Escuela de Niebla Juan Bosch: Curricular Adaptation

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Test 6TH grade Curricular

Escuela adaptation
de Niebla
Name: __________________________________

Juan Bosch Date: Thursday, May 10, 2018 Natali Betanzo Greco

Points: _____ / 36 Educadora Diferencial


I. Complete the sentences with one of these words. (10 pts)

headache Stomachache Cough cold sick

1. I really need to take an aspirin for this terrible __________________________________.

-Realmente necesito tomar una aspirina para este terrible…
2. When people eat too much food they usually get a ______________________________.
-Cuando las personas usualmente comen mucha comida les da…
3. I feel really terrible! I have a bad _________________ so I need to have a lot of
handkerchiefs (pañuelos) around…on top of that, I have a _____________ and I feel
-Tengo un …..muy fuerte y necesito un montón de pañuelos , para colmo tengo …. y
II. Write four (4) pieces of advice. Use “should” ( deberías) or “shouldn’t” (no
deberías) and one expression from the box. (8 pts)

go to the doctor – rest and sleep – drink water – take some medicine – eat too much

Ir al dortor - descansar y dormir - beber agua – tomar medicina - comer demasiado


1. “I have a bad cold” “You ___________________________________________________”.

2. “I feel sick” “You___________________________________________________________”.
3. “I have a headache” “You _________________________________________”.
4. “I feel dizzy” (mareado)“You_________________________________________________”.
III. Complete these affirmative and negative sentences in present continuous
with AM, IS, ARE and the verb in parenthesis in ING (10 pts)

1. I ___________________________(take) an English test now.

2. We ____________________ _______(speak) English.
3. She ________________ ________(not read) the newspaper.
4. she ____________ ______________(read) a novel.
5. They __________________________(not play) hockey.

IV. Answer these questions about your family. (8 pts)

1. What is your mother doing now? I think she

2. What is your father doing right now? He is

3. What is your grandma doing at the moment? I think she is _______________________

4. What is your grandpa doing at the moment? He is probably _____________________

Cocinando – cooking trabajando – working durmiendo- sleeping

Limpiando – cleaning paseando al perro- walking the dog caminado- walking

De compras- shopping

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