal and non verbal cues, clearly state simple expectations 
a. Do ​not​ engage in conversation, bargaining, or arguing/power struggle 
b. Only ​verbal interaction (“Be safe”) or simple, clear expectation in a calm 
c. Prompt single, simple, clear instruction in calm voice every 3 minutes 
d. Prompt: “Show me you’re ready by sitting calmly” 
i. Student should be sitting quietly (not laying down) 
ii. Calm body and calm voice 
5. Maintain student’s location in safe space 
a. Do ​not ​bar egress with student alone in room 
b. If student attempts to leave safe space before showing ability to control 
i. One-two staff in room attending to student (disengaged, observing 
for safety) 
ii. One more staff outside of room barring egress 
c. Offer water every 10 minutes (provided in room in cup) 
d. Offer bathroom every 20 minutes 
e. If request bathroom or water, fulfill request. Student returns to safe space 
after using restroom. 
6. If student engages in physical aggression: 
a. Block student strikes and move away from strike zone using CPI 
b. If ​repeated, high level ​physical aggression with potential for injury and staff 
are unable to maintain their own safety: 
i. Trade out for different staff 
ii. Utilize CPI physical restraint techniques only as a ​last resort 
7. If student engages in self injury: 
a. Attempt to block/minimize self injurious behavior while maintaining staff 
i. Can utilize mats/pillows if needed 
b. If ​repeated, high level ​self injurious behavior with potential for injury and 
staff unable to safely minimize behavior, utilize CPI physical restraint 
techniques only as a ​last resort 
8. If student is simply refusing and NOT unsafe/aggressive - disengage, prompt 
every three minutes as written in Step Four 
9. When student demonstrates calm body sitting quietly start one minute timer to 
show compliance (may be adjusted to 30 seconds if that fits the situation/child) 

a. If during timed session of sitting quietly student is not in compliance: 

i. Stop timer 
ii. Restate expectation 
iii. When student shows calm body, restart timer 
10. After timed session, offer student two sensory options (pick one) for self regulation 
(two-three minutes) 
11. After completing sensory option, provide student with two traceable worksheet 
options (numbers or shapes) 
12. After completing worksheet student returns to class 

***If at any point during Steps 9-11 student engages in unsafe or noncompliant 
behavior, give student one prompt. If behavior continues, restart at Step 8*** 


1. Begin documenting including times and details. 

2. Utilize classroom management strategies. 
3. Utilize student behavior intervention plan if applicable. 
4. If behaviors continue for extended period of time affecting peers’ learning or 
escalate, offer options 
a. Take a five minute break 
b. Work in alternative space 
5. If student refuses options and behaviors continue, continue using de escalation 
6. Prompt student to walk to safe space 
7. If student walks on his/her own to safe space, refer to “Safe Space” steps 4-12 
8. If student refuses to walk to the safe space, continue using de escalation 

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