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TERM 3 5W 2018
Australia has a history and a landscape even older than many traditional ancient civilizations. There has been human habitation here for 60 000 years – and before
that mega fauna and even dinosaurs. The middle of Australia, now a desert, used to be a huge sea.

Australia has been formed by huge forces – global, national and local, and those forces continue to have an impact on our country and our lives. Your contract this
term will focus on learning about the changes to Australia that have occurred over a long period. CHOOSE eight questions, due over the 10-week term and we will
start homework on Monday of Week 2. As always – read the question, understand the question, answer the question completely – check you’re doing what the
question asks and that you have answered all parts of the question! If you have any problems, talk to me!

1. Australia has amazing landforms. Identify the natural landforms in your local 2. Research Australia’s dinosaurs. Go to
environment (the gorge created by Bomaderry Creek, for example, or the fossil
beds at Gerringong). Create a chart explaining those landforms – hills, rivers, stampede/lark-quarry/aus-dinos.html for more information and to help you
valleys, beaches. Include pictures of the landforms and information about how understand the environment which supported Australia’s unique dinosaurs. What
they were created. Go to: environmental changes led to the extinction of these animals? What were the for more. consequences? What does the history of our dinosaurs say for plants and animals
today? Create your own animation, OR a storyboard for an animation, to explain
your answers.
3. There are amazing landforms all over Australia – from the world’s biggest 4. Create a timeline of Australia’s development – from its being part of Pangaea,
monolith (no, not Uluru!) to the Wave Rocks in Western Australia, the Apostles to becoming Gondwanaland, to modern Australia. What climate changes has
off the coast of Victoria, the Olgas, the Kimberleys, the Great Sandy Desert, Australia experienced on this journey? What changes to landscape, habitat, flora
Sydney Harbour. Create a map of Australia. Identify and provide information on and fauna should you include? Make your timeline as detailed as possible. You
these landforms – at least two per state. could animate your timeline if you wished. Go to:
time-line/ for more information.
5. Research how land masses have changed over time in Australia in response to
the environment. Create detailed illustrations of how Australia may have looked 6. Investigate a major geological and weather event, such as earthquakes,
at different times over thousands of years. What would account for the volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, storms, severe tropical cyclones and tornadoes
changes? What would be some of the reasons for the rise or fall of the sea in Australia, the Asia region or throughout the world. Choose ONE such
level? Make sure you provide good notes with your drawings. event, and then create a detailed poster showing what happened, what caused it (e.g. plate tectonics) and its consequences for people. Have a look at :
quarry/interactives/pangaea. and,, and

7. Collect a variety of rocks from your local area. Turn your display into a filmed 8. Create a small guidebook to help people identify different rocks and rocks
lecture, demonstrating how you have classified each type of rock. Classify the formations. You worked with dichotomous keys earlier this year. Create a
rocks by various attributes. Identify the common characteristics of the rocks – dichotomous key including information on crystals, grain size, how the rocks were
is there common weathering, and if so, why? What do the rocks in your area say formed, and where in Australia you are most likely to find these rocks.
about the way it looked thousands of years ago?
9. Research the mega fauna that existed in Australia in prehistoric times. 10. Tectonic plate theory is one explanation of how our world works on a
Identify species that were particular to Australia e.g. diprotodons, giant geological basis. Research this theory, and present a demonstration of the three
mammals. Include information on their characteristics, adaptations, habitat, types of tectonic plate movement, giving examples of where such movement
why they became extinct and place in the food chain. Look critically at happens, and the consequences of such movement. Go to:,
study/story-e6frgcjx-1226636215851 and and as a start.
11. Design and make accurate scale models of animals and their habitats that 12. Aboriginal people have had a central impact on the development of Australia.
existed in Australia’s prehistory. Include with your model information about the Go to:
materials you used, how you solved problems with shaping, joining and combining
materials. Your animals should be made to scale. Include any important igration.html to look at theories of how Aboriginal people came to Australia, then
information like how we know about our prehistoric fauna, where remains were look at
found, and any special adaptations.
ientific.html for further response. Research the ways in which Aboriginal life has
changed Australia and present your information.

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