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Dark Angels for Voice and Guitar BOOSEY (cj HAWKES [PORTANT NOTICE: The unaumorise copying of ie whole a ay part ofthis publcaion egal DARK ANGELS *) Words by GEORGE MACKAY BROWN PETER MAXWELL DAVIES 1. The Drowning Brothers tat dolce Voice ‘The boy said (his. am = —a_ long white stone) Guitar 7 +7 = fen ces..] The | bum is a glan- cing | shut- dle...” Z 3 trem. ——=poco " p ~ niente =I =e a =e SS oo | a =o ——* ir rl ony @ a | = =.= sa = di- gal | stood in the door of the sun ‘Ar - rayed in | har- vest pat- ches. —— J = = er ad © Copyright 1977 by Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Limited * Text reprinted by permission of George Mackay Brown and the Hogarth Press All sights reserved © George Mackay Brown 1971 B.S H.20296 Se Zz et Cha = bet vo == ‘The crof - ter beached. | ‘The ripe... hands of the wind ~~ x ee sort x = ae he = ‘The bro + ther said (his | thigh burn is @ lark in a The | sil- ver tongue yearns be-tweon hills. © and | beach all. day. : fret > B.& H.20296 = 5 ee = ro stub - ble. Wo - men stooped to the sheaves with. ‘bronze throats. +: +. = = é ar "i ae Te z 2 Zz is Slow 2p = +, =H Geese atest oa a “af p fp —of P —t : + Z g 3 — of P= nf p———= ¥ p——Sf-? mf poco_crese. = = - ——————« = = * Peete spreads his pack at we oy stone. Tor- A 4 2 f= f=? fp, B.& H.20296 = f 2§ t =—=—_ 2... die — he — § — — ——— i rents of sap - pre and a+ | mong the seeds a swath” of green sik o> gh oe aot —, ee + # 3 I~ Se A ss HUE os p eet si $ 3 * 7 ae a saw, ete the slow val by 3 3. ed a are e- a+ be te —=== poco ——" 5 : + be ~~ edge | ba. nished that day with | tanks, ra oI > ——— ee a an a ii ye + ther said | —=f=*? : rit. of, _ Quicker “The burn is our| an - gel. He prai-ses. He | fills arp. ‘sonore f ca PF sanzo6 his throat pails. He a sculp - ted psalm) eee flames in the face of the king beasts. carries the val + key filth little slower mplrof Poco rit, se = ven bright-ness- es of the bay. He has | tured 2 key. Quick now fol-low the = moliofl I rit, cold one. They will drag us back to. their old | sweat and dung, p oa —_———_ Algret Quicker stant) . # Ey; Those hills, The | Ward and Moor - fea | broo-ded up-on them,| Dark an-gels.|| The trac - tor throbbed with aA o Fo co 040. 7 gate PP oe tf mp sonore P Slow (prevent) 2p fy i ras = # fe z fone ur gent i + mage, bread Hea-wy with emus, | the st tee drowned _4o 2 tt = == niente B&H.20296 2. Dark Angels (Guitar solo) A —— be ‘& 2 z Fae foo os wo oes P=" p— pp = ————— p— | P — bacnaos Misi, 3. Dead Fires 1 Allegro mode poco rit. B& H.20296 Lento (recit.) warm trem. metallic trem. wat. DP Dal of hand on wood * (soft thud!) mp ? b: 7 igen i eee ect arg ‘able ofgultar softly with a = =z 7 = knee = fing wo = man red wind though squares of ee 5 * = Fis = = * ore a + ble of stones. = — ,F_ = 4% . a fone black | stone is the one where the | hearth fire 4 % oe P mp tpt nf tit. Lento (recit.) a B& H.20296 Allegro moderato (come prima) Pp =v =—p f= 5 = ae r a a ¥ = ed T aE ay" ror ‘At Craws - nest the | sun ee ken hearth was an = a! al-tar for priests of SS Sas ve t 6 ee to eT oe —— #5 ta from the | clip pers with sil - Se F ee be tee = 6 ee i three — teed | eceeeeeee ec toe —i— ple ty or 7 ae ts =e © "Wy st a? rE —~vsS Eee eee ee ee e — =e = Ss i tobe 2 2 2 ye be 3 8 ia See — a = — — ia ¥e + The sheep drift through Reu min ‘all Win ter. ‘Sheep and OD, ri i Ps ; F _—_ if ge d = 3 P ap =p t mip BaH20296 blanch, EEE 2 P [SS st a From that sa - ered | stone from the first e+ cos en | sone ly etc | mg cts Se “5% ers co a kK Leber ® iss 272 > os 2 er a B& H.20296 Adagio (recit.) Lento MD stto voce 2 7 ‘The ‘poor and Andante oe Now cold an B&H20296

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