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STEM Lesson – Cells (3-4 Days)

S5L3. Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal,
single-celled, multi-celled).
a. Use magnifiers such as microscopes or hand lenses to observe cells and their

b. Identify parts of a plant cell (membrane, wall, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts) and of an animal cell (membrane,
cytoplasm, and nucleus) and determine the function of the parts.

c. Explain how cells in multi-celled organisms are similar and different in structure and function to single-celled organisms.

Unit Objective(s): Students will be able to discuss the various parts of animal and plant cells, as well as, create and label
diagrams of each. They will also be able to discuss the role technology plays in the ability to see cells with use of
microscopes. The unit will include some flipped model activities to facilitate technology integration and more content
interaction in the classroom. There will also be numerous lab opportunities for students to use scientific inquiry in order to
make connections between single-celled and multi-celled organisms. The students will summarize their learning by creating
a video cell analogy project using I – movie.

Unit Focus Questions: How are the structures of the animal cell and plant cell similar? How are the structures of
the animal cell and plant cell different? How can you differentiate a single-celled organism from a multi-celled

The Five E Model Tasks

Engagement Exploration Explanation Elaboration Evaluation

 Brainpop  Cell labs  Cell Analogy  Cell Analogy  Cell Analogy
 Literacy  I – Cell App  Edible plant Project Project
 I Have, Who  Edible plant cell model  Ext. – RAFT  I have, who
Has cell model has cell

EQ: How do I create a cell analogy video to demonstrate my knowledge of cells?

Objective: SWBAT use their acquired knowledge of plant cells and animal cells to create visual analogies comparing cells
and another non-related entity.
Hook: Hunger Games Cell Analogy
Mini Lesson: After the viewing of the Hunger Games example, review the project with the students including the rubric.
Assign the students to groups.
Work Session(s): When students are in groups they will select the concept/thing they would like to compare their cells to.
They will begin to work on the worksheet and complete the template by identifying the function of the organelles and support
their selection. When the analogies are complete students will select a visual format, then use i-movie on the i-pads to
create their analogies.
Differentiation: Struggling students will be given a cheat sheet with the organelles and their functions. They will just
function on the analogy component.
Assessment: Cell Analogy worksheet and teacher observation. Completed projects.

Name: ___________________ Date: ________________
Cell Structure and Function Worksheet

PART 1 Cell Analogies (5 pts. each) (Total points: 50)

Instructions: Fill in the spaces below for each cell part in order to create a one-sentence analogy that shows the similarity between the
cell part and another object. Be sure to explain the reasoning behind your analogies (see the underlined section of the example).
Example: “The nucleus is like a brain because it controls and coordinates the activities of the whole cell in the same way the brain
controls and coordinates the activities of the body.”

Remember: Your analogies need to be accurate, complete, and original.


1. The plasma (cell) membrane is like _________________________ because it ______________________

_________________in the same way __________________________________________________________.

2. The nucleus is like _________________________ because it_____________________________________

____________________in the same way _______________________________________________________.

3. The mitochondrion is like _________________________ because it______________________________

_____________in the same way______________________________________________________________.

4. Cytoplasm is like _________________________ because it _____________________________________

__________________in the same way _________________________________________________________.

5. The Golgi apparatus is like _________________________ because it _____________________________

_____________________________in the same way ______________________________________________.

6. The lysosome is like _________________________ because it ___________________________________

_______________________in the same way ____________________________________________________.

7. The ribosome is like _________________________ because it ___________________________________.

________________________in the same way ______________________ _____________________________.

8. The endoplasmic reticulum is like _________________________ because it _______________________

__________________in the same way _________________________________________________________.


9. The cell wall is like _________________________ because it ___________________________________

_________________in the same way__________________________________________________________.

10. The chloroplast is like _________________________ because it ________________________________

_____________________________________________________in the same way______________________.

Group Names ______________________________ Due Date: _________________________

Cell Analogy Video Rubric *Mandatory Organelles:
nucleus, cell membrane, vacuole(s),
mitochondria, cytoplasm, cell wall (if plant),
We are comparing an animal / plant cell (circle one) to:
chloroplast, (if plant)
______________________________________ Optional Organelles: 1 pt extra credit each
lysosomes, ribosomes, golgi, endo. reticulum.

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Excellent Proficient Limited Incomplete
Video Title Title is a little Title is unclear or
Ex. A Cell is Like a Large, clear, obvious. Title is clear
confusing unrelated to project
Some images of what
Images and Images of what an
Analogy Images an organelle is
explanation of what organelle is compared Most of the analogies
& Explanation compared to and
the organelle is to and reason why are are not logical or are
Ex. The nucleus is like reason why are mostly
compared to are mostly logical, and unclear.
city hall because… logical, and clear, but
logical, clear. clear.
not all.
Organelle Includes all mandatory
Quantity organelles plus at
least one optional Includes all mandatory Missing 1 or 2 Missing 3 or more
*See box upper organelle organelles mandatory organelles mandatory organelles
right (see box at top of
Editing needs Editing makes it
Editing and Video is creative and
Video is well-edited. improvement to difficult to understand
Creativity well-edited.
understand analogies analogies.
Self-Score 4 3 2 1
Partner Score
4 3 2 1

Partner Score
4 3 2 1

Comments / Grade:

Special Notes:

 Use I-Movie on Ipads or another video making program of your choice. You will be given computer time starting


RAFT Activity: I AM IMPORTANT (Organelle RAFT)





Directions: You will create a writing piece using the RAFT format. Your piece should be at least one page, written neatly in
pencil or pen. We will be peer editing the piece before you leave class today, so that you will have the opportunity to revise
your work using the feedback provided by your peers.

• Your ROLE- choose one organelle; you will take on the role and write from the perspective of that organelle

• Your AUDIENCE- your organelle will be addressing the other organelles in the cell

• Your FORMAT- this is a writing piece, however you have several choices as to the voice in your paper; you can write a
formal writing piece, a journal/ diary entry, an interview, or song/rap lyrics.

• Your TASK - to convince the other organelles why YOU are the most important organelle in the cell.

At the end of the writing time, you will self-evaluate, then trade papers with two other students and have them peer evaluate
your work. It is important that you provide feedback to your classmates as well. Your feedback will help them to successfully
complete the assignment!

Part 3: Homework

Using your self-evaluation and your peers’ feedback, revise your writing and make any recommended changes. Use the
rubric provided to guide your revisions.

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