Focus: Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing

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Lean Food-and-Beverage
Lower Costs, Better Products, Improved Sustainability
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global manage-
ment consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on
business strategy. We partner with clients in all sectors
and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities,
address their most critical challenges, and transform their
businesses. Our customized approach combines deep in­
sight into the dynamics of companies and markets with
close collaboration at all levels of the client organization.
This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable compet­
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Lean Food-and-Beverage
Lower Costs, Better Products, Improved Sustainability

ood and beverage manu- supplier that had already done plen- This approach is producing signifi-
facturers have been accel- ty of cost cutting greeted a team of cant savings even in plants where
erating their cost-cutting lean-manufacturing consultants managers thought there wasn’t much
efforts to improve their from The Boston Consulting Group waste left. “I have to admit,” the
profit-and-loss statements with a shrug, asking, “What can we skeptical COO said later, “that my at-
(P&Ls). The hunt for savings, spurred learn from these guys? We have been titude changed dramatically over
by structural changes in the industry doing this for ten years.” time to ‘we really can learn some-
such as the rise of private labels and thing.’’’
discounters, became more urgent af- Many lean programs tend to be lim-
ter the recession hit in 2008. ited exercises that produce one-off The opportunity is large. Manufac-
savings, leave most opportunities un- turers that use lean methodologies
The economy is now recovering, and tapped, require larger capital invest- effectively can cut their cost of goods
growth has become the new impera- ment, and do little to build employ- sold by as much as 3 percent. That
tive. This requires new investments ees’ engagement and capabilities. corresponds to 20 percent of their
in R&D, product quality, advertising, Lean manufacturing is regarded as addressable manufacturing cost
sales, and pricing. Manufacturers are more of an administrative function base. Over the next two years, the
looking for ways beyond traditional and lacks a real leadership or strate- top 100 food-manufacturing compa-
cost cutting to create space in their gic role in the organization. nies worldwide could save a total of
P&Ls for investment. Although most $9.4 billion, and the top 70 beverage
manufacturers have continuous-im- With the right approach, however, suppliers could save $4.2 billion—
provement lean-advantage programs, over a few intense months, workers more than $13 billion of capacity
lean manufacturing remains an un- at all levels can learn new ways to waiting to be turned loose.
derused approach. With limited capi- frame questions, find solutions, and
tal expenditure, lean manufacturing improve continuously. These employ- Discounters are gaining market
used to its fullest can liberate large ees become ambassadors and cham- share, and commodity prices are like-
amounts of cash, fueling growth and pions for lean approaches, spreading ly to rise. Suppliers, therefore, are
improving quality with better, fresh- knowledge and best practices from feeling pressure to search for and cut
er, greener, and more delicious food- one plant to another. They also learn non-value-adding costs. These are ex-
and-beverage products. It can also to focus their efforts, linking initia- penses that don’t make the product
be a source of employee engagement tives directly to monetary savings. more valuable or attractive to cus-
and capability-building opportu- Workers who have had this training tomers. In a word, waste.
nities. do not see themselves as cogs in a
machine that “delivers productivity ◊ The recession is changing consumer
Some industry executives, however, increases.” They are members of a behavior. Shoppers have cut back
have been skeptical. Recently, the team that creates competitive ad- on nonessential purchases. They
chief operating officer of a major vantage. shop for the best prices and wait

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 1

for promotions. Discounters and modity price increases on to con- going on. They have optimized proc-
private labels are grabbing market sumers. esses, reduced head count, played
share and forcing suppliers to cut with cheaper recipes, and hired con-
prices. In the United States, from ◊ The need for stronger growth is sultants. What few did, however, was
2007 through 2009, the market again becoming critical. Many com- attempt to identify all non-value-add-
share of discount grocery stores panies have refocused their incen- ing manufacturing costs in a holis-
grew from 33.2 percent to 35.2 tives on stronger growth targets tic way.
percent. In Germany, during the and are searching for new ways to
same period, discounters in- finance the higher cost of prod- Many lean programs generate effi-
creased share from 42.5 percent to ucts, advertising, sales, and pricing ciencies but miss the largest poten-
44.0 percent. (See Exhibit 1.) actions. tial savings levers. Some focus only
on the shop floor. Others lack the
◊ Suppliers face rising prices for mate- ◊ Green production strategies are be- ability to maintain momentum (and
rials. According to the Organisa- coming sources of competitive ad- keep the attention of top manage-
tion for Economic Co-operation vantage. Governments, customers, ment) by tracking improvements pre-
and Development, commodity and employees are increasingly cisely and linking them to financial
prices could continue to increase pushing companies to reduce ma- results and corporate strategy. Some
at a rate of 5 percent per year. terial, water, and energy waste. require large capital expenditures.
Others focus only on big-ticket items
◊ Pricing for inflation is becoming The Maturity Stages of that represent only 30 to 40 percent
difficult. There is a growing risk Lean Manufacturing of savings. Many do not strive to
that intense competition and make continuous improvement a
tougher retailer negotiations will Manufacturers, of course, have not real mindset among all employees in
not allow suppliers to pass com- been asleep while all this has been manufacturing.

Exhibit 1. Manufacturers Are Under Pressure

Discounters are gaining market share, and commodity prices are likely to rise
market share (%) 44.0
43.0 Germany Food-and-beverage commodity
42.5 1
price index (2005 = U.S.$100)


United States

2007 2008 2009 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10
Sources: GfK ConsumerScan, May 2009; Planet Retail; company financial statements; IMF Food Commodity Price Index; OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook
2009–2018; BCG analysis.
Weighted-price index for wheat, maize, rice, vegetable oils, butter, cheese, whole-milk powder, and raw sugar.

2 The Boston Consulting Group

We have identified four main stages benefits that come with reaching an established lean function, but its
of lean manufacturing at food and Stage 1, Stage 2, or Stage 3. Only a effectiveness is narrowly limited.
beverage companies. (See Exhibit 2.) few, however, keep going and reach Companies in this stage do not have
They span a continuum from compa- Stage 4. a clear picture of their non-value-
nies that have added a few lean tech- adding manufacturing costs. Al-
niques to their operations to those Stage 1: Force for Modest Change. though they may have a strong re-
that have completely integrated The majority of food and beverage cent track record of productivity
“lean” into their culture and use it as manufacturers are in this stage. Man- gains, they lack straightforward
a real source of competitive advan- ufacturing delivers the requested measures for reducing non-value-
tage. Most manufacturers reap the products and productivity. There is adding manufacturing costs and tend

Exhibit 2. There Are Four Stages of Maturity in Lean Manufacturing

❶ ❷ ❸ ❹
Force for One-off Sustained- Source of
modest change business driver improvement competitive
contributor advantage

Danger of Danger of Danger of resting

missing the goal falling back on past success

Value added by a rigorous lean transformation Point of transformation

◊ Regular ◊ Quantum leap ◊ Manufacturing as a ◊ Repeted quantum leaps;

productivity in productivity, major source of free cash; fresher, tastier products;
savings mostly funded non-value-adding costs younger stock on retail shelves
◊ OEE 10 to 20 by capital reduced by more than 50 ◊ Non-value-adding costs almost
percentage points expenditures; OEE percent; limited use of completely eliminated; OEE
below world-class1 below world-class capital expenditures above world-class level
◊ No transparency of ◊ Limited ◊ OEE at or above world- ◊ Most lines on SMED; highest
non-value-adding transparency of class level; bottlenecks production flexibility; 5S
costs non-value-adding cleared to avoid capital sustained in all plants and
costs expenditures for new lines lines2
◊ Few central
continuous- ◊ Strong cross- ◊ Strong, cross-functional ◊ Continuous flow and
improvement functional teams teams with clear widespread implementation of
managers but limited leadership; most line best practices; obsession with
leadership managers trained solving root cause problems,
◊ Best practices
documented ◊ Some flow of new ◊ Continuous flow of asking, how can we become
but not broadly best practices best practices; broad better?
implemented implementation

Sources: Press searches; company Web sites; BCG’s lean advantage topic area; BCG analysis.
OEE = overall equipment effectiveness.
SMED = single-minute exchange of die.

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 3

to rely on capital expenditures to hit companies risk falling back to Stage are nearly fully utilized. There is a
productivity targets. While many 1: they are not able to sustain ener- continuous flow of new best practic-
have designated continuous-improve- gizing momentum. They have meth- es and internal competition to elimi-
ment managers, those managers ods in place for identifying non-val- nate non-value-adding costs. These
have to fight to put their ideas into ue-adding manufacturing costs but companies are clearly above average
practice. They are seen more as ad- not in each plant or across all lines. standards, but they need to be care-
ministrators than as forceful continu- They do not set clear targets by plant ful not to become complacent.
ous-improvement leaders.
Companies at Stage 4: Source of Competitive Ad-
The 5S workplace-organization ap- vantage. Stage 4 requires embracing
Stage 4 build
proach is implemented only in isolat- Stage 3 characteristics and going one
ed areas. Bottleneck analyses are a culture step further to set up supply-chain
done occasionally. Manpower levels of continuous and lean initiatives as true sources of
on some lines have been analyzed competitive advantage. Companies
closely, but many lines have not improvement. at this stage build a culture of contin-
been scrutinized. Overall equipment uous improvement. They have a
effectiveness (OEE) averages are 10 and by line for non-value-adding complete view of non-value-adding
to 20 percentage points below world- costs. They may lack the tools or the costs, having reduced them by 50 to
class levels. culture. In some situations, they sim- 80 percent. They have gained organi-
ply lack manpower and the neces- zational agility. They continuously
Stage 2: One-off Business Driver. sary engagement of senior manage- and systematically ask, how can we
We found few companies at this lev- ment. Some lines still have OEE well become better? They focus on deliv-
el. These companies already have a below optimal levels. ering the freshest products at the
long-established lean practice that lowest cost and with the highest flex-
has been able to show strong one-off Stage 3: Sustained-Improvement ibility. Most plants and OEE lines
business improvement. They have a Contributor. Few companies are in meet global best-in-class standards.
database of best lean practices, but, Stage 3. These companies work con-
somehow, results do not really stick. sciously to transform their entire cul- Manufacturing is a key contributor to
The results lack sustainability. Man- ture into one of continuous, sus- funding growth. Because change-
agement continues to request strong tained improvement. They have big overs are short (less than ten min-
productivity improvement in manu- specific targets for each plant and utes), lines produce small batches of
facturing, but the role of lean has be- line to reduce non-value-adding costs fresh products and generate limited
come more limited over time. Most with limited capital expenditures. inventory. With short changeovers,
productivity increases originate out- Manufacturing is a major source of complexity becomes less of an issue.
side the lean organization. Many re- free cash, improving net working Cross-functional teams work closely
quire large capital-expenditure initia- capital with flexible production lines together on a daily basis and regular-
tives. that support frequent changeovers ly deliver improvements in perfor-
and reduce inventory. Products made mance. They show their results di-
These companies have a good track by these manufacturers are younger rectly to the CEO. Only a few
record of lean workshops with im- on the retail shelf than those of com- companies reach this level, and even
provement team members of differ- petitors. Enabled local lean champi- those companies need to be careful
ent backgrounds. They have dis- ons are key to spreading lean culture always to walk the extra mile.
played key performance indicators throughout the organization.
(KPIs) and best practices on the shop The answers to a few focused ques-
floor. In a few pilot plants, they have Decentralized continuous-improve- tions can reveal which level a com-
achieved great benefits, but the ener- ment managers can focus on long- pany has achieved—and how much
gy behind the lean initiative is gone. term continuous improvement. more it could do. (See the side-
There is no ongoing flow of best Many plants consistently apply 5S, bar “Lean-Manufacturing Self-
practices. After a short period, these OEE is at world-class levels, and lines Assessment.”)

4 The Boston Consulting Group

Lean-Manufacturing Self-Assessment

1. How would you describe the role and perception of ing their root causes, and implementing solutions.
manufacturing in your organization? On the basis of the size of a non-value-adding
manufacturing cost and the cost of fixing the root
a. It delivers the products requested by central plan- cause, we focus first on the non-value-adding man-
ning, and regular productivity savings are defined ufacturing cost with the highest payback.
from the top down.
4. To what extent are productivity initiatives linked to
b. We have seen a quantum leap in productivity. financial savings?
However, the change was driven mainly by capital
expenditures. a. If we need to make a major capital expenditure,
we prepare a business case.
c. We are actively using alternative production meth-
ods: manufacturing is continuously a strong b. The financial benefit of each initiative is always
source of increased profits and frees up cash. calculated before implementation.

d. It is one of our core sources of competitive advan- c. Before we get too deep into fixing a root cause, we
tage: we are able to produce fresher, tastier prod- work to understand its financial-savings potential.
ucts than our competitors, and our conversion Only if the savings potential is big enough, do we
costs are much lower. continue to focus on fixing a root cause.

2. How do you control your non-value-adding costs? d. We select initiatives for implementation from our
pipeline of initiatives whose productivity and costs
a. We don’t see all of our non-value-adding manufac- we’ve calculated; we can track the P&L impact.
turing costs.
5. What are your ambitions for batch sizes and change-
b. We see only some of our non-value-adding manu- over duration?
facturing costs.
a. We try to maximize batches in order to avoid
c. We frequently analyze our non-value-adding man- changeovers. Over the past three years, we’ve im-
ufacturing costs. We know the potential of each of proved changeover duration by 30 percent.
our factories.
b. Depending on the line, we maximize batches in
d. We have a sophisticated system in place to identi- order to avoid changeovers. In pilot programs, we
fy and control non-value-adding manufacturing have deployed leveled production to make it easi-
costs. We know the costs of each SKU and line. er to plan changeovers. In the past year, we have
improved changeover duration by 50 percent.
3. On what part of production are your continuous-im-
provement initiatives focused? c. Using leveled production, we have reduced
changeover duration by more than 80 percent.
a. We try to solve a problem when we find it. Many changeovers take less than ten minutes.
Changeover is no longer a key factor when we de-
b. We try to focus on our major non-value-adding cide on batch size.
d. Most of our changeovers take less than ten min-
c. On the basis of our analyses of non-value-adding utes, so we can act with the highest flexibility.
manufacturing costs, we know where to focus our
efforts. 6. To what extent is 5S implemented in manufacturing?

d. We have a systematic process in place for identify- a. 5S is implemented only in isolated areas; initia-
ing non-value-adding manufacturing costs, analyz- tives are driven by the central organization.

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 5

Lean-Manufacturing Self-Assessment (continued)

b. 5S is implemented in several pilot areas. Opera- and has a genuine interest in pushing continuous
tors understand the benefits of 5S. improvement even further.

c. 5S has been rolled out in all of our plants and for 9. How are key performance indicators (KPIs) used with-
all lines. in manufacturing?

d. 5S has been rolled out in all of our plants and for a. We are tracking some KPIs; the tracking is mostly
all lines; 5S is sustained and regularly checked by backward looking.
operators in all plants.
b. KPIs are used and posted on the shop floor eve-
7. How has capability building been organized in your ry day.
c. KPIs are used uniformly and systematically and
a. A continuous-improvement manager is in an ad- are centrally tracked.
ministrative role to enhance basic lean knowledge.
This person is fighting to get the organization in- d. KPIs are used uniformly and systematically and
volved and enabled. are centrally tracked and linked to central busi-
ness requirements.
b. We have teams trained in basics such as root
cause identification, value stream mapping, and 10. How is best-practice sharing organized among plants?
Pareto analysis. More than 30 percent of our line
managers are already trained, and we have a sys- a. Best practices are documented, but the system is
tem of “snowballing” to guarantee that the learn- old and not broadly implemented.
ing effect reaches down to the operators.
b. Best practices are documented and, to some ex-
c. We have a decentralized continuous-improvement tent, shared among plants.
organization, which is responsible for applying
lean tools to implementing initiatives. Most line c. There is a continuous flow of best practices among
managers are trained in lean approaches. plants and broad implementation.

d. We have an obsession with finding root causes d. We have a systematic strategy for creating a con-
and solving those problems. How can we become tinuous flow of best practices; most best practices
better? is a question we are always asking our- are widely implemented within a very short time
selves. The continuous-improvement function is frame.
integrated in the line organization.
A majority of “a” answers indicates that your company’s
8. Who in the organization is the challenger and spon- continuous-improvement effort is in Stage 1: lean is a
sor of continuous improvement in manufacturing? force for modest change. A majority of “b” answers indi-
cates that your company is in Stage 2, utilizing continuous
a. It is driven by the plant managers, so continuous- improvement as a one-off business driver. A majority of
improvement results vary considerably among “c” answers indicates continuous improvement as a sus-
plants. tained-improvement contributor—Stage 3; your company
may, however, face the risk of falling back if it does not
b. It is sponsored by the head of manufacturing, who continuously refine and renew its programs. A majority of
is always challenging the results. “d” answers indicates that your company has made con-
tinuous improvement a source of competitive advantage;
c. It is sponsored by the regional or category head. even at Stage 4, however, a company cannot risk resting
on past success.
d. It is sponsored by the head of the region or catego-
ry. Our CEO gets regular updates on our results

6 The Boston Consulting Group

BCG believes that about 80 percent SKUs—requires thorough prepara- ◊ Defects. Scrapping or reworking
of companies have achieved Stage 1 tion and a clear focus on key savings products, which generates addi-
or Stage 2. Some leading-edge com- targets. tional labor, material, and packag-
panies—mostly market leaders in ing costs. In the food industry,
their categories or small specialized The goals of lean manufacturing are many failures and defects can be
players—have reached Stage 3. It is cultural and financial. Its immediate reworked. This is good because re-
important to note that the stages do targets are seven sources of waste. working reduces the loss of raw
not represent an assessment of the materials, but it’s also bad be-
manufacturing people involved but Enabling is cause it can make eliminating root
rather an articulation of the com- causes seem less than urgent.
at the core
pany’s ambition to achieve lean-
manufacturing results. Within each of an ◊ Waiting. Allowing time-wasting
stage, some companies perform bet- effective technical failures, improperly bal-
ter or worse relative to this expec- anced lines, and poorly managed
tation. lean approach. operators.

Big Ambitions and ◊ Overprocessing. Manufacturing Enabling: Training

Specific Goals products whose quality is higher the Trainers
than customers want or will
There is no one-size-fits-all approach pay for. Enabling is at the core of an
to rolling out an effective lean pro- effective lean approach. External
gram. Every company has its own ◊ Overproduction. Making products experts don’t change companies.
culture. There are, however, three that end up in inventories or as Workers do. Employees are trained
things that transformative lean ef- scrap. In food and beverage man- in lean as they begin finding waste.
forts have in common. ufacturing this often takes the As they learn, they become ambas-
form of overfilling or “overweight- sadors for the concept throughout
◊ They generate significant measur- ing.” Generally, food and beverage the company. Over the course of
able impact (on, for example, costs, products are sold by weight or vol- three or four lean workshops, em-
inventory, and customer satisfac- ume. Some products, however, ex- ployees develop lean skills and learn
tion) with limited capital expendi- ceed their required minimums by to lead the program and train other
tures as much as 20 percent. employees.

◊ They create real momentum for ◊ Transportation. Creating unneces- Most food-and-beverage manufactur-
change within the organization, sary movement of materials, tools, ers are large operations, spread out
with improvement efforts linked and spare parts within a plant. over wide areas, with—compared
directly to corporate strategy with other industries—small plants
◊ Motion. Requiring unnecessary in terms of value creation and num-
◊ They enable the organization to movement of the product and ber of employees. Such companies
improve continuously people during production. change much faster when initiative
comes from empowered local em-
The structure of the food and bever- ◊ Inventory. Ending up with excess ployees instead of a centralized bu-
age industry presents special chal- inventories that increase ware- reaucracy.
lenges to achieving those goals. Most house and other costs. For perish-
manufacturers have a large number able food and beverages, lower in- A BCG lean initiative starts with a
of plants, so a culture-changing lean ventories not only save money series of three- to five-week kick-start
program must be rolled out simulta- and reduce workload, they also workshops for about 20 participants
neously in many places. The high lead to fresher products. Fresher each. At first, the BCG team works
complexity of many food-and-bever- products can improve customers’ closely with management to help
age plants—multiple lines, multiple perception of quality. push change, helping the client con-

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 7

duct training and shop-floor observa- third or fourth, they should be able dents of business administration.
tion sessions, as well as moderating to train others in lean methodology The daily sessions are followed
analysis discussions. If a line change- and drive the transformation. each day by practical observation
over has already been cut from 120 sessions on the shop floor.
minutes to 40 minutes, for instance, The kick-start workshops themselves
the team might ask, what could get have several core elements. They in- ◊ Learning by Doing and Owning Re-
the time down to 8 minutes? clude basic training, learning by do- sponsibility. To speed the spread of
ing and owning responsibility, coach- lean methods throughout the or-
Over the course of six to eight kick- ing and feedback, and support ganization, employees “learn by
start workshops, BCG’s role shifts to materials. doing.” They hunt for waste. A
one of support. Employees who are kick-start workshop is not just
designated “lean-program experts” ◊ Basic Training. Each future lean- training. Each has a clear savings
take over leadership, supported by program expert needs a thorough target, and it is the responsibility
six to eight “shared lean champions,” understanding of lean methodolo- of each kick-start team to reach its
employees who have previously par- gies and tools. During the transfor- target. Throughout, the team is
ticipated in at least two transforma- mation kick-start workshops (and doing real work, making hundreds
tion kick-start workshops, the first at special lean-program expert-train- of measurements, gathering data,
a location other than their home ing sessions in consolidation and analyzing processes to get to
plant. (See Exhibit 3.) weeks between kick-start work- the real root causes of waste.
shops), future lean experts are
Each participant takes on more re- trained in lean theory. All partici- ◊ Coaching and Feedback. Over time,
sponsibility with each additional pants have training sessions fo- BCG’s role shifts from leader to
workshop. Employees who were cused on the main lean levers. coach. In daily sessions, progress is
team members in their first work- These are interactive sessions, evaluated and plans for coming
shops should take a leading role in comparable to the case study re- days are discussed. Each kick-start
some topics in their second. By their views conducted by graduate stu- week ends with a feedback ses-

Exhibit 3. A Handoff Approach Builds Internal Capabilities and Shifts Responsibility

to the Client Team

Project ownership Change agent

Client team


Implementer Client team

Drive change

Client team
Joint design

Client team

Coach or trainer

Client team Coach or trainer

Preparation and
data collection Support
Source: BCG analysis.

8 The Boston Consulting Group

sion in which all participants fo- the food and beverage industry. In food manufacturing, there is an
cus on two questions: What went These levers include optimizing important difference between proc-
well? What could have been bet- manpower levels on lines, reducing essing and packaging units. The OEE
ter? One-on-one sessions are held bottlenecks, and optimizing fixed of processing units is generally su-
as needed to identify areas for im- costs. They are also immersed in perior to that of packaging units.
provement. finding savings by, for example, rais- BCG’s OEE benchmarks for process-
ing OEE, improving material yield, ing units puts the world-class level at
◊ Support Materials. With team and reducing inventory. (See Exhibit 95 percent; for packaging units,
members, BCG develops custom- 4.) Furthermore, these levers focus the comparable level starts at 85
ized comprehensive handbooks on reducing the company’s carbon percent.
for all participants. These explain footprint.
the overall process and give de- For beverage lines, which are often
tailed guides for each lean lever. Raising Overall Equipment Effec- highly integrated, a score over 80
tiveness. A systematic lean ap- percent is world-class. BCG estimates
Lean champions train to become proach can generate OEE improve- that less than 10 percent of all food-
trainers themselves as they imple- ment of 5 to 15 percentage points. and-beverage units reach optimal
ment lean tools. By the end of three OEE is a measure of the total output levels. (See Exhibit 5.)
or four kick-start workshops, a critical of a manufacturing unit (a machine
mass of employees has been trained. or line) based on its theoretical The industry has distinct obstacles
speed. Improving OEE results in to maximizing OEE. Given the high
Lean Levers: Key higher output per unit of time. This seasonality of demand, many pro-
Savings Areas helps reduce labor and energy costs, duction lines face capacity con-
decreases inventories, and increases straints only a couple of weeks or
Lean-program experts and champi- capacity. (See the sidebar “A Lean months per year. The rest of the
ons master the details of several in- Win: Big Efficiencies, Small Capital time, OEE-related losses can be
terrelated levers critical to savings in Expenditures.”) made up simply by extending pro-

Exhibit 4. Six Important Levers Within the BCG Framework Address the Cost Base and
Increase Savings

Lever Typical improvement

Optimizing manpower from 15 percent to 40 percent

levels on lines

Reducing bottlenecks from 10 percent to 30 percent

Raising OEE1 from 10 percent to 30 percent

Improving material yield from 20 percent to 40 percent

Optimizing fixed costs from 15 percent to 25 percent

Reducing inventory from 20 percent to 30 percent

0% 50% 100%
Percentage of addressed costs per lever
Source: BCG analysis.
OEE = overall equipment effectiveness.

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 9

A Lean Win: Big Efficiencies, Small Capital Expenditures

In 2009, a major international food- maintenance-and-repair technicians, low overall asset utilization that had
and-beverage manufacturer retained a lean-manufacturing kick-start team not been challenged before.
BCG to introduce lean manufactur- determined that the filler unit ran at
ing into some of its European plants. a significantly lower capacity than Adding an inexpensive frequency
The company’s management doubt- the rest of the units on the line, cre- converter to the screw conveyor
ed that there was much waste left in ating a bottleneck. made its speed adjustable. At lower
its lines but had hypothesized that speeds, the screw conveyor no long-
improving overall equipment effec- A special team, comprising one lean er overfilled the hopper, and the fre-
tiveness (OEE) might be one power- expert and two local champions, quent stoppages were eliminated.
ful lever. conducted a deep root-cause analy- An investment of less than $1,000
sis of the filler. The team noticed increased the speed of the line by 17
A production line on which jars of a that the screw conveyor used to feed percent, generating payback in less
powdered breakfast drink were filled the product into a hopper had only than a week. In the end, the original
and then packaged had been run- two modes—on and off. The prob- OEE loss analysis turned into a clas-
ning for two years, during which time lem was that when the screw convey- sic bottleneck analysis.
the operators had made large capac- or was on, it fed the product too fast.
ity improvements. After gathering That led to overfilling that stopped
performance data, observing the the line about once every 25 sec-
line, and talking with operators and onds. A bottleneck was the result of

Exhibit 5. The Beverage Sector Has the Lowest Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Benchmark ≥95% ≥85% ≥80%



83% 85%
79% 80%
74% 74%
58% 59%

Food processing Food packaging Beverages2

25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile 90th percentile

Source: BCG analysis.

OEE = overall equipment effectiveness.
Includes the returnable-bottle business.

10 The Boston Consulting Group

duction hours. Similarly, the ability microstoppages too brief for opera- dard consumption, scrap, and over-
of food and beverage suppliers to re- tors to notice. Root causes can often filling or overweighting. Scrap and
work some defective goods without be identified in workshops and overfilling or overweighting are often
material loss can also help disguise brainstorming sessions in which line responsible for 2 to 5 percent of total
low OEE levels. operators, team leaders, and mainte- material costs. Food and beverage
nance and repair technicians visual- products are sold by weight or by
The industry also faces strict quality ize losses per manufacturing unit. volume units, with strict legal-mini-
and legal requirements related to mum requirements.
sanitation and cleaning. Certain in- A systematic
ternal quality requirements are The challenge producers face is to
lean approach
linked to frequency and length of meet those requirements without ex-
cleaning rather than to the required can cut ceeding them. While scrap can usual-
level of sanitation. Many such re- material losses ly be detected visually, overweight-
quirements can be challenged with- ing and overfilling are often trickier
out compromising safety or quality. by 20 to 40 percent. to detect. Some products weigh as
much as 20 percent more than the
For example, cleaning in place Another well-known tool to improve required minimum.
(CIP)—a standard method of clean- OEE is the single-minute exchange of
ing pipes, tanks, and filling equip- die (SMED) approach, which Toyota Overweighting and overfilling are
ment—involves rinsing detergents originated to reduce changeover the result of variability in filling and
through parts of the line. This proc- times. While SMED is well known in packaging processes. A powerful lean
ess has several cycles and is highly the industry, it is rarely applied sys- tool to reduce variability is statistical
automated. CIP can be accelerated tematically and comprehensively. process control, which monitors vari-
by using sensors to measure, for ex- ation in order to distinguish between
ample, the amount of dirt or the con- Many machines in the food and bev- common and special causes. Com-
centration of detergent in the clean- erage industry are not designed for mon causes are sources of “natural”
ing liquid. This can eliminate easy changeover; SMED techniques or random variation. Special causes
unnecessary cycles, shortening sani- can simplify complex changeover are irregular and unstable sources
tation time and saving on chemicals processes. BCG’s experience shows and can lead to processes running
and water. that even on lines with previous sig- out of control.
nificant changeover-time reductions,
Another obstacle to achieving maxi- a systematic SMED approach can cut Scrap can be reduced at two points:
mum OEE levels is complexity. It is changeover times by as much as 50 where it is first generated and where
not unusual for a single line to pro- percent. rework is scrapped. For the first, it is
duce more than 30 different SKUs important to understand which SKUs
with a changeover—and often clean- Improving Material Yield. A sys- generate scrap. A Pareto analysis of
ing—required before each switch. A tematic lean approach can cut mate- each SKU’s annual value of scrap
high number of changeovers tend to rial losses by 20 to 40 percent. In shows that most of the scrap is pro-
reduce OEE, particularly because so food and beverage manufacturing, duced by only a few SKUs. Once
little food-and-beverage machinery is raw and packaging materials repre- those are identified, a focused root-
designed for easy changeover. sent a large part of the cost of goods cause analysis can be done. A useful
sold, from about 50 percent in plants tool here is an hourly scrap-tracking
Finding out what drives losses is key producing “simple” products such as system. This can help operators visu-
to addressing low OEE levels. Pareto mineral water to 80 to 90 percent in alize technical defects.
analysis is based on the idea that a plants that require costly raw materi-
great many failures are generated by als, such as coffee and chocolate. Although it is often possible to re-
a proportionately small number of work finished or semifinished goods
causes. Some of these causes can be There are three main drivers of raw- that don’t meet quality require-
identified by devices that measure and packaging-material costs: stan- ments, the limited shelf life of food

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 11

products, as well as recipe restric- goods in all industries is identical: it lead-time, safety stock levels can be
tions on the maximum permissible is to free up working capital. In the decreased.
volume of rework, can force manu- food and beverage industry, in which
facturers to turn rework into scrap. most products have a limited shelf The reduction of both the minimum
For some products, as much as 50 life, there is an additional incentive: and maximum boundaries of stocks
percent of rework is scrapped. inventory reduction means fresher decreases the average time that each
products. Fresher products promote product is held in stock, resulting in
For rework that ends up as scrap, the smaller inventories and fresher prod-
pattern is often the same: a few Lean efforts in ucts going to customers. In addition,
SKUs generate the majority of the analyzing the accuracy of safety
food and beverages
rework. In food and beverage manu- stock calculations and sales forecast-
facturing, there are two main reasons can yield significant ing can further decrease required
why rework is turned into scrap: reci- environmental safety stock and lower inventories.
pe limitations on rework and limited
shelf life. The recipe limitation is benefits. Responsibility for minimum and
usually based on quality concerns or maximum boundaries of stocks is
allergen-content declaration require- the perception of higher quality, and not generally in the hands of plant
ments. Allergen content require- that can be a competitive advantage. managers, so it’s important to in-
ments are untouchable. volve the responsible departments.
Inventory reduction can be achieved This is a good example of how a lean
However, most quality limitations on in three ways: decreasing cycle times, approach can eliminate silolike be-
rework are established during R&D. minimizing variability, and reducing havior and create shifts in culture.
Limits on most cross-work—the re- safety stock.
work of one SKU into the recipe of The Green Side of Lean. Lean ef-
another—are also set during R&D. A Cutting changeover times to produce forts in food and beverages can yield
close look at maximum levels of re- a company’s main SKUs more fre- significant environmental benefits.
work and cross-work, however, often quently can reduce cycle times with- OEE enhancements reduce energy
reveals different standards applied to out a negative impact on OEE. By us- consumption, which means lower
similar SKUs in different plants. ing lean tools to reduce changeover carbon emissions, especially in coun-
Adopting consistent standards and times, average cycle times can be re- tries where fossil-fuel-burning power
working with R&D to increase the duced by 40 to 50 percent. generation dominates. Lower inven-
maximum level of recipe rework or tories can produce savings in refriger-
cross-work can significantly decrease Heijunka, a Japanese term for produc- ation. Material loss optimization can
scrap levels. tion leveling or smoothing, is a lean- mean reduced use of raw materials.
manufacturing tool for reducing the Carbon footprint reductions of sever-
Most limitations on cross-work are number of changeovers and making al percentage points can be obtained
set to reduce the number of items on them more predictable. Its objective through a lean approach—at no in-
the contents list. Case-by-case discus- is to reduce all kinds of production cremental cost.
sions with marketing, quality control, fluctuation. Products with stable de-
and R&D about increasing the num- mand are identified and assigned to The Four Phases of Lean
ber of items contained in specific a fixed repetitive-production cycle.
SKUs without affecting quality or al- Once this cycle is stabilized, it may The lean approach is divided into
lergen content requirements can pro- be possible to shorten it. For all food- four basic phases: diagnosis, rollout,
vide opportunities for cross-working. and-beverage SKUs, minimum and implementation, and sustained con-
maximum boundaries of stocks are tinuous improvement. Through all
Reducing Inventory. A systematic set in accordance with lead-time, those phases, successful programs
lean approach can cut inventories by variability of demand, and targeted follow a number of key rules. (See
20 to 30 percent. The logic behind service level. By increasing produc- the sidebar “Ensuring the Success of
reducing inventories of finished tion frequency and thereby reducing Every ‘Lean’ Project.”)

12 The Boston Consulting Group

Diagnosis. The diagnosis phase lasts ny’s main product. Fast and large fi- week, the training focuses on lean
from 6 to 12 weeks and is designed nancial wins help sell the concept to methodologies, including how to per-
to assess existing lean culture and the rest of the organization. form analyses. After each training
abilities, set program objectives session, participants discuss their
linked to company strategy, identify For each kick-start workshop, a lean- shop-floor observations.
potential targets, and win top man- program expert leads a team of six to
agement’s support. eight shared lean experts from exter- The second week ends with an anal-
ysis of the current state of each cho-
Rollout. This approach is based on Fast and large sen topic. Kaizen workshops, ground-
enabling a company to take over full ed in observation and visualization,
financial wins
responsibility for the program quick- are used to identify optimization po-
ly. A pilot lean effort follows the di- help sell the concept tential and reach agreement on tar-
agnosis phase, which begins with six to the rest of the get future states. These discussions
to eight transformation kick-start are rooted in the belief that anything
workshops that last from three to organization. is possible. The question asked is
five weeks. not, can it be done? Rather, partici-
nal plants and six to eight local pants ask, what would it take?
Because it is important to generate champions. A workshop has six main
momentum, a plant that has a great- phases: kickoff and hypothesis gener- At the same time, the local champi-
er-than-proportionate share of the ation, training, observation of the ons direct the calculation of poten-
addressable cost base is chosen for current state, definition of the future tial savings from all proposals.
the first kick-start workshop. It is also state, calculation of savings, and im- Throughout the program, partici-
helpful to choose a plant in which plementation. pants learn to connect all contem-
some employees have already re- plated process improvements direct-
ceived lean training and have lean On the first day of a kick-start work- ly to specific savings. Not only does
tools. The first round of kick-start shop, a plant tour of all processes is this reinforce the key idea—saving
workshops should always include conducted and the main focus of the money—behind the whole effort, it
plants that manufacture the compa- effort is identified. During the first also helps structure implementation.

Ensuring the Success of Every “Lean” Project

BCG designs each lean-manufactur- Adhere to a Structured Approach. Create Sustainable Results. A well-
ing initiative to conform to the fol- An hour-by-hour, round-the-clock executed project is one that meets,
lowing ten imperatives. agenda is a critical aspect of every exceeds, and can sustain its objec-
effort. tives.
Move Quickly. For each plant, iden-
tify savings, achieve the first quick Limit Capital Expenditures. Solu- Enable the Organization. A typical
wins, and train a critical mass of in- tions should involve existing equip- program trains hundreds of employ-
ternal lean experts within three to ment and personnel. ees to focus on continuous improve-
four weeks. ment.
Achieve Maximum Financial
Tailor Each Project. Build on exist- Impact. An essential goal is to cut Ensure a High Return on Invest-
ing efforts, adapting to the compa- the cost of goods sold by 2 to 3 per- ment. The company should recoup
ny’s specific needs. cent and to free up net working capi- the consulting costs within a few
tal by reducing inventories. months of the rollout of the project.
Focus on Every Aspect. Working
with about 20 employees in each Improve Products. A successful ef-
plant, conduct due diligence. Leave fort means fresher, tastier products,
no stone unturned. using less inventory.

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 13

The implementation plan describes knowledge—as well as the lean way showing the value of lean to team
the initiatives, shows potential sav- of thinking—throughout the plant. members and other individuals. It
ings, lists identified prerequisites, The responsible lean-program expert also means providing them with
and maps major milestones. revisits the plant for one full week strong incentives to contribute to the
every six to eight weeks after com- process of transformation.
Each lean-transformation kick-start pletion of the transformation kick-
workshop ends with a final readout, start workshop. Additionally, identi- Freeing Capacity by
in which all proposals are presented fied opportunities are tracked and Freeing Intelligence
to local plant management and invit- reported centrally to help keep the
ed top management. Reinforcing a attention and support of senior man- For all of its industry-specific details,
sense of local ownership of the pro- agement. In recent case experience, an effective lean approach to food
posals, the local plant team, support- BCG has found that many initiatives and beverage manufacturing is
ed by the external team, presents the are implemented very quickly and based on a simple idea: in most cas-
final readout. the lean effort is actually self-funded es, the information needed to elimi-
within the first three months. nate waste is already present in the
The goal is for the program rollout to plant. It is in the heads and the expe-
be self-sustaining after six to eight Sustained Continuous Improve- rience of the people who work there.
workshops. A one-week handoff ment. Generating continuous im- The lean process is ultimately about
workshop helps prepare the internal provement and, thus, competitive ad- eliminating waste by accelerating the
team to take over full responsibility vantage requires four key elements. flow of good ideas and decisions
for the lean program. In this work- First, top management must do more within a plant and an organization.
shop, the assigned lean-program ex- than pay lip service to lean; the man- It is about freeing capacity by freeing
perts, manufacturing top manage- agement team must be fully commit- intelligence.
ment, and the trainers agree on a ted to lean transformation as a stra-
schedule for continued rollout. Final tegic objective for the company. After his company embarked on a
training is offered on how to manage Second, lean must be embedded in BCG-led lean-transformation effort,
the program independently and the company’s organization structure the COO of the supplier mentioned
maintain momentum. through designated lean-manufactur- at the beginning of this report said,
ing officers and groups with real au- “The technical knowledge and
Implementation. After the work- thority. Third, manufacturing perfor- awareness of the issues are typically
shop, the local plant management mance must be carefully and with us anyway. This approach
takes over full responsibility for im- systematically monitored using ap- helped us really take up inefficien-
plementation under the supervision propriate metrics. Finally, the compa- cies in a professional and systematic
of the lean-program experts. The im- ny’s people at all levels must be con- manner and solve them faster.”
plementation process is driven by lo- tinuously and actively engaged in
cal champions who use workshops the process. That means not only
and Kaizen events to spread the teaching lean techniques but also

14 The Boston Consulting Group

About the Authors Acknowledgments For Further Contact
Ivan Bascle is a partner and manag- The authors would like to thank the BCG’s Consumer and Operations
ing director in the Munich office executives and lean managers who practices cosponsored this report.
of The Boston Consulting Group. shared their time and insight and For inquiries, please contact the prac-
You may contact him by e-mail at gave feedback for this report. Fur- tices’ respective global leaders: thermore, we thank the following
people for their excellent insight Patrick Ducasse
Pierre Derieux is a partner and and discussions: Ian Colotla, François Senior Partner and Managing Director
managing director in the firm’s Paris Dalens, Adam Farber, Thomas BCG Paris
office. You may contact him by Frost, Kai Oberschmidt, and Daniel
e-mail at Spindelndreier, as well as all the as-
sociated members of BCG’s lean ad- Joe Manget
Patrick Ducasse is a senior partner vantage topic area, for providing us Senior Partner and Managing Director
and managing director in BCG’s with helpful data, information, and BCG Toronto
Paris office. You may contact him by feedback.
e-mail at
The authors would also like to thank
Joe Manget is a senior partner and Katherine Andrews, Gary Callahan,
managing director in the firm’s Peter Carbonara, Martha Craumer,
Toronto office. You may contact him Elyse Friedman, Kim Friedman, and
by e-mail at Simon Targett for their editorial and
production assistance.
Stefan Babel is a project leader
in BCG’s Berlin office. You may
contact him by e-mail at

Love Edquist is a consultant in

the firm’s Berlin office. You may
contact him by e-mail at

Lean Food-and-Beverage Manufacturing 15

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