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Written test paper No.

1 for 12 th form (Second language)

Date _____________ Pupil’s name: ___________________ Mark ______

1. Read the passage. Then answer the questions about the passage.

Paper has many uses. People draw on paper. People paint on paper. People write on paper.
People clean with paper. People make boxes out of paper. People blow their noses on paper.
Books are made of paper.magazines are made of paper. Some money is printed on paper.
Sandpaper is made of paper. Wallpaper is made of paper.
Some paper is made from plants. Some paper is made from cotton. Some paper is made from
bamboo. Some paper is made from wheat. Most paper is made from trees. 95% of paper is
made from trees. Some paper is made from pine trees. Some paper is made from oak trees.
Some paperis made from maple trees. Some paper is recycled. When paper is recycled, new
paper is made from old paper.
Some people say they work in paper-free offices. Some people think computers will take away
the need for paper. But people will always need to blow their noses. People will want to stand
surfaces with sandpaper, to paint or draw on paper. People will want to put things in paper
boxes. So, people will probably need to use paper for many more years.
1. According to the passage, which of the following statements are True/False? /4p
Ninety –five percent of paper is made from pine trees ________
b) Computers will take away the need for paper ________
c) There will probably always be uses for paper. _______

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a) What is made of paper. b) What paper is made of
b) What people think of paper. d) the many uses of paper. e) the future of paper.

2.What combinations can you make using the following nouns: /6p
Jar _____________; loaf ____________; bar ______________;
box_____________; bottle __________; tube ______________;
(of toothpaste, of coke, of bread, of honey, of chocolate, of chocolates)
3. Fill in the tables with the words given below: /10p
(biscuits, sugar, time, films, bread, gardens, water, stones, visits, butter)
(jars, salt, leaves, energy, jam, carrots, lemonade, oil, chocolate, books)
few ____________________________________________________________________
3. Make up sentences using the following words: /10p
(boring, dirty,interesting, cheap, clean)


Barem de notare:

29p -30p 26p -28p 21 - 25p 16 – 20p 10– 15p 9p – 6p 4p – 5p 2p - 3p

„10” „9” „8” „7” „6” „5” „4” „3”

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