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MSOD Strategic Learning Contract

Name: Lauren Smith

What are the patterns that have defined you (affirming and depleting)?
● Affirming: Works hard, charming & persuasive, empathetic
● Depleting: Risk averse, poor listener, stays in comfort zone, perfectionist, poor decision-maker
Where are you now in your awareness?
o I’m a hard worker and always want to do by best, and because of this I struggle with being a perfectionist and making decisions.
o 8/13/17: I’m working on my decision making and confidence by being more assertive and standing up for myself and my needs.
o Because I want everything to be perfect, I often never feel finished with the work I’m doing.
o 8/13/17: I realize that much of my perfectionism is in an effort to please others and not myself.
o Because I want all the decisions I make to be the right ones I over-analyze data and want to be sure of my choices 100% before I make them. These things
force me to stay in my comfort zone and not take risks.
o 8/13/17: By putting myself first it’s helping with feeling less perfectionistic and I feel more comfortable with making decisions.

Overall, I realize that much of what I do is impacted by a lack of self-confidence and a deep caring for others above and beyond caring for myself. For example, I commit
go to classes at the gym because I don’t have the confidence that I’ll have a good workout on my own, I’m not as confident in making decisions because I feel that if I
make the wrong one I might hurt someone or impact someone negatively, and I’m a poor listener because my mind is usually racing thinking about other people or how I
will complete work in order to not disappoint someone else or myself.

Where I am now in my awareness is that I am enough, just the way I am. If I believe in myself the way I believe in others, or the way others believe in me, I won’t be
afraid to make decisions and be wrong. Or better yet, I won’t be afraid of making decisions and being right! My intuition never fails me and if I can remember that with
reviewing data and making decisions I will have to confidence to trust myself.

Overall SLC Proof can be found here:

MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith
What are your Goals? How will you get there? How will you know you have arrived? How am I doing?
Results, impact wanted Strategies, tactics, methods Indicators of Success Progress Tracking

Personal Development
A1: A1a. I will bring my journal to each Intensive in o 8/13/17: I write in my journal at least once a week & I
I will write in my journal at least order to show my Learning Group that I have will bring this journal to France with me
once a week written. o 1/4/18: I continue to write in my journal as often as I
• Proof: see journals in Google can (which is not always once a week – sometimes
Hangout less and sometimes way more!)
Become more mindful and o 4/8/18: I write in my journal once a week and more if I
grow my spirituality feel I need it. This has helped be better articulate my
feelings and feel better overall
A1b. I will conduct 5 interviews total of friends, o 8/13/17: I am visiting my sister in London before our
family, cohort members, and professors to first Practicum and I have made plans to “interview”
I will develop a mindfulness learn more about mindfulness practices. her while I’m there on her mindfulness practices. I’m
practice In Practicum 1, Practicum 2 I will share a excited to learn from her and use this as an
new mindfulness technique I learned with my opportunity for us to have time together.
Learning Group. o 1/4/18: I have not done more mindfulness interviews
• Proof: recaps can be found here: though my plan is to talk with members of the cohort while I’m in Costa Rica
d/1- o 4/8/18: I completed by interviews by speaking with my
0UbJGYkWXi1FcFDk5ntdFBSgWg sister, 2 classmates, my mentor and 1 professor.
bMEwiZr- Through these conversations I realize that the act of
bzMw7_cQ/edit?usp=sharing meditation or journaling – whatever mindfulness
practice I choose – is like exercising. The more you
exercise that mindfulness muscle, the more mindful
you’re able to be in your everyday life. The most
impactful advice through these interviews came from
Darren, when he talked about being in a meeting and
remembering to feel the back of your chair or feet on
the ground can help you be more mindful of being in
the room and what’s happening. I’ve been using this
technique in meetings and it has been
overwhelmingly helpful for me and my concentration.
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith
A1c. o When I finish reading the book, I will o 8/13/17: I have finished reading the Dance of Anger
connect with Suzanne on my reflections and have gotten so many insights from the book. I
I will read Dance of Anger by o I will share my reflections about the book have a conversation scheduled with Suzanne for 8/14
August 2017 and my conversation with Suzanne, in to talk about my reflections and what practices will
buddy reflection time, by Practicum 2 support my new ways of thinking and behaving. I
have not shared any reflections with my buddy
o 4/8/18: While the reflection and conversation with
Suzanne wasn’t specifically shared with my buddy, I
did share reflections with the Lunettes in a check-in in
A2: A2a. I will provide a log, of every time I’ve o 8/13/17: I have been going to the gym 3 – 4 times a
scanned into the gym, with my Learning week and it has helped with my mood and overall
Create and stick to I will keep a consistent gym Group in Practicum 3. well-being
healthier habits routine, exercising at least 3 times • Proof: o 1/4/18: I have continued to go to the gym often,
a week though I sprained my foot in October which set me
CCoLcYRYORmG4o2 back in my gym routine. Once mostly recovered, I’ve
gotten back into my 3-times a week routine as much
as I can.
o 4/8/18: I have continued to go to the gym as
consistently as I can. Some things that have impacted
this is starting the new job and moving. I additionally
realized that exercising on my own (vs. going to the
gym) has been just as useful and helpful in keeping
my gym routine. One main reflection here for me is
that I think it has previously been a lack of confidence
in having a good enough workout on my own and
feeling like I needed to go to a class at the gym. I now
feel more confident in doing my own workout in the
gym or at home which has been nice. I’m particularly
proud of making it to the gym almost every day in
Costa Rica.
A2b. I will take pictures of at least one meal a day o 8/13/17: I have been doing weekly meal prep, almost
or a weekly meal prep. I will keep a photo every week, and I have taken pictures of meal prep or
I will keep meals and overall diet album, cataloged by time and will share meals regularly. All picture have been saved to
healthier albums with my Learning Group in Practicum Google Drive to easily be shared with the Lunettes
3. o 1/4/18: As mentioned in August, I have been keeping
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith

• Proof: up with meal pictures. Doing this has kept me accountable and making good choices!
OIC5YPtu2qhj1 o 4/8/18: As previously mentioned, taking pictures of
healthy meals has continued. One thing that has
impacted the photo-taking has been starting the new
job and not being as present with taking pictures in
the last couple weeks.
A2c. Track sleeping habits using the iPhone o 8/13/17: I track my sleep, every night, using the
bedtime timer and every Sunday morning iPhone bedtime timer. I have noticed a correlation
I will sleep an average of 7 hours take a screenshot of the weekly results. between the amount of sleep I get and my mood
each night Screenshots will be included in my picture during the day (aka less sleep equal less productive).
album, to be shared with my Learning Group o 1/4/18: As mentioned in August, I continue to track
in Practicum 3. my sleep and have been doing well!
• Proof: o 4/8/18: I’ve been doing very well with this goal and have met my expectations with creating this habit.

A3: A3a. I will attend therapy at least twice a month o 8/13/17: In April 2017, I began seeing a therapist I
through February 2018. I will keep records of found through an online search/through my insurance.
I will begin individual therapy attendance and share these records I saw her for ~4 sessions, through the end of May,
therapy/counseling to work on with my Learning Group in Practicum 2. and I just felt like she wasn’t listening to me. Because
building confidence and managing • Proof: she wasn’t listening she didn’t seem to understand
Become more confident in anger me and so I ended our relationship. This was a very
my decision making and d/1X85- big move for me because normally, I would have
sharing my point of view zA8o67pZU40HiDgHoxNnl9IwUq7 continued the relationship though I wasn’t getting
NRXe0AJgLvwk/edit?usp=sharing anything out of it but I put myself first and told her I
wanted to part ways.
o In June 2017, I found a new therapist, using Mike’s
EAP, and I love her. I have been up front with her
about what I need and how I might be defensive or
put my guard up and she’s been wonderful. I’ve seen
her ~5 times now and will continue to see her every
other week.
o 1/4/18: I have been going to therapy every other week
and it has been going really well. I should have all
payment records that I will upload into my shared
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith

A3b. Mike will write two letters to my Learning o 8/13/17: I personally feel like my decision making has
Group on my progression in decision making gotten better and I have become more confident in my
I will think more mindfully about - one letter before Practicum 1 and one letter ability to make decisions. Mike will write a letter about
making decisions and asking before Practicum 3. how he feels I’m progressing for France.
others for advice • Proof: o 1/4/18: This continues to go surprisingly well. I currently have no day-to-day manager at work which
d/1L_6UUXBuwrFPtqEfh2z- has really pushed me into being able to make
B5fXlWu89FBmYmgWBN4LQLc/ed decisions on my own, which has trickled into all
it?usp=sharing aspects of my life.
o 4/8/18: My decision-making ability has grown in a way
that’s almost shocking to me! My biggest milestone
here has been making the decision to start a new job.
I could have easily decided to stay in my old role and
coast where it was comfortable. Instead I took a leap
into a new opportunity and I feel happy with having
been able to make that decision.
A3c. I will read by Practicum 2, and share my o 8/13/17: Not yet started. I would like to pivot this goal
reflections with the group (in a direction I think it actually started in) to reading
I will read 2 - 4 articles on • Proof: the book, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting
developing presence Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life. It
d/13QIzAEvUWJzCljcd9dAfCraTNA was recommended to me by a coworker and feels like
-t-DhVswoAJQJi- something that would resonate well with me!
Gw/edit?usp=sharing o 1/4/18: In another twist I’ve picked up The Gifts of
Imperfection by Brene Brown. I’m excited to read this
but likely won’t finish until China.
o 4/18: In an effort to not overextend, I reverted to my
original goal of reading two articles on presence.
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith
Professional Development
B1: B1a. I will keep a shared Google Docs folder o 8/13/17: I had one non-informational interview in July
with summaries of each meeting. I will 2017 for a Learning & Development position with a
Explore which area of OD I will participate in 2 informational share the folder and my summaries with technology company.
I would like to focus on interviews in different areas of OD my Learning Group by Practicum 2. o 1/4/18: I had an additional non-informational interview
• Proof: for a Program Manager of Learning & Development in November. I will write up notes about the meetings
ent/d/1n0f- that led to the formal in-person interview while I
rbKDZUonxPyTlhQlL8ewHaHJ continue to explore more informational interviews.
B1b. I will connect with at least one alumnus o 8/13/17: In February 2017, I connected with 3 MSOD
per year (2017 & 2018). To document I Alumni for brunch in the Boston area. The group took
I will network with MSOD Alumni will take a picture and add it to my photo a picture and it is in my photo album, which will be
album, to be shared with my Learning shared in Practicum 3.
Group in Practicum 3. o 1/4/18: There will be another MSOD day of
• Proof: connection early in 2018 that I plan to attend to fulfill this goal

B1c. I will conduct a presentation to my o 8/13/17: Not yet started, though colleagues expressed
colleagues about my experiences in interest in me presenting our Benchmarking
I will share what I’m learning in the grad school. I will share the presentation presentation
program with my work colleagues with my Learning Group by Practicum 3. o 1/4/18: I’m a little worried about completing this item
as things have been a bit volatile at work – I’d love to
• Proof: talk about how I might complete this with The Lunettes.
olders/1qHHtT0aXNoi2F8l9uK o 4/8/18: Because of all the changes that have
BbVS5VroCDp5ZC?usp=shari happened at work, completing this presentation goal
ng was not feasible. What I’m presenting in my proof is
an example of how I was able to integrate what I have
learned in school with my work colleagues. A
colleague and HR Business Partner at CA asked me
to be involved with one of her clients in helping her
create a Manager Development Program. Proof
provided is her original thoughts, my notes from that
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith
meeting with her (with answers to my questions and
my thoughts, and the iteration of the planning
documents she went through. I believe this shows
how I used inquiry to help her development this
program and I challenged her to think through her
goals and outcomes from the program. Overall, I feel
like I additionally accomplished this goal because I
was able to narrow down that working in Learning &
Development is where I want to use my OD skills.
Working on this project with this colleague helped me
reach that goal and realization.
B2: B2a. I will share who my mentor is and give o 8/13/17: I have identified a mentor, Summer Turner,
recaps about what I’m learning from who I met because she is an Executive Coach at my
I will identify a local OD mentor them. I will write reflections in my shared firm. So far we have met once and have plans to meet
Google Doc folder and share with my again in September.
Expand my network of OD Learning Group in Practicum 3. o 1/4/18: Based on schedules my mentor and I have
professionals • Proof: not gotten together much though we’ve continued a conversation and she’d invited me to others to meet
ent/d/1xoivknqqbspkFwk8o9qe as well.
B2b. Attend at least one event by the end of o 8/13/17: Not yet started
the program and save the registration. o 1/4/18: I’m looking into attending an ATD event to
I will attend local OD-related The registration will be added to my fulfil this goal
networking events shared Google Docs folder in Practicum o 4/8/18: I accomplished this goal in two different ways.
3. When I attended the ATD training Certificate Course, I
• Proof: kept in touch with all the individuals present in an email chain and LinkedIn. Through this, I feel like I
ent/d/1Q6VGmjx3VIrm84bCCZ have a group of colleagues I can go to for questions
7tae84Swm1f8kU7XEMg3sJD and to bounce ideas off of. I additionally attended
Nc/edit?usp=sharing dinner with Boston MSOD alumni who I had not met
before (in addition to the other 2 meetings).
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith
B2c. I will summarize my conversations in the o 8/13/17: I have connected with 2 professionals, who
shared Google Doc folder, outlining have experience in instructional design. I have typed
Connect with instructional designers what we spoke about, what I learned, notes about these conversations into my SLC shared
and the next steps I took away from the folder.
conversation by Practicum 1.
• Proof:
B3: B3a. I will show my Learning Group the o 8/13/17: I have identified a course I would like to take
Learn additional skills to course registration and certificate of with ATD but haven’t registered
increase my Take a course on training skills completion by Practicum 3. o 1/4/18: I completed the ATD Training Certificate
employability/marketability • Proof: Course in December 2017.
in OD
B3b. I will show my Learning Group the o 8/13/17: I have identified a course I would like to take
course registration and certificate of via My registration would be under Mike’s
Take course on a content creation completion by Practicum 3. name because it’s his account through Harvard – is
software • Proof: the group ok with this? o 4/8/18: I completed an Intro to Adobe Captivate
CeEImz0is0kgQTKvmvmZBfm course which gave me a working knowledge of the
89Pc9t1QU/view?usp=sharing system and I now feel like I can speak knowledgeably
about it.
B3c. I will increase my knowledge of data o 8/13/17: I have had 1 meeting with a consultant from
gathering and analyzing data by Korn Ferry Hay Group wo took me through her
Increase knowledge of data gathering connecting with a local consultant who consulting and data gathering process. Notes will be
and analyzing data can share best practices, tips, and in shared folder
tricks. I will share my reflection and what
I learned in the shared Google Doc
folder by Practicum 3.
• Proof:
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith

Academic Development
C1: C1a. o 8/13/17: I have submitted Chapters 1 – 3 to my
● March 5: Research, select advisor
● March 6 - 10: Connect with
thesis advisor
● March 12: Solidify thesis
● March 31: Submit Thesis
Proposal Chapter 2,
Thesis Proposal: Literature Review
Chap 1 - 3 ● April 15: Research Design
and Action Research
Methodologies & choose
● May 1: Investigate location to
conduct research
● June 1: Submit Thesis
Proposal Chapter 3
● June 10: Prepare oral
persuasive summary
proposal, record a video or
voice thread of your proposal
and post in Sakai.
● June 14: View 2 other
proposals and provide
comments in Forum in Sakai
● July 30: Send Thesis
MSOD Strategic Learning Contract
Name: Lauren Smith
Proposal in APA format to
● Work with advisor to
determine if design will need
IRB approval
C2: C2a. o 8/13/17: Not yet started
● July 30 - August 25: Collect Data o 1/4/18: I feel mostly on track with my thesis. I am
Thesis Completion: ● Sep 5: Bring the data you have about to being data collection and if all goes well, I will
Chapters 1 - 5 collected (transcriptions of be able to analyze data when I return from Costa
interviews, raw data from surveys) Rica.
to Practicum 1 o 4/8/18: I am patiently working through transcribing
● Feb 10, 2018: Submit Chapter 4, interviews and will then write Chapter 4. I would love
Results to be able to send my entire thesis to my advisor
● March 11, 2018: Submit Chapter before China but I don’t know if this will be feasible. I
5, Discussion and Conclusion have a pattern on setting lofty goals and being too
● March 26, 2018: Entire thesis sent hard on myself when I don’t complete them so I am
to advisor working on not doing this with the thesis.
● May 11, 2018: Entire Thesis
(approved by thesis advisor) due
to second reader
● June 30, 2018: Thesis approved
by advisor and second reader,
sent to APA Editor

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