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Analyzing Real-time Data With Spark

Streaming In Python
Posted on December 22, 2015

There is a lot of data being generated in today’s

digital world, so there is a high demand for real time data analytics. This data usually comes in bits
and pieces from many different sources. It can come in various forms like words, images, numbers,
and so on. Twitter is a good example of words being generated in real time. We also have websites
where statistics like number of visitors, page views, and so on are being generated in real time. There
are so much data that it is not very useful in its raw form. We need to process it and extract insights
from it so that it becomes useful. This is where Spark Streaming comes into the picture! It is
exceptionally good at processing real time data and it is highly scalable. It can process enormous
amounts of data in real time without skipping a beat. So how exactly does Spark do it? How do we
use it?

How does it work?

If you need a quick refresher on Apache Spark, you can check out my previous blog posts where I
have discussed the basics. I have also described how you can quickly set up Spark on your machine
and get started with its Python API. Spark Streaming is based on the core Spark API and it enables
processing of real-time data streams. We can process this data using different algorithms by using
actions and transformations provided by Spark. This processed data can be used to display live
dashboards or maintain a real-time database. You know how people display those animated graphs
based on real time data? This is how they do it!
Let’s see how Spark Streaming processes this
data. It receives input data streams and then divides it into mini-batches. These mini-batches of data
are then processed by the core Spark engine to generate the output in batches. Spark’s basic
programming abstraction is Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). To simplify it, everything is
treated as an RDD (like how we define variables in other languages) and then Spark uses this data
structure to distribute the computation across many machines. Spark Streaming provides something
called DStream (short for “Discretized Stream”) that represents a continuous stream of data. A live
stream of data is treated as a DStream, which in turn is a sequence of RDDs. These DStreams are
processed by Spark to produce the outputs.

An actual example
Everything feels better if we just discuss an actual use case. Let’s consider a simple real life example
and see how we can use Spark Streaming to code it up. Let’s say you are receiving a stream of 2D
points and we want to keep a count of how many points fall in each quadrant. We will be getting these
points from a data server listening on a TCP socket. Let’s see how to do it in Spark. The code below is
well commented, so just read through it and you’ll get an idea. We will be discussing it in detail later
in this blog post.

import sys

from pyspark import SparkContext

from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext

# Function to map the point to the right quadrant

def get_quadrant(line):

# Convert the input string into a pair of numbers

(x, y) = [float(x) for x in line.split()]


print "Invalid input"

return ('Invalid points', 1)

# Map the pair of numbers to the right quadrant

if x > 0 and y > 0:

quadrant = 'First quadrant'

elif x < 0 and y > 0:

quadrant = 'Second quadrant'

elif x < 0 and y < 0:

quadrant = 'Third quadrant'

elif x > 0 and y < 0:

quadrant = 'Fourth quadrant'

elif x == 0 and y != 0:

quadrant = 'Lies on Y axis'

elif x != 0 and y == 0:

quadrant = 'Lies on X axis'


quadrant = 'Origin'

# The pair represents the quadrant and the counter increment

return (quadrant, 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":

if len(sys.argv) != 3:

raise IOError("Invalid usage; the correct format is:\

<hostname> <port>")

# Initialize a SparkContext with a name

spc = SparkContext(appName="QuadrantCount")

# Create a StreamingContext with a batch interval of 2 seconds

stc = StreamingContext(spc, 2)

# Checkpointing feature


# Creating a DStream to connect to hostname:port (like localhost:9999)

lines = stc.socketTextStream(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))

# Function that's used to update the state

updateFunction = lambda new_values, running_count: sum(new_values) +

(running_count or 0)

# Update all the current counts of number of points in each quadrant

running_counts =
# Print the current state


# Start the computation


# Wait for the computation to terminate


How to run the program?

We will discuss the details of the above program shortly. For now, just save it in a file called
“”. As we discussed earlier, we need to set up a simple server to get the data. Let’s
set up the data server quickly using Netcat. It is a utility available in most Unix-like systems. Open
the terminal and run the following command:

$ nc -lk 9999

Then, in a different terminal, navigate to your spark-1.5.1 directory and run our program using:

$ ./bin/spark-submit /path/to/ localhost 9999

Make sure you provide the right path to “”. You can enter the datapoints in the
Netcat terminal like this:

The output in the Spark terminal will look like this:

How does it work?
We start the program by importing “SparkContext” and “StreamingContext”. StreamingContext is the
main entry point for all our data streaming operations. We create a StreamingContext object with a
batch interval of 2 seconds. It means that all our quadrant counts will be updated once every 2
seconds. Using this object, we create a “DStream” that reads streaming data from a source, usually
specified in “hostname:port” format, like localhost:9999. In our example, “lines” is the DStream that
represents the stream of data that we receive from the server.

In this DStream, each item is a line of text that we want to process. We split the lines by space into
individual strings, which are then converted to numbers. In this case, each line will be split into
multiple numbers and the stream of numbers is represented as the lines DStream. Next, we want to
count the number of points belonging to each quadrant. The lines DStream is further mapped to a
DStream of (quadrant, 1) pairs, which is then reduced using updateStateByKey(updateFunction) to
get the count of each quadrant. Once it’s done, we will print the output using running_counts.pprint()
once every 2 seconds.

Understanding “updateFunction”
We use “updateStateByKey” to update all the counts using the lambda function “updateFunction”.
This is actually the core concept here, so we need to understand it completely if we want to write
meaningful code using Spark Streaming. Let’s look at the following line:

updateFunction = lambda new_values, running_count: sum(new_values) +

(running_count or 0)

This function basically takes two inputs and computes the sum. Here, “new_values” is a list and
“running_count” is an int. This function just sums up all the numbers in the list and then adds a new
number to compute the overall sum. This list just has a single element in our case. The values we get
will be something a list, say [1], for new_values indicating that the count is 1, and the running_count
will be something like 4 indicating that there are already 4 points in this quadrant. So we just sum it
up and return the updated count.

Start and stop

One thing to note here is that the real processing hasn’t started yet. Spark Streaming only sets up the
computation it will perform when it is started only when it’s needed. This is called lazy evaluation
and it is one of cornerstones of modern functional programming languages. There’s no need to
evaluate anything until it’s actually needed, right? To start the processing after all the transformations
have been setup, we finally call stc.start() and stc.awaitTermination(). We are done! You can now
process data in real time using Spark Streaming. It is great at processing data in real time and data can
come from many different sources like Kafka, Twitter, or any other streaming service. Enjoy fiddling
around with it!

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