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Whether the contractors have obtained license from the Licensing Authority for
1 the jobs assigned to them
2 Whether the Contractors get their license renewed in time?
If not, whether the contractors have made requisite application for renewal in
3 time.
Whether the contractors are employing workmen as per license and registration
4 certificate.
Whether the number of workmen actually employed by the contractors tallies
5 with the number of workmen shown in the license.
6 Whether the contractors are sending half-yearly and yearly returns in time.
Whether the contractors are issuing wages slips one day in advance from the
7 payment day.
8 Whether Principle Employer maintains form no. VIII in respect of contractors.
Whether annual return is being sent by the Principle Employer in form XXI to
9 the registering Authority.
Whether minimum rate of wages are being paid to the contractor Labour in the
10 presence of authorized representative of the Principle employer.
Whether the authorized representative of the Principle Employer gives a
11 certificate to this effect at the end entries in the register of wages.
Whether the contractors are properly depositing ESI, EPF contributions in
12 respect of his workmen and submitting copies of the Challan to the HR
13 Whether the contract Labour is provided the facility of rest room, canteen.
14 Whether the contract Labour is provided the leave with wages.
15 Whether the contract Labour is provided the casual leaves.
16 Whether the contract Labour is allowed National and Festival Holidays.
17 Whether the contract Labour is being paid over time at the double rate.
What is the ratio of contract workmen and company's workmen with special
18 emphasis to plant operations?
Whether the contractor workmen are ensured benefits from ESI Scheme
19 including issue of cards, temporary slips and are provided medical facilities.
Whether the contract Labour is being given contribution slips of EPF issued by
20 the Regional Provident Commissioner?
In case of problem whether the HR Department or contractor render necessary
21 help in cases of PF and ESI.
Whether on the termination of services of a contract Labour, he is paid his full
22 and final within 24 hrs. Of leaving the job.
Whether the payment to contract Labour is being made on the pay day of the
23 establishment.
Do the names of contract Labour appear on any of the shift schedules of the
24 company?
Whether the leave applications and gate passes of the contract Labour are being
25 signed by Contractor and his agent.
Whether the gate passes to the contract Labour are issued and signed by the
26 company’s employees.
27 Whether the contractors are maintaining Muster Roll in form XII
28 Whether the contractors are maintaining Wages Register form XIII
29 Whether the contractors are maintaining register of deductions in form XVII
30 Whether the contractors are maintaining Register of Advance in form XVIII
31 Whether the contractors are maintaining Register of Fines in Form XVII.
32 Whether the Contractors are maintaining overtime register in form XIX.
Whether the Service Certificate is issued to the contract Labour leaving the job
33 in form XI.
Whether principal employer is maintaining a help desk in the company to
34 address the complaints / problems of the workmen.
Whether principal employer is adhering and has made all the workmen aware of
35 their wages / wage rates, benefit (bonus payments, leave encashment etc.) to be
Whether contract Labour is provided with uniform, rest room, canteen and
36 transport facility.
Whether principal employer or contractor is engaged in educational / awareness
37 training programme for the workmen.
Whether principal employer is deploying his representative at the time of
38 distribution of wages / benefits etc. by contractor.
Whether principal employer is participating along with contractor in the
39 selection process.

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