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⚀ ⚁ ⚂ Three Bones ⚂ ⚁ ⚀

HREE BONES is a “micro-lite” role- Equipment for the Characters

playing game, in the tradition of
The players should record which items they
Risus and other short, free-form
have in their possession on their character
games. Characters in Three Bones
sheets, including money (according to what-
are adventurers: heroes who hunt
ever currency system the referee’s game setting
for treasure, fight monsters, and occasionally
uses), adventuring gear and weapons carried,
wield occult powers. The game operates accord-
armor worn, and any found magical items.
ing to three fundamental rules:
1. Characters have no statistics or ability
scores; they are defined by three qualities, their Adjudicating Actions
core concept, side skills, and hobbies. When a character attempts to do something
2. Characters are heroes, adventurers who that might fail, the referee can call for a check
know what they’re doing in a fight. All non- to determine the outcome. A check is rolled on
player characters (and monsters) are defined two dice (2d3). If the character has a side skill
relative to the heroes and belong to one of five or core concept that directly relates to the
ranks: minion, elite minion, (anti-)hero, mini- action in question, the check passes on a roll of
boss, and final boss. 4+. If the character’s hobby applies, or if their
3. The rule of three. In a fight, three com- core concept or side skills imply some tangential
batants of a given rank count as a single fighter familiarity with the action, a 5+ succeeds. If
of the next rank up: three minions fight as one the character has no training at all that might
elite minion, three elites fight as one hero, etc. contribute to the action, only a 6 succeeds.
All dice rolled in the game are d3 dice (or Fudge
dice if the referee and players prefer, but these A Duel of Equals
rules will assume that the dice are marked 1–2– When two (or sometimes more) opponents of
3 rather than minus–blank–plus). the same rank face off in a hand-to-hand fight,
combat is a duel and proceeds as follows:
Creating Characters • Each combatant rolls a die (1d3).
Characters begin the game with a core concept, • A roll of 1 or 2 for either side indicates that
a broad area of expertise like “soldier,” “thief,” that combatant has not gained any ground; and
or “doctor.” They also start with one side skill likewise if both sides roll 3s. But if one side rolls
and one hobby: both should be more specific a 3 and the other does not, that side has taken
than the core concept, and neither should be advantage in the duel and beats his foe back.
already covered by the concept: a thief should • The duel proceeds to the next round. If
not take “lock-picking” as a side skill, for neither side rolls a 3, the round is a tie and the
example, but a soldier might. The purpose of duel continues. If the losing fighter rolls a 3 and
skills and hobbies is customize and differentiate the fighter with advantage does not, advantage
characters with the same core concept. is lost and the duel returns to a level playing
field. If the fighter with advantage rolls a 3 and
his opponent does not, that fighter has wounded
Equipment for the Game (or disarmed) his opponent and won the fight.
The players and the referee will need a number And if both fighters roll 3s, the fighter with
of d3 dice; some pencils; and some paper to advantage has a choice: that character can
serve as character sheets (see the last page). decide to either call it a tie and proceed to the
next round (the fighters’ swords lock at the skill can make it nigh impossible for even a very
hilts, and they growl at each other and grapple large number of opponents to win a fight in the
for position), or he may choose to wound his usual way, though, so large groups of minions
enemy and to allow himself to be wounded as will often choose to gang up on a hero.
well, thereby ending the fight in a bloody Ganging Up: Three creatures of the same
stalemate. rank can band together and fight as one being
of the next rank up. Three minions count as an
elite, three elites count as a hero, three heroes
count as a mini-boss, and three mini-bosses
count as a final boss. The three creatures act in
concert and make only one attack (i.e. die roll)
each round in a fight. In this fashion, three
elite minions (or nine ordinary minions) could,
for example, duel a single hero.
When a gang is “wounded,” the referee
counts the number of 3s rolled by the successful
attacker (or just rolls a d3)—that many of the
gang’s constituent members have been taken
out of the fight, very probably in some comical
Unequal Fights, Mêlées, & Gangs fashion that makes use of the surrounding
When two combatants of differing rank face off, scenery (referees ought to think in terms of
multiple dice are rolled. The superior fighter swashbuckling movies, kung fu movies, and
can win the fight by rolling a 3 on any one of campy action TV shows like Hercules and
the dice rolled; the inferior fighter must roll all Xena). Any leftover members of the gang may
3s to win the fight. When two opponents of continue to fight at their own rank, or they may
unequal stature do battle, there is no back-and- realize that they’re out-matched and flee.
forth of gained and lost advantage: a successful
attack immediately wounds an opponent or else
knocks him out of the fight; and it is more than Missile Combat
possible for two fighters to suddenly wound Characters shooting at each other with bows or
each other at the same time. guns is little different from characters swinging
The number of dice rolled by each side is swords at one another. If one character is
determined by the difference in their rank: armed with missile weapons and his opponents
are not, however, this can allow for sniping—
Minion Elite Hero Boss Final the chance to take out enemies before a real
Minion (duel) 2 dice 3 dice 4 dice 5 dice
Elite 2 dice (duel) 2 dice 3 dice 4 dice
fight can even begin. Sniping within “close”
Hero 3 dice 2 dice (duel) 2 dice 3 dice range (say, the same room, or a short distance
Boss 4 dice 3 dice 2 dice (duel) 2 dice away when outdoors) requires a roll of 4+ on
Final 5 dice 4 dice 3 dice 2 dice (duel) two dice to take out an unaware opponent, and
a roll of 5+ to hit a dodging opponent. These
Mêlée: If several fighters, some of differ-
target numbers become 5+ at 6 at long range.
ing ranks, take part in one great disorganized
NB, muzzle-loading firearms take at least
brawl, that’s not a duel, it’s a mêlée. During
two dueling or mêlée rounds to reload!
each round of the mêlée, a given attacker can
only attempt to wound a single target. If one
side outnumbers the other, that can be a big Wounds and Knockouts
advantage, as that side will have more chances A character who suffers a wound rolls 2d3—this
to wound enemies each round. A difference in is called rolling the bones—to determine the
severity of the wound. A roll of 2 or 3 indicates Saving Throws
that the wound is only superficial; the character
When a character faces a miscellaneous threat
is knocked out of the fight, perhaps tangled up
(such as a death-trap or a magical curse), the
in some bit of scenery, but will emerge from the
referee can call for a saving throw: this is a roll
scene unharmed and ready to fight again if not
of two dice, with a certain target number
dispatched by an enemy coup de grâce. (The
indicating that the character has escaped
referee may decide that such a character is
danger: 6 for an elite minion, 5–6 for a hero, 4–6
fatigued and thereafter fights as an elite minion
for a mini-boss, and 3–6 for a final boss. (By
only until he has had a chance to rest.) A roll of
default, minions always fail saving throws;
4 or 5 indicates actual injury, perhaps a broken
optionally, referees may let minions make a
bone or a bloody head-wound, which will need
save if they can roll 9 on three dice.)
some medical attention before the character is
hale again. (A character thus injured fights as a
minion until healed.) A straight-up 6 indicates Experience
a mortal wound—the wounded character is Characters grow in skill and experience by going
incapacitated and may die if not healed at once, on adventures and finding rare artifacts and
whether by a surgeon or some magical effect. priceless treasures. The referee awards each
Alternatively, an attacker may be character 1 experience point (XP) at the end of
fighting to disarm or capture instead of fighting a game session, plus 1 bonus XP to each of the
to the blood; in this case, the result is simpler: a characters every time their band or company
roll of 2 or 3 means that the character has been recovers some significant treasure or artifact.
caught, tangled up, or otherwise captured, but “Significance” can refer to the treasure’s size (a
remains aware; and a 4+ means that the dragon hoard) or to its historical import (the
character has been knocked unconscious. artifact having a fancy name is usually a clue).
Starting characters are known as “1st
Armor level characters.” When 6 XPs have been
Characters who wear heavy metal armor (lorica, accumulated, a character becomes 2nd level and
mail, plated mail, suits of armor) are armored, either adds a new hobby, or elevates a hobby
which can save a character’s life. An armored that they already have into a skill. All higher
character rolls the bones on 2d3−1, resulting in levels are reached at multiples of 13 XP (3rd
some number from 1 to 5, with a 1 indicating level at 13, 4th level at 26, 5th level at 39, etc.).
that the character has been knocked prone and
may need to spend a round or two (roll 1d3−1) Magic
getting up; while a result of 2 to 5 is exactly as Player characters in Three Bones are fighting-
described above under rolling the bones. men and adventurers, rogues and scoundrels,
Note that armored characters are even scholars and archaeologists, but rarely are
generally slower than characters without armor: they true wizards. At best, a character might
while Three Bones does not use tactical have “practical magician” or “occult scholar” as
positioning or miniatures, armored characters a core concept, which means that the character
will generally lose a footrace (or chase) with un- is familiar with magical writings and has much
armored characters, and they will swim and knowledge of magical matters, but it does not
climb more slowly than unarmored characters. mean that the character can hurl balls of fire
Mail is not as cumbersome as other armor types from his fingertips. A magician might be able
in this regard, but it is tiresome to wear all day to perform a magical ritual if he possesses a
long, and the referee may rule that it protects dusty old spell-book and has all of the necessary
against puncture wounds and lacerations, but components (and it’s the right time of year,
not blunt trauma (e.g. a blow from a mace). phase of the moon, conjunction of planets and
astral signs, etc.); but any flashy, zap!-pow! sort equivalent of heroes. A dragon or a vampire is
of magic is only going to come from enchanted going to at least be a mini-boss. And a horror
items that the character has discovered through from beyond our stars, its squicky tentacles still
adventuring: scrolls, wands, potions, and such. sticking half-way through the portal into our
Very often, one must be a magician to use these reality, is most definitely a final boss.
sorts of items—perhaps only an occult scholar Reactions & Morale: Monsters don’t
can read an enchanted scroll, or activate a think or act like people do. On occasion, the
magic wand. referee may roll dice to decide how monsters will
In short, there are no rules for user- behave. Reaction rolls (to find the disposition
friendly fantasy “spells” as such in Three Bones. of a monster when first encountered) are rolled
Magic comes as either handy-but-temporary on two dice, with a result as follows: 2–Hostile,
items, or as evil rituals that the player 3–Unfriendly, 4–Wary, 5–Neutral, 6–Affable.
characters probably ought not to dabble in. Morale checks (to decide whether monsters will
fight vs. flee, or give chase vs. give up) are also
rolled on two dice, but here the chance to pass
Monsters the check depends on the nature of the monster.
Monsters can have all sorts of odd powers, but Skittish creatures (like pixys and unicorns)
in general, they are treated as characters—they must roll 6. Cowardly monsters like goblins
have a rank and fight as such. Goblins, orcs, must roll 5+. Most monsters (or goblins with a
wolves, and skeletons usually count as minions. leader) must roll 4+. Arrogant monsters like
Uruks, wargs, zombies, lizard men, and gnolls vampires pass morale on 3+. Mindless zombies,
are all elite minions. Trolls, wraiths, and golems, or berserkers always pass morale.
classical Greek monsters are probably the

THREE BONES is copyright © 2018 John D. Higgins and Relative Entropy Games
Three Bones Character Record Sheet


Core Concept

Secondary Skills


 Fatigued  Injured  Wounded

 Unconscious  Armored  Prone
Other Status

Items Carried Notes

Experience Points
Experience Level

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