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DOCUMENT NO 275 December 2015

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy




34 Clawdd Du, Monmouth


Planning Applications: DC/2015/00183

Prepared for:
MR A Nichols & Mrs Alex Watkins

By: Dr N. Phillips.
A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15


This document comprises report for Archaeological Watching Brief undertaken

during ground disturbance works necessary for the construction of a new single
story rear extension on an existing property.

Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT) advised Monmouthshire Council

Council (MCC) that as the proposed work at the site could likely impact on
archaeological resources, a condition requiring a archaeological watching brief
should be imposed.

MCC imposed the advised condition and this report is the result of the watching
brief, undertaken to satisfy it.

The work did not impact upon any significant archaeological resources.

Given the proximity of the Clawdd du ditch the findings support the opinion that
the immediate area has been subject to extensive redevelopment.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: DSCO8771. Plan area prior to excavation work

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents........................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures: ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Plates: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Site Location and Description ......................................................................................................... 4
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 5
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 6
Watching Brief ................................................................................................................................ 6
Watching Brief Results ................................................................................................................... 7
Interpretation ................................................................................................................................... 8
Staff ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Archive: ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Acknowledgements: ........................................................................................................................ 9
Bibliography and References: ....................................................................................................... 10


Fig 01 Site location map

Fig 02 Site Plan, trench
Fig 03 Map progressions
Fig 04 Site & trenches plan

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15


PL 01 Raised patio area to be excavated. [100], [102], [103], [104]

PL 02 TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110],
[111], [112], [115], [117]. Detail
PL 03 TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110],
[111], [112], 113], [115], [117].
PL 04 TR1 & TR2 positions
PL 05 TR2. [100], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119].
PL 06 TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [105], [107], [108], [109],
[110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119], [115], [117].
PL 07 TR2. [100], [104], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119].
PL 08 Lawn before excavation [103].
PL 09 Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114].
PL 10 Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114]. Detail
PL 11 Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114]. Detail with three drain runs


Appendix I HER Event Records

Appendix II HER Core records
Appendix III HER Listed Buildings
Appendix IV Context sheet
Appendix V Digital Photograph list
Appendix VI Finds list

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15


This Watching Brief Report has been prepared by Dr Neil Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in order to satisfy a condition
placed on a planning proposal to build a single story extension on a pre-existing house, 34, Clawdd Ddu.

Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust; (GGAT), advisors to the planning department, were notified of the
proposed development by Monmouthshire County Council (MCC).

GGAT advised planning that the work posed a potential for disturbance of archaeological remains; inferred from
evidence of Roman, medieval and post medieval resources, unearthed in the close vicinity.

Following GGAT’s advice, MCC imposed the condition:

The developer shall ensure that a suitably qualified archaeologist is present during the
undertaking of any ground disturbing works in the development area, so that an
archaeological watching brief can be conducted. The archaeological watching brief shall
be undertaken to the standards of the Institute for Archaeologists. The local planning
authority shall be informed, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the
development of the name of the said archaeologist and no work shall begin until the local
planning authority has confirmed, in writing that the proposed archaeologist is suitable. A
copy of the watching brief report shall be submitted to the local planning authority within
two months of the fieldwork being completed by the archaeologist.

DC/2015/00183. Cond no: 3

Site Location and Description

The property is situated at NGR: 350418 212208, on the outer edge of the town of Monmouth.

The location of the site can be gained from the A40, Abergavenny – Monmouth Rd, fig 01.

When travelling north on the A40, turn immediately left after going through the road tunnels; pass the garage and at
the roundabout take the second turn towards the town centre.

At the traffic lights, turn left onto Goldwire Lane and second left onto “Clawdd Ddu”,

The site is one of a terrace of modern houses which back onto a grassed recreation area, bounded by the “Clawdd
Ddu” ditch.

The “Clawdd Ddu” ditch, which is some 12m south east of the site, is a Scheduled Ancient Monument (Cadw ref
MM036), a defensive ditch built in medieval age to protect the suburb of Overmonnow.

Geology and Topography

The geology at the site consists of superficial Alluvium deposits: normally soft to firm consolidated, compressible
clay, but can contain layers of silt, sand, peat and basal gravel above a solid geology of St Maughan’s sandstone.

(BGS 2014)

The area of the site is within the natural flood plain of the nearby rivers Wye and Monnow; responsible for the
superficial deposits most of which, in the area of the site, have been largely disturbed by building development.

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15

Brief archaeological and historical background

The archaeological record for the Monmouth area is well represented from prehistory to present; indeed, a 5km
diameter search centred on the town would yield archaeological resources from the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman,
Early Medieval, Medieval, Norman, Post medieval and even Modern WWII.

The first documented record of Monmouth comes in the British section of the Itinerarium Provinciarum Antonini
Augusti, (RIVIT, 57. 1970).

On a Roman road between ISCA SILVRVM (Caerleon) and CALLEVA AREBATVM (Silchester);
mid way at 11 miles between BVRRIVM (Usk) and ARICONIVM (Weston Under Penyard is

The Antonine Itinerary has BLESTIO equidistant between BVRRIVM and ARICONIVM.

Accepting the interpretation for Roman BLESTIO (Blestium) as Monmouth, the location would have been for a site
of Roman interest on a boundary between the Iron Age tribes of the Silures and the Dobunni.

Primarily a military site, it is likely that later development in the 2nd to 4th centuries changed Blestio into a civilian
settlement, (Marvell 2001); a civilian site undertaking a great deal of Iron working, (Newman, 394. 2000) &
(Clarke, 99. 2008).

Little is known of the period between the departure of the Romans and the coming of the Normans but it is
inconceivable that such an important site, with defences, infrastructure and possibly industry would have ceased to

Certainly, the church of St Cadoc’s existed before the Normans because it is listed in the foundation charter of
Monmouth Priory, (Soulsby 181. 1983).

Norman presence in Monmouth was established when William Fitz Osbern built a motte at Monmouth dated pre
AD 1071, for that is when he died.

The position of such a defence would be typical of the sites selected by Fitz Osbern as he strengthened a border
along the Wye, (Phillips, p74 2006).

Further Norman control of Monmouth led to other building projects such as a Benedictine Priory and St Mary’s
Church, 1101-2, or clearance for the market place and a grid pattern of streets, synonymous of burghal development,
(Shoesmith, 2. 1973).

AD. 1297-1320 saw the construction of defences with the erection of town walls with fortified gates and gated
bridges encircling the town.

A later visitor, John Leland, c 1538, described Monmouth as ‘enclosed by a wall on that part which is not defended
by rivers…through age, the wall is broken and much of the defence is down… nevertheless extensive ruins remain
along with a deep ditch.’ (in) (Clarke, 69. 2008).

It is the existence of part of those defences; ‘Clawdd du’ (HER 5134. SAM MM036) and its proximity to the site,
approximately 12m, that prompted GGAT to recommend the condition of a watching brief, (MON2158/JB).

A date for the digging of the ‘Clawdd du’ ditch is not known but it has been proposed that it is a later addition to the
main defences; taking the form of an extra, floodable defence in times of need.

Unfortunately, extensive development in the area and unmonitored clearing of the ditch in the 1950s is thought to
have had a detrimental impact on any potential remains, (HER 5134, E004653).

To assess the potential of archaeological resources, a 500m diameter search centred on the proposed site; HER 5134,
was commissioned from the Historic Environment Record (HER) held by GGAT; appendices I-III.

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15
The search map, fig 02, shows the concentration of both Core (b) and Event (a) records around the site as provided
by HER 5134.

The search produced 32 archaeological events and a core list of 40 archaeological resources which included:

 2 x Grade I structures
 31 x Grade II structures
 4 x Grade II* structures
 2 x SAM (Scheduled Ancient Monuments)
 2 x Grade II Parks & Gardens

Of the Event records, Fig 2a, record an evaluation E003734 (1992); which closest to the site, listed residual Roman
and Medieval ceramics and the possible rampart profile of the Clawdd du ditch.

In contrast, subsequent evaluations that impacted on the ditch E002492 (1999) and E004653 (2002) produced no
finds or features and suggested that its current profile was likely to be that of the 1950s cleaning operation.

Of the nearby Core records, fig 2b lists:

 01253g a medieval bloomery

 02160g an Iron Age coin
 01262g medieval town defences (Clawd du ditch)
 04104g medieval town defences bridge (Clawd du ditch)
 04255g above Event E00374/E001011
 05385g medieval town defences, rampart (Clawd du ditch)
 05386g medieval occupation, furnace

In summary therefore the HER record would suggest the potential for archaeological resources ranging from Iron
Age to Medieval although these are likely to have been mostly destroyed or redistributed by 20th century

To complete the brief archaeological background for the site, a map progression was undertaken in order to assess
changes and indicators of previous land use, fig03.

The first map consulted was that of the 1831, First Series Ordnance Survey Sheet 43, fig 03a, which shows the area
now occupied by 34 Clawd du as an enclosed field abutting the Clawd du ditch.

The later 1881 Ordnance Survey map, Monmouthshire XIV, fig 03b, gives a clearer depiction of the area revealing
that the present site corresponds to the edge of a cultivated field and an orchard which abutted the Clawd du ditch.

With the exception of a well being added to the adjacent northern field, there was little change recorded by 1900
Ordnance Survey map, Monmouthshire XIV, fig 03c, nor indeed before the later 1943 edition.

The situation did change in the 1950s, with housing development as noted above, the results of which are shown in
the last map dated 2015. fig 03d.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the watching brief was to preserve by record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits
uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief also ensured that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being discovered and
requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief, that steps would be implemented to ensure that their
treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the CIFA.

Watching Brief

The watching brief was undertaken over 3 days: 14th 15th September 2015 and the 19th November 2015.

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15
The site was cleared of obstructions on the first day with fencing removed for access and patio slabs and wall
revetments to the steps removed in the area of the proposed ground work, PL01.

Initial recording

A record of the features and stratigraphy exposed during excavation was kept including written notes and

Measurements were taken regularly using Leica Disto 510, laser measurement device.

A limited number of finds were recovered for post excavation processing and disposed of at the clients request.

Post Ex

Following the watching brief, the field notes and photographs were digitised to produce the context record of the
stratigraphy; Appendix IV, and an annotated list of the photographs, Appendix V.

The finds which were washed by hand, dried, identified, photographed and packed in sealed and ladled bags, were
recorded in Appendix VI.

The three appendices; IV Context and V Photographs VI finds were cross referenced ready for inclusion in the

Watching Brief Results

Presentation Notes:

All contexts are denoted [#] in the text, listed in Appendix V, cross referenced in Appendix VI, to the plates section.
Photographs used in the text are listed Pl # and a complete list of photographs can be found in appendix VI with
contact sheets.
Finds are listed {#}.

Work began on site with the removal of the flagstones, [100], PL01, to reveal various deposits of bedding [101],
[106], [107] & [109], relating to the structures of the patio [100], & path [108].

The excavation was bounded to the north west by the house wall [104] and to the south east by the revetment wall

The first trench TR1, PL02, was excavated to an initial depth of 1.3m exposing the general sequence shown in

[107], 160mm sand/cement

[109], 50mm red gravel
[110], 190mm black sandy silt
[111], 720mm red clay with angular stone
[112], 110mm black silt
[113], 80mm dark grey silt with flecks of charcoal

Within the general sequence were two localised events; both c200mm diameter bitumen pipes [115] & [117].

The lower pipe [117] was in a tapered fill [111], which had been cut, [118] into [112], whereas [115] was in another
fill event [110], which had been cut [116] into [111].

The sequence revealed that the house [104] had been set on a concrete foundation which had been cut into [113] at a
depth of around 1 metre; the contexts: [101], [107], [109], [110], [111], [112] having been deposited after.

A finds assemblage {1} of 18th to 20th century ceramics, was collected from fill event [111].

Trench 2 was then excavated parallel to trench 1, at some 2m distance, PL04.

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15
The stratigraphic sequence was similar to that of TR1 but lacked the bitumen pipe [115] as the upper pipe serviced
the rain gutter to the west of the property, PL05.

The buildings inspector visited the site at this point and requested a test pit to be excavated as the ground exposed at
that depth was deemed unsuitable for the building to progress.

The required test pit was dug at the western end of Trench 1, PL06 and increased the overall depth to 1.8m.

The underlying stratigraphic sequence changed to a red sandy silt [114] overlaying a dark brown sandy clay (natural
alluvial deposit) which extended beyond the depth of the test pit.

The inspector considered [119] to be a suitable surface for building purposes and both trenches were extended to
1.8m. PL07.

The final foundation trench, TR3, joined the two eastern ends of trenches 1 and 2 exposing a stratigraphy not
disturbed by the drainage sequences associated with pipes [115] and [117], found closer to the house.

There was however the addition of the patio revetment wall [102] which had been cut into [112] and underlay the
lawn [103].

Trench 3 did provide two sherds of 18th/19th century ceramics {2} and one small sherd of Medieval ceramic {3}
which was noticed by the contractor as it fell off the excavator bucket.

The remaining service trenches and soakaway where excavated on the 19/11/2015; the soakaway position can be
seen in Plate 08 as can the waterlogged ground condition.

Two shallow service trenches c 400mm in depth, were cut from trench 3, PL09, and joined to continue to the
soakaway, PL10.

The service trenches, for the majority of their run, impacted upon contexts [102] and [112] but the deeper soakaway
cut into [113], [114] & [119].

A partial horse skeleton burial [121] was cut [122], into [113] and [114] at the north east corner of the soakaway; a
context that had already revealed 18th/19th century finds assemblage {2}.

Two teeth from the skeleton were collected and left with the client for safe keeping the rest was left in situ.

At this point excavation ceased and work to fill the drainage system as quickly as possible, due to the heavy rain

The adverse effect of the rain can be seen in PL11 which shows the service trench flooding with a flow of mud.


The site provided a small amount finds, all except one, modern domestic ceramic wares, {1} & {2}.

Find {3} a thumbnail sized sherd of applied, Bristol Radcliff, came from an uncertain context and is therefore of
only circumstantial value.

The partial horse skeleton appeared to be in a good state of preservation and its cut [122] indicated a fairly modern
deposition and as such it was not excavated.

The finds were not retained beyond post ex processing and disposed of by permission of the client.


The entire excavation was confined to a depth wherein no archaeological resources were disturbed.

The extent of deposit that was excavated would appear to be of recent redistributed land fill/levelling.

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15


Dr. Neil Phillips, ACIFA.

Post ex
Mr A. O. Phillips.


The original archive for this project will remain with APAC Ltd and a copy deposited with Gwent Archive

Copies of the report will be deposited with the client, GGAT HER & MCC Planning.


Thanks to Mr Nichols & Ms Watkins for allowing access to his site, and their groundwork’s contractors for their
assistance and efficient handling of the excavations.

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15

Bibliography and References:

Clarke, S., 2008. Down the Dig Monmouth an Adventure in Archaeology. Monmouth
Archaeological Society.

Chartered Institute for

Archaeologists. Standard and Guidance for an archaeological watching brief. 2014.

Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2008.

Standard and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and

research of archaeological materials. 2014.

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

(Historic England)

GGAT. 2014. MON2158/JB. Re: Proposed single story rear extension 34 Clawdd Du, Monmouth,
Pl.App.Nos.: 2015/00183

GGAT HER 5134 HER 500m search centred at 350418 212208: 34 Clawdd Du, Monmouth

Marvell, A. G. (ed.), 2001, BAR British Series 320: Investigations along Monnow Street, Monmouth, Oxford

Monmouthshire County
Council Approval of Planning Permission. DC/2015/00183.

Newman, J., 2000. The Building of Wales Gwent and Monmouthshire. Penguin Books. University of
Wales Press.

Phillips , N., 2006. Earthwork Castles of Gwent & Ergyng AD 1050 – 1250. BAR Series 420.

RIVIT, A.L.F., 1970. The British Section of the Antonine Itinerary (in) Britannia. I. 34-82.

Shoesmith, R., 1973. Excavations in Monmouth. The Monmouthshire Antiquary, 10-15, VI. 1990.

Soulsby,I., 1983. The Towns of Medieval Wales. Phillimore.

Smith, G Proposed Extension 34 Clawdd du, Monmouth.

Location Plan & Site Plan
01 Existing Dwelling.
02 Proposed Extension.
The Society of Museum
Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

United Kingdom Institute

for Conservation. Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term
(Archaeology Section) Storage (1990)

WOC 60/96 Planning and the Historic Environment: Archaeology.

Welsh Office Circular 60/96. Section 23.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

A.P.A.C. 34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth WB/MON/15

British Geological Survey

British Listed Buildings
Google Earth

The copyright for this report shall be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. ACIFA.

34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Glyn Smith RIBA.Architect
Pen-yr-ale Lane Llangynidr
Powys. NP8 1NE

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15

34 Clawdd du, Monmouth

a Event

b Core
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15
Fig 02: HER search area 5134

The ordnance survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
34 Clawdd du, Monmouth

a Ordnance survey first series, sheet 43 1:63360 b 1880 - 1881, published 1886 Monmouthshire XIV

c 1900. published 1902 Monmouthshire XIV NE d 2015 Magic map A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15

Fig 03: Map progressions

The ordnance survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth

Patio Bo
[100] und

ll [1



[115] Lawn



und 5

0 10m

Fig 04: Trench plan A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/MON/15

HER Report 5043. Event Record

PRN NAME Event Contractor Period NGR

E000301 Monnow Bridge Excavation GGAT SO50451249
E000328 Monnow St. No 79 & 81 Excavation MA SO505126
E000330 Monnow St. No 95 Excavation MA SO505126
E001010 Monnow St. No 98-104 Watching Brief Med/ P-Med SO505126
E001011 Overmonnow School Excavation GGAT R SO503123
E001012 Monnow St. No 75 & 77 Excavation Med/P-Med SO505126
E001013 Monnow St. No 71 Excavation MA Med SO50571268
E001016 Monnow St. (Kwiksave) Excavation GGAT R & Med SO5054412645
E001022 Monmouth Evaluation GGAT P-Med SO50651255
E002229 Monnow St. Queens Building Evaluation GGAT Med/ P-Med SO50571254
E002270 Monmouth Overmonnow Evaluation MA P-Med SO50671217
E002292 Cinderhill St. Monmouth Watching Brief MA R, P-Med, SO50671217
E002345 Monnow Bridge Evaluation GGAT P-Med SO50361253
E002350 Monnow St. Monmouth DBA BRAS P-Med SO506125
E002360 Cinderhill St. Monmouth Watching Brief DAT P-Med SO5049612406
E002385 Cinderhill St. Monmouth Watching Brief DAT Med SO50551235
E002492 The Victoria Dairy Evaluation MA R, Med, P- SO50191245
E002532 Monnow St. No 66-68 Evaluation MA P-Med SO5060712669
E003365 Monnow St. No 110-120 Excavation GGAT R, Med, P- S5052512568
E003734 Goldwire lane Monmouth Evaluation MA & R, Med, P- SO5030012300
E003840 Monnow St. Monmouth Watching Brief GGAT Med SO5053012572
E003842 Monnow St. Monmouth Evaluation GGAT R, P-Med SO5053012572
E003843 Monnow St. Monmouth Evaluation GGAT R, Med, P- SO5053012572
E004389 Monnow St. Monmouth Evaluation MA R, Med, P- SO50591264
E004425 Monmouth Evaluation MA R, Med, P- SO50361242
E004438 Monmouth Watching Brief Dwr Cymru SO5066412604
E004461 Drybridge House Monmouth Evaluation BaRAS P-Med SO5018212624
E004488 Monnow Bridge Monmouth Evaluation MA P-Med SO5043612502
E004524 Rockfield Rd. Monmouth Watching Brief MA R, Med, P- SO5026012647
E004653 Wonastow Rd Monmouth Excavation FA NA SO5021412439
E004654 Victoria Dairy Monmouth Watching Brief FA NA SO50191245
E004698 Drybridge St. Monmouth Evaluation MA NA SO50321259


FA Foundations Archaeology
GGAT Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust
MA Monmouth Archaeology
BaRAS Bristol and Regions Archaeological Services
DAT Dyfed Archaeological Trusts
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/MON/15

HER Report 5043. Core Record

PRN NAME Period Site type NGR

01252g Site name not known M Water Mill SO504126
01253g Cinder Hill M Bloomery SO50501229
01254g Drybridge House II*2852 PGW II* Post M Country House SO50251256
01255g Site name not known Roman Find spot SO50181243
01256g Monnow Bridge I 2118. MM008 M Bridge SO5046012508
01257g Monnow Bridge M Gatehouse SO5046012508
01258g St Thomas Becket’s Church Overmonnow. M Church SO50441245
01258g Overmonnow Churchyard cross. II 1356 M Cross SO5040712460
01260g Findspot, Carthaginian coin, Monmouth 1st/2nd coin SO50371231
ml BC
01261g Findspot, pottery, Monmouth Post R Find spot SO502122
01262g Clawdd Du II* 2219 SAM MM036 M Town Defences SO5024912339
02952g Site name not known M Find spot SO507121
03843g Elstob Way R Find spot SO50201231
04041g Robin Hood Inn II*2297 Post M INN SO5051212562
04104g Clawdd Du Bridge II* 2219 M Bridge SO5024912339
04113g 98-104 Monnow St II Post M SO505126
04118g Monnow Street No 83-85 Post M Building SO5054412645
04124g Drybridge St, The Laurels II 2254 Post M House SO5037412462
04125g Drybridge St, No 4-8 II 2255, II 85144, II Post M Building SO5034912489
04126g Drybridge St, No 16-30 II 2256, II 2257, II Post M Building SO5032912513
2258, II 2259, II 80877
04127g Three Horseshoe Inn. II 2260 Post M Building SO5035512480
04128g Drybridge Terrace No 1-10. II 2262, II Post M House SO5029912519
85013, II 85055, II 85092, II 85121, II
85131, II 85145, II 85156, II 85166, II
04129g Drybridge St No 37-41. II 2261, II 85116, II Post M Inn SO5032812554
04147g St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church. II P/M Building SO5012
04149g The Hollies II P/M Building SO5012
04151g Wonastow Rd No 1 & 3. II 2365, II 2366 P/M Building SO5020912478
04188g St Thomas Square No 12. II 2359 P/M Building SO50441243
04191g St Thomas Old Vicarage. II 2357 P/M Vicarage SO504812430
04192g Diamond Jubilee Fountain. II 2358 Post M Commemorative SO5042212456
04331g Monnow St 79 & 81 Med burgages SO505126
04333g Monnow Street No 95 M Find spot SO505126
04772.1g RR612b R Road route SO5028912556,
04772.1g RR612b R Road route SO5054312315,
05285g Monnow Bridge Caravan Park N/A Natural Feature SO50361253
05386g Goldwire Lane Med Furnace SO50321232
05451g Gloucestershire House R Find spot SO505126
05621g 102 MONNOW ST M Building SO50591257
05627g Cinderhill St Carpark Post M Well SO50551235
06113g Chippenham Park PGW 06 II Post M Park SO507125
08939g Tannery/garden 101 Monnow St. P/M Tannery SO5053612601
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/MON/15

10325g Monnow Street No 106-108 Post M Building SO5053412589

10332g Monnow Street No 73 Post M Building SO5057412675
10333g Monnow Street No 95-99 Post M Building SO5052712621
10334g Monnow Street No 107 Post M Building SO5050212586
10335g Monnow Street No 109 Post M Building SO5049612579
10897g Medieval building nr Monnow Bridge M Building SO5043612502
10898g Bloomery Monnow Bridge M Iron Working site SO5043612502
11002g Possible Kiln Drybridge Street M Pottery Kiln SO5030912590
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/MON/15

HER Report 5043. Listed Buildings

PRN NAME Period Site type NGR

01254g Drybridge House II*2852 PGW II* Post Country SO50251256
M House
01256g Monnow Bridge I 2118. MM008 M Bridge SO5046012508
01257g Monnow Bridge M Gatehouse SO5046012508
01258g St Thomas Becket’s Church OverMonnow. II*2214 M Church SO50441245
01258g Overmonnow Churchyard cross. II 1356 M Cross SO5040712460
01262g Clawdd Du II* 2219 SAM MM036 M Town SO5024912339
04041g Robin Hood Inn II*2297 Post INN SO5051212562
04113g 98-104 Monnow St II Post SO505126
04124g Drybridge St, The Laurels II 2254 Post House SO5037412462
04125g Drybridge St, No 4-8 II 2255, II 85144, II 85165 Post Building SO5034912489
04126g Drybridge St, No 16-30 II 2256, II 2257, II 2258, II Post Building SO5032912513
2259, II 80877 M
04127g Three Horseshoe Inn. II 2260 Post Building SO5035512480
04128g Drybridge Terrace No 1-10. II 2262, II 85013, II Post House SO5029912519
85055, II 85092, II 85121, II 85131, II 85145, II M
85156, II 85166, II 85173,
04129g Drybridge St No 37-41. II 2261, II 85116, II 85229. Post Inn SO5032812554
04147g St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church. II P/M Building SO5012
04149g The Hollies II P/M Building SO5012
04151g Wonastow Rd No 1 & 3. II 2365, II 2366 P/M Building SO5020912478
04188g St Thomas Square No 12. II 2359 P/M Building SO50441243
04191g St Thomas Old Vicarage. II 2357 P/M Vicarage SO504812430
06113g Chippenham Park PGW 06 II Post Park SO507125
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix IV Context Sheet Index

Site: 34 Clawdd Du, Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

Monmouth 350418 212208 WB/MON/15
Context Area Feature Description FINDS PHOTOGRAPHS
100 Patio Flagstones Concrete DSC08771, DSC08772,
DSC08773, DSC08774,
DSC08775, DSC08782,
DSC08783, DSC08784,
DSC08785, DSC08786.
101 Patio Bedding DSC08771, DSC08772,
DSC08773, DSC08774,
DSC08775, DSC08782.
102 Patio/lawn Wall Brick DSC08771, DSC08772,
DSC08773, DSC08774,
103 Lawn Black silty topsoil DSC08771, DSC08772,
DSC08773, DSC08774,
DSC08775, DSC08793,
DSC08794, DSC08795,
DSC08796, DSC08797,
104 Patio Foundation House DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
DSC08782, DSC08784
DSC08785, DSC08786,
105 Patio Cut Cut for 104 DSC08781.
106 Patio TR1 Partition Wood base partition between 34 and next door DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
DSC08782, DSC08787.
107 Patio TR1 Bedding Sand. 180mm DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
DSC08782, DSC08787.
108 Patio TR1 Slab Path. 100mm DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
DSC08782, DSC08787.
109 Patio TR1 Bedding Red gravel. 50mm DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
110 Patio TR1 Deposit Black sand. 200mm DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
DSC08782, DSC08783,
DSC08784, DSC08785,
DSC08786, DSC08787..
111 Patio TR1 Deposit Sandy clay with angular stone. 750mm DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
DSC08782, DSC08783,
DSC08784, DSC08785,
DSC08786, DSC08787.
112 Patio TR1 Deposit Black silt. 150mm DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
DSC08782, DSC08783,
DSC08784, DSC08785,
DSC08786, DSC08787.
113 Patio TR1 Deposit Dark grey silt, flecks of charcoal. 104mm DSC08779, DSC08782
DSC08783, DSC08784
DSC08785, DSC08786,
DSC08794, DSC08795,
DSC08796, DSC08797,
114 Patio TR1 Deposit Red sandy silt DSC08781, DSC08782
DSC08783, DSC08784
DSC08785, DSC08786,
DSC08794, DSC08795,
DSC08796, DSC08797,
115 Patio TR1 Pipe Black bitumen pipe c200mm dia. DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
116 Patio TR1 Cut Cut for 110
117 Patio TR1 Pipe Black bitumen pipe c200mm dia. DSC08776, DSC08777,
DSC08778, DSC08779,
118 Patio TR1 Cut Cut for 111
119 All Dark brown sandy clay 400mm + DSC08781, DSC08782
DSC08783, DSC08784
DSC08785, DSC08786,
120 Patio Cut Cut for 102 into 112
121 Lawn deposit Small stone horse skeleton
122 lawn Cut Cut for horse burial
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix V WB/MON/15

Digital photograph list

Photo no Date Camera L/P View Description Plate

DSC08771 14/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW Raised patio area to be excavated. [100], [102], [103], [104]
DSC08772 14/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW Raised patio area to be excavated. [100], [102], [103], [104] PL01
DSC08773 14/09/2015 Sony F828 L SW Raised patio area to be excavated. [100], [102], [103], [104]
DSC08774 14/09/2015 Sony F828 L SW Raised patio area to be excavated. [100], [102], [103], [104]
DSC08775 14/09/2015 Sony F828 L SE Raised patio area to be excavated. [100], [102], [103], [104], detail.
DSC08776 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [115], [117].
DSC08777 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [115], [117]. Detail PL02
DSC08778 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [115], [117]. Detail
DSC08779 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L SW TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [113], [115], [117]. PL03
DSC08780 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L SW TR1 & TR2 positions PL04
DSC08781 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [105], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119], [115], [117]. PL06
DSC08782 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NE TR2. [100], [101], [104], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119].
DSC08783 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L SW TR2. [100], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119]. PL05
DSC08784 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR2. [100], [104], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119]. PL07
DSC08785 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR2. [100], [104], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119]. Detail
DSC08786 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR2. [100], [104], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119]. Detail (Flash)
DSC08787 15/09/2015 Sony F828 L NW TR1 [104], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [115] & [117], [119]. Detail (Flash)
DSC09093 19/11/2015 Sony F828 L SE Lawn before excavation [103]. PL08
DSC09094 19/11/2015 Sony F828 L E Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114].
DSC09095 19/11/2015 Sony F828 L E Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114].
DSC09096 19/11/2015 Sony F828 L E Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114]. PL09
DSC09097 19/11/2015 Sony F828 L E Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114]. Detail
DSC09098 19/11/2015 Sony F828 L SW Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114]. Detail PL10
DSC09099 19/11/2015 Sony F828 L SW Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114]. Detail with three drain runs PL11
34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth


Plate 01: Raised patio area to be excavated. [100], [102], [103], [104]


Plate 01: TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. [104], Plate 03: TR1. Initial excavation SW edge.
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15
106], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [115], [117]. Detail Footings of no:34. [104], [106], [107], [108], [109],
[110], [111], [112], [113], [115], [117].
34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth

Plate 04: TR1 & TR2 positions Plate 05: TR2. [100], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [119].


Plate 06: TR1. Initial excavation SW edge. Footings of no:34. Plate 07: TR2. [100], [104], [110], [111],
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15
[104], [106], [105], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [113], [112], [113], [114], [119].
[114], [119], [115], [117].
34 Clawdd Ddu, Monmouth

Plate 08: Lawn before excavation [103]. Plate 09: Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114].


Plate 10: Excavation of soak away. [103], [113], [114]. Detail Plate 11: Excavation of soak away.
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15
[103], [113], [114]. Detail with three
drain runs
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI WB/MON/15
Finds Index

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 TR1 111 2 clay pipes 18th/19th 15/09/15
1 sherd local earthenware
2 sherds local glazed earthenware
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware
2 sherds white china with blue decoration 19th
1 sherd white china 20th
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
2 TR3 113 1 sherd local glazed earthenware with possible slip 18th/19th 15/09/15
1 sherd porcelain with a cream glaze 19th
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
3 TR3 113 1 sherd green glazed Bristol Redcliff earthenware, with applied 13th, 14th 15/09/15
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
4 Soak 112 Horse skeleton


Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 TR1 111 2 clay pipes 18th/19th 15/09/15
1 sherd local earthenware
2 sherds local glazed earthenware
1 sherd Staffordshire slipware
2 sherds white china with blue decoration 19th
1 sherd white china 20th

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15



Find no Area Context Description Period Date

2 TR3
113 113 1 sherd local glazed earthenware with possible slip 18th/19th 15/09/15
1 sherd porcelain with a cream glaze 19th

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15



Find no Area Context Description Period Date

3 TR3 113 1 sherd green glazed Bristol Redcliff earthenware, with applied 13th, 14th 15/09/15

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MON/15

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