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References 1, Prandtl, L. “Uber Flussigkeitsbewegung bei sehr kleiner Reibung.” Verhandiangen des Ill Internationalen Mathematiker: Kongresses. Leipzig, 1905, 2. Blasius, H. “Grenzschichten in Fluissigkeiten mit kleiner Reibung.” Z. Mat. Physik. (1908), English translation in NACA TM 1256, 3. Schlichting, H. Boundary Layer Theory. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979. 4. Taylor, G. I. “The Transport of Vorticity and Heat through Fluids in Turbulent Motion.” Phil. Trans A, vol. 215 (1915), p. 1 5. Rouse, H., et al, Advanced Mechanics of Fluids. John Wiley, New York. 1959, 6. Crowe, C. T., J. A. Nicholls, and R. B. Morrison. “Drag Coefficients of Inert and Burning Particles Accelerating in Gas Problems Founoa®1 A cube weighing 150 N and measuring 35 em on a side is allowed to side down an inclined surface on which there is @ film of oil having a viscosity of 10°* N+ s/1h*, What is the terminal velocity of the block if the oil has a thickness of 0.1 mm? PROBLEM 9.1 9.2 A board 3 ft by 3 ft that weighs 40 Ibf slides down an in- clined ramp with a velocity of 0.5 fps, The board is separated from the ramp by a layer of oil 0.02 in. thick, Neglecting the edge effects of the board, calculate the approximate dynamic viscosity p-of the oil 9.3 A board I m by I m that weighs 20 N slides down an in- clined ramp with a velocity of 12 cm/s. The board is separated from the ramp by a layer of oil 0.5 mm thick. Negleeting the edge effects of the board, calculate the approximate dynamic viscosity Hof the oil fourieag?-4 Uniform, steady flow is occurring between horizontal paral- Tel plates as shown, Swreams." In Ninth dnternational Symposium on Contry pp. 395-406. Academie Press, New York, (963 7. White, Frank M, Viscous Fluid Flos: MoGraw-Hi, Ng York, 1991, 8, Wagner, R.D., and M,C. Fisher. “Fresh Attack on Lami Flow." Aerospace America (March 1984) 9, BarHain, B., and D. Weihs. “Boundary-Layer Conta y 4 Means of Reducing Drag on Fully Submerged Bodies Revolution.” Trans. of the ASME Fluids Engineering Divison vol. 107 (September 1985), p, 107. 10. Kramer, M. O. “Boundary Layer Stabilization by Distibueg Damping.” Jour. of Aeron. Sci., Vol. 24, p. 459 (1957). IL, Benjamin, T. B. “Fluid Flow with Flexible Boundaries” Proc. Intern. Congress of Applied Math, 11th ed., p. 109 Springer-Verlag, New York, 1964, 2 PROBLEMS 9.2, 9.3, In & few words, tell what other condition must be present 10 cause the odd velocity distribution, 'b. Where is the minimum shear stress located? PROBLEM 9.4 9.5 Under certain conditions (pressure decreasing in the « direc- tion and a moving plate), the laminar velocity distribution will bbe as shown here. For such a condition, indicate whether euch of the following statements is true oF false a. The greatest shear stress in the liquid occurs next to the fixed plate. g0BLEMS fy The shear stress midway between the plates is ro. f The minimum shear stress in the Fiquid occurs next to the roving plate. tf The shear stress is greatest where the velocity is the greatest. fg The minimum shear stress occurs where the velocity is the eatest Moving piate z PROBLEM 9.5 496. flat plate is pulled to the right at a speed of 30 cm/s, Oil ‘pit a viscosity of 4N-s/m” fills the space between the plate ‘Yaad the solid boundary. The plate is 1 m long (L = 1 m) by 30cm “vide, and the spacing between the plate and boundary is 2.0 mm. & ‘Express the velocity mathematically in terms of the coordi- “gate system shown, |) By mathematical means, determine whether this flow is rota- “onal or irrotational, 1g Determine whether continuity is satisfied, using the differen “al form of the continuity equation. Calculate the force requized to produce this plate motion. 97 The velocity distribution that is shown represents laminar flow. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true oF le. ‘The velocity gradient at the boundary ig infinitely large. ' The maximum shear stress in the liquid occurs midway between “the walls. ‘o6 The maximum shear stress in the liquid occurs next 10 the ‘boundary. ©. The flow is irrotational. +e. The flow is rotational PROBLEM 9.7 98. A tube and « wire positioned concentrically within the tube ae submerged in oil. Ifthe wire is drawn through the tube at & 2 - 359 constant rate, will the viscous shear stress on the wire be greuter than, equal (0, oF less than the shear stress on the tube wall? 9.9 The upper plate shown is moving to the right with a velocity V.and the lower plate is free to move laterally under the action of the viscous forces applied to it. For steady-state conditions. de- rive an equation for the velocity of the lower plate, Assume that the atea of oil contact is the same For the upper plate, each side of the lower plate, and the fixed boundary a = Upper plate I, Ola, $=09 ‘OW ae 3205 PROBLEM 9.9 9.10 A circular horizontal disk with ¢ 12-in, diameter has a clear- ance of 0.001 fc from a horizontal plate. What torque is required to rotate the disk aboug its center at an angular velocity of 180 rpm when the clearance space contains oil (y. = 0.12 Ibf-s/ 2)? 9.11 A circular horizontal disk with a 20-cm diameter has a clear- ance of 2,0 mm from a horizontal plate, What torque is required to rotate the disk about its center at an angular speed of 10 rad/s, when the clearance space contains oil (= 8 N + s/m?)? 9.12 A movable cone fits inside a stationary conical depression as shown, When a torque is applied to the cone, the cone rotates ate speed depending on the angles @ and B, the radius rp, and the viscosity 2 of the liquid. Derive an equation for the torque in terms of the other variables, including only the viscous resis- tance, Assume that 6 is very small PROBLEM 9.6 360 9.13 A plate 2 mm thick and 1m wide (normal to the page) is pulled between the walls shown in the figure at a speed of 0.40 m/s. Note that the space that is not accupied by the plate is filled with glycerine at a temperature of 20°C. Also, the plate is positioned midway between the walls. Sketch the velocity distri- bation of the glycerine at section A-A. Neglecting the weight of the plate, estimate the force required to pull the plate at the speed given Giycerine PROBLEM 9.13 $2 Ta9-14 A bearing uses SAE 30 oil with a viscosity of 0.1 N + s/m? ‘The bearing is 30 mm in diameter, and the gap between the shaft and the casing is 1 mm. The bearing has a length of I cm. The shaft tums at @ = 200 rad/s. Assuming that the flow between the shaft and the ‘casing is a Couette flow find the torque required to tur the bearing. + lem 20 mm PROBLEM 9.14 9.15 An important application of surface resistance is found in Inbrication theory. Consider a shaft that tums inside a stationary cylinder, with a lubricating uid in the annular region. By con- sidering a system consisting of an annulus of fluid of radius rand width Ar, and realizing that under steady-state operation the nct forque on this ring is zero, show that d(r7)/dt = 0, where 7 is the viscous shear stress. For a flow that has a tangential compo- nent of velocity only, the shear stress is related to the velocity by erd(V/7/ dr. Show thatthe torque per unit length acting on the inner cylinder is given by T = dmwus /(1 ~ 2/12), where (os the angular velocity of the shat SURFACE RESisp, u PSISTANGE CS ar PROBLEM 9.15, 9.16 Using the equation developed in Prob, 9.15, find the pone necessary to rotate a2-cm shaft at 5O rad/s if the inside diam of the casing is 2.2 em, the bearing is 3 em long, and SAE 30 uly 38°C is the lubricating fluid, 9.17 ‘The analysis developed in Prob. 9.15 applies to device uses to measure the viscosity of a flid. By applying a known torque the inner cylinder and measuring the angular velocity achieved. on, can caleulate the viscosity ofthe fluid. Assume you have a 4-cm in ner cylinder and a #.5-cm outer cylinder. The cylinders are 10 em Jong. When a force of 0.6 N is applied to the tangent of the inner cylinder, it rotates at 20 rpm. Calculate the viscosity of the Mud, 9.18 If a thin film of oil (v = 10° m?/s) 2.0 mm thick flows down a surface inclined at 30° to the horizontal, what will be the ‘maximum and mean velocity of flow? 9.19 What are the depth and discharge per unit width of oil (SAE30 at 100°F) flowing down a 20° incline at a Reynolds number of 200? 9.20 Rain falls on a smooth root 15 fe by 40 fat arate of 04 in./t, and the roof has a slope, inthe 15-ft direction, of 10°. Estimate the depth and average velocity of flow at the lower end of the roof, a- suming a temperature of 50°K 9.21 Two horizontal parallel plates are spaced 2 mm apact. Ifthe Pressure decreases at arate of 1.20 kPa/m in the horizontal xd rection in the uid between the plates, what is the maximum Mid velocity in the, direction? The fluid has a dynamic viscosity of 10°" N+s/m™ and a specific gravity of 0.90. What is the magni- tude of the shearing force on the lower plate if itis 2 m long (inthe direction of flow) and 1.5 m wide? 9.22 Two horizontal parallel plates are spaced 0.01 ft apart. The pressure decreases at 3 rate of 12 pst/ft in the hosizootal x di rection in the fluid between the plates. What is the maximum fluid velocity in the x direction? The fluid has a dynamic viscos ity of 10°'IbE-s/ft” and a specitic gravity of 0.80. 9.23 A viscous fluid fills the space between these two plates, and the pressures at A and B are 150 psf and 100 pst. respec: tively. The fluid is not accelerating. Ifthe specitic weight of the fluid is 100 IbI/tt,then one must conclude that (a) flow is downward, (6) flow is upward, c) there is no flow. 9.24 Glycerine at 20°C flows downward between two vertical parallel plates separated by a distance of 0.4 cm. The ends ate pROBLEMS: 30 aes Horizontal PROBLEM 9.23 open, so there is no pressure pradient, Caleulate the discharge per anit width, g, in m?/s 925 Two vertical parallel plates are spaced 0.01 ft apart. If the pressure decreases at a rate of 8 pst/ft in the vertical z direction inthe lid between the plates, what isthe maximum Mid velocity inthe z dircetion? The fluid has a viscosity of 10°" Ibf-s/ft* and “aspecific gravity of 0.80 9.26 Two vertical parallel plates are spaced 2 mm apart. If the pressure decreases at a rate of 10 kPa/m in the positive = direc- tion (vertically upward) in the luid berween the plates, what is the ‘maximum fluid velocity in the direction? The fluid nasa viscosity of 10” N-s/m* and a specific gravity of 0.85. 927 Two vertical parallel plates are spaced 0.01 ft apart. If the pressure decreases ata rate of 60 psf/ft in the,vertical = direction ‘nthe fluid between the plates, what i the maximum fluid velocity inthe z direction? The fluid has a viscosity of 10""Ibf-s/ft” and specific gravity of 0.80. , 9.28 Two parallel plates are spaced 0.09 in, apart, and motor oil (SAE 30) with a temperature of 100°F flows ata rate of 0.009 cfs per foot of width between the plates. What is the pressure gradi- tent in the direction of flow if the plates are inclined at 60° with the horizontal and ifthe flow is downward between the plates? 9.29 Two parallel plates are spaced 2 mm apart, and oil (p. = 107! N+ s/m!, S = 0,80) flows at a rate of 24 x 104 m'/s. per meter of width between the plates. What isthe pressure gradient in the di- rection of flow if the plates are inclined at 60° with the horizontal and ifthe flow is downward between the plates? 930. A flow exists between two vertical plates as shown, The plate on the left is fixed while the plate on the right moves up- ward with a velocity U. The plates are separated by a distance L. There is no pressure gradient in the direction of motion. (a) De- five an expression for the velocity distribution between the plates aa function of >, y. L, wand U. (b) Determine the plate veloc ity as a function of y, L, and for which the discharge between the two plates is zero 931 The flow of mud is often modeled as a Bingham plastic {Gee p. 20) in which the relation between stress and rate of strain is given as += 7) + ndu/dy. where Ty is the threshold stress 361 PROBLEM 9,30 and 1) is @ constant. With a Bingham plastic, there is no flow un less the threshold stress is exceeded. Consider the flow of mud down an inclined plane as shown. (a) Find the relationship between Tip Yo and 6 for which there would be no motion. (b) Deterine the velocity field u = f() when there is flow. PROBLEM 9.31 9.32 Glycerine at 20°C flows downward in the annular region between two cylinders. The internal diameter of the outer cyl- inder is 3 cm, and the external diameter of the inner cylinder is 2.8 em. The pressure is constant along the flow direction. The flow is laminar. Calculate the discharge. (Hint: The flow between the two cylinders can be treated as the flow between two flat plates.) PROBLEM 9.32 9.33 One type of bearing that can be used to support very large ‘structures is shown in the accompanying figure. Here fluid un der pressure is forced from the bearing midpoint (slot A) to the exterior zone B. Thus a pressure distribution occurs as shown. For this bearing, which is 30 cm wide, what discharge of oil from slot A per meter of length of bearing is required? Assume 2 50-KN load per meter of bearing length with a clearance space 1 between the floor and the bearing surface of 0.60 mm, Assume an oil viscosity of 0.20 N+ s/m”, How much oil per hour would have to be pumped per meter of bearing length for the given conditions? PROBLEM 9.33 9.34 Use the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations to solve for the velocity distribution in a Couette flow (see Section 9.2) 9.35 An Biffel-type wind tunnel operates by drawing air through a ‘contraction, passing this air through a lest section, and then ex- hhausting the air using a large axial fan, Experimental data are re- corded in the test section, which is typically a rectangular section of duct that is made of clear plastid (usually acrylic). In the test section, the velocity should have a very uniform distribution; thus, it is important that the boundary layer be Very thin at the end of the test section. For the pictured wind tunnel, the test section is square with a dimension of W = 457 mm on each side and a length of 1 = 914mm, Find the ratio of maximum boundary layer thickness to test seetion width [B(x = L)/W] for two cases; minimum op- erating velocity (1 m/s) and maximum operating velocity (70 m/s), Assume air properties at | atm and 20°C. 9.36 A fluid flows with a speed of Uy = 2.4 m/s over the top of a horizontal flat plate that has the shape of an isosceles trian: gle with L = 1.5 m, Assume that the wall shear stress decreases linearly from 10.0 to 2.0 N/m*, For the specified shear stress istribution, find the viscous drag force in newtons on the top of the plate. 9.37 A thin plate 6 ft long and 3 ft wide is submerged and held stationary in a stream of water (T = 60°F) that has a velocity of 5 ft/s, What is the thickness of the boundary layer on the plate for Re, = 500,000 (assume the boundary layer is still laminar), and at what distance downstream of the leading edge does this Reynolds humber occur? What is the shear stress on the plate at this point? PROBLEM 9.36 Will be part of a system that allows fish to bypass a dam. Inside he PROBLEM 9.39 ppoBLeMS ga Oil (= 107 N-s/m*: p = 900 kg/m") flows past & ae ina tangential direction so that a boundary layer develops. ne velocity of approach is 4 m/s, then ata seetion 30 cm Tfaenstream ofthe lading edge the ratio of (shear stres atthe ape of the boundery layer) 0 4p (Shear steess atthe pate sur- face) approximately (a) 0,6) 0.24, (©) 2.4, ( 24 saat An eloment for sensing local shear stress i positioned ina fat “fine L meter rom the leading eg. The element simpy consis of fal plate, Tom em, eoued sh wit he wall and he ‘pear force is megsured on the plate. The fluid flowing by the pis air, with a free-stream velocity of 25 m/sya density of E12 ke/m, and a kinematic viscosity of 15% 10° m/s, The una ler stigped athe ding ee, Whats te mage [ste fore deo sear sessing onthe element? B : os ‘ . 5 i zm a = F : e b-—1m—A : PROBLEM 9.41. 9.42, You want to use the integral technique to determine the thick- ess of laminar boundary layer. Assume thatthe velocity profile can ‘beapproximated by u/Up = (y/8)'”. Experimental data show that ‘ty = L.66U }./8. Use Eq, (9.42) and the foregoing relations to ob- ‘ain differential equation for and solve for8 = jx). Compare your results with those of Blasius. Eq. 9.15). 9A3_A liquid (p = 1000 ke/m?, w= 2 x 107 N = s/m’?, v 2 x 10° m?/s) flows tangentially past a flat plate. If the approach velocity is 1 m/s, what isthe liquid velocity 1 m downstream from the leading edge of the plate and 1 mn away from the plate? 9.44. The plate of Prob. 9.43 has a total length of 3m (parallel to the flow direction), and it is | m wide. What is the skin friction drag (shear force) on one side of the plate? 945 Oil (v= 10 m’/s) flows tangentially past a thin plate. If the free-stream velocity is 5 m/s, what is the velocity 1 m downstream from the leading edge and 3 mm away from the plate? 9.46 Oil (v= 10°* m?/s,$ = 0.9) flows past a plate in a tan- ential direction so that a boundary layer develops. If the velocity of approach is 1 m/s, what is the oil velocity 1m downstream from the leading edge and 10 cm away from the plate? 363 9.47 A thin plate 0.7 m long and 1.5 m wide is submerged and held stationary ina stream of water (7 ) that has a veloc ity of 1.5 m/s. What is the thickness of the boundary layer on the plate for Re, = 500,000 (assume the boundary layer is still lam- nar), and at what distance downstream of the leading edge does this Reynolds number occur”? What is the shear stress on the plate on this point? 9.48 For the conditions of Prob. 9.47, what is the shearing resis- tance on one side of the plate for the part of the plate that has a Reynolds number, Re,, less than 500,000? What is the ratio of the laminar shearing force to the total shearing force on the plate? 9.49 An airplane wing of 2 m chord (leading edge to trailing edge distance) and 11 m span flies at 200 km/hr in air 30°C. Assume thatthe resistance of the wing surfaces is like that of a flat plate. a, What is the friction drag on the wing? 1b, What power is required to overcome this? c. How much of the chord is laminar? <4. What will be the change in drag if a turbulent boundary layer is tripped at the leading edge? a. 9,50 A turbulent boundary layer exists in the flow of water at 20°C over a flat plate. The Igcal shear stress measured atthe sur~ face of the plate is 0.1 N/m”, What is the velocity at a point 1 em from the plate surface? 9.51 A flat plate 1.5 m long and 1.0 m wide is towed in water at 20°C in the direction of its Jength at a speed of 15 cm/s. Deter- ‘mine the resistance of the plate and the boundary layer thickness a its aft end. 9.52. A liquid flows,tangentially pasta flat plate. The fluid prop- erties are p= 10° N+s/m™ and p = 1.5 kg/m’, Find the skin friction drag on the plate per unit width if the plate is 2 m ong and the approach velocity is 20 m/s. Also, what is the ve~ locity gradient at a point that is 1 m downstream of the leading ‘edge and just next to the plate (y' = 0)? 9.53. Starting with Eq, (9.44), carry outthe steps leading to Eq. (9.47). 9.54 A model airplane has a wing span of 3 fl and a chord (lead- ing edge-trailing edge distance) of 5 in. The model flies in air at 60°F and atmospheric pressure. The wing can be regarded as a flat plate so far as drag is concerned. At what speed will @ turbu- Jent boundary layer start to develop on the wing? What will be the total drag force on the wing just before turbulence appears? 9.85 For the hypothetical boundary layer on the flat plate shown, what are the skin friction drag on the top side per meter of ‘width and the shear stress on the plate af the downstream end? Here p= 1.2 kg/m? and p= 18x 10" N+ s/o, 9.56 Starting with Eq. (9.43), perform the integration and sim- plify to obtain Eq, (9.44). 957 Assume that the velocity profile in a boundary layer is re- placed by a step profile, as shown in the figure, where the velocity is zero adjacent to the surface and equal to the free-stream velocity (U) at adistance greater than 8, trom the surface. Assume also that

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