Poetry Project

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Poetry Project

Students must pick either option 1 or option 2 to complete for this project.

Option 1
Create an anthology of poems by other authors to create a theme that speaks to who you are or an
experience you have had. Collections must include:

 Cover -Design a cover using a drawing, photos or other images. Include on the cover the book's
title, and the name of the author and illustrator. (10 points)
 Title Page – List the title, author, publisher (you can make up a publisher's name), place
published (your town) and date of publication (date you turn the assignment in). (3 points)
 Dedication - The dedication is a line acknowledging to or for whom the book was created.
Sometimes dedications offer a few words of thanks. (2 points)
 Table of Contents - List the book's poems. Include page numbers to tell the reader where the
poems appear. Also list the special sections at the back of the book, like the reflection page and
bibliography (these are usually called "Appendices"). (5 points)
 Five Poems- Find a theme that you want your anthology to revolve around. Select poems that
speak to who you are and your selected theme. Each poem’s page should include:
o Title and author of poem (2 points each)
o Labeled Rhyme Scheme of poem (3 points each)
o A 3-5 sentence summary addressing the speaker’s tone and your interpretation of the
poem’s meaning (5 points each)
o At least two poetic devices found in the poem. Either labeled directly on the poem or
by line number. Poetic devices used must be different for each poem. (5 points each)
 Reflection Page- In at least ten sentences, write a reflection on your selection of poems and how
they, collectively, contribute to your theme and your personal story. (10 points)
 Bibliography - List the sources you used to write the book. Use MLA citations. (5 points)
 Extra Credit for each variation of poem type (+2 each for up to +8 points total)

Total= 110 points

Option 2
Create an anthology of original poems to create a theme that speaks to who you are or an experience
you have had. Collections must include:

 Cover -Design a cover using a drawing, photos or other images. Include on the cover the book's
title, and the name of the author and illustrator. (10 points)
 Title Page – List the title, author, publisher (you can make up a publisher's name), place
published (your town) and date of publication (date you turn the assignment in). (3 points)
 Dedication - The dedication is a line acknowledging to or for whom the book was created.
Sometimes dedications offer a few words of thanks. (2 points)
 Table of Contents - List the book's poems. Include page numbers to tell the reader where the
poems appear. Also list the special sections at the back of the book, like the reflection page. (5
 Five Poems- Find a theme that you want your anthology to revolve around. Create poems that
speak to who you are and your selected theme. Each poem’s page should include:
o Title and author of poem (2 points each)
o Well written poems that show deep reflection and emotion that can be tied to the
collection’s theme (14 points)
 Reflection Page- In at least ten sentences, write a reflection on your selection of poems and how
they, collectively, contribute to your theme and your personal story. (10 points)
 Extra Credit for each variation of poem type (+2 each for up to +8 points total)

Total= 110 points

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