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Introduction of Afro-Asian Literature

In this activity we were tasked to collaborate with each other to give a proper explanation of the
saying presented on the Power Point.

1st quarter

Reporting Of Sentence Patterns

In this activity we were tasked to report to our classmates sentence patterns.

Basic sentence pattern: Subject+ verb .The simplest sentence pattern is composed of a subject
and verb without a direct object or subject complement. It uses an intransitive verb (a
verb requiring no direct object).

The Aged Mother Role Play

In this activity we were tasked to roleplay the Japanese story “The Aged Mother”. The story shows us
a man’s love for his mother, how the old and wise save the other villagers from the wicked leader.

Chinese and Japanese advertisement

In this activity we are tasked to Advertise the both country to encourage our audience which is our
classmate to visit this country which is instructed to us, in this advertisement it must contain the
countries food , Tourist Attraction Etch…

2nd quarter

Observing agreement between subject and predicate power point presentation

In this Activity we are task to Present a power point presentation abut Observing Agreement between
subject and predicate ,

Film Analysis “The Three Idiot’s”

In this activity we are tasked to complete the film Analysis about the film we watched which is in

The thee Idiot’s.

Chain story telling

In this story we were task to create a story while connecting it to the other person to receive the
continuation of the story
Composing of Haiku

In this Activity Composing A Haiku we task to create our own haiku

A haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consists of 3 lines. The first and last
lines of a haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.

3rd quarter

1896 Verse Choir

In this Activity the whole class is instructed to collaborate to create a voice choir about 1896

(Note:research about 1896 Poem and paste the information here)

Scavenger hunt

In this activity the selected students were tasked to join the Scavenger Hunt. The students
encountered many questions, riddles and tasks to complete.

Paint me a picture Jewish literature

In this activity we were tasked to play the game “Paint Me A Picture” about Jewish literature.

Poster Making
In this activity we made a poster that was synonymous to the theme “Spread Love, Not Drugs”.

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