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Dragon Unit

This unit allows students to engage in all aspects of the General Outcomes. By writing about their
“dragons,” students “explore thoughts, feelings, ideas, and experiences” (GO1); by studying text and
film about dragons, students “comprehend literature and…respond personally, critically, and creatively”
(GO2); by researching about dragons in literature, and by formulating their writing, students “manage
their ideas” (GO3); by writing, students “create oral [and] print…texts and enhance the clarity and
artistry of communication” (GO4); by sharing their dragon writing in class, students “respect, support,
and collaborate with others” (GO5).

1. Dragon Poems and Dragon/Dragon Reading – focus on diction

2. Dragon Research Assignment
3. Discussion about what Western mythology teaches us about dragons.
a. Western dragon mythology teaches that dragons, while evil, fierce, merciless, uncaring,
scary and malicious, can be destroyed.
4. Read the description of Smaug from The Hobbit – pg. 273 (Harper Collins version)
5. – Bilbo and Smaug Part 1
6. – Bilbo and Smaug Part 2
7. – Smaug – “I am Fire, I am Death”
8. – The death of Smaug
9. What “dragons” might people have? – Discussion
10. How do people overcome their “dragons”?
11. What are your dragons?
12. Read “My Dragon” – teacher model writing
13. Students write about their “dragons”
14. Students share their writing in a coffee house format.

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